The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 08, 1900, Image 4

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    f I I
Published Evtry Thnrsa)- Morrlnq
At the hour of poin; to press yesterday it was
evident from the data at limnl that the people of
the I'niteil States had, at the rolls, given their
unqualified endorsement to the administration of
President McKinley by electing him Chief Mag
istrate for another four years. No uneeatniti
sound aliout this: The issues have been square
Iv and fairly met. " We have met the enemy.
Aiivt-riioini; km, p. , . .. r line, noti pnreii niur and they are ours." Now let the eountry get
mont. fur Writ Insertion Mid HI cnit. imt Hm for nub- - . ,
(iufn inwrtion. : roFHicn.- Near tnp County Court Horn, down to business, lo he sure, the cninnniirn tins
mikI the ummtyjaii.
year was not so disastrous to business :is in for
mer years, for the reason that almost everybody
had discounted the result, but in some directions
there was a cessation that was really injurious.
All will lie serene from now on, however, and
that will make this country boon) as she never
boomed before, even in her palmiest days.
G. W. WAGENSELLES, Editor erii Proprietor.
Ml on per yenr if Mid in adVMMSJ. ftl.50 pat yenr if not iiabl
In HVNM Stogie COptee, Fivfl I'ents.
Iieuveen tlic Kir.1 Niitionnl Itank niul
iiLnllMec a1rr-.r;..ii tiprr.vy IS! I HI nw
Vol. xxxvii. Nov. 8, 1900. Number 44.
" IMit Charity prevnil, tin I'remt would prove
vehicle of Virtue, Truth anl Uive." C'owrER.
The -brill voice of the chanticleer proclaims
in clarion notes another victory for prosperity.
Tin: Cuban Constitutional convention is in
OW, that the election is over, the Tost
will devote more time and space to lo
cal matters, get down to brass tacks, and shake
hand-.- with business; giving closer attention to
those minor detail) which sometimes get lost in
? r i i . i it i
session, n any.iuuyu. ee years ago naupropn- ,R, ,,,,, whcn a presidential campaign is Oil.
Political matters have (xviijm'd much Bpaoe in
Fit QpOII thee, N. dtnbCT I tlioii flout apo
The aim of tliy otitic winter, thou
lmt stolon
The wttohlng Mtttlt of May to ifrac1 thy lip,
And April! run oapfietoUl lovliiiew
Thou nrt trying to put on !
"And thll to till ua with rufrnril fur man
With apprehension of bin pawing worth,
l)iirc to work his proper nature out,
A ml aaeeltain I. is rank ami tinal place.
For these things tend still upward, progress is
The Law of Life; mai is nut man as yet,
Nor shall I deem l.i i jecl served, his end
Attained, hisgenuii strength put fairly forth,
While only I. ere ami (here a star dispels
The darkness; here and there a towering mind
Overlooks its prostrate fellows; when the host
Is out nt once to the ! pair of night:
When all ma. al ke is perfected,
Equal in full-blown powers, then, not till then,
Melius man's general infancy."
esied this, Spain would have got real angry.
I ill' i i 1 1 1 1 ' I i ! ii lit i A tnn diiim Petnm flAiMMMnH
i, ,i i .... i i I . c I- these eo unins, owini; to the manv vital interests
has always been exeeeded by that oi any hum-1 ' 8
pean country, but she ranks third in the refined ; involved, and that voters might go the polls and
article. j east their suffrages intelligently, and an apology
The Adams "wind-cleaving," or cigar-sbaped lis (,,,u tl,at v of readers who take little or no
railroad train has a' ready averaged .S2 miles an interest in prosy politics and, especially to our
hour, and is expected to reach a hundred. Veri- lady readers.
1.. .i ... i i
- It is our purpose now to swing bail-; into line, Not to serve the foolish, but to serve the wise
FRANCE makes 22 million pairs of gloves per and issue a live, pithy local pape,, adding im- honor the worthy of i r; ibi. is the greatest blessing
A Dkva:
Many angels anil men
Have held various things blessings
When they were yearning for happiness;
Do tbon declare to u the chief good.
annum, une third oi these she keens : th
rounder being sold to her confiding sister na
tions. Ami yet, France imports gloves.
It is humanely interesting to read oi' those
Kl't'OS J UM' I'f- , . . t 't . .. . Iltt iiwigjHi mnn wuui imon, mm cnmroi liiiti pimnni wperoli,
' PHUl lilt 111"" Kit u." i I F' Ll I il i r Him i'ini-iFl i 1 1 1 1 i-....... i i 1 1 ....
. i n i i I ' imiett r eni i " ii-n-i
iMiktMi ; this Is the groatosl nur.
each succeding issue, until Tin-: Tost becomes a !t0 support rathi nn.i mother, tocherta wife nd child,
model country newspaper without a peer in the ! To r,low ' M'acWl" MinBi 11 B ta ,h" Kn'at,"Ht l,le"sin
Q4i ... J L! I, ... It..- ... ... . :. ! To bestow ulnif ami live riu'lite'.iisly, to Ive help to kimlreil.
iniuin 1 . . I . . i "lit i hh.ih , tin i ion ,1 mm ii mi live, uruui cob ve viwaeu n . . . . . . . . ,
510,UUU bets (hat the millionaires are making . needi which otnnot be blamed tble la the greatest bleating.
between each other on the speed of their auto- can a0 K1'' along without. To abhor and caaae from itlnenee from itroag .irink.
mobiles. It is enough to cause a "horse laugh" I" 'bis work for the improve- Not to bewear' '" wl""',oi"K the greateet blearing.
all over the country. nient of Snyder count v, in general, and Middle- " sad lowllneai, itentment and gratitude,
" Hearing of the Law at hie eaeuna; Ihli is the greatait blearing.
One Somerset county editor Bavaeelv refers port, in particular, The Tost, in making due ... , ,
S. .' l ' l !- ro he lonKHufteriiii; ami meek, to nnmH late witli the tninriill.
to another Somerset County editor as an "old rag acknowledgements for the generous support BO- RaHStouatBlkatdueeenaoneithlalithegreataatbleailng,
I I I ..II !!.!-1 n I . ( ..... .
uuacii pup, .urn ii who .in ovei a pouucai i igui . corded to It in the Dast. asks a Continuance of the Beneath the ttroke o( life's changee the mind that ihaketh not.
rn : . i i I'e
iiic euuipaigu seems iii nave iieeu proline oi
journalistic amenities.
An important recent capture was that of the
Filopino General Alverez and his stall", in the
Island nf .Mindanao. He was as active as a
mosquito and much more difficult to pulverize,
but be finally Buck-comed.
support and encouragement of all good citizens,
wIki know anil appreciate the value of a (irst
elass family journal in their midst the proud
exponent of truth, virtue and justice.
Without grief or pssaton and secure; tlii i the greatest blessing.
FLORIDA is trying the orange business again,!
twilbstaiiding the manv freeze-outs that have :
overtaken her; and much capital is being invest
ed in the yellow-globed industry. Pluck will
always win, in any business.
THEY arc finding pearls iu theMissippi River,
and there is great excitement. There is no oc
casion l'ir alarm. They are merely pearls of
speech that Governor Roosevelt dropped as he
was crossing the bridge during his western tour.
Two football players have been killed, one!
has had I ' i- neck broken and one his skull frac
tured this season, and the came is still vounc. I
KWSPAPERDOM, of October 18th, has,
among other querrics of like character,
the following, which would have received atten
tion sooner, but for the crush incident to the all-
absorbing interest in the presidential campaign:
"Puhlisher MiiMlehurgh (Pa.) Post
who runs hisedltortals in double-column
measure, .mil whose editorial page
Is said, consequently, to present an Im
proved appearance. Can the Innova
tion be satisfactorily defended?"
On every side an- Invincible tin y who 'lo act like these,
On every will. they eralk in safety; this Is the greatest blessing.
We should not say that he Is weak
For aught we may know.
His life in one I in battle field
where amis Dome ami go.
ve r oVhW , tlndsass shrfgaj
sasaas sm
wil not done Cor yoa two
rm ii on.
1 11 Im another' mn-
I ti trvrl down Mm nuaC
tMII I. II la ,
rn iu worrn ssLJs.aassa i
Someone has said Goethe I think that the old Pagan re
IlL.ions tAui'hl mi. ti In 1 1 ii 1 1; iii i Inunl. .tin II. 1 1 u ..I ii...
Xewitpaperdom will observe that tin- POST'S greatness whloh it was really his to achieve, and thus led him to
Jji ., . : ... . i i i i , . regard himself as little loss, potentially, tlmn a Ood ; while the
editorial page Is not set 111 doublccohmn, but in attitude of man under the Christ!. ysten, I. f humllltv.
And vet there arc s e people who Bay that en- ', measure; i.e. four columns have been sodi- ,","w',,l head lowered eyes, in the ofhlsOod. in
i , r . i . i i I -i i i , approaching the "Jealuusliod '..fth' vo oic i'ispennation,it Is
counter Let wen pugilists in a ring is brutal and vided as to make three giving a width of 171 not permissible to assume an i , , iti . ,. na, change of at-
ought tn oc stopped.
IJnKiAIHEB-UE.SEltAL HAND ALL, in his re- '"just right." Sime of the advantages are :
port ..n Alaska, says that the native Alaskan is1 ' . t i,n,aks monotonv.
'J. It gives thepag an attractiveness it could
. .i ....
an abiding place in Alaska, and that there is """"' "vise secure.
room l"r reform in that far-away country. " enhances the value of advertising space.
Over a hundred books arc minted each dav. 1 h s,"nvs ,,l!,t extra l);,ins a,,(1 trouble are
Free to any one this month, our new No. M
Catalogue, every copy of which costs fl.ul to
print and ii eta. to mall. This mammoth book
contains tso pages, size lO.VxU lnchee,conLams
over 13,000 illustrations and quotes wnolesale
prices to consumers on over different
artic lea. It savea you from 29 to 75 per ceaU
on everything yon Eat, tse and Wear.
It's Fne To All Who Write For It.
Everything excepting
Locomotives and Steam
boats are quoted In thla
catalogue w a even sell
Live Animals everything
a man, woman or cblla
wears, all kinds or food,
everything needed or used
In a home, for the office, for
a Hotel, for use on a Farm,
In a barn or for every
known purpose can be found
In this catalogue. With
this book In Tour possession
yon buy cheaper than the average Dealer.
Lithographed Carpet, Rug and
Drapery Catalogue, Our Men'
Clotnlng Catalogue with Samples
attached and our Dress Ooods
Catalogue with Samples are all
Free to Intending purchasers.
Freight paid on Carpets, Ei
preasage said on Made-to-Order
- Why pay big Retail Prices when ton ean
buy direct from the M HIT Which Catalogue do
you wantT Address this way:
BALTIMORE, ftD. Department 909.
There nre sorre Unhappy persons
who u rn; fated lo fro through Ufe with
i e o n s t i t ti t ion-
Uurroivlnc , .
ill tendency to iie
gpondency. We nil
kno-.v anil meet them dally, sny.s the
i'hiladclphla Times, anil they can a'.
ways ee a cloud where none exists.
With most of these ;i rsoni it is simr!y
a matter of exercising the will. Anx
iety gbout 'resent troubles or prospect
ive difficulties never brotiphl any good
to thoM' whcJ Indulged in it. The suc
cessful ones are those who have been
buoyant in spirit, and who resolutely
refuse to allow the cares of life to un
duly depress them. Instead of allow
ing tha mind to brood oer thing! that
cannot be helped, it should be set to
work upon the duty that lies nearest
to it. Worrying about matters does
not Improve them in the KtighteSi de
gree; on ti e contrary, it weakens the
purj'r- , it I s the physical nature of its
vita ,. :;r.d totally unfits us to cope
Witt obstacles t!jt lie in our path.
The gravest mistake, ai.d one ifcat is
unfortunately only too frequently
made, is to meet troubles half way.
These will come scon enough; they do
not want any encouragement, and very
often when thej tin co'.ne they are not
half so formlda i ; . . . Imagined they
would be. Ar.tif., .' ' .t. ... game casts
is worse than th( : uUtT.
lv 10(n1 farm! in .t inn a na tlw, I
reach the diseased portion of 'the!
w. icir in eui.r uue w ay to rural
.liiifiiiss. anii ti nt ia kw .. I
HotttJ remedies. Deafnas ij esutedl
i) an uiunuieu cuuuuion oi th
nucwus iiuiup oi me fcustachii
t'.ibe. When the tube geta itiliame
noli have a rtimhl
iii-i fi'et hisarinir ml iliu,
tirely closed deafneBS is tberesufi
mm uuienn iuh luiiammation rank
lakeu out aud the tube restored t
us normal condition, Dearinc will!
ilestr .veil forever? nisiai ...
. - . i . i j i i im m
tt ii nre caused by eatarrb. w liichl
noiuing uut an mnamed coiuhtic
oi lue mucous surfaces.
We Will rive Ona It, i
- - - - " '.U II l I I') II
til's for anv case of n.f.i..- i...
by eatar i.) that caunot. be otireHi
Hull's Cm till lli C 1 1 1 ii U.... .1 .
j - ocuu mr i
cu nrs, ire.
V T I'Htrvrctr e. m . .
i... v snefj fjy-j. I0,e,o
' I uiugwlHlM, (OC
Hall s Family PiUa are the best
Leader in
Low Prices
We are tbelaeilers in low prirJ
" jfoiu ano silver Roods o
every description. Only t0
years in business and
uuunira our stock, also om
trade. Thisspeaks well f. inn I
Ourjroods are uew and up-to.1
Latest ili'ML'iis in Silvu W...
Plated ami solid silver. I
n s e s. Merlinur Noveltiw
Clocks, Combs and bruihal
-ew line of (Jut Ulass.
a1!.. II II lir B
"NT I. U. U It i inu horn . ;
tlie test, on all roads. I lime Keepino; qualitig
could not be lutr
prove that the bulk of thnJ
soiu nnve not varied over fivtl
ami ten seconds a moiitli, b;l
men are carrying thevtl
W'e bavp soiiiB nf mil tin!, In. I
dooils. Conieaml select a pral
etit. we will lay it aside fori
Jeweler and Optician
Opposite the lonument,
lie sure to read the newJ
f..l ir:i ti
iuojvuui -rvirK, now npiieanl
he Post.
ale -0- -A- --Jr 4- M- -sfer.rl- 4- - -t---,'-
Ladies' Coats and Hats
Ladies1 Fine Tailor Ma
Suits at Remarkably In
Ladies', Misses' and (
in danger 01 extinction. It would seem from
thi- tllilt the white man :ini liis rum have found
pica ems neither too wide nor too narrow ,t STL? n""M'ry ';-- 1 - " whoi.
,,iii.),, iiiid !.. ii i.t An .il it i. ,i i ,. I,, tl C,ri-li,.i,
Berlpturas themselves, hut solely to tin- ismm: Interpretation
given by priests and churches, and easily helleved by a weak
humanity that needs a support beyond Itself on which to lean'
The Bbagsvad (ilta; VVtlllain Brehon,
. , ... . " ...l . c m c ...
on :in average, in tins weary world; but the most tKeu wraaKe ihk widdleburg rosT dtstinct
oftlieil) arc merely other books warmed over ivc from its fellows.
and imt thoroughly warmed, at that. A really! ,r). It is a stride toward a higher order of eoun-
original book docs not anncar once iu a deoade ' t n i i n ...
f I , ... ' iuw in a aewie, try journalism, which will even a v sqne eh a ot
and when it docs it is not properly appreciated, i , 1
A. , , " of "poor excuses" who try to run journals with
On the asment books oi Jefferson county, silirt.tai,f(1i of t aml imhi:M )(t- 1)rai
Arkansas, a tew days ago, says an exchange, J. ,, . . '
T. Otteljaubenfropitienenhaubenbaoker listed iu" 010 ""W" niil a"" pnmctn printer
his property. He is is a prosperous citizen, and
may continue so if his name doesn't sue him for
at our elbow, says.)
0. It presents an opnortuni y to set editorials
non-suppport and thus divide his livinramonir in lanrer tvne. without makin.r nnaiohtlv ;,!..
.11,., " ' D S- '
lawyers. j spacing, and a "long metre" poem may be insert-
Ik (Governor Roosevelt doesn't have fun with led without running over part or all the lines thus
xuuiumuv ui ti.c nexi icw monins, men tie is not tiring the eye, or confusing the reader
4li, i Minn hi. . .... .... I I., I... I..... ... I . 11
uwh inn iireuus usai,B ill in 1 1 1 of, jic miKlil
to, with the help of a Republican Legislature,
dip the Tammany Tiger'.s claws so short that
they w ill never make even an attempt to claw at
Do not call anybody a liar, or a coward, or
any other little pet name like that, on a postal
card, unless you want to get into the clutches of
Uncle Samuel. A heavy fine aud trimmincs are Lj i . j .1
. . y iL " suuiwwi KiiiuH, is wnai me iiatrons ot a paper
such diversions. If the other ... , ' . v
rostim up, the Post believes that all extra
pains and trouble expended in improving any de
partment of its eight pages are fully appreciated
and well paid for. Aud, lastly, the only objec
tion we have ever heard offerred against the in
novation was, "? too much trouble;" but these
objectors have yet to learn that trouble of this
I 111! nana It iao t', it
fellow is too much for you, 'telegraph' him, and ' W' tllCir g00(1 moaey for and ,mve a nSU to
then hunt your liole. " expect. Everything done to attract the eye of the
PEOPLE who take a superficial view of scriptu
ral teachings, claim that the prophecy of Nahuni vertising medium, and this is what the advertiser
applies to the automobile of the present day. pays his good money for. Why not give both
The prophecy runs thus: "The chariots shall Subscriber and advertiser full value f,,r th!- m
K oxu OTtr' r OODoach Sonl'aa part,
Horn from tlir Innermost depth f lt heart,
Ami each and every mortal man,
Using and breathing on sea or land.
Is THY BROTHER, heed II well,
To faad thy ami bid him dwell
Within tlio portal of Iby abode.
Ami lit him not banes naked go;
Thy hearth, thy board, thy cloak ilivhlo,
Give lml r to Mm w ho to thee rled,
Succor each one wIiokc suffering nceil
1h greater than thine, and bead
To the cry ot the .log, the mothcrlcM lamb,
Anil aid each one with the work of Iby ham!
Write on thy banner in letters of gold
The hope of all, t ie yoUug, the old,
Cry through the land, o'er plain and wood.
The nlo(iin of peace -Mag'l IIhotiieriiood.
JugKle not, lessen yo Kit jugged-
I has seen men whose polish wuz not nil on dar idioes.
D rat wid de sbawtent tail moi' inginnerally gits in his bole
fust, en dat's moidly all I knows erlwut rats, Miss l'arthenn.
Some foiks haint got a ding bit 0' sense when dcy's drunk,
and some haint got a ding bit when dey's sober. So dar you u.
A lamb-like man natcbuly feet sheepish w'en he gits fleeced.
An' dat's whut Sa-TAN's a-grumble-in erbout.
De follerin sensible letter has lest cum from a old Georgian:
Hit do 'pear lak Provldunce wuz 'pon my side. You knows I
mini ill tlm slPIUlia f' L.I, nil Inotln ...,i,
ntnithiir in I in l,i,.nii n-.i,-. lli...- .I,.,ll 111... -
......v . , ... ... .-i,,,,., rr fj o , iiit.- (-ii.iii nwui iiivi
torches, they shall run like the lightnings."
ArciDKXTS to the bis steamers are hanneuine causes extra trouble to perpetrate an innovation
:.l. -1 . mi .....11. ... .
witn inarming irequency. ine American liner, is me oest argument in its tuvor that can lie pre
St. Paul, struck a derelict and had her propeller Isentcd. Pains and Irouble are never a drue 0i
reader enhances the value of a journal as an ad- Io'' my my lef rm in de m"1 yr. well, i got im fur
... ,li,t en fo I'd Im.U at... ..I .).. ........... ..I i ll , .
. - 1 - w ... ii . j , iii 1 1 j 1 1 k uuu ue 1 1. 1 1 riuiu ami
cut Off bote Tildy's laigs. en I got So much money fer dat dat I
haint dun countin it yit. Ef Provldunce still stan's by me, and
dey keeps on a backln at us, we'll soon be or livln in a painted
bouse wid two brick cblmblcys."
DIs life am mostly made up pray n fer rain and den wishin'
bit would cl'ar off. -Jaytown Corker.
subscriber and advertiser full value for their good
It pays !
The simple fact that it requires extra pains and
badly damaged, ami two Hamburg-American
liners tried to shove the earth to one fide and
were struck, and all within twenty-four hours.
It is a good thing these Occidents did not bap-
people nvght have gotten very shy.
drug on
the market; they always fetch gilt-edged prices;
the Post carries an inexaustible stock of them;
Veneers nil its inb nriniimr witli nnrl finite
t, " -u.. ..o madc ,W(, ...ii, .., f,Prnoo .,) , m,.
pen before the rush to the Paris Exposition, or tmr profit in them than in white paper and black my umbrella at the last place i called.
las. a . ' ' 11 ip..w II .1 .. 1 U..4 u .ma a
InL- At mU. o -t:i Jl.lJ.1. :J iw-wwwiww" youiei.ii at ne nrst oneT
...n, nm ilinuii-iiu , lumi uuu 111 jvu IOia, U1IUU.
There was a young spooney, named Tute,
Who dined with bis Kirl at 8:08,
But I cannot relate
What young Mr- Tate
And his tete-a tete ate at 8:08. ' VnidtntifieiX.
1 oi k i.aih.i: AMU
SUM 14.
$2.50 and uj
Ready-to-wear ' Felts at
Hetid-wcar fr Women d
Our Stock is enormous and
our PRICES are corrcetani
popular, as usual, lowertliaaj
-i- -r- -T -T- 1 f T-'T T'-" -T- -T- '
Kantz, Pa.
Jack Because, there's where I got It. Chicago Tribune.
mimii HnaA
m a
Ouns,Ammunition and Sporting flaterialJ
Single Breech Loading Guns
With BlueStetl
rel, Nickle ti
and Mountintrs
Hnrdenwi, Rtufl
tHt Kriwh, lttioi1
in. i ....I... 1 1 1
rj. . "IS J."V ivn, v. i .
' 1 Walnut s;t,i.L-
Inlflrin Pntwll
L'4 End. Fancv Rat
-KaP l"Mt , TT I'll II
Our Price $5.50l
Breech Lo ahv Double Guns
Top Snap Twist Barruis. Kcbounding Locks, Extension Rib, PB
Grip, Patent Fore End, Case Hardened Mountings, Advertising in'
Hponing journals at !. uur Knee, $ iu.5U.
Marlin Reeating Sliot Guns. Parker, Lefever and Itahea H
merless ; Hunting Coats from 75c to 14.00 ; Shell Vests. Belts and
Kinds ot iXMOea biiells. My ao years of experience In the line anu
ionaness ior ine sport ennnies me to know the wants of the sporw
tiive us a can. we can please you.
Lea er qf Low Prices, 11
317 narket St., Sunbury,
. i .
il. retell