ft I ROYAL The Absolutely Pure Baling Powder is the " baking powder of general use, its sale exceeding that of all other baking powders combined. Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the bread more healthful and the cake of finer appearance and flavor, are peculiar to itself and are , not constituent in other leavening agents. jfC1H BAKING POWDER 00., I"he Middleburgh Post. QfiO. WAUBNSELLtiR, Editor .Ttid Proprietor. Katfred at Hie I'oil 1 flleeiH Mtddleburic, I secoii'l 1 - n II matter. - - HiKTtiKY. Ktttiililied in 144 ast-lie I Union De knit, til New Berlin, a Ger- niiiu Whig iiiiiicr. Imogen name to the Post' in IHfil. )liTet tepubliean ncwspti er In Snyder ' !ountv. It rt it.i. .tiiiu.tti. I It sac. Presldei.t Wm. ivi.m.ky. V. Preslilonl Thkoiiorb Roosevelt, ItKITHLICAN STATE I n ul l Auditor Clen'lE. I!. Habdenburoh. Cougra'snien at large i. A. Grow, I!. S. FOERDERRR. REPUBLICAN TICKET. - longrcss Ho.v. Th w. M. Mahon. Senator- Hon. Uenj, K.Focht. Assembly Hon. A. M. Smith. Prothonotary dm. M. Bhtnoel. legiU-r& Iteeortler Jno. H. Willis. !)i-iri.'i Attorney -M. I. Potter. Jury 'ommissloner E, E. Sham bach. SALE REOISTEH H troitDAV, N v. 3, In m lilloburg, Juntos IP S mi td. -I I in llstrator -f Vi dotta Bonrersox,wllj -!! her personal properly. M 13L!3J!.9H MARKET. Butter is Wheat 7 Esrgs 20 ' I ye 5 Onions 50 'urn 45 Lai ' !i ; O.its 28 Tallow 1 ' Potatoes 50 Chickeus 7 Bran period. 90 Turkevs Middlings" L.00 Shoulder 8 Chop L.10 Ham !" Flour per bbl ' (to "V.N 'M- Active u in, of good character, to " rlellvet and collect. In Pennsylvania, for mi old established manufacturing vrbolaeaale house. WM a year, sure pay. Honesty, more I "ii i experience, required, our reference, any I ink In the city. End aelfHMUtreaaed and tamped envelop. Manufacturers, Third Ploo., A I Dearbon Street Chicago, 9-l.l-l'.t The organ contest w ill rinse Dir. If 1900, nt Ave o'clock I'. M, CUT 1 11 is OUT. y 7V7NJ e ur wiauiruunj.i goal fflPi r1Mi - MiiinA ;t1ul tl,.. UAMM jii 'II I M I I 1 L (III" II' ' I 1 ifi 9 tit rt.it fin ili lii iwKiiino WtAVER CHAPEL ORGAN (Made tiy the Weaver Orran Piano Co. of ork, P mid sold by V. H. Uiegel, Mid dlebarg. Pa.) to be K'vcn to some Church, Sunday School or Public School In Snyder bounty, by the Pour, Mid dleburgh, Pa. This vote is cast for: Tills coupon is nottroml rive weeks after atKve date and will then not be counted. Send by mall orbrinsto this office and tive It deposited In tbe ballot bos. 31 1 1 26. Not 1 Kt ! I Crrat efforts are made to sell alum bsklsaj jpowders under the plea that they are so many cents a pound cheaper than Royal. The admis sion that they are cheaper made is an admis sion that they are inferior. Rut alum pow ders contain a corrosive poivm and should but Ik used iu loud, uo mailer buw cheap. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEWY0. f How the Organ Contest Stands. I The nineteenth count shows the result as follows I Rvftn. i 1 1 m ril i Patin'n , ... i. . Si ' .Ncu si:i'l' ciiiihiiis, U- 1- Church, Fremont, Newtiuper coupons, 298 46 848 Total, IOTA I, vote cast: Evau. church, I'. Creek, B062 '. I!, church. Fremont, 8097 Sbeuezer 1'. B. .-.burch, 2868 Trinity ohuroh, M'Keea Falls, 198 Total, 18,02.5 1 MKWMwMumni This picture is the t rude uiiiik ol SCOTT'S ?MUr,SION, ami is on every 1xttle of SCOTT'S KMCI. STON in tin.- World, which, now ailioituts to many millions yeaily. This great business lias grown to .such vast proportions, Frsf.'-Because the proprietors have always been most careful in selectinpr the various ingredients used in its composition, namely; the finest Cod L,iver Oil, and the purest Hypophosphites. Secon:-Bccaus they have so skillfully combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. 77in:-Becausc it has made so manv sickly, delicate children strong and healthy, given health and rosv cheeks to so manv pale. ' anaemic girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, so manv thousands in the first stages of Consumption. If vou have not tried it. send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT tt bownk, wnemisis. 400415 Pearl Street, New York. joc and $1.00; all druggists. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Let ters of Administration in the aetata of Tatharlne Brouse, late of Pann twp .Snyder county, Pa., dee'd, having been granted to the tinders' ned, all persons knowing them selves Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, while those having c'nltnswill present Mieru duly authenticated to the undersigned. ORO. A. SNYDKR, Sales, Pa., J. I. KISUKK, Hellnsgrove. Pa. Oct. 16, K0J Administrators. Be sure to read the new story. "Maleom K'vrk," now appearing in (he Post. A MIGHTY FORCE FOR M'KINLEY. Young Republicans of Pennsyl Will Labor at the Polls on Tuesday Next TO WORE FOB THE WHOLE TICKET Tbonaanda of Club Men Are Appeal ed to That thai Democracy Sball fin ve Re Opportunity to Rejoice When the Retarne Come In. Republicans everywhere throughout PennRylvanla are preparing for next Tuesday's election, so that they may perform a solemn duty to their fam ilies, to state and to their country to vote the whole Republican ticket There are many thousands of ac tive, progressive young men who will not be content with merely casting their ballots for McKlnley and Koose velt and the entire Republican ticket, but they propose to labor all day to get others to the polls to do likewise. CLUB MEN ACTIVE. In an address Just Issued to mem bers of Republican clubs J. Hampton Moore, president of the State League, of Republican Clubs, gives this timely notice: "In the approaching election for president of the United States the forces of the Pennsylvania State League of Republican Clubs are ex pected to play a most Important part. The recent convention held In Phila delphia demonstrated the enthusiasm and earnestness of the workers of tho league, and Justified tho expectation that excellent results would bo forth coming In the interest of McKlnley and Roosevelt, and the whole Republi can ticket. "It Is not my purpose as president of the league to enlarge upon tho nit vantages of tho Republican party pol icy. All good citizens should be united upon this point. It Is my duty, how over, to Issue this final call to all Re publican club membors of the state to put their beat foot forwnrd In the fight which is to be determined on Nov. (5. "Shall McKlnley or Hryan rule this country? T hat is the question. If you are for McKlnley, work for him; vote for him; urge your neighbors and friends to work and vote for him. Per mit no citizen who is Interested In the commercial and business life of tho community to fall In his full duty as a citizen. Make him come out to vote; see that his vote Is counted, and see that It Is counted upon tho right side. "What you do for McKlnley and Roosevelt do also for your own state candidates. Olve your loyal support to E. R. Hardenbergh, the Republican nominee for auditor general, and to Oalusha A. Grow and Robert H. Foer derer, the Republican nominees forcon-gressmen-at-large. They are worthy and deserving men, who are entitled to and should receive the full Repub lican vote. VOTE THE WHOLE TICKET. "Do not be deceived In any of your congressional districts. Stand for tho regular Republican nominees. If the presldont of the United States Is to be William McKlnley see that a congress man Is elected who will support him. Mr. McKlnley is the head and front of the Republican organization of the United States. His support come; from the organization of the Republican party In the various states. Pennsyl vania, the greatest of the Republican states, should be stalwart In Its sup port, and should not elect a slngio congressman who Is not in thorough sympathy with the Republican party, and with the president, who Is Its In spiration and fountain head. "It is a safe rule to stand for the regularity of nominations. The Stato League stands not only for the main tenance of Republican principles, but It stands for the rule of the majority. Wherever a congressional candidate has been regulnrly nominated he should receive the support of all tho members of the State league. SHOULD I1E NO WAVERING. "The loss of one congressman In Pennsylvania may turn the next house of representatives. The president of the United States, the chairman of tho national executive committee and tho chairman of the national congressional committee have each urged that there he no wavering on the part of the Re publicans of Pennsylvania. "Let us hope that the expectations of the leaders of the party In state and nation may be realized, and that tho State League may be able, after the returns are in, to claim the honor of having swelled tho majority to ttn- , wards of THREE HUNDRED THOU SAND VOTES. "The only danger that confronts the nnrtv la Inarf l,n nn A .,,,.,,1,,. ek- ' , State League has never heretofore I failed to do Its part. Its enthusiasm has been a welcome factor In this cam paign, lyet. us hope the result will Justify Its labor. "Remember from now until NoV 6 the Important question for you, your neighbors and friends is "M'KINLEY AND CONFIDENCE. I BRYAN AND UNCERTAINTY. ! Which?" I! PUT THE CROSS IN THE! KKI'IBLICAN CIRCLE. The regular Republican nominees, from President McKlnley down, should re ceive every Republican vote. Differences of opinion should be laid on the shelf, at least until the next primary elec tlona, and Republlcana of all shade of thought and feel Ins; should go to the polls on election day to mark the cir cle at the head of the Repub lican column. AID AND COMFORT SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY BY VOTING FOR ANY PART OF THE DEMO CRATIC TICKET OR BY SCRATCHING ANY PART OF THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. Do you get up with a headache? Is there a bad taste In your mouth? Then you have a poor appetite and a weak diges tion. You are frequently diziy, always feel dull and drowsy. You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from your food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralgia dart through your body. What is the cause of all this trouble? Constipated bowels. will give you prompt relief and certain cure. sTaaa Your Blood Farm. If you have neglected your case a long time, you had bener take Mtp's sarsaparflli also. It will remove all Impurities that have been accumulating in your blood and will greatly strengthen your nerves. , WrUm the Doctor. There my b touiathlng ebnat yonr caie tob uo d"v qu quite under stand, wnie sue aocia lay frselr: teat biro lie you art suffering. You will vromsttr ricelT the best inedlcul advice. Aadrtst, 1 r J. C A yer, Lowell, Mast. When a woman makes up her mlud to get into the charmed circle of so clety there is notli lug in heaven aboi : t'llnblnsj the Social Ladder. nor Qn the t,ur ! beneath that will cheek her effort A story In illustration of tbie persist ency of the fair ones is told by ;. well-known leader in Washington so ciety, says the Chicago Chronicle, In high officialdom is u little lady, dainty as u spring crocus, who was a mem ber of the inner circle long before she became a part of officialdom. Ou one of her last reception days blie was chatting with cabinet women when the servant announced the arrival o! a woman who is struggling to gel into things as never u social climbei struggled before. The hosteaa knovi her by eight merely unci had never so much u.s had a bowing acquaint ance with her, but official people arc used to seeing strangers at their re ceptions and the lady of the house bowed with her usual graclouanesa The climber's quick eye took iu the situation. She saw the two cabinet women and she knew they saw her. She rose to the occasion in masterly fashion. "My dear Mrs. Blank," she said, gushingly, clasping her hostess' hand warmly, "I was so sorry not to have been at home when you culled on Friday. It was so sweet of you to come so soon and I do hope you'll come in very often, informally, that way." And before the hostess had re covered from her surprise the climber had passed on, well content, for she had appeared in the presence of two cabinet women as the intimate friend of u lady who had never set foot on her doorstep. On June 1 many thousands of men officially known as enumerators began to take the twelJth census of the Unit ed Stutes. During Help the Knomerntov. the month they will be expected to visit every home. They will ask many ques tions. Not one of these questions is unnecessary, and, rightly regarded, none is impertinent. Every accurate answer will help to carry out the pur pose of the census, which is to deter mine and record the social condition and industrial standing of the peopla of this country. Truth-telling cannot possibly have embarrassing results. The information given the enumerator will not be used as a basis of taxation nor communicated to any assessor; and if the enumerator makes any facts pub lic he will be liable to a heavy penalty. The enumerators will undoubtedly try to do their work discreetly and well, taw they an Mpuible citizena, care rally afcawsen. The government gives them all the aid it can, in the form of Instructions se comprehensive that they fill a pamffelct of 64 pages. But the success of the census really dependa upon the intelligent cooperation of the people. Receive the enumerator cour teously, urgea Youth's Companion, an swer his questions frankly and in M way hamper or delay him. He ie the agent of a great governmental enter prise which should interest and muat benefit every citiaen of the United State. , Mrs 300tl000j)00000j00000tl $10 SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT $7.50 These suits lire of nil wool enssi- meres, ohsvtote and wonted, plain colors, checks, plaids and striH-s, worth every cent of ten dollan. We make them at $7.50. o s o o J V Brosious Brothers Really the Most Reliable CLOTHING STORE - 0 aj-o3cccocjooosjootjoootjooaot)ooooot3 mm m v -. :. IMMENSE Call to see them. v .v: I ii NEW mm I have begun business in Loeb's Old Stand, I Sunbury, and as my fair and square dealing T la known t Snvifor C.nttrtiv nAnnlA. T invite X tbeni all to come to my and note the low prices. HERE ARE OUR PRICES: Men's Suits from $2.90 and upwards Youth's " 11 $2.65 " u Boys' " M 65c " " Men's Shoes as low as 98c. I FARE We know that we can please you. and we want you not to fail T to come to see us and as a special inducement, we will jxiy your T fare one way from Middleburg T if you buy $10 worth ol goods. Wolf Friedman, I 0 t 0 0 0 0 t 0 t 0 0 0 0 THE FINEST OVERCOVTS of blue and black kersey, tan covert and oxfords. Kvery coat guaranteed to tit. These nre without a doubt the most re markable values at $7.50. IT'S GOOD SHIRT NEWS when we say all Manhattan Shirts are here for full. Almost every shirt wearer knows about this make. $1.50 to $;!.00. Other bosom shirts 50c and $1.00. w ROCKER SALE - . AT - - SHIPMAN'S J 't 439Market St., SUNBURY, PA,,, :v -.vrr v wm -1 C,S, Bigony&Co,, s MARKET ST., SUNBURY, PA. of -toe tttf -m c- 40 4 I 1 1 , Sporting Goods, Cameras - ana Sfljfc Phonographs and Records. T 1 i!t"lr ia fmn mm. tim L VI1UI11 UXIJJ M1U1UJ Began HE 900 WW PRICES- store to examine my stocg PAID. or intermediate stations to bttnbnry Up-to-date Clothier, Loeb's Old Stand, sunouKi, a. jCalQUBVnEBVMKnQDEh Tnil'irilllllMMMIMIMIflMIIIII-lflllllllllK , .--....-- - - - - --- - -- -- -- -- -