2 : PHBrARSD EXPRESSLY FOR THE POST y:;('nY ITS CORPS Of CORRESPONDENTS V.J SHRE1NEK. crowded out last week) The revival meeting at this place is progressing very nicely. , lilolml vl!Slt 1,1 lovvn lilst Jerry Bowen and wife were visit-1 Sami,cl Wddenmver, Jr., of Mc ors of John Cochran Sunday. C,ure W11S ,n wn Saturday. II U..l David Harm l ami Mrs. Michael this place Tuesday for Sunbury. Robert Lesher is going to put an addition to his cellar so he has room for hi ) potato crop. The revival meeting was largely i itt.'iii i( on Sunday evenmir. K-v. i O- Shambach could not be there, so Rev. Jarret filled the pulpit and preached a very commendable ser mon. Rev. Jarret preached a sermon at Shreiner's Evangelical church Saturday evening. Robert Lesher, the potato farmer, aged 83 years, was picking potatoes and sat on the ground half an hour at a time to rest. Farmer Long has commenced to plough for the fall seeding and is going to commence to cut his corn before the squirrels carry it all away. MIDDLESWARTH. crowded out last week. Some of our farmers have finished husking corn. N. S. Gilbert lost by death a val uable horse last week. How about this : "Trust him who makes no boasts." Some of our people attended the sale in Mifflinbnrg Saturday. Chestnuts are booming in this v cinity. Now is the time to gathtr your winter's store. Our merchant, J. T. Herman, ac- jmnanied bv I. X. Binraman. made 4 0 . i win to the city last wee'' . Saturday night brought a eft kthe meet i ntr held i n St. Peter's ch u rch. The work will be carried on in the Zion church for several weeks yet N. H. liingaman, Cloyd Herman and Samuel Kuhns were visitors of C. P, Bingamau's Sunday. Wt will all vote for McKinley and pros perity, The silverites seem to be (lead as they can only be heard when labor is not to lie found. FLINT VALLEY. J. W, Xeitz drove to Neitz val ley Sunday. Amnion, son of Phillip J. Mover, is on the sick list. Lulie Haines was visiting at Tre vitz's Sunday. J. A. Shaffer wainscoated liis kitchen Saturday. Sprenkle's saw mill was tunning a few days this week. ("lias. Dreese and Chas. Sprenkle were visiting J. Haines Sunday, Mrs. Adam Fisher, of Smoketown, xvas visiting J. Haines Saturday. S. 1). Straub and son-in-law were visiting William Sprenkle'a Sunday. Janus Haines and son are expect ing to begin burning lime this week. Nathaniel Trevitz, wife and two youngest sons, visited Albert Straub Sunday. Calvin Moyer aud Miss Sallie Dreese passed through this valley Sunday. T. C. Landis and wife aud some of the children visited P. J. Moyer's recently. Misses Daisy and Nettie Neitz Were visiting in Neitz valley Sun day. Mrs. Ellen Straub, of Northum berland, was the guest of S. D. 8traub of this place over Sunday. Misses Sallie and Lizzie Schlab- of Neitz valley, improved their property by building an addition to their barn. Washington Menges, of "eeburg, James Haines and son, of Flint valley, were the carpenters. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. to Kind Yoi Have Always Bought fears the Agutarsof life. PAXTONV1LLK "u ' I t-v r n . i i I ' r. , 11 . I.. I ,.. f vub 1 . "r- omlln 0,8(16 !l PW" Hackenburg are on the sick list. E Bherifl Bolender made a bus iness call to town one day last week. After spending a week with his mother, Rollin (J. Boxvcrsox left for Carlisle Mi.-s Jessie Attig and the Sham bach Bisters visited in Beavertown Sunday. William lleimbaeli, wife and daughter, of Beavertown, were the guests of Austin (Jilt's Sunday. E. D. Reefer, of Sunbury, spent Sunday in town the guest of his father-in-law, H. H. Attig. County Superintendent F. C Bowersox visited our schools last week and found them in good con dition. O. D. Howell left tor Caninia where he will be employed by the l-reosote ripe Milling Co. H. A. Howell, of Lewistown, is spending a few days here awaiting his recovery from injuries received on the railroad last week. Uriah Howell, of Beavertown and Lincoln Erdley and wife, New Berlin, were the guests of Mrs Mary Howell Sunday. Mr. Reedy, of Sbamokin, is rus tlOAting a few days at the residence oi vaiviu ierK. ixir. licetiv is an expert pianist and rendered some very good music for us Sunday ev eiung at Unas, covers residence. B. F. lleimbaeli and wife, of New Berlin, were in town Thursday Thomai Middles warth and fam ily, of Beavertown, visited R. A. M Harner, Sunday Mrs. Edwin Willis and son, ot Freeburg, were the guests of Austin Ultra Sunday Miss Lizzie Haokenburg, of Mif- fliubtirg, c.'inie home to visit hui mother, who is on the sick list Ellen Smith and daughter, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mis Mary Howell and John Ernest. Mrs. John 1 ackenburg and child ot Mittfinburg, are spending a few days at Michael Hackenburg's Miss Edith Harner, of Blooms burg, formerly of this place, caini home Saturday to Visit her parents si)? ttii i i 'liver r. Mc.Aiee came Home Saturday after spending several weeks in Michigan visiting relatives Ed. Keefer and wife, of Sunbury alter spending a few days with Mrs Reefer's parents, returned to their home Thursday. Fred Riegle and wife, of Union county, spent a fev days here visit ng Mr. Rieglcs sisters. Mr. Riegle is 7'J years old and was one of the early settlers of this place. A Twentieth Century Rally was held by the K. L. ('. E. Society Sunday evening in (he Evangelical church. I hey were assisted by the K. Li. U. E. of Middleburgh. John Harner, wife and child, of Ohio, are Visiting Mrs. Hunter's parents and relatives here at present. Mr. Harner was formerly of this place, but has not been here for a- bout eleven years TROXELVILLE. The people are all well at this writing, the first since April. Our mail was flooded with papers urging the people to vote for all sorts of candidates. Even. Hon. B. R. Focht was raked. I don't see how else we could vote. A Democratic State Senator would help us to a Demociatic United States Senator. On Sunday lost Rev. G. W. Fritch, of Susquehanna University, preached a full-fledged German ser mon in the Lutheran church of Troxelville. Our old German peo ple were very much pleased and pronounced it an excellent sermon. It seemed to fire up the sparks of flame to a blazing flame of Christian Prof, E. F. Dunlavy, a great reader and impersonator, will give an elocutionary entertainment in the St. Luke's Lutheran church '1 roxelville, Saturday evening, Nov ember 17th. This will lie some thing new and everybody ought to conic and hear this man. He conies highly recommended by Byron W. King and others. Young men and young girls as well as old people ought not to miss him. It cannot be compared with these little shows (hat come around here. This is good for your children to see and hear. POUT TREVERrON. Miss Estella Troutman went to Lewisburg, Miss Jennie ( lharli the week at Sunbury. spending Richard FoltS, Wesley Arnold and William Neitz returned home. Miss Minnie Moyer, of Chapman, was the welcome guest of Miss Car rie ( ieist The Misses Charles attended the (. A. R. supper at Selinsgrove Thursday night. Mr. Ebright and family and Mrs. Metzger and daughter, of Aline, mingltd with friends Sunday. Mrs. James Spangler and sou, of Bethlehem, are being entertained by their many friends in town. Henry Swineford and family, of Shadel, visited his brother Amanda-, proprietor of the National Hotel, Sunday. W. E. Charles ami family and Miss Bessie Smith, of Snyder county'.- capital, visited the former's rel atives Sunday. Mrs. Ida Brudorf and children, of Millersburg, were the welcome guests of John I). Bogar and family during the past week. Mr Swengel, an anti-saloon man. of Harrisburg, delivered elo quent lecture in the United Evan gelical church Sunday night. John Helfenstein and wile, of Shamokin. and .Miss Giecn. of Washington. D. C. snent several -l w , - lays in town the guests of William I Iclleiistcin. About fourteen ot' our prominent society folk-, attended the ball which was given by Mrs. J. . .Mar!z at .the Hotel Independence Saturday night. Prof. Bowersox and family, of Middleburg, spent Saturday oighl with Nathan Shambach and family, Mr. Bowersox delivered an address it the Republican muss meeting Sut- uruay evening. T r..va iv'j t tc ,.m i u i oorn 01 bunion : First nouk the corn or bun ion in warm water to soften it. then pare, it down as closely as possible without drawins blood mid annfv Obamberlain a fain Balm t w i c t daily; rubbing vigorously for fiye miniiten at each application. A emu plaster should be worn for u few days 'o protect it from the shoe. As a general Jiuiimiil for Bpru:un, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Fain Balm is unequaled. For Bale by the Middleburg Drug Co. UNION TOWNSHIP. Enoch Aucker xvill soon start lousekeeping xvilh his young wife. Mrs. Chas. Spangler, of Bethle- lem, spent last week among friends lere. Moses Brubaker returnetl home alter spending f months with his son in Nebraska. J. S. Aucker and family enter tained a carriage loud ol ladies from Selinsgrove over Sunday. W. E. Aucker antl xvife spent Sunday at r remont, the guests ol Dr. W. VV . Longacre. Rev. W. Swengel, of Harrisburg, is working here in the interest of le anti-saloon league. J. S. Aucker and N. T. Duntlore are both interested in a new timber tract near Port Trevertou. Before you will read next week's 08T, Win. McKinley will be re elected President of the United States. As for me antl my vote I xvill not be influenced by any wishy washy flopper or Hoppers that may come around giving free paid advice to the contrary. Beware some may come out for office next spring. SKLINSHKOVE. A new smoke stack has iK'en erec- ,f ted at the shoe factory. Tuesday will tell the tale of the Presidential and other contests, Ira Schooh and wife have taken a trip to Philad'a and other points. A. W. Smith and wife Wire in Philadelphia several days last week. Dr. Vuty was at Tyrone over Sunday assisting Key. F. 1.. Berg stresser. It is reported that Nipple will rebuild the knitting factory. Hope the report is true. lhe weather warm again am lias Income it does not pule eei u much like tall. Rev. VV . S. I Iriehand wife have again returned to his held of labor at 8cenery Hill, Pa. M. L. Wagenseller, who had beeu in Philadelphia during the mouth, returned home Saturday evening. We noticed the old veteran hunt ers, Frank Herman and George Spaid, again on the war path. O. W. Meek, who was in Phila delphia, purchasing his full stock of goods, has returned home, Mr. Landis, of Goldsboro, York county, Pa., ami a son-in-law of Daniel Ott, committed Btiicide by hanging Monday aftt moon. Mrs II. I. e n..i.:.. . l ,a,ici, hi l ('Kill, Hi;,.,,; i,,,, r ,., .i f .i i Illinois, but loriuer.'y ol this place, :,..,., , ..' ' is on a visit among trieuds alter an absence of over Uiirtv years J ' pi . , lhe in. uu hue trains that oussed main line trains that passed om-i our roan ouuuuy were com pelled to do so on account of a wreck between Harrisburg and Lewistown, The following persons from this place attended the Peuu'u State Sim day school convention held at AJtoo na last week: M. 8. Schroyer, Mrs. F. J. Schochand Mrs. R. L. Schroy er, They report having had a good time, the convention being a grand success, ... .. I - I MoCLUUE. Mrs. Jacob Miller i list. the John II. Dices has his stable m arly completed. Ere the PoST reaches its readers again, McKinley will be re-elected. Joseph S. Ulshand wife, of Kan sas, spent Sunday among friends in town. Lester Wetzel and wife, of Swine ford, were visitors in town over Sunday, l-M ward Kinney and wife, of Swineford, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Samuel Wagner, of Huntingdon county, sjH'iit Sunday at the home of Isaac Dreese. J.J. Mattern and N. 15. Middle sworth spent a few days at the G. ; v u MimUai v.. .... 1 loot 1. ... ... .v.. ....... M j,, VnUVAK MM3U ITQCSl George Dreese and daughter, of leavertown, visited the former's I son, William Dreese, one day last week. C. W. Decker made some improve ment by filling up his yard and put ting a nexv paling fence round the same. 0ENTBBVILLB. Dr. and Mrs. Kanawel are ir. Philadelphia this week. J. C. School), of MiddleburLdi. was in town last Friday. J. C. Showers was home from Susquehanna University over Sun day. W. II. Shinkel and family, of Mifflinbnrg, were visitors in toxvn Sunday. The C. E. Convention brought many strangers to toxvn Friday and Saturday. Dr. C. H. Stitzer, of Mifflinbnrg, was in town on professional business Friday. C. E. Sampsell and Committee men L. A. Stiue antl Allen Boycr were to Middleburg Saturday. M. A. Batemau antl family, of Selinsgrove were the guests of 'Squire Shinkel over Sunday. Morris Erdley and wife, of Vicks burg, were the guests of R. B. Erd ley and family Sunday. SHADEL, "11. J. lieiser i running his siw mill with the steam engine. David Minium, 4f mar Meiser ville, is on the sick list with pneu monia. The supervisors of Perry town ship are busy repairing the public roads for the lasi time this tall. H. J. Swartxlander and wife, Mrs. Emma J. Dielil mid Mi.ss Com Spotts were the guests .t' T. T. tteiehenbuch's Sumlav. Quite a number of eels have hei n caught in the Susquehanna Biver this fall, hut if there will be no high i water, there will not be as many caught as lust full. The river was not so low inct 1 803. Andy Kerstettcr, who was saw ing lumber for II. ( ;. Hornberger and Albert Meiser, litis finished saw ing and moved his saw mill on Em ma Holt's timUr tract and will com-1 mciure to saw Voder. lumber for Fields A: M0KEES HALF FALLS. A. Openheimer, of Sunburv, was transacting business in this vicinity Tuesday. F. K. Brown, candidate tin-Stale Senator, inssetl through our village last Week. F. A. Troup and C. H. Uptlc grove made n business trip to Mid dleburg Saturday. Minnie Wildman, of Turkt y val ley, visited ill ( '. H. 1 FiKlegrovc's over Sunday. Miss Ellen Herman, aier staving with her sister for the past two weeks, is under lhe rental roof again. Molly Shirk, of Holler, died sud denly October 25tll of heart trouble i i i i, i. ftntf wus buried at Paradise Sunday. ii ... . . Ivev b rancis officiated, klsworth Troup, of Uu r; i i 1 . i . -I, i 1 .. ! ' " rwKi ano it I VI II 1 roll I) ai'. . I .,, .. .'iei.-ei uu meiserville, were callers at 1 . A I roup s ouuduy. p Ue.ehenliaugh, of this nlaee, and Arch Reitz, of Trevertou, wn. out to Pfoiltz's valley on a htintino trip and ret u met I home rejoicing, at each ol them had killed a wild tur key. Wliou von fnal that lif, is hard In worth the camflo trtk h dose of t ...... I . .. I . ' ' . L. I ... uusuiuriwiii s Dioniiien ana Ijiver Tablets, The? will clean ha vnnr Btotnaob, tone up your liver nnd re vulate your bowels making you feel nue n new man. ror sale by Middleburg Di ug Co. KKEAMErt. liie Mrs. Laphemus Walter wai Selinsgrove Saturday. Amnion learharl and wife 1 Sunday with friends at Salem. Mrs. W. A. ( rortlou was in Oelll Se- linsgrove Saturday lietwecn train-. John Fleids and wife visited friends in l irks county recently. Elsworth Aunind, w ho is xvorkintr at Lewisiow", w as home Sunday. John ( 'rouse ami wife, of ( oxvan, I Inion county, visited at Jacob Row's Saturday. Henry Groover and family, of Lewisburg, visited relatives in town several days last week. J. R. Heintzelmnn and wife vis- irea cneir sons, vmmon 1 lil a Hid Kahili, of Lewi8town' lu8 week' F Walter and wife eniox'etl the hospitality of William Uen nug s at. oaicni cillHUUy, ; i: I- ... (J.. I L 1 v The nexv United Evangelical I Chas. Arbogast has I nap church ofthis place will be dedicu- ed to be a delcgati attlieSl t'oii ted Sunday. Every person is etir-1 vention which is to be held in I'hil dially invited to attend the services, ndclphia in N'ovember. U'J.NDOKK. riM I .' X ' me mcrciiuiii 01 x t rdilla was in toxvn. Jacob G. Stahl has a fresh cow for sale. H. E. VVitmer counts the eels by the hundred. Our farmers have considerable com to husk yet. There is a scarcity of coal around this place. II. J. Moyer and J. G. Stahl ,. ,J . spent a tew hours 111 town. Emanuel Bordner, of Verdilhi, ! passed through town. Annie Hoover, of Hall's Island, called on Maria W. Dundore. This town is in need of a bureau of more reliable information. j t ur a 11 ,T mi . D. W. Stahl, ot Verdilla, was 111 toxvn and says he got 80 bushels of ! potatoes from one acre. J v I Send a boy to the well against his will the pitcher will break and 1 the water will spill. SEND NO MONEY! Fiw to any one t hit month, oor new No. 99 CMautM, iwj oopjr at much mm ti us to print tad HoU,tomtU. Tina tnauinnrtU buolc i'uiulnii4su limrea, bif I" , 1 1 1 Inohai nwitelM over 13,000 IflUbtrutlons ami quotes Wh(ileal prlem to CDiisuiiun) on out i .,..1 dltTcretit srtli les. ti,.,r, )nu Iron, 2S to 79 nr c at. one, cry thing vuu l.t, LMUd W cur It's Free To All Who Write For It. KrorTtlilnif excepting 1,h I'Uiotiut) uiid bttaiii- lHut.H aro qUnteU Is this e.ttalot:uo wo even sell Uu Animals en rj thlnif u tniiu, Momnn or call BT err thing neeilrd tir tistil la ii liomv, for luooflh'f, for ii Unti l, fur u.sn on n Furtrt. in a burn ur tor srerr known purposei'iin Li Uru.Jl m Uili oatalOsuo. Witu III IS t In Ti.in i.iiib Mvlnr, jou buy Catmper tliuu tUo uvuriuu Ueuli'i. LlthoicrapheJ Carpl, kug anj Drspcry Catalogue, Our Men's Clothing Catalogue with: Samples attached and our Urets 4ioods Cstslogur with Sam piss are all Pras to Intending purchaiart. Krelght paid on CarpeU. Kx praage paid on Made to-Ordt r Clothing WTur pay big lietiiii l'rlca wboo you tan bny ilirert from the Mill? Which t'atafoguo Jou want? Address Ibm wuj ; JULIUS HINES & SON, ' BALTIMORU, .10. Department 900. Keys. Itrtllli : eepted ti i i:i , i . . PWfllgll I in,( UC v ll I, . lake dinner a I ! In.nl Ida ( rudorf, her son a ter, of Milier- eir ;. spenl : ilny with X. T. i mdore' laugh--1 Fri- niilv, I Morris See was biirie I la itiner's I fail etery. W Tore the I to its many i be re-elected, i no ire yea rs ot 1 Ketl sqilirre son, hut allium price uiid -- ex 11 half dozen. C. A. Shafei is one ol th Iters of the cllUrcIl, called I I -t, oi 1'hurs.l Kcangi hai" kin,. v in tht" ieul cent- ' is 1 can -peak UBUitx p.iei hi I Mclvinley will hat means four ispenty, ire ilenly this sea ion is too big. 1 it? .1 1 ' i i-.. : down . . 1 ; . Ian is 1 i"g, vvhu pl'olllii ';t ia ii.. 111 I 'ilile.l I, uigcliottl on N. T, I )uudore, r, os one of the Tms- m pretiecess tees oft lentrnl l till 11 t ol lege. Isaac King and wife, of New Bcv 1, visited l.isl Sat unlay . T. Dun i' and wife ami wi re cute tuineJ m till Sunday afterno'iii, whon ' uriietl hi me. M t. King in 'lie successful business men .. n. K v. . V. v kwi ugle, of Karris N81"' ! hart's . o c c 11 ii i il Ue . Brill inilpit last Similiv ui tin VVitmer' LI Ii 1, cliui oil and at thtf lire . and ureseiite 1 I liino fT , , ' the claims tif il Anti-LiuiK4 1 League in a in t masterly maimer. "Set thai fell on g. h a liuinirei "I grountl hruiiglit tori SB LMOlvIN DAM. Mrs. S. II. Mi few day- with hi sontoxx II. Mrs, Vrus !; ly is spending a mruiits at Wat- ic i'i 1 una ! lotue iV'in- from a viil to Nee. I! rib Held. I liiam Stall! purchase! new organ from . ( '. Se a. a liruiHl 1 lid 1)111 1 lay. ( tpcrntor S. II. Murphy matlc a llyillg trip to Lewisburg an I Ua' soniow 11 Siiudav. Henry Rcichciibaugh, of Mi Keen I bill' Eallls, w.i 11 visitor f Vmi-ud I httry and Itimily over Sui day. The members of the hristiuu Endeavor society will hold .1 social in A 11 rand's Hall Thursday evening. .0ye11 ier l. The men 1 1 1. 1 ol the I tit I ran church xvill !!.! a chick. , and wallllc guiltier in Aurund's Ilall. .Noveliihel I". )n Thursday Allison VVendl and Miss E, t)u r were ma eu by Ki v.J. R. I limni, of Seliu n Mr. Wentll is an intelligent young man. He is an agent lor the lite insurance company. Miss Deeblei is also a respected young lady and has a host of friend-. May they have happiness on their iouniey trough life. a Village Him Usiuiiii Havasl iiu 1 mo. Si.ll's I. III'. Mr, H. H. Black, the well-known l1e l Grabamsville. Suliivan Q) IN. 1., nayH: 'Our little son, . 70 , V0(tl.s oW na, llhvnVH been Hubjoct toe oup, ami so bud have the at tacks been that we have feared mauy times that ho xvould die. We havo had tho doctor and used mauy med- i?iD08 Ohamberlain's Cough ltemedv is now mir sole reliauto. It. neeins to dissolve the toueh muoaa and by giving frequent doses when the croup symptoms appear v, e have f0llU( that tho dreaded croui h cured before it gets settled,' Ther. no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or othor in jurious druy and may bo giyon as confident! v to a babe as to an adult, & Bale by he Middleburg Drug
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