The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 25, 1900, Image 8
Royal Baking Powder Makes The Food Healthful Royal Baking Pow der possesses pecu liar Qualities not i iVlore found in other leav ening agents, winch arise from the supe rior fitness, purity and healthfulness of its ingredients. Royal Baking Powder leavens the food perfectly by its own inherent power without changing or impairing any of the elements ot the flour. Thus the hot-breads, hot-rolls and,-, muffins, and the delicious hot griddle-cakes raised by the Royal Baking Powder are wholesome and digestible, and may be eaten without distress, even by persons ot delicate digestion. Alum baking powders arc A Whiskered Old Trick. From the Mlffllnbara; TrUgnplk. An old trick is being worked by the Democratic candidate for State Sena tor. He has employed a Democrat named L. D. Cherry, residing near Bhamokln, ti go over the district, and representing himaelf to fat ft Repubtt- i tuba. can, makes all sorts of assertions In v Brown is going to carry Northumber land county. Mr. Cherry has register ed at the Cameron House, Lewis bUTg, this week and his hotel bill was paid by Brown. He was very noisy, but w hen challenged by several parties to back his assertions with cash, he laid down, for he knows Brown will not carry Northumberland county at all, but will lie snowed under by at least two thousand. I .nv nno . .i .until costs hut two cents h pound ; but alum is a i urrosive poison and it renders the baking powder dangerous to use in food. pnyjl. P.4KINQ POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Brown's Tribute to Democrats. Kr"m lbs Sunbury Republican. The Shamokin Iksimlch says of Mr. Brown, "his record in the last legisla ture, where his voice was always heard in the cause of the people, will always be remembered by the thinking class es." As a matter of fact Mr. Brown's voice echoed through the legislative hall just once, and that WM when he arose and said that he thanked Cod that the State had one honest member of the assembly. This was a little tough on the other Democrats in the House, but Brown is authority for the Btatemer.t that they were all dishonest. Mr. Brown never introduced a bill, never made a speechon a bill and dodged voting on over half the hills acted on by the House. This is the record of this one honest man who is held up by the IhsjKitcli as a statesman, tf this district wants to be represented in the State Senate by a man who has n't the courage of his convictions, who cannot make a speech, who showed what lie was made of when he posed two years ago as a representative of the Prohibitionists of his county and a few weeks later signed a license bond. Brown would till the hill. He sure to "Malcotn Kirk the Post. read the new storv, " now appearing in DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED ; by local applications as they cannot reach tbe diseased portion of the ear. Ther is only one way to cure I deafness, and tbat is by constitu-1 tional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condition of the ! nucnus limni; of tbe Eustachian I tii . i m " nen ine inoe geis lunnmcu . you have a rumbling sound or un nerf set hearing, and when it la an-1 tirely closed deafness is the result, j and unless the inflammation can be I taken out and the tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destr iyed forever; nine eases out of i ten are caused bv catarrh, which ia I nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for anv case of Deafness (caused by catan L) that caunot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F. J. CKEY & CO., Toledo, C. Sold bv ail druggists, 75c. Hall'B Family Pills are the best. S10 SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT $7.50 These suits are of all wool eassi meres, cheviots and worsted, plain colors, checks, 'plaids and strip's, worth every cent of ten dollars. We make them at $7.50. Notice of Application for Charter. Niitlc Is hereby Riven tbat an application will bv made to the Governor o! tin' Common wealth of Pantuylvaniaon Tbnraday, Novem ber Sttul, WHO. by J. I'. lU-lfenaivin, K. .1. Waic nteller, A. O. Helioll, K. II, llllrr. Curl K. Ks psnaehsda ami A. W, Potter, under tlie Art of Aeaenbiy of Mm Common wealth f ivudhvI vaul t i ntitli'tl. "An Art tn provide for the In oorpo ration and regulation of certain corpora tion!!." appro red April 19, lsTI, and Um "iipplc monbitbaratp, for tbe Cbartor of an intended cnrHrntion to be railed' "The Jimiiita ami Sna quebanna telephone Company,'1 ins character and objert of which is Ui purchair. inur, con struct, maintain and operate linen ot Telephone in the count! ea of Cumbcrlnnd llauphin, Frank lln, Pulton, Huntingdon. Juniata Mifflin, Ffor thumberland. Perry and Snyder end tbeee pu p'.-c-i In have, poaeeee, and enjoy all the li;lit . 111- and privilege! of tin- a'iid Act of AnemMv and its lupplementa, a. W POTTER, Bellaiirrove, Pa., Solicitor. October 1Mb, 19011. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE Let lers of Administration in the t'.tiitc of C.'ithnrinc Itroune, late of Penn twp., Bnyder enunty, Pa., dee'd, having been gran mo to tbe underelgned, all peraoni knowing lben telvsa Indebted to aid estate are rnqiitieled to make Immediate payment, while thoee having rninmwill preeent ll Inly authenticated to tbe undersigned, OKO, A. SN YDKIt. Salem, Pa., J. I. FISHER, Bellnagrore. Pa, Oct. IB, 1S00 Admlniitratore. S o o o . o o o o o o I o ? o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ? 'VS. THE FINEST OVERCOM of blue and blank kerseys, tan coverts and oxfords. Every coat guaranteed to fit. These are without a doubt the most re .markable values at 17.60. IT'S GOOD SHIRT NEWS when we say all Manhattan Shirts are here for fall. Almost every shirt wearer knows about this make. ll.fiO to $3.00. Other bosom shirts SOfl and $1.00. Brosious Brothers Really the Most Reliable CLOTHING STORE What Shall We Have for Do-crlT The question arises in the familj every day, Let us answer it to day Try J i-ll-i . a delicious dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No baking. A Id let water and set to cool. Fla vors:- Lemon, orange, raaberry and strawberry. vw- x x n x , .x. . wv.: S'. . S. N IMMENSE The Middleburgb Post. Ol:D. VV., Editor and Proprietor. i i I at the Poet OfHee st Middleburg, Pa., M second claai until matter. Snvdoi' County School Teachers, 1900-01. School. History. Established in 1844 as the Union Demokrat, at New Berlin, a Qet man Whig paper, Changed name to tie. rose in lsiil. Olilest lU'ptlblican newspaper in Bnyder County. Kl l'l Kt.K VATlOMAb TICKET. Presldei t -Wm. McKixi.kv. V. President Theodore Rooseveli itl l'l III l . state TICKET. Teacher. ADAMS TOWNSHIP Troxelville Gram., Li. F. Smith, P H. K. Weader, Address. Troxelville. it Auditor Oen'l 'oliLM c sinen :it 15. Hakdenburoh. large ( . A. OroWi K. S. FOEROERER. ISV.IM Itl.H' A I II bi t. t'onjrress Hox, Se.natob Hon. 'had, M. Mahon. Benj. K. Focut. Assembly Hon. a. m. Smith. Prothonotarj' -CtKo. M. Bhindrl. Register & li rder .In. 11., District Attorney M. I. Potter. Jury Comniissionese-E. E. Bhamuach, sale REGISTER Hatvsdav, Nnv. :i. in Middleburg, Jatnei P. Smith, mlmldletrator of Vlolotta Boweraox,wtll sell her peraonal property. MlQDLEBURGH MARKET. iea 7) Mover's, George Ahmad, " Port Aim, IraW.fiingaman, Middleswarth. (i(H(i's, A. W. GUI, Troxelville. Fiss', Irvin Freed, " BEAVER TOWNSHIP, Beavcrtown Gram., E. E. Wetzel, Beavertown. 2nd Int., Iru Keller, " 1st Int., C. L. Wetzel, " Primary, A. NV. Muster, " Bobb's, Jacob A. Aigler, Drecs'e, John Hassiuger, " heaved west, township. McClure Gram., W. H. Herbster, MeClure. ' Primary, Ira G. Wagner, " Banuerville, Clara Speclit, Beavertown. Iliilire, .1. F. Snook, Middlecreek. Monutaindale, elms. E. Wagner, Crossgrove. Fnirview, T. A. Wagner, McClure. Middleswarth's, ( . E. Baker, Bannerville. Verdant Lawn, L. ('. Wagner, Lowell. " " Prim. Wagenseller'a, App's, Fisher's, Sander's I Follow, Beaver's, Chestnut Rridge, J. S. Reichenlwoh, " " Brian Teats, Hummel'a Wharf. Ida Stalil, Selinsgrove, Com Jarrett, U. A. Mover, Freeburg. Harry Fisher, Shamokin Dam. a oanden Butter 18 Eggs 1 8 ( luions 50 Lard Tallow Chickens... Turkeys... Shoulder . . Ham 8 1.". W Rye 45 Corn I "i Oats 28 Bran per 100. 90 Middlings " 1.00 Chop 1.10 Flour per bbl 1 00 PENS TOWNSHIP. Salem, M. 1'. Herman, Hill End, Harvey Smith, Fair Oak. Wm. A. Erdlev, Beyer's, H. C. Hendricks, Ott's, W. I). Jarrett, Holig's, John F. Long, Crissinger's, B. F. Bolig, Jr., i auty, Michael Bancy, Schooh's, ( '. K. Fisher, PERRY TOWNSHIP. T. ( i. Arbogasl A. M. Garman, X. E. Stuck, ( ieo. W. Sierer, Ed. Portzline, (ieo. Ueiehenbach E. F. I lamer, John Nichols, J. A. Schajeffer, Mt PERRY WEST Shreiner. Selinsgrove. a V Kantz. Selinsgrove. ii u Kantz. Salem. ROCKER SALE AT SHIPMAN'S flMIE STORE 439Market St., SUNBURY, PA., CENTItE TOWNSHIP. ' !entreville ( rram., " Inter., " Primary, Berge's, Hartman's, ( leker's, I Ii rman's, Pennscreek. l ip' orsan eonteal ill i 1000. at live o'clock I'. M. lose Dec. 16, CUT THIS OCT. zisa Mirt irtt ! J ii 1clm v a h 5rt;l N. , i. t rVI V M 4 H V I t y M V . Hi 1 25. 1 Oct 25. j Tills coupon . ntitles the holder to one vote for the handsome WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN (Made by the Weaver Organ & Piano Co. (if York, l'a.. and mild bjr F. 8. KleRel, Mid dlelmrK, Ca. 1 to le xivpn to some Church, Sunday School or PublleSehool in Snyder r. unity, hy the 1'imt, Middlcburgh, I'a. This vote is cast for : Thin coupon in not good fivu weeks after above date and will then not be counted. Send by mail or bring to this omce and have It deposited in the ballot box. Si Hen Meiservillc, Locust Grove Houtz's, Smith's, Arnold's, Rohrer's, ndependence Franklin Gram., " Primary, Paxtonville ( rram., " Primary Mover's, Gift's, 1 lassingcr's, Erdley's Gilbert's, Kenningcr's, I lundore. Pennscreek. Middleburg. I ennscreek. Pallas. Chapman. McKees. ( !hapman. Holler. Fremont Gram., " Primary, I leister Valley, Potato Valley", Buckwheat Valley, MoruingGlory, Aline, Frymoyer's, Sehaeffer's, Mt.lTs't M'ls Meiserville. Mt.lTs't M. Aline. Oriental. ITs'tM'is. Bgnjept.15,1900. Call to see them. V V V: X" X'.' X' X . X X : V" X '., - - y ; Vir.jffaWKX V v TOWNSHIP Kathvm Miller, A. Bi Sheary, E. S. Wolf, U C. Bingaman, E. Shamlmch, A. A. Bingaman, .1. A. Bowersox, CHAPMAN TOWNSHIP. John Lauver, TlioS, A. Herrold, mos Mover, I''. II. Attinger, John Herrold, .1. Harry Krcitzcr, " Jas. C. Schafler, Pt. Treverton. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. , Jerome Erflley, Swineford. Eva Kothrock, " Wm. F. Howell, Paxtopville. Win. R. Zimmerman. " Maud (Jift, Iloyt Graybill, " Louisa Walter, Middleburg. C. C. Heimbaob, " John J. Bolender, " L. C. Bach man, " JACKSON TOWNSHIP. K.B. H.Albert, Lillian Herman, Harvey Beaver, (iertrnde Good, Ainmon Miller, MIDDLEBtJRGH BOROCOH. Principal, A. R. Gilbert, Intermediate, Edwin Charles, Primary, Iottie Crouse, MIDDLECREEK TOWX8HIP. Smithgroe, D. P. ltau, Kreamer. Sailer's, W. F. Greenhoe, Globe Mills. I Wetzel's, F. H. Seamen, Kroamer. Meiser, Catharine Hock, Krauser's, D. Norman Conn, " MONROE TOWN8HIP. Shamokin Dam Gram., T. A. Stetler, Shamokin Dam. Cross Roads, Stahl's, I leister Valley, ( lordon's, Princijial, Assistant, (Jraininar, Assistant, Secondary, Primary, Assistant U.S. Hornberger, Richfield. Wilson Hornberger, " Samuel Snyder, " Albert Whitely, " SELINSGROVE. R, L. Schroyer, Selinsgrove. Sumner Smyser, " D. L. lemberling, " W. Ralph Wagenseller, " Jennie Miller, " Lydia Fisher, " Delhi Burns, " -N ea Isv) A ai m a - u.6. Dipny&uo., J . . 1 1 MARKET ST., SUNBURY, PA. -to eae- -:o Sporting Goods, Camera - and - SdddUbs Phonographs and Records. ICratzerville, Brouse's, Ul rich's, Snyder's, Hazlctt's, Kratzerville. New Berlin. Middleburg. n t. ot (. Primary, Algie Lamberson, " BPRING TOWNBHIP, Adamsburg Cram., Chas. 1J. Kloee, Beaver Springs. " Inter., J. F. Keller, " " Prin., " Stella Rood?, " Aurand's, Ira Kline, " nickel's, J. C. Herbster, Riegel's, C. Wr. Smith, Ulsh's, W. II. Kline, Mayer's, John Smith, " Felker's, Clynier Ronrlg, " ONION TOWNSHIP. Narrows, George Soholl, Port Trevertou, Keiser's, Lottie Spaiifjler, Yerdilla. Seholl's, Michael Brulxiker, Pt. Tre't'n. Witmer's, Howard Sclioll, Dundore. Simon Heriold's, Edward Slmfler, Pt. Treverton. Wm. Herrold's, David S. Herrold, Port Treverton Ad., Thomas G. Herrold, " " Prim., Reuben W. Aucker, Dundore. WASH INOTON TOWNSHIP. Principal, Geo. W. Wallwrn, Freeburg. Assistant, i Marv S. Hilbish, " Grammar, T. E. Hoff, Intermediate, Charles Glass, " Primary, Mary Weaver, " Miller'?, Wm. Brown, " Flint, Fred Holsapple, " Re'.chenbaeh's, John Eisenhauer, " Retl Bank, Chas. Gearhart, Summit, Henrv Pontius, " Neitz Valley, G. Amoo Shaffer, U White Top, RaeMoyer, " H-i-i-M-M-i-M-i-i-r 1 1 i"i"i"ii 1 1 NEW BTORE, U)W PRICES, I have begun business in Loeb's Old Stand, :: Sunbury, and as my fair and square dealing j! is known to Snyder County people, I invite j. luein an to come w my siore to examine my mm and note the low prices. HERE ARE OUR PRICES: Men's Suits from $2.90 and upwards Youth's " " $2.65 " u Boys' " M 65c " M Men's Shoes as low as 98c. FARE PAIPTI We know that we can please you, and we want you not to Ml X to come to see us ana as a special lnaucemeni, we win pay ye "T" iifn nun fir TpAni ivi i i iri i rr tr lnrnpinafiiora orar nna rr m mm f it you buy f 10 worth ot goods. Up-to-date Clothier, Loeb' Old Stand, t&I IMHIIDV u . . . ..... . . . ............ . . . . rTTTTTTTTTTTI. Wolf Friedman,