The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 25, 1900, Image 7
Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. V-rft Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor ana cneerlulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be toi 1 afflicted with weak kii neys. M i e child uriu ates i . -''er. if the urine scaias inc jibs'- i nen me cnua rea-hes an ate .!i.ii ihould be able to centre, the p age. It is yet afflicted with teJ-wettlng. depend upon it. the cause of th difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder , trouble, tnd both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold bv druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar si:es. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Rome of Swamp It -. t. ing ail about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received frcn sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N, Y., be sure and mention this paper. LEGAL ADVERTISING. AMI IMKNT T TIIK roNS T Tln fKOHOMlD To THE OIHZKN8 tn Tin- COMMONWEALTH POH THEIR W i. oK KKlhCTloN BY THR OKN KKI A88RMBLY Of THE OOUMOIN WEALTH OK PENNSYLVANJ PUB-Ll-ni D BY OHDER OP THE BJfcBKTAKY OF Till I'OMVONWKAM'H IN PUHMU A OP AHTICLK XvtU OK THE CO BTlIUTiON. 1 A .Joist RKSOLUTION propotinR an amendment to the Constitution of thf Oonnionweallhi Section 1. lit it rttolvtd by Ihe Senate am) Bouw ul Repreaeptativea of tin- Common veftith in General Amembly mote thai thefni lowing it pronoaed to amendtnentatothaCoii tituTii'ii of ti Oommonwaallh f Penna) I ven Bi ii Accofdattee with tbe provlaloni of tiie client 't niii artieie loereoii Amendment one to Article Right, toetton One. Add at the and of tiie nrt paraartapta nl Mid taction, aftet the wordp "nhail be antftled to rot. it nil election,'1 the word, Meubject how ever to Bticll IftWt reiiirin(f nml retoilfititin the mignatlon ol aiecton n the Ueneral Afaembty may cn:iit, mo that the -ail section slmll rend i roiiowi Bectlon I . Oualtfloatioii of Kleotora Beers Bale ct'leetl twenty-one year of M, po am nn following qttalllloalionai nhni 1 te en titieii to vote nt all election), auoject however Ui ucli Iftwa raqQlrtni and regulating the rcg iMrntimi of elector) &a the Ciencral Ausemlny nay enact; He li.i,l lmve been a citizen of the United l8ttcHut leait one month. He slmit have rnh)ed in the Stat'1 one veai I (or if having previously been a qualified eleo lor or native born citizen of the Mate, he hall ibav u moved therefrom And returned, within ex UiontliH imiuedtately preceding the ele- imaH have reeided In the election district tli-T- he -lit 1 -VfTer bis vote nt leat twci I'lithi itniiu-rliiitel v pretcilinK tbe eleetion li t wenty tw. yvnrn of itir uud upwards, he "hull have pi. id within two yeara a State m Bounty tax, wbfeb shall have been aaaaaaed nt lent two inouthaiMl paid at least one month before the election. Amendment Klcvcn to Artieie Kiuht, Beotion Sevan Strike out from said aacMon the words "hut o elect tr shall be deneived of Ihe Dr.vile.rc bf vttting by reaaon of hi name not being re I and mid to naid MCtton the following ftonl-, "hut liiws i-eKul.itm and nuuirinK tin- I ition of electora may he enacted t 'appl) loiitn - mi y, provided that ttcfa laws inuy be nniii. i ui lor of the Mime lass. mo th:ti ghe win! - etion .-!:iill read as follows : Iniforiutty of Fleet ion Uiws All dating the holding of eleetiona by the i for the reortetrmtlon of elecaoreehell be pnih'riii throughout the State, but IfcWI NgUla pngaini requiring the reirNtratiou ol electora 1 In eru tid to mud v ! eltltM on) nr. i vide I niui i. i.iuH be iiniforn. foroittee of the ume an, A true cony ( f the Joint Revolution. W. W. GRIE8T, Secretary of the ( ommonwealtb. iMKM.mknp TO THE CONSTITUTION ri.nri'SKl) 'I'ilTHK ( ITIZI'.NSOKTHIs MftONWRALTn POB TH Kilt APPROVAL K HIJIH TION BY THR GENERAL A fmmA OP THE COMMON WEAL1 H OP JKS l. AM A, prHLISHKDHY OKOKK OK RE Hi U KTA H Y OK TIIKI ()MM INWKI I'M t PI IM'AM'K OF Al'IK LF. X VIM OK THE WTITT'l'ION. A JOINT BBSOLUTION : im amendment to tbe Conatitutlon of the Commonwealth Pwtii.i, !. It.. I residviMllv the EUflAts nml Pf u''i)reseitntives of the I ounnoiiweiLlth Cm,- Iviinln In ( Ask-ionldv no-l "I f f' i m nronosi'il n rkintiilrni . t Itllf ' ,. Htntiori of th ( 'oiiiiiioiiwhI I h nt ilfL ill in ( 1 1 ri 1 i . 1 1 . ' (.villi tllit I 1 1 . 1 1 i . i . . i , ! EiKhteenth Article thereof. Amendment. IWkc nut sretion four of artie'e -iilit nod tin laot thereof, as follows: 1 All l,-.t n , i , - l,t- llm cltUnnu uli'ktl ky or by such other method a may Biag be preserved. pee . opr of the Joint Baeolutfon. W. W. MO EST, Secretary of tin- Commonwealth I "M l N IiSTRATUI X NOTICE. Let- wr(f Administration in tli a. oi T .' ixlnre Enllcy, late of Pranlm iwp. QtT I . 11.1 itiui'il K...... ....n 'In' undmliMd. nil neraoni krinwiiii' 'vi s indubted toHald i"stutr are raqneacM i ii'ilhite Diivmi'tit. wlii I IIkiho linvliie II nmuAnl thnm .In Ii !,....( I.. . t ...I ... l0i.. .no'rt .VII T A L IMIT 1. V .IHmllilurMlmr IftTBR, Attfy. ' ' Paxotnvilto, ru. ni i irgu, r., Ml. l, WHO. Cllt "H'! NOTIOB. Notiaa la baraby 'hut letter testamentary iiHm the milium U im', luUl nt Centre nyder County, Pa , deceased, have in due form of law to the under li'un all Indelited to aaid i state ika linniediate payment and those 'HiAiminst it shniild present them utieated for settlement. AMUKL II. BTBOCB, Kxecutor, k, Pa., Oct. 11, 1900. "Tl.'lY'S NOTIUK. Notice Is lieretiv 1ft ttmt letlnf. teuti.tiii-ntiirv llfWifl the m. Jfciiiuel Hriinuer, lute ol Centre Twp , - '"iinv, ra., ueeeas.1!!. nave iieen issneii '""iii nf Iaw In the oti.le.'StLinfid. til wlnitii kbteil to said estate should make ininie- Jmi'nt and those having claims aitaius! "i I'li'sent them duly authenticated tor nt ELIASBRCNN Kit. Executor. k. Pa,, Oct. 11, 1900. EtToil'M NbTlOK. Notice is herchv ' 'ii Hut letters testamentary upon the ca- ""Hiei Arbogast, dec i, or retry twp., untjr. Pa., deceased have lieea issued i law to the undersigned, to whom n said estate should make imme- "" "t and those having claims against I'o'sent them amy authenticated for ' URO. F. HHOIill H. Kxecutor. "I Mills, Pa.. Oct. 11. 1900. Jer month ffiWft W"' woman. Psrmsnrnt Poattlnn. Sen W,!f., AnnB T!rs. CLARK t CO., 231 8. 4th St., THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson In the International Series for October Mb HUM The I'r.idl unl Son. (Prepared hv H. C. I.rnlntofi THK LE88ON TEXT. il.i:k.' uUl-M.) 11. And he said: A certain man bad two fori. And the your.Ri r of thi m said to h!. fs.ther: Fathir. Rive me the portion o: fOOda that lalli th to me. And he dtvtdad unto tht m his living. 13. And not many days after the fOUhJ r son gathered all togi tin r. ai d look his Jnur my Into a far rmintry. nr.d Hit re wasted his ntatanea with riotous llylnaT. 14. And when he had ipsnt ail. tin re arose a mlithty tamlht in that land, and he be gan to be in want. 15. ' And h w t lit and joined hlmaclf to a citizen of that country; and ha aaal liitu into hu ileitis to tied iwlne. lii. Ar.d he would fain have filled his lielly with the husks hat the swim didt at.und no man gave unto him. 17. Ar.d when he .ume to himself, ht said: How ninny blrad servants ol my fa th r's have bread enough and to sprire. BJtd 1 pariah with huns i : IS. I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him: Father, I liav aliutfd against Hravt n, and before thee, 19. And am no mure worthy to be called thy sun; make me one us of thy bin d II fe ints. 10, Ar.i! he arose, and came to his fat In r. lint whi n hi- was yet a great way uff. hl father miw htni. und had oonipaasloni and ran. and fell on his neck, and kl.-s. .1 him U. And the son said unto htm: Father, 1 have sinned against Heaven, and in thy sight, ami am no more worthy to be called thy sun. '!. Hut the fatht r iald to his servants: Bring forth the best robe, and pul it on him, and put a ring on hia hand) and shoes on hli fei t. tt And bring lilth. r the Tatled calf, and kill it ; and let us eat, and be merry. 24, For tills my sou was dead, and Isallvs again; he was lost, and Is found. And tin y began to be mi try tiOLUnlN IIIM-I will arise uud ko to ui father. Lake II-1M. Ni rT 128 A Mm ( :u m BNT8. Thf parable oi tbe prodigal son is one tif a prelim of parables uttered by Jeaus, ahowtng wbj ana when it was a duty to receive sinners. Hut il is more than that, tt u n declaration of the fatherhood of Uod, ana lli un changing love for the beings lie luis created, LESSON ANALYSIS. The Pri 'Igal Son vs. u.u His w iii di i Ings vs. i a Dlsasi 'ous Blxpi rlence vs. n16. A Bensll le Resolution vs. 17-W. Hie Keturn Hi me ar.d V. Ifomt-.. vs. :'"-:'l The Kldi r Son vs. :0- C Tiie Prodigal Son. Xhe eleventh Terse f;iies us a picture o. a happy home, itl a father and his two sons as the central figures. The father a.s a prosperous u an. The c!!i r son ac cepted his place in the home and set tled down to its routine ol work and pleasure, The younger son ns rest less and discontented. He wanted "to see the world." His Wandering. Shortly the young er son went away from home, and for a time lost himself in riotous living- A Disastrous Kxperience. -The cur tain is hound to fall, and when it fell after the riotous time in u far coun try the prodigal found all the lights TOne oi. t, the "good fellows" gone, none of the, cheer left, and famine facing him, so that he was glad to se cure the most menial employment, and would have eaten even the slulT with whieli he fed the swine. A Sensible Resolution. Misfortune and suffering are the only things that lning some people to a sober view of life. When the young man came to tnlie this Miller view, came to his real self, and saw things as they were, he knew thing had to be done. The contrast between Ids father's lux urious home and this -wine pen came to him. He had been a son in the home, now he would gladly be a serv ant there, Tbe thought no sooner came than the resolution formed it self. We cannot but think of the truggle that musl have taken place within him on the way hack. He would have to acknowledge defeat, meet the criticisms and censorious glances of his old-time friends, and even the anger, perhaps, of his own father. His Uitiirn Home and Welcome. -What must have been the surprise of the prodigal not to have met the red p tion he expected, His father showed no anger, but recognized him a great way off. "and ran and fell on bis n ck nml k is si d him." This is a picl ure of the Heavenly Father. We maj know that we tneri: rebuke, but once the decision is made to return to Him, He shows His boundless love. He niters no CI n Mire. bill Is even mure glad to receive us than we are to turn from the way of sin to the paths of life and righteous ness'. The Elder Ron. There are many of him in the world. Note that his gen eral course was a right one. Hut he spoiled it all by one little, mean act, He refused to rejoice for the return of his brother. He lacked thai love which makes every service a joy. The right way had been to him the bet way, be cause it had been the most expeditious. There is nothing to show that ho stayed at home because he loved the old place or to be with his father. His feeling was n better than had been the younger ton's. Hut he profiled by his foresight while his brother lost all be had. The younger gained in its place a love for his borne and hii- father. Note, too, that the father's attitude had changed toward neither ton. lie Welcomed the younger because he had been a long time absent,, but for the ungraciousness of the elder son he had only words of kindness. He sim ply said: "All that is mine is thine." Itani'n Horn Hlnnls. There is room in (jod's sympathy for all our sorrows. Hod's power is given only for find's purposes. The lights of the world ought to be the leaders of men. The world must judge the kingdom of heaven by its citizens. There is no faith without the co operation of heart and head. If men do all for the glory of (iod He will do all for the good of man. It makes much difference whether a man has great desires or whether he desires greatness. Ham's Horn. THE SOUNDS 0? BUI LETS. Suir.ll Italia Hiss, last ,,j Whirr NuUeti That tr- Vfjlra to I lie Nerve. In these days when the arms of the trmies of the world are cllfl L'ing und the small jacketed bullet is l the place of the lead bullet that smash.'.! into its objective like a huge nek , flashing in. o a mud puddle, IL is inter j as ting to note the different sounds these small balls make in passing through the air as compared with their greater forefathers. On t h is, held, says the Milwaukee Journal, Col. Philip Reade, of the army, who ' heard all kinds on the wild hills of San Juan before Santla o, sayst "The Mauser projectiles, I ke all others from hand portable i rearms of project ion. have a hum llin1 can be I heard after they are pas' ! censed 1 to be dangerous to you. 1 projec tile, you know, travels ler tluiu sound. You also know that an arrow is an arm nt projection, 1 I vv is an arm of project inn. but n bi is not n firearm of projection, li- beginning is gradual, out the soui J ending is instantaneous; its beginning and end ing arc pitehed a little lower than its middle, The Mauser has a long z--z-e-x-s-eu when It. passes by you, It i not noisy enough to alarm you until you find out what it does when It strikes. It has a nasty, m 1II1 li us little lloise like tin soul nf u i cry petty and mean person turned Into hissing sound. "Near Balloon Porks, 1,250 yardi from th eastern face of F irl Sac Juan, July 1. 1898, the !-ss-x-eu' were so frequent ns to ci. to at tract attention, Gen. Kent never changed position of bod) nor of eyes during that fusillade or paid apparent attention to us aaects, rue rovui palms of smooth gray trunas and ni fill ir lop Ihe fronds ,.f green are ten feel above the ground) When n Mauser projectile strikes one of these splendid trunks there is n little quiv er, as the projectile loses Its . z-z-z-eu, becoming and censing with z-z-z-z-z-xip, nnd buries ltse,i in its liber oi passes through it. Then yi II 1 gin to think the ueu-xeu-xeti-xlp-xip-rlp is a devilish tattoo. If it makes a noise like spat, sounding as though a switch cane had struck against green foliage such as grew underneath the living pinioned balloon, thnl prominent ob jective for the Spanish, thai floated over the tops of the trees during that day, we knew that the bullet had struck twigs or a leaf, "There Is more of a drumming sound than a wheep, ping or whiz to a machine gun, n Galling nnd those of its ilk, and the echo sometimes comes back like pattering raindrops; dr-dr-drrdrr-drrh-drrh-drrh-i pat-pat-pat-pat - pat - pat - pat - pat; whirr-whirr-whirr; 1,2k: shots per barrel per sec ond. "Shrapnel nnd bursting canister ex ploding over one's bend preparatory j to burling down 250 divergent leaden bullets to lacerate human flesh, startle you by a sharp, whip-like report, and create, for an Instant, a nervousness which is hardly possible not to show. ! They seem to cut holes in the air. You can't dodge any of 'em, but it's I human tendency to try to, The buzxy- wtizxy lnizy - wuzzy- buzxy- wuzzy, , plump-thud! is really funny. Bo la the I buzzy - wuzzy- buzz) - wuzzy- buzxy I wuxz) crash! Tin m are the sounds , that a solid shot, about ns big ns a I joint of a etove-plpe, makes when tired from a muzzle-loading cannon. The j plump means that if has sin:,': earth, ( rash means that it has hit a big tree i top." I A QUEEN'S NEEDLEWORK. An Apron E3m broil! Fret bj T:ir , Queen of Scot Hit Rtwentljr Coma i l.lajht Distorts Muscles, Shatters Nerves, Sflflcns JOhlB. Is due loan acid jsiison which gains access to the blood tkn nigh failure of the proper organs to carry of ami keep the svstem clear ol all morbid, effete matter. This Doiaon throug.t the general circulation is deposited in the joints, musclt sand nerves, causing the most inti ua. Rheumatism may attack with such suddenness and severity as to make within . few duvs a active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nervt s ; or it may lie i developing, with slight wandering pains, just severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable ; " ca dency in such eases is to grow worse, and finally become chronic. Like other blood diseases, Rheumatism is often Inherited, and exposure to damp or cold, want of m pec food, insufficient clotbiug, or anything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to dc in early lite, but more often not until middle age or later. In whatever form, whether acute i n lie rited, Rheumatism is Strictly a DSocJ Discus, and no liniment or other externa) treatment can reach the trouble. Neither do the pre; orations if .-. i and mercury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctors always prescribe, cure K Ileum.", ui, but ruin the digestion nnd bn ak down the constitution. A remedy which builds up the general health and at the same time tids the system of llic ; i :i : the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism. 8. S. S.. made of roots, herbs and barka of w ; u..; solvent, purifying propel lies, attacks the disease in the right way, and in the right place the blood and Quickly n e the acid an I dissolves all poisonous deposits, stimulates and reinforces the overworked, worn-out organs, and clears tin ol ail unneaitny accumulations, s. &, cures permanently ami tu. ruiigblv,and keeps Ibe IiIimhI in a tuire. bcallhv slate. Mr. 1 O Mulli-v. ui W. iMh St .r-'t. Indianapolis, 1ml.. f-r eighteen monthii mtrrritilv ntfli.-inl w th RheumntiM.1 lit WM unaMr t- fcrl or 1iris liiiuelf. Doctoi mltl hit CfiK w i hopeleM Mr ha., tried Mty-two pictciipiiont t hat fi tendi had Rlvett him, irithout the iKnt i cit f a few bottleiiof S. S. s. cured him perr-Mtiently, a"! !" la i lew i liuil a rile a inn tic pal n niiKc ' . m live n i . .. We will lend free our special bunk on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands of every sufferer frmn this torturing disease. )ur physicians have made blood and skin diseases a life studv, and will give you anv Information or advice wanted, so write tluiu fully and freely about your case. We make no charge whatever for this service, Address, SWIFT SPtCll iu CO., At. C00O0OOOCXrX)OOOO0CXXXOOO(3OOOOC3OOOOO(X9OOOOO(XX0OO0n iRead This! Read This! I MY PRS7IT STOCK OF CARPE S o 5 s laigtr ever hefore : my I'HIC loWKK llmu OTII S EKSfori . SAMEdOODS. Mj piicison 15 lulls nfftnpoi I 0 wish to I'lotil HUt Will Hllit (ho (I'll..' hi -r (I IllltOJ it tl it KllVU 0 idlnTs luobey, lit nit I hiii k of buying your fall car juts until o you give in j stiick of enrpets yiin ntteiilioii nml gu( the prices of boiuo id in v Lttitguius I urn oft'oi'iiig, o i a ni 1 1 THAN C 1ST an I siiine for I In pi ice '111 i inn i nil" t ins Nine (, 1 llltVO Hllllle DIHltV ItllMlfH I ran ..'. i tnnUi.. ' CTflRFe. ill - i T ak ,t . w VJ t-:U w i b. l . . .7 r of Me. far? V 1 peilf Display of Cortis,Wii PclssHiiilro. P Pliitt.K int linbl no lloise i . (j 'i ices just righi "ii i li One Word Ahojit Pictures. fTering ray preHeul Ktock "I pieturoa at c."t, t;.a-s in I lit II :tnes. Km. ituir, nil t.- 5 o ! ii n, SI 1 I,i el Hid sill pi inn in I TtMD2ilTAKING ! UN DERTAKING ! li this biaiicb uf iny biism km I u- prepitrrd t triv public t ho lii'st, sei bie tb tt can be seioi i Oil bv nioiicM Hum pei'Muml iittet.linu. My t'ti'iipp ito in ttiis In itntdi ol btisiimH 8 onnnf tbe liiii st in Urn sli IMvUi KS, ('AKUIAUKS Z I'NDKi: TAKINO I'AKl.oKS uuiip i,. ,!a . OUH Wort) i' ' "'IK'. I l !i il in ;i ' 1 1 li ' I i i 1 1 i . ' t i ' i 1 O I i I' I II I VTL'L In , f li.. I 'II liniB If) tlUM'O lit v, I .!' Mi NTKJ. UC.M Ml'i m TUC V t -f- Trr? ti i prodnees tho above roi ill itn'SlOt bowertullr and quickly Cures wbi ... souDgnii'ti willti'itala their li st maul ni'-n will recoter t!i lr youthful u l BEVIVO. It quick!) audsurcl) r st' BMS, Lost Vitality, ItnpolnDCT. Klghtl Lest Power, altlnii &! w y, Wastlna , all offsets cf "-ir ibusu . r i land i wbleb unflta o o v r r"i ly, bti It ssoi ' I not only curus by starting at ttin sett o( dl ' I tssgnat nervotoaio aal blood bull lug buck tho pinn plon to pale chueki atnrlag tli" Are of " I''. U wa'il. PtT'n I ami Ooastunptl a i: i I iu bating Kl I u.i I other. It can bo carrli . Id wat pocket tly mall Vt.Uip ri 1. 1 as. .. . ' . . i r if..OO. oalli live wri t n iraaranroe t ewe r rafaot! Ibemoiiejt (it ulartfi . Aailica Royal ftlediciiij Co., it li Im i garn i MCIN I V I hull -'ec I'AVMKN I i" ... nil ol hers tor mil, 1 ,l,Mi I DhLEHt'lMill nu Til.' 1' ii 'ii ,y p 1 1 intiiii! firsi ('li-- Liwrv Coiiiurinl wiifi Uinlt'itiikin lli'iiiit'tmeut, W. H. FKLIX, tTeleiihou k Connection. LEVLST N, PA. .'; I','. I ntliliil WaSUIN'OI 'O0ll ('".. 1.0 1 M. --v-..'',OOOOC'." ' Cr.VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'ii i 1 mo! i; un fain 'li ronlizo b fmtii Ibe uso t-f HlflN (I ha 'l j ruul nay n nrtl to in duce o ,vi ?o itso it. ii i. ate i.. i iii in tueir baall 11 ni I Ii" Wtlfm "f Iheit fhiMriti l.bej iil uh) tttj ibT h v. mv hi ,i ii oil tllein all, bill QUAIM Ih.i -ni"i lor to any, r tu -I 1 1 S( I if '1 gl i I'' EThsPstent Uather Shoe.1 it Wont Break Thro'S 91r- Interesting is the story told in La dies' Home Journal "f the bringing to iiKlit of an apron embroidered by Mary. Queen of Scots, while in jail awaiting execution! "A Mr. Meyers; an American cost ii inir, who was in London on bust news, had an opportunity to In y a lot of iineit nt embroidered garments. Among those which he purchused was a drese known to have belonged to Mary, Queen of gcots. In ripping this to use the gold and sliver threads with which it was wrought, an apron was discovered sewed between the outside and the lining, where it had been care fully bidden by the unfortunate queen herself. Bubseqieilt search has since fully established the fact that the apr in is the work of the fated queen. Uh is been shown to experts in Eng land, France nnd the United states, and all nirree In declaring the stitch used to he the on? call, il the 'ixist stitch.' which lias been starched for by embroiderers unavailingly for over 200 years, Under the inicroscope the work sems to be done in a series of French knots which produce infinitesi mal disks of silk. These lii.-k.s lie side by side mid very close together. There are hundreds of them to the square inch, all evenly laid with the oolori exquisitely blended. Around the edge of each petal, forming a line around every part of thedeslgnjs a tine tracery of while, cither a stitch of marvelous ingenuity or a microscopic cord Couched on, Th" blossoms are chiefly marigolds, jessamines, roses and morn ing-glorles. They are arranged with their leave! to form a running border design flowinsr vet disconnected." N i matter how handsome the attire, the stylish appearance can be spoiled by a pair of shoes that are not in keeping with the clothing. No shoe on c.irtli, .it whatever price, cn e ;ual a .'1 1 ' 1 uCH PAT, the only patent leather shoe made tliat i, , I nut ti "break thro", Why pay $5.00 for an inferior patent leather shoe when you can buy from almost any dcalcra paircf f.'.oNAlv(i PATS for much less ? If your dealer doesn't keep them we will glad!y send a samole pair, your ige, prcpaiJ, f r ' , ;;. AdJressV riONARCll j ::ct. co., nr DUANE ST., ir::i VORK. r- lt: a 1 T-ric- I,, .vrin-ii hits i . lr.'?iT iw vballiu; inunaav.n 1 nia are iinciiy 1. 1 grace ...:., leather shot.. the only guaranteed patent leather shoe :.; 1 iff They always please the wearer juJ will J y "i - io ' V.'ritcl,' n 1 articulari ta-day. BNGENB in mm I Uoiiitj 1, GIVEN ! il in t.. il.. Kill I un. I fill nuiiiiinl !' - tin- . 1 ilaiiil $1 n v 111! , I 1. I.I I'l s elotli .i ii- 1 -v .I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 I J I ...!, Ofltllltilln 1 . ..1 1 iiimI most repre" iivii trurka 1 il il for id livi pool- ef lie lait fr it" i cntury imnii- 1 ' nouuely ii a ""'t'1 " traivd bv 1 1 1 In- I' ty-.'Wu "f Hi" "' lmve 1 " World's tiroeal faetureil est Al tl-tt. 17.01 The Fund en lilted - illvldm 1 tWOL'll the fan II) nl tl" Into bM and the Kami li '" Imlhllna "i 1 1 li 1 1 1 In Hie lie I t "f thO I eli. vi fliililliootl Atltlre-s l.i 1. 1 m. I ii i ii Mom mm s"! v 1 ' ( l-,i at I I; a iron. IS" Mom If v. .n wlstl Ii i. p tare. , , Happened in j rufl St( MM, llronn's cw t ook. Mrs. NOUttle Mrs. lirow n is putting on airs nowadays. She has a new cook with a high-sounding name, Mrs. Nomore indeed! I thought she did her own work. "No. I took dinner there yesterd'iy. and they bad the loveliest dessert I ever put in my mouth. She didn't tell what It was, Imt she said that Char lotte Ilusse made lb, and I suppose she's the new cook." Judge. I '"CO ''".'' 4Vt3 ViO'C.-'3''Sl')'1ii C-"ti-S-'i',C-C' vJ 't'0'4t: "fl h Lt n La a if. ? 50,000 Words I ilL.LE aw a el h.i I HBO LliUIIUIIQI ,,,,, ..I i.i injnpsalnsrTTa -WlaaaaW - mm 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. A ui.rk ot eioa.irillnarv lnli'li i-l to all elll-ses lit .rni;n --lve people. Iii cjnul it v li Is uuexcellod,eveii b) UieKreatatandaid worka orto-dayi III quantity it eomaliia neail) every word in eonitnon uaase, and fully aiiawora tbe burpoae of al Itaal Uirv i of even fnm i'l". Worcester Un ti u 1ms lUMMI words, I'eutiir) tttjwi ami statiilnril aisi.itHi. Tboae coat f row r"l" I" i-'" racli. Clura with 50,000 words may now bebadunon lartiia bemiol nulieard-of. a nen deTlce ibowa Hit- ,lmal fortiia 't all tbe nouns. Another pouna out al I 5000 rspeclellj dlttleull arordsi I "i ihe itteatsal nt all achievement! in moilern dletlui ar) insatna u the aiiiiiiieii r ivanu wools to this illetlonar) bi maaui ol a single psge, ealltd tbe "Coltunbtan tt ord-Bullder." nrnn DTIICIITO Befldaallie Dictionary li also eontslna twelve DEPARIMbNIb. .t. i aim . rollovai I Abbrevia tions! I PrononjMlni tMetlonaryi I Proper Ma ; it. r tf Hie World; v Usraa Cities ! Karllanientar lliiles; 7. Blialnraa Instructor: B. Sutial Kl Ujuetlt-: ;.. Letter Writer; In. lac of Capitals II. I'linttiiatioii ; I.. ft contalnsM lagus, haodsoaialy liouuU in ImltaUoo lastber covers. filMTM lUflV T tatrodeae Fmni ami Rome, out .nation BlVtrl AWRY, al semi ini.Tiiliiy (whleb slresily ba; a elraula. ti.,n of aiSO.OOO', Into rtnw'WtfrfcfJ'ft taken, we make the lolloWttll lteinni knble Offer: "II"' 1 emuai hi Ire ,.f Kami nnd Is "i.t- a year. BlltV VIlU wridlt to tboae mentloaina' tola paper, al months on trial ror only Hna on silver or ataaipa), ami "in t Ittruier cbarae J?" Comi.i t lien.lve Webster lilt I lonnrr," M above "2?S?il! mail, nnatnald. All aeeei.tlnc ibis ..trer will reri Ive ,,nr ningnll Irenlly Illustrated 40-nnRe premium list. riin.Alnliiir J!" .. i . i . . i. i... . ..... . I 1 1... II...U' riiiiiirU.1 i .('.is ever In.lile. ir your aobserjptton l sent Immediately we w ill aln Include a I'orkei Ansa or ids vvpna. ooniatnins nana in cviors, www wnw -nr-- -least n if nurrliased aeparately. A Bent a wanbad everywhere I.ll'iTHl e.iiiinilssliiti ler i:miil wins, .vtnires- an mueri, tu ''Ot i ' tiny Ih-hI v ioter Ii dy lo ii y ill Ml' -tin and mKi i ". brand of cough meilieine liiiit J tlifl not have in s:.f': .'' naya Mi 11 - I Orundiu, tli.- i" nl n' 'I' 1 : ' oi On tar o, N. Y. 'Ui .'s di"itj e( and wantod t iow what ul lireparatioii I (ould rccointu id. I ' Raid to her that 1 could freely i nieod Cbatiibnilii'ii'nCoiigii 11 tut ly I anil tliat -li' com I tuku it I ti e remedy and niter giving I trial it si," did not Uuil it i rlli I ie nun ey to hrios buck tin- boll nnd j 1 would ii fund l In price : i ! In tbe course of a di j to two il; 1 came back in con p my will ;' id j iii in di ol u eoiigli n en.' viscil ber t" buy h bottle of Cbai j beiluia'aCougb Iteiuedr- 1 i unider : Hint it very g I let-omoji ndatlon ' f..r 11... r ..mailt! " 1 i im ft if B i! by the MiddJeburg Uf":,' Sun-. W size tie inebes FARM AND HOME, Box D Springfield, Mass., or Chicago, Ilia si rt , nna9Sa,ur vniuvju, ins. TMJkf.liV-gfemilaMaTey:! OimkI. Uaol I Best Cbuah 8y run. in tuna, ooia oy ami 'iaw. EL OBTAINED TEEMS EASY. consult or comni'inlatui wtui tbe Kdiur I f,t't it ii.-, 1 1 1 will gly all ii.-jiJi la I 1 aittloa. PATENTS f '.intuit nr i '( I HUt 1 ' 1 1 1 1 CHIi;KsrR'S EKiiUSH PENNYROYAL P ji' ,v- "Pi Bb iJ e. Alwava reliable. Lawltra, aau Iinnrfiai fur t'H 1411 KMTKR'M KRULMH In Baal sod old nit-utlllc Ihjxi'.s, aeale.1 Willi blui rljbufi. Take no other. Krrusr danerrrou nllnnsnnd Imitations. Iluyufv" rl rasabja nr aend 4e. In iitnnipt fur Hnrtlrulu i . Teall innnlnla ami "Keller Tor in IrlUr. by return nail. 10,000 Teallinumu.s. huldb all llrugslata. OBICHE8TBK CUBMIOAL. CO. UOe atadlaoB Majuare. 111 I 1., Mb -s Jf aUoa tbla paper. 4 I it F I Hi it