AGED WOMAN HUNTS GAME. HOME LIFE IN PORTO RICO. Select Sensible Silverware FOR YOUR Holiday or Anniversary Gifts A set of triple plated knives and forks makes a sensible . present, and if they bear this trademark are as serviceable as they are sensible. A complete line of spoons, forks and fancy pieces are also made in the uI84j" brand. They are handsomely put up in cases for presentation purposes. Your dealer can supply vou. Send tn the maker for catalogue No. lol explaining nil about "Wwr PUti ihM U'urt." It i beautifully lllue trutcd und ku! free. INTMlUTmSAL HI. VI II 00., ?ucfit 10 HERIDEN UK1TA.1M A CO., Merldan, Com. fjatafi lr,l,u .No U. H-IPAN'S TABOEES Doctors find A Good Prescription for mankind Tea for Ira Drngglsts Crncm, Kumiruh, Saloons, Newi-Stssdi, General Sloras and Harem Shane. The Haw eata . Ammm .1 1 1 n. Ow a" raliaf I N mailer what'i the matter, oaa trill dm ma mmmA T. ...j MMMHMHH any address on receipt of price. 7 Iba.Kipau Chemical Co., la Spruce St., N t w Yerr CU, DEALER IN ldleburg, luire lor . . ces and Terms. 1. Pottiege, eteriHarY sUroeoN. ILINIOROVE. PA. PrWessional business entrusted to my ear lvo prompt and careful attention. . CHOUSE, I ATTORNKY AT LAW, MlDDLCBTJRw, PA. HuKineag entrusted to bis cars five prompt attention. i l "If therein one who believes i "Gold Standard" is a good g, or that It must be maln- d, I warn him not to cast 'vote forme, because I prom- ( him it will not be maintaln- "n this country any longer ' I am able to get rid of it V 'J. Buy an. Colorado Haa a Mighty Mas roe) of the UcatUr Sex Mho la Wall Alona; la Yrara. The neat has given us many instances of young women whot.were experts with the rifle, but it haa remained (or ColoradV) to produce a huntress of big gome who lias more than three score years to her credit. Mrs. A. 0. Walli h a n, snvs the ('hlcajro Chrouiele, who lives in Koutt county, has passed! her sixty-third year oil earth, but still takes pleasure in the chase. She was born in Milwaukee, byt St " early agv went to the wilds of the west and a lnrpe part of liVr life hus been spent in the mountains nni by the streams of the ceutVnr.ial state. Her husband is B photographer Who makes a specialty of reproducing the counterfeit, present ments of wild animals. In lils lours in search of specimens Mr. Wallihan hns frequently been accompanied by his wife. Advancing years seemed to add to rather than diminish her pleasure In the sports usually monopolized by men and Hfae hns accomplished many feats which few women would enre to under take. She has ridden horseback thou sand! of miles through the wildest sort of country and1 only lust fall mads a trip of 3D!) miles to rench her home after nn eMciiletl) Journey. For 11 years Mr. and Mrs. Wallihan traveled In this fashion through the mountains. During the last year, Mrs. Wallihan writes, her health has not been pood and so she has been far leswactive than formerly, Mr. Wallihan has recently taken pic tures of 180 specimens of Western game animals, m:ny of which were shot, by his wife, and they will be placed on ex hibition in the department of forestry and fisheries at Paris this year. LAUNDERING FINE NAPERY. lar-vlval of the fittest In llouee Fair alehlBa; Follow. i:perleuee la lapleaaaal t-Vatarre. To one unaccustomed to tropical con ditions, the furnishing of the Porto Kican home would at first sight seem MSger, but it is tptite ample, says Harper's Baiar, A short resilience will demonstrate that nearly Si 0 years of experience with the unpleasant fea tures of life in the West Indies have beeu crowned by a eirviva! of the fit test in furnishing as in other matters. Austrian bent-wood furniture and willow WSXS constitute the main equip ment of the parlors and living rooms, Upholstered furniture is unknown and undesired. little or no attempt being made at decoration, except in the mat ter of embroidery inn! line hand-made luce work. Hundreds of yards of cro chet work are used in the embellish ment of 11 single canopied bed. The work is the chief delight of the Porto Etican housewife. The Widls are for the most part bare, but here and there a paint ing of merit may be sren. The Sofa pillow is one of the great features of the home) It is everywhere, in every conceivable size, shape and material, Perns of gigantic size and exquisite formation, as well as brood-spreading palm leaves, are used to festoon the walls and arched door ways. Cut fresh from day today, they render the dark, cool rooms Inviting and attractive. Potted tropical plants in great variety abound within und without the house THE AGULHAS CURRENT. I ink S. Riegle, ssstBI HsssW I Some Points Which Will lie of Value to the Young- llouae M Iff. llimp; your linen to dry, using two lines comparatively close and parallel for your table-cloths. (Also for sheets.) Throw one selvage side of your table cloth over one line (toward the other), allowing it to hang down about a quarter of a yard, and being careful to pin it a short distance from the ends. Take the opposite side of your cloth and' throw it over the other line, facing the first line, and pin It in the same manlier. Tills, says Emma Louise llauck Howe. In Wom an's Home Companion, will form a sort of bag. and will prevent to n con siderable extent the wild blowing of the table-cloth in windy weather. Alter the table-linen is thoroughly dried remove it from the line and pre pare to dampen it. A whisk broom is excellent for this purpose. Table linen, In order to bring out the bright gloss that makes it so attractive, should le dampened very consider ably. Sprinkle the table-cloths very fieely, being sure that the selvage ends or hemstitched borders are thor oughly damp. Koll up tightly, patting the roll frequently) to spread the dampness, The napkins und dollies should be arranged alternately one upon the other first a napkin dry from the line, then one) which bus been wrung out in warm water, then a dry napkin, and following it an other wrung out in hot water, and so oue. Then roll tightly together. The Germ of Mail Milliner. "Independence is a trait I like in Americans," said a girl near me the other day. "To think that '1 am us good as every one else' puts a strain of confidence into me." "That, same reflection: 'I am as good as every one else,' is at the bottom of a great deal of our proverbial bad manners," was the reply. "Would it not be better to think 'every one else is as good as I am?' " It certainly 1h a commendable trait to bo self-reliant so fur as mate rial affairs are concerned, but there Is an equality of worth to be recognized in- others which is above the obliga tions to self.--Adn C. Sweet, In Wom an's Home Companion. Ita Stream Menders the Passage of Cope Horn Kitrcmrlv DlfSealt and llaniKcroua. Going south, we find the Agulhai cur rent, beloved of homeward-bound sail ing ships round the ( ape of Good Hope, pursuing its even, resistless Course around the southern horn of Africa changelcssly throughout the years. says the Spectator. How Its stubborn (low frets the stormy Southern sea! No wonder that the early navigators doubling the cape outward bound, and fearing to go .south, believed that sonic unthinkable demon held sway over those w ild w aves. The passage of ( ape Horn from east to west holds the bad eminence to-day among seafarers of being the. most difficult in the world, but w hat the outward passage around the Caps of Storms must have been beore men learned that it was possible to avoid the stream of the Agulhaaeur- rent .by going a few degrees south we of these later days can only Imagine. Whst lrecomes of the Agulhai current when once It has poured Its volume of Indian ocean waters into the Atlantic? Does it sink below the surface some hundreds of fathoms und silently, smoothly glide south to the confines of the Antarctic Ice bnrrler, or does It wander northward into warmer re gions? In any case, it fulfills the one grand function of all currents, whether of air or water - the avoidance of staff nation, the circulation of health among the nation of the earth. DANGER IN A FOX BITE. An Kuullsli Uaruai l'a sou Una Mitten ami Died of lllood I'ol ao 11 1 11 h Sleep i 'WHS, TOO How al asset, isJl tht family. Four Flavors: ltOraniM.vaarihrrT and straw - M your .rr beer's. 10 oentt. li. No operations or injectloiia. no pain or dis comfort in any way, no atcel spring or iron frame-, no wooden, ivy or hard ruliher balla, OOPS, puncliceor plugs used. Not the leaat UlntresMwr annoyance. Our outfit for the rare of rupture or her nia is iimdti of line soft niaterinln. aueh as felt. velvet, chamois skins and elastic weba. It fltn ) iiks a glow ami an iisrni you no more, at holds your In tea tinea back in their natural po sition and the wound will heal like any other wound when it haa a chance. The only way to cure is to hold the Intestines In or back all of the time until the wound becomes grown to irethcr. Your rupture can not be eared in any other way. We have had 20 years constant and hard experience in treating ruptures mot this outfit la the result. Men, women and children made comfortable by using this oulllu Prices reasonable and In accordance with the case. II Interested, please write for parti culars; which we will mail you free. AOHAWK RENEDY CO., Rorre, N. Y. MOHAWK CATARRH CURE Cheapest and Best. Cures Catarrh In from 3 to in days. Cures Told in the Head, IV to IS minute. Cures Ilcaduche. 1 to S minutes. Necurclv packed with full Instructions by man PObVTPAID, SSe. 1 ry It and you wl 11 be more than pleased with the investment. Your money back If you are dissatisfied. (Stamps taken ) MOHAWK REMEDY CO., Rome. N. Y. is Nature's time for rest; and the man who does not take sufficient time to sleep or who cannot sleep when he makes the effort, is wearing out his nervous strength and consuming his vital power. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings sweet, soothing, refreshing sleep. Don't let another night pass. Get it to-day. 1 was very nervous, had no tppotfta and could not sleep st night Doctors failed to help and I began taking Dt Miles' Nervine. After a (ew doses 1 slept like a top all night" W. . Kyle, Chicopee Falls, Mas Dr. Miles' Nervine soothes the nerves, nour ishes the brain, and re freshes the entire organism. Sold by drsggists oa guarantee. Di. affles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Blood poisoning frequently occurs In cases of wounds from tile teeth or claws of animals, earpeclally those that feed wholly or In part on putrid flesh, and it Is ensy to understand that. In the cases of such species as eat only game of their own killing, there must be traces of their feasts, in the shape of shreds of animal matter, left ad hering to their claws and teeth to decay and become poisonous In time. It 1h for this reason that few men who have been "mauled" as- the Eng lish express it by lions or tigers ever recover from their injuries. Arguing along the same lines, il is possible that the number of deaths on record from the bite of the western skunk, or "hydrophobia cat," may be trnce- nble to blood poisoning rather than the rubies. The skunk seems to have a mania for biting people, but In this respect he is not unique. The Com mon house rat where allowed to be come overbold from their numbers, frequently nibbles at the fingers, eurs or toes of sleepers in dork rooms. But rats are mot wholly carnivorous by na ture and In consequence there is less danger In their bites. The eldest son of ftir Pryse Pryse a fox-hunting baronet of Cardiganshire, England died recently from blood poisoning, superincVuocd by the bite of u captive fos. One day not long ago liepresentn tlve William Aston ('hauler was rid ing In on open cur on Broadway in New York, says an exchange of that city. In front of him sat a y?ung Snd pretty girl. Into the seat with her stepped u burly negro, who soon began to annoy her with his rude stares. Chanter carried a light cane With the cane he touched the negTo on the shoulder. "Dont do that," he remarked, in a quiet hot Arm tone, and the negro glared angrily at him. A moment later the annoying attentions were re sumed. Onos again Chanler touched the negro with his cane. Don't do that," he remarked. "I really do not like it" "And who the devil are your" said the colored man, angrily. Chanler laid his cane on the ehalr. Then ha arose, seized the negro by the sheukW, Shrew him bodily into the stress wtsUs tho ear was running at high Speed, settled back again in his for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro rorir. Drops ami BoothillK Syrups, li is IM:ts;itit. It contains neither opium. Morphine nor other Narcotia Substance. It destroys Worms ami oliaytt Pcvorhthness. Jt cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, it relieves Teeth in;; Troubles and cures Constipation. It rejrulates the Stomach ami Bowels, (riving healths ami natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Si XX -aaawawai Six y rrV n at mat At asr a arr- mm wtv is W w 4V am In Use For Over 30 Years. Tut ftNTiyS COSSaNy, it Musmy aTHlCT, vgwa city SSHiIllHIIIIIIHf f Hi Kill A REAL GRAPHOPHOBIA: $5 REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS Att STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. -MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS' IITB) si a im rr. SW HS 00 wrri at'TTiH I mini rnmnirmii JT I. ea m 1 Xxm::nt!rmim::iin:ii-:T-tj, a ,. ..,., .......... i . r. w,,a,y i,'ii,uu, icu urepn yq ophont, with ilmplt median- im im, m.idc to meet the ov- mand fur a firit-clan lall'.injj 2 mat hint-, at a low price. s :!lilzximix:xn::::iinnixxnTit, tS I The pleasure of a Graphophone is largely increased by making and reproducing B I your own records. We furnish this machine with recordt i for IW ;raph,ilione. ,r i-vrrjr drM-rlntlon. nil or u rllr. mm. M COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. '. l w B IIISIIIIU U5 4 1153-1 i-iii Uroiuiw v, N, i. n filsttllK Restore Vitar-y Lost Vigor and Manhood,. PILLS 50 CYS. nervita nm Ci-rn 'sspotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Memory, all wasting dis eases, all eftccts of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion, A nerve tonic and tiiood builder, lit iocs tho pink glow to pale ehsSS &nd restores the fire of youth. I3y mail 50c. per hex, 6 boxes for $1.50, with our bank able guarantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. NERVITA TABLETS EXT?T- (yellow LABsa) Immediate Results Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken) Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, I Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor. By mall in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond tel cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY ""nton and Jackson Streets CHICACO. ILLINOIS Sold by MIDDLEBURGH DRUG CO., ntDDLEBURQH, PA. Dyspepsia i Qtry sasai is .'Vsi mm -71 m svH I mil ui , OV SJaSSW Laaw-r..a l BS "Trial I man rn pnnY As,n DDimi I J I a JJmW sssi SMS wi Blocs) 1863, Endorsed by Mccllc&l Faculty immediate lasting efficacious agreeable The Ideal French Tonic rSAVE DOWNING A COLORED BRUTE. AsltOV ( hunlrr's i o in 111 1- n il m )t I p Mcth cl oi rrotvotlntt n Ulrl frmu Insole n 1 und ur I . YOUR STA RTIN TAGS "Star" tin tags (Hhowinp ttmall stars printed on ander piilo of tag). "HorsoHhoe," "J.T.," "OoocfLuck," " Cross How," and "Drummond" Natural Loaf Tin Ta's are of equal vnluo in saourinR presents mentioned below, and may bo assorted. Every man, woman ami child can find Homolhiuij on tho list that they would liko to have, ami can have W 2Z 13 JB2 - .. M w-c TAOI 1 Match Box I Kin f . oiia hlado. itueil Mlael 8 Bctpofs, H Inohaa 4 Child'- 8,-t. Ku1f. Furk ami Kpoua li t Halt ami 1'Hpper Bat,onoasoli, cjuad rtipli plats n white mrttal M t Fnuch Briar Wood Pipe f 7 haxur. hulluw Kruuml. Ilni' tu, li-li atml W 6 llutter Knife, irlplu ilate. best auaUtr Huitar Shell, tnnln pla-e, beai tpUL, III 10 Hiaiup Box, Ktirllni; silver W 11 Knife, "Keen Kutler.'' two lila,le . It 11 Bntebsr Knife, "Keen Kutler," 8-ln blatla 1 IJ Sheam, "Keen Kutter." S4B0S ' It Nut Het, Crai ker anil Picks, -tlvr nlated M IB Baae Kail, "Aawirlatlon," bmt iual.liHi It Alarm Clock, nickel IW 17 Six Oenulne Rogers' Teaspoons, beat (ilaieil iiihhIi l&u aich. ulckel, stem wind anil aet . Huo IS Oarreri, good ateel, buckhorn bandies XI to Six Oenulne Rogers' Table Siuoiii. best plated goods 'M tt Six each. Knlreaaud rorks, buck born handles SW U Bli each. Oenulne lingers' Knlvea and Forks, beat platej goods Ma) TA(1!1. a Cluck, B-dar, Calendar, Thermom eter. Barometer 64,' ? (Inn case, leatbor, no better made, two ,j Revolver, autorastto, doable aotlon, tJortacalllier St Tool Set, nol plajrtblnga, but nml tools W '.1 Toilet s,,i ileco-ated poroalaln, very bendaoine) HIW --a Remlnsloii latte No. t, tt or S cal . " an I .. Watch, steiiiii Hihi'r.full Jeweled looU o m Dress Sun 0ae, leather, nandsoms 70 and durable iiw :.i Si-wing Haeutne, tir.n i lnss, wiiu allatiaebmanla inw 33 Revolver. ('"It's, N-OaJIber, bluml atael IM0 .'3 BtflS, Colt's, IS-ahot, JJ-callir 1MKI M Oultar v, . , . rusewoud. In laid 3& Mandolin, Vary hundsoiue HH) 36 Winchester Repeating Shot Onn, 11 gauge MM 17 Bemfngton, double barrel, haiu tuerUuot OUB, In or IJ gauge toou 9S BIcTi le, stan lurd lualtu, ladlea or vents SWS 39 Sbot Onn. Reiulugiou, double bar rel, baiuiuerless ...suuu to Regius Music Boa, 1.,, in. h DIM.. WW rwf tBOVE OFFER FXPIRES NOVEMBER 30m. 1900. a,i. Untinn I 1'laln " Star " Tin Taga ftbat Is, Star tin tags with no small SpeCial NOTICe I ltlr, printed on underaldeof tagi, are MS g.l for i-r,iUi, ,7 but wiu be paid for In CASH on tuebuU 1.1 iwuuiy ct'UtaPff haodrad. If received by ns nn or befiire March let. WW. faVBKAU IN MIND that a dlaae'a warta of STAR PLUG TOBACCO Wfll last leaser aad afford at ore pleasure than a dlme'e worth of any lb. rr brand. MAKE THE TE8TI f Sssd tsQt to COWT1WEMTAL TOBACCO CO., 8L LOUit, Mo. LdsYJ. a stgaxetts and smuso,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers