CEO. W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXVII. mi ii i i.hi ti. . u. w i i ,i KwM Hi' new advertisement oi r ur- ! . I-..., I. I'ulr In ttilu ii-. .L's P. .tl The County v. k. convention wui .tn.iil it Cent rev ilk- Frh'av and Sat- ; ,f tliiu ueeli I i i ' i - - - - Vi. will Dave a complete line i .ii.' loirs on oociiinir thivs. L. Dixkki. mount. Revival meetings are now in progress . it ii.. ..I,,.,. ,i i....i...i i... lH' llUllllllt l n l HUM II, 'Ml' 1111 I' M l' . i - T r i f hhwuuto in it v i.miii i;ui iiiiikii ii l.l it... T 11.. kJ III I II Mill III. . I " II !" I III1 meal reductions on Notions on open Ktia.s. v .....v ...... .-i i in v ii I.. DumCBLBflbEB. on iin oimt ot the heavy corresnond IT lllli TTTT11I 11 I 111 11 i il ill i l l l . i i i i )rii::L'i . H. Mi.'intr cr 111111? out uw -ifn Monday, V. H. BmnsJtCA i-rtninly you lire invited to I,. Dim lunger's Winter Millinery Opening. irv laily who is able to go, w sure to end-Oct. 25 to 27. I.utherun congregation at Krd fhurch held Thanksgiving ser- i - r nndav mornine- eoii(liii'tiil liv ..11 .1 ..l.ln .'1IIII... .... . . ... ... . p, Jill. VII 11 ir new lroods mid will irive Mm Imr. B w in ltrinir vour niniline We nv inquest price. 1 .11 I i iiii ii lit 1 1 utility h i i nit ii i r when L. Dunkelberger's Winter - - m " 1 very iMiening will taKe n nee. may, rrr ud ttaturday, Oct. 7th. tit' k. ij. i;. a. ot i'axtonville will . SI ill the church. The subject is - "0 1 wv. location" and a very nice program been arranged for the occasion. lu' citizens or r reeburg liave formed i ......v..,1H1.nn.ll,,,1M purpote is that those whotoqk rili- ion trom tin. i In. nnu. ..I i.iiit utc toward erectinga suitable monu- nt to the memory of the deceased. Republican mass meeting was held riivn fill.. M.....I... -..! i i Mvnun wvuwj nun lllllg. .Ad- were made by Hon. A. M. ill. 1 1.. i. i i i i . .I. i . -i ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' M 1 1 1 , . ii , I M. I. Potter. The attendance was 1 ' II' ' l ll'KI lllllttiif uill-u 41... i Me more plentiful along the Sus- "111 l.l I i ' r I I i i " i I ' : I i i l i iirmiiiie t.u iieiore. rjirunTs tin mix Hou-m ;iiu report large nuinlierH of l lev imiirim-il cmp v nm m.niK aid, have reared their third oovey. W 1 J I In' ininut i ii tr in.ii-u fiuiii.ftu. II Ilk 1 U w. .1 I 1. - ii. wra im a biuuihii easy Mm ii. Li. i i i - ,., i-rima ii.iii (in UI1U Ill.MI puff removed with his tonic. A " mi 4t h-ii 1.-11 TMIiUIIIHIM II ii I.. i t.. i - ..w v, H i,: .i). I iUMM HI h iin i in,, i.i,.. .1 . i . f li. i Batiafection guaranteed, tf. . v . i i.i', i vroui a uve i -'.iinr r,.ll....... II :.. ' "nivuiiiiuuierw. oeiu ai ery house. Liberal oommiaaion. l lit l.l' lll.ll.i.i .... I .. L I II i Agents wanted everywhere. I I'atknt inum MIR.1 J.l -. J u i i.t ii 1 1 1 1 i i . i 1 1 i i'i r 1 1 I'ii 1 1-4-tf. I.ewisburg Chronicle livst week ,: "Invitations to the wedding of Mw.ird McVitty Greene, ot Lew- p in. iiB Carrie tainarine wit PW, f Middleburir, have leen re- II. 'in. f : . . i . i ..... w in Lewisiiurir. T Ii e bannv I H t.i I A .. . - - miwe juace ai we Home ol nie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wittenmyer, Middleburg. Both " people are well known in Lewis- ihey wereeiliicnteil t Hn.-t it.ill fe many friends here. Lohbyiit Kindred's Opposition. ounoury American. - i.i-iueipnia ixmes is against 'OCht for State SnAtr Tha rnni. 7me VIA the nhlof Inhl.vlaf "'adlng road against the Weil- hlch Mr. Fin-lit aiinnnrtari .nil llOnQtVln m 1 11 J . -" mw. ii noes not re ft m i ... - w aw vauac u. 'wiei' ODnoaltlon. niiL'nitninn r . i um tin. . m . i . , . . COI RT HOISE CHIIS. Deeds Entered for Record. J. i. Hornberger, guardian of Daisy Mttterllng, to Plkilip s. Mltterllng farm and limestone lot m West I'erry twp.t for 71:!. II. H. Hilger, Trustiv of the estate o Henry lircon, deceased, to Jacob GU liert, IV) acres in Jackson two., for SKHiO. II. B, linger, trustee of Hentry Breon deeeiised, to Jacob B. Maurer, lli'i aeres in Jackion twp., for JlHiO. Jacob Qllbeii and wife to II. B. Bll- ger, 160 acres in Jsoksontwp., forfl6S0 Jacob B. Maurer and wife to H. B. Bilger, 1 acres in Jackson twp., for .HmU. Letters Grantsd. Letters of administration in the as tate of Lewis Crouse, late of Middle creek twp., were granted to it. M. Cole man and I. P. K rouse. Msrrlsgl Licenses. I Warren I.. Dish, Mlddlecrw l m. itrace .Matter, liiavcr HpnngB. i Victor B. Bogar. Port Treverton, i Uollle Bwineford, " l Ed ward c. Musselman, AJtoona, i .iice . DiusHciman, " i Enoch d. Aucker, Union twp., i ranmeu. aneiiy, " Chnrco Dedlcatisa. The Bmlthgrove United Evangelical church at Krcimer will lie dedicated Sunday, Nov. 4th. There will be set vlceH'Haturday previous at 7 .-00 o'clock P. M.; Sunday, the 4th, at 10 A. M and 7 1'. M. All the ministers and friends of adjoining charges are cordial ly Invited to lie present. The fourth cpiarterly conference of Mlddleburg circuit will be held at the same place, Nov. Srd, at 2:00 P. M. Bev. 8, P. Bemer, P. K., Bev. A. E. Gobble, 1). D., Bev. S. Aurand and Prof. F. ('. Bowersox will take part in the exercises. S. P. Bk.mkk, P. B. J. BHAMBACH, Pastor. WEDDING HELLS. Sunday forenoon, Oct. 21, 1D00, out nfthe most notable weddinas of tin season took place at Port Treverton, tin contracting parties being Ictor E. Bogar and Miss Dollle Bwineford. The ceremony was performed by J. Kohler Peck at Mohautongo, I lie griHim is the promising young son of Jeremiah Boaar and a brother if our most enterprising business man, John I). Bogar. mi I ..I 1 .i . iiienriiie is ine nainisome young daughter of Amandus Bwineford, of the National Hotel. The father of (be bride was so elated over the cliiiice ot Ins ilmnr iter for n future companion that he had a sum mons repast prepared and Invited all the relatives of the contracting part lea to partake of it. Attornt) Geo. l iing bend. George Long, Ksi., of Bellnsgrov one of the young attorneys of the Sny- ler County bar, died at Belinsgrove Sunday, Oct. 21st, of typhoid fever, caving a wife ainlt wo small children. For a number of yean he taught school in this county, read law with Charles Mower anil was admitted to the bar. He won a reputation as a pension at torney and not long ago was elected justice of the peace. The funeral took place Wednesday morning. A I.IK NAILED. Tii the Vnters of Snyder County. The rcpol circulated through Snyder County that I have entered Into a. poli tical trade in my interest is absolutely false. 1 am no political horse trader, but a straight Republican and will stand or fall with the whole ticket, from McKinley, Million, Or. Kinithand the rest in Snyder, and the Republican candidates in Ciiion and Northumber. land counties. While the pulic may look for all sorta of falsehoods and nonsensical stories during campaign season, yet I cannot believe that auy one will swallow any thing so unlikely as this most recent fabrication. Nevertheless, I herewith make denial, and call upo i all my friends in all the counties of the dis trict to rebuke the falsehood by stand ing by and vntine for every candidate on the Bepublictin ticket. ours for Bepubllcanisni and prosper ity. Benj. K. Focht. I.ewisburg, Pa., Oct. 22, 1U00. A Family Journal, Devoted to Rem, Science. MTDDLBBUBGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PEN N A. OCTOBER ;j l'KKTIXKN'T l'EKSON.US Mrs. (i. M. Shindel returned from her visit to Shaniokln. Win. Beaver and wife were in Phil delphla buying new goods. Kriil Bathfoti has gone to the lumber legions of ( 'amhria county. John A. Buck, of WUllamsport, spent Monday and Tuesday hi this place. John It. Kreeger will spend the win ter in the South to regain physical en durance. Amnndui Bhambaeh has resumed his trade of blacksmtthing at the old stand. Wolf Priedman, one of the Bunburv clothiers, has a new advertisement in this Issue. John Derk, of Union county, Bunday was the guest of Sheriff Row at the county stone house. Win. K. Miller, Esq., of Salem, spent the Sabbath at the county seat on-the- Mlddlecreek. '. Edward Corkinsand ftimlly have moved, to Banbury where they will coiniiict a boardlna house. H. H. Harter and wife have moved their furniture to Bunbury where they have bcL'iin housekeeninir. B. Bngleand wife, of Williams- port paid their respects to Photograph- er W. N. Bngle last week. Miss Mabel Grimm has been offered a position as cashier In H. ll. Hurler's ish Grocery at Bunbury. -Miss, eli la Oemberling, of Scl ins- grove, was en tertuintil Sunday by the Missi's Lottie and Bertha Crouse. Kyi venter Bowen moved his family to Cambria county where he wUl enrage at blaekstnlthing in a lunilier c&up, George Washington Bunis and fam liy, of Selinsgrovi , Sunday accepted tbs festive entertainment of Joseph oOwerSOI and wife. George Heaver has bought up a lot of winter apples in Union County and brought them to Mlddleburg where he Ands a ready sale for them. ...... i.i. i. m. p. noweii, one ot tneaggress- sive teachers ol I'axtonville, journeyed to the county seat Saturday and made pleasant call at Ibis office. A. I). (Creamer, of Kreamor, -'hot :t wild turkeys last week, his brother, Galen, two, ami John A. Din k, of ihN place, three turkeys and a lotol -mall game. Supt. P. C. Bowersox, who was af flicted with a carbuncle. Is able to be tut again. He is billed to speak al three Republican mass meetlnifs in l iiion ounty. ' Edward M. Greene, ofSaltlllo, was a Mlddleburg visitor Sunday and admlr- I the many-hued foliage around the town and also laid the plans for the happy event of his life. Jere Bogar, of Port Treverton, has been appointed storekeeper and gunger for Snyder County by Collector Hers hcy. The appointee Is 75 years of nms. ind is, perhaps, the oldesl official in this line in the stale. . W. Swart., of the linn of Swartz A Graybill, is in the city this week. lUying their fall and winter goods, and they invite you to come and see their goods before you buy, and extend you a hearty welcome to their store, Register and Recorder John H. Wil lis, Prothonotary George M. Bhindel, Carbon Sccbold, Supt. K. C. Mowersox, W. E, Btahlnecker, s. Barber Simon- on, Geo. W. Wagcnsller and Dr. W. W. I.ongacre attended a masonic meet ing at Itloomsburg last Thursday and Friday. A sumptuous banquet was served Thursday evening at the Kx- haiige Hotel. The Philadelphia Tina announces that, beginning with their Sunday is sue of October 2K, they will publish weekly a Serb's of articles descriptive of a Tour of the World by Dr. Edward Brooks, Superintendent of public in struction in Philadelphia, which will be illustrated by colored photographs in the form of supplements to their Sunday edition. These will lie ten by fifteen inches in size, printed on heavy plate pa per and will illustrate the most famous and beautiful scenes in a jour ney around the world. Each one will be a gem in itself. Such an offer has never before lieen made by any news paper to its readers. Can you aflord to miss it? An order to your newsdealer for the Sunday Times will be your pat- J port for the trip. Art. Political Economy and Current Literature. RBPUBMCAN mass MEETINGS, Republican mass meetings will Is held in Snyder County under the aus- pioes of the Republican Standing Com mittee, at thi' following dates ami placet : Richfield, Oct. :Tth, Fremont, Oct, 26th, Freeburg, Ocl 30th, McKees J Kails, Oct. lilst, Kreamer, Nov. 1st, Port Treverton, Nov. 2, Bhamokln Dam, Nov. 8d, Belinsgrove, Nov. 6th. The meetings will be addressed by speakers selected from the following named orators : Hon. T. M. Malum, Hon. It. K. Focht, Hon. A. M. Smith, A. VV. Pot ter, Esq , Pn.l. P. C. Mowersox, Prof Oeo. W. Walborn, Hon K. W. Tool, Geo. W. Wasenseller. Dr. P. FTonnnti M. I. Potter, Bso. Music I'll in is! ud by various cornet bands. Fellow citizens, lei Us rally and make these meetings what they should be, a grand success. by order of tin-1 'onunittce. Ed, Cuaklks. .1. A. I.i mii auk. Secretary, I 'bairman CNMM1TTEK MEETING. There will be a meeting of the mem bers of the Republican Standing Com mittee at Mlddleburg, SATURDAY, OCT. 27th, 1000, at 1:80 P. M. As this meeting is called lor the purpose of making arrangements for the fall cam paign, it la desired that there be a full turn-out, J. A. LUMBARD, Ep., Chairman. Hceretarv. Cord Wood. Hhouh. any jH-rsoh wish to chop his own wood at 15 cents a big two-horsi loan, or ai no cents a ooru already chop ped, can dosn during Nov. and Dt 11HKI for spot cash only. 10-26-2t K.C. Walter. The Companion for die Rest of ig Every Issue of the "Youth's Compun- ion" for the nine week lllld I lecember will be en Of November irged, nnil tlie Holiday Numbers will bedoul e usual size, with richly decorated covers. Prom now until the end of tho year the "Companion" will be crowded with articles and stories sufficiently varied to please every tttStc ill both "I'I Mini young lin n and women, boys and girls. Among the contributions announced for early issues are "How 1 Acted the Missionary," by sir Henry Stanley; "With tin- Pretoria Uuard," by Rider Haggard; "A Historic Game ot I'm ball," by Walter Camp; "Horse Sensi by Frank It. Stockton; "Pulpit V. quunce, by Dean I'arrar; Day Dong Ago," by an Maclaren; and Baritone Among Famous People,1 Ictor Maurel; In addition to whi there ill be serial and short stork Margaret Deland, Fll.abeth s in mii Phelps Ward, Bllas Perry, ( 'harles W. Chestnut and other writers of delight ful fiet ion. rhose who subscribe now for 1001 will receive the "Companion" for the remaining weeks of 1000 free from the the time subscription, in addition to the "Puritan Girl" Calendar for 1901, lithographed in 12 colors from exquisite designs painted expressly for t h e "( lompanion." Illustrated Announcement of the volume iwi will lie sent free to an v ad- Iress, witli sample copies of tin paper. Tin: Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. 'NOTICE.-The citizens of Centreville and vicinity who arc violations the law by allowing their cattle to run at large, ore requested to keep them off the streets under penalty of the law. Daniel Hi nt, B. F. Buoy, Jacob w. Obbrun, W. F. Samikus, G. W. Long, Mits. David Kbbb, lo-i i-8t. chas. a. Kaaa House and Lot fur Sale. House and lot near the court house in the Iwrough of Mlddleburgh, is of fered for sale. Splendid location, for residence or business. For further par ticulars, address "K" Post, tf. Mlddleburg, Pa. 26 1 Will tic at Centreville. I will be at Mrs. Samuel Brunner's at Centreville Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday anil Thursday, Oct. l".i to Nov. 1st. inclusive, with a lull line of trim med hats and millinery goods. I w j m. . ne prepare! lo return any bats at reas onable prices. Neatest work and latest styles from Philadelphia and New York assured. Mrs, K, c. Ai'kanp. - JOHN THOMAS KILLED. A Citizen tif Pens Township instantly Killed near Les isburg. Lewltburg JournsL lohn rhomas, an itinerant musician whose home was among the mountains about three miles from Vicksbunr. was ilmo-t Instantly killed on the Beading roadaboul two miles alsive Lewisbuw in Tuesday morning, by being -.truck ' 'I nglne hauling the passenger t ram leaving I ,e Isburir nl M'JUI. I hotnas eked out ii precarious exist ence bs traveling over thisnnd iidloin- Ing counties w ii ii mii autoharp, accept ing the offerings from those who were disposed to help him along. I le w a- in Lcwishurg mi Mondav nlirbtandTiieu. ay morning be headed for other limes, taking a route along the tracks of the Beading, Vbovc I.ewisburg lie sat down on the rail, and apparently fell asleep. He tOOk no UOtiCe of the Whistle of tile ocomotlve and the engineer could not bring the train to a stop, Th an was truck by the pilot ami bis body was thrown fifty feet, landing close aside of the track. The train was stopped as quickly as possible, but Thomas was dead when picked up. His skull was broken open layl.itr hare Use brains. His shoulder was broken, and he had other bruises. The lnly was brought to i.ewisburg ami taken to the under taking establishment of Hower A- Son. An inquest was held and a verdict was rendered accordingly. No blame was attached to the train's crew. Thomas was a soldier in tin-civil war and enlisted w hen lie was only fifteen years old, and was drawing a pension, lie WHS aged about M years and Naves a wife. m W hen you Imve no appetite, do you relish your food and feel t till alter eating you may know that you need a iloso ol' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Price 23 cents, Samples free at the Mid dleburg Drug store. M IRRIED. Oct. Is, at Beaver Springs, by Bev I. P. Zimmerman, Warren I.. ITIsh, of Middlccrcck, to M. Oriice Mat tern, of Beaver Springs, tct. hi, mi Sugar Street, Mlddleburg, by Bev, W'm. II. Boyer, 'hat Hummel ami Mi- .Nettie Belch, Ic.s K. Senatorial Sittings. Prom the Ml. (fennel .v. Oat. 10 Hon. Ilenjamiii K. I'm lit, ourcaudi- ilaie l"l Mate M'lial il, I- lllUKIIlg all impressive and winning canvass fore lection. Mr. I". " lit bus spent three terms in the lower bouse ut I lurrisburg und is entirely familiar with the work of both branches. He is by nature and by education admirably tilted for the lilaee: bis ripe exiicriciicc in ibis line of work w ill make him a valuable legisla tor and his manifest learning to the common people's interest will make him a very popular candidate in these trying limes. Mr. Focht bus always been popular among the working men in his own county and his fame is spreading to the other counties in the district. - Brown o Prohibitionist in 1898. Prom tin' MltBinburg WeUgraph. Brown duped and cheated I be people once under the title, "Prohibition.'' He won't do it again, not even under Un title, "Honest Ballot." Stealing (but sort of livery will not save him. All honorable and honest men will put their stamp of disapproval upon his tactics oh November 6th. He can't be trusted, deserves to be beaten and will get it guild in the shags' of a sound dubbing on election day. Antw remedy for biliousness is now on sale at the Middleburg Drug Store, It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Laver Tablets. It gives quick relief and will prevent the at tack if given as soon as the first in dication of the disease appears. Price, 2C cents per box. Samples free. Rates; One Dollar Per Annum, in V.lvance. 1 NUMBER 42. Mail Carrylna Bids Wanted. Hids for carrying mails on u. f,,. lowing star routes in Snyder county are being advertised f,.r by thepostot lice (leMirtmenl I'm- the coming four years, commencing July I, 001. In this list the former contract price is given, w 1th the prlec at which it was sublet : intract. sua I tintritt-t. f liVOO I I SI 00 05.00 Bsnnervlllv t.i Mi 1 1ui, Mlddloburu to llenvei Springs Troxolvllleta Henver Spring, Prwburg in HlddleburR, '.'I' Ml 1 11.00 ITS.00 IAO.00 H'i mi 14170 III mi 104.00 HoKem lliilf FnWt t.. Hlddli i. itin. i .. 7.ii 1 III 1)11 141.70 HIT. 14 104 TO 100.0 181.00 ll ; "" nurg in .iii,i,ii,.,iir(. Ktnlmn lo Mlddleburg, Bellnsgrova t.i Kmlurvllle, Mtddlotwarth t.. IVnn'tCroeK Rlohfleld in Sellnegroro, mcKooa unit I all-1.. Mlllemtown 48H.H Sellnagmve la Dummel'i Wharf, n.oo Shauiokln ham hiSunbury r.rmi Sbrclnor In Shomnklii nm T . Hid- lllllst lie Mil I lo (he Dostof- lice department ;it Dec. I, 11100. Washington before No bid will I nsldereil unless the bidder resides mi or die h to the route, ,1, u bleb the service i, to be per- f"n It or agree to-,, reside, and gives bis personal suNrvislon to the perform ance of I he service. Bidders iitv re(uested to use the prin ted proposals fumlshetl by the depart- nl Bidders should sl;it,. iileir .,-- Ills ine service l,i lor ulrlnllv i.i . ... accord- nig in me advertisement, any changes mode in tin Vice. regardless of i present ser- Th route, the service the traal pay, the name and ml, ln ss of the bid- der (that Is his usual s.stofllce address) and the name of each memlicrofaflnii. wriejc, compa.iy bids., -should b.,dis tlnctly stated. Fvcry proposal must beacoomnanled o a oonri with two or more sureties approved by a postmaster, and in cases win re the amount of the bond cxciiuls ($5,000,) by a postmaster of the first, second or third class. In to carrying the mails to the various ost offices on tin- star routes the curl ier on each route (except where otherwise RMjelrlcaIly stated) will be .il-'i required t.. deliver nnil into ni boxes thai may lie orccted along the rmite, under the follow ing conditions : Any person living on or near nnv shir route herein described 11 ml nnl within tin- corporate limits nf any town or within R0 mils of any postof lice, who desires bis mail dcH)sitcd in a box on the lille of the rollb- by tile ear lier mi said route may provide and erect n suitable box mi tin- roadside, located iii such manner ns to be reached as conveniently .-is practicable by the carrier, and such person shall file with the postmaster at th.- post, nice to which bis mail i, addressed w hlch shall I tie of tin- two postofllccs 011 the route on either side of ami nexl to the box I n request in writing for the delivery of mall to the carrier mi Hie route I'm- deposit in mX , tlc risk of addressee, The postmaster nf such postofflec n ceivingsuch requesi or order shall de liver tin-mail fur such liox to tin-earner, who shall deposit 11 therein with out charge to the addressees. The mail carriers must he able to write the English language and be f sufficient Intellige to properly bun dle and tlcpiMit (hi- mail for boxes fi lling t lie routes. All blanks and particulars may he obtained by writing to the Second As sistant Postmaster General, Washing ton, D. '. When you cannot sleep for cough ing, it is hardly necessary that .-my 010 shout I tell vou that you need a few iloscs of Chamberlain's Oougfa Kcnietly to alhiv th" irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible, It is good. Tivit. For sale bv (be Middleburg Drug Store. We ate executing some of the finest job printing that lias ever been Been in Central Pennsylvania. i "For three ils.VH and niglits I suf fered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers," says M. EL Lowther. clerk of tho district court. Centreville, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but all to no pur pose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and three doses re lieved me entirely." This remedy is for sale by the Middleburg Drug Store.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers