Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Makes hot breakfast-breads wholesome no yeast germs, no alum. Makes cake, biscuit and pastry of superior fineness, flavor and deli cacy. Makes food that will keep moist and sweet. Is most economical, because it is the' i purest and greatest in leavening strength. In the easy, expeditious preparation of the finer cakes and pastries, Royal is indispensable. Care must be taken to avoid baking powders made from alum. Such powders are sold theap, because tbey cost but a lew cents per pound, Nut only will they spoil the cake, but alum Is a corro sive acid, which taken iu food weans injury to health. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. The ttiddleburgh Post. Q:0. W. WAGENSELLIZR. Editor and Proprietor. KnVT.-: at the Post Office t Middleburg, Pa, as ,cronl rlast, mail inaltt r H18TOKV. Established iu 1844 us the Union Ijemokrat, at New Berlin, n ter naii iVhig paper. Changed name to Mm Post in 1861, Oldesl Republienn newspaper in Snyder County. BBPI'ttMCAN VTH.vl. TICK.'!'. Presid t Wm. McKiNtuv. V. Pri' Idelll -THEoPOUE RooBKVKLT B9 IM A Jl SI A l l; until Auditor Oen'l E. I!. HARDENurKOH, Coiign smeu at largo (. A. Grow, K. S. PoKKDKKEK. REI'VBI.M'AN TICKET. Congress Hon. Thau, M. Maiiox. Bhvatob Hon. Ukn.i. K. Focht, . Hon. a. m. smith. i': lary Geo. M. Shindel. Register & Recorder Jno. H. Willis. Jii t Attorney M. I. Potteb. Jon ' ininissl r E. E. Shambach. MiOOLESUSGr. MARK-T. Butter IS Wheat 70 Eees IS ! rive, OuiouH 50 Corn 45 Lard ! Oats 28 Tallow 1 Brau per 100. 90 Chickens 7 Middlings" 1.00 Turkevs Chop 1.10 Shoulder 8 iFlourperbbl i (hi Bam 15 I How the Organ Contest Stands. Tiic eighteenth count slimvs the result ;i follows : U. Evan, church, Penn's Creek : N ewspapcr coupons, 210 Premium coupons, 1 1 IJ. 15. ( 'hurch, Fremont, Pp mium coupons, Total. 521) TOTAL VOTE ( 'AST : Evan, church, I'. 'reck, tJ, l '.. church. Fremont, Six iczer I '. I!, .-hurch, Trinity church, M'KeesJ Falls, Total. 8704 6052 2608 : ins I 17,!S2 The organ contest will dose Dec. l", 1900, :it live o'clock I'. M. CUT this or r TTir liditMim-nh TPaxA NO. 24. Oct 18. This coupon entitles the holder to one vote for the handsome WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN raj umh ny me eovor mn a rmnn o. r ul inric, l it . itix -.I. i i y f . . Kieyei, Miu .Ilrhurff, P.) to be given to nome Church, Sunday School or Public School In Hnvder County, by the Pout, MitMlenurKii, Pa. riiis vote is rant for : TIiIh coupon is not Rood rive weeks after (M above dateand will then Dot be counted. EjScad by mail or bring to this office and VI have it deposited In the ballot r. PENNSYLVANIA TO DO HER DUTY. Renuhlicans Will Vote Straight Ticket and Help Make Gains in Congress. FUSION ON THE DOWN GEADE Stnlwiirt "iVr-nt to Sec Wiiiiiimnkrr, Martin and Pllnn in the Open nnd on Ike Stamp For the limnrKi-nt-Demoerntle Combine Candidates, anil Reaulta of (In- Stone nml llnr m ii Campaign Will n- Repeated. (Special Com Bpondenoe.) Philadelphia, Oct. 16. Gen. Frank Reader, chairman of tho Republican statu committee, anil Senator Holes Penrose spent an entire day in New York last week In consultation with Chairman Manna and members of the executive committee of the Republiaco national committee. Upon their re turn to this city they were quite en thusiastic over the reports they heard through the national committee lead ers regarding the prospects of resi dent McKinley's election by even a larger vote in the electoral college than was given him four years ago. They could not, however, conceal tho anxiety which the party leaders have over the situation in the canvass for memberi of the national house of rep resentatives. "It Is quite probable," said Chairman Mauley, of the executive committee of the national committee, to Gen. Reeder, "that iu many states in which McKin Iey will have an increased vote we shall lose congressional districts which are now represented by Republicans, in the bouse. This fact confronts us, and we must therefore use every ef fort to offset these probable losses, which may occur In the middle western states, by Republican gains in New York and Pennsylvania." After expressing himself In this manner phairman Manley went into detail with Oen. Ueeder regarding tho situation in every congressional dis trict In this state, and while reports received from the county chairmen in dicated that the party organization is making an aggrt slve campaign the leaders are very seriously handicapped in several congressional district fights owing to the action of so-called Repub licans In tuslonlng with the Democrats on the legislative nominations. DUTY TO REPUBLICANS. Chairman Manley said lie regretted fo hear this, and declared that it was the duty of every Republican to stand by his party ticket from top to bottom in such an important crisis as now confronts the Republican organisation In the nation in the matter of the con trol of the next congress. Chairman llunna fully concurred in this declaration and directed the heads of the various bureaus at the national committee headquarters to honor every request from Chairman Ueeder for literature and for speakers for meet ings in the interest of the Republican candidates for congress in this state. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only ono way to pure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inlluuied condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian tube. When the tube gots inflamed you have a rumbling sound or i im perfect heariuc. and when it ia en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and the tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for auv case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free, F. J. OHENET & CO., Toledo, C. Sold bv ail druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. "We must gain congressmen In Pennsylvania," declared Senator Han ua emphatically, "and we must do everything possible to help the party organization in the state get out the full vote." Chairman Manna assigned former Congressman John S. Wise, of Vir ginia, one of the strongest orators on the list at the national committee head quarters, and Col. Fatrless, another gifted orator from Virginia, to ac company Col. Quay's party on the tour of Pennsylvania. Other speakers will be assigned to meetings to be held In the several contested congressional districts in this state. INSURGENTS WITHOUT HOPE. While the insurgent Republicans of the Martin-Fllnn combination are pre paring to make one last rally to round up their forces before the election there la every reason to believe that they are very much disheartened and fear that they will make a sorry showing at the election. Martin has practically given up hope of doing anything for the In surgent movement in this city. He can not defeat a single Republican candi date for the legislature, either with a stralghtout Democratic candidate or in a fusion deal with one Democrat and one Republican. This fact Is known to his fellow In surgents In the state. While they will keep up a beating of the tom-toms, be cause there Is nothing else for them to do, those who know the true situation realize that there is nothing for them to expect out of the present campaign. The repeated announcements that John Wanamaker Is to take the stump for the fusion ticket are hailed with de- i light by the stalwart Republican lead ers. They want him to go Into every county where there Is a fusion com bine on the legislature. They feel that his speeches will have about the same effect as they had In the campaigns against the election of Governor Stone and against the election of Col. James E. Harnett, of the Tenth regiment, for state treasurer, Wauamakerism is not popular In this city, and It Is not likely that It will be any more so in the state than heretofore. Disappointed and disgruntled mil lionaires have discovered that the Re publicans of the Keystone state do not recognize money as the sole qualifica tion for party leadership nor for of ficial honors. Mr. Wanamaker has been conspicu ously lacking in party services, except when he has an ax of his own to grind, and his attempts to disrupt the Re publican organization of this stal have thus far signally failed of their pur pose. The presence of Col. Guffey here last week with the M irtln-Flinn outfit drew attention to the crafty game this D m ocratlc politician Is playing. He has made all sorts of deals with the insurgents for the defeat of Re publican cant Hire, .and at till same time he Is taking advantage of the dissensions wh;:; he has thus nourished In the Republican organisation to help eh -t Dt mocrata to congress. Me I? working for all he Is worth for the election of McAleer, a Democrat, to congress from this city, and he has the active support of the David Martin organization, or at least so much of it a Martin can control Tired that's all. No energy, no vim, no vigor, no ambition. The head aches, thoughts are confused, memory fails. Life becomes a round of work but half accom plished, of eating that does not nourish, of sleep that fails to refresh and of resting that never rests. That's the beginning of nervous prostration. "I was very nervous and so tired and exhausted that I could not do my work. One dose of Dr. Miles' Nervine quieted my nerves and drove away the lassitude. Seven bottles did wonders in restoring my health." Mks. M. E, LACY, Fortville, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the worn-out nerves, refreshes the tired brain and restores health. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. THE CHOIR CELESTIAL. One ot the Greatest Musical Composi tions Free to All. There is always a demand for a great saereil long, " The Palms," "The Holy City" and others have Iktii sung by thousands. Next Sunday, September 21, "The Philadelphia Press" will give free to its readers Arthur Trevelyan'i magnificent "Choir Celestial," one of the most iM'fttit.ful songs ever wrltttn. This supplement is in regular sheet music size, ready to be placed on the music rack, it has a suberbly orna mental frontispiece in six colors, which ! beautiful enough to frame. Frankly, this is the finest piece of sheet music, both as to appearance and quality of the composition, ever given away to the public nnd it is yours, absolutely free, with next Sunday's "Press." It will be well to order next Sunday's "Press" in advance. Martin, however finds that he earmot command many of hit former follow era, who say they propose to go along with the Republican organisation and help elect Henry Burk, the Republi can nominee for congress against Uc Aleer. The insurgents find that they will cut a small figure In this district, as not only will Mr. Burk be elected, but every Republican candidate for state representative, as well aa the state sen ator, will be elected also. PATTISON FOR BRYAN AND FU SION. Up In the Sibley district the Insur gents are working with Emery, who la running on the Democratic ticket for congress, and former Governor Paul son, who has been atumping for Bryan in the doubtful atatea, has been sent up to Sibley's district to help the insur gents elect Emery to congress and de feat the Republican candidates for the legislature. Emery supported Paul son when he ran for governor, and Pattlson Is now returning the favor. Sibley, the regular Republican candi date for congress iu this district, la going to win, and win by a large majority. CAMPAIQrUOMMENT. Crisp and Timely Chat of the Presidential Canvass. Brjanlam nn tin- Wnnr nnd McKln 1 and tliv IIuMli'iin Part? Looming I i an Cetrt&iat Winnera. Things are coming our way. A short day Is better than a short dollar William McKinty. The vote of next November will decide the length of the war iu the Philip pines. Mr. Bryan's sneers at the full dinner pall will not efface the memory of the wb.Uingmcn, The Democratic party Is consistent In that It is keeping up Us record for inconsistency. V.'ciir the F!fl? Mr. Bryan will omit all nlliisions to the Tamil. any ice ti ust during his cam paign tour of New York. The drift of public sentiment Is growing stronger every day in favor of the Republican party. The Hon. George Fred Williams de clines to permit some of the gold Dem ocrats to return to the party. Tbimi' wl phold law und order nenr the I'Iiik. The Renubltcaj nartv Is the nartv that performs. The Democratic party is the party that promises only. Currency is now going west nnd outh to move the crops. Never before 41d It have such a job of moving to perform. fi- iu- rime. Senator Welllngtonton goes away from home to do his campaigning. By this move he manages to escape some of the wrath of bis constituents. The difference between Hryanism and Democracy is the difference be tween politics In Its worst sense and statesmanship In its historical sigillca- tion. Bryan despairs of the future of tho country because the voters insist on permitting business to influence their politics, and yet be himself has grown wealthy by making politics his busi ness. It Is safe to predict that free sliver will never again find place in a Demo cratic platform, but it will take tho party a long time to overcome the stig ma of having adopted such a financial heresy. Ilon't tuinl (Iowa the Fine Mr. Bryan fears that the full dinner pail may not last through the cam paign. It is sure to do that, but it will lie empty pretty soon after election. If, by any unexpected accident, he should be elected. The settlement of the differences be tween the steel workers and their em ployers is a serious blow to the Demo cratic managers. A campaign which depends upon business depression is naturally fragile and sensitive. ThiiNi' who uphold lnw nnd order i weauf tin' i'Iiik. A multiplicity of paramount Issues has not been productive of harmony In the Democratic household. Even those who desire to follow their leaders hav had to "about face" so often that they cannot for the life of them tell whether they ure coming or going. After tho November elections the gold Democrats will be in position to say "I told you so," and It will be their turn to dictate the conditions for res toration to membership for those who abandoned the worship of the true principles Ot Democracy for the prlvl legs of dancing around the silver calf. The Democratic papers print with ghoulish glee every piece of news cal culated to show with more or less ac curacy that the Filipinos are rising everywhere antl killing the soldier boys of the United States. But they forget to add that the responsibility for it rests with some of the Democrats. In 1895. under Democratic adminis tration, our favorable trade balance was $75,568,200. During the last three years, under the Republican policy of expansion In the world's markets, our valuable trade balance has averaged more than $565,000,000 each year. Thla means more work for the mills and more work for American labor. Be sure to read the new story, "Maloom Kirk," now appearing in the Post. oooocooooooooooooooooooooo $10 SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT $7.50 These suits are of all wool eassi mores, cheviots anil Wonted, plain colors, checks, plaids and stripes, worth every cent of ten dollars. We make them at $7.50. o o s o o o o o f o o o o when here knows Other Brosious Brothers Really the Most Reliable CLOTHING STORE o o o oowot)oo9ooooo9ooooo9cSoec0cOcoo0ooo IMMENSE Call to see tliem. .. s x . Excellent Farm for Sale. Wishing to quit (arming, I am of fering at private sale a most excellent farm containing 107 acres of rich farm. ing laud, fs7 lien's of which isi learaml in a good stale of cultivation. The bal ance is limber. On the land is a good large bank barn, excellent dwelling house, good size, all kinds of outbuild ings in good repair, good cane molas ses factory, good never-failing water near the liouse and in the fields for the stock, excellent apple orchard, alum dance of peaches, cherries, pears, and all kinds of small fruit, such a- black and red raspberries, grapes, currants, plums, etc. The property is located convenient to church, store nnd postofflOfl along the public road nnd is a very prom inent farm. We raise excellent grain nnd grass ; have good fences and a tine location for a flsh dam within sight of the house. The soil is good, deep and rich, no stones to bother with, no ditch ing necessary, no slate nnd we have an easy road to the river. We will also sell 20 acres which will make a small farm for some one who does not care for much land. This farm was twice sold for $5,000 and Is now offered at the very low rate of $2800. If it were not for the fact that I wish to discontinue farming, the farm would not be offered at so Tow a figure. A clear title can be given. MRS. M. A. BAILEY, 7-19-Sm. Pallas, Snyder Co., Pa, D J"S jn MARKET ST., SUNBURY, PA. Q m 4K w idlpIL GUNS AND AMMUNITION, B LyTyn sporting Goods, Eg P Cameras - aid sgio, I ;': & t Phonographs f -lMj and Records. 1 I o t o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! t 0 t 0 0 t 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 t o 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o TEE FINEST OTERCOiTS of blue and black kerseys, tan coverts and oxfords. Every coat guaranteed to fit. These arc without a doubt the most re markable values at $7.50. IT'S GOOD SHIRT NEWS we say all Manhattan Shirts are for fall. Almost every shirt wearer about this make. $1.50 to $X00. liosom shirts 50c und $1.00. o ROCKER SALE AT SHIPMAN'S FURNITURE STORE 439Market St., SUNBURY, PA., o : ;v. . V v ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Let ters of Administration in the ellaia of Catharine BvoMt, Inte ,,f 1'eini tu p.. Bnjrdet county, Pa., deo'd, ImvinK baen granted to the iinilemigned. all pejrsotta knowtttg tht'iie salvia imiehted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, while theme imvinn O'atmiwlll present them duly authenticated tn the underlined, tlfcO. A. SNVDKIt, Salem, Pit., J. I. P1SHKK, MelimiKrovc. lt. Oct. 10,1900 Administrator XT AN I'KD Active mini, of rood etianictcr, le deliver and collect, in t'eiiniylvania. for an old established manufacturing wholsesnle liouse. 8900 a year, sure pay. Honesty, more lion experience, required. Our reference, any hank in the city. Enclose self-addressed a"1' tamped envelop. Manufacturers, Third Floor. 3 4 Dearbon street Chlcaiio. 9-13-t6l SALE REGISTER Saturday, Nov. 8, In MlddlehurK, James P Smith, admidistrstor of Violetta Uowereox.wiU sell her personal property. Saturday, Oct. 20, near Port Trevcrton. Mary Brubaker will sell house and lot and personal property. The Post will be sent from now til after election for 16 cents and till Jan 1 . 1901. for 26 cents. This offer is god only for new subscribers and is made for the campaign only. tf. What Shall We Hare tor DeaerlT The question arises in the family every dav. Let ds answer it to-day-Try Jell-o, a delicious dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No baiting Add hot water and set to cool. Fla vors: Lemon, orange, rasberry snd strawberry.