The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 18, 1900, Image 4

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    Til K Ml I )1)LKHU RG POST
I'uMishrd Eierv Thursday Morning
G. W. V A GEH SELLER, Editor and Proprietor.
srilscKU'l UN KATKS.
91 .OO per e:tr if mid in ndvioiee. 81. M 1" r ypAr if not paid
in MfuMi IHngls tnplee. live tents.
I "VfflJ voters o( Snyder county on November
6tb will be presented with a formidable
array of candidates on the Kepublicau ticket.
Standing on a platform, espousing fbl the fu
ture, as it has proven in the past an era of pros-
Aii. rnii.B ki. .,nt ht i. nr, nonpareil ii.ein.ure. perity, the Hcpublican party lorges to the
men! I"r Ursl Insertio;. mid 10 eentM Hr line for vfu h nnline- . i i i i l.
qoent insertion. HTOFF1CE. Hwfa Oouaty Court Don, I tTODt. 1 he voter should have no hesitancy in
between the First National Itniik and the CountyJail. . . ....
I putting Ins seal of approbation upon the full din- '
V.,! . vxNvn. n,T. is. HKKi. Xi'mhkk41. j nur wMoh cfln foun(, ;n every worksluip
Uld home.
MeKinlev, four years ago in derision by his j
political adversaria was dubbed the advance
agent of prosperity, but he converted derision
into a stern and welcome reality. The presi-l
dent has been tried. The mills and factories are
running and even in the towns of Snyder county i
it is next to impossible to find a Workman for I
even a short job. Colonel Roosevelt, the Bough I
. ! V A H - Wm
Collated and Arranged Expressly for The Post
Your Money Back
It any of tM Capas Ull to plMM.
44 Famous Maryland" I Ho. 5 X. Tsli apalat
Capes art m. U bj akllM IMS" !
tail r. ao4 pMHM a linsto1 No. IX. PltOO
Did Charity prevail, the l'resn would prove
vehicla of Virtue. Troth and Inn fmilll
What the Papers Sat about the Situation.
From the Ulltonlan, Oct Mh.
TlIE experience i)t Hon. B. K. Focht as a
member of the Lower House of the Legislature
qualifies him to render his constituents efficient
service in the Senate. Me is well acquainted with
.1 11....1 1 .:..!... .. 1... . ..o i
ill' 11 11 1 1 11 it i- .inn 1 11 1 1 .1 1 1 in 1 11 n i - 1 ,11 11 ill, .!;; 1 IV lit 1 1 1 iii 1 1
.... 1 . 111. i'-.t .1 1 Kitler, has shown to the world his valor and as
Bive, ambitious and a ready debater. Witntnese
.. . ' - . .... !......-. x- V I. 1 I L! ' t .... 1 hi aniiNul (I,.,! .,tli lii uuvcruui 111 .inv juik nas show 11 111s aoini as
tion this district will receive its just recognition.
Mr. Focht served Union county faithfully while
representing i; in the Legislature, and he will be
as faithful to the district as its representative 111 , tr;,.t f pe
the senate.
I'roni tho Harrisburg Telegraph.
II a. li. K. Focht, ol Lewisburg, has Ixtm
nominated lor Senator by the Republicans In the
district composed ol the counties ol Union, Sny
a statesman.
Our candidate for Congressman of the 18th Dis
nnsylvania, has filled the position for
almost eight years and has made a brilliant re-1
cord in the lower House. He has always paid
close attention to claims (or pensions coming
I'rom his distrirt, and stood by Pn sident McKin-
1 IV. I 1 I 1 M I A 'till
tier ana nonnumucnanu. .Mr. rocni win ne ney an(j supported his hands in the a essful et-
remembered as the representative from Union , . . , , ....
. . ., ,r J . fort to employ every man who was willing to
county in the HoilSe two years ago. lie IS a
brilliant young Republican, an elovuent speaker, v-
an efficient and painstaking legislator. Thcdis- BESJ. K. FOCHT.
trict is Republican and it the Republican voters The Senatorial district candidate is Hon.
give to him the support he deserves Senator K. 1 5tn j. K. Focht, ol Union county, a Rial) who
m. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' i win nave a wormy successor, lit
is the editor oi the Lewisburg Neica, one of the
best county weeklies ol the State.
L 1 L -X- X sL -si sL" X "J
1- atf
represented this county for three years in the
lower 1 1 louse at Harrisburg. He has secured
more legislation for the people of I Fnion county
than any other one member has been able to ac
complish for his county. He is a progressive,
iron-willed and never-yielding war-horse in the
struggle lor successful legislation and being
granted the powers of a State Senator, added to
his long acquaintance with State lawmakers, the
constituents of the 27th Senatorial district may
be sure to hear their trumpet sounded in the
Senate chamber and have recorded upon the
statute books of the commonwealth ofPenusyl-l
vania some laws that will be received by the tax-I
payers with open arms. He is a man of ability,
energy and has the happy faculty of bringing to
a successful issue all he undertakes.
The successful termination of his first term in-
the House ol Representatives in Harrisburg, puts
Pr A.M. Smith in the best kind of a position
vn. r 'or t'1L, second term. His second nomina
tion was given to him by the solid vote of his
Benjamin K. Focht, who represented in the party and it is but a fitting testimonial to his
Lower Mouse at Harrisburg his county (Union) i worth to return him to Harrisburg lor the second
lor a number of terms, was unanimously nomina- term
ed by the conferees ol the Twenty-seventh Sen-
atorial I istriot, composed ol the counties l Nor- . 0E0RGE M0ATZ S,,1V1"-1-thumbcrland,
Snyder and Union, to represent VVe would not attempt to say anything in he
said district in the Senate. Mr. Focht is a halt of Mr. Shindel, the candidate for Prothono
strong man ami served conspicuously in the tary and Clerk of the several courts of Snyder
HuS0- county. He is too well known as an efficient of
ficer to need any laudation at the hands of the
1 have e.iine, anil the world shall le shaken
Like a ned, at the touch of mv roil,
And the Kingdoms of Time shall awaken
To the voice of the summons of ( lodj
No more through the dim f the ares
Shall the warning! and chiding! divine,
From the lips of mv prophets ami stures
He trampled like pearls before swine.
Ye have stolen mv land and my eattle,
Ye have kept back from labor its meed;
Ye have challenged the outcasts to battle,
When they plead at your feet in their need;
And when clamors of hunger :rew louder,
And the multitudes prayed to lie fed,
Ye have answered, with prisons or powder,
The cries of your brothers for bread.
I turn from your altars and churches,
And the mocking! of steep! s and domes,
To join in the long, weary marches
( M' the ones ye have robb d of their homes;
1 share in the sorrow ami crosses
of the naked, the hungry and cold,
And dearer to me are their losses
Thau your g tins and your idols of gold.
1 will shatter the might of the spoiler,
l will laugh at your dungeons and locks,
The tyrant shall yield to tlie toiler,
And your judges eat grass like the ox;
For the prayers of the pool have ascended
To he written in lightnings on high,
And the wails of your captives have blended
With the holts that must leap from the sky.
The thrones of your kiufrs shall he shattered
And the vassals and serfs shall pi free;
I will harvest from Seed-that I scattered
In the borders of blue iallilee,
For t come not alone and a stranger
Lol my reapers shall sin,' through the night,
Till the star that stood over the manger,
Shall cover the world with its Light.
The oy bean seems about to lv-oaJ
popular aa rapidly as did alfalfa S
Tfce sot b Introduced and fj
mucn ttie same rJ
sons, says the ChiJ
T : i n.1 l 1
caffii tniiw iuc mv) m an uprijBJ
stin-ste.mmea, orancning uean importJ
ed from Japan a few years BgoaafM
headway in popular estimation aJ
been mine almost entirely during u,
last year. The agricultural nuthoritij
are impressed with its value as a furuj
plant and the experiment stations J
the middle west have made most (at0J
able reports which have led the aerm
pn, ni h. cultural press strongly to recnrnnienfl
lomBdliikla .. 11 u . nu: .
book, whkk " I'r;meiU
lo.IL Tbi M oontmiDi tso isss station reports that planted - . J
o.n la U . SB SB all. 10U In 1
j atainnra.,,!, 1. 1 CSTnwi mk r " of ,ne Prest soils it has produced rd
i iZ:u1o,r't,os"l;M ,M4 P""' or tlire ton of lent dry fra?,
ZZlEttZrZ, I As an evtaeace of op nay to an acre ana it is eaten wi,4
Ko.i i. Price a. 70. 1 interest send ioc. to relish bv stock. As a green cron ia
Iielp pav postaRe. and you may deduct Uteaa : , ' "!
lOo. Ir6m your first orderot1.00. turn under for manuring the bu
DRESS GOODS. Tht richttt and mat said bv authorities not to have itseng
t$3F&JZ5 clover, it adds nitrogen to th.J
IS. 40 ptr tent, saved on urtu uooai anu .r-
lgBcc tod awclliSom for
Un to otber (artnrnla
Tb.a oapea are mut
craoa j lu.h wilt! dp
atorm oollar, band' t InhroWrrpd
Ilk aaataaka braid
ant elaboraulr
baadad. 100 INCH
BWtlP. avaU
TblbM Far aol
lax ud Salah.
Tb.j an mad..
vlia roar
aeama wblob
Mka ib
aoorom to
tba abapa,
llaad (Its
Sou tba alia.
Clre Bust Hoi
ore when order-
ing. Oar tew (;.a-
ral catalog
Dot alone ahowa K.BBt
Titiaa In Wearlac a p.
purl, iri mmlM aid
cloiblnl toe LARIKS,
aissv s t niLiKji
ftodatKS.but alaa all
li.ii. it to Ml and
wear at a aala
(Tom S&to Ta par
eeot. Ku.r-
niM uied Id tba
U. in.-. a Hottt.
an OOoe,
Farm, or asj
koowa par-
to n
At Factory Prices we sell everytlilnir you
Bny. Whicn book snail we send? Adantu
tbls way :
JULIUS HINES 4 SON. Baltlmors, Ms. Dept. 909.
Oct. 11, by Rev. Christian !. Miller.
Oscar S. Willis, of Philadelphia, to
' Nina May Erlenmyer, of Freeburg.
1 Oct. ii, byj. (i. Hornberger, .1. P.,
Hied H. Courtney, of Lewlstown, to;
Ells Poltz, of West Perry twp.
pleases all tin- family. Four Flavors!
Lsmon,orR!iffn,raRnbeiTy an'l straw
berry At your tcrooer's. 10 cents.
Try it to day.
Mi a
liuvt- yu wk h klndncM ibowi
Pmi it on.
"J' win not dotlJ for you alone -
PlMN it on.
Lei it wipe another! tcnM
l-t it travel tlovvn ttti yearn,
Till in Heaven it eppean
lnf it on '
From ilo M Ha Ledger
o -yai
a good official, will not hesitate a vote.
From tin Northumberland County liepubllann.
I lux I! I.' I.' t .1 i
an intelligent gentleman whohas all the qnali- '.'" He lli,s bf"1 nominat) without opposi
fications ol n wise statesman. This districl wys tion, thereby practically concediug to him a ee
ncver better represented thuu it will lie with him term. The books in his office and the pa
in the Senate. wide acquaintance and in- pers emanating therefrom are specimens of neat
timate knowledge of the working 61 the Legisla- Dc88 and perfection, and Renublicans wbn lr
4 ..1.; ... ... .i . 1 ' i
ll( 1 1 1 I It I Mill I" IMH III 1 1 I I M 1 1 HI I I It U l-
triot, Iclji make Ills majority overwhelming.
Prom the Fn cbora Courier. Ooi. 12.
Wins B. K. Focht was a member of the low- The Pre8ent inotimbeul of the Register and
er house oi the legislature he was a man of af- Itecorder's office is serving his first term in his
lairs. A man who ili.l things, and of whom peo- official capacity, He has proven to lie an oblig
ple talked in a mauner entirely creditable to his ing and official ,,(, hM endeavored to
genius as a statesman. He, while being honest , , , , . . ,,
ii l.i .-. i Keep Ins fees below what the aw alloffS T he
and loyal to his own constituents, was the chain- on., tm
pion ol the working men ol the entire Common- 'K)oks and Ial'ers '" Mr- ,N illis' office are' neat,
wealth, and especially the friend of the United correct, are a credit to the best officials and are
Mine W'oi hers, ami supported every measure on a par with the large county and city offices,
thai could benefit the farmer and wage-earner. Vote for Willis. '
He recorded his vote againsi trusts and mono- miles l potter
polies, and thus endeavored to advance the inter- , ,, .
. i it ,i ! i , i . m. I. rotter, one of Middleburc a active m.l
estS ol aL the citiens ol this rrreat (..oinmoii- ' luuituuigo uuuvt ami
wealth. There is no reason why every ecod citi- Pro8re88lve i"01"''.'''-, lias been named as the ! taker boost i
Onrc I counted my little More.
Why wii.i to others given more?
Why were their llpt with honey ted,
While mine Im.i labor's batrd-Mrned breod?
A wenry, bopeleM uik stotttod Lltriruji
I could not hriiiK to Qod thanksgiving.
There came n poor nam la my door,
I Rhnreil willi him hit Saantv ntorc;
When, lol my Mnss "f want had down,
Ami rarest riches were my own !
So sweet in Love's divided bread,
I seemed with Heaven's own manna fed.
Buoh blew ed joy there i in giving 1
I brought to Coil my glad Thanksgiving.
They buill a One church at hi- vny door
lie wasn't in it ;
They hro't him a scheme for relieving tin-1 r.
He wosn' t ill it :
Let them work fur II isnlven, n he hail .lone :
They wouldn t ask help from any one
If they hadn't wasted each golden mi iu
He wasn't in It.
So he passed the pour with a haughty trend ;
lie wasn't in it ;
And he scorned the h I with averted head -
lie wasn't in it.
When men in the hulN of virtue met.
He saw their goodness without regret;
Too high the murk f..r him to w in it ;
lie wasn't in it.
The beans erept down the street one day,
lie Was ill It ;
The funeral cortege made a great display ;
lie Was ill it.'
Saint Pater received him with book and bell:
" My friend you've purchaw il a ticket to well,
Your elevator goes down in a minute ! "
lie was in it !
liiu Telephone Deal.
The Spring Telephone Co, has sold its
lines, Instruments and effects to the
Penn Telephone Company for $12,800
and the papers for the transfer are to lie
executed Saturday of this week.
This purchase is only the beginning
of a lnr;ro telephone deal. The next
move will be the consolidation of the
Penn, Tusearora, Home, Shamokin
alley, Schuylkill ami Montour and homa
( olumbla telephone companies and
merge them into one company, at in
ventory values, which is said t he
about $i;ti,00U total for the companies.
and it ls therefore a renovating inJ
teat oi an exnausung crop, it is fJ
picially suited to take the place
clover in a systemntic rotation whrrrl
the clover has been kied by scran
winters, as is the case in icuny Iocs
ties in the middle west now; orwlirril
the spring seeding of clover has fa
to catch. The experiment stationstnjl
making an attempt to indiuce tlie farm-l
ers to sow me crop. Bwng a ana
weather plant, it should not be planted!
in northern Indiana, northern Ohio on
northern Illinois before the lust of Mav
it is sown at tnc raieoi u Duanei and i
hull to the acre on well-prepaid landj
sowing wiiii a wneai anil. It ;l
covers the ground, requires no titteM
tion and is free from weeds. Aside
from its value as forage and as a uitro
genuus crop, the beans are valuable for
feeding stock, as they contain a large
amount of protein. At the Kansas CM
pcriment station it was shown thill
they were the best food for fattei
hogs, as a smaller quantity of I
bcaos is required to make a pound otl
pork than is required of any other food.1
J he prediction is made that in M
years nearly every farmer and (dockl
raUer will lie growing toy beun.-
lnvitl Hunter, a resident of (lkIJ
visited the -National stoctl
yards of St. Louiil
a few dnvs in i
a peculiar mission,!
snvs a local excbauM
that he came to East St. Louis fori
the purpose of looking up a certain
small cow which he sold in a genenl
A Little Glrl'S
Lost Caw.
Hunter claims,
; When you cannot sleep lor cough
inff, it is hardly necessary that any
' one nhnnl ( tell vnn Hint vnn I a
i few doses of Chamberlain's Cough i consignment from his place about ;
' Keiuedy to allay the u ritaMon of the , weeks ago. lie claims that his youn
tiiroat, ami make sleep possible. It est daughter reared the little ol
; i nt . i u.. ii. . .. . . r". 1
in sunn. IO 111. I 'll flllB W.V-1I1C- fmm it M f nrrf lW-AOtno vMA-tlrlleli
r o. - -
Middleburg Drug Store.
niF.o. At Mem, October 8rd, Cyril
I Klijah,' inftint son of George A. and
Sallie Snyder, aged 111 mouths. Imer
ment at Salem October 6th. Rev. H.
i (l. Suable oinN lated.
At Salem October VI, Catherine
Hrouse, widow of Daniel Brouse,aged
7S years, li months ami "i days. Inter
menl at Salem October 14. Rev. H.G.
Snable officiated, assisted by Rev. W.
A. Haas.
I For sprains, swellings and lame
ness there is nothing so good as
Chamberlain's Pain Bairn, Try it.
For tab by the, Middleburg Drug
1 More.
Soptiniaed Itentnl to One ( Mrajc
Home la 984,000 Cable arbl-
tnitfe llual nrta,
tached to the animal. Hunter had.
opportunity to sell the whole herd t
stock on his place, and did so.
little cow, which was the pet of il
daughter, was among the lot ami M
driven off to the train. The next dajl
he informed his family that he hata
sold all his stock and it seems at thill
very Instant the little girl bccaiail
nuite sick and cried for the return ofl
her pet. The physicians of the neig
borhood told Hunter that her niiJ
might be eased somewhat if the aoJ
mal was returned. Hunter dcciilid t
gratify the girl's desires, lb'
graphed to friends at the yard
ing about the cattle, and wasinfo
that they had not yet arrived,
then boarded a train and can I
So far he has failed to locate
A ConoBdrnai which is sufficiently silly to provoke the
smile of loom ami yet baa an ejuvtperatang linll on tho nenio ry
is the following :
"What is tin- difference between tin- man who has intermit'
lent rheumatism and one who is well all the time, and Uvea at
home with inn mother " "
a thoughtful person might liiel many differences; but here
in the nnHwcr us il in si-t ilown :
"One is well a part of tin- time anil has rheumatism others,
anil the other in well all the time anil has n room at hin mother-.
Youth'n Coiupntiion.
Mm n Ilusll.r.
A large Chinese grain and stock
brokerage firm lias loused a private
telegraph wire from Chicago to Snn
Francisco, says the Inter Ocean. The
firm already had a private wire from
this city to New York, so that it now
controls for its own exclusive use r
wire service of 3,000 miles from ocean
to ocean. Some idea of the profits
Stock raisers among our farmer read"!
ers may be interested' in learning thatJ
according to information sent to the!
state department by the Consul til
l.-iinz n simiile ni eventive flirainst HB
... j r
hoof and mouth disease, so fatal ui
..(T.w.tfi nninnn is- relmrtetl til
have been discovered by a scientific
investigator of the disease. It i
that if Well-boiled milk taken from HI
.I;...-nnllli. lw 4mA (nr n ii.-rlol! ofl
about eight days to those of the
that such a firm must obtain bv
mn.nnis of their liri v:i t a.rl ro linrrl.... nni .-..t .'iftliet.'tl thev tt'ill acollire COS
- ' "..s. - j s . .' 1
may lie gained by the fact that the plete immunity from the disease H
l,ODO-nule sect ma of wire from tills
city to New York costs iflS.OfM) nnnii
ally, which would indicate a total for
the entire ;i,(X.o miles vof about $54,UOO.
Another form of wire service that
jrlelda large revenue to the ocean cable
An exchange thus gives its home under.
if the pleasantest lights we have hail in '
en in tins Senatorial District should not east a Republican candidate lor Distriut Attornrv. Tin- ! ,,Tn """""" w,"1,,"Trti"t,.t" "m,""r in
. .. D . . . , int. Qriffln buried Bill Kroger, who died since our last Issue, Mr.
Iiallot lor benjamin l. roehl lor Mate benutor. position, tIioiirh not very lucrative, is a verv im- OtMn baa his trade at hie finger's end, and he bandied our dead
i, :.,,. .:, ,..
portent one to the taxpayers
M.wnn ennntv (Mn.l man it '1
gaged in an experiment in groniofl
strawberries. He has a barrel fiHJ
with rich soil, excepting a Small spaCl
companies is that which is associated jn t)le center where there is a imhhWI
with the arbitrnjfc trading. based i,,,v nnaan nt Imth enilu Thrmiff
upon Kiiuuiianeons varying (Uointions
for the panic stocks in this city and
r Hi li ill. i
tie win HtaiHi tor iiatiot retorm.
Will advocate the cause of the fanner, the
r j ,. " "... ...... na. aaai..a "s ill iKi iiiiinj . lit-
-Mr. 1 otter has wax cverypahi-re nt once, weeping with the liereaveil widow,
won a verv ijooil practice and eniovs the esteem '""c,,"!,ll" cr"i' i"'""i'eetn with tiie fannors, ami oliciting busi
.. ." ' . , nens frnirrthe other attenilnnts at the funeral. Be will, doubt-
of ins clients. He will make an ellieient Dis- ies. in-ntiie to get an th,-inisim ss i these parts, before icav-
iug for home he siiitiserit.eil for this great weekly, paying three
l iiel.- Bpk.tbs Pblloaopber. tes, Miss Qwuendollne,
it hurts fur n man to have hin lalg pulled. As to what he takes,
mtnir. illi nem ill tin -Im'i mnl i'oPir.i nn.l
.... .. 1 h trict Attornee ..,,,1 , it C ....... 1 nig tor home
D0V8 ana jririSin Hie inctory. j w" 1,1 months In advance. Suooess to you, Jobnnr, old boy.
l'oe;tn increase in the Marv raelter Hospital """un in me eouuiv.
appropriation. e. e. bhaubach.
ror ;i restored and increased school appropna- Last but by no means' the least iinoortant is 1'iNs-i'H'raiiy"giin"fiit,niiiieiire.iiikkerfiiht,.sooprinjooee
1 I a ssatction afterwards
For on enforcement ol the pure food lawn. t 'Uir' CoAmiosioner. Elmer E. .
For do. tion of 1 railed Si iti ! Senators by direct Shambach, a deeendant of one of the most Ion r- gg3KS Kt.lSR. lSX
VOteol the people. HVed fnUiei in tins section of the .state, a sturdy ! In deee days uv devotion an unphaned religious fervor most
For an appropration by the State for perma- yeoman, and above all a faithful Etepubliean, i- wtanenrt'p'er,eoeiindejaek.pot.
Hint 1 1, ii Imnrnvnmpnt ' .1 . im i t i I baa always notiosd dat ds man whut say he Jaat lain a drink
mm l.i iniproemeni. I the party s candidate for Jury Commissioner. '1 now an den," most tnginerallv takes bit a heap offeneraaw
For an increase ol the Firemen's Rdiel fund. nt. wjn endeavor to fill the jury wheel ami draw ,lan
For nn extended frpp rural rnnil dnlivprv 11 ,1 s e . Demon whut gitseotbh in a steel trap dontwanter bear nuf-
i in .1.1 1 Mcniii-i im linn man aeiivery. I the juries in the most satisfaolorv manner dob- Bnerboutda patience uv jDi ,.t ,.,es,.t ti, H,.r,.,aiiv
New York and London. The average
time for the round trip, or for tin ar
bitrage order to Loudon hii1 the an
swer telling of its execution in the
market there, is between four nnd one
half and five minutes. There have
been messages sent under exceptional
Conditions in the reeonl time of three
and one-half minutes-.
staves of the barrel he bored b
with a large auger, and in each of
he planted a strawberry pinnt.
'lie I
barrel sits upon blocks off the griius!
and the plants seem to be thriving, "'j
expect to have each plant average0"!
pint of berries, or a total of 50 qurul
to the barrel.
nonnil la Join i he Army,
A recruit for the British army was
taken to be sworn in recently by the
magistrate. Everything was going
swimmingly till the magistrate asked
the man: "Bare you ever been in
prison?" At this the man looked
startled, but. quicklj recovering him
self, he blurted out: "So. sir, I have
never been i:i jail, but T don't mind do
ing n few tlr.ys if you think It neces
Vote for Shambacl
The railroader the man at the throttle, the Bible
trainmen and brakemen in the yard.
For the soldier, the soldier's widow and the CANDIDATE BfiYAH
poldiers orphan.
D.mnt tret, (iencvleve. Hits time ernulT too shake hands arid
be Dsbbii nrter you meetn him. Jnytown I'orkor.
Pome curious expedients are
tary at times in the medical np'
lions of electricity. It is not tin11
mon now for the electric cabs, in i
York to be pressid into service as I
ambulating sources of electric poM
by physicians who are called upon s
, , V.,.. .vnminatintll
at lent S who arc in localities wtH
electricity from street circuits is
on tap.
t .1 l.l A11J .M-r.'bCl
.' i ii i ii j Cu I l.'iu eiiim n:i .s.ii.
window of the Staten Island ,:,n
; llll
Says We eailllot secure Wlmlom Wisdom in only found iii Truth. -(ioeth
title to a people bV force or lv purchase. Ac- simuuh- strm,L. nre w ti...,.i. ,,t i...
Advocate the election of UM peoples candidate o.rding to that theory we must have acpiircd Beaaty - a look r laWUne. in men i. wmmSSk
jind vote lor iienjaniiii JoehtAov. b, 11)00. i lexas and Louisiaiiu on a Christmas tree. of features i in women; it i a style of beauty to
" ' which the most vnin nmy aspire. Lu ltrunere.
Amw remeilv for liilinnsiiPBsi m Wednesdnv. while the latter
now ou Bale at the Middleburg Drmr full speed. When recovered tin1'1"'
Store. It Is called Chamberlain's was unhurt Iave for a few Bcntf?
MMta.b 11.1 ,i ...;n 1 n.t t on its forehend. There is the specif
ipin a i ii' i uuu 4111 J'lt M ,1 llitj ill ,
tack if given aa30on as tho first in- providence that watches over ba.
dication of the disease appears. , TZ , ., .; ia
srs a nm . r.1 r n.n nwtin . Sinn f. rrt Inn I mff fill T - m
rnco, iio couts per box, Samples . j..i
frpe. i New Jersey, and there is a great .c'
1 of talk about ship-building there.