The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 18, 1900, Image 1
f, Wagcnseller, Editor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News. Science. Art, Political Economy anil Current Literature. rrf YYYV1 1 t71 J. 0OMU ' M !:.., M illin.. rv (liictimir will r 1 1 1 -'-j i o i rf-c.. OR I, , 7 L. Dpnkei.BERoer. i.,, Howell moved to C. A. Moi. .... i.l.iiii'.i n t , I... 1 1... nvuriu4u i notion ixhIikmhI on ou'niiiKKv?- 111 1 1 m .1 i t, i m i 1 1 1 intiiwii thw week bv L. Dt'NKKI.HKHtlEK. i u . i it. n v ,.-.! nf Aberdeen. South Dakota. ptveral copies f the Nan of that L .-..!.,. ,, i u 1 1 1 r nt" Itrvm's vis- ithat fity. , (mm Snyder County from the Snyder Const? News. "Wo have bad a P severe liver and stomach trouble 01 for the pant two weeks." "'May Mil V -'OlllS I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I IIS. i r, t , A.... ....Ill ieMiidleburKh Post haw urinptcfl . i IUm1 MitimMa I hNktatltl iroved appearance." .. i i U- i T lllini" v . . O ' ' tt in" jirtorv wore timiviy iit'strov- iv nre uwiiHV morning iui" - k. Origin of fire unknown. Tie III l it' I) ( SI lllil ItSLIIILI HUM III- i r ... C .1... nktatati Mil I'llLUIV.i l til" nn v .... J. - flAmtaK !,.., I i i l. 1,1.1.1 III 1 IMMl.llli'lli 1' -v . v lIi 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 111 ilUVCIUUCI ih-ai .iiii ,1 1 ,,..; m,,t.f A ' . li . C V 'I'll I 1 t'Wllll V ni it' ill it ii i ;iiui"i y & uuidwm a1. OtYJ . ... 4 lj aV aMMUli AAarct or uiHakIuU' hiiir cut and head ruff removed with his tonic. A ron i iw ii imiuii. it.iiwi k I iu i ii 1 1 ii if. dub uuui onoi m j uov Satisfaction Kiiarantocd. tf. . S-A -1 1 1 1 u 1 kM in liirirosi cnestiiui mr aim t school house probably in lYrry i s At- i i.. . : . I i net v. in fpriiiu iisiiiii. itt i . o. ui.. mk j, i I. ..ui naaai pirrinnfcrcnco is thirty-six feet and Hmnw.t.if f..M Till' -.1-lllMl! lllUlM' wars old. Im LVeWVUle lime says : Miss Al Henry, of Henry's Valley, came to the light of the iron monster i . i i relatives, in preference to risking life behind the iron monster. anm rs ami all others who make or other vinegars, oeiore oaeriiiK Mme for sale, are compelled by law Qarl; on cask, barrel or ketf, or if I in other packages, on each pack- containing such vinegar, the name residence of the manufacturer, tc ier with thehrantl, "eider vinegar." in i' v,i.i wm 'i i i i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ii II - uimi i ii . 'ii counties got into litigation over boundary line between the two ntii -. The ease nassed tbronirh I he f the commissioners, the lower risand then to the Supreme Court, ii lias decided the line stay where I'iivi. linu lumii Tln'luii enmities e 3 woo for their fun. Wiiitield correspondent lust week "Mrs. ('. I). Bong was untor- uttentling the Milton Fair. Her hi i - 11. il... which amounted to ten dollars, lately the rascal was caught in of hiking the purse anil is now !ii ,;.,,) I .it lli.. Siiinl.tirv '. "I IIIIIU ...V . '.. . ' . V. I (JKHU.IIJ IXChange publishes the following: i.i it.ioi'iir ii mi riiiuu i k i in oury, owns a iarm in nnyuer iv i.i. uri. iiii ui ioiiiiiis lip T.iiiiin in paying ciuantitieH. He hn in- -is "" r rr- ot Ids find." The gold referred to rather deep down. Chinamen i FMmh it ii.itii-n a mnMASiiia on the P. H. R. on account of vth Annual Encampment of the Valley Veteran Association, I . . . ii M II 1 1 nig i;ie counties or neuiuiu, Centre, Fulton, Huntingdon.Ju KifHln, Northumberland, Perry and Union, and the Annual r? .A iT Tl. ..t..l.,,H (Ml 1900, should be made to 8am- y, Secretary, Newport, Pa. As yet no arrests have been made in the doodling murder case. It is very doubtful whether there will be. We will have our first showing of Ladles' Fur Collarettes and Fur Serai's on opening days. I. Dunkelbbbqeb. We have just received a new supply of the best quality "t envelopes, note heads unci letter heads. Send in your order. Invitations are out for the wedding of Edward M. (in cue, of Lewlstown, to Miss Carrie Catherine Wlttenmyer, Of this place, Thursday evening, Nov ember 1st. At ik nts Waxtkd. I want active anil pushing fellows to sell a new in vention for fastening shutters. Bells at every house. Lilieral commission. Sample sent by mail "or six cents pre paid. Agents wanted everywhere. PATENT APPLIED FOR. Address Box 178, Mlddleburgh, Pa. 4-ll-tf. The store and dwelling of County Treasurer James K. Beish, at Yicks burg, Union county, were burned Tuesday and the agricultural Imple ment store of P. A. Baker was partly destroyed. The Vlcksbuig post-oftice was in Belsh's store, and the stamps anh documents are in the safe, which lies in the ruins. The loss on the build ing and stock is (8,000, covered by In surance, The fire Is supposed to have been the work of an Incendiary. The borough council of Huntingdon at its last regular meeting again voted to enforce the "curfew ordinance," and directed thai the whistle at the electric light works be blown at 8 o'clock each evening as a signal for all children under the age of 12 years to lie oil' the streets, unless accompanied bv parents. The chief H police and all extra police men were notified to see that the or dinance is rigidly enforced. All Hallowe'en is not faraway on the calendar, and the festivities Ibis season bid fair to shine far beyond those of re cent years. For more than six centu ries fun and superstition have held high carnival among young and old alike on the last nlghl in October, and the gen eral use of apples on tliis. occasion un doubtedly descends from the Romans' feast at Pomom, the goddess of fruit and seeds, who had the apple under her special care and whose feast was held on November 1. The POST has employed a city expert to get out neat Job printing. The finest and Deafest work ever produced in this section of the state has been turned out of this otllce during the past few weeks. This statement can be proven both by the work turned out and by samples at the office. The Post's prices are as low and even lower for neat artistic printing than you paid for your un sightly job. Give us your order. We make it a rule to send away every cus tomer SO well satisfied that he will semi us two or three others. A hack party from Seilnsgrove was brought t Middleburg Tuesday even ing by I. B. Romig. It consisted of II. I.. Phillips, wile, daughters, Anna and Margaret, sons, William ami Harry: E. It. Wingard, Misses Margaret ami Katie Forster, Bertie Conrad, DUla Fry, Mary Miller, Katie Bollg, Mrs. ('. 1'. (Jlrich and Chauncey Keeley. Mine host, Carbon Seebold entertained the party with a sumptuous dinner at six o'clock, in which roast turkey figured prominently on the menu. The Wash ington House is famous for its elegant spreads, and ( 'arbon is one of the select few who "knows how to keep a hotel." Butter as n Laxative for Children. H. Doerfler, in the "Muencbener Medicinische Wochcnsehrift," discuss es the use of butter in the constipation of infants and children. Acting upon the theory that thi torpidity of the In testine in such cases is caused by exces sive feeding, and is not a disease, he uses the butter as a mechanical lax ative. He names as the advantages that children never refuse it, and that pallid cheeks grow rosy under its use. It has little effect after six years of age. From one-half to one teasioonful is given to a child up to three months of uge, and when regular ltowel action Is established, It is then used only every second or third day. A child of five months to a year should have one to three tablespoonfuls per day. The butr ter must be sweet and fresh, and it Is Important that It Is not melted, since this changes its character.-Jtyjular Sci ence Newi. MIDDLEBURG Jl, SNYDKU COUNTY, PEN.NA. OCTOBER PEKTIXKXT I'KKSOXAI.S KB Isaac Smith, ofShamokin Ham, was a caller at this office Monday. Wm. K. Miller, F.stp, of Salem, ap peared at the county scat last week. Alexander Itowcrsox elevated Wm. Heaver's barn a distance of two feet. C. H. Dunkelberger, storekeeper and gauger, is visiting his family in Swine ford. The council of the Reformed church have laitl a Cleveland Hag stone pave ment. Miss Itlllh Howell, ofSullbury, spent Sunday on Sugar street, undcrthe par ental roof. Mrs. C. C. Seebold, of Sunluiry, was paying her social and sisterly respects to Mrs. John Runkle. Miss Lillian Stetler returned Monday from an extended visit to friends :it Washlngtonvllle, It. F. Helmbach, of New Berlin, Mopped around the streets ot Middle burg Monday morning. W. F. Dagle, proprietor of the Key stone shin factory of Beuvertown, spent Sunday in tow n, Miss Lottie Spangier and friend, of Verdllla, drove a Kentucky trotter to the county seat Saturday. Joseph Bowes and wife are accepting the hospitality of their daughter, Mrs. John Hubler In Fast Buffalo. W. 11. Rlpkaand Mr-. Irvln Bower sox have removed the fences in front of their French Flal properties. Mrs. Geo. M. Shindcl left her bus band's rations for n few days to let d with relatives in Shamokln, N. A. Bowel laid down bricks in front of his residence in the French Flats for pedestrians to walk over. Edgar Custer, nitrlit operator at Sei lnsgrove, spent Sunday at home, the guests of his parents in Swlneford. Jonathan Relchcnbach ami wife, of Shadel, Sunday were the guests of Reg ister and Recorder John 11. Willis ami wife. Miss frank, of ( 'cntre county, is visit ng Mrs. Dlningerat the home of A. 8. Heaver down by the historic Stump's Hun. H. II. Bchoch and II. I. Sehnurc were at the county seat on business relative to the contested will of Mary K. Snyder. James. F. Miller, of Seilnsgrove em braced the opportunity to come to Mid dleburg over Sunday to appease the natural longing of mankind. Dr, clement Bower, of Elkhart, Ind., who stumbled along M Iddlecreek in Ids teens, was here last week tracing up the foot-prints in the sands of time. Misses Dora Mensch, of Mifflinburg, and Erma Magee, of Kreamer, last Friday accepted the festive entertain ment of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Orwig. (nil ion Seebold, proprietor of the Washington House, and daughter, Ber tha, viewed the races and the pump kins at the Bloomsburg fair last week. H. S. Melt, of this place, John Rhamstlne ami assistant ofSelinsgrove are embellishing the store property of C. C. Seebold with several coats of paint. Charles Haas, one of Shamokin's handsome ladies' men, slipped into our town last week and took umbrage in the handsome residence of Merchant John w. Runkle. Charles Drcese, one of our faithful Democrats, of Washington township, was digging post holes at Mlddleburgh Monday in a frantic endeavor to straighten and strengthen Democratic fences. Mrs. Isaac Slenker dietl at New Ber lin last week, aged !4 years. Her hus band was leader of the Union county bar when the county seat was at New Berlin, and was Judge Bueher's pre ceptor. Geo. A. Snyder, of Salem, and Irwin Fisher, of Selinsgrove, were at this place Tuesday and took out letters of administration In the estate of Mrs. Bmusc. The legal notice appears in the Post. Chas. O. Hendricks and C. C. Wal ter; two of Sellnsgrove's young business men and sports, were at the county seat Tuesday afternoon to swear to Mary K. Snyder's will, but the paper could not be probated. c.J. Fisher, Esq., and P. B. Erwln, of Catawissa, rode their bicycles to town Tuesday evening and spent Wed nesday in M iddleburg, Warren Cross and wife, of New Ber lin, enjoyed the social intercourse of Hon.G. A. Bchoch and wife Saturday. They shouldered their son, Philip, who had been spending Several months here, and took him home. Mrs. W. F Dagle and child, of Wat sontown, dropped into our tow n Satur day to eat bread and drink witter at the table of her parents, Gabriel Hea ver and w ife. They will settle in 5ea vertown w here her husband is making McKinley prosperity by establishing a shirt factory. Antral Bros n Injured. Arthur Brown, of Shamokln Dam, was the victim of ' a painful accident Thursday morning, which may result in the total loss of two lingers of the light hand, If not die entire member. While operating a chopping machine his hand was cautrht in the cog wheels. The first finger was crushed into a shapeless mass to the first joint. The end of the second finger was entirely chewed oil" to the first joint and the ligament w as severely torn to the wrist Brown was recently acquitted of the murder of Frederick K Ine of Shamo kln. Diphtheria nut Croup: In a report to the French academy of medicine. Dr. Dethel stated that the vapors of tar and turpentine would dis solve the fibrinous exhalations which choked up the throat in croup and diphtheria, lie describes the process as follows : Take equal pnrts (say twotablcspoon fuls) of turpentine am' liquid tar, put them into a tin pan or cup and set lire to the mixture, taking care fo have a large pan under it as a safeguard a gainst fire. A dense resinous smoke a rises, making the room dark. The pa tient immediately seems to experience relief; the choking and rattle -top ; the patient falls into a similiter and seems to cnhalc the -moke w itli pleasure. Phe fibrinous membrane -non becomes de detached and the patient coughs up mlcrobiedes. These when caught inn ida-s may bo seen to dissolve in the smoke, in tho course of three days the patient entirely recovers. 'In prevent the spn ad of the diph theria in tho family or neighborhood use Monsl's salt, one drachm ; water, eight ounces ; sugar, one ounce, Mix, give a teaspoon fill twice n day. To very young children about half this dose. . - REPUBLICAN M MEETINGS, Republican iii.i-s meetings will be held in Snyder County undcrthe aus pice- of t he Republican Standing Com mittee, at tin- follow inn dales and places: Troxelville, (. 22nd Met 'hire, letober. ".d, Beavertown, Oct. 24th, Richfield, et. Slth, Fremont, Oct. 20th, Freeburg, ct 30th, McKees 1 Kails, let. 31st, Kreamer, Nov. 1st, Port Treverton, Nov. l', Shamokln Dam, Nov. 3d, Seilnsgrove, Nov. 6th. The meetings will be addressed by speakers selected from the following named orators : Hon. T. M. Malum, Hon. I!. K. Focht, Hon. A. M. Smith, A. W. Pot ter, Esq , Prof. F. C. Bowersox, Prof Geo. W. Walborn, Hon. F. W. Tool, (leo. W. Wagenseller, Dr. I'. Herman, M. I. Potter, Esq. Music furnished by various cornet bands. Fellow citizens, let us rally and make theM meetings what they should be, a grand success. by order of the Committee,, J. A. Llmhakd, Secretary, Chairman CNMMITTEE MEETING. There will be a meeting Of the mem bers of the Republican Standing Com mittee at Middleburg, SATURDAY, OCT. 27th, 1100, at li80 P. M. As this meeting is called for the purMse of making arrangements for the fall cam paign, it is desired that there bo a full turn-out. J. A Lumhahd, Ed. Chaki.ks, Chairman. Secretary. 18, 1900. SNYDER COUNTY C. B. CONVENTION. Program arranged foi the Meeting al Centre- ville Oct. :( ami 17th. FRIDAY AKTKKNOON. 2.O0. i'raise Service, M. II. Fischer, Susquehanna University. 2:30. BETTER ROt'lKTV WORK. I. Better Participation in the Meetings, Rev. A. D. !ram ley, Be ivertow n, Pa. 2:40. 2. Better Lookout Committees, Wm. F. Sanders, Ceutrevillc, 2:60, 8, Better Prayermeeting Com mittees, Rev. D. K. McLain, Middleburg, Pa. 3:00, 4. General Discussion. 3:16, BETTER PI.EDUE KEEPING. 1. What It .Mem,- for the In ner Life, Rev. W. II. Bchoch, New Berlin, Pa. 3:20. 1' What It Means I'm- the So ciety, Rev. II. ll.Spahn, Ad amsburgi Pa. 8:30. :i. What Ii M e n n - for the Church, Rev. W. H. Buyer, Middleburg, Pa. 3:46. I. leiteral Remarks, i:Hi. Registration of Uelcgatcsautl Koeml I lour. 1 kip v KVEMNtl, 7:00. Praise Service, Mil. Fischer 7:Jn. Uldress of Welcome, Miss Kathryue Miller, ( 'entreville. :'!0. ResM)iise, Miss Lot tie ('rouse, Middleburg, Pn. 7:10. Power for Service, Rev. ('. W. Hi isler, D. I)., President Susquehanna University. Announcement of 'ommit teesnud Adjouriihient. 8Tl'HDA MORNING. 0:30. Sunrise Prayer Service. Theme, "I am Christ's," David Relchley, CentrevUle. OfOO. Bong Service, M. H. Fischer. 9:18, Roll Call and Reports from Local Societies. 0:45, Business. 10:45, How can young people's in terest in religious work best !.' maintained, and what is 1 he benefit '.' Rev. Sidney S. Kohler. 10:80. Religion in tho home; how can Endeavurcrs promote it'.' Rev, W. A. Haas, Seilns grove, I'a. 10:45. Systematic Bible Study, Rev. .1. Shainbach, Middleburg. ILiin. The L'uiii Century iMtsGlory and Hope, Sujit, F. '. Bow ursox, Mitltlleburg. 1 1 :30. Adjournment, SATURDAY AtTERNOOX, 100. I'rai.-e Service, M.H.Fischer. 1 :40. Report of 'ommittees ami I'resentalion of Mission Ban ner. 1 : lo. Acceptation of Runner. L"0. Jl.'NIOK WORK. I. I low secure the attendance ami maintain the attention of the Juniors? Miss Focht, Seilnsgrove. 2:00. The duty of the parents rela tive to tho Jllllior Society, M i i!oe lormer, Selinsg'e, 2:10. '!. ( lenernl Remarks, l: in. i.niiei Hour ami t unseera- t ion, Rev, I.I. Zimmerman, Music books w ill be furnished by the lonventlon. , 1 Announceinenta. Preaching at tlio following appoint ments over next Saturday evening and Sunday: Aline, Saturday al 7:30p.m.; Daniel's, Sunday al l : m a. m. (Ger man) Subject, "Moon;" Pine, Sunday at 2:80 p. 111.; St. John's, Sunday at 7:im p. 111. A hearty welcome to all. .1. L. BOYER, Pastor. NOTICE. Tho citizens of CentrevUle and vicinity w ho arc violatlong the law by allowing tbeir cattle to run at large, arc requested to keep them oil the streets under penalty of the law. Daniel Hi nt, B. F. Buoy, Jacob W. Obbbun, w. F. Sanders, u. w. Loho, Mrs. David Kerb, io-11-ut. Crab. a. Ksbb. House anil Lot for Sale. House and lot near the court house in the borough of Mlddleburgh, is of fered for sale. Splendid location, for residence or business. For further par ticulars, address "K" Post, tf. Middleburg, Pa. Rates: One Dollar Per Annan, In Advance NUMBER 11. Class Sci Immage, Last Thursday morning, October 11, occurred the first class liyht of the year t between the Freshmen and Sophomores of Susquehanua University, OnThurs day morning between two ami three o'clock, fearing to take down the Sophomore pennon by dnvliirht, the "Freshtes" quietly and unceremonious ly took down the fiug of red and blue that had been wtvillg all day Wednes day, from a telephone wire lieneath which the students hatl to pa in go ing to and fr the University build. int;s. I,, pi,.,,.,. ,,f . n, .lM, (,lue pennon, that same early morning, the Freshmen floated their own ami also placed another in the topofthe tree be tween Gustavus Adolphus Hall and the Institute building. After n short consultation tlio "Sophs" decided 1 h u i the peiiuaiil is'tweeii the liuildint;s would have tocoiuedowii luuuediately. The Freshmen, of course, were on the scene of action; according ly, after an opening skirmish bet ween 1 he 1 wo classes in w hieli the "Froshies" were worsted, one of tl Sophs" climbed the tree ami sawed off the Branch on w hleh the coveted pennon hung. The linili had scarcely struck the ground till In. Hi classes made a rush for the pennant, A stalwart Soph omore grabbed II first; 11 confusing ami fierce scramble ensued, and not until two men were disabled was the struggle ceased. The class nf'lClctiiiie oil' victorious Willi tlio Freshmen pen nant. The class of 'ul having been r luted in the first fray pi Ised the "Sophs" that they themselves would remove the ot her pennant il nil four n'. lok in the afternoon. Foul o'clock arrived, but noshrns of removal wen wen; consequently the "Sophs" eagei for another battle assembled on the scene ami hauled dow n the emblem, while the class of 'ui fearing to engage them, looked on with dismay. Thus another trophy was tidded to the So- phoiuore Hut. A Sl'l PENT, cm ut house chips, Hulls Entered for Record. B. Stcpp and wife to Wm. A. Wal ter, 30 acres Mini I5H perches in Frank lin ( w p., for ltiO.87. 'liver A. Baker it 1 1 I Ife : ( ',1th arine E, Baker, lot So, lo in ; : umer vllle, for P2II0. Harry W. Hunitiiel ami wife P Harry K, Davis, SH aerw and 71 per ches in Mom tu p., for fOOOO. Peter 8. iiayli!l lo Metinoultc Con gregation, tract in West Perry twp., for $40. Jno. S, Hendricks to Mrs, Amelia Hendricks, KM perches in I'eini twp., for $307. I lenry Boyi r ami w Ife to l Innlol 1 1 Boyer, 70 acres and I5U perches in Putin tu p., for $3700. Application Filed. The application for a charter and t lie charter of the Spring Telephone Com pany was filed forroc'ird. Will. I'rohatcd. The last w ill ami testaiuciil of Sam'l Arbogast, late of Perry twp, was pro bated last week. Geo. F. Brosius was named as executor, Letten Granted. Letters of administration in this es tate of Cnthariuu Brouse, late ofPenu twp., were granted to Geo. A. Snyder ami J. I. Fisher. Marriage Licenses, Charles E. Hummel, Franklin twp.. i Nettie Reich, Mlddlecreek twp. f Edward Hackenburg, North'dCo. I Prlscllla Helwig, West Perry twp. i OscarS. Willis, Philadelphia, (Nina May Erlcnmycr, Fiveourg. Waal Water Works. Mllheim's tow n council met in extra session Monday of last week and pass ed resolutions to submit at the regular election in November the proposition of increasing the borough's Indebted ness 110,000 to be used for waterworks. The question is not a new one in Mil helmforat asj ial election on Mon day, September 12, lsns, it was defeat ed by BbOUt fifteen votes. It is the in tention of the advocates of the water system to bring the water from Phillips creek, When a good supply of excellent mountain water can lie procured, and where a reservoir can be built at a very low cost. Heretofore that town de pended entirely on the Weill and cis terns for their supply, which often wan a source for contagion.