THE MXDDLEBURG POST I'ul.lishcd Even Thursday Morning LET BILL CO IX AGAIN BY JAMt HOWE G. W. W A GEN SELLER, Editor ard Proprietor., BUMcnraon hatks. 11 Oit pet JPM if paid In tdVMM ft I. AO pm year if not U in NVMN Single mpte?. Five CenU. AlvTf IhIiiic Km tret, II wntn per line, nonpareil mM-ur.'. nu'tit for tint I MjpjHtofc and 10 Ntttl mt line for ?twh nutMe qut'nt inMTtmn. 5?f OFKU'E. Nfr tiie County Court Dtiwh, Ih'Iwi vii tin First National llnnk anl Hit? Vou K XXVII, Ocr. 11, 1! H M . Nl'M I'll; 4t. Did Charity prevail, Mm Pnm would inve vehicle of Virtu, Truth and Lotra." Cdwvhl IIKKENT COMMENT. Mi:. Uuyan's sneers ;it (lit-full (litmer nii will not efface the memory f tin workingtnan. The Hon. George Knd Williams deolioea to permil some of the gold Democrats to return to the party. Mi:. Bryan will omit all allusions to the Tam many Lee Trust during his campaign tour of New York. In Ohio the Democratic campaign is looked upon BE a good joke. But .Mr. Bryan and Chair man Jones take it seriously enough when they lay claim to that state. CURRENCY is now going West and South to move the crops. Never before did it have such a job nf moving to perform. Mr. Bryan perched on an automobile and making hard-luck spetches is a spectacle calcu lated to add to the hilarity of the situation. Senator Wellington goes away from home to do his campaigning. By this move he manages to escape some of the wrath of his constituents. Till", consumers who will have to pay more for their coal will not have a vast amont of admira tion for the gentlemen who arranged the strike. ONE of the "attractions" at the Centre County fair will lc a live bird shoot. Why shall inno cent birds lie made the victims of sjort to lie bruised and mangled? Mr. Bryan goes to a great deal of unnecessary trouble when he denies the rumors concerning the construction of his Cabinet. But then Mr. Bryan is a professional trouble hunter. The Hon. Job Bailey has not raised any ...a 11.. . .. ... constitutional oojeoiions to governmental aid to Galveston sufferers. Has the gentleman from Texas resigned his chaperonage of the constitu tion? I'm: anthracite coal miners' strike is still on. The operators offered a ten per cent advance in wages, but the miners have spurned it. This act of the miners has lost to them a large portion ot public sympathy. During the Spanish war the Flag was worn and flown by all patriotic Amerk-an. Ixit them wear and fly it now to show they intend to up hold the administration in keeping the fruits of the war with Spain. Mr. QARMAN has made a political forecast T was noou hour in the workshop ; The emptied pails were closed, And tbete a toiler smoked a pipe, And here a toiler dosed. Thus sjwke the workshop scholar Unto his comrades : "Men, We've had good times since Bill's leen in: Ijct Bill go in again. "This Bryan is a scholar And heavy in his jaw, And every won! fie let's us hear Is just as clear as law ; But though, he has our sympathy, We'll run no chances, men : We've had good times since Bill's been in. Let Bill go in again. " We've taters in our cellar, And in our ice-box meat: Four years ago we scarcely had Enough of bread to eat. We're working now, and growing fat, Have lager now and then; We've had good times since Bill's been in; Let Bill go in again." X. V. Sun. A HEW DEPARTURE TICKING the past month the office of the - Post has received large invoices of new and fashionable types, rules, borders and other necessary adjuncts for turning out books, Ixtok lets, and commercial printing equal, if not supe rior, to the best equipped city offices. Hereafter we will make a specialty of IxMiklct and magazine work, and all other printed matter used by Schools, Colleges and Universities. This will embnice Catalog, Circular, and all classes of College Literature and Stationery, in cluding Half Tone, Photogravure, Embossing and Chromatic Printing, of every kind and des cription, and the finest that can be done. Half Tone and other Engravings for all class es of printing will be made and furnished every patron of the Post Printing Establishment at - tual coxt to m, and this means a great saving, as our large orders secure considerable reductions in prices, and the liest class of work. There are many reasons why first-class print can be done for less money in small towns than in large cities, (more satisfactorily, too,) among which are these: 1 . Bents are lower. 2. Insurance is lighter. 3. Skilled labor is cheaper. 4. The cost of living is less. 5. I taw material costs no more. All these facts have been satisfactorily demon strated in the operation of the shoe factory, the shirt factory, the knitting mill, and other impor tant industries, which have gradually crept away from the great commercial centres, within the last decade, and found homes in the rural dis ?S3 PRISTINE THOUGHTS 2 if LcS Collated and Arranged Expressly for The Post Your Money Back II any af tsssa Capes fall to please. Famous Maryland" No. 5 X. Tit. cap la M Capes sr ioJ r stllM Ucbsa lent. "'' ft degree) ( If. IX. Prlo ft.. Giro Bust Maa. For The KnMUNMI Pout. SCIENCE AND LIFE What is the Truth of the Matter? To stde with Truth in noMe. when we almre her wretchel mint, Ere her o uv bri rig fume ami profit nd "tin (tronperou to be junt: Then it it the brave nmn choose, when the cownrd ntandn aside. Doubting, in his abject spirit, till his in i r m ifltMl. .- r.l RKI.ATI VK to the mystery of the origin nml evolution of Life there is but one question to the logical muni and that Is, ''The Truth of the Matter." Wltat is it? Itsecrus strange that, to so many minds, the thought of man's close n In tioti to the rest of the animal kingdom Is so repugnant, when, as a matter of fAc! Iwyoutt controversy, the lowest t ! of men are closer to the highest apes than to the highest types of men. The Rev. !lenry MrCook. nn eminent Philadelphia clergy man, has recently declared, in the pulpit, his belief that our do- . uiestlc animals will probably he found in Heaven, which is the most radh-al step yet taken toward bridging the gap btftwam the ' theory of evolution and the primitive conceptionsof the "Child ren of Israel," which obtains in the t'hriMian theology of today. . When we consider that, at certain stage of our individual existences, we ate physically, so far as can Im' dlneerned. ldentl- ; cal with some of the lower animals, our conceit, as well as our repugnance, should vanish and give way to reason. Allow me to quote from "The Story of Creation." by Kdward Clodd, V. K. 1 A. S "The eggs, or the Hernia, from which ail organisms spring, are, to outward seeming, exactly alike, and this likeness crsista i through the earlier stages of all the highest animals, even after the form Is traceable in the embryo. Embryo as of living things -epitomizes, during their development, the series of changes throiiKh which the ancestral forms pMMd in their ascent from ! the wimple to the complex; the higher triH-tures (Missing through the same Ntatres as the lower structures up to the point where ; they are marked off from them, yet never becoming, in detail, Ibt form which they represent for the time lieing. "For example the embryo of man, has, at the outset gill-like slits on each side of the neck. Ilka a (Ufa J these give place to a maMnhfana Ilka thai which NimerccdcM trills in the develiitiment 1 a1 s.lJ Im lasaat uj ..... I itHlaatl ..1 ' OI iiirus Hii rrpiurn, turn moii in nuin i'ui-msii iik TTTrr" i L.- 1 le(Aee ud s we I Ids vta W uiher farm Tbeee ospe ars mi of One plain vlib dep rtera collar, aaad oiDfl.T eeBbre4dr4 lib eotech braid aad elsboraulj beaded, 100 INCH 8WKEP Tmlb Pa? ml lar aod finish The; axe nt4 wltb fear earns blob tat them eooforn to theakape. Ilaed vita Bilk. Note Ibe alt So. 2 X. Tbla oape la U ta. bafllnleaitb.niharwltelt I tbe eame ae lb. dpeertpUnn aad Illustration, pnM ntS, X. Tbla earetT lo ehta leaf , ethrvlee same as 19.9 x. met) v.7o. forpfW- iaj SBJI axel aam c lire when ordeir- Ing. Oar New Oea- ral t lUiofi aw Dot atoDcabowa EeaBT- ntm la Wearta lp baret, dry goda aad clothloi for LAHICS, MISSES. HIl.l'RE" aadMKS.bata.ea ail lb luce U Ml aad wear at a aarlaf from t&u Tt par oe&L K v a a v thi aeed la tb Uoaie. a Hotel. aa Ota, oa a Parai, at aaf baowa par poaa, will ba fouud la tbla boob, wblea oontaJoe 400 pafaa. 10M of 14 tnebee.erory oapy of which ooste as l.t3 to prist aad maU. As an evidence of interest send lOc. to help pay postage, and you tnay deduct these loo. rrom your nrai oruer vi p.w. DRRSS GOODS. Tht ricktti and mo styluh novtttuM art coniattud rsj omr Sew Bok Nf, ra.-A copy ofwktck has sixty iampl$ atiack- ea. 40 per cent, uvea on jsreat uwuj i tmgs I FX EE. book snail we send? At Factory Prices we sell everything yon a juntas buy. Which thtB way: JULIUS HINES A SON, Baltimore, Md. Dept. 909. Weather Comparison of Septemher. 1HW date 1900 date Maximum T'm't're 87 2. 3 00 Path Minimum do 86 " Wth " 34 1 Mean Ma'uin do 7H.T 1 "" " 81.7 Mean Mi'um do J 52.3 Ml.ft Total Pradpttatn UH In USMn Pre Tgwlnd DPt'n I West I 8. E. 1 Frost " 14. IV -N. V V.nh J. M. Boykr, ( Observer, Bellnsgiove. Pa, ber like that in worms , the backbone i- prdonged into a mov ' able t.ul ; the great toe isextended or opposable like our thumbs ami like the lost of apes; the body, three months before birth, 1 covered all over with hair, except on the palms and soles. At birth the bead i relatively larger and the arms proportionately ; For Hpninir-, B Well it) : lonffef than In the adult . the nOSS is hridgcles; both features. 1168 fhere i Dotbius with others wbloh need not bedeUlled, beln(distinotlyapa.ka, UbamberlaiD h 1 him Jiitin. Try it. I Thus does tbe em. from which man sprincs. ( strudure onlji For sale by the Bliddloburg Drug the "in -1 1 u i h 1 r . 1 mill twciity-tlftli port of an inrli In aire,) coin- 1 ntore. press Into a few weeks the result of millions nf yea, nnd set ; ms before iin the history of Mf ilcvelopment from Ssbllke and rep i tillnn forms, nnd from his more Immediate deooonfl from n hairy iualrupeil with n toil. That which is Individual, or peculiar to him, the physirnl nml mental character Inherited, Is left to the slower development which follows lilrth." An eminent Knicllnhinan, Sir .lohn I.ubhock, was lutcrropt led hr e noted Bishop If he was willing to believe thai he had descended from an apwllke anosetor, He replied! " It Is not a j (piestion of whst we would like nr dislike. Hut the question Is, what Is the truth of the matter? I had rather he deoosnded from a monkey than from a ltishop who would rise from his scat in the HoOel of Loni to deride the cause of Science." Would It not be the better part of wisdom for the Pclcalas- s and lame sti tniod an S:enklns from Kiperlrnce. "That new young man Uonnler Just Bat nnd devoured you at dinner to day," Bold the board ing-houte lady to her daughter. "Well, ma, perhapa lie couldn't sec aTiythintr i lve to eut!" was the daugh ter's Ptljly. Vonkers Statesman. without giving his opinion as t.i the result ot the I tricts. Progress is the shibboleth, perfection is election. In other words, Mr. Gorman knows I the aim, and usufruct is the guerdon of modern how it is going hut doesn't care to add to the em-! methods, and the Post proposes to get out of the borrassment of his party. old ruts and grooves, forestall the wooden mould- The settlement of the differences between the ' ,Kmnl of i,s anoe8torgi abandon primitive methods steel workers and their employers is a Berious ,'e ow,s and tne DBt antiquity, and protect blow t. the Democratic managers. A campaign l lts! aKrai,,st (Il7 rot and disbtegratioc. which depends on business depression is natural-1 . The l'mT 8oli'iU! hi(lson al1 tl,e finc8t produo lv fragile and sensitive. tlons oi tyigrapic art and letter-press printing, T,. v v i it . .i , and guarantees satisfaction in product and prioe, I in. New York orld charges that Boss Crok- Send a sample of what you desire, or what ap er has, made democratic sucoess in (New York proximate toward it, and if the type founder impossible. J he orld is altogether too hard j Bnd eDgpaver an prodaoe tIlu ; fa materiaI on the boss Some of the responsibility should Lour order will l)e fiIle(, )ronipt,y anJ oe assigDea huh geuuemen who maue Kan- torily. New types, new presses, new machinery new methods, and new patrons will constitute sas City platform SENATOR TiLLUAN says the Pennsylvania coal miners are "a lot of ignorant, jKsir foreign ers," and adds that he would be a "Southern nig ger" than one of them. The Senator has given the Pennsylvania miners a rather vivid insight of the Democratic opinion of them. our "New Departure." "'Behold, f create all tilings new. SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY TUESDAY morning, while at Selinsgrove, tllP Writer ll-U? tlw tJnACUMn ..( LWjhtoaee. Why is it that the courts of Central Pennsyl- , , , ulCr , 7 Yo ? i llrtn I inillir i t w. I .i,li..c' Hi ..I .,..1. vanla are kept busy with murder trials? fasti b v ucuauuo week at Harrisburg, Elmer Barner was found j Umveralty, by the Financial Secretary, liev. A. guilty of murder iu the lirst degree, for killing N. Warner. The comniodious dining room is his brother-in-law, Isaac Miller, last Januarv, at elegantly furnislied, and the private apartment the hitter's home near Halifax in a fit ot jealous are as handsomely fitted up as the more preten- ragc. Barner had been West and he came East- ,-i . , , ,. ., , . , . , under a delusion that Miller was too intimate j , 5 hl8h-Priced ""htuUons of this kind, with his (Barncr's) wife. It is said that Elmer Not only do the yunS ladis boanl there, but Barner is a near relative of those of the same young nien rom tlie college, also, thus form nunie in this county. ing a congenial family circle. Court last week was a disappointment to ev- lic'v- Warner has given liberally of his private ery one, but the taxpayers. It lasted only two purse to create this new department in this splen days. It seems strange that with nine cases on did institution of learning, whose every feature the civil list, only one of those should be tried. ! thc unmistakable stamp of healthy growth 1 here are plenty of cases on the list and litigants .11 . . .t , , are anxious to have them tried and havc8 un. and hearty development, since those happy days ccrtainities settled. Where both plaintiff and , when the Post's editor conned hisdesar and his defendant are anxious to have their cases tried, I Virgil within the shades of her classic walls. these jetty cases should be tested and the calen- Dr. Ileisler,tlie President, is ever alert, active, A Natural Itrnptlnn. HI Traeerdv I understand the audi- Ileal Harlot to unstriiiK her Ikiw, sheathe her arrows, confess her ence last night was verv cold Lowe Comerdy They were nt first, but when they began to recollect that they had paid good money to see the show they got hot. Philadelphia Preaa. grievous error, and humlily kneel in deep contrition at thc altar of the Supremo Architect of the t'nlversc who hath proclaimed himself Omniscient i hnth written the (lauiiiiK words, I AM. in the heavens and horned them In letters of lire In the hejtrts of his peculiar people? TH. H. COUKS. F. T. s. i Have you bad kindness sbown? Pass it 011. 'T was nut done for you alone Pass It on. Tiifil It wipe another's tears jet it travel down tbe years, TUI in Heaven It appears Pass It on ! i ETERNAL GAIN BY I.IZIHK A. m TIBHRm Do we not learn more freely to forglvo All those who do us wrong in thought or deed By seeing wherein we have Mindly erred In some nm! day? Do we not grow more pitiful, more kind, Toward tlio-e who leant to taud in greater need Of outstretched hand and hopeful, cheering word On life's rooifh way? And hath lie not planned wisely for our tynln. Who thus allows our own Nifxtakei. to lend Our hearts to broader charity, when stirred liy conscience' sway? Faith There lives more Faith In honest doubt, Relieve me, than iu half the creeds. Trnnynon, Hope Hut Hope will make thee young, for lIos- and Youth Wlae Youth. eaict the wise youth, "ehnH vote my life to securing the affection and admiration of my countrymen." "How noble!" exclaimed they that heard. "Therefore, I shall bend all my en ergies to getting as rich aa po&Bible." .-Indianapolis Press. David City, Neb., April 1, 1900. Qenewnee Pure Food Co., Le Hoy. N. Y. Gkntlemkn : I must say in re stard to ORAIN O that there is no thing better or healthier. We have used it for years. My brother was a reat coffee drinker. He was taken sick and the doctor said coffee was the cause of it, and told us to use GRAIN-O. We got a package, but did not like it at first, but now would not be without it. My brother has been well ever since we started to use it. Yours truly, Lillib Sochoh. INTO A WELL AFTER HER Dog. Sicilian- Features ( a VwaB Wa. a'a Be role Iteaeae of Her Pel A remarjcabla accident occurred 01 the farm of Snowden Thompson, Dear Highland, Howard county, one after, noon lately, aays a Sandy Spring-, y .; dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. A litti, dog belonging to Mis Clara, Thorap. son, daughter of Snowden Thompson fell into a well near the house. The ap. paratus for drawing the water was two buckets attached) to either end' ot , chain passed over a wheel made fart above the well. The well was SS feet deep. Miss Thompson volunteered to de scend on a ladder attached to one end of the chain in place of a bucket, and her parente agreed to lower her Into the well. The lowering process w, successfully performed, but when Mr. and Mrs. Thompson began drawing the young lady and her dog, which she had secured, to the surface, the fixture at the top of the well collapsed, precipl. tating her Into the chilling water. She held on to the ladder and dog, however, and, the ladder being of auflicient length to keep her head above water, she remained on It until rescuers sr. rived IV, hours later. The fixture as it went down narrow, ly missed striking the young lady. Tlie father and mother screamed fornssiKt ance, which came aa promptly ns po. sible, the nearest neighbor living three fourths of a mile nvray. Samuel Ilei well, aged about 7$ years, swam the Patuxent river, and wasone of the first to arrive on the scene. When a suffi cient number were congregated Jacob Link was lowered into the well and placed a rope around Miss Thompson, and she waa safely drawn out. The dog waa also saved, but the young lady fainted after reaching the surface, and the assistance of a physician was nec essary. OUR FARMING LANDS. Steam aad Electricity Have Dose Much Towards Rendering; Them Productive, Minnesota alone produces approx. imately about 80,000,000 bushels of wheat, or about one-thirty-seventh of the total production of the world. Of this she is able to export two-thirds. Of the Dakota, not having begun to reach their limit of productiveness, North Dakota raised in 1808 54,000,000 bushels and South Dakota 43,000,000. Oregon produced 24,000,000 bushels. Modern farming methods in thc northwest challenge the admiration of the world. Steam and electricity are mode to serve the farmer's purpost, says the Heview of Reviews, Hs plows, reaps, threshes by machinery. He tele phones from his farmhouse to bis gran aries. Sometimes he receives the late . grsitk quotations over . private t graph wire in his dwelling. Often acreage of his farm is expressed in t thousands, sometimes in five figures. He comes from the poor places of the earth and finds a bom and self-respect. He sends his products to Europe, Asia, Japan, even China. He furnishes a traffic that provides work for tens of thousands of employes of transporta tion lines. He keeps a prooession of grain ships moving to the Sault Ste. Marie canal, which makes the "Soo rank ahead of the far-famed Suez In point of tonnage. Moreover, he Is fur niehlng bone and sinew for this great country of ours which cannot be ex pressed in figures. Arc children of one mother, even LoVt Charity Meek and lowly, pure and holy, Chief among the "llless-ed Three.' A HOPELESS CASE -Shrllty. Jtffrryt. dar cleared. Some cases are pasted on the calen dar for a year already with no apparent excuse ior the delay. A franklin county editor recently received the following letter: "Send me a few copies of the paper which had the obituary and verse about my little edild week or two ago, and publish the enclosed clipping about my niece's of Old Snyder county. The Ladies' Hall is ap keen and quick to grasp ideas tending toward advancement. The Post is pleased to note the rapid strides made by the Susquelianna University founded, reared and erected, as it was, and cherished, ap preciated and venerated, as it is, by the good peo- HY 1 Mm A He was just acoiiimon sinner. Hut he'd huy a tramp a dinner, And be sort o' try to put him on his feet; An' a feller mi(ht he needy. An' his raiment torn and seedy, Vet he'd stop an' visit with him In the street. He made no do about It Would n't brag er round ner shout It, Yet he did a heap to help his fellow men; When he'd find a fallen brother, In some easy way er other, He would make him organize himself strain. Tie had money, an' he spent it, Rr he gave away er lent it, Seemed es If the more be lost tbe more he got, Made all sorts of hlir donations. lleled support his poor relations, An' he bought orphan school a bouse and lot. Never heard o' blm o-shoutln,' Nor settlu' 'round a-apoutiu' 'Bout the ever lustin' wickedness uv things. But he jest went on a-flndiu' Deeds to do. and never mindin' Much about a crown, er harp with golden strings. Yet the Deacon's folks (it's very Hard to say It) they wus merry When, at last Death oarae and caught blm In thc lurch, Fer they knowed the Devil got him An' it served him right, dod drot htm, Fer be never bad united with the Church. IMMENSE ROCKER SALE a, AT - I SHIPMAN'S FURNITURE STORE, : 439 Market St., SUNBURY, PA., I ,io.i 1 Call to : BesanSept.15 FLOTSAM AND JETSAM marriage, and you may mention in the local columns, if it don't cost me anything, that I am going to have a public sale of my farm, also that I hav n few extra calves to sell. Send me a couple extra copies this week, but as my time is out you can stop my paper, as times are too bard to waste money on a newspaper." important feature and decisive step in the direc tion ot progress, a credit to its promoters, and, it is trusted, may prove one material factor in se curing for "Old Susquehanna" a Nattonal recog nition in the galaxy of erudition, and a National patronage, as well. Ad adraper aspera. No t'andy, No Tow. Marie Is one of Middleburg's bright little live-year old tots, who evidently makes correct deductions. For some time past her father has been talking of buying a cow. The other day the following conversation took place: She Papa, give tec a nickel. He What for She To buy candy with. He I have n't got a nickel. She Well, how can you buy a cow, then T Unele Eph'a Aphorism's. " 1 'II bet you," is de phool's bes' an' onlyllest argyment. Some uv de Debbie's bes' friends belong toe de chucrh. I has seen beggars on boas-back, and printers walk in'. Whar de hen scratches dar am de bug also. Oimme liquor er gimme death, but no cider, et you please. Wid all his practice and long 'sparteine de Debbie baint Im proved enny on his fust hypoerit. Phools am of two kinds de ding phool and de dang pbool ; de ding phool blows he's a pbool, but de dang phool don't Dar am some hope lab Ding, but none wbataumever fah Dang. A puason may sing In de choir all uv his days, an' waits up promp'ly wid his sheer uv de preacher's salary, but Ola Saint Pe ter halnt a-gulne to open dot gate to every song-and-dance man wbut comes erlong. -Jaytown Corker. Pit e 1 1 mU 1 r U. Bigony&Co., MARKET ST., SUNBURY, PA. - Sporting Goods, Cans - aid - SoppUes, Phonographs and Record X