K'ISAN'S mm Doctors find A Good Prescription For mankind Tn lot try cmtt.it Drnrriti C.rocsn, Rrtaurata. "aloeae, Ntwi-Staodi, (Jcnaral Stont tod bat bare "P1 The? htmih pain, induct ilrtp, tnd eraloat IMa Use gives relief l N matter what'a tht Bittar, ..... iu Se Vee food. Tie tain; lei and ont thou Ms I tnd. EfKa2ai V?'? J' tddmi on receipt 2 erk.. rttu.RipaaiClwaucal Co., loSpruct St.,Nw Yeika' Frank S. Riegle, DEALER IN P mm MACHINES, W.ddlcburg, - Pa. Inquire for . . Prices and Terms. A TEMPERANCE LF.9SOW. Their., children, la an example of hat the cheese habit will bring you toT N. Y. World. One Steaulrawst Factor. TU sal0 there's nothing sure In life Such folly makes us smile, Por every year, despite our strife. Our clothes go out of style. -Chicago Record. An Old Adasre. "Can't be Dosafble that Harduu'R ro- Suj to marry Buaie Banknote. Almicr snorijjh, I suppose, bat an ugly, shriv-Ud-up little, thing, tut thin aa a 1 1. VinvA wvn nam. h,.nsii 1hnt drowning men catch at a straw?" ff. t. World. Wast It Tetvekea. "And what dbesj the story of the 5"HguJ aon teach usf asked the char. "It teachett us how to get the fatted UT was the prompt reply of the bad P7 at the foot of the chtsav-Qilcogo ft The Teat. It von want to know the age of a horse; Ton can tell It by his teeth, of course! But the age of a turkey best is known Not by his teeth, but by your own. -fudge. Ber Prlvllegse Exolntlvely. Dora I let him kiss me on condition Vt he wouldn't mention It Cora I snnnnaa won wanted to tin air e news rooraalfl Puek. Drblnd tka Beaton. Cholly Jin cheao Deanery) I any. Hi taw! There's fly In this soup, 1" know! T u 1 1 of Cav TT.'re'a a miv 1 dreamia' it'a winter I Puck, Waal Ha We,. ted to Know. At Will tout Bother let joa go i alone? I Mtj-Uo; but shall hare no objec- jrtth tm Wajrleni UK mm St i V Aa Observation. "As blind as a bat," is a saying Of antediluvian date. But a bat'o nut ad blind as tho average man In church when they're passing the plate -J. 1'. World. A Delicate Compliment. Little Johnny Mrs. Talkemdown paid a big compliment to me to-day. Mother Did she really? Well, there's no denying that woman luu sense. What did she say? Little Johnny She said she didn't see how you came to have such u alee little boy as I wus.-Tlt-ltlts. More Power Seeded.. Minister I think we should have congregational singing. Organist Then we mast have a new organ. "Why so?" "This instrument Isn't powerful enough to drown 'em out" N. Y. Weekly. Lost on the Cabby. "1 can claim a professional relation ship to you," said Mr. Trench". nt Peon, to the cabman. "So?" replied the latter, Doa-ootji mittaL "Yea, I do hock work myself." N. T, World. At Last. "Ten years ago," said tho hollow, eyed man, "I sold you some books." "You did?" replied tho victim, stnvj gling to restrain himself. "Well, I've come to ask your forgive ness. I'm going to join the church," Philadelphia North American, It is said that one pound of butter gives a working force equal to that of five pounds of beef, nine pounds of po tatoes or 12 pounds of milk. That most be tho kind of butter that does house work. Appropriate. "Young nrainlirlilgo gave his fiancee an odd engagement pjroacut," Bald Larkin to Ollroy. "What was ttr "A bicycle." "A beU went with the wheel, I suppose?" "Certainly "Then he intended that to provide tho engagement ring?" Detroit Free Press. A Dteeoerajieroent, "Yea," salt! the young woman, I And books in the running brooks." "Well," said Farmer Corntossel, "them summer boarders littered) the place up terribly with them trashy novels last year. Ma an' ma done tho best wo could to burn 'em all In the cook stove, but they do seem to keep tux aiii' up." Washlngt Star. IF'1' ' '''''' h'l '--' FUSION MIGHT LOSE r.nrcc Republican Club Men Hear Sound Advice From Foraker and Babcock. WILL GO TO WORK AT ONCE. Cnffrr. nilllnic rind nonnollj-. nf the Democrat to Mack I ae.Meel Vltava and Martin, Imaavfreuts, llut Hcpuhll enn seem ti tie Arovaad Anuluat Thif Caanblae, (Si clal crr. spondi nee.) Philadelphia, Sept. 25. One of the most Important results of the conven tion of the stal i Li ;ue of Republican cluha, held here last week, was the determination of many active young Republicans, visitors from every coun ty In the state, in return homa and work more zealously than over for ths success of the whole Hi pul I i an ticket. They were Inspired In d t!ii tiy the eloquent and forcible arguments made by Senator Foi iki r, "f Ohio, Chairman Babcock, of the Republican rxnsTes lonal committee, and other party lead ers, who came to Pennsylvania to urco the Importance of making Repub lican gains in congress In order to save the bouse tn the Republican party for next year. They pointed out thp possible nalns for the Democracj In many states, and they gave facts and figures to show that there Is a dangerous apathetic feeling shown among Republicans, who seem to be Impressed with the Idea that President McKlnley Is pertain to he re-elected nml that the Republican! lire sure to elect a majority of the house. The Republican club men bad their niinils disabused of the notion that the Republican party has practically a Walkover In the canvass for tin house, ind they were Impressed with the ini portance of making Republican con gressional gall s in states like Penn sylvania. Every now and then the Democrats, through Republican dissen sions or Indifference, make heavy sains In their representation in the house. Stress WHS Inhl by several of tha speakers upon the danger of losing Uo publlcan congressmen through the fu sion movements which have spread to a number Of counties of the state, by the efforts of the so-called insurgents, wiiiia primarily, in many cases, ths aim of the Insurgents Is to to defeat Republican candidates fur the stato leg islature, It was shown that In the past Republican candidates for congress have been defeated In Just such move ments. There are several congression al districts which, under ordinary cir cumstances, are safely Uepuhllcun, but which are now nindo debateablo, and probably Deruoc -atlc, through the leg islative deals wlih ths Damocn0fj made Dy tha 'Insurgents. The several speaRers who tonchea" upon this subject ut the League con vention were emphatic In their state ments that unless prompt action shall he taken by the leaders of the party organisation and the Stato League to thwart the plans of the fuslonlst-s thers will be serious losses In the congres sional delegation, There were reports, however, from some of the club men which Indicated that the fusion movement Is not going to make the headway that wus at first feared. Delegates from Chester, Montgom ery, 1'nlon, Snyder, Northumberland, Montour, Blair, Franklin, Venango, Warren and other counties, where the Guffey Democrats and the Flinn-Mar-tln Insurgents are at work, stated that there Ib a growing sentiment among Republicans against the fusion scheniors, and that the prospects are that In many districts the plans of the insurgents and their Democratic allies will meet defeat. HURRIEDLY CAX.LED CONFERENCE That the managers of the fusion movement are not qulto at ease was made manifest here last week when hurried conference was called, which brought William Fllnn and Col. .Tames M. Ouffpy, the Democratic national committeeman, from Allegheny to meet David Martin and Chairman Rilling, of the Democratic state committee, to gether In this city. This quartut are supervising the arrangements for fu sion In the several counties of the state. They were alarmed over several unes pected developments after the Demo cratic primaries In this city, where Guf fey had planned for fusion with the Martin Insurgents. In the legislative districts whero John F. Keator and H. L. It. Nyco, In surgent members of the last legislature, were defeated at the Republican prima ries, tho Democrats refused to place them upon the Democratic tlckot, but nnmed straight Democrats In their stead. Guffey had Insisted upon the Democrats in the districts putting Kea tor and Nyce upon their ticket, but tho Democrats refused to tako the orders, and named men of their own party In each Instance. Tho same thing was done in several other dis tricts in this city, whero Guffey had agreed to help Martin men to defeat the regular Republican nominees for tho senate and the bouso by fusion with the insurgents. Senator Osbourn. who was renomi nated by the Republicans of his dis trict, was to have been opposed by tho Martlnltes with the aid of the Demo crats, hut the Democrats named a man of their own party and Ouffey was In a rage when he met the Democratic leaders who had thrown him down. He summoned Chairman Donnelly, of the Democratic city committee, to the Hotel Stratford, where Martin and Fllnn and Rilling were already assem bled. There Guffey told Mr. Donnplly that ha had been betrayed and that the Democracy of Philadelphia would bo read out of the organization if the par- ; ty leaders did not obey his commands I for fusion nominations. Donnelly pro tested thnt he could not prevent what had happened, as the ward leaders had ignored bis Instructions and named Democrats where they should have Bominatcd Insurgents. A Ql'FElt COMRINATION. Guffev. Fllnn. Martin. Rilling and , Donnelly went over the whole situa tion, and Guffey pleaded with Donnelly to do what he coo'd tn prevent further Violations of faith with their Flinn M.irtln allies. Donnelly promised to do his best, and he went to work at once to get for mer Speaker Walton nominated for senator bv the Democrats of the Fifth Senatorial district. Walton had been I defeated at the Republican primage i by William 'I. Berkelbach, the candi date of the ialwart Republicans, by a malorlty of (tlx 'it R.000 votes In a total poll of over 34.000, Donnelly soon found that the Democrats of the dis trict wotdd not stand for the placing nf Walton upon the Democratic ticket. The lenders said they would agree to fusion If It would heiu the Democratic partv. but they declared that the Demo- ' era tic voters would not tolerate tho nomination of Walton. The result wes that former Representative Pearden. who has been an anti-Martin man and p v it-tin man bv turns, was nominated hv the Democratic convention. Pear den lust now is a Martin man. but he stands not the slightest chance of being elected. The retirement nf Walton has led to a unanimous Indorsement of Ber kelbach, the Republican nominee, by the Republican committee nf the Thirty-second ward, in which both Berkel bach and Walton reside, and which di vided by a vote of 1"'-i to I'.'i at the delegate election, although Berkelbach bid a majority of several hundred In the popular vole. The turn'"" ilmvn of W.lltOn will rrenn that Rerkplbaeh will earrv this district bv st least 4.00,0 mslorltv. It 1 l'kelv to be innrh tvore. and the fu sion scheme as regards members of tho house nf representatives will fail also, j NO SHOW FOR INSURGENTS. It now looks as though the Insur Cetlls would not get over four out of the 39 members of the house of repre sentatives to be elected In this city in November, and they will not get a sin gle member nf the senate. The Democrats had two members of the hniise at the Inst session from this city, but they will not have a Phltadel phlnn In the next house. The Republicans of Philadelphia are determined to recognize the call from the Republican congressional commit tee, and they will elect every Republi can candidate for congress from this tlty. Tills will mean the turning down of McAleer, who has been sent to con gress for some years by the Martin Republicans, who have used the Mc Aleer organization for factional pur poses In the Republican party. Mc Aleer Is now confronted with a stal wart Republican, a well known manu facturer, Henry Murk, who will make an aggressive canvass and who will be elected If the leaders of the regular Re publican organisation can thwart the Martlnltes in their deals to send Me Aleer to congress in return for votes for Insnrcent members of the legisla ture, or for Democratic members of the legislature where Insurgents havo not been nominated. The outlook Is certainly very gloomy for the Fliun-Martlu-Guffey combine aa rar as rniiaaeiphia is concerneai and It is probably ths same throughout the state. Am rp-4o-nat DeeertpMota. Oh, mamma," cried Pusste, aa the snake gave a start and glided nway in the grans, "it seems to be all made up of ball hearings, doesn't It?" Brook lyn Life. TTndn't Noticed It. Mrs, Angler Did you have a day's flshlnc, John? good Angler Exclent, m' denr. Sec all tV fish I caught "Put yon left your fishing tactile at home." IS'. Y. Journal. A Played-Onl Sons). 9ftw sons' thnt mother ued to tring, Io Us way, wns pretty fuln But of course It didn't have th ring Of the rippling rag-time alrt -Chicago Tlniea-Ilcrald. Ills Idea of It. "The idea of Bonding children to bed . ears to punish 'am!" exclaimed Mrs, Co-. 1, who was discussing her rela j tives. "Tli.it Isn't any way to o'roct them." "Of course It isn't" answered her , husband. "If you . ant to convince 'em ; that you mean business make, 'cm get up un hour or so earlier in the morn ing." St Louis Republic, At present there ore only 23 cities In tho United States and Cunada In, which carpenters work ten hours per day. One hundred and five havo the eight Lour rule and 434 work nine hours a day. Tho OtdUa (Ga.) News furnishes the Information that OcIlla'B handsomest young widower, who drives a red mule. seems to tio shedding since the late oat crop came in. Man or mulo? No Turtnre There. Customer What is the meaning of that sign, "Painless liurbers?" Barber The barbers in this shop are not allowed to talk while shaving. 21. 1'. Journal. What He Oot. "A man stole my pocketbook to-day .v "What makes you laugh at thatr "All it contained was a newspaper slipping of 'The White Man's Burden.' " .-Chicago Dally Record, A Sturgeon (Mo,) minister totfl Ms oongregatlon one Sonduy lately that If any member thought the serinum too long Ot too ivf he was at perfect lib erty to got op and walk oct Toward tha eloee ac his remaraui one oat tho pariahlosiar reached for his hot and started flown tho stale. Ths preacher nntUd hlmi That t all right brother, tf yon are getting tired I wHi not take any offense at your leav ing." The brother responded 1 "That ain't ft, parson 1 bat I bore Just, rem em be rd that f frrrgot to dose) the call lot," for Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought tuta borne tho siMi;t tur of Chus. II. Fletcher, and lias been nutde under 'i personal supervision lor over 30 years. Allow no ont to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-aa-good" arc but Bzpertmenta, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Expcrhucutt The Kind You Have Always Bough'; S7 Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years. iiiiiffiifHiifiiiHifimiiirssiiiif ssssf 14 REAL GRAPHOPHftr- fc REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS W ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. MAKE YOUR OWN RECORD The pleasure of a Graphophone is largely increased by making and repr your own record-.- We furnish this machine with recorder for '7.50, BfssMaaaaai of eT.ry Seterisnea, I'all tr writ-. . ' COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dot. '.2fi ihiihisii . , $500 We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Ingestion, Constipatioi or Costiveness we cannot cure wit Liverita, 1 tie Up-to-Date Little Liver P! kThey are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisf, io 25c boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pi: boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and talKations,. Sent by mail: Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Corncs Clinton and Jackson Sts.? Chicago, Illinois. . Sold by Sold by MIDDLEBURQH DRUG CO.. HIDDLEBURGH, I Dyspepsia 61oce M63, immediate1 lasting -k -k -k SAVE YOUR "Star 1 Si 1 W 1 BsLaaSBaM1,,,,., tiu ta(?n (showing small stars printed on indcr eid of tag), Horse Shoo," "J. T.," and "Drummond " Natural Leaf Tiu Tags uro of aqnaj value iu j socuring presents mentioned below, and may bo assorted. I 'M Every nu.ii, womun and child that they would li.-o to have, and TadH. I Match not a I Knife, one blade, oood steel Sf 8 Scittort. t4 tnc-lnw 2b t unwri Bet Knife r r anti spoon Ji 6 Halt and Pepfier bet,oneeaeb,qnad. rnple plate un white metal M (! French linar Wood Pipe It 7 Bator, hollow (ir'.unJ, fine KiiKlUh atwl fio stmtter Knife, triple plate, Ix-it nwHii y Sonar Slii-ll. so I Sonar Shell, triple pla'e, '., (Jual . 1" In stamp Bos, iterllng silver 5u 11 Knife, "Keen RntterMwo blades. . l! Butcher Knife, "Keen Kuttw," a-in blade 75 UBbstri, "Keen Kntter, "-Inch "6 11 Nnt Set, Cracker tnd il Plckt, allTcr Plated HO 15 Bae Hall, "Association, " best oual.leo 16 Alarm Clock, nlekal lio 17 KliOenulneRniien'Teupooua, beat j'ltttil t;..od tu 11 Watch, nickel, stem wind tnd set . . Suo IV Carvera. (uod atoel, buckhorn handles too SD Hit Uvmilne Kcpnrs' Tablo Spuorit, htat plated K'"da 21m U Bit each, Knives tnd Furkt, buck- lioruhtudlet SJo II Bli each, Oennlne Rovera' Knlrea and forka, beet pitted goods SOU THE HBOVe OFFER EXPIRES Snorlol Motion I Plain "Btsr" Tin Ttirarthtt li, star tin it.- amili OptJUIdl ItUiiOB I ,trt printed on under tide of lag), Are sot ..1 ,- ,rnti. i ss but wUl t-is-' t it In CASH 00 waBSaU bfiwtriyccatopor d bv ntnn or before March 1st. usm. bandred, If race UT lit: AH W .MIMA that a dime . STAR PLUG wflt Inst longer und ugord More plvuure limn n dime'e vr.Aa ox SV17 . other brand. MAKE THE TE8T! Send lags to CONTINENTAL Signature of :. A itrongl) constructed 01 .i, ... .. ouhone, with limplt mtchas. m Ism, made to mt the e K nund for a first-class UUUn " machine, at .- low prio Bmm.mnilniHltmi h v v .;. nun II i Tho Ideal french Tor.b FOR BODY AND BRL'i Badorsed by Medical Faculty efficacious agreeable -k it -fr -V -V y -fV l A " Good Luck," " Cross Kuw," I'TX cuu find aumuluiug ou tho lidt ( k I A cuu havo I T01 ' J it Clock, Mar. Catenas', Thermom- I , I itr, llnri.ni---r M . iCV M Onn -a-., l-atln-r. no lrtT rn.'tt.. .'..l it It- l-r. mt..:nllc-. d.'itljle act I n. aim Hctllher. 8U H Tool Bet, not playtldags, but real to'da tUal 17 Toilet sal deoo-sted porcelain, very oaudtorne k) It.Miiin.'tMii Kill.. No. 4. UorMctl. ami iw Sateb, -.lerltm: iilTer,fatl jeweled I'i-'o so Press Bult Oaae, leatber, nandtome tnd durable . Ioju 31 BetMna Machine, first c lass, with all uMarhnienta l&uu n Revolver. Colt t, . -,in.r, l-:nd steel. is. St Bine, Uolt't. lo-shot, a-callbor.. . 1. N Oultar (Watbburn), rosewood, In linl J0 36 Man-lnlln, very handsome uoo 36 wlaeaaster Be petting shot Ouu, 13 , a 2U0J 37 Remington, doiihle-barrHl. bam tuerHhot liun, lo ur 1J gaue 11000 38 Uti-y'-le, standard muke, ladiea or geuu ttoo S9 Bhot thin, Itemintun, duuhlo tmr rel, haiuinerless a .StusJ 40 BeKtna Mi.- Bot, lit inch DUJ..UWJ NOVEMBER 30th, 1900. worth of l-waf .t TOBACCO ?t lae'e wjAO ct 9kU7 k'faT I co.t 31. mult, Mo. I flf T TOBACCO CO. Vs-A -k .FWAh I Mil TABS M i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers