The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 27, 1900, Image 4

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I'uhlishid Evert Thursday Morninu
G. W. V A GEN SELLER, Editor and Proprietor.
Ml Ul i . r Ml It Mid in advance. MJi !'' V' 11 ' I'1'
In advance. HnglaaMHta, FIy Casta
ltlT-rlilnu ltar. 13 rent -r line, nonpareil measure
mini for fir Wtior. and in cent. p M
' quiit rtlon. I OFFICE. NettfiM County 1 3ouH Boom
cell tiie i 'irai tiwoMi " - -
Vi '.. WWII
F.PT. 27, 1000.
Number "k-
1 i,i charity prevail, tlx- Put would prova
rehlcle of Virtue, Truth and lova." Oowraa.
Kr.i r the flag flying, ami the mills running.
While Mr. Bryan i- hurling anathemas nt
the tit. tyranical army, why is it that lie is mute
in regard to die growing navy of the Republic?
It was latter that opened the rinllipiincsto
American settlement Babe, Willie?
Tin Lewisburg News last week says:
"Tin. Rkittu.ican forces in Union county
will '!ii- yenrtn? led hy two veteran 1Ui. who
l,tli lieloiiR to the -aim Regiment that never
kuew defeat, the 51st Pa, Col. J. I'. Brooke was
on Monday elected county chairman, while D.
H. tietx, Kw., continues as secretary. With these
two sturdy citizens nml loyal Republicans at the
helm there isa guarantee of an aggressive cam
paign mid certain Republican victory all along
the line on November 6th.
Tnr schools, colleges and universities have
nearly all ojiened for the fall ant' winter's work.
On,, noticeable leature i- that in nearly all oi
them tliereia an increased attendance. This is a
who!, ime indication thai tin- present generation
is phi ing a higher valuation upon the better cul
tivatii n ol the mental faculties. There are more
young people from Snyder county going away to
school and the attendance at Susquehanna Uni
versity i- much increased over former years. The
removal utiestion has been permanently settled.
The Telephone Situation.
SNYDER COUNTY is blessed(?) with two
telephone companies, operating two sepa
rate and distinct lines. Now telephone privile
ges are certainly a convenience and a necessity to
modern business methods, but to have two com
panies operating in the same territory, each hav
ing a different set of subscribers, without courte
ous privilege of using the competing line, repre
sents a state of affairs inimical to modern progress
mil rapid development. Snyder county is not
1 Collated and Arranncd Expressly fnrThe Fust
! 'J And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jcrusa
I fa, Aomin down from God out of heaven.
, 3 And I henril a great voice out of heaven, say-
, k Behold, the tabernacle of GOD is WITH HEM
. ud he will KLL WITH THKM, and thev shall
, e HIS people, and God himself shall be with them,
, nd be their God.
large, but, in order to reach only two-thirds of 12 And the building of the wall of it was of las
the towns in the county, it is necessary to rent r, and the city was 1'1'RK COLD, like unto clear:
" Lj e llasB. Revelaton, ( haptcr 21.
'phones from two iliffcrent companies, necessita
ting an outlay of two rents. Most businessmen
will rent from one company only, others from
neither, because, no matter which one is taken,
about one-half the county cannot be reached, for
a subscriber of one line cannot communicate with
n Biiharrilwr nf the other line w ithout a toll.
This is a state of affairs that should not exist.
Connection, by mutual courtesy, is made wit)
lines outside the county, and the same rule should
apply to the Penn Telephone Company and the
Spring Telephone ( Company. We understand that
the representatives of the Penn, Spring and Tus
carora Valley Telephone companies had a meet
ing last week to consider plans hy which subscri
ber of one hue can use the other line without ad
ditional charge. This should be done by all
means. It will inure to the benefit of the own
ers of Ixith lines, as well as to the subscribers of
both. The owners of both lines will get more
subscribers, because many more will be willing
to pay 'phone rent if all the territory covered by
lxith lines can be reached, and thus secure addi
tional service w ithout increasing the expenses of
either company.
Wc sincerely trust that arrangements will he
speedily perfected whereby subscribers of either
line can use th" entire line in Central Pennsyl
vania, yea, eventually of the entire State, and
finally reach all parts of the United States.
$1.25 for Nothing
From the days of Saint John's revelation
The marvellous story is told,
And the song has come down thro the aires
The song of the City of Gold.
To the innocent hearts of the children,
To the toilers who faint 'neath the sun
To the old who have fought out its problems,
To the dying whose journey is done,
Comes the dream of the Mystical city
With color and lovlincs rife,
Iridescent Its jeweled foundations,
Flower-bordered its River of Life ;
And the streets of the City are Golden,
And the sea as of crystal appears
And the sound of the harpers is in it,
And it knows not of sorrow or tears.
Like a mirage far out iii tin desert,
Like the fabric that fashions our dreams
Like a many-hued mirror'd reflection,
The Pure Golden City beseems.
Some grope 'mid the types and the shadows,
A d Hi t at it- veiling disguise;
Their heart?- cannot gr iSp Cor conceive it
Its glory la hid from their eyes.
They catch hut a note of its music,
A glimpse swiftly passing and faint
A hint of its wondrous pe 'feet ion,
Low-whispered to seer and to saint
Yet the glow of it shortens the journey,
And more bravely our feet tread the sod
On the mad to the SorrOwless City
Whose Builder and .Maker i.s God.
And thus, as a gift to the ages,
The marvellous story Hows on,
And the heart of man rests on the vision
Thai Illumined the eyes of Saint John.
She's fmi li Bad.
Monday pedestrians wi n nslderably amused S
pnreading the following " poetic effusion evident
Lv traced bv thetaner Aimers ol one of Middleburir'f
many charming "oweel Sixteeus," on the bulletin
black board of Lloyd Dowersox. itsajimhun:
I love you in my heart I love you m my liver
If I had you in my lap, 1 'd push you in the river
Our presses have completed printing our
. MBHnM HO, WW, ol everyimnir to
Ml, , v, rah. uui . i
costs ei.ou to prim anu .so cms to
mall. As an evidence ol intt-rrsi
send 10 cents In stamps to help
pay postage, and you may dtsluct
tnese to cents irom your nrsi
order ol Jl. It required 47 car
loads of paper tor this won
derTul Mill iaa. mum II con
tains 480 pages, size IOWiU
Inches, equivalent to over
1UUU pages HIM ordinary
catalogue, vt e save you
Tio per cent, to 70 per
cent, on everything
you tiuy at every
season of the yrar.
this Dooa quotes
whuiesale prices
to consumers,
and with It In
your posses
sum you huy
man the
1 IV I
Is little
you can
think of
that this
book does
not contain.
excepting lo
comotive and
Hints. W e even
quote Live Ani
mals. Everything
a man. woman or
child wears. :ill kinds
of food, evervthimr
for the home, for the
office, for a h t . 1 . for use
on I farm, in a barn, or for
every known DurDose. can
he found In this catalojrue.
This Ik contains over
in. 1100 Illustrations and auottt
prices on over 160.000 differ
ent article.
Lithographed Carpet, Ktir'aad
Drapery Catalogue, and oar Clothing
Catalogue with large samples at
tached, are also Free. Expressage paid
on Clothing; Freight paid on Carpet
Which book shall ivr M4 1 AJJrtsi this vajt :
Department 909, BALTIMORE, MD.
Public Sales
Hotlcrs of sale wUI be liifw-neafreeiindprthla
bfudltis when tin' bills are ur:ull at t his offloe.
When the bills are not printed at this office so
I'-uio will ue i n;iri:',,i. r'-rsi'iis inir 10
niive sale snoiiin select a n.iu; and nave it Insert
ed in tbls column.
UiTl'IMllV I'l'f '.if, ,.. VJ.. 1.11.. I..,-.. I. 117
"inTiwr,,, win nr'.i uriVK uuusc biiu nil un
the French Main.
SlilTNU sH'T ,,), 1 ......... ,11.. f Iff
Showeri. asamnofl of the last will IM tei
towiinhip, doceasesl, will 11 1.1 tracts of
real estat.' and aportatiie aitw mill
KlftceMi cents pays for the Post till
alter election to Ik- sent to new suhscri
liers only for the campai,u;u purposes.
2.") cents' to New Year. tf.
David CityTNeb., April 1, 1900.
Genem-ee Pure Food Co., Le Koy,
N. Y.
Gkntlemks : I must say in -regard
to GHAIN O that there is no
thing better or healthier. We hare
used it for years. My brother was a
great coffee drinker. He was taken
sick and the doctor said coffee was
the cause of it, and told us to use
GRAIN-0. We got a package, but
did not like it at first, but now would
not be without it. My brother bs
been well ever since we started to
use it. Yours truly, Lillie Sochck.
S'N - N
AT -
439 Market St.,
Chairman Jos E, oi the National
Demoerntic Committee, now confesses to
a mil, i. .li, ami lie rather thinks, being
in the lotton Hale Trust, that lie is a
first-clars, up-to-date business man, ami
whi. h accounts lor the fact that the
Bryanite campaign is well provided
iwQer. and ' ' 'veil bandied
toee who know how to use i
iir'''',f:','l:,;' -.m
in Si, 15, 1900
Call to see them-
S . N
r . ..... ....... . ... A I . I h
1 M,, Frank S. Riasrla.
32tP; tjkmL MALES III WM !M!
( i; Ki.K is the chosen leader ol Mr. I " '' . ' ;. ' - llAlllilJi BStHHR'
lin-in in New York Thus the slar- gS- '-" - "-sV '-;:,-----; V. JfflW
Irewba.l .,'-..-: .'.-7-t ':V, - ' .JSK-c., 1 - - ' - i A . I ' ''WJ :Tf!HM
; ' - r - Bt rG2&E3&3S3f
i-ntcs anu icrms. wf ilf j .WMmnrnWlw
-pei e!i w:.s not on ta
tuck Ineiuia turned out an
eggs ; i that distingtii
the"! I inonible .lolm (i. 'arlisle. At
least, the Democratic nominee olfei
tin in tesi at tiie nine, and, later, nro
II. . I . Oi . 1
cecum io in:u oiaieuiui niauc pccciii
for the nnti -imperial egg-tlirowers.
I hi: football season has oiiened and the con
i .i t i i
ooiiicM inr success on me gniuroii lias hcnn.
This sport is the most fascinating of all college
sports ami in addition to that, it i-; the most vio
lent in the category. A college student can bet
ter exercise his mental facultif
the physical capacity,
Tin: Selinsgrove editors must have "made
up" and gone together on a spree last week, The
Iribunc came to us with two pages blank and
the ?Wcame to us without a sheet. These
sheets were calculated not to offend anyone and
they were a most decided success. These two
pencil pushers were just two weeks ahead of the
Tin: Lenhart murder trial occupied the at
tention of live days ol" the Union county court
last week. ( )n the 'J 1st day of last April James
Lenhart murdered Newton Moatz in Lewisburg.
A bard fight was made to convict the prisoner of
murder in the first degree, but the jury returned
a verdict of murder iu the second degree. While
it is not very consoling to face a long term of
imprisonment m the penitentiary, it is always
preferred to banging.
There will be a gala time in Middleburg
Tuesday evening of next week. The Republi
can hosts of the county will be at the capital to
hear the issues of the campaign discussed and to
open the tight for the presidential election in
Snyder county. The speakers, Senator Landis,
Congressman Mahon, Senator Focht and Repre
sentative Smith, are too will known to need any
introduction. There will be a big time, and
von all should he in town. There will be
band music to, soothe flic aesthetic anil oratory to
guide the wayward.
DOES Mr. Bryan think or just think hetiiiuks'.'
The Democratic Conference.
""Mil" I Vmocrafs of this Senatorial District
ire willing to swallow their words
worms and all. They crowed lor months that
Wolverton was the only man able to defeat Focht.
if he develops Because vi the strike Wolverton did not dare to
accept. John V. Lesher is a good man, but he
had to be turned down because Judge Bucher
thought Lesher's National Guard record would
injure him in the coal regions. They, therefore,
nominated Hon. F. K. Drown, of Lewisburg.
The conference was not the most harmonious
one on record. The Bueher crowd proposed to
out Lesher out on the first ballot, by getting the
Union county conferees and two of Nortumber
land county's conferees to vote for Shaffer of Sun
bury. The plan failed to work. Lesher's friends
stood by him, and they were strong enough that
the political joblicrs could not make a nomination
without Lesher's consent. Although Lesher was
was not named, he was a factor in the conference
that named the nominee, just the same.
SENATOR Dei-kw was asksd the other day re
garding the education of the rich. He replied
that all young me:: should be so taught as to be
able to earn their own living. "There never was
a Vanderbilt," he said, "who could not, if left
without a cent, earn his own living. And they
have all liecu the better for it.
Tin: Democratic candidate for Congress from
Snyder county not only failed to attend the con
ference, but also failed to send any conferees.
The 77ks man says)hat he did not have time
to attend the Congressional conference, but,
strange as it may seem, he was able to spend two
days at tire Senatorial conference where he was
neither a candidate nor a conferee. They say
that Editor Lesher discovered bofore going that
it would be a cold ikiy in Harrisburg.
Straj rtioughts,
Come near me! 1 do weave
chain I cannot break I am iiose.-t
of thoughts too swift ami si ronu forone lor.e human
bieast. Shklley. Revolt of Islam.
Cbuelty Detested sport,
That owes its pleasures to another's pain.
Cowi'EB. The Task,
An Angel with a trumpet said :
" Forever more, forever more,
The reign of violence is o'er! "
Longfellow. The Occupation of Orion.
Creation what cause
Moved the Creator in His holy rest
Through all eternity so late lo build
lii chaos, ami, the work begun,
How soon absolved,
Milton. Paradise Lost.
Had I been present at the creation, I would have
given some useful hints for the better ordering of the
universe. AI.I'lloNso, THE BE.
G.S. Bigony&Gii.,
- 4ot ne (;-
Sporting Goods,
Cameras - mil - Site,
and Records.
1 c-
Who is Lucifer?
''plIIS 18 ONE of the many titles tradition and the-
iilitirv irivoa t.i tlw. Il.ivil l,nt tin. u h . I ilni.u lint
renllv exoress the darkness and wickedness nserilied
to his sooty majesty. The Seer, Isaiah, intimates the ' BBMf; MiSsM
reverse when he refers to him as " Lucifer, Son of '
Morning, and Webster says, '-Lucifer, the planet Ve-1
nus, (Goddess of Love.) The word is derived from j
the Latin, LUX, lucis, light, and FEBRE, to hring,
ti i ;.. ., i...;.. - i ....:r.... .1..... 1 ..r...... 1 ' .,
Wiurinuwui uiuiiii, iui 11, i.i.-hom 1.1 ,., ,.-h- T .. T DUlIVf! VlTlllVir 1 I.1 DITI1TC A M KVVVVl 'JPIi'H linrnil,'.'
1111; tiai Kiiess, or an vi 1 our innrnai, is a iiirm nearer. . . - .
- ' 1 ,,,,,,, , , . 1 1, . , , . , .1,1,1 onnnirrnr ,,t inn in nni 11
ho, suiierstilious craft is alwavs husy placing ilark-, y. 1 . , ., . . . , .
ness for light, and making the real truth of non-ef- ple"' wlU00nMn tuo most reliable news oi
feet reversing the natural order of things.
Lucifer, proper, does not stand for the traditional
Devil, hut for Light against darkness; reason, infor
mation iiL'iiinsI mire simerititioiis iirnorance : science I
again t tradition justice against privilege ; Invest!- includinc discussions, correspondence and speeches of the ablest politic
....(...,. 1.... ;,. 1.'. 1. ... , .... 1 ;.. 1 ........... t , I,, ; 1.1 1 11 1 1.. : 1 i'.. .... ..11 .1... 1.....I l,nu'i
RHMWU ,. ... 1 ' . 1 vi. . ' ... Hn ... . .. . . ...... . .v...... 1 JCaUUID, Ul 1111(1111 1 Ul IUI 1,11.-, lUpUlin llUUl 111. aV.WvLw v.. in inn,, RMw -j
ty, ignorance ami arbitrary Hat: liberty against slav-.j progress of the work, etc, etc., and will commend itself to the carei
ery. The "Light that brighici.cth every Soul that porusal ol every thoughtful, intelligent voters who ha the true interes
...... ,..(1, int., 11,., i.,,i.. I o ,.,,,1 ..,.., nonolklllfloa '.i - 1 ?i 1 .
...... .... ...... y "i" ' ...... 01 ms country ai ueari.
to tiie true science ot life, cannot lie evil, wrong nor I
Hi,, rtavtl I ount ' tlw. i.iirsi. honmiaa I Im.IIi.v-h Vnm Vrnilr Itilli-lij Mumlar, WiMncn-
, i:c. ... 1 1,1 .,..n.: 1.,.. :.. ' fluff I Ul 1 day and Friday in in reality n
1111111..11 oie 11. n.- 111. ne in. ui.iii niiuiuiiK NX Jul rn;Tnl, m. fresh, evei yotlierilay
The New-York Tribune
New Yorl
lye : Now YnrV
Ol., llllllli .1-1 111 m- TTT--1.I- II.,.. fr..ul.,..r., ,.v
the universe, mid that it should lie neither pampered 1 Tl" W CLaiy Dally, iriviim 'the latest urn's iii
nor ahused ; and lieeause I helieve thoroughly in the TnhnilP l iy.H on-ne. mt i..v.-rliit-m
. ....!.. 1..... .....1 ti..... .,......c.o..,...-. ......... lllUuiiC of the other three. It contains
1 n". "i iiiipi,iiii,iiin ii,r, 'i.iiii.i "n.iMi 1. ...niiv nll Important for.-ii.-n war anil
AS DIVINE8T WOBSHTPl I believe in the respect, es- other eaMo news which appeara in THBDA1LV
teem and honor of all truly good DM 11 and women. I TKIIll'NK f same date, ulso UnmetUa and
helieve the highest object, yoithv of devotion, to he etoZr" U,"?'S?fa!
development of a ure, Useful and true manhood. I dustrinl Information, Fnahlon Notes. Airricnl-
helievc it to hetlttorlv Impossible to bate HIV brother "ml Mnttern ond Comprehensive and Heliahk
man and love an unseen and unknown Deity, lor Ki'mnciai ami Market report..
" he that DOETH righteously ,s righteous "-just. j "Hcript,on price .aO per year.
The trend of real s.-iritual nrolrreM li toward bu, W.ImbWi f" : "
inaiiilari.tiusin, ami tin-vulcan - ! 1,1 ilita iianisni care j .11 1 a 11 "'n4.'- lU.'JJI nU,,nih V
less for theology and more for humanity. Lsjjka. , OCliU ilii U1UVX9 vJ tUC iUBIi i uuuuwumgui -
Piihlishnl on Thursilny
known for ncarlv slaty rear!
ev.TV nan 01 uie unit" -
.. .. , , I I- 11,. V .
01 tne lliaiiesi eince lor
anil vi utters, ll eoniaui-
1 hi. 1110H1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 i 1 1 . 1
imraoi 111 '.luiiii 1 iiini -r. up h. ,-.
t.,i,-.... in. entiTiilininz rr:i-:
..llirKet jupons wnien fireaeeepieu u...
by fanners and country merchants, J
..Inn.. .... ,.. .Int.. 1 t I . i I .... I . -. t Z ,
BagVtet subscription price, tl.W per year
Wc foinlah It with the FOR for $1.20 per