The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 27, 1900, Image 3

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    A . ,
LtwoB In thr MllMHilll Series foi
September :I0, 1WOO
Senator Wolcott Talki of Condi
tions in Colorado.
Lu I
The? 0rtii
!7 Will If Fusion Can
Ee Prevented)
Senator Wnlrntt, who presided oyer
the Republican national eouventlon,
says a special from Denver, Is quite
hopeful Of the Republicans carrying
"1 have never seen such a change
politically as has taken place In this
mate within the past two months,"
said Senator Wolcott. "When I re
turned to Colorado after the Philadel
phia convention 1 had no hopes of the
tPrerrtiFd by H. C. Lestna; ton.
GOI.UK TBXT. Bt jt ..r. .,( tht
Word, and nni bearers uulf , deielv-
im ).r own salwsa. 4m. naa.
A CHRONOIxiolCAl. KltviKW.
II low we give in chreiiiMOgHjal or ,
der the recorded events in tb life M '
Christ for the period embraced in Uu
lessons of the past quarter:
A. D. vs. April Jesus walks upon the mi
(Galilee). -Mutt. UlSMsj Murk MMI
J. tin 6:16-21. . . . Hem many that art
sick, ut Qennenurel. Matt, u M.B. Mar
6 53-56. . . . Discourse on Ul breud ol
life, at Capernaum. John i:ai-Ti. . .
Discourse on ruling with unwnshec
hands, at Capernaum. Matt. 1S:1-M
Mark 7:1-0,
A D. Ill, Summer. Jesus Journeys towarc
Sldon with His disciples for rest, and
heals daughter of l'yrophonlclan
an. Matt UltMl; Mark 7:21-30. .
Keturns through Decapolls. performing
. many miracles of healing. Matt. 15:-31,
Mark 7:31-37. . . . Feeds the. 4,000, U
Deeupolls. Matt. 15:3:'-3; Mark f:l-10
. . . Dllnd man h alert, at Hethsalda.
Luke 8:J3-26. . , . Peter's confession ol
faith to Jesus, near Cetarea PhlllppL
Matt. l:lJ-2o; Mark 1:27-10; Luke 'JM.-21
. . . Jesus for tlrst time forutelU III:
death and rcsurri ctlon.--MalL 16.31 -IS
Mark litl Luke 9:32-27. . . . Jesut
truiif-llKured, neur Ccsarea I'hlllppl.
Mult. 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke :2S-36
i ... Heals dumomuc boy Matt. 17:14-31
Mark 1. 14-19; Luke 9:37-43. . . . Ji.-u:
again foretells Ills death and resump
tion. In Qalllee. Matt. 17:23,23; Mark
9 :W-o2; Luke 9 .13-45. . . . Discourse anil I
parahie on forgiving, at Capernaum. !
Malt. U:lt-M.
A. D. 39, Autumn. Jesus attends feast ol
tabernacles ut Jerusalem and discourses (
on the water of life, on light and free
dom, on one born blind, and on the Oood
Shepherd. John 7:1 to 1(J:21. . . . Ke- i
turns to Qalllee.
A. L. 29, November and December. Jtsui
takes His dual departure from Qalllee.
. Malt. 19:1; Mark 10:1; Luke 9:51. . . .
S nds forth the seventy Into Samnriii
uud Perea. Luke l:l-24. . . . Parable '
ol the Hood Samaritan, in Pafte, Lukf
10:25-37. . . . Discourse on prayer.--Luke
11:1-13. . . . Answers attacks oil
the Pharisees. Luke 11:14-54. . . . Lis- I
courses on great moral truths. - Luke
i 12:1-59.
SI R I tetrtft ivn n, o iwu irinvma
ijjv.,, .. Duujii i , jebus i-inins on mi r
sea. . . . Golden TeSti Of a truth thou SENATOR WOLCOTT.
a-S,M I bread o, b.ican, -" "
life. . . . Qolden Text: Jesus said unu really against my best Judgment that
them. I am the broad of life. John 6:, l have been convinced that wo do
arf,h11:au':;;i1dcrs,BLo;"; a m
help me. Matt. 16:K. told mo niicn l here that there
Lesson IV. Subject: Peter's confession had been a change in public sentiment,
utim 'b"k''- , 5,:1,lc" T;x,; but I ronllj did believe It was so
u any man will coma after me, let him deny . , ., ,
himself, and take up his cross, ami loiiww , extern ivo until I commenced to meet
me. Matt 16:3. the people. Of course a great deal de
Lesson v -subject: The Transfiguration. pends wnn) the Republican on-
. . . Golden Teati This Is my btioviU ... .,, , ,
Son: hear Hlm.-Luke 9:86 position i 111 be composed of. H there
Llsm.ii VI. Subject: Jesi.s nr.a tii, is rea Bond fusion between all the
thildren. . . . Qolden Text: Suffer the I nlr.m nta r, main.. tl,,, D.n,hll..
little children to come unto me, and for- , .', ,. .,' , ,:, , ,. ,,
lid them not; for of such is the kingdom '"' 11 v'm make lno re8ult m"ru
If Qod, Mark 10:14, doubtful, I-. i v.. arc honing that the
: Lesson VII. Subject: The forarlvlna fusion which the Dcninnrntii Pnnn lints
trd.bfci.Wwore 'uWb are trying to
632. .
Lesson Vlll.-Subiect: Th ,,.,, w 'f nvrmi will no lmperrert. ur
IHind. . . . Qolden Text: One thlnu I .course, my principal efforts at this time
Ihniru. that, whereas 1 was blind, now I arc dev iled to nrevent inir such fusion
.te. John 9:25. if u iwlhln i do o
Lesson IX.-Subteel' ;...-Uh th finn' I
Ihepherd, . . . Qolden Trt- rh. I JoLICANS STEADILY BAIN
- -ihepherd givetfl His life for the sheep.- I.
..oil i j 1(1:11 i
Lessou X. Subied: Th,. . ...,.! 'Tho party lias
ffl ft . . . Ooiden
mood Trouwcs:
As the blood contains all the elements necessary to sustain life, it L itntior
tan that it be kept free of all impurities, or it becomes a source of disease
. .... , .uuuu mj lu oouy, anu loss ol ItealtU is sure to follow
8on poisons enter the blood from without, through tlie skin hv absorption oi
When asked as to the Industrial con
dition of Colorado Senator Woleott
said: "The industrial condition of
Colorado is splendid. There is pelnty
of labor for all classes of people, the
mining Industry is flourishing and
profitable and aa a consequence the
large agricultural interests of the state
have been greatly benefited. The peo
ple are well satisfied with the nresent
state of things and see no very good I inot dktion ; other, from within as whVn p i..S
reason for making any changes. From syst m and ferment, allowing disease germs to devVlo , ami U uke.. in Z e
tXLl 5 M m a" 0t0rr "UtM th " 'tin- While blocftmublesliave one common origin, eaCl 1 2 so, e
feeling is the same, and I expect to pen, larity to distinguish it from the other. Contagious Blood Poison Scroful
see President McKinley re-elected by Can. X, Rheumatism, Eczema ami other blood diseiSe. dUUnhSed "ft
as large or a lnreer malnrltv In the s eer -mi sore, ulcer emnti, . ,,r ..: : . .r .. -.
Mil. 1 u- . J! L -L - " . . . ..rl..-....h v,.. .,. wciininiu
..n-fte- iimn ue nau in is. unci suuncr or later on tile outside and on th weakest n,
i man - nustaKc toe sore or outwsnl sign for the real ilisea
rl m -?
- rtTiirMir
Wartk "i Hi atlr sjr.
Mrs. Wither by Those people next
door haven't paid their rent for four
months, ami yet they Mem perfectly
Wltherby Hadn't we better take
them Up?
"What for?"
"Why, I should like to find out how
they do It." Town Topics.
Misplaced Linen.
Kelt Mad ut him? Why. he wrote
n lovely poem to her.
Belle Yes, but she never read it.
When she saw the title of it she tore
the whole thing up in a tit of anger.
You see. be caled it. "Lines on Mabel's
Face." Philadelphia Catholie Stand
itril uud Times.
The Ureal Orator's finish.
He went to college, took the prlzo
Por oratory, and
Then from rear platforms talked lo all
The people in the hind;
And twl e he missed the honor that
Had erstwhile been so dear
Hark! You may hear htm talking still.
lie s now an auctioneer,
Chicago Tlmes-i lerald.
Improi lug Them,
"Very often," remarked the long
haired man, "the printer mixes up
words in my poems, thus creating dif
fi nut meanings uud t ...'..--. from
what i intended."
"Thai so?" Inquired the practical
man. "How much does be charge
you'.'"--1 ndinnapolis Sun,
Seeking in lie Disqualified
"lo you know anything about J he
Smlthklns murder?" he asked, anx
iously, "Only what I've read in the pa
pers." wns i he reply.
"U ell, tell me nil you remember, ami
be i(uick about it, I've just been
summoned ns a juror." -Chicago Post,
Old Sores,
Blood Poison,
Chronic Ulcers,
part of the btslv. or where it liinls the least rriUtanov
and attempt a cure by the use of salves, liniments and other
cue. ... appocauons. vaiuatue lime is lost ami no permanent benefit derived fr.mi ...M, lr..
I 'LOOO TROUBLES Brnilinr mnnn D-Ur-n.c.
...,i ..r 1, i .T i i ! i m .W."T.W"" ntmiuuo; uic iioisou must lx- complete v ate norma.
Sot aS'ail deeper and saps the JK Iff., Merctirv.
mmm .m,rn K,..l b ! r " . " --". '- swi poisons, even wiien taiteii in siuail
, '""su ..ui uy auuing anoiner poison to the already overburdened, diseased blood,
S. S. S.. Nature's own reined made nf .,,.1 l.K- .i;
, - - Jt ...... iwiim, mi,., rv - LUC . .I"-" (II
the blood, antidote? ac t forces out all impurities, makes weak, thin Mood rich, strong
and healthy, ami at the sum.; time builds Up the general health. S S. S is the only
purely vegetable purifier known, and the only one that can reach deep-fleated
Mood troubles, A record of 50 years of successful cures proves it to len reliable
unfailing specific for nil blood and skin troubles.
Froo Modtcnl Troatmont. Our Medical Department is in charge of
skilled physicians, wh.. have made bl I and skin diseases n life Bttidv SO if von have
lVo ill... ..I i. I- O .... . .. .'. ..
.. . . B 1 unu", umra, ocruiuia, ivueumaiisill, I'.cemn, an Ulil Sore or I leer,
m ...j -... o.oou irounie wnie uiem ittiiy tor aavice about vour case All correspondence is conducted in strictest
uciiu. to uiaac uoensrye mis scryn-e. BOOK ob Mood and skin diseases free, SWIFT SPLCIFIC CO.
" nii-
Atlanta, Ga.
a. T. Pottiegei,
VetefiiNarY sUrgeoN.
Alt proissslanal business entrusted tomj oar
in receive 1 ronipi sad can nil sttention.
o. CROU8E,
I Read This! Bead This!!
JIP'OI H '!! I!U. PA,
A II I usi i fp f 1 1 1 list -.i tobisoare
Will receive I rOttlbl lltli III!" D.
6 ppveJll." jMxi. 1
Text: The harvest is great, but the laborers aro few.-'ni-o
1 n -
-tstou XI. Subject: The BOOd Suinaii-
. . . Golden Text: .Love' thy nclijh- j
as thyself. Lev. 1S:1.
lesson All. -.Subject: The rich fool.
Qolden Text: What shall It prollt a
In, It he shall tain the whole world, and
his own soul? .Mark
sson XIII, Subject: Tho dutv ol
lohfulness. . . . Qolden Text: Watch
pray, that ye enter not into temptation. ;
latt. 26:11.
; . s ,1 1 1 Letter from u Pioneer Penn
1 s)lnuiu Clergyman Lately
Qroashl in Light.
The following letter from Rev,
Griffith Hughes, a weH-kuown clergy
m:i of PennBlvania who lived 1 ro
years ago, has recently been brought
to light:
"Radnor, Pensilvania, Mar: 2nd,
1773.-1 have wsited all my Parish
ionjrs at their respected houses, and
louhd u great many of t hem much
neuected in their Education iV lg
noiiut of the fundmentalls of He
ligikn. Others whose principles were
er) much vitiated with falsi; doc
trines I endcavour'd to reetlfye the
mUmkes of the hatter and to Insti nct
the former whal was necessary to be
belisved and practised; I had no soon
er finished this task then I fouuil a
great necessity of visiting a great
many Welch ami English dentin yt
lived far back in the Woods, where I
found a great number of well Dis
posed persons Uut llltirely Destitute
of a uinister at their earnest requesl
I h lie gone there severall times since,
and or a long time had no ol her place
to pleach but under the Shade of a
uargt tree their houses being too
small 10 contain the great number
that resorted there, my lust Journey
to them Compleated in all one Thou
sand one Hundred anil live miles be
sides my weekly attendance at
nor, & Perquiboma, at either of
which Churches. I preach uud .Cate
chise every Sunday; The number of
Communicants in Radnor ut my Come
ing wns IS now increased to S.'i at
Perquiboma 19 increased to ki I have
Christened in all near 1(11), Ton of
I hem being adults, This being all that
offers at present from the llonlile So
eiety in Qsnersll and your most Obe
dient humble Servant. Qeoi Hughes."
steadily gaining in the last few elec
tions in Culorado. In 1S3C we cast
bttt 14 per cent of the vote. In 1898
wr had about ;i3 per cent and In 189!)
10 per cent. The light among the Dem
ocrats for the senatorship lias disrupt
: ed their party, a great many, of tho
1 Silver Republicans are coming back
1 to their original allegiance, and some
of the Populists are dissatisfied with 1
the course taken by their national
leaders. We will carry this state utile-
the fusion of 1 he opposition is
complete. In a three-cornered light
j the Republicans are largely In the ma
jority, it is Interesting to note that
possibly one-half f the candidates on
! the Republican ticket this year will be I
no n who voted for Bryan In 1890. In i
that campaign the Silver Republicans
of Colorado contributed $133,000 to the
national Democratic party. This year
the committee is disbanded and the
Silver Republicans will not contribute
133 cents to the Democratic treasury.
"We are all expansionists in Cnio
j rsdo. This state furnished a large I
quota of soldiers to the Philippines, 1
; and these el-soldiers are a strong In- I
, fiuonce In bringing to the admlnlstra-1
, tlon Bupporl for the present policy In i
the Philippines. There Is very little
talk of anti-Imperialism, and the sil-'
I ver Issue is quiet. Many of those w ho !
I believe ill free silver are now confident '
j that the interests of the white metal '
will he better served in the end by ,
I the Republican party than by the
i Democrats. Bryan has lost standing in
1 Colorado, and I Uud much of his per
sonal prestige gone. This is duo to
ine sueiving 01 silver ami tno budsu-i
Knlal Mlalntrrpretntloa,
"1 thought that girl was in love
with me, . felt kind o' forced to
'She declined me, laying1 she had
only been unusually friendly because
1 was so pathetically ugly." In
dianapolis Journal.
Tuiniin'a Avernlon.
'Tommy, let me help you to some
of thin new dish. It's called "
"Never ml' H it's called, enntle.
iS 11 a health food?"
"Then I'll take some." Chicago
P 0 BOX 594
CliiESAH-DniNK and Doug Addictions
Ntwei IuuniSheD New, ManaoIminI
Jury List.
a niincuit Hoir.
"A bird that can sing hut Won't plntf
Should he made to sIiik" his part.
Tin- man that can't sing bul that will sing
Should be stopped right at the start.
Itosl ce,
I ' i i v Wesi
Beaver West
Middle) reek
H 'Irisernve
Besver West
Wsshli gtoa
J u Usell
Pern Wen
I r.
L'-A.n' W. i jjm
1JTTJ1TJ, rrTHsi.nir 1 1 rii
11 .im
Urapes from 1'nnaati.
The future of u buidin rests on
its foundation.
Ho who would be great iu thought
must meditate.
We do not have to think alike, but
we must all work together.
Patience is the perfume pressed
from the crushed blossoms of joy.
The pursuit of pleasure la like
prospecting for lead with gold spades.
The first thing a soldier hue to learn
Is not to fight others, but how to sub
due himself. Barn's Mora.
tut Dm of anti-imperialism as a para- j
mount issue, an issue which dors not
appeal to the people of tills stale.
"I have been all over the state ro-1
cently, and hundreds of people have
come to me and told me that while ,
they voted for Bryan in issti they will
vole for McKinley this year. Of course '
I only hear the Republican side of the '
question, but I cannot help believing
that the Republicans stand a good
chance of currying the state for the
national ticket, and electing a Republi
can legislature. Tho trust question
does mil seem to be very much agi
tated. The smelter combination has
steadied the price of silver, which for
merly Undiluted according as the fears
or hopes of individuals forced bullion
upon the market it is a fact which I
have never seen In print that the great
fall lu the price of silver when our
international monetary commission
was abroad was duo to the stamped
ing of a few holders of bullion, who
dumped their product on tho market
In anticipation of still lower pukes.
"Tho Democrat! have created a pe
culiar situation for themselves. Inas
much as some of their leaders are ar
dent expansionists and at the same
time antl Imperialists. Their efforts
to define their position are very amus
ing, as the Democsatlc cry of Imperial
ism has Its only foundation In the ex
pansion of the United States during
the post two years through events
which were merely the Inevitable out
come of certain International eond
Mrs. Bnobington We had meant to
call long before this, really, but with
the best intentions, somehow, we ul
Ways kept putting olT the evil day.
Tlie Price of Pads.
Jaao buys old things continually j
On new ones, too. she's bent:
A 1 1 I twlxt these erases, as you see,
Silie never has 11 cent.
Chicago Record.
Ilrlii;lnu 1 1 1 in lo Terms.
Blanche- I shall quarrel with him
to-night ns a matter of necessity.
May What for?
Blanche lie hasn't been as devoted
to me lately us be ought. Detroit
Free Press,
"Ah!" softly hummed the mosquito
as tiic sleeping victim restlessly turned Trull. Jacob
over in his bed. "I he other clink
He must be a good man!"
And the grateful insect settled gen
tly down again. Chicago Tribune,
Msi offimid Jurors drawn lor tlie Conrl
over uud Terminer and oenerul .1.11 deioei 1
iihilomn el Quarter Sessions of Hie I' 1
Snyder county held ut Oet. Term. con. men. 1 n wr
Monday, Hot. I, ih-d
Name. iieonsatlon.
trbega t. rri'derlck, Parmer,
mngsnisn, JslSsS Sf,,
llri.ll-e, lellli ., "
Halle) . Peter, t KjthMI in,
rbiirles, Uenrj . nssSMib,
fields, .loan, Ujumbirinau,
freed. Lincoln, LiUmrer.
(eiss, Dwell I., I Ulllier,
llerbsler, CIs&rkM H., Parmer,
Hummel '.1 1.1 en, aborer,
KnifbUT, iiarr) "
Kersi, Her, Join', farmer,
gttBtt, wu, II., l.a.oror,
Lsiib. Iloury '
lusher, .1 wepn, Pi hi ',
m 1.0 t, ckarV , it., Laborer,
Mall- rn, Isaac, Pal OlSr,
Hwkley, Beuben, "
Klegel, Henry. Uborer,
Bieffea, Pranols, r'srraer,
HasHainaUi Henry, "
8iira der, John, OsrpSAier,
smith, Mlohsel k Shoetnsksr,
Wiaci , H Ul., I'.iruier,
,lit Of Petti Juron drawn lor the I'eiirt nl
Common Pleas, court of Ousrter Sessions "i the
p see Court oioversad Psrminer and tienerui
.1 ul Delivery of Snyder County, Pu beid us
0 ' T' im, oouimvnoliig Oet, 1. IOOU.
Niuia'. occupsilon,
Arbotfust, leffersoD, Usburer,
lioyer Daniel, oentlsman,
liouchel, John vv., Parmer,
llowersox, Poster, butwrer, Jesse, Parmer,
II na r John It-. Laborer,
11 nfer, Joel l-, Firmer.
Beyer, Leonard, "
Heufer, Simon, Csrpentae,
Cronse, Win. .' , Laborer,
On ese, Anion. Parmer,
Diinn.Cslvin, Laborer,
Duck, John, Parmer,
i! . . .lames, baoorer,
Korr) . 1 in, Farmer,
rjoy, Qeorge, "
Uruybill, Ifoyt, Teacher,
, (iurman, Peter, v'srmer,
j llunfiuigle, Christlsi , Laborer,
; Hottenstein, Kiijaii, Metehsnt,
llebn, Uenry, Fanner,
Uummel, J. f... Btene40ttsr,
Itoolniujle, Isaac, Lsbefeft
1 Kepler, Itelley, Parmer,
Mattern, .1 imes M.. Farmer,
Melser, John 8., Freight Agent,
McAfee, Oliver, Laborer,
MusKOlUlua, Wm., Parmer,
ItSUCb, Henry, "
1 lielgle, Frank S., Agent,
1 usmbo, James, laborer,
1 lieed, Isaac 1:., "
s!:' in irry, Adam, Fanner,
I seeboid, Coleman, Laborer,
Hpeciii, Geo. B Wtgonmaksr,
n 'bn a rr, Qeorge w., csrpeater,
swari . Howard, Laborer
' Bmlth, Isaac H., ueniiemun,
I shiokel, John, JnsUee ol tne Peaoi
: h christ, Amnion, Merchant,
Shaffer, Peter, Parmer,
s an . Wm , Laborer,
Thomas, HarrlSOB II.. Farmer,
s lariri r Hiun ever lirfore ; niv PHIC S LOWW
EKS I"! 1 1 t SAME (iooiis. iy prices on r ,.
Wish 111 close 1 III ll suit 1 bt) 1 ki t bin k III III
others uioi.ey. )i noi Ihiuk 01 buying your rail
you give my stock cai in ts your ul tentiou nml 11
of some ol iuj bunguius 1 uiu ollVriug.
m 0TI1
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If This Dtctiu
1 r West
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50,003 Words
A work of eitroritinwj lntirei t" nil cUsmi of j i -.i.
pfJOpiCi 111 ', il 1 aiuiiiuiii.i 1 1 1 iy 1 in- ki in niiiiiiu ' r. 1
uftiMlMr in i"tlllt cuiUtiliii nrarl) nverj word in common
nsbuM.suid fulli sUiiwcri the imrtHito of al leui three "ut r mtv
four ieople. WorcMtcr lilcftonar) hu lOMuo words t'entiirj Z0.NQ 1
and BteUidevrd Kw000 These cit from i- fm vavh, cur with
50000 words niy now be had uiron lerins lifretoftin1 niihfanl-4if,
a ni'V der Ice Mow-, the itu t :il fnim -f nil the tmuna.
Ant'tluT ihiIii - at., ut 5000 t'ltiveclalh ililli.nlt uonU; t-nt
ill- BteatMt nf all afhlevetni ! In i ' rn di M miar) makiiiu i- tin
u i. of tt.SM wordi to thin llctlonary hj nieaui vt u iliigTe page(
called ihe "Colamblan Worcl-BullUre"
nrnnnTiiciiiTO llenlden tlie D.clionarj It alio f ontalnn twelre
ULrHnllTICniO. tWymu m- a- r. M .ws i Ahbnvl.
tlnnai ' PronoHiK uu 1 1 llonnri : 3 I' roper Nun ;
Gnvwtteer f the WorliTi ' CUImi lrliii ntary
si.. I - ll...lsiuss Inatfii S Uf sol til 1 I Ii . 1 1. I I 9.
tt. i m i iter ; u. uao oi viiiuinia) - I'luiciuHuon i i" w
iittiil flutdos A
It v'-iutains 1j: .ISA's, hatui I'.himi m liiiltati. n leather corcr.
T,i l-if .i" i T-irtn riml llnint'. -'ir t vn
ot'liil li "till : v w n air i in nun i um- sej
linn oi .uin.iMiu , ini" iimhi-.itiu- im "' "J IV ., , i
take, We make the rollnwtntr Kenmrknhle-Of fvn lh r; ulai
i f Farm nod Hoote i -year, ini -1 - '
tin.!.' ir. nil. lllllW thlM a"T. fi munlli'.-im;ii u r nnij W
im kllvor ,,r Ristinms. Mill it u il Mi ti t m il ' '"
l :. Il'iiliiiiis lllill..tiai. M , :i 1 nvi ill ' l'
inn II All itiU .ifTi-r will n i'i ln :f lllrtunif-
Iceo'tli llloMmtnl IO-nairc nri'Oiloin Mut, i ftlnh ' Vl 1
n- fui article ai i r the mirt' mark a hie offer ei er n M,
If vnnv shIim i ii.rinii Ii Mini ltntniiilAtth w w ill al. - Iiu'ltiilt- ;i l't" kft
Ail ... nf f hn U ..i 1.1 nutilsiliiliitp mkM In Milori .which vmil-l ti
Iran $ If inirel ied separately, Aveptu wnote! rvrnnvheros
I :al ri-ititiii-lMM r..r t ! ti. aiiii''- an nnien i
4 - .v i v ix , y-v - n.u rt a r...i.. 4 : I J r .1 f 1-. ; - I 1 1 s
k 1 a rc i j fV. ra ij riui-i1: , no a oprinK maauii vi vn nvaiw , mii
1 r stt
Ail nan
Uiddlocree k
l ull 'It
M 111 ir IS
ills:,.'. k vi:ilvi
III a.' r III M i. I.le
,'i. led (rnnile
-1 till
ik DntRclHl fir
in ctii and
ft hluu ribbon,
iroiia hu i"u-
I ai'it".. 1
1 II. c i:ivn it s KM.s.ssii
'i'l 1 1 11 bus en, v..' I will
TsatWe mi lhir. l.i f'u- ilnn :
1 hi loni ami Imitetllonsi. II
or m nd l. 111 h , : - I'nrtleulara, Trail
Monlwta and Krllrr nr Isndle iu i
i rrtwrn Hull. lO,00OTittlinoiittUri. :mmi by
ail UroiprlMa,
O I .
)lflO '.ii'
M-nO'.n Oil- sap
riiM. t.. ia.
Wetxel, Charles,
Waller. Irvln,
Wogeasi Iter, Joba p., TssStseT,
Waller, Sepliares S., Parmer,
I, 0 btte
Perrj i
iaei Cbolee,
"Did vou have any trouble selecting
a name for I he baby
"None at all; there's only one rleh
uncle in the family." Richmond Di-patch.
Wnsliiuittou, D. C,
Qeripssee Pure Food Co., Le ltov,
N Y.
tl KXTi.EMEN : Our family realize
so much from the use of OHAIN-0
'lull I feel I must Hay a word to in
duce others to use it. If people are
interested in their health and the
I'l. u .,ll,,a,,.,l..'r l',,,lltln.
Little Charley Papa, what is broacV 1 welfare of their children they vill
xv , To Repair
ft ; : . ;
:c tor eijcigsur:
! Chi Stones Cleaned an I Repain
' ' Low as tl '; I
7 Sol
J t TEJi'tl"!1' ' r'
Ijl l. ;cs?rcve, i'a.
rl .r-r:"'i
lriu Ijl...
Made a
Well Man
v of Me.
Ills Dad Agreeing with hesdstcong
people when you know they are
wrong-. Tit -Rits.
Pour Fellow.
"Popplt wns to propose last night.
Womler If he iHd?"
"Yes, poor fellow."
"Rejected, eh I"
"Oh, no. Accepted." Uarlesn LMa.
use no other bereraire. I used them
all, but ORAJN-OI have found su
perior to any, for the reason that it
is solid graiu. Tours forhealth,
O. F. Myers.
BrOWnbigge (to waitress who has
hniuled him a newspaper) Ain't yei
j;ot nothing eoinie? I lika to hnie
something funny to look at while I'm
Waitress There's a lookiiur
straight in front of you, sir. Tit-Kit.
CrlSentlr Laeked Nerve.
"Why do you speak of him as u man
who lueks nere?"
"Well, he has been callinir ou one
girl for tWs years and their engsgs
mi nt is not yet anaouaoad." Chicago
mENcn hemeuv
prodnres Ihe ahnvp remilts Invio days. It srti
powerf ullr and iulckly. Cures ben sll others (all.
nsBgaSM will regain their lost manhood, and old
men mill recover their youthful Tigor I y lulrjf
KEVIVO. It gulckly and surely restores Nmtous
ness, Lost Vitality, Irupoteney. Mglitly Erolwloos,
Lest Power, Falling Memory. Waslins Iilseases. and
all effocta of soil abuso or cxeesa S3d lndlscrellon.
which unOte ono (or study, tiuainess or msrriags. II
,S HU,VH,7llUI'8 1'JH.HUH,.wr'',. V. w.W,v
r fi la surest nerve tonic and tlod Imlldrr. bring-
Ins hack tho pink clow to pule cheeks sod fe
aturing the Are of yonth. It wsrds off Insanity
sad Consumption. Insist on having KKVIVO, do
II ran 1 rsirlod In est pocset. uy mail
1.00 per pssksge, or six for 6.00. wtths pos
Mr written nsnsIN to ear or rafoDSl
urenisrirse. sanrsss
Royal Medicine Co., '0
for Dale in fiddleburqh, Pa., by