The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 27, 1900, Image 1

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: M.
GEO. W. WsRenwller, Editor and Proprietor.
Court will coaveM next week.
Tin; assessors made their returns
Seine Middleburg Flowers will bloom
lst Adamsburg next Saturday.
Qenry Dietrich bought the Summit
Motel properly aim tariu oauiruaj iwi
The Lewisburg Pair is In progress
Itliis wit K. many nuyuei eoumj iv.
pit. are there.
Curtin Rowersox boughl the oamp
pound near the Red Bridge last Satur
day for 200.
Th,. county commissioners have pur-
,lmscda new lurnaee lor tnejan. i ik
M one is worn out.
The Lutheran Synod meets this
. -j x' i....l:.. 1,... n I.' le-
U'lH'Kat A(' DWUII, IV... '.
Lain is in attendance.
M. Mlllner, of Kantz, is In New York
. i.i . ULU !.:.. nriuib lull itHr
Him I iiiiancipoui mm " .'b
am fall goods for his store.
The Snyder County Christian En
avor Convention will le held at (Vn-
, i i.
trcville UOI -nm ana -mi.
Highest price paid for calves over 1
ecksold. W. C Snvdi'.k,
,27t Middleburg, Pa.
The tax collectors have turned about
Il',000 into the county treasury, wnlcb
I was pant under tne nve wrnaumwii"
Uikl Wa.M'KI). A girl wanted at
I once for general house work. Good
I wages. Apply to Box -"05, Middle
bus, Pa. ' tf.
ore in ueci(KU-u; , . .
L.uber24th and on Wednesday,' Octo
ber 8rd, these being Jewish holiday.
M. Mn.xKit,
l3-3t. Kantz, Pa.
Rov. Wm H. Hover and Henry It.
liege will attend the I. B. conference
j be held at Palmyra next week be
iiuiing Oct. 4th.
When you come to court next week,
Irop in to see us whether you owe us
Anything or not. Those who owe us
ill make us smile Ifthey wish todoso.
A huckster wagon, almost new, isof-
. - . l Lmm
Bled lor sale. rue wagon mis ueeu
for only a few months, hut it is too
. . . 1 am o...
Maw lor mv use. t apacn.v i,owiuw
Swlneford, Pa
Go to A. K. So'.es for a smooth easy
have or Up-to-date hair cut and head
canned with a refreshing shampoo or
lUdruff removed with his tonic. A
Iran towel to each patron. Parlor in
ank building, one door cast of Post Of-
ice. satisfaction guaranieea. u.
Among the speakers at the Repub
.Hi mass meeting at Middleburg,
uesday evening, Oct. -mi, win oe
on, John II. Landis, ex-senator ol
Minister county. Senator Landis is
'it qualified to address the Bnyder
unity larmcrs.
G.W.Burns and family, of Bellns
Ove, spent Tuesday of this week with
n il Rowersox. Editor Hums has
Uuquished his work on the Stab
oil.-, Turn i. leased it to H. '. Hums
"il E. M. Kim; and has moved to Se-
hagrove to regain his health.
Wishing to retire from business, I
ill Bell my entire stock and fixtures
is reasonable price. I have a good
Idc and business was carried on in
lai room for 28 years. Room will be
luited and nossession (riven at once.
Mits. M. A. Ehy,
ltn. Selinsgrove, Pa,
All pencna. of requisite military
PsUficatlona, are hereby notifletl that
I full of applicants for a national guard
limy for Snyder County is now
ly for signature-. Call at Room
1 , Hank Building, Middleburg.
W, H. Spang ler, )
H. H. Bowek, Com.
bam'l Wittenmyer, Jr., j
I The Pennsylvania State Agricultural
Wty, chartered hy the legislature in
will hold its 4'ith annual fair
filly with the Lancaster county agrl-
P'-ural association, at Lancaster City
WW 9th to I2th inclusive. A joint
li'iitlon was held at Lancaster last
and the exhibition this year
isea to exceed that bust year great-
The first gun of the campaign will be
tired in this county on Tuesday
OCTOBER 2nd, 1900,
in the Court House at MIDDLE
BURG, under the auspices of the R
publican County Standing Committee,
ami it is hoped that the Republicans of
the county will lay aside their daily oc
cupations and devote one day to the
success of tin- Republican Party, which
means so much to them and the coun
try at large. The following able speak
ers w ill be present and address you :
of Philadelphia.
of 'hambersburg.
Statesman and soldier candidate for
( ongress,
of Lewisburg,
(lifted orator and candidate for Sena
tor. Hon a. m. smith.
of Adamsburg.
Candidate for Assembly. Snyder
County's favorite son.
Excellent musio will be furnished for
the occasion. Come, fellow citizens, let
us reason together, so that we may vote
Our people may expect to hear the
issues of the campaign fully and Intel
ligently discussed.
by order of the Committee,
.1. A. LCMBARU, Chairman.
Edwin Charles, Secretary.
. . .
ve Goods for Court Week.
No ; "'-ofJ! bind
and all kinds of headwenr, Jackets,
Skirts, Waists, Reefers, Wrapper,
Caps, Eiderdown Coats for Children,
Silks, Ladies' Notions and dents' Fur
nishing Goods, at E. C. Aurand's mil-
lltiery store.
Lewistown, Pa., Sept. 23. Yesterday
all previous records for the movement
or cars over tne midate division ot tin
Pennsylvania Railroad were broken
,1717 loaded and 3312 empty cars hav
ing passed this point during the twenty
four hours coiling at 12 o'clock last
Revival meetings every night at
Winner's during this week, and over
next Sunday as follows :
Hoover's Saturday night Sept. 20, at
at 7:80 P. M.
Winner's Sunday morning at 10 A. M.
(German), subject, "Moon."
Port Treverton at 3 P. M. and VVltmer'a
on Sunday night at 7 P. M.
A hearty welcome to all.
J. L. l!o ER, Pastor.
Mil With a Bottle.
Saturday evening al Centreville Mar
tin Hendricks, a son of Charles Hen
dricks, struck a son of John Leitzel mi
the head with a beer bottle.. Leitzel's
head was pretty well cut and he was
taken to l)r. .1. F. Kaiiawcll for treat
ment. A warrant was swo, i out for the ar
rest of Hendricks on Monday and a
constable gent to Lewistown where
Hendricks had gone to work. Hen
dricks is charged With "unlaw fully as
saulting, beating and abusing A. J,
Leitzel." In default of bail 'Squire
Hummel con nltted Hendricks to jail.
If Leitzel is able to attend court, the
trial will conic oil' next week.
Attorney Jacob Gilbert Saturday
bought the Breon farm for $1006.
Rev. J. M. Price, of Hartleton, was a
business caller at this office on Monday
morning, and he Informed the writer
that on Sunday even inn his son. Gut.
who was on the porch of the parsonage
at Hartleton, came into the house and
informed his mother that a building
had been struck by lightumg and that,
tho' there was no thunder, he hud seen
the lightning fall and strike the build
ing. Guy is an intelligent and well
educated deaf mute, grown to man's
estate. The father, Rev. Price, thinks
that what Guy supposed was liuhtniair.
was In reality a meteor. Mifflinburg
A family Journal, IHvninI to News, Science.
Mrs. I). !. Ituck is visiting at Sun
bury. Dr. J. W. Orw ig.spcnt la-t Friday at
W. II. Loose, of Seliusgiove, was in
Middleburg Tuesday.
We are pleased to see John R. Kree
gcr able to I ut again.
A. li. P.asoiii, of Richfield, was at
the county scat Saturday,
Mrs. Jas, G. C rouse and daughter,
Bertha, are listed with the sick.
B, F, Beale and sister, of Oriental,
were at the county seat Friday.
Mrs. M. .Potter gave a carrom party
Saturday evening to a few friends.
A. H, Utah and wife spent several
days at Millersbnrg during the past
Merchant James E. Mageeand wife,
of K reamer, were at the county capital
Miss Sophia Blocker, of Sellnagsove,
was the guest of Margaret Bolender
Mr. and Mrs. Pick, of Avoca, N. V.,
are visiting Rev. D. E, McLain and
Itev. II. I!. KfSlt Mi l , ot Selinsgrove,
WUS seen III 1 1 1 1- place Wednesday of
last week.
Mrs. F. F. Ranck, of Williamsport,
is visiting her parents, James Avers
and wife.
Robert Rlckhart, of Paxtonville, an
UCtl er, was at the county scat last
John A. S. Schoch and lady friend,
ofSellnsgrov were at the county capi
tal Sunday.
nMios Alice PawJUur
drinks, of Mellnsgrove, were at Middle
burg last Friday.
Lee o. Winey, of Swineford, left
Monday to attend Keller's Business
College at Lewisburg.
James Mover ami family spent sev
eral days of the past week with N. A.
Howes and family. ,
S. Grant Schuck, a traveling sales
man Of Snyder county's metropolis,
was at this place Friday.
Mrs. N. A. Bowes lusl week visited
her mother, Mrs. Amanda Gciuber
lltlg, who was Hick at Selinsgrove.
Mrs. C B. Winner and daughter,
Catherine, of Sunbury, are visiting the
former's sister, Mrs. Jas. (i. ('rouse.
Miss Margan : Bolender, assistant
postmistress, attended the! i ranger pic
nic at Ceutn Hall, Centre county, last
Cyril Haas, of Selinsgrove, left last
week to take a course in medicine al
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Harry Wetzel and family, of New
Merlin, paid a visit to his father, David
Wet.el ami family, and Howard Folk
and family.
Miss Laura Runkle is visiting Dr. J.
K. Allison. and wife and assisting them
to move from Northumberland to their
new home.
Mrs. Charles Rousll and son, Ralph,
spent the past week at Suifcpury with
her husband, who is employed as clerk
at the Packer House.
Mrs. Julia Dininger, of this place, an
enthusiastic missionary worker, is at
tending the missionary convention at
M Ifflillburg this week.
A bright young son of C. A. Q ember
ling, of Mifflinburg, formerly of Selins
grove, was at Snyder's capital lust
week selling flavoring extracts.
M. L. Hussingcr and family, of
Franklin tow nship, and J. E. Stahl-
necker and family, of this place, at
tended the Kratzerville picnic Satur
Newt. N. Bingaman, operator al Mif-
lliiiburg, and wife, H. S. Bogenrief,
clerk in Snodgrass' hardware store, ami
Miss Wilson, of Miflliuburg, were in
this place Sunday.
Mrs. Hay mon d Katz is visiting
friends at Georgetown and Harrishurg.
Haymond rode a bicycle to Georgetown
Sunday and spent the Hebrew new
year with his parents.
Mrs. D. T. Rhoads and Miss Maine
Beaver are attending the Woman's
Home nnd Foreign Missionary Conven
tion at Mifflinburg this week as dele
gates from the local organization.
Art, I'oli'Ul Economy and Current Literature.
Harr Boebohi, of Sunbury, spent
Sutulaj n tliisl'laee.
G. H Homhcrgcr, of Aline, was a
Middle! irg visitor Friday.
John nfnscr and wife entertained
friends rafa Sunbury over Sunday.
Will I osier, of Shuniokin, ha been
visiting Henry Dietrich in Franklin.
M1ss : dlie Rousll, of Fivel.iii-. i- i
iting lit Aster, Mrs. Franks. Kiegle.
Rev. O E. Ptleugerand wife, of F-lia
liethvillt, are guests at the home of W.
F. Feeso wife.
L. E..' ng and wife, of Selins
grove, day last week with Mrs.
Kniami inch.
Miss itetyrudc St rohi Ui r. .f ',, r
town, A enjaugo County, i i-n mv II.
K. Ri I and wife.
Joh:' ilQyer and David K,ilet ter
-pent - injjay with (J. A. Mei-er and
family t thoiiipsontown.
Frank DRiegle ami wife, of Wintield,
- ' i,t infiaj' with his r.iih, i. Henry
R. Hit "1, at this place.
e ( L.Marks, Jay O. Weiser and
Harris, lower attended the Di I -ralie
senal'.i' il oonferelic at Sunbury Thurs
day of list week.
Hon. L A. Lumhard, county i hair
niaii, sjlcn last Friday night in thi
pllice. He POSteil hills for the big li.
publii4io rally next Tuesday evening.
lsaat Mlddleswarth and Abraham
Holshte, of McClurc, spent last week
in Richnoudand viewed (he surround
ing bar leflelda. The former will w rite
an m i u int of the trip for the Po.- i.
J. Kilward Haldcmali, of I'hoinpson
town, cerk of the First National Rank
nt MifllMoWn, has taken John li.
Kreegt vAbioaa assistant ea-hier in
theSu NStttHUl Hank at thi- place.
W. K. iMgie, of Vatsoinown, was in
town last Thursday night. He will
move his shirt factory from Watson
town to Beavertown. The POST ex
tends liest wishes to the plant in its
new locality.
To llie .Sunday School W orkers n( Snydci Co,
Atanicetiiijg of the executive com
niittce the euiunty.was districted and
someone placed at the head of the dis
trict to see that it is thoroughly organ
ized, especially the home department.
There should be several district con
vciitions during the season in each dis
trict, but every district uiusl haven)
least one, more if possible, Now w ork
ers we shall use our best endeavor-to
get and keep up an Interest in the Sun
day sohool Work. The Secretary will
notify each one appointed to have
charge of the several disl ricts.
M. L. W.w;j:nsi:i.i.i:u,
H. I. ROMIO, ( hairmaii.
Deeds BaUred lor Ket in
E. J. Erb to Lee I. Erb, M
Adams township, for $106.
Etlward Taylor to Ellen
house and lot in Selinsgrove,
Heirs of Amelia Erdley to
Ranch, bouse ami lot in
for s.iiMi
Mary F
I' raiiUlin
township and limestone lot in Mi,
burg, for SI .00.
A. A. Fish and wife tn.j. K llaine-.
acres in Spring twp., for
Mollie Hoover, et. al., t truste
m ol
the United Evangelical church, 1
ground in Penn twp., for $1.00.
it of
Letters Granted.
Letters of administration in the.
of Laphenus Walter, late of .Middle-
creek twp., were granted to Elizabeth
Smith ; in the estate of Isaac Saltman,
late of Spring twp., to Sylvia Saltzman.
Will Probated.
The last will and testament of Isarel
Voung, late of West Beaver township,
was probated on the 20th Inst. The
widow, Amanda, is named as execu
trix and sole heir during life. At the
death the property goes to Mrs. S un
mie V. Ulsh and the heirs of Charles
Commission Filed.
A justice of the Peace Commission
was received at the Recorder's office
for Louis 0. Wagner from (Governor
Stone as successor to J. J. Steely, of
West Beaver township.
U Marriage Licenses,
f John A. Haokenburg, Akttiona,
Annie M. Kern, Beavertown.
Hiram Wilson Kline, McClure,
Bessie Susanna Boonie,
( Frank King,
MeseUaM. Young,
New Berlin,
-JT, 1 !).
The Following Person Han- Paid Their Sub.
tcriptioni tu the Poal i" the Datci
Opposite Tin i i Nanus.
Should any mistakes occur in these
credits or on your paper, please notify
us at once.
II. li. ( lelliett, June I, 1001
H. Hums Smith, Aug. I, 1001
Francis E. Hoyer, June I, 1001
Isaiah L. Walter, July 10, 1001
Robert Buuse, June I, 1001
Amanda Wittenmyer, JuueO, 1901
J. 'alvin Herlwter, Apr. I, 1901
Peter Wlnegardncr, June I, 1901
J. I.. Iliugaman, June 25, 1001
Calvin Woltley, June I, 1901
Minnie Sheary, Aug. I, 1901
F. R. Smith, Aug. I, ll'nl
Margaret Stuck, July 19, 1901
Dr. c. L. Mohn, Aug. 10, 1901
J. E, Mohn, Aug. 10, 1901
Mrs. Lillie Fcsslor Aug, I. ItKII
Win. llenfer, I lee, I, 1900
(Uiver Ruthfou, June I. 1901
Lincoln E. Ilailey, Aui'. I, 1901
Frank Hummel, June I. 1901
Solomon Lnwver, Dec. I, 1900
Henry H. Thomas, ,lui I, 1901
W. F. I'eese. May I, 1901
Wm. H. Wonder, Aug. I, 1901
Dr. P. W. Hoiiser, July I, r'L'
W. A. Hummel, July L'4, 1901
( I. A. Foreman, Aug. I, 1901
James II. Hussingcr, Jan. I, 1001
Win. M. Me, , May 15, 1001
A. ('. Smith, Apr. I, 1901
J. F. Smith, June I, 1901
A. C. Field, Mar. 16, 1901
Ellas Miller, Aug. I, 1901
M. K. Schoch, May i, 1001
Jacob Bollinger, Feb. 16, 1001
Harrison Miller. Aug. 1, l!H
C. A. Fesslei, Apr. 1, 1901
Kilznbeth rewler, Aug. i.Ymm
Peter Dreese, Aug. I, looi
W. H. Swart, Jan. I, 1002
E. I). Moycr, Aug. 1, 1901
Dr. M. Rothrock, Oct. I, 1901
Sarah M. Wray, July 20, 1901
Jane Freed, July I, 1901
Bcnlvel Waller, Aug. II, 1901
Peter Nace, June I, 1901
T. E. Reltz, Aug. I, 1001
Mis. . f. Stcillillger, Mar. I, 1901
Henry Ulllbb, Aug. 16, 1901
Philip Stroub, June I. 1901
Philip Strnub, June 1, !H
John Moat, June I, 1901
Mrs. J. C. Speeht, July I, 1901
J. L, Mlddleswarth, Oct. I, 1901
Miss Norn Houscr, Aug. 20, 1901
Levi flrtlbb, Aug. 21, IIK)1
Miss Ellen SjKitts, Aug. ., I!KK)
Jucob S. Hoop, May 15, 1901
John S. Shatter, June I, 1901
John S. Yorger, June I, Itioi
Lewi- Amig, June I, HK11
Joseph Clehin. Oct. 1, IR09
P.enj. Seesholtz, Aug. 24, I1KK)
M. L. Hassinger, Jan. I, lniiij
( '. W. Stcliiliiger, Jan. I, Is'.it
Dr. J. V. Shindel, July I, run
('has. A. Waller-, Sept. I, 1901
Jacob Dinius, Sept. I, 1901
Mrs. ( baric- Snyder. Oct, I, 1900
A. L. Spungler, Aug. I, 1001
A. M. Rowersox, Sept. I, 1901
J. P. Leitzi I, June I, 1901
Edward Hackeiiburg, Sept. I, 1901
A. E, Winner, Jan. 1, 1901
Wilmer Icker, May I, 11X11
Annie SHingler, Nov. 15,1900
Prof. ( ii ". E. Fisher, May I, 1901
in. Strawser, Jan. 1, 190
Wilson Herrolu, Jan. I, 1901
Kerenus Rowersox, Dec. I, 1900
Adam Reif, Jan. I. l!Hll
Stephen N'eitZ, "
Win. Fisher, "
Hiram Gamby, "
Daniel Met r, "
Mi's. Amanda Noll,
Mrs. Samuel Rower, "
Charles Stetler, Nov. 1", 1000
J. F. Erdley, "
Levi Dressier, "
wm. Romig, June 1, 100J
J. W. Garman, Dec. l, 1000
A. M. Kratzer, Mar. 15. 1901
J. D. Mlddleswarth, June I, 1901
John Si)e, Jan. 1, 1001
Jas. N. Houscr, June 1, l!)l
Boyd Stetler, Jan. 1, 1901
A. D. Miiler, Oct. 17, 1IMXJ
Chas. (). Moycr, Dec. 15, 1896
D. C. Hackeiiburg, Nov. 15, 1900
S. B. Ramer, "
Henry Stepp, Sejit. 1, 1!X)1
F. H. Shaffer, July 1, 1901
Mrs. Harvey Moyer, Jan. 1, 1901
Miss Katie Seesholtz, Nov. 15, 1900
John Herrold, Jan. 1, 1901
Fd w in F. Uaruian, Mar. 13, 1901
Rates: Due Dollai Pei Annum, in Advance.
N I'M BEIi 38.
Rev. .1. M. Rcarich, June 1, Iikii
Wm. M. Jan, tt, Jm,. 2, PhU
Joseph l.o-s, Jnn, t, no
Harey A. i hiiI, s, 901
Thomas He'rbster, Jan, i, 90
W. F. Holshue, Jnn, , noi
Nerr It. Mlddleswarth, Sept. I. 1901
W. A. Keeler, Sept. I, 1900
Isaac Mlddleswarth, Sept, I, l!i
John S. Kern, j.m p,
l. (i. Oarmau, Jan. I, 901
N. P. Huiuiliel, June I, 901
W. D.Jarret, .;,,. I. 1901
Frank Hit mi , Jim, , 90
'yrus Tharp, Jnn. I, 1901
J unit MAI RED PI. P.
On Tuesday afto at .; o'clock
Jacob Maurcr wended hi- w.t from
time to eternity ami is n,, :,t ,ti ,,
had been SllU'erillg h ill ijilicatloit
of diseases for the pasl few years but
wa- able lo l,e up nnd aioiiinl most of
tile time.
lie was bom March Is, s-. Horn
a- a fanner be followed this vocatinii
all hi- life, moving rroni hi- farm in
Jackson township, Snyder county, to
New Rcrlin .-ii,, ,111 two year- ugo. P.y
hard labor nm -irici economy be has
umussed a handsome fortune.
Mr.Mnurerwns tuarried twice, lli-
lil'st wife was Christian!!!! llenfer, a
daughter of Mr. and Mr-. Andrew lieu
fer. This union wa- blessed iih four
ehildn 11, L' boy- and J. girl-, three of
whom stiivive the father. These ure
Mart., HvhiM near Knitzcrville ; Mag
gie, married to Calvin Moycr, residing
about a mile southeast of low n, and
Mary, of this plan , married to Henry
Mover, deceased,
His tir-i wife died Aim. s, 894, aged
75 years. In 1890 Mr. Muurei married
Mrb. Surah Di . ikleberger, who r
vfves him. He is alsomtrvlvetl by one
brother, Peter, w ho is the youngest in
a family of eight, three girls and Ave
boys. He was aged 02 years ami li
months. The funeral w ill take place
tomorrow at ten o'clock. The religious
services w ill be conducted in the Re
formed church hy Rev. S. S. Ivohler,
tft 11: Hi rtll rfi " ' r.
Convicted ol V'mhIii in 1 ht Seciiinl DeRree
Inn) Saturdny,
The 1 rial oi . lames Lctihnrl chnrgetl
with the murder of Newton Molz, both
of Lewisburg, on Saturday night, Apr.
'l , 1900, came before the Union county
irt last week. Considerable trouble
was experienced in get tiliga jury. The
jury selected is as follows :
Henry Maurcr, fanner, Limestone
township; William Vargi r, teacher,
Hartleton: Heorgc Zicglcr, fanner, Kel
ly township; L. C. Ilcichley, carpenter,
New Rerlin; Tl ins (Jutelius, Jr.,
coaclunaker, Miflliuburg; James I).
Arbuckle, clerk, Oregg township,
Joseph OrofT, fanner. (Iregg township;
Charles Clnplutui, fanner, Wesl liuflnlo
township; Jiu'oh Fisher, lalsuvr, White
Deer No. '; A. S. Hocb, gentleinan,
New Rerlin: John Dewlre, farmer, Easl
Rutlklo lownsbip; P. F. Hyatt, Lewis
burg. In the trial of tl use James Scarlet,
of Danville, and W. R. Kollmer, of
licwlsburg, were associated with Dis
trict Attorney (Hover rcprescututing
tho Commonwealth, Hon. J. C. Htich
er, A. A. Leiser mid W. J. Wilkinson
represented tile defeiiduiit. ll Mils a
warm contest. No one seemed to doubt
the fad that Leiibart slabbed Mot,
but it remained to prove the motive of
Leiibart which determined the degree
of the crime. The jury evidently did
not consider the crime as premeditated
murder. The verdict was murder in
the second degree.
. .
A W ar Ballad, Which Everybod) Will Wiat,
Offered Kite.
A piece of music that is certain to
call up recollections in every heart, and
is 6qttltlly certain to become one of the
moat popular ballads of the day, w ill
lie given free with every copy of the
Great "Philadelphia Sunday Press" of
September .SO (next Sunday). The
Composition is entitled 'Just a Lock of
Hair for Mother." It is a war song
full of tenderness. The w ortls are by
Andrew B. Sterling and the music by
Max Dreifuss. The music store price
Is 40 cents. If you want this composi
tion free you had better order next
Sunday's "Press" early.