mg uryan president, its re-enactment. ryvwvvvvvvvvvw, t in the Kansas City platform disgusted 000c000000000 0aXXXXXXXX)CXXXXX5C- OCOOOOOCXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOoT thousands of Democrats In Oiilo. BRQSIOUS BROTHERS Opens the Fall Season With "The Democratic party stands as a party of opposition to all that has made this country great and glorious. There 111 Mi I 1l J IB if , RUSH (? ; I : ; r 0 i A There arc many Superior brands of baking worth powders, but "Royal Baking Powder" is recognized at once as the brand of great name, the powder ( f highest favor and reputation. Everyone has absolute confi dence in the food where Royal is used. Pure and healthful food is a matter of vital importance to evei individual. Royal Baking Powder assures the finest and most wholesome food. Tin-re are many imitation baking powders, made from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid them, as they make the food unwholesome. ROYAL BAKING PO'VDER CO., StW YORK. The Middlebupgb Post. OHO. w7WAUENSKLLIiR, Editor and Proprietor. Inter. -! at the Pout Offices! Mlddli-burif, I'a., as second clear, in nl matter. Histoky. F.stnllishc(l in 1.S44 as the Union Demokrat, at New Berlin, & Qer faaii Whit pujMjr. Changed inline to ti. ': -hv m. OMeatr RepoM&ea& newspaper In Snyder County. BRYAN A TYRANT. General Grosvonor on the Current Political Issues. t fcJUEPVBUCAJI WATIOSAL Tlt'KBT. JTe.-i'l','! t WM. Mi'KlM.KY. v. President Theodore Roosevelt, Jt! I I I.1.M A STATE I II KE1. JVudltor Gen'l E. H. rJAltDENHt'ROH. Conrc mien at largo ii. A. Grow, . fi, FoERDEKEH. Ohio Will Stand With the Presi dent at the Coming Election. RKPl'BMCAM TICKET. '.ii is Hon. THAD. M. MA RON. Skxa run Hon, Benj, K. Focjjt. uihly I ox. A, M. Sjiitii. ProthoRotary Geo, M. siiinhei.. Ute.r & Recorder Jxo. II. JMstrid Attontcy M. I. Potter. Jiji. Commissioner K. I-'.. Shamiiach. "If there is one who believes the 'Gold Standard" is a good thing, or that it must be main tained, I warn him not to ensi hi te for me, lieeause I proni- liim it will not be maintain ed i.i this country any longer than I am ahle to gel rid of it." Th- r.ttect. "Wlin. .. it cf brlc-a-brac Mr. Knui :y lias In her parlor!" "yes. Looks exactly ai though she mere ,v i 1: -r to have an auction, doesn't M" Puck. 't 1 0 organ contest will close Dec. ir, nj . at five o'clock P. M. CUT THIS OUT. tfrr ' : dVlitltUchuriili gost N 1 1. 20. Sf 20. This coupon entitles the holder to one vote fur the handsome WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN f M adc ly the Weaver Organ A" Piano Co f York, I'a., and Bold by K. S. ICieicel, Mill. 1 I'a. ) to lie iflven to some Church. Sun. lav Set,, 10I or Public S ehool In Snviler Bounty, by the Pan, MM dleburgh, I'o. This vote is cast for : Till coupon in not irooil five n ocks after MVKive nateaua will then not ho counted. Wl U I V... ,l ... .1.1 A. . pm " ....... v, iimiih w .ins uillVD aim are it deposited in the ballot box. On. Charles H. Orosvcnor, member of congress and one of the president's most Intimate friends, says a special dispatch, was asked how he viewed the outlook In Ohio, and what he con sidered would lie the majority for Mc Kin ley. "I believe," answered den. Grosvo nor, "that tiie majority for McKlnley In Ohio will be very largo, larger than It was four years ago, and I have rea sons based upon observation and knowledge which Justify that opinion." "How do you think the congressional delegation will .'and, r.nd what will be the complexion of the house?" I think the congreslonal delegation will stand K Republicans to five Dem ocrats and probably It will lie 17 Re publicans to four Democrats. I have no reason to doubt that the house will be Republican. IMPERIALISM A FRAUD. "I believe that the diplomacy of the president and the state department in reference to the whole Chinese matter Is one of the brightest chapters of American diplomacy or of the diploma cy of any civilized nation during mod ern years. It was so appreciated and talked about in Europe, In London, in I'aris. In The Hague, in Brussels and everywhere on the continent. "I would he willing to concede that Bryan had a better chame than Mc Kinley to cany the states of Montana and Nevada, but I would not like to concede the electoral vote of either one of them without a contest. I do yield to Pryan the electoral vote in all the states in which the 'consent of the governed' ir, disregarded and manhood suffrage abolished by law. "So far as my observation goes. I think that the people of this country receive the Issue of Imperialism as an infernal humbug and fraud and bare faced piece of shysterism. I do not believe that there Is an intelligent man in the I nited States, unbiased by po litical prejudice or unaffected by past disappointments, who seriously be lieves that the United States In In dan ger of drifting away from the great landmarks of liberty, Justice and equal ity which have always been the watch words of the Republican party. I have seen no signs that the old fabric of lib erty Is crumbling. THE SILVER ISSUE. "The Germans are not disaffected, as far ns has como under my observation. They believe In honesty, and therefore did not vote for Dryan and 60-cent dollars. "The free silver Issue, in general terms, is a fraud of the most conspicu ous eharacter. It is hid in the rubbish room of the Democratic party, ready to be brought out if the people can be cheated by ghosts and bogies Into elect- CONORES8MAN GUOSVENOR. Is nothing in its whole history that It Is not ashamed of except its long-time persistent adherence to the policy of expansion, and now the party is try- 1 lug to blot out that little remnant of glory." BRTAN A POOH UAH. "General, what do you think of Mr. Bryan In the light of a man who de cries bosses as applied to others, and emphasizes bis own dominance in his party at stated intervals?" "Mr. Bryan," answered Gen. Grosvo nor, "Is not n boss. He Is a despot. He Is a Pooh Hah. He Is a high cock alorum. The sultan of Turkey Is a mild mannered constitutional governor compared with Bryan. It would be flattery to call him a boss; he Is a czar, a tyrant. He has no appreciation for anybody but himself; would not give a cent for the Judgment of a whole national convention; rather have his own judgment than the judgment of bis entire party. "The sentiment of tho people of my state favors constitutional and wise 1 expansion. My views coincide with those of my constituents. The general question is not involved In the present issue. We did not seek for expansion; It came to us without our agency, and it Is not a question now of indorsing what is past bo much as it is the dis charge of duly In the present. PROSPERITY IS THE ISSUE. "I think the president's course has been such as to commend Itself to all I J -I..U. 1LI.I.1 , r .t.i.,1. 1. A i T miu iniuiuim jicojiic. i uiinii ne the most popular man who was ever In the presidential (hair. There Is less 1 division of ( pinion among Republicans than there was in regard to the second term of Abraham Lincoln, and he will receive thousands of votes from quiet men who have studied his character and admire him and who make no noise In political processions or polit ical conventions. "The rensons why prosperity Is the dominant issue of the campaign are tttj tnvr.y told. The Democratic party destroyed the country by its pres ence and Its action. The Republican party, by the fulfillment of Its pledges, restored confidence and prosperity, nnd the only Issue that Is worth consider ation Is the Issue of whether wo will go back and experiment ngaln with the virus that poisoned the laboring and commercial and financial conditions of the country or whether we will stand by what we have. "As to trusts, tho only party In the United Stctcs congress that ever did anything to overthrow trusts was tho Republican party. The Democratic party has made noise enough tv havo frightened all the coyotes of the early prairie days en this question and havo not lifted a fincer to do anyhing. They are Insincere in their outcry, as every body knows who has read their record. 1 Whatever good may come of legisla tion, which, in my judgment cannot bo very great, will have to como from tho Republican party. DEMOCRATS OVERTHROW A UE PUBLIC. "Ohio Is prosperous in common with the other states of the Union, and for the same reason. "The Democratic doctrine of 'gov irn ment by consent of the gover ed,' and ull that, Is mere verbiage and vox. et praeterea nihil. The Democratic party is not living up to its doctrine, if It hai! any. In four of the states of tho Union It has deliberately and professedly, by law, declared that a large minority, and Indeed, in two or three states the majority shall havo no voice in the government of tho state whatever. They pulled down tho American flag In Hawaii and put a king, or rather a black queen, on the throne and over threw a republic, and now they are howling fiercely about the consent of the governed. It Is a party of won derful Inconsistencies." We are now fulJy prepared to show you the finest collection of Fall and WinterSuitsI and Overcoats you ever saw and at the mosl -As-toziisxilg1 Prices. o a f c n 9 e We again prove to the large number of clothing buyers that siore is in tartue Barest as well as tins THE GREATEST PLACE in this section of Pennsylvania to buy olothing just a glance at the prices will tell vou that We Seil Cheaper Than Any Other Store V k . . bur iy tar the bej-t way to convince you is to visit us. We can then prove that our sayings arc correct Men's Some Suit vi Suits at $4.98. cost ().f,0 elsewhere. Boys' Suits at 98c, Same suit will cost $1.50 elsewhere. Men's Light Wt. Overcoats at 55.00. Same soils will cost $7.00 elsewhere. Men's Suits at $7:50, Boys' Suits at 52.50, Same Suit ill cost $10 00 elsewhere. Same suit will cost. $3.75 elsewhere' Men's Light Wt. Overcoats at $7.50, Same coat will cost $ 10.00 elsewhere. Men's Suits at $10. Children's Vester Suits $1.50 same suit wHLcost f 12.50 elewh Same suit wL. vost $2.00 elgpwhsr&. - Men's Lierht Wt. Overcoats at $10.00, Same coat will cost $15.00 elsewhere. Men's Suits at 12, Children's Vester Suits $3, Same Sui s will cost $15.00 elsewhere. Same suits will cost $4.50 elsewhere. Men's Light Weight Overcoats at 515.00, Same coat will cost $25.00 elsewhere. BROSIOUS BROS., Ill'tr I If 'T,-3 - I - .V MM ..... mm. . . DEAFNEoS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications they catmol ivnch the diseased portion f the ohr. Tliuv is only one way tn outti deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deaf neon is caused by mi inflamed i ditinn of the mucous liuing "f the Eustachian tube. When the tube srt'tw inflamed vou have a rumbling Bound or im perfeot hearintr, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is th result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and the tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destr yed forever; nine chhos out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will pivo One Hundred Dol lars for an v case of Deafness (caused by catarrL) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Seud for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, C. Sold bv all druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Mrs. Just wed I pave that tramp a couple of the biscuits I cooked this morning;. Mr. Just wed Then we must turn boss the dog to-night. The fellow Will surely come back und try to burn the barn. Judge. OptloasL "Do you have to ask your wife for money?" faltered the little man with the hunted look In his eyes. "Not on your life!" replied the large, brusque man. "Put rr.ther than go without I sometimes do!" Detroit Journal. lie Would Nci Aicrre. "Tho reason I can't get along with my wife is that she wants to submit all our differences to arbitration." "To arbitration?" "Yes. She always wants to refer disputes to her mother." Brooklyn Life. Same -Why Weakness, aro you here, inv CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Visiter man? Convict Same reason you are, mum. I'm a poor, sloppy, morbid, neurotic, half-baked degenerate. Judge. A Hard Jolt. "I don't see how you ever managed to cut that boarding house turkey," said the fork to the knife. "It was a rather tough job," replied the knife, "but I managed to keep my temper." Ilariem Life. A MnirerUt. Rofllc Mr. Trotter is a fine lin guist. Her Father Yce. I noticed that he lingered last night very late. Harlem Life. Modern. Jaggles What did he mean by up-to-date sausages? Waggles Dorse less frankfurters. Town Topics. Rot Like Real Financiers. I fear he will not rise to fane; He has Indeed a studious bents But all with ease may read his nam Whene'er he suras a document, Washington Star. . . Excellent Farm for Sale. Wishing to tjUt farming, ,im of fering nt private -ale a most excellent farm containing 1(7 acres of rich farm. Ingland. si acres of which Is clear and in a g I slate of cultivation. The bal ance is timber. On the land is a good huge bank barn, excellent dwelling house, good size, all kinds of outbuild ings in good repair, good cane molas ses factory, good never-failing water near the house and in the fields for the stock, excellent apple orchard, abun dance of peaches, cherries, pears, and all kinds of small fruit, such as black and red raspberries, grapes, currants, plums, etc. lUe property is located convenient to church, store and postofflce along the public road and is a very prom inent farm. We raise excellent grain ami grass ; have good fences and a tine location for a fish dam within slghtof the house. The soil is good, deep and rich, no stones to bother with, no ditch ing necessary, no slate and we have an easy road to the river. We will also sell 20 acres which will make a small farm for some one who does not care for much land. This farm was twice sold for $v,000 and is now ofl'ered at the vcrv low- rate of 12800. If it were not for the fact that I wish to discontinue farming, the farm would not be offered at so low a ligure. A clear title can lie given. MBS. M. A. BAILEY, 7-ii)-3m. Pallas, Snyder Co., Pa. MlDOLEBURGH MARKET. Butter Eggs Onions.... Lard Tallow... Chickens. Turkeys., Shoulder . Ham 18 15 T0 9 4 Wheat Rye.... Corn . . ( )ats.. Oats . . s uran ...old.. .new. . HT KMI. M 00 ChoD 1 ,00 Flournerbbl 1 00 Middiinira 5 Lf- aj l. x -4 4 m i j j books sent free, for each three wrappers ! and 5 cents tor postage. e a"r-T w t- t- t n r- CENTS 1 DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP Jasi Reduced from Tn Cents Your choice of sit twentf-flre een r . h r r r r r E- i I How the Organ Contest Stands. The fourteenth count shows Ihci suit as follows : 11. 1?. Church, Fremont, Premium coupons, .r70 Newspaper coupons, ;(7 ' U. Evan, church, Peon's Creek : Premium coupons, 50 Newspaper coupons, Im ' Total, ! tot At; VOTH t'A.ST : Evan, church, P. Creek, U. B. church, Fremont, Sbeneser lT. B. . hurch, Trinity church, M'Kecs J Falls, Total, "lis 16,1 Public Sales. Notices "i's win he inserted free under Oil beading when the bills are prlQled at this When the bills are not printed at this of)!"1 f cents win oe cuargea. rersons expernriK 'v nave aie siiouin meat u ustw ana nave u mxi . ed in this column. 8ATURBAY. SKIT. BMk.ta MldiUebunh. '" K. Miller, administrator of Ueo. P. Mill". deceued, will sell brick house and lot " the French Fists. SATURDAY, SKPT. 39th. at Centrevllle. IC. H Showers, executor of the loot will and K'sU' men t of Valentine Walter, late of Cent! I lowimhln. nci'ftAAed. will nflll 13 tract real estate and a portable saw mill. T7ANTKD Active man, of good character, to deliver And nnll.ct. In pMnnavlTanla. I0f 1 an old established insnUsocturing wholes1 lions, ewu a year, rare pay. Honesty, steak experience, required. Oar reference, sof I nesha In the city. Bnelose a self addressed so I born Stree J CtUeaflp.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers