WEST RKAYEK. HZ." 4 ft MM n ui ii niu r mil mi PREPARED EXPRESSLY FOR THK II . ), n-T : . . i . l i ju-, . . r ... jar. .4 UUNDORE. Never covet what is not your own. Ed. Stahl and wife were in town lift Friday. Chas. Aueker was to town trans jcting some business. II. Ii. Rcichenbaeh WM to Salem on business for our merchant The Scranton Overall Co. bad their man eall on our merchant. The Susquehanna river is very 0v and has been all summer. Little Eeiehenbaoh made a trip to Selinsgrove one day last week. A. E. Witmer took a load of po tatoes to the Sunbury market last Saturday. H. H. Sechrjst was in town one mning last week and spent a few hours pleasautlv. Minnie Shaffer, of Eclipse, spent j few days last week with her par jots at Toe Hill. Frank Bitner was in town last Saturday and stopped a few min us at the store. S. J. Strawser was in town and talks freely about 'farming, which be lias made a success. Mr. Geo. I. Flanders, of Tort Trevorton, was noticed on our itreets one day last week. J. B. Stauffer has the finest cream er in the township and his butter mm mauds an outside pi ice. I. W. Ix)ngacre, the auet'oneer, was in town and thinks Bryan and m little boy have clear sailing. Our tax collector drew his net over this township last week and got nme gold, silver and greenbacks The Peon Telephone Co. has add ed four additional wires to their line from Selinsgrove to Port Trevorton. Henry C. Hoover was seen on our streets one day last week with we of his fine young driving horses. Ttip Mnhannv mountain, which is aramount admiration of this i at preset in its r '. Ia Varaer, representing the mnlrtn Hardware Co.. wan in George Campbell got 30 bushels iiotatoes this year, and among the anv Kinus ne nan mo victor oiu H. F. Witmer has started in the nil 1 1 1 imp niiBinaav. Tr tiia nonnnr n? the community and solicits the pat nnage of his friends. Minnie E. Ever and her daugh ter, Sara, of Selinsgrove, were in n last Thursday and were enter Wined by Maria W. Dundore. J. F. Wagner's family boiled ap- plebutter last Friday, and after a cold nights tpplebntter and neese will come in all right dangler A McFall, of Selins- Fove, erected a very substantial t moment on the family plot of ap A. Eyer in the Witmer and nited Evangelical church ceme- There is quite t feeling of disap- ntment among: our, farmers in w of the fact that their winter Mer barrels are empty and will re- n to on account of the scarcity of pplea. Our public schools opened Mon ty under very favorable auspices ; have t corps of teachers that any wnship might be proud of, and the vectors will see to it that all the Biildren of school age will attend. This year grapes are plenty and icitis is prevalent Unite a mber of cases were reported, but examination by wiser heads it discovered that in every case immaginery pain was on the i PALLAS NEWS. Potatoes are turning out a fair n Thvpmade a flyioe trip to W. Hoffman's Sunday evening. r rnnnni mnrin nap iinnin m mti ! " l V a tt this place surnrised their x u:u. t v v a doatiion party Saturday. ... BY t jM ns i rvi m' r i" MIDDLESWARTH. John M. Kline is on the sick li.-t. Our farmers arc busy cutting off corn. Adams township schools opened Monday. Some of our sportsmen arc begin ning to limit. The storm last Wednesday left but few apples on sonic trees. Don't forget to read "Ma loom Kirk." It is very interesting. J. T. Herman and family visited his parents in Troxelville Sunday. I Francis Fessler bought the home and distillery of John Shaw ver, de ceased, Friday for "51. Henry Bankwitz returned home last week, having Served his sentence in the Eastern penitentiary, I. W. Bingainan, whose school did not open till Monday, made a viit to some of the Centre township schools last week. CENTBEVILLE. Morris Erdlev, of Vicksburg, was in town S !.;y. Landlord P, C. Els rt man was to Milllinburg Sunday morning. F. R. Boyer was home from Kel ler's Business College over Sunday. Daniel Hunt, who had been ill with typhoid fever, is slowly recov ering. Mrs. (t. W. Sheary returned from her visit to Lewittowu Friday evening. C. F. Berger. who is working nt carpentering in Laurel ton, was home over Sunday. Messrs. Ed. Yoder and Frank King, of New 1 Berlin, were in town Saturday evening. Mrs. Alice Mertr and son Mack, of Middleburg, were visitors in onr town the past week. C. A. Fessler moved to his farm west of t n Moik' i snd John . 'alter, L , .uw house vacated by Fessler. KANTZ. Mrs. F. P. ilottzapple is on the sick list. Sallte Gearhart sient a few days with friends at dtis place. The picnic held in Forry5 grove, Saturday, Sept 1 5 was a grand suc cess. Mrs. D. S. Miller spent the last week in Williatnsport takiag in the fair. Geo. Nace, of Troxelville, was visiting among friends in this vi cinity. Tbe Freeburg and Kantz Rod and Gun Club have reported a good catch. Ed. Biagaaoan and sister,of Trox elville, spent Saturday and Sunday with Geo. I. Kline's family. Mrs. & F. Dock is able to be do ing some of her housework. She has been sick tbe greater put of the summer. Rev. Brillhart preached a very interesting sermon in the school house at Kantz Saturday evening, Sept. 15. J. Foster Dock says that he knows where to catch the baaa. He also states that he bad hold of one that he couldn't lift from the water. Those are unusually large ones. 8CHNEK. R. J. Rothrock and C. N. Bro- sius went to Bucknell University last week. Norman Troup was on the sick list last week. Francis Boyer bought a new bi cycle last week. W. H. Wendt and H. Harding were to Sunbury on business. Some of our people attended the picnio at Kantz last Saturday. David Hoover loaded a car with shingles last Saturday tt Middle burg. W. A. Schnee and H. Harding were to Freeburg last Wednesday on business. Many of our farmers have post- Cned seeding. They say it it too t and dry. u. h A. A AAA A A A , .-.ll viLuun of BY ITS C'okHS OK CORRESPONDENTS! UNION TU p. Stahl is rebuilding lib Joel t house. Chat, 8echri8t sol.l a buggi for four dollars. good top Elmer Nangle, of Kantz, spent Sunday with a friend at Verdilla. Gottleob Schrey was visitinir his brot her at Montgomery ovi Sunday, Reputation is a bubble which a to blow it man bursts when he trie for himself, liev.J.G. Martin, bia, spent Iat week ol New ( olum icre anions bis many friends. Our public schools opened Mon day with a good number on roll considering the time ol the year. The Penn Telephone Co. i- put ting up tour more wires to aotiom modate our Bister town, llerudoii. This is the time of (he year w hen many ol the young chickens gener ally get night mare and of course disappear. . W. Sliolly, our champion ti-b-erman, caught two German carp lust week with rod and line weighing - lbs. each. We have people here who take no newspaper and do not go to church, but aetuully go gunning for grey Bqiiirrels on Sunday, This should not be so. ehave inourtownshipOchurch es, 4 preachers, 7 school houses, !S teachers, it stores, -I post offices, 3 doctors, 'J hotels and one restaurant. According to the figures marked to our names as Mmr tax for 11KKI the overseers are back with their pay ments or getting ready to buy a farm i ... . i ii i , ... aim esiaonsii a poor iarm. v e hope it is the latter, as this in our estimation would soon reduce the taxes as well as the number of pan pers. MT. PJ.Ea"A T MILIJJ. farmers are busy cutting orn ng. Tlx schools opened Monday with a fair attendance. W. I. Yerger bought a new Gd ser threshing machine. Some of our people attended the picnic Saturday at Kante. William Needer and wife, of liar risburg, are visiting is town. J. C. Boyer and V. A. Harding went to Alientown m the tandem Mooday. Henry Graybill, wife and daugh ter, of Richfield, were tie guests of Irwin Botteiger s Sunday. Marrieti Sunday, Edward Gtr mma to Katie Corrmnt. May joy and oappiness te tlicir lot. Mrs. Jacob Hackenbwg, formerly of this place, but now of near Mid dleburg, died Thursday night and was interred at this place Sunday, aeed 68 years, 2 months and 24 dtys. Rev. W. A. Haas officiated She was the mother of 16 children, 12 of whom are living and 4 dead She was a kind and loving mother. 4NN SC0TT8 EMULSION is a food medicine for the baby that b thin and not well nourished and for the mother whose milk does not nourish the baby. - H b equally tfood for the irl who b thin and not well nourished food i also for the anaunic or consumptive adult that b losing Beth and strength. In fact, for all conditions of wasting, it b the food I medicine that will nourish and build and give new fife and energy when all other means fail. Sbomkt b take a la aummtrm wall mm winter. oc ind ti.oo, .11 dmggbu. SCOTT BOWME, O mini, Wnr Twfc. 181 3IY. 8KUNSGROVE. Co. i. held th 'ir annual can ke Thursday of last eek. S. Weis was in Philadelphia last week making I. purchases ot tall of Balti- homc last , of Sun by Miss Wrights ly her sis gi KIS. Miss Mary Reynolds more, returned to her week. Miss ( 'brisline Kistnei bury, is being eutertaine Miriam liurkhart. Mrs. Heppe'nstall, ol ville i being entertained ter, Mrs. Ella Wngiu r. Mrs. Rev. Gen zler accoinnanie1 by u laov irietnl returned Irom ;i visit to her parents in i'liiludelnhia I! v. A. E. ( Vmuht and family ure sveleouie iftiests ai flic home of the Kev's parent-. J. L. ( !ooper and wile. Merchant W. A. Arbogost took a week otl fishing in the Juniata, lie was accompanied by a number o persons from Freeburg, Chas. (ieinberling, of William sport, a loriner Selinsgrove boy, died suddenly las', week and was buried Monday afternoon, Mrs. Kate Kaiitner and Mrs. Ni colas Kuntner went to William-J sporl .Monday morning to attend the funeral of ('has. Gemberling, Miss Katie Krhart, who had been spending the summer with her broth er Charles at Hanover, spent a week among friends in tin-: place. W. Christ and wife took a trip to Philadelphia where they re mained a week. ("has. sars it was quite warm while they were in the city. Gapt J. V. Miller, of Pott 52,; Lewisburg, inspected the Post in this nltTe Saturday evenlur. He was aotxmipsnied by several memliers from lVst 52, M. Is. Hassinger, of Warren Co., is on a visit to Cyril Haas. He was unfortunate in having ooe of his wrists broken. S .he took thU ehanoe to visit the scenes of his scIkm! days as he was a former student at the University. X. P. Jarret, (UK' of our bridge builders, has Iktii made erecting Supt. of the titli list. of the Ameri Bridge Co., with headquarters at Minneapolis, Minn. We rejoice in his evidence of Newt's skill as a hridgemun. .b.Vm llaupt, another of 8elinsgrove,s tstys, has mm of the southern districts for the saniecom jntnv. A game of foot ball was played n the University athletic leld Sat nrday afternoon between Central Pa. College and the University team. The score was 200 in favor of the University team, after which a game ot baae ball was played between the Liverol team and the shoe factory nine, the result of the game was 11 to 13 in favor ol Liverpool. PORT TREVERrON. Our public schools opened Mon day. Butcher Keller, of Selinsgrove, visited his parents Sunday. A. S. Hcrrold,of Shamokin, paid his wife and son a visit Sunday. James Neitr and Henry Shaffer are employed on the railroad at Mil ton. Nelson Shaffer, ot the Packer House, Sunbury, is visiting his par ents. C. D. Bogar and wife spent Sun day with the former's parents on the Isle ot Que. Misses Anna Eisenhartand Lydia Brubaker, of Chapman, were in town Sunday. Mrs. F. A. Shambach and little daughter, of Shamokin, are visiting their relatives. Miss Jennie Charles was the guest of Miss Carrie Fisher, ot the Isle of Que, Saturday and Sunday. Mrr. O. K. Neitz and family and Chas. and Harry Neitz, of Sunbury, visited their homes at this place during the week. Mrs. Wm. Stepp, of Washington, D. C, afterspending several months with ber parents, John Snoke and wife, has returned to her home ac companied by her ton, Wellington, I who will attend school there. BOW n Poor clothes cannot make you look old. Even pale checks won't do it. Your household cares may be heavy and disappoint ments may he deep, but they cannot make you look oM. One thin" docs it and never fails. It Is Impossible to look young with the color of seventy years in your hair. permanently postpones the tell-tale signs of age. Used according to directions it gradually brings hack the color of youth. At fifty your hair may look as It did at fifteen. It thickens the hair also; stops it from falling out; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. Shall we send you our hook on the Hair and itj Diseases? Thm Best Advlem Frm: It you da not obtain ill Hi bn Ton expected from the) use of h VlRor, write th doctor about It. Prrtwulr there Ii eonie dlfllcl'T with yonr ffenerml iltcm wMiQ uir bi etlT M-moreo Addreiv ok i. t.il'Ui, Lowell. UtM. PAXTONVILLK Chas. Avers, of Kansas, visited friends in Iotvii last week. Wm. Heimbach and wife, of Bea vertown, visited Austin Gift's Suu tlay. A party of young people f town attended the bean soup at McClurc Sutunlay. F. C Gift and sister, Annie, of Sunbury, are visiting their parents at this place. Win. Mitchell and Irwin (iraybill attended Isaac StlttntaUrt funeral Friday afternoon at Adainshurg. Klmer Boyer, w ho sjK'iit the last four years in New Mexico and other western states, returned home last week. SALEM. C. II. WoodrulT mid his driving horses. Chas. Dinitlfl lost a valuable cow last week. James Slear wo to his home over Sunday. Jno. O. Bilger and wife spent Sunday at Lewisburg. Readers of thses items will receive the latest news next week. a. s. r isner was seen again on our streets Sunday evening. The peaches are very plentiful Mr. D. M. Moyer has them to sell. a f . Jacob Row is driving one of David Moyer s peach wagons at present. Owing to the cold wave Monday people were seen on the streets with overcoats. Miss Lizzie Schrey, of Verdilla, visited at A inns ( Jen i ber ling's Sat urday and Sou day. It will be hard on the game this fall as there are a few fine you ng bird dogs in Salem. Frank Musser and wife, of Krea mer, are cutting corn at Chan. Hum- mel's in this place. Quite a few of the farmers arc hauling water as their cisterns are too small for dry weather. The attendance at the Sunday school festival wan not very large owing to the rainy weather. 'Squire Geo. M. Witmer bought a dainty little pacing horse Monday. (Now look out, girls, for Geo., Jr.) Harry Gemberling, Wm. Kling ler, Geo. Witmer, Jr., and Harry Aurand are attending old S. Univer sity. Scott Miller, who is engaged in the North American printing office, Phila., spent a few days under the parental roof . m site II. W. Knepp, ot Burnhaa , Mif- llin count v, was seen on out last week. ti r'.-etfr J If ii Miiu Howard Kline, clerk al Shelleuberger's store, has lci iek lor the post week or two l b' drunks ;it the bean SOU principally barteuders ami farmers from Liewistown and wen .u-ed . ii rr- itv. Mrs. Aaron Mover has ret timet ! home from Mi ill in county u here 'lie .--had bet n stopping for the nasi .'V weeks. 1 1 I I I i i . D ii. ii. i ten sier v t o. are the finishing touch on J. M Wngn have in t s new iMim and exited lo it completed this week. 'I lie peach en ip Im. I ,, , . here (Lis season, Thev hu e offered at '.!."i cents per bushi I there is no ready sale at that )ur old veteran, I fenry In r has had a call from the lbw r lb.' count to cook I lean w hi i equal lor thul business cam i found, Mrs Perry Hassinger i Irom 1 anvillc where she liad lor a while lor treatment, I been rep ried (hut shureceiv 'd i"g been a nr. rice, dev. leiim been has en little benefit. '1 he In st and la-t picnic fni tlx se ason will be iSjiturdav next nt the litdgc church and it large crowd i evpreted. o drunks will be al low ed on t lie gl'i mild. John flofliunn hud niosf of th crowd ai the lienn soup dee irnted with monkeys and butterflies, Ue heiug a one-legged soldier, deserved the patronage of the people. '1 he parlies, who moved from Mo Clure to Stony Ijoucsoiuc, are verj much discouraged on account of too many snakes in their front yards, especially at the parsonage, Benj. Peter, oneot our township's r, has accepted a position as day ' 'rer with Kinanucl Wagner anti enw to be .able to earn his own living without the aid of the town -hip. Thrush and Weiand, of r;w- 1 l;.l .. l.: I ! let tfluir i, l .. I ..I t..rl.,,,.. .,) ,1.. .lu- ...w.. . ... ........ av HI ill', I', II.. soui) lasi ulurlav. A t'reat nmnv rj Imivs found out they werei -much t wiser aud weaker wliich in gcneiallv tht;ese. r. .. . Isaac Aurand, a rstiretrfkrmernt f Mifflin county, is non n pt'f izifn ( f McClure, Snyder r.imty. Wjsrrr you could not have made a better selection anywhere in the United States. The ben n Limn nt M,('lnn. I.ul " ... .... . ..ill 1 1 ... . Saturday was a Mioeees in uvery point until the afternoon when the rain prevented the oorpsof sjieakew, who were in attendance, from finmb ing their jmrf of the program. The -eakcrs present were Hon. I?. K. Focht of Lewisburg; Hon. A. M. Smith, Adamsburg; J. V. Kelfer, Un.. Adiiiiislinrir- i,v T. ' HBtH monds, Prof. C. W. Oldt, Mifllin county, and Hon. J. A. Lumbtld Selinsgrove. The (xtiple were sorry that the smiles of Prof. V. C. Boia tirsox were not then? ns they Baf lieen heretofore. Visitors from dii ferent places were too numerous to name. Call again, all an welcome and appreciated. ADAMSBUKO. J. I). Haines and family attended?" the fair at Lewistown. Mame Dreese spent Sunday a Lewistown. Warren Bingaman, of Stuiliury . was seen on our streetf. Harvest home services were heJJ . in the Lutheran church Sunday. H. I. Romig and wife spent SaVV urday with relatives in Middlebinrg, Mrs. Etl. Charles and children, of Middleburg, are visiting at:-tiua place. Rev. I. P. Zimmerman' and' wflt made a business trip ttLe wist owe . Thurst'ay. Quits a number of eirr people at tended the G. A. It. bean soup at McClure. J. Ernest Zimmerman, of Susqiae" hanna University, spent Sunday 'in . der the parental roof. Claude Klose and wife, F. JVBsI lers and Myrtle Klose sjient . evaral -.. days in Atlantic City. Miss Annie Swengle, of Paxtoo ville, visited her brother fHiirlcs at the Merchant's Hotel. E. B. Smith and MyraKomig ro turned to Keller's BusineaiCollwa - Mr. Smith has returned since on i count of sickness.
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