The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 20, 1900, Image 3

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    A CAP ABLE mother must bo a healthy mother.
The experience of maternity should not be approached
without careful physical preparation.
Correct and practical counsel is what the expectantand would
be mother needs and this counsel she can secure without. cost by
and consulted a physician, but
not become pregnant.
"Seeing one of your books, I wrote to you telling you
rnv troubles and asking for advice. You an
swered my letter promptly and
the directions faithfully, and
much benelit that 1 cannot
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
pound enough. I now find
pregnant and have begun its
use again. I cannot praise it
Mrs. Perley MoULTOK,
Thetford, Vt., writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham-
I think Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is an
excellent medicine. I took
several bottles of it before
the birth of my baby and
eot along nicely. I had no
after-pains and am now
strong and enjoying good
health. Baby is also and
MRS. CHAS. UERBIt;, 304 1
South Monroe St., Balti
more, Md., writes: "DEAR
Mks. Pinkham Before tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound 1 was
unable to become pregnant ;
health is much improved, and
and pride of our home. "
Latest Developments Point
Withdrawal of Troops.
Ilio Conflrmation of the Itep.irt That
They Will H.nnilii In IVkln He-
Kurdlrm of Other Powers Further
Confirmation of Chinese Treachery.
Washington, Sept. 11. The latest
developments lu the Chinese sit
uation still point to a speedy with
drawal ot the United States troop
from China Gen. Chaffee has added
the weight of his opinion to that al
ready entertained by many officials
ffc, It probably Is significant that
e general's statement on this polut
given publicity by the administrate-
No conflrmation Is at hand here of
tho report that Oreat Britain and Ger-
jnany have joined in an agreement to
ain together In Pekin, regardless
the attitude of the other powers.
ould this be true tho fact doubtless
uld hasten the rearward movement
the American troops, for there Is a
rm determination to avoid becoming
nvolved in any clash between the
powers, such as might reasonably be
expected to follow the execution of this
reported British-German program.
If 'here have been further responses
to the Russian note relative to evacu
ation their purport cannot be ascer
tained. This delay no longer Inter
form with the execution of the Ameri
can policy. The state, department has
a reasonably accurate understanding .if
the attitude of even those powers that
Have not made formal responses to tho
Rpsslan note, so that the mere wrltton
record of their views Is not of Import
ance. It is believed that a prompt answer
will be made by the state department
to the latest Chins Imperial edict ap
pointing LI Hung Chang as plenipoten
tiary, with absolute powers to negoti
ate terms of peace. Dr. Hill, the act
ing secretary of state, was In confer
ence over the long distance telephone
1th the president at Somerset last
evening In regard to this matter, and
the wishes of the executive were fully
xplalned. So far as the personality
of LI Hung Chang Is concerned, it Is
not believed there will be any objec
tion to him by our government.
further Conflrmation nf the Murder
ous Methods of the Government.
London. SeDt. 11. Dr. Morrison, the
Pekin correspondent of Tho Times,
wiring Aug. 31, confirms the reports
of the treachery of the Chinese govern
ment and the Issuance of Imperial de
crees ordering the extermination of
foreigners. "The imperial troops," he
"mined tho British legation and
Prot.ablv in another dav there would
have been a terrible explosion. A sim
ilar mine, made by theChlnese Imperial
troops, exploded In the Pel Tang cath
edral and engulfed 200 native Chris
tians. "The most profound Indignation Is
felt here that Sir Chih Chen Lofengluh
and Wu Ting Fang, whse shameless
lies and transmissions of bogus im
perial edicts delayed the departure of
the relief column until nearly too late,
re still received with honor in London
and Washington."
1 he Shanhal con-esDondent of The
Times, wiring Sept. 9, says:
The Chinese minister in St. Peters
burg has telegraphed LI Hung Chang
that the proposal to evacuate Pekin
presupposes that satisfactory assur
ances will be given of the return of the
imperial court to the capital at once.
A later message urges Earl LI to en
deavor earnestly to bring the powers
10 agree to evacuation, since, if Russia
oblleed to reconsider her decision, a
less of prestige is Inevitable. LI Hung
Chang has memoralized the throne,
urging the immediate return of the
urt to Pekin."
Lord Baltahurv will return to Lon-
I Ion Friday, when some fresh develop-
writing to Mrs. Pmkham at Lynn. Mass.
Mrs. Cora Gilson, Yates, Manistes
Co., Mich., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham Two years ag
I began having such dull, heavy, drag
g"ing pains in my back, menses were pro
fuse and painful and was troubled with
leucorrhoua. I took patent medicines
received no benefit aud could
I followed
derived so
but since I have used h my
I have a big baby boy, the joy
merits In tno rninese B-.tnat:on i ex
pected. Beyond Japan's reply showing
her Intention to continue to occupy
Pekin, there Is little to throw further
The U u ril i-i i.l sll.sslnaitrlea.
Shanghai. Sept. 11. Mr. John Good
now, the United States consul general
here, after Inquiries In every possible
source, learns that th" number of
Britisii and American missionaries
probably murdered during thu uprising
In China 1ms been !3, while 170 others
stationed in Chi-LI and Shan SI prov
inces are unaccounted for, and there
Is reason for the belief that they have
met the santo fate. Of those whose
deaths have been absolutely proven 22
were Americans eight men, eight wo
men and six shlldren and 14 were
British nine men, fifteen women and
ten children. There Is strong proof
that 37 more wore killed near Tai
Yuen. Tho list of missing numbers:
Americans, 20 men, 21 Women and 20
chlldrou; British, 41 men, 4!) women
and 19 children.
Farmer Austin i unfeasaa Harder.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Sept. 11. Peter
Austin, the former of Stuanville, who
has been In Jail since Friday on sus
picion of havlug killed Charles Browor,
his farm hand, 14 years ago, confessed
yesterday that ha killed Brower, but
says that he did it in self defense. The
crime was brought to light through
the finding of a skeleton In a well on
a farm formerly occupied by Austin,
which was identified as the remains of
Browor by a shlu bone which was
known to have been broken and not
properly set.
Dawtsohlaiifll Wins the Oovna ituce.
London, Si pt. 10. The North Ger
man Lloyd Bteamship Kaiser Wilhelm
Der Grosso was sighted by the Deutsch
land at daybreak last Wednesday and
was passed at noon. Sho was out of
sight at nightfall. Tho race, therefore,
was of brief duration, the Doutschland
overhauling and outstripping her rival
easily. The Deutachland made the trip
to Plymouth in days, 8 hours and 19
minutes, beating the best previous rec
ord, made by herself, by i hours and 35
Portland, Sept. It. Maine went Re
publican In the state election yesterday
by about 32.975 majority. Tho Repub
lican state ticket was elected, with all
four congressmen and a great majority
of tho legislature. The campaign
throughout the state, except perhaps
In Cumberland county, was fought en
tirely on national Issues. In Cumber
land county, with Portland as a center,
there was fought one of the most Inter
esting contosts In the state. This was
solely on tho liquor law, Its enforce
ment or Its non-enforcement, the Re
publicans representing the latter and
a Prohibition candidate tho former Is
sue. Returns Indicate that the Prohi
bitionists havo landed their candidate
for sheriff, Samuel K. Poarson, of this
Ilattleshlps NearliiK Completion.
Washington, Sept. 11. Two of the
six now first class battloshlps are prac
tically completed and another one Is
fast nearlng that stago, according to a
statement issued by the bureau of the
construction nnd repair, navy depart
ment. The Alabama, which recently
had her Initial trial, Is sot down as 99
per cent completed, and the Wisconsin,
which Is scheduled to make her trial
run on the Pacific coast the latter part
of this month, Is stated to be 96 per
cent completed. The Illinois, which
will be tho next of tho big warships to
be launched, Is building at Newport
News, and stands at 85 por cent.
Terrlhle Quadruple Tragedy.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 11. A horrible
quadruple tragedy occurred at West
Station, five miles north of here, yes
terday. George W. Moore, a prominent
merchant of the place, who has been
suffering with periods of Insanity for
some time, administered strychnine to
hie wife a id two little children, tell
ing them It was quinine to keep off
chills. Within a few minutes all three
were dead. Moore then took a pistol
and fired two-bullets through his own
heart, falling to the floor across the
dead body of one of bis little children.
Formally Accepting the Eenomi
i nation For President.
The PmMtll l-iil' the Charge of
IIli 1'olltieul Opji.niriits, and Dv
rlnrrl Thnt the I'll M I pnl ! of
, theC'inipaiKii lathe Money Qaeatloa
Washington, Aug 10. The letter of
President McKlnley accepting the re
nomlnatlun for his hit-,h office Is in sub
stance as follows:
Jinn. Henry Cabot Lodge, Chairman Notl
ncatloa Commltti e.
My Dear Sir: The nomination of the Re
publican national convent Ion ot June IS, isoo,
for the office of president of the United
Stuttd. which, as the official represi .. i-
, ttvi. of the convention, ".i haw convey
ed t.i mn, i accepted. I have carefully
examined the platform adopted and give
It mv heart aDDroval. I J uon 1 1 1
Issue of the Inst natlonnl election it is
clear. It upholds the gold standard and
endorses the lejrfsl t u present
conjrsess, by Which ihnl standard Ims
been effectively strengthened. Tim sta
bility of our nation. ii currency Is there
fore secure so long ns those who a.ltirra
to this platform are kept In control of the
A in isif!. the sttv. r parties are united,
under the s um' leader who Immediately
after the election of thai year, In an
address to tlie blmetattlsts, sal I.
"The Men. Is of blmetaill nt havo not
been vanquished; they havo simply been
overcome. Tin y believe that the gold
standard is a conspiracy of the money
changers agalnsl the welfai of the
human r.i e, nnd they will continue the
warfare aniilnst It."
Bo the v-mi- is presented. It will t.s
noted thai the demand is foi Hi" Immedl.
ate restoration ot the free coinage of
silver at IS to 1, If another Issue is para
mount, this is immediate, it win admit of
no delay and will suffer no postponement.
After declaring thai th- Bepubllcun
party remains faithful t" the prim Iple of
protection, the president i i .- ti n-
tructlon ami control of a Pacific canal,
urges American built ships and deel ires
that our government was the only one to
offer Its services to bring about peace in
Africa, Regarding trusts ho boys:
Combinations of capital which control
the market Infommodltles to 1 1 - - general
use of the people, by supprei ing natural
nnd ordinary competition, thus enhancing
prices to tho general consumer, are ob
noxious to the common law and tim pub
lic welfare. They are dnngi rous con
spiracies against the public goAd, and
should be mads the subject of prohibi
tory or penal legislation. Publicity win
be a to ipfut Influence to check this evil.
Discussing Cuba the president declares
we have restored tranquility and i rospei
it y to the island, and that we have given
to Porto Riio n much larger mens ire of
self government than was given the In
habltants of Louisiana under Jefferson,
it.- then enters Into in exhaustive discus
sion of the Philippines qui itl in, in the
course of which lis s..vs:
Nobody wiio win avail himself of the
facts will longer hold Hint them i unj
alliance between our soldiers und the In
surgents, or thnt nny promise of llide
pi ndence was made to them. Long before
their ieader had reached Manila tio had
resolved, if the command) r of tliv Ameri
can navy would give tlif-m arms with
which to fight tin Bpanlsh army, they
would iater turn upon us, which they
iliil murderously and without the Shadow
of cause or justification.
Tin re him be, u no limw ulnuo thu de
struction of the enemy i fleet when we
could or should have left the Philippine
archipelago, After the ire. ay of pence
was ratified no power tint congress could
surrender our sovereignty or alienate
foot of the territory thue acquired. Th
congress has not seen (It to do the oim
or thr otln r, and tho president had BO
authority to do . Ither, if im hud been o
Inclined, which he was not. tio long us
i to- tovereiKiny remains in us it u the
duty of thu executive, whoever he may
be, to uphold that sovereignty und If It
t. --- q luppitia Its assailants,
Woulu aMwpolltlcal adversaries do io?
it ims been asserted that there wouiiJ
have been no lighting lu thu Philippines
if congrene had declared Ita purpusu tj
Klve Independence to the Tusul Inaur
i;enti. The Insurgents did not Walt for
the action of MngreSS. They assumed tin)
offensive: they opened fire on our army.
Those who assert our responsibility fur
the beginning of the conflict Imvu for
gotten thai before the treaty was ratified
in the s. nate, and while it whs being
debated lu that body, and While thu
Bacon resolution was under discussion,
on Feb. I, WW, the Insurgents attacked
the American army, after being previous
ly advised that the American tore s worn
under orders no) to ftru upon them ex
cept in defense. The papers found In the
recently captured archives of the insur
gents demonstrate that this attack had
been carefully planned for weeks bi fore
It occurred.
It our purpose to establish In thfl
Philippines a government sultablo to tha
wants and conditions of tho Inhabitants
and t" prepare them for self government,
und to give them self government when
they are ready for It and SS rapidly an
they are ready for It. That I am aiming
to do under my constitutional uuthorlty,
and will continue to do until congroBS
shall determine the political status of the
Inhabitants of the archipelago.
.ru our opponents against tho treaty?
If so, they must he remlndi d that It
eouid not have been ratified in the senate
but for their assistance. Tho eenittu
which ratified the treaty and thu congress
Which added Its sanction by a large ap
propriation comprised senators and repre
sentatives of the peoplo of all parties.
Would our opponents surrendi r to the
Insurgents, abandon our sovereignty or
cede It to them? If that be not iiur-
pose, then it should be promptly disclaim
ed, for only evil can result from the
hopes raised bv our opponents In the
minds of the Filipinos, that with their
success at tho polls In November theri
will be a withdrawal of our army nnd of
American severtlgnty over thfl archi
pelago; the complete Independence of the
Talalog people recognised and the powers
of government over all the other peoples
of the archipelago conferred upon the
Tulalog leaders.
Thu effect of a belief In the minds of
the Insurgents that this will bo done t. is
already prolonged the rebellion and la-
creoaes thu necessity for the continuance
of a large army. It Is now ilUytrig full
jimce In the archipelago.
The American p. ople will not make the
muulerers of our soldleis the agents of
thu republic to convey tho blessings of
liberty and order to the Philippines. They
will not make them the builders of the
nuw commonwealth. Huch a course would
bo a betrayal of our sacred obligations tu
the peaceful Filipinos, and would place
nt the mercy of dangerous adventurers
the lives nnd property of the natives und
foreigners. It would make posslhlu and
easy the commission of such atrocities as
were secretly planned to bo executod o
the 23d of February. 1SD!). in tho city of
Manila, when only thu vigilance of our
army prevented the attempt.
There were thosu who two years ago
wero rushing us on to war with Spain
who are unwdlllng now to accept Its clear
consequence, as them are those among
us who advocated the ratification of the
treaty of peace, but now protest against
Its obligations. Nations which go to war
fnwst be prepared to accept its resultant
obligations, and when they make treaties
must keep them.
Those who profess to distrust the lib
eral and honorable purposes of tho ad
ministration in its treatement of the
Philippines are not Justified. Imperialism
has no place In Its creed or conduct. 11 aa
dom le the rock upon which the Hepub
lloan partly 1b bUlMed and now rests. Lib
erty Is the great Republican doctrine
for which tho people went to war. (jur
opponents may distrust thumsiilves, but
they have no right to discredit the good
faith and patriotism of the majority of
the people, who are opposed to them:
they may fear the worst form of imperial
ism with the helpless Filipinos In their
hands, but If they do it Is because they
have parted with the spirit and faith of
the fathers and have lost the virility of
the founders of thu party which they
profess to represent.
The letter concludes with a brief refer
ence to the Chinese controversy and the
thorough reunion of the north and south
through toe Spanish WOT.
U'ritnen,Mi, Sept. C.
Glasgow has now 13 cases of bubonic
plague, with 103 under observation.
The population of Richmond, Va., is
S5.050; in isyo, 8i.3ss. Charleston, s.
C, &5.S07; in 1880, &4,9a:.
It Is reported that On. Uelarey, the
Iloer commander, has died of wounds
received at Elaml's River.'
Arthur Bewail, Democratic candidate
far vice president In 1896, died at his
Summer home near Hath. Me., aged fit.
Senator Wellington, Of Maryland,
appeared on the stump with William
i. Bryan at Cumberland, and formally
tnnounced his alliance with the Uiui
i crats.
Zack Montgomery, who was assist
mt attorney cettcr.ii during President
Cleveland's first administration, died
at Loa AnRolcs, Cal., Monday uIkIU,
after an illness of several days.
New York's Republican nominees:
lYir governor, Benjamin B. odcll of
Kewburg; lieutenant governor, Tim
othy C. Woodruff; secretary of state,
; Ji 'nt T. McDonough; comptroller,
William Morgan (since dead); state
treasurer, John I". Jaeckcl; attorney
general, .1. C, Davles; state engineer
and surveyor, K. A. Bond.
Thveadaf, Sept, u.
The Duke of Marlborough, It Is said,
will succeed Lord Cadogau as lord
lieutenant of Ireland,
Kicnara uiney, secretary or state un- :
der Cleveland, announces his Intention
to support Bryan for president.
Isaac Goldman, li years ht. is under
nrtcst in New York for deliberately
killing Philip Markowltz, ag d 14, with !
a brick,
William J. Morgan, controller of
New York state, r nominated yester
day by tho Republicans, died at Al
bany today.
The population of Canton, O., Is 30,
677; In 1890, 26,189. Dayton. ().. 85,333;
in 1890, 61,220, Salt Lake City, 53,351;
1 In 1890, 44,848.
The National party (antl-imperlal-1st),
in convention at New York, nomi
' nated Senator DonaldBon Caffrey, ol
Louisiana, for president.
The Republicans of tho Third Now
Jersey district, In convention at New
Brunswick, N. J., yesterday renomi
nated Benjamin P.Howell for congress.
Friday, Sept. 7.
The Republican plurality In the Ver
mont election is 31,468,
I The population of Atlantic City, N.
J., is 27,.s:;s; In isyo. I3.0",r,.
A report that ex-President Cleveland
will support Bryan for president larks
con&rmat Ion.
At McKeesport, Pa., Mrs. Jcss ln Lee
was burin d tu death yesterday lu sav
ing In r twu baby boyB.
Montana Republicans nominated Da
vid H. Polaom for governor and A. J.
Bennett for lieutenant governor.
Mgr. James McMahon yesterday
' transferred property valued at ftto.uuii
to the Catholic university at Washing
ton. j The shortage of tha American cot
ton crop and its prospective delay uro
'. causing fears of a cotton crisis In Hug
land. Hatnrday, Sept. s.
I The population of the city of Scran
ton, Pa,, is 10!,02fi; In !89d, 7fi SIR
Railroads south and west of the
Mississippi will hereafter charge presi
dential and vice presidential (candidates
on their campaign tout s.
Au imperial degree, l.suund yester
day, dissolves the lower limine of tho
Austrian reicbaratb ajid directs a uow
election Immediately.
The tobacco growers of Cuba havo
submitted a petition to Governor Gen
eral Wood asking tho removal of the
export duty on tobacco.
Powder explosion at tho Sterling
colliery la Sbamokln, Pa., set tiro to
mine gas. Four men wore terribly
burned, two perhaps fatally.
lonln , Svpt. to.
Tho voting population of Baltimore
is 132.S80, of w hom 20,491 nro colored.
Because be refused to marry her,
Mattle Mash shut nud fatally wounded
William Foster at Des Moines, la.
Doth are colored.
After being Idlo for tim wneks tho
! Illinois Bteel company's plant of Bay
, view, Mich., resumed operations today
with ti force of 9u0 men.
At noon today Qen. Joseph Wheeler,
commander of tho department of the
lnkes, ceased to bo an Officer of tho
United States army, having reached tho
age limit of 64 years.
Tuesday, Sept. It.
The wife of I'ugilist "Kid" McCoy,
who is suing for divorce, declares the
Corbett-McCoy fight was "fnkod."
At Boston last night James L. Mc
Cusker won from f'avlll, the English
swimmer, the world's swimming cham
pionship. As a result of a fight between Ital
ians, Caeearo Ceno Is dead at Hobokon,
N. J., aud Zana and Michael Delmoa
lco, brothers, aro under arrest.
Zed Floyd, a nogro, was taken from
the Jail at Werumpka, Ala., late Sun
day night und hanged. Floyd attempt
ed to assault a white woman.
Philadelphia, Sept. 10. Flour m light
I demand; winter suporllne, JZ Wa- w:
I'ennsylviinla roller, clear. SJ.10OI.9I; city
mills, extra, XL.Kiii.M. Rye Hour quiet
! and steady at K'iiS.ll) tier barrel. Wheat
lirm; No. 2 red, spot. In elevator, TZVuotc.
I Corn Arm; No. ! mixed. In elevator, JCfl
(Stye.; No. I yellow, for local trade, iic.
1 Oats Urm; No. 1 whltw, clipped, ZlitXe. ;
lower grades, as to quality. Iif2Tc. Hay
Hrm: choice timothy, I15.S0 for largo bales,
lleef quiet; beef hams, tl&SQOW.SO. l'ork
: steady; family, $15.501-.; Id. Lard tirm;
' western steamed. r.l5i7.30. nutter stoady;
j creamery. ITOtltyC.; factory, 144flKc..;
j June creamery, lS1i21c; Imitation
try, 15V17MiC.; New York dairy, 14'i20c.;
' fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing at 2ft
27c; do. wholesale, 2.1c. BggS Hrm; New
York and Pennsylvania, Wu Wtc. ; west
ern, regular packing-, at mark, lift 17c;
western, loss off, lt19o. Potatoes quiet;
Jerseys. SI. 25-31. 75; Ixmg Island, L 6001. 76;
I Jersey aweeta. 63.263.50. Cabbages quiet;
Loo- Island. S2Q2.50 per 100. Live poultry
! quoted at HQ13c for spring chickens and
lOQlOytC. for choice, western fowls. Dress
ed poultry (fresh killed), choice western
fowls, lie; old roosters, 6Vjc. ; nearby
spring chickens, 13'ul5c, western spring
chickens. 1Ku13c
Kiust Liberty, Pa., Sept. 10. -Cattle dull
end lower; extra, S5.Whv5.85; prime, S5.:i5'6
5.!0; common. S3.50tf4. Hogs active and
higher; best assorted mediums. S5.80; best
light Y'orkera, S5.75tU5.80; best heavy Y'ork-
i ers, 66.7006.76; heavy mediums. J', : j r ,
; pigs, as to weight and quality, S5.5oru5.70;
I common to fair Torkera, grassers and
thin pigs. 661 5. CO; roughs. 63.506. ghuep
Arm; lambs slow; choice wethers. R20U
I 4.35; common, $1.60ifjt.60; choice lambs, S5.PJ
I 4(5.75: common to good, $3.505.60, veal
ysm. r . saw aicj r . j v t- t . .ibv
for infants and Children.
Tln Ki -1 You HstTfl Always Bourrh! 1ms borne tin slgnn
tiiri of Cltas II. Fletcher, and Ikis been :n:ttl' under lii
penonal supervision for over ;so jronrs. Allow no one
to deceive .von in tiiis. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"Just-as-ifood " :ir but Experiments, and endanger the
lu'iiltlt of Children Experience against Bxperlmeut,
The Kind You Have Always Bough.
Bears the
lii Use For Over 30 Years.
' ' ' M was. 7T
real mmpmpmz
m Tho pleasure of a Graphophone is largely increased by making and reproducing m
m your own records. Wo furnish this machine with recordei ' . Hi
Hlltilill .V II... Uro ulAUV, N.V. Cll ltllli
$500 mm
We pay the above reward for ary case of Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Insertion, Constipation
or Costiveness we cannot cure with
Liverita, The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill
They are purely Vegetable and never fil to give satisfaction.
25c boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c tws contain' '40 Fii'is,
boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations.
Sent by mail; Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Corner
Clinton and Jackson Sts Chicago, Illinois. Sold by
6 luce IMS,
immediate lasting
Tr '.; -jrV V ic
"Star" tin tr.n (showing nn;u!l Btara printed on gnder t-iilo
of tag), "HorsoShoe," "J.T., lood Lnck," "Cross Bow,"
uutl " Drnmmond " Natural Loaf Tiu Tus ut o or equal value in
seouring pmMouts mentioned below, u;nl u;iiy bo assorted.
Every man, woman ami child can find something ou tho list
that they would like to have, anil can havo
J7a 22 3E3 Z
i Ms.pii rtoi
RnifS, ODi t.lrt.I.1, BOod fte.l
& S 1 . rs. 44 IV . i
Child'" Hi", Knit... Fort :.'! Hpool
I sii t jtu.i Psppar Hat, on ich, ijua-l
npl.' pin'.1 ' ii uiiin- im'al
r it. in? w i I',,...
f In.' r, hollow Kronad, flna Bogilsb
IBnttar Knlfp, trlpls pln:t, l-.t
I Siumr Abel), tnplsDla'a, bait mal..
III Hi. mi,. 11... u.uplln., IIv,f
11 Knife, "Keen gutter," tw. blades..
13 liiit.'lirr Kulfo, "K.-eti Kuttvr," In
btads n
is Mbears, "K.'n gnttsr," S-lnel 0
14 Tim Set, Cracker and Picks, silver
lilateil ,., so
16 Has Hall, "Aa.'K-latliin," aoal.lIM
10 Aliirm Cl.K'k, ui M 160
U Hii QsnnUM Bogarr TMspooDSibail
l lute.) (Hids l&u
15 Watetl, uk-kel, item wind ami et . . you
Iv Oarvata. gi od Mtwl, bm-kburn
band In . M0
M Six (ieuulnu Kotfura' Table Siaii'iis,
beat jilatil n la 260
U Bli vai b, Knives and FurkH, buck
born bandies 260
33 Six sjsah,. Pan nips llnyers' Knlvai
Slid Forka, best plstwl goods 600
Cnafiol lint tea t Main " Star " Tin Tag. (that In. hist tin tag. with nn smalj
0)101.1 dl nillltv ! stars printad on nndar side of tagi. an. sal io...i brprsssaw,
-r but wUl ! raid fr In CASH on Uiu bonis uf Iwtuty cculayix
houdruil. If
IWBUAK IN tllM) thut a dime's worth of
will last longer and afford more pleasure thun u olnc'e worth, of any
oth.-r brand. MAKE THE TE8TI
Signature of
Vj4 NO.
rtt lii
jinn iiisiiiiiiiiumtmimitii ",t,
" A strongly constructed Gr.iph. M.
i) ophonti with simple mcch in. 1
jl ism, in.uli' to meet the i!,- M
!! mind lor a lirst-clasi lal ii. ; JJ
J HMChllWi at lev. priie. I i
Tho Ideal French Tonic
Endorsed ty Medical Faculty
efficacious agreeable
nV ii k itfciti
l'j '13 '!''t. " 1 v. Cal.'n.'.ir.
3sf. stsr, Basomstsr Hi
Ji linn it-.... Ii'atlir, im iM-tfer too
i- Itt-vollt-r. :iil thu'l ', il-.lit.l.. a.'11'.Il.
I M..r Mealllwr. ...M
f,n M Tool Bat. not iiiittiln', bul r.-al
i t.Nih
S7 TnUst Ht
asaopaisd pvrcslaia,
DU rj '. i.' . m
!5 BsmlnKton KISa No, 4.rjr n rat. W
M I Watch, starling silver, rail Jowslsd IIMI
So l Draw Mult Case, leather, bsndsoma
Til I l"l 'I'irill'l" . l'W
, 1 Bewins Uachtne, first class, with
n!l sttschmeuta
It Bevolver, Colt's, stealther, bload
Mhh ti.10
n Rifla, Obit's, IS-sbot, s&callosr.
14 t.i'inar i Wavbl.itnii, r'-i-vv . 1, in
laid ...20110
36 Maud.'iin. vary bandaoBM .....ooj
M W Id ob ester Bapsatlng Shot Una,
12KSm;e 2ou0
37 I.. ir ii, d able barrel i hmu-
lnrSb"t linn, b'.ir U Kaitj(H ...2txl0
St) Bhiyela, atati tsr.l limk", ladlee Of
gents 2600
39 Shot Oiui. Itetutniiton, double bar-
rl, hslliiurrlt'sa 3UJ
40 KeKlua KosiO lloi, UM Inch UUJ..0MU
' mm m mmn
mm i siri kimi'
L-amSBBBSV'.u ,