The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 13, 1900, Image 8

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    I Ha
from j hot
Royal! Caking
Powder biscuit
: the
H '
r I
ie mosi
OVAL Baking
Powder improves
the flavor and
adds to the healthful
ness of all risen flour
foods. It renders the
biscuit, bread and cake
more digestible and
nutritious. ,
Royal Raking Pow
der makes hot breads
wholesome. Food
raised with Royal will
not distress persons of
delicate or enfeebled
digestion, though eaten
warm and fresh.
Imitafl'.fi I.- pOU'deft almost invariably toll
tain aluil., rtiuiu 1 1 : . i k l-?i Ui-j food unwholesome.
ty'cs. Indian Storm Creates Ter
rib.c Havoc in Texas City.
Oitizens Were Held Prisoners Like
Rats in a Trap.
SiifT.-ri.' il
nt Slrnrturri, In the Cltjr
the Orcntcxt From the
the Storm Orphan' Home
t'f i.i.- a II ' of of n
'.-n.. t.- i i.v watitlar t
Vurt .Inclntn, Only RRiM I'upnp
ril -vil I'or Ilium-din to Axlalnnor
For the Stricken Survivor.
Houston, Tex., Sept. 11. Richard
9plllane, a well known Qalveston news
paper man and press correspondent In
that city, who readied Houston yester
day after a terrible experience, Rives
'lv Following account of the disaster nt
'liit vest on:
One of the most awful
modern times has visited Qalveston.
Thi city ll In ruins and the dead will
number probably a thousand. I am
last from the city, having been com
missioned by the mayor ami citizens'
committee to get In touch with the
outside world and appeal for help.
Houston wns the nearest point at whl h
working telegraph Instrument! could
tie found, the wires, as well as nearly
all the buildings between here and the
'ulf of Mexico liein wrecked.
When I left Qalveston shortly before
noon on Sunday the people were organ
ising tor the prompt burial of the d ad.
Ilstrlbtltlon of food and till necessary
vnr' after a period "f disaster.
Tl b wreck of Oalvi -ton was brought
about by ;i tempest as terrible thai no
words can adequati ly di scribe its In
tel sity, and by a flood which turned
the i Ity into ii raging sea. The weather
bureau records show that the wind at
tained a velocity of 81 miles an hour
irnen the measuring Instruments blew
away, it Is impossible to tell what
w,v! the maximum.
Tli irm began at I o'clock Satur
day mi rnlng. Previous to that n treat
.hi had been rapine; in the gttlf, and
the tide was very high. The wind at
first came from the pouth. and was in
I : : opposition to the force from the
i While the storm in the gulf
:' i' w titer tin II thl beach side of
ine city :ne next win piled the wafer
from the bay on to the My part of the
About noon It became evident that
the city was going to be vfgfted with
disaster, Hundreds of residences along
the beach front were hurriedly aban
doned, the families fleelns to dwellings
In higher portions of the city. Every
home was opened to the refugees, black
or white. The winds were rls'iiR con
stantly and it rained in torrents. The
wind was so fierce that the rain cut
like a knife.
fly 3 o'clock the waters of the culf
and bay met. and by dark the entire
city was submerged. The flooding of
I the electric light plant and 'he pas
cas plants left the city in darkness.
To rro upon the streets was to court
death. The winfl was then at cyclonic
velocity. Roofs, cisterns, portions of I
buildings, telegraph polos and wails
were falling, and the noise of the wind
and the era"blnpr of the buildings were '
terrifvir e The wind
and waters rose su-aniiy from fiaftt tm
tll 1:4R o'clock Sunday morning.
During all this time the people of
Qalveston were like rats In traps. The
highest portions of the city was four
to five feet under water, while in the
great majority of cases the streets 1
were submerged to a depth Of ten feet.
To leave a house was to drown. To
remain was to court death in the 1
wreckage, Such a night of agony has
seldom been equaled. Without appar
ent reason the waters suddenly beaan
tragedies of to subside at 1:46 a. m. Within 10
minutes they had gone down two feet,
itnd before daylight the streets were
practically freed of the flood waters.
In the meantime the wind had veered
to the southeast.
Very few if any buildings escaped
Injury. There la hardly a habitable
dry house in the city. When the peo
ple who had escaped death went out
at daylight to view the work of the
tempest and the floods, they raw the
most horrible sights Imaginable, In
the three blocks from Avenue N to !
Avenue P, in Tremont Street, I saw
eight bodies. Tour corpses were in one
The first hurried glance over the city
showed that the largest structures, '
supposed to be the most substantially '
built, suffered the greatest, The Or
phans' Home, Twenty-first and Avenue
M, fell like a house of cards. How
i many dead children and refugees ar I
I In the ruins could not be ascertained.
Of the sick in St. Mary's Infirmary, to- j
! gether With the attendants, only eiht i
are understood to have been saved.
ine uKi woman a nome, on itosen- i
lng ana aead which the storm cast up
at Texas City caskets and cofTlnB from :
one of the cemeteries at Galveston
were being fished out of the water
there Sunday.
The cotton mills, the bagging fac- j
torv, the gas works, the electric light
works and nearly all the Industrial es
tabllshments of the city are wrecked
or crippled. The flood left a slime
about one Inch deep over the whole
city, and unless fast progress Is made
In burying corpses and carcasses of
animals there is danger of pestilence.
The familv of Stanley Q. Spencer,
who met death In the Cotton Exchange
saloon, Is reported to be dead.
Thirteen were killed in one building
on Eighth street and Broadway. Dont-
1 Inick Porretto Is the only one of the
partv who lives to tell the tale. Among
the dead are James Wren, his wife ana
six children.
An entire family living on Thirty
sixth street was swept away. The fam
ily consisted of Angeline Parker and
grandchild. Tommy Lesker, Sullivan
Parker and bis wife, Lily, and their
! three children.
Mrs. J. B. Treadwell and Infant. Mrs.
i C. T. Clark and infant, Mrs. A. Long-
i nccker. Mrs. Heveridge and two ebll-
; dren, Mrs. George M. Schroeder and
four children and the mother of Culled
i States Deputy Marshal Wood were all
lost in one building. Mr. Longnecker
1 escaped with serious injuries.
"Francois." a well known waiter, re
ports the loss of 22 persons who took
refuge In his house, six of them being
members of bis family.
I Eight ocean steamers were torn from
their moorings and stranded In the
It will take a week to tabulate the
dead and the missing and to get any
thing to an approximate Idea of the
monetary loss. It Is safe to assume
' that one-half of the property of the
city Is wiped out, and that one-half
, of the residents have to face absolute
i For ten miles Inland from the shore
It Is a common sight to see small crait,
such its steam launches, schooners and
oyster sloops. The lifeboat of the life
saving station was carried half a mile
Inland, While a vessel that was anchor
ed In Moses Bayou lies high and dry
Jive miles up from La Marque.
Piiulllie llnrtflnr Su rren der.
Bhiunokln, Pa., Sept 10. Frank,
aHaj"Whitey"8trau8si r, who was with
Thorn as Prom, the burglar, when the
latter was shot to death by Dauphin
county farmers early last week, while
, the pair were escaping from that place j
' lifter corovltting a number or burgla
ries, came h re on Saturday nlsjit mid
1 surrendered to the authorities.
Opens the Fall Season With
Suits-! Overcoat
All the New Fall and Winter Suits and
Overcoats Win be Here and Ready
For You Next Monday,
We Have Been Planning for Months
Absolutely and unquestionably tlio host and most unusual
Ever offered the people of this vicinity. So determined are we that the suit depart
niiiil simll beffiri its real full season with tlienio.-t remarkable volume of business i
its historv that we have marked the newest and moat beautiful suits at prices i
amazingly low as to arouse your instant attention Wo herewith announce some
most astonishing suit v Unes ever heard of in
ll. i
was nt Rants on Bun-
elms. Bprenkel ma In tins valey
The schools of till place npsmssj i
C O- v.-ivjuiwi, f io"ajssi f
home iirer Sunday.
Wilson and Peter BfBjrer were Fnnur
miiist Saturday ami Sunday,
Mover's threshing machine pases!
through this vicinity ami cleaned! eve
rything as it went.
Misses Stillie K rick ami Daisy Smith,
of Sollnsgrovo, attended t he picnic Sat -unlay
Joseph and Jacob Hackenhurg, of
near Middleburg, attended the picnic
I.o-i At the pie-nic
and a lady's hat. Leave
at Trewit's.
Chaa. A. pMackenhurg and wife pasf
oil through this place on a sporting
'rip Saturday.
Phoelie Hendricks and Rlizabeth, of
Neit Valley, and Nettie and Lillian
Nagle visited. 1. W. .Wits recently.
The iloi: ease between Jacob Moyer
and James Roiish is decided. Mover
litis to pay L'il for the dog and till costs.
The pic-nlc at Kbenezer was enjoya
ble, but would have been better had the
weather been clear. The net proceeds
Men's Suits at $4 98,
Some suit will cost $(5.00 elsowhfore,
the clothing business.
Boys' Suits at
Same suit will cost ftl 50 elsewhere.
Men's Light Wt Overcoats at $5.00.
17.00 elsewhere. N
Boys' Suits at $2.50.
Q r
an umbrella
Saute suite will cost
Men's Suits at $7:5G
Same Suit till i-ost SiiO im eisewlieiV-
i Men's Light Wt. Overcoats at $7.50,
Same coat will cost f 10, 00 elsewhere.
I Men's Suits at $10. Childre Vester Suits $1.1
Same suit will cost If 12.50 elsewhere. gaUM 'ut will cost $2.00 elsewliere,
Men's Lisht Wt. Overcms at $10.00,
Same coat will cost $15.00 efi waer0-
Men's Suits at $12, Children's Vester Suits $3
Same Suits will cost $15.00 elsewhere. Same suits will! cost 4'50 elsewhere.
Men's Light Weight Overcoats t't $15.00,
Same coat will cost $25.00 elsewhere-
ill THIS of.
: 'XlUrUUcouviill g05l 9
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the
cur. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is byconstitu-l
tional remedies, Deal nessii caused
by uii inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of th Eustachian I
tube, When the tube trots inflamed
bers avenue, eollanseil. ami tie. Rnann. LTOU have a rumblins sound or im-
berR school bouse is ;i mass of wn ck- ' Perfect bearing, and when it is en
age. The Ball high school la but an I tirely closed ileulness is the result,
empty wall, crushed and broken. Bv- hihI unless the inflammation can be
fry church in the city with ppoastbly oat i taken out and the tube restored to
or two exceptions is in ruins, i its normal condition, hearing will be
At the fort nearly all Che soldiers destroyed forever; nine cases out of
are reported dead, they having been In (ten are caused by catarrh, which is
pksvi.v : kv. s cai)t:si::t.
rt Itinn r. Jotui
rlh liripki ll lii-fur.- asslftanui'
i : : HI
: 1 18. Sf 13.
rtu. u ,i,.. ),, a, i,,r
. i.ip- 'niinui iiiiii' - I,,, ,.,
J Ui one vote for the handsome
M M; by the Weavi-r OfSM 1 riann Co
k .t brk. I'm., mill pjoM l y K. s. I!l,-Kel, Mid-
dli'lir.r. IN,. I lo 1 fflvi-n to (imr Church,
HSyiMteyScboril or Public school In Snyder
t'oiinly, hy the rOST, Mi'lilli-burKh. !
'I'h i vote is cast for :
ll h cnupon Is n..t .: five
lKve -laic tin. J will lh
en not be counted.
Send br mail nr brine hi thi.oRIca and
kave it deposited In llw ballot n.n.
temporary quarters, which gave them
no protection against the tempest or
the flood.
At military headquarters, depart
ment of Texas, at San Antonio, the In- ;
formation is that of 120 men stationed
at Fort San Jacinto. Galveston, only
15 escaped. Further infromatlou is 1
that the captain In command Is among
the victims. Lieut. Col. C. S. Roberts,
adjutant peneral, department of Tex
as. Is in Galveston on a tour of In- '
pectlon. It is not known If he Is
among the small number at the fort
who escaped.
No report has been received from the
Catholic Orphan asylum, down the Isl
and, but it seems impossible that it
could have withstood the hurricane.
If It fell all the inmates were no dosbt '
lost, for there was no aid within a mile.
The bay front from end to end is in
rains. Nothing hut piling and the ;
wtcck or great warenouss remain.
The elevators lost all their upper
works,, and their stocks are damaged
by water.
The life saving station at Fort Point
was carried away, the crew being
swept across the bay 14 miles to
Texas City. I saw Capt. Haines, and he
told me his wife and one child and one
of the crew were drowned
The shore at Texas City contains
enough wreckage to rebuild a city.
Eight persons whom were swept across
ootbingbut an inflamed coiulitiou
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Ui 1
lars for an v case of Deafness I caused
by cat an L I that cannot be eared by
Hull's Catarrh Cuio. Send for cir
culars, free,
P. J. CHENEY cv CO., Toledo, C.
Sold bv all druggists, 7'r)c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Public Sales
Notices of sales will tie Inserted frw und'T tills
heading when Hie bills are printed at thlsonice.
When the bills are not printed ut this nfttco an !
ci'iits win in- ciiawd. Persons sxpeodag to
have sals should select udute and have It insert
SS In this column.
KKIKAV, SKIT. 14, at Port Ann. Adamn town-
nhip. Ilenive'l Walter, administrator of
John Sliawv-r. will sell two tracU of real
-tat. including- the distillery property.
NnDaT SKIT 14. Mary M. Whistler will j
neli 43 acres and ll'i perches in Adams twp. I
8ATCKDAY, SEPT. U, near rallan, W. JL
tiwartz, executor of Uavid M. Swartz, will 1
aell real estate.
SATl'RBAY, SEPT. S9th. in Middlcburgh, Win .
K. Miller, administrator of Ueo. P. Miller,
deceaneil. will si'll brick house and lot on
the French Flats.
SATURDAY. SKPT. 29th. at Centreville. C. M. !
Shower, executor of the last will and testa
ment of Valentine Walter, late of Centre
township dec ease 'I, will sell 13 tract of I
real i stab - and a portable saw mill.
WANTED Active man, of (nod character, to
deliver and collect. In Pennsylvania, for .
an old established inanUaacturlna wholesale
bona. SU0 a year, sure pay. Honesty, more
.V. I . U . l.l.J
uv uuriua lue nviui wwiw pimru ltan eIp.rlenc required. Our reference, any
Up there alive. Five Corpses Were also I bank In the city. Enclose a elf addressed and
nleked UO. Thar were three faUlltleS tanipad envelope. Manufacturer., Thlrt Floor
Brlatoi'i population is
Attacked by bull I
Fisher IiphI
Charles Errtckson was killed Saturday
nlirhl bv a inuli.ii-'lit passciiKir train nt
The Schuyiktll county teg ennt-:liis UO
I prisoners, among whom are II women and
four liable.
Owliiu to the nxlrcine drouth Shippons-
tiiir dairymen will advance Uta price of
milk on,- Vrnt in r quart.
CniiKht In a Wire -:ib wlnilln about
, n drum at the Altonna silk mills, Henry
H-oim was rruslii'd tn death.
No more Inmatis will be admitted to
t th York County aisBsnouse for u time,
ei-n though they py board.
FalUu Udder S trolley car Rt Lan
caster Blanche, the 7-year-old daughter
of Hubert Junilson. was killed.
I While craaWbUI the r.illroml trncks at
Readlnir Mrs. Qtorge Albert Was struck
by n draft of cars nnd killed.
A'-nt organisation of the Derks
founty Fish Protective association will
be effected at Its next meeting.
Henry Shuo. of York, died Saturday
' from the effects of an explosion of vit
riol in Wolff's ohajnlcal fmotory.
At Allentown Simon Heffelflnger
! brouKht iiilt for JS.nie nualnst the Lehigh
I Valley railroad for the loss of u leg-.
The body Of John Schlmmelftlng- was
found crushed to deuth Saturday under a
pile of hide In n tannery :'t Kaliton.
Valuables, which a prisoner in the
Pottsvllle lockup had been charged with
p stealing, were recovered from the prison
Lieut. W. E. Stover, of the Scotland
Soldiers' Orphan' school, will be mill
! tary instructor at the Mlohlgan Military
Dr. Isaac C. Detwller, of Reodlna, who
died worth 450,000, has left several thou
sand dollars to religious societies for the
spread of the gospel.
While about to leave prison at Lebanon,
where he had served a term for embus
slement, Oneslmus K. Detwetler was ar
rested on another charge.
Waynesboro's council has ordered the
Cumberland Valley Telephone compear
to place six Are telephones for borough
use In that town, according to a fran
chise agreement
34 Dearborn Sties j Chicago-
Excellent Farm for Sale.
Wishing to ijuil farming, 1 an of
fering at private sale a moat excellent
farm containing in? acres of rich farm,
Ing land. 87 acres of which Is clear and
In a good state of cultivation. The bal
ance is timber. On the tend w a good
large bank barn, excellent dwelling
house, good size, all kinds of outbuild
ings in good repair, good cane molas
ses factory, good never-failing water
near the house ami iii the fields for the
sioek, excellent apple orchard, abun
dance of peaches, cherries, pears, anil
all hinds of small fruit, such as black
ami red raspberries, grapes, currants,
plums, etc
The property is located convenient
to church, store and poatoffloe along
the public road and is a very prom
inent farm. We raise excellent grain
and grass ; have nootl fences ami n tine
location for a flafa dam within sight of
the house. The soil js o;04h1, deep anil
rich, no stones to Ixithcr with, no ditch
ing necessary, no slate and we huve an
easy road to the river. We will also
sell 20 acres which will make a small
farm for some one who does not care
for much land.
This farm was twice sold for $5,000
nnd is now offered ut the very low rate
of $2880. If it were not for the fact
that I wish to discontinue farming, the
farm would not lie offered at so Tow a
figure. A clear title can he given.
7-1 IWm. Pallas, Snyder Co., Pa.
Mjddlebb-Is:. M
I lutter
( hiioiiH....
( thickens.
Cora ..
hta . .new
Bran per EM
How the Organ OonteS
The thirteenth count show- (
suit as follows :
U. B. Church, Fremont,
i reinium eouiMins.
H III 111 I I I 1 1 1 1 H i l l l l f
JHarrisburg Business x
r- i : a i- i T
Nhorthand sued Typewrltlag,
1 324 Market St., Harrlsbarg. Pa. Orad- X
sates cheerfully assisted lo securing post- J
tuuun. jsculivu wic run.
T-O-St. J.K.UARM&B, PrUClpsl.
I M 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Newspaper eiMisins, 4
U. Kvuii. church, Penn's
t reek :
I'reniium coupons,
NewsjiajK-r coujains,
Evan, church, V. Creek,
U. B. church, Fremont,
Sbenezer U. H. ,-hurch,
Trinity church, M'Kees i FalLt,
Consult or r.y.r with the
ofthis paper, who will give
In T-xas City. la a4dKkra to the Uv-