The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 13, 1900, Image 7

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son la tne Internatlooal Series SM
Srnttmbu 10. 1 WOO The
Hleh Fool.
Prepared by H. C. Lenlngton.
(Luk. 12:13-23
Ami one of th. company said unto Him,
. ... In mv lit-! 1 1.1 1 lift, (llVlUti
Inheritance wiin me.
I, And He .aid unto him. Man. who made
. - 1 1 m at. nr i Will i ' i ' ii
And He laid unm limn, mm uvcu.
I beware of covetouaiii sa: for a man's
conslsteth nol In the abundance of Hit'
.i t- I. . . . , V,
16. And He epaka a parable unto tnem,
i .if ti . it iin rich in. in
. ui f.,.,h ui in v
w Anj ha thought within himself, say-
' on.-l ahull I .In hatiauaa I have no
in i o.iiv mv frilils?
18 And he MUd, This will 1 dn; I will pull
..-. m hurm uml build art-atur: and
will 1 bvstuw all my iruiia anu my
9 And I will nay to my sum. aoui, mou
t much goods laid up for many year.
i thine ease. eat. drink, and be merry.
i Hut God aald unto him, Thou fool, this
hi thy soul shall be required of the:
ii whose shall Ihose things Ui, which
..u hast urovlded?
uelf, and la not rich toward Uou.
And He said unto Hi dlsclplea. There
I 1 say unto you. Tsk. no thought lor
,r lili-. what ya ahall eat, neither for iho
y, what ye shall put on.
The life is more than meut, and tho
y is more than raiment
i.oi in. ll.A I.
lint nlinll II iirnltt n liinn. It lie
II gala the v hole world, and lose
unit aoulf Murk Mill!.
he wrses Immediately following
l . -,,tl I II, -1 III I 1 O & ill,,- L . . - ,
iantlv do not bulonir to this Drlod
Ilie lilt oi i nnm, out iu tue laiui
lllllllftx uns one uuuaaiuu uum kivcbi
the chapter! tliut Immediate!' fol-
llie Uospel events in their ehrouo-
,i i n -.. ...:n :.. ii..
I ft 11 . HI UTI . 7 f , ft. J I 1 II I M III. . V.
ministry. The parable of the
, , i . . a .. : . i I ...
iti-i.-i t mi Hvi i Irtltlis I i , ! I 1 I : 1 1 " ill
S" " ----- o
record, according to Luke, we
i the following events anil teach-
In-. passa'Ts ; 1 1 ii n t lie read aun
J1..I ... ,.u Inin ii,., .ntwll ,.f T a,
uicoiiie ou i ii i icaien oi tut-
l ... 1. ! L ... I ; ,( ,
in illustration titters the parable
I,.' r.i' iihii : iii ui. ii 'V' '
tin. iiinMim. I Ii r I t'o rn I him I i
nUii Tin. fiillnii itnr ta,aaAti nhiii !
United :
Dancer of Covetouam sa v. 16
l II I I1U.-1 1 .111 11 o i a I.I O II vs. id--
mint in tin. vs. B-au
Cure of the Evil vs. 31-31
sus nud the Defrauded Heir. We
assume that the young ninii who
t to Jesus tintl laid: "Speak to
lir.iil.i.r i.u ,);.;,!..
with the," was a bona tide heir
mm oet n i:eii .ludeii out or ins
L-J 1 1 a a. . .
of the patrimonial citato. Jesus
j - .. - - - p. ....... a
as been remarked iu connection
mis passage that Jesus did not
to maintain inilivirliiul tint t..i a-
s!i right, that is righteousness.
Danger of Covetousnesa. With-
Jfini took tlie occaaion to strike
freat e-. il ooTetoutneit. Tn a few
Hi- points out the danger of it.
"A man's life conaisteth not
I nit,. I . i. : ... i : .ft. i
tth. The dMarer of eovetous-
VI llllllh'.l ,.1111 ii iii-
- mm ii siarves tin- nie. 1 lie ae-
ii ii of wealth, w hile it mar lie
Ihl in Ifaelf, contributes absolute-
Ihing to the well-beinir of man
ii-ui ot-sire in ine puui.
a untu a .... ;.. aft... i- .. t r
0, that we have piveu a vir-
iltlon of oovetotianesi. Kvi-
) Jesui looked upon that man as
"lis who makes the thief object
nie the abundance of materia!
Illustrated by a Parable. The
Hg regarding the danger of coy-
On.. .1.,1. ill ......... .... i... .i
--'.. . . M I ft f I I I III' Jllll il-
'lle rich fool. Tho man iraa nn
laccordfoff to the notions of lha
must have hail great abil
acimiulate great wealth, iliit
'fa 'ill Cam In. Inuii' ka fta. ,.
He hail that which was no tirufit
J"d .aeked that avMMi h. inuh
'!"t Of Ihl- Kvil 'l 1... r,...t
II .. I ... ....
i.nsc view ill ili Ii..
'av Jesus. "Ik mora ilmn t
-.,. is more tiiau raiment.
" clothii.i. lire iionnriiiiii ..v.,r.
Wy, hut if (;, !() do,),,..! the
,V"-li is tO-day ill the field, anil
u ls Caal into tin- oven, how
will He clothe you, 0 ve
E th" There is a kindly
,,lle" Uiat looks aft,.,- the affair.
eomes to lum but that
P rin(f on bltnaalf.
wr of the eti t ,
: hn ....It ....
1 " a falsi, view .,f nr.. .,.. iv..
in eiiaiiiriiiL' that view
j 'iini(f with us la not
P raiment, but the Kingdom of
i or t ... . ft. - ...
' yonrselvea with baps
hot old. a trensnr.. In il,.
'hat fnileth n. ..i. ..
fwucnein. neithnr mod,
,11, ' w,lere your treasure ls
P your heart ha ni,,
Gold Nauata.
walth ia never areaer than
"dfast lifn 1, aetilaA ,a
nie iuen ,..
- us-iulneae
iaK a .
,.ff X VW-ltidb
Arthur Why is it that Mrs. Wil
low so frequently poes out wnlkin";
with Mrs. Pumpkin, whom she dis
likes so much?
Fred 0, she only dues that to bet
ter display her graceful figure by contrast!-
Meggendorfer Dlaettar,
Citiu'.an I suppose you fellows out
here lire ah experts at outdoor exer
cises. Subbuba That's right. Every one of
na in the LonelyvUle Country club can
cover loo square yards with the lawn
mower in ten hours or bettor. Phila
delphia Press.
A Modern Example,
N'oilil- 1 wonder if miracles will
ever happen again,
Todd One happened at my house
only the other day. A thunderbolt
struck within a few feet of my wife,
anil she was speechless for 30 minutes.
Detroit Tree Press.
On I) Three.
Mrs. Scadalelgh (severely) Laura,
I heanl Mr. Guyson kiss you three
tlmea last night when you were aay
ing good-by.
Laura My, ma. how quickly you
niust have dropped off to sleep U(.rain.
Chicago Times Herald,
Not Jn( What lha Meant.
"It is my aim in life," he said, "to do
Something every day that will make
men happier."
"Ah." sin- exclaimed with rrnt en
thusiasm, "that must be why you keep
so Bccluded," Chicugo Timca-IIarald,
Antlior of "t'ruiae of the Ochelot
TVIN win-re lie Learned
to Write.
Frank T. Dullen, whose storieaof the
sea have won him great fame, never
had proper education, lie wus a pour
boy, and his youth was spent In toll.
Asked to what source he owed his pow
er of writing, he answered: "The
source of my 'style,' aa you are pleased
to term It, is the Bible. I began read
ing that earlier than I can remember;
I am 41 years of age, 15 years of which
'., i j .i I. at sea, climbing up from cabin
boy to chief mate, aad I have read the
Hi hie through from cover to cover 5
times. You cannot quote me the first
half of any verse but what I will be
able to ghoyou the second half. Noth
ing has taken Lo!d of my heart and soul
like the IMble. I used to preach in the
open air, and sometimes, when 1 felt
1 had no words of my own, I would re
cite a w hole chapter by memory from
Isaiah or Job or one of the Gospels,
The Bible and John Btinyotl have really
formed my style. Hut then there's the
Inspiration of the seal What colors in
sky and water! Dip your pen In thiie,
and you can't fall to be picture
and Interesting."
Hon the Yonngj Things An- Ped i-p-entely
on a Model Texas Jersey
i)nir Farm,
On all stoi'k and dairj fol ma it Is de
sirable or necessary to raise some of
the calces. It is not prnctlcubli or
economical to feed the youngsters on
whole milk, even if it were desirable to
do so. Bo akimmilk lias to be uaed.
Where a Dumber of calves are fed they
are put into a stable, am! each calf in a
stall and fed separately. This insures
each one getting a given quantity and
no more or less. The illustration shows
how the calves are fed on a Texas Jer
sey dairy farm in n long shed with
stanchions for 15 calves. Orange Judd
Xnt Hoarded.
Warwick True, there haa been an
enormous increase in the amount of
money in circulation in the country in
the lust two years, but I don't see how
you are going to make out that the
Klondike is responsible for it. Fifty
thousand men, indeed, went there, but
all the gold they've found yet falls to
account for the increase in our circulat
ing medium.
Wickwire Yea; but all the money
they had before going there la la olr
gmlatlon. Brooklyn life.
Worried Half to Death.
"Oh, John." exclaimed the fair'
jroung motUer, "I am glad you're
home. I have been so worried."
"Why, dear," he asked, "what ia tho
matte rf"
"It's about the baby. I tremble to
tldnk of it. You know they say chil
dren that are stnnrt never grow up."
"Yes, yes," he cried, "go on! What
has happened? do on!"
John, she mux, putting her arms
around hla neck and sobbing upon his
brcaRt, "ho laidti 'Da, da' to-day, ami
lie is only nine months old!" Tlt
Hita. Hon- He Held It.
"Yes," said the politician's wife,
reading out of the paper, "it says you
' held the crowd spell bound."
"Ah!" he exclaimed, rubbing his
hands, "nt last they acknowledge that
1 am an orator. I knew that I should
make them recognize my eloquence
sooner or"
"Wait," his wife interrupted, "there's
more to this sentence. It says: 'He
held the crowd spellbounil while he
rend several extracts from n speech
that was delivered by Daniel Webster
80 yeurs ago.1 "Chicago Times-Herald.
On the Tip it Hla TiinKU".
A young Irish lad on a market day
In an Irish town wrh minding n
donkey attached to a cart and had his
urm around the neck of the animal
when two recruiting sergeants passed.
One of them, in an endeavor to be
' funny, gald: "What are you hugging
your brother so tightly for?"
'Cauee," was the rejoinder, "I was
aruld he'd list." Evening Wisconsin.
The mpathtae.
II sympathised with those who tolled
Fur what the) itu and wore;
lie sympathised with underdogs
And Tor the tlKhtiiiK Hoer;
He sympathised with those w ho starved
In distant lands anddrni.r
To every doleful tain he lent
A sympathetic ear!
lie stood prepared to sympathise
At ttle dropping of the hat -He
always freely sympathised
And let it go ui that:
Chicugo Times-Herald.
Persiflage Over the linhj
"1111 going to call my baby t'hailes."
said the author. "After Lamb; be-,
cause he is such a dear little lamb."
"Oh, I'd cull him William Dean,"
said the friend. "He Howclls no
much." -Harlem Life.
linn lie Lost lli Money.
Mrs. L'pperten 1 always feel sorry
fm poor nu Da tutu. His father Ii fi
him a great fortune, und now it is all
Mrs. Fleshly Ah, let me see- whom
dad' he marry? Town Topics,
Thanks to the Mosquitoes,
Tom 1 wonder where Spooler got
j those Wonderful gestures of his.
Dick 11c acquired them during the
old days when he used to speak at
tlie Jersey camp meetings. rnuuuci
phia Press.
U. t Juilafe" !' l ! pen rn m il.
1 .ii 1 u From outward appearuncea I
don't think much of him.
Dolly Ah, but the Inward appear
ance of his pocketbook is lovely. 1'hil-
: adelphia North American,
iuviim) ins i nupiu:iii:sioi.
OroH-blob (who has Ix'cn prewd
Into acting as nurae for half an hour)
Most 'atoniahing thing this child
should keep on crying for milk 'spe
cially when there's whisky in the
bonne J Ally Woper.
A Drndlnck.
Thome Do you think there villi
ever lie sucil a tiling as universal
Hramblo I am sure there will not
be. My wife would never agroo to it,
X. Y. JournaL
titled u n Discount.
"Ten dollars and costs."
"Can't you make it a little leae, judge;
I'm ii regular customer." Town
Knrn Wim. Shr Was About.
Mother Miss Catehem has a lovely
roice, und you know it. Why did you
ask her to sing for Mr. Richfello?
Daughter (after Mr Richfello) Sec
that mirror Ui front of the piano'
"Well, Mr. Richfello situ right in
range where he can see her face. She
looks like a whitewashed chimpanzee,
when she sings." N'. Y. Weekly.
Still tlie Same.
McJfgger I saw llumkiu to-day for
the first time iu years. lie luinti't
changed at all, has he)
Thingumbob- -No, he doesn't seem
to realize it.
Thingumbob Na lie's always tell
ing about "what a fool he used to be."
Philadelphia Press.
A Strong: Point.
Mm. Stubba John, aren't yon afraid
the moths will get In your box of ci
gars 7 I would advise you to drop in a
few earn ph or balls.
Mr. Stubba Moths? Why, Maria,
my cigars are not mad of wooL
Mrs. Stubba Well, John, theyamell
like wool when you amoks thai- ai
eago Deilg Kewa. i
That old sore or ulcer, which haa been a source of pain, worry and aoaiaty to you for
five or ten years maybe longer doesn't heal because you are not usm the proper treat
ment, but are trying to cure it with salves aad washes. While these are soothing and relieve
pain to some extent, no real, permanent good can come from their use, because the disease
is in the blood and
" CIUflBflOi Jatci,
m afa a .
Wound touk
trouhle, and foread tb
have ptrfeel us of the
eleers the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore hesls.
At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch
or hurt fails to heal readily, you may be sure your blood Is bad. S. S. S. will soon
put it in order and keep it so.
Our Medical Department is in charee of experiencad physicians, who have made
blood discsses n life study. If you will write them about your case, they will sUlly
fm iiata all information or advice wanted,
Veterinary sUrceoN.
All professional business entrusted to my can
win receive prompt and careful attenuou,
J AS. (). CROU8E,
All business entrusted to his obre
will receive i.rmuiit Httention.
Cleanics ami Drsulinei thi tialr.
i'n.'iii'li a llll'.lritiit prnrttli.
Mevor falls to lloi.tore Clray
llior to itn Voutlifi.l Color.
Curi n' iestM bs r h laf.
Stt.imlSl.i'Jal llmisiiU
jury List.
list of I ira ml lurors driiivn tor the I'onrt ot
over and Terminer and ileoeral Ml delivery
.null',. mi ui (.hi. uier sessions ol tin- I'ea r
snvder count) held at in t. Tern
Men la). Ii.i. 1. IWO
Name. Occupation,
AriKiifii.-1. Kredcrick. I-'. inner.
i-i inuueni nis
I'orr) Wesi i
Ceutre f
Tncksnn i
Hid llccrci k j
j Btugamani James at.,
Brouse, John i;.. "
Baliuj , Pi'ier, aentiemsn,
Charles, lienry. TlDstultb,
Kieid.-.. John, Lumberman,
Krccd. Lincoln, Laborer,
iloss, (men .1., I nruiei,
HerbsteTi Cbsrles il., Parmer,
Hommel, Beubeo, Laborer,
KDIBbtSi Hurry K., "
Kerstelter, John, Kartner,
Kline, Win. II., Uliorer,
Laub, lienry H.,
Leslil r, lagggUi '"r
Mover, i liarles 11., l.alnirer,
atsMern, Isaac. Kurmer,
Markley, uouben. "
Blegel, Henry. Laborer,
gteffen, Prancla, Farmer,
gassaman, lienry.
Shrewder, Johiii Carpenter,
ttioltU, Mtcbael K Uboemaker,
Wluey. w in., I'ai iiier,
Quaver W est
L mini
Beavsi ivest
.1 act, son
I'ei n
Porn West
LlltOt Petti Jurors drawn lor tlie Court ol
Common fleas, Court ot uuartor Sessions or the
Peace, ( ' m n of over and i'ennlner ami i leneral
Jail Deliver)' ot Hnyder County, Pa held us
(si Term, commencing Oct. 1, 1Mb,
Name. Occupation,
Arbogasti leffsraon, Lstxirer,
Boyi i Unnli i, Oentleman,
Ueaclicl, John W Parmer,
Bowersox, Poster, Laborer,
Bllter, Jusso, Fanner,
Uaker John IL. Laborer,
Hi i.i' r, Joel V; Parmer,
Beyer, Lsoaardi "
Benter. sun Carpenter,
Orouse, vvm. t., Laborer,
Dreeae, Amon. runner,
Dunn, Culi in, Laborer,
inn k.J'.hh. Parmer,
Brail i , James, Laborer,
Porry. calvin, Parmer,
Ooy, George,
0 ray bill, lloyt, Ti aehcr,
Uarman. Peter, tanner,
HoofniiKlUi Christian, Laborer.
HotU'iislein, Elijah, Merchant,
Helm, Uonry, Parmeri
Hummel, J- B, Btomwrntter.
Hootnaglo, Isaac, Laborer.
Kepier, iteiiey, Parmer,
MattorBi .lames M., Kartner,
Melsrr, John 8., Prelgbt Agent,
McAfee, Oliver, Laborer,
Jtiuselman, Wm., farmer,
Baueb, Henry,
Belgle, Prank 8., Aifeui,
Kami ". James, Laburer,
Keed, lsaac i:.,
Sbemurry, Adam, farmer,
geebold, Coleman, Laborer,
gpecbt, (Jco, B.I Wagoamaker,
Bebrelber, (leorge w Carpente
snail'. Howard, Laborer
smith, Isaac M., Oi'iulemali.
Sblnkol, John, Justice of t'ae Pet
s. ciirist, Ammon, icerobant,
silinlTi r, Peter, Farmer,
sari. wm., Laborer,
Thomas, Harrison u., Parmer,
Trutt, Jacob,
Wetzel, cbsrles,
Walter. Irvln.
Wageaaeller,Jobn k., Teacher.
Walter, Bepbani S.. Karmer,
itesi lence,
w.i iliington
Miilnl' i reek
ii aver west
Perry West
Perry West
peavi r
I leaver
Mtddleeree k
Vl Idloburg
Monn ia
l a Inn
Washinntou, D. 0.
Genesee Pure Food Co., Lo Hoy,
N.V. n , .,
Gkstlemek: Our family realize
so much from the use of UHAIN-0
that I feel I must say a word to in
duce others to use it. If people aro
;.,(.,.-, .il.., I in tlicir hnftll.ll nml t)ii
welfare of their children they will
use no other beverage. I used them
all, but ORAIN-O I have found su
perior to any, for the reason that it
ib solid grain. Yours forhealth,
C. P. Myeks.
far beyond the reach of external applications.
A sore neals promptly when the blood is iu good condition, but novor if it is diseased. The
tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse, spiralling and eating deeper into the tle.h.
They are a constaat drain upon the system, gradually but surely ruiu the health ami sap the verv life.
A person's capacity for work or pleasure is soon lost in the reat desire and search for something to cure.
S. S. S. makes a rapid ana permanent cure of old tores and ulcers, and is the only medicine that
does, liecause no other can reach deep-seated blood troubles. Ordinary Saraaparilla and potash mixtures
are too weak and watery to overcome a deadly oitoti that has taken possession of the blood. Do not
waste valuable time experimenting with them.
oiiftua inn.
Bern yean ago I wn abot in the left lef.
ii, ,1 iut,, a ruumus nre and nave m u .reni
a number of thJ rtiuedlii, tut none did in
UHniug vit ana gave aot -
tiloftiu rainedica. but none did )
concluded to rive it a trial. The reault wan
poison out of ray blood ; mHiii afttrivaida (be sore healad uii and win cured sound au! "ell i now
leg, which wan swollea and very aittT fur a lung lime. J U. McBSAVBB, laawrtticcburg, Ky. '
S. S. S. is the ouly purely vegetable blood juirifier known ;
ia made of roots and herbs of wonderful purifying properties,
which no poison can resist. 8. 8. S. quickly' and cffectuaflv
without any charge whatever. Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA.
i Read This !
Is lnigoi' tbau evor hofore ; my PRICKS LOW'EH than OT1I
EUS for tie SAME UOO 1)S. My prices n l rulla of ci'l I
wish to close oul will ..nit tbo pocket book i' many mi'' hiivo
others mouey. Ih i Hunk of buyins your fall cuiiu ts uniil
Mm give my stucift ni (nrpcts
of s nl luy baaguius I am
1 'i ici m just risrlit
One Word
I inn oft' ling uiy preaeul stock of pictures at cost, LESS
THAN COST an i some lor tbe pricoof tin- rIiikh iu tbu flumes.
Dou'l miss t liii oilo
I 11 1 VO Hllillii pt (! t V ! htni;a ! 1 1 iiflVr it. !'::;:! -.
Lin' fit will am ,ii'io i oi in .Stvlen i . 1 1 'i ictiB,
I.. : :. . bruucli nl my businesa I
p. Ililii' tllo hesl sci I I lllll can Of SIHHll'Cil .'
personal atteiittoti, My I'lpiippntfe in 1 1 is in
ono of tbu litiest in (lie state, HEARSES,
i it 1 1- ,1 iii ,t no ut tent Ion
..I' III vn I Kb to furnish the -,im
i,. I .r UtANTKICInclve .
111 tlie
l ii-i ( 'In
Telcpl mil' 'oiiiieetion.
tM O 'event- ti
1MAMI I' N ins
110 UlUllUfiaf
IiIS it
lha Bieatetl Of
addltlopof 36900
called tue "UOiumDiaa noru-aiiuiuun
-.. it W ' 4 U l
ana t;j(
i a ui
1 .ni.i.'. 1.11.1
iu-k Initrfist fr
aiii metal) lo bozea, lealed wait blue ribbon,
TKkei no other. Kfiia dMBteroai eaibatl'
lutloiiMitnil litiiiillnin. Km r 1n1r I iriisic:'!,
ir M ini ic. ni Ntnmpu for imritulATi Tewtl
in. mi 1.1 1 - , "ita-iiff for Lavdlea1 in tetter,
bi rcturai MJI. 10,0041 Teat too ulala, hold by
uii Dnigidata,
Sioo Hmttoom imaaure, I'liu.t., k-A.
AJniltluii (til. 1 ,
Orrnl llrltuln'a NPKlrrtrd SolSlsve.
LondoD. Aug. 28. Mrs. Richard
Chamberlain, sister-in-law of the sec
retary of state for the colonies, who
very recently returned from South Af
rica, haa been Interviewed regarding
her experiences there. 8hn declares
that every word said by Mr. William
Ashmead Bartlett Burdett-Contts, Con
servative member of parliament for
Westminster, about, the mismanage
ment of the mllltaVy hospitals was
true. The surgeon general, she as
serts, threw every obstacle In the way
of forwarding medical supplies.
1 il a-liHtIM-H-M-M.1
Lnn aji. ' 'W UlniAii'tti
majui s aasa.vr.s.v
ina w hat l considered only a sllaht wound, it
of i.i I wan tliateU I iv many doctors, and
nv sinnl I bad beard s. s s highly reeora mended
tmW utatifvlnu . S s s amnrd In i riafii mi i)i-
Read This ! I
your atteutioii aui
,'i-t tbo puces
.mi them
About Pictures.
inn prepared t i he
IllOUeJ tunc tin. I
lii ill I ui -I lies.-, iH
CAlUtl UiKS mnl
- MOS'p
'.MK. ii,,.
wiili I
irtukiuu 1'
ill i, Hi ll!.
LEV. . s L'( ) :. 'A. i
f) to ' s ?v evtv-aj-a,
J 50,000 Words I
a work w Mtieoruliieri lntiresl t uii rlMnen r iirufiresslve X
loptfl, tii quality it Ii uueiCflted.eveti h) tin- Kist ttffanUanl works J
UI Ii'illt). in HHitmii) ii mi i ii 1 1 1," mwij j ni'i'i in i iiijihmmi
usMMsiud fully niiwert Ine purpose of 1 IpmI three nt tf riv
fiMir people, worrwler I)le Hoiir j hu l1 .'"ti nrit-.'' iitm 1 1
utni siftudsrd IWsOOO. TUews coit froiii filu t" ffto pneh, Oun Uii
561OOO wortU my now be bad upon trims heretofore unheard-of,
a tf device hiu-wi Uie iilnrii. fornm .r all tin- noun a
AimtliiT l.nllHMilt al'i.ul rl(M i-Mprciall) ihll,4-ill mI
all rlilrv nn nt In iiH'th-rii ill tl. i,-,i n ;k Hiu ii tl
worni lo this dlctionar) meausuf A aiiiKli pan
nrn I nTlirilTO lUlilrs tllO 1 Mr t h Ti.r It nKo rnntlfis w Iv
UtrHnimClllO. .l.-1'.trtnienld, ai follows- I. A Mire via
lianas 1 Prononucltiic llr-tlntiAn 1 lrOTr Nwtnea; 4,
Oaaetteer f tlie World ; B Inraje Itlen : arllmiH nt.-u y
itulejai " BuilneM Inatruetori - hoclal KtltiuHlej 8.
.tirr HVrlUrj it. Uae of C'aiUala II. runt tutlont IX
I'omIhI tilde)
It couuuua m pani taniisonuly b"iinl In ImHaiinii leatln r corera.
To Intrndne T'.irni inni Ifomft our naiin-
Hit ni.-rillih' u Jin h :iltt;i. ';is ft 01 ITU I aV
tlon of 850.000 . Into thouaandn of hnaien wtirre It la wn
taken, we mrtkr tin- followlnnltetiiariiaolofliffen Tne n'uiar
price ( r'nriii Itonia 1- M . ntxa ir. I'm v 9 11 1 send it ju
thoie nientlonlnu thla paper, in montlta on trial for 0019 fXSv
an viivt-r ar ntmv)j ti without f ut t in r ebanta f-''"1 TV
rnninretienalvelVenKter Dirt lonBry," an iiove dearrllHd. M
mall iMiMtiiald, AH acceptlnn this . .if, t vin receive our uiannir-
ntlv llliiolnitrd HI pult mi iniimi list, , ,.n ainin. "
1. -rfiil artlclen and some of the nton' reiuarhahlr effeet ever inane.
If vmif iiwhaerlptjoii In ami Immediate!) we a ni alan Includi -i Poeaat
Atlaaof the World, ftintalnlna: maw In eolora which would coil ;t
i ir purchnied ncparately. Aifrnis :itn, l eryw her.
I.ii.i 1 :ii r. fiiniiss., .r, for u 1 wi-rk AAsdreu all ordan t
, Mass., or Chicago, Ills,
e . o v o atf raw i
1 -:-:-:-::-:-:-.-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:"!-.-:": V !- X
mmvi works.
R. H. LA NC !:.
Ipfiii 1- in 1 irbl ; iii
scoir.i Urnnlte
5TCNE5 & UE,miEi.
J. Old Stores CIciDwi
ind Repa red
Prices ar. Low as tlie Low. :
Satisfaction Guaranti
Crc::r:':vc, I
Made a
Well Man f
of Me.
n. jnvi i i ir
nradacea tbo ubovn result bi!30 dars. It aci
powsrtallr and .julckly. Cure. an all ottasrs lailj7
Tomaminnwiiirogsia moir 1,11-1 msnnoou.sna di
moo will rcrnviT tin ir yotitliftiii vigor nv una
REVIVO. It quickly ana surdv restore. Nervoa
Dm. Lost Vitality. ImpotcDcy, Nll.t! Erulnloo
Lost Power, Fsllliig Uomory, wsttitva
all effect, ot n, If aiiuK" or eiceesaud indlscretio
which unfits one (or Rttnlr. huainrm or nisiriaae.
Dot only cures by startlna at tho seat of dlse... bs
IS. treat nerve tonic ana Moon nauaer, onn
In back the Dink clow to ratio check and I
storing sue Dm oi j-.wiu. 1ft warua vj ,uniMiii,j .,-r- .11
aad Insist on nsring KEVITO, wiM
clUer. It csnl-irsinrd Invest pocket. Br nalBl)ikXoai5a)l
S1.00 per pscksge. or six for (VS-OO, With a PCaarlSC
tlv. written cnaranteo to core or n
Ineanoaey. circular iroa. isawaM a aW
Royal Medicine Co.,
lor sale in MUMUburqh, Pa., by
r w a
if I
m laai ev
1 '
tox, v
.' .Ax