I I I Assistant Editors9 nUct Ww from th. Towns nnd Ilam UlllVJ 1W IT --- - lets of Snyder County Dished up In a . mm m -A 1 Mm spicy inanner oy me rosi & BrijfhtCorrespondents. ELINSGROVE. PORT TRBVERTON. ..jNuLLtiHiMHMiiii Miniir Mis.- Alice Knla-hi visited Stllns- moiiown . i i ..,,. iSundaar. . : , tt 1 .ml uatUt. J w Ahha Kctslclter is M 111 rill Fffl I. c .., . 1 l..l.lo Lrlcs rorgey is now clerking at S. I Kbish'i grocery mow. i inner huh son, of I'lillwicipiua, 'niertaii.-d for a week by her v A . ....,1 ('...,.,!. Frank Buyers, who spent sev- ays witn ins nuwui " rewMM- Iuis hiixirs ut Liverpool, rii. erer Kd. Taylor was at Shamokin Philadelphia part m last wees; ne Ut his daughter home WWU Din University oiiened with flatter- meets: tne attenaanoe w very The LadMr Dormitory is also iP' ... App, "f Bristol, Indiana, son 01 I App, i former citizen 01 seuns- is visit ing menus, ami iook in Minion. V. Morris, of Kcbersimrg, wno i. ...... i "'J cur iilto. was c rcu in 1 1 ii l: C iricmls anil 'auld acquaintances i few day. (i. nslcr returned humclhurs- L-t from his vacation, aceoinpan- I rot her, wno is Bpenamg aev Pays w ith mm. ft t m is Keynoiaa and ins sister, m iss I r Baltimore, are being entertain- r friends. They came up to attend ii re-union. Hem. of Koekford. 11- , was also present at the re-unlon-iholnir entertained by her slater. r, Mrs. Dr. Yutr.y. liter Front! nd wife, of Hughes- linuighi their son to attend the lersitv. Thev renewed former ue- ttaineea while here, rton Kant., the genial clerk at tnsciler's Druir Btore, has returned fliis two week's vacation. He spent Bine in Krie county. ; Kclinsgmve base ball team went veriKMil on Hatumay to may uie 1 there. The mime resulted m 13 In favor of Llveipool. nulilic schools licgan on Monday Lis week, They were scheduled to last week, but a postponement KM Oil account or tne extreme r, that. T. Alkens, of Pine Grove , n. tenter county, ta ionner siu- ) was it. town ast wee, ne i npanied a young man to the Uni- . J. H. Barb. D. D., of Hugkt- rnAuinjasiui in -ohvv nu.il . Dinr,.i u n In imm in nrrft litre for wo daughters to attend the Ful ly. Hi., mms rlai- fhu I'.wt Woman's If Corps Hons of Veterans, and in- l guests, plo-nlckea on r inner is- , All reports say that an enjoyaoie nis passed . le App re-union was held at Clem- I Park, on Thursday last, there im lout one hundred of the relatives Int, and an exceedingly pleasant was nan. e concert given on Friday evening Be new music teacher. Miss Mae Wagner, assisted by her sister, I Kilitli vinltniat uruti well nntrnll- ItheOperaHouBe being almost full, numtiers well received! by the large nee. mis JGQ1U) is an excepuHi flne artist on her chosen instru-. MlDDLESWARTH. . A. Giltiert Is rihftrlmr a well. r-r-i a P. IUigIe was seen on our nads reek. IT. Hliawver, who has been on the rim, i able to help himself apun. I r. and A. H. Kuhiis left for Lew- pn, where they have secured em inent. Irue of our farmers have finished M while othera are still busy at ploy e of the Port Trevortou Hotel. George Troutman, who haa been a way all summer, is again in our midst. Frank Arnold, George Mine and Jim. Michael, of Milton, spent Sunday in town. Miss Mary Mover, of Milton, is visit- Ins her mrandiiarents. Kmauuel Neitz and wife. Miss Maud Charles spent several days of last week very pleasantly at Belinsgrove, Mrs. Samuel Smith, of Shamokln, waathegueal of Mrs, Anna Williams of Chapman Friday. Samuel Arnold and wife, of Bhamo kin, passed through tow n Saturday en route to his brother In the country. Rev. Brillhart and wife and Met chanl Troutman and wife attended the home uaiupmeeting at Aline Sunday. Cruscn Glace, a memberofthe Kant band, was a welcome visitor at the home of Lew is Charles on Water St., Saturday evening. Mrs. i i. c. Faust and bright little son, afterspendlng several days under the parental roof, have returned to their home in Bunbury. Bdwin Arnold and family, after (pending the latter part of the summer with his mother, have returned to their home in Washington, l. C, where he will resume his Indies in the 1'ost Office Department. The picnic at Clement's Park Satur day was well attended. Everybody seemed to have an enjoyable time, cs neciallvthe mrls. who' spent the day at Bunbury visiting tne hotel-, cafes, siores and barber shops. t)i course there were attractions. Keep Your Youth If you are young you nst urally appear so. If you are old, why ap pear so? Keep young inwardly; we will look after the out wardly. You need not worry longer about those little streaks of gray; advance agents of age. 1)1 NDOKK. A. K. Winner w ants to buy a span of horses. Kd. Wltmer was peaches. II. I!. Relchenbo merchant's team. John K rouse, of 1 selling dry goods, II. 11. Bchrawder, . w as seen on our -I reels, "Remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set." W. W. Bbolly, of Verdilla, few hours pleasantly in tow n in town selling li is driving our ilia., was iii tow n revorton. 0, Yes! 0. Y Step op nil Bear i Goaiiiioiis of Is Sale, Li: r iirt In ORDER to get several Marri book re copies of the Snyder ( hunts into everv district ot Snvder ennntv mul , l i . i :. . it is not L n.iu'ii uta iivjiun ... ..il.... . . i i i ,. , -""'- ooei m. eojuesoi (lie IhmiK to eveli. ( tri.-t in Snyder couuty and filtetu copies outside ot the county, 127 in all. lo the hiirhesl hidileiM In oil ...,i . . .i. . l i " " "I ' . D '..-., inn uie hooks a 'our Amnion Witmer took a load ot iota- ow n price. e uroposu to do tin- instead of scndinn out Uies to Bunbury last Batimluy. tlieni. Wo would h.-.ve ..v .. i ...... spent a AgCf'S Hair Geo. N. Wentzel Isiughl 28 acres of land joining his valuable farm. N. T. Dundore sold his corn toBogar Si Bingaman al 50 cents per bushel. Our school hoard Isiughl shingles of N. I'. Duudore at $3.IH) er thousand. Simon .1. Sn vder look a load of pota toes to market and K"i 72cs;nUiper buiiel. There is a good demand in this town for peaches, hut a better demand for the Post. ,1 V. Wagner Is at work w ith three span- putting out forty acres in wheat and rj e. John s. Bhaffcr and his farmer fin-1 ished thresliiiiK and 400 bushels of w heat, rye and oats, The picnic at Clement's Park last Saturday was favored w ith a cool day and w as enjoyed by all. an nijeiil In sell mission an are willing to nut " " I"'.' ugvui a iicuvy i mils-Ion uil I vvi. would pretertogive it to the Inner of the book. We si. uuuhs in every 'Jisiriei aim the six highest bidders will gel the ho ,ks. 'riit'tittcen highest bidders residing outside ui the c unity w ill h i hook at hi- hid, DHCrUPTION OF THE WoRK, "Snyder County Marriages, 18:$5-189" compiled hv C o. II tnt.. 1 . 1 euseiier, .. wi contains it recoru ol ubotil , -)() . 1 . . . r . oi onyucr county people, it consists lirst i ridges compiled from the iitcsoftlie .Middle t, iBdo, when the marriage license muiTiaircs r 1 i n il i a miscellaneous list ot i iar rir l' wt from 1 SthS t. I IW went into cflect. Second, (rn ' Wl. L, 1380 hi April IN'.l'.t taken If inty. Third, the inurrinire record ol lie 82. Fourth, that of Rev. J. P. Shindcl, Jr., the record ol t . U. brlenmyer, L840-75. The I k is nicely bound in substantial clotl Jliti IlllireS. At the end e license dockel of SuvJei Adolpll li. ( 'a-par 1 S:3- -1SSS; and Infill -183,' PALLAS NEWS. Mrs. Eva Biekhart Is on the sick list. On Monday forenoon one of John Brioe's children died. Miss Jennie Btraub visited Miss Ger tie Straub Sunday evening. The Bbenaaer pionic had quite a number of Pallas attendants. George Htnuib. of Kreamer, vlsitwl at Bimon Shall'ers Saturday. Rev. Miller preached an interesting will surely restore color to gray hair; and it mill also give your hair all the wealth and floss of early life. Do not allow tat falling of your hair to threaten you (onRerwith baldness. Do not be annoyed with dandruff. Ve will send you our book on the Hair and Scalp, free upon request. Wrltu ia thm Hector. It ;.m tin not ..bMluHli n.bn fl.. v.,.. mi icl Irnh the Qae uf tlm Vlaor, write tin) doctol lMt Ik If . .... .iiuii Maria W. Dundore and Mr. I rout- which you can tell al a gltuici Mtiiti'u ,1 ,1,1..,- ,,1'P.irl 'l'i-i v . ilt i ill . at- 'I'l . . . , . cms. i nere is not tended the honieeainpnieetlngat Alluc. , , , , . ,, here lor any lenirtli " i raiiK miner wiweii wmui uuec we. Us ago and think- of turning his own number and that ..( their families cam 11 W keep u iioiu bcuuih o ,s in,- detail Illlol'luat loll oi Its lujoi I- . . 1 . 1 ll-Ml 11 Will1 I I'lllillilS so ml v ... 1 .. ..It rsome Ol OUl i:ihiu i aie em i niu .in i .....ii i-....i.iv in 1 1,.. ii hut and as there wu i I'lndiiiL! am coni.'iitis d the book there i- nn index ol surnames. Iv on what pages every futility nan n oc- amilv residiinr III Sue, er count v or lias r. itlcti time who will not lind a riK-onl ol iniiiiv ol iheii The ri al liisl rv d anv loculity lu re i- not another hoot lunch ihlormatiou concernintr our own .si ptllH , .pic -old lien I liaxi dloicuttr with tout .-'i.t.I ivatm wLich li-'iikli tbr ... m ha all r.niilVM. I the con '. i i uieil . I ry weather has prema- i turely rljH'iied It. Kd. Wolf, one of the successful teach ers of our tow nship last w inter, has ac cepted a call from Celltreville to teach I the advanced school this coming term. The home ennipmeeting at Wll mer's meeting house will have anumberof ministers In attendance from a ills- been j ilea ijiiea Vc i . of conies lirinled ami hound am caving Ll copies on hand. Deducting from this the 127 i d ill this hhIc to the hiirlwml I ,i, 1. 1. . - icill I...... lie 11;"., which must he sold at the regular price ol three dollars per copv. want to convert the entire -lock into cash am! i -dor to gel ci ; these books scattered to all parts of the county so thai everyone i and appreciate the value of such a book, 1 27 copies will go to the hi bidders, six to cm h township ami borotnrh. and fifteen outside ol tin tame and will do much g I an g ty. When the entire stock is exhausted and circulated among Uie pcoph ltem i m1" .-.i ii lhe value ol the I k appreciated uc will pari with tin it Toe hill, one ot the Sllhcll's ol tow II, .,, , . II I hns r Hurnlus of cornerstones on hand. uuu 11 ''(' impossilie to get a copy fur love or money. i nianiing ami joun nas is uie msiory oi ail hooks ot this character. No second edition will In r lint tin- In ermine c:uuc . ..ii: .I....I i L ,i . . sc dare as inn i u na i est ' Ml 11- l:tt Her preached an Interest In wrnuv n" lunmy anemoon atciruno churchi'" " Augustus Bprlngman was teen driv Intr around these harts with an eye open to business. Jfearly all the Pallas cyclists took In the last evening service of the Aline home canipmeeUng, Our farmers are busy sowing wheat, cutting com. digging potatoes and a general round of fall work. Mrs. It. P. Btraub is on the sick list. Mrs.John Minium paid a visit to Cal vin Troup's on Sunday. aiImti Helm is vlattlns Ids sister, Mrs. Martin, and expects to leave for Maryland in company with George Miss lierthu Sehreilier. from North- Umberland, B former resident of this place, is at present visiting in this vicinity. Jnhn TUIlav and family and Henry Hunt and family, of Chestnut Ridge, were the guests of Mrs. Bailey over Sunday. Mrs. Perclval (iauler, daughter of Bolomou Binds, was interred InGrubbs church Cemetery. Tne remains were brought down from Paxinoe. one of P. W endt's children was hurled at i ar- adise church Sunday forenoon. 1 he child took sick at 4 o'clock and died at 8. BWINEFORD. OLOBB MILLS. Our school w ill open Monday. Mrs, Asaph Beaverison the sick-list. A number of our people attended the (iilla-rt pic-nlc Solomon Klase of Lcwistown, is vis iting his brother at this place. Charles Howersox and family spent Sunday w ith Adam Kenninger. Miss Edna Smith, of New Berlin, Is visiting John L. Smith and family. Thnmii Lniiills and wife, of Vicks- burtc, visited relatives at this place. B. B. Rlnehard and wife and erna Stuck spent Sunday with John Weller and family. Anion Verger and wife spent Sunday With Anion's father, Daniel Verger, near New Berlin. George Hummel and w ife ami Lewis Hummel and family returned home on Saturday from the Bell nsgrove pic-nlc. The Globe Mills Sunday school w ill hold a festival on eiher's Island, Sat urday, September 15th. Everybody is Invited. ALINE. Il Mil - li', , Illli CJbltlt.ll.il ..i, .... ..... .,1 ... I...... .... fro,,, below. l: . " "P" " C,,H! "", " Mrs. Agnes Mover, .nee II,. oven of r,,,t,,l V Send in your bids al once, fhaiuokln, buried Or. Young's child fu.Mi; tpixk last Sunday in the Winner United Evangelical church cemetery. The ser- L lie opportunity to bid on this o:r. - w ill When the tune for bidding has closed, inducted hv lb vices wen i . r . . I when they can lift their books at (hi., oi . ( or thev con have thcni snl A number of our young men started I. .. . 1 ' l,,e.' cun hbm iiiem -tin on last Monday to work for the Penn hy mail lor 14 cents jiostage. Pils to In- successful should not be leas Telephone Co. by putting up the poles I than $1.50 and Inrni there up to 3.0'.l I n nilar nrice Conies -i the across the Susquehanna river between u.miU mn I,., a. . i,:. in u . ' r i Port Trevortonand Hemdon,and ina,M,u t this office. If anv mi ful bidder is not satisfied few weeks Herndon will receive anoth- that the hook is as represented, he need not accept it and in i hat on the er boom by having telephone connec i first bidder below him irata the Imnb thi las, utilv icst biddi been cupy- iiir or five wi ektu will be uolilieo. tion w ith the outside world. KKtLHUUd. ...... V. III IMMir.. j UN the lorni la-low liir making1 yw ; uf Cut book". LI. V.O ! tr, i,r inc. H. I.inimmau and Bil Jim " in- ir . III . ...... r - for West Virginia, where" they l f iw worK. beulvlll nxi wnlr vchilc K O. ( iil- IW returning honu, after a (lay's -. his Innl.H. tf.ik H.lei.i.tiiir.. of him 1n away, causing him to fall to Iverely that he is unable to work at Put. 16 rilHfl Hlmmm Irt I .,..... I . , tu I. il . - ..... ii, -.v. ii. vr..Mi i.. . . ., May. was attended bv more than PR of men. These were divided p0 parties, the antis slii?htly out wring the promoters. But. as the , or viewers, were upright and I , m . ... i ..... - nieir own hidiniiciit in miiUini' the Won. ' " McCLURE. Mil, I, ,.11 ...ill ...... I,IU T...U ..v .. TT 1 , T V Ul', ...O .... I hurwlav. f- Ott, of Belinsirrove, spent Bun I McClure schools ois?ned Monday I an ,.,r. .11.. . II- .... 'iiuieiii oi oo pupns. Ill 't f... . .1 si .il .... PW in the Cold Spring grove. iireese ia making prcpara- to lmil.1 . iZvT .."i!i. I... a ucw sutuie on ins lut. Un C.roas and wife, of Thomp wn, spent Sunday at C. W. Deck- .rd (ifmm mwl nrlfn nf Pnlntar- . "Mu a snort can in our town y evenlmr. members of the St. Matthews EJptjon are putting a slate roof on lnrehthla week. 8 l. Phillips thinks it was not more ' nght if Mr. McLaughlin would tait .i i?- i j i l - M1V OIUIUUI WIHUU UC Jgby dras, especially since ORHIu. Biti la in inline several . r-i i i.. ul,...ii,.L-ii. naYW ttlT"'0 llicil.ir, ill j....r .... Mrs. J. L. Marks is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Amich, at Lewis- town. Harry Bruggir, of Madison, W is- consin, spent sevcmi (lays ai uuwu Smith's. Miss Bertha Beaver, of Berwick, . i : ...;1. came home to speuu sums nine her parents. Miss Annie Covert, of Selinsgrove, is the guest of Mrs. Lottie UiayDUl at tne Pigle Hotel. Miss Virginia Fronty, who had hocn vriuit inn lit 11 I'.Ileaver's forsoinetime, returned to her home in Berwick. mi t .. . Itonver. wlio had heell pending a Yew weeks w ith her grand mother, rciuriicu io h iwmm ...v..- isburg. 1l.il... Aioiel, at Kvellilale tills week where he has a saw mill operating for him. Anv person in n"-i oi iuiii Ist can be siipi.licd at mill or at the railroad. TOO UUC for last wrrk.l II I!. Qelnett has a lot of seed wheat for sale. H. A. FoltS and wife were seen in our vicinitv Miiiuay nisi. Maggie and Bailie Martin left again for Philadelphia on Monday. i T Rmaitia. of Qr&tztown. visited his many friends here over Sunday. The!home cHnipnie'tiiig was a suc cess this week. The speakers are as follows: Rev. Hollcnhaugh, of Altoo- na; Rev. Artnian, of Hagerstown; Pre aiding I'lder Remer, rCsd attendance. Henry J. Bwelgert, our enterprising blacksmith, is soon ready for work. He has his shop erected on tin rncr wher ie road leads from MeKees J Kalis to Richfield and the other to Or iental. Come one anil all and patron ise him. M iss Carrie Arnold, of Reading, re turned home Monday. The Missis. Bcb nee, of FremonttSpent Sunday With friends in this place. Miss Anna Adams and friend, of Bhamokin, are spending the week with W. L. Bassler. Miss Maggie Hostemian, of McVey town, returned to resume her studies in the Fremont high school. Mr. Keisterand Mrs. Mary Hartinan of Centre county visited with C. W. flossier and wife over Sunday. Miss Mary McNutt, of Philadelphia, who had been visiting Prof. Win, Mey er's family, returned home Saturday. BEAVERTOWJN. Middleburgh, Pa. A. V. Musser and family were to Adamsburg last Tuesday. H. R. Relgle, of Middleburg, was in town on Thursday evening. Wm. If. Bingaman and Dr. J. T. Btrohecker are busy selling peaches al most every day. Quite a number of our people from this place attended the Fair at Lewis town last week. J L. Middleswarth and J. K. Haines are kept quite busy making prepara tion to nut un a saw mill anil stave mill. o o o o o o o I.. i..a t I 0 1 I,' O j ( i i o 9 o i o rft, . - , to GEO. W. Jf AUENSELLER, A. Jliddlivurth, Pa, Under your special offer to place six copies i ! v der County Marriages," in every . -i in- district i and fifteen copies outside, to the highest bidders, i sum ot iii booK, . t Snyder count v lo r. bv otler l be For a copy at youroffi Name Parr Of VOIINO DlBTBIOl ...Dollar unit md 1 1 cents additional if init bv m III. o C o o o .State. o oooa)oooooojocoa) coo ooc t ' RICHFIELD. BCHNEE. I Home boys attended campnieeting at Aline. Chas. Itelclienliach was at LIVMrpool Bunday. H I Roush. of Kreamer, was in town Sunday. w a and A. F. Bchnce were to l,'r,'t il I nr Thursday. Some of our people expect to attend th Fair at Milton, Pa. K,,nic nf our neonle attended the .miinieetiiiK at Aline Bunday. P. A. Stuck and wife were visiting friends near Middleburg Bunday. An infant son of J. F. Htraub's died Miss Catherine Miller, of Fremont, was in our midst last week. leriimc Hiirnhcrirer of Wanner, visit ed his parents for u few days. Miss Cora I'ort.line, of I lumshiirg, la visiting relatives at this place. Mrs Mount, of Shiimokin. is visitiiiL' her parents, Jonathan Mciser and wife. Charles Meiigle and wife, of Wosh- ington. Indiana, are visiting al James Mengle's. Adam Shcafer, w ife and daughter, of Perry county, are mingling among friends here. Some of our farmers have began BOW" mil' irruin. while others are uautuui waiting for rain. T. (i. Arbogast Hid family, Mrs. Mili um, Mr. and Airs. Mien, oi rrcmoiu, vi-ited Kate Arnold Mimlay. n..v nml Mrs llollcntiach and son. of Altoona, returned home after a few week s stay with Mrs.MoiiciinacK s pa rents. Perry Brosius, of (iratz, a former Aline boy, is spending a few days sha king hands with his many friends in this place. Communion services were held in the United Evangelical church Sunday morning. Rev. Hollenbaeh preached and excellent sermon. A. H. Troutman and wife, of Port Trevorton.and Daniel Beicheiibachjund wife, of MeKees Half Falls, spent Bun day with H. A. Ebright and family. f M T Tundnrp. MinMCS Katie ..nr.. at. a. v..-- - , . and Estella Troutman of PortTrevor- A n inlHTit Hon j. r.niiouunurcu ouu ow.iio A.ww- -------- ,,, Kdua Page has been sick for several days. Henry BheUenberger puts on all the uirs imaginable. It is a son. V nr.. uorrv til siiv Salllllel Shcllcn- benrcr's health hi not improving. Mrs. Scholl made a visit to her sick brother, Joseph Smith, In Swales. I Henry Smith and wife, of McAllster ville, were recent visitors in tow n. Mrs. VanHorn made B recent visit to her brother, Wm. Kniscly, iu Mexico. (liir band is becoming popular. We li i strxntie but it often notice it has lx-en furnishing the music II IS SirangC, DUl II OUCH ... number of DlcnTcs this sea- ft won Chalfont and children, of Philadelphia, who have lieen visiting How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to dain a pound a day by taking an ounce or MAM I a cmuL SION. h.-mnens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound ; it seems to start the HiiiMtive machinerv gom4 prop : ville. erly, so that the patient is able j 2LZZ in HitfMt and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health ; if you have not got it you can get it by taking SPRENKLETOWN. Clrandpa Fisher passed throug' Monday. wi Henry Bhambach caught se ass one day last week. tu our town, have gone to McAlister- fth'.' visit- Norman Look and Fred cd J. C. BpreukTe Monday J. C. Spri nkle, and , vi ,.,,.,.1 drove to Freeburg on Si ... The Kant. Hand h plated baritone for ( ' Mrs. J. A. Fisher to Mrs. J. C. Holt C. A were ill -xini'.ui-tberlaiid count v hist week. Anion F'tthr "bought a new A. Bheuiorry. paid a shnri visit J rilc mi Mini. lav. Shainl , ,,, D D I'...... r, of Smoketown, win , or some time, is ranldLv eon MT. PliEASANT MILLS. peon's fmnislQB You wu! find it ut as useful In wmmer as in winter, and if you are thriving upon it don't stop because the weather is warm. job nd $i.oo, all druggtatf. SCOTT & BOWNE, OMffllM. New York 8PINALrfl At. Schnee's sjicnt Sunday in Free burg. Some of our farmers are beginning to cut corn. K. H. Meiser, of Selinsgrove, was in town Bunday. The schools of Perry township will open Monday, 17th. The band and quite a number of our people atended Uie picnic Saturday. Mlsa Catherine Miller left for Centre ville, where she will teach the primary school. Rev. C. C Miller preached an inter CHtlng sermon in the Bt. John's church Sunday. As an advertising medium the Post is the best in the county. Give it a trial. valescii'.g. A number of our young folks uiiciid- ed the chicken and waffle supper al. Vlfflilla on Saturday. Miss LQlleHosterman, who has been staying at J. C. Sprinkle'.- tbraeveaal weeks, has returned home again. Miss Mandle Miller of tlu' I , w . -Bnd and Mr. John 8Umellna; and hie daughter are numbered with the sick. Henry Hosterman and wife sx-ntu very pleasant day with their daughter, Mrs. Ira Hoovir, on Hall's Island lust week. Miss Annie Martin, of WilkejHarrer and sister Manic, of Milton, urevialt ing their aunt, Mrs. Calvin Forry: liny wank The one-year old child of Mit. J. K. Moyer, of Shiiinokin, wan luterrtHl at Wltmer's United Kvaiigelie.iL Clmreb. on Bunday. The choir of the First Lutheran Hui day school is preparing for the pic-uic next Saturday, which we bout will bv a grand succeaa. i i