The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 13, 1900, Image 4

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    Tho MirlHIohiinrfh Pnt.
published Ft cry TlmraelHy.
liditnr and Proprietor.
01. OO per year if paid in advance
VI. 5U per year if not caul in advance-
Single Copies, Five Cents.
Arts-rrlixlng lliif.-.
nie per nn, nuo -
narcil iiteaiir nn nt for I t -1 Mi-crti
i t i t-1 M' r line for each ul m-tt Insertion.
Knterc-d at the I'oet Offices! Mlddlcburg, i'a., I
second 1 1 Me mall matter.
VI r lUDt' .x-iir vuunu uari vm ,
hrm Mm Pint National itunk hi.. t the County
Misroitv. Established in 1844 as the
Union Demokrat, at New Berlin, a Ger
man Wliij.' paper. Changed name to
the Post in 1861. oiil-t Republican
newspaper In Snyder County.
Bepublican Staniinc Committee.
Adnui C. F. Blngaman, '. f. Slpe
Beatrejt . W. Miisacr, (tolvin Drecse,
Bearer W Fred H (iundrum, Thos Ilcrhstcr.
Centre Atlcn lloyer, L. A. stmt'.
Chapman- P. A. Troup, fj. II L'pdegrove,
Franklin M, L. Waller, II. K. Rolender.
Jackson J. Harvey Moycr, A.'Hrotise.
Middleburu Kdwln Cbarlei, Prank lint..
Middlecrcek -John 8. Meleer, Geo. C. Sluok.
Monroe -VV, I. Voting, Peter Young.
Penn A. R. Smith, Geo M, Wltmer.
IVrrv Irwin llovcr. w . O. Smith.
l.-rrv U T If l.ri.vl.ill I" Si St.ri. ...,.
Selineirrnye- J . l.umbard.Oeo.A. Livingston, fore he interested in the same statis
Spring (I. H. Smith, John N. Reigel. , .
Union Jacob Stahl, C. D. Bogar. ties of the comparative profits 01
Washington ,iolm M. Mover, W. K. Itoiish. ! .... , ., '. . 1
.to., t !...,.. I ....:
ut Ciiarlrh, Scereiary,
J. Kbank Kbits, Treasurer.
i:ri lit. It AN ITIONAli TICKET.
iili lit
Kin ley.
Auditor len'i
i 'Ollgrc -nu n :
. A. Irow,
1 largi
UongreHs Hon, Thau. M. Mahon,
Benatob Hon. Bknj. K. Focht.
Assemhly Hon. A. M. smith.
Prothonotary Geo. M. Bhinukl.
Register Recorder Jno. H. Willis.
District Attorney M. I. Potter.
Jnrv ( yjinmlssloner E. K. Sham BACH.
Thursday, Sept. 13, li00.
Calamity's Leadership.
Judged b,V statistics, Senator
Jones comes from a State whose aj;
ricultural and oommercial conditions
make him pre-eminently fit to be a
I'hairman ot the Democratic Nation
al (.'ommitU'e. It would appearthat
1. ,1 ii, ,c conferred ujioii l'resiueut
MoKinley four years ago, and which
he lias confirmed by the success of
his administration, u The advance
agent of prosperity,'' may deserve a
reversal of the term, "The advance
agent of calamity," as applied to
Senator Jones.
Certainly no patriotic citisen of
the United States would wish ex
, , . . ., ...
teiHieii to tilt- other commonweaitns
ot ihe Union the decreasing statisti-i
cal showina made bv Arkansis.
Sympathy and helpfulness will Ihi creased frot.. $3,689,967, in WK,
naturally extended to that State tor to $3,196,861, in 1897; and there is
its downward course in all branches i 00 rw,W)" to Mw "'at 'leerease
of industry, rither than encourage- va.1,K' "'"wine has not Ifeen pro
ment. or even exultation bv tin? no- : Krosslv'.
litical party, which is refused, thro'
corrupt election machinery, any
voice in the conduct of its public af
fairs. Senator Jones represents a State
utterly at variance with all the tre
mendous growth of tile rest of the
Union. This tact was emphasized
at a time when he was a member of
. . ' ... . .
the ei inference committee, in ("on
gross which had charge ot the final j
formulation of the so-called Wilson
Gorman tariff hill that measure
which even President Cleveland re
refused to sign, and which preceded
the panic of ISM and the hard times
that followed until the election of
Mr. McKinleyas President of a Re
publican Congress in 1896. Much
Comment was caused at that time by
the fact that a senator representing alw'? nol- Afo4,bl.i, valuetl
State so little in accord with tlieiren-rat $-r,247,f3,S. January 1, 1900,
eral development of American indus
try should he placed in a position of
such power to terrify and discour
age al! the great man
ufacturing industry, and all the la
bor employed in the factory and in
the field.
Hut Senator Jones performed his
mission then in extending the ca
lamities of the State of Arkansas to
the rest of the oottntrv. His selec
tion as chairman of the liryan cam
paign committee, in 18!(ti, was per
fectly logical. Bryan was howling
calamitv and his National chairman
bad behind him his own State to rep
resent the existenceof that calamitv
Hut the tsisition of Senator Jones
as commander-in-chief of the Hryan
campaign this year is even moreem-
phatically an illustration of the ca
lamity which may follow in some
Southern States the doctrine of "gov
ernment without the consent ot the
There are are no elections in Ar
kansas which represent the real will
of the population. The election nut-
Utoetjr i umkr the
mtro) of the Democratic organm-
' tioDS in that Slate that the vote ean
always be counted in advance. Re
turns from even the most distant
mountain districts, lar beyond the
reach of railway or telegraph, can
Ik' counted daya before they are re
receiverl Bverythins is prearrang-
1 J ...... . mnv , truly said
that Republican government loes
i not exist in the State of Arkansas.
State ruli- there is managed by an ol-
. . 11
iinircliv, Which, in turn is represent
ed in the upper branch ol the -a-
tional legislature by senator James
i K. Jones.
While the Republican campaign
is represented by a chairman, who,
I in his private capacity, represents
the great productive industries of
coal, iron, steel and transportation,
thechiet manager oi the Bryan cam
paign quite fitly represents a State;
that is steadilv losing in the wealth
of its population.
Arkansas is an agricultural State. I
Fanners in other States may there-
iiiiiuir me soiioi mcir own couiaiou
wealths and in Arkansa
1 iic orate
mil v has b ,
mi a. .
ol Chairntau Jones not
liiplicr icr
cent f illiieruev than
Hill. 111 iiiini.u
is an v other State m the Union,
liit ilH i''J'l
ire steadily losing in
need cause no wonder that Bry
mi's chairman, Senator Jones, i
tleit the count rv i crotnor '"vS'tF.! pnP5 l" amenOnientslotheCi
lli.u lilt eouuirj B'IShllllirli of tin Commonwealtb ..f Penn.
to (he tloirs, in view of
11' lll'OirreSS- I
I S '
ive calamities ol the larmers who
... . 1
cannot register their will at the poll
III A rlrnnSflR. I nP InllOWinp- llfflirvS
. . 1 1
are taken ironi the report ol Ine iHh
partmenl ot agriculture, as to the
number and value of farm animals
in Arkansas. The comparison is !c
.11. 1 .1 il I 1 1
iweel) ine IBSI earoilliev leveiUUU !
.,. I, :....:. ,,, n,l tlw laal f I
Banuni8traiion aim uieiastyeai 01
President McKinley's present ad
ministration. It is unique in the
figures that are presented to the pub-
...... . .1 . i
h in 1 ,i. r-ii.itviiirti ill th'lt It sllrivl'S
... ,,. ,., , i . , ... . .7..v...
. . , .
a decrease instead ot increase of
. . . ... I
wealtli. I he comparison follows in
tabular form
Jan. 1, 1896, Jan. 1, 1)100.
Homes, . !r7,71!,N4.r f7,Hl",a4
Mules . . . 6,818,861 6,348,IMt0
Milch onws . 9M,SM 3,827,154
Other cattle 4,3iw,0r. B
Hheep . . . 244,62 181,795
That is to say, in four years, while
all the rest of the United States has
prosjHTed and ;rowii in agiieiiltural
wealtli, the State of Senator Jones
has retrograded in the sum of
0(i!,(i(i'2. These figures, moreover,
do not include the decrease in the
number and value of swine, because
the statistics arc not at hand. But
, 111(1 va""' (" "wine, in Arkansas, de-
i i If . I 1 ,
'i otner live suh k, hi ArKilllsas,
horses have decreased from$2;j;,2i:
in 1896, to 24,127, on January 1,
1900. This is especially striking
in view of the present effort of for
eign countries to purchase American
horses, showing that Arkansas hasn't
responded even to this minor mar
ket, inviting an increase in our ex
iKrt trade. Arkansas mules have
a,H0 decreased in number
These figures grow in interest,
when compared to such a State as
Ohio. In the President's State, the
value of milch cows on January 1, j
18V0, was 5!.S,420,227, and on Jan
uary 1, 1900, their value had in
creased to 82"),224,330, and their
number from 7f!,,r!)7 to 780J30.
The sheep m Ohio, on January 1,
Ohio had 2,839,690 sheep, valuetl
at $10,535,250.
Thus it will lie seen that Arkan
sas, lowest in literacy, lowest in sa
vings hanks, and falling behind in
Agricultural wealth, in which eve
ry other Southern State is gaining,
is fitly represented in the conduct of
Hryan's campaign by Chairman J.
K. Jones, as an apostle of calamity.
Just Seduced from Ten Cents.
A Your choice of 217 twenty-five cent
j issss nrui nee, I Of earn iiirec- wiapiern ,
H and 9 cents for postage. t
$125 for Nothing
iuWue No. 90. of evrrytMnx tu
Kat, Use and W ear. kach copy
costs 91. uu lo print and ZD cents lu
man. At an evidence oi interest.
send 1U cents tn stamps to help
pajr postage, and you may deduct
Vf 1U cents Irons your oral
order of 91. It required 7 car
loads ol paper lor IMS won
derful catalnfrue. which con
1s little
tains IHO pnk'es.slze 1 U L 1 1 i
indies, eiulvaient to over
you can
think of
luuu pajcesni ine ordinary
that this
cataioKtie. we save you
book does
ZD per cent, to vo per
not contain.
ccni. on eveArtnins;
excepting 1m-
you nuy ac evcry
Comotlvrs and
sc.Tsun of the year.
Ikiata. We even
Quote Live Ani
inis 04mk quotes
wnoiesaie prices
mals. Kverythlna;
to consumers,
ana wiwi it in
a man, woman or
child wears. all kinds
yiur posses
mi n you huy
lor the home, for the
c n e a p t r
than the
a vera it e
omce, lora notei. lor use
on a farm. In a ham. or for
everv known Lurnnu ran
he found In this catalogue.
This honk contains over
13.000 Illustrations ami atiotea
prices on over 1 00.000
ent articles.
XJthomphad Carpet, Ruand
Drapery Catalogue, and our Clothint
CaUlogua with large samples at
tached, are also Free. Expresaage paid
on Clothing ; Freight paid an Carpet .
Which booh thall we send t AJdrttt this n ay ;
Department 909, BALTIMORE, MC
z ...
r TUB i ons i iti 'TIon
Mi ifostfri
WEALTH OK I'KNNsvi.VAVl 4 ci n.
,,!?,LK.r2 UY o"lEH of the skl'retaby
OP Til R IOMMO.V WEALTH is oiruufT.
ahck ok abticlk .win ok the cos-
a joint rksoldtios.
j ,"loin a- u 'i. nd'i'cnl ly the Constitution, I
t'f U foMtuOnWesHlh
SetltioHi, Be II reenlVetl hy the Senate and
House ot Representatives ol the Common-
wealth in tjeheral A.semblv met, that tin- fob i
. on-
vn-lia. in an-oVdance with tlltt provisions OCtDS
etebtecutb article thereol:
AweVKRweni one t
Article Klk'lit, Section One.
AiM nt the
ml nl the Bret pnrnurnidi of said
. eeellon, attr
the uords "shall Ih entitletl ti
',te nt all elections,- the words, 'Kllblcct How
ever to such li
laws rcouirinic and ri-KulatiiiK the
resignation of elector, as the General A-senibly
may enact,' so that the t-ahl seotton shall read
a. follows.
Section I, (Qualification of Electors. Every
maleciflsen twenty-one years of iifcre. possess
ing the following quallnoatlons, .nail lie ena
titled to vote at all elections. eUbMCI however
,,,,,, h lawareau irlnir and reaulatina the mi-
titration of elector, as the (icucrul Amcmlily
. ,, , ,., . , ... ,
He shall have been a eitisen of the Cnlted
state, at least one inontb .
lie shall have resided in the state one year
ior if. Iibviiik previously been a iiialinsl elec-
lor or nnti ve Itorn . itieii ,.f II,, Ini. 1,,. .ln.ll
, . ' - , . ,
liave rciiniveii t lcrefrom .ml mtiirnrd within
- - --- ---- - - 7 ---
pis nuMiii.s iiiiiiiniwirij ireceuioa lis: ,'ic, - j
!(. thrill hnve,l..,t It, 1 1,- ,. I ..,.1 i . . , I i t
where he .hall offer hi. vote at let two
month, immediately pteosdlngtbs election.
If twentv two ve.r. of ui- wl iit.r,l. I,.-
shall have paid wlihlu two vearn a Btate or
county tax, which ehall have been assessed at
least two months. to I paid nt least one month
oeiore tin- election.
Amendment" Kleven to Article Eight, Section
strltre oit from said section the word, "but
no elect r .hall be deprl ' ,ol V pi .lege
of voting by reason of his name not being re
gistered, ' and add lo aald section the following
word., "but law. regulating and requiring the
registration of electors mar be enacted t apply
to cities only, provided that such law. may be
uniform for eltle. of the Mine class," so that
the mid section shall read a. follows:
Section 7. 1 niformity of Kleclion lawn All
lews regulating the holding of election, bv the
citie. or for the registration of elector, .hall lie
uniform throiichoul the State, but laws regula
tingaiul requiring the registration of elector,
may be enacted to apply to ellie.only. provided
that such law. lie uniform for citie. of the same
A true copy of the Joint Resolution,
' w. W, DRIEST,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
1'ropo.lng an amendment to the Constitution
ol the Commonwealth.
Section 1. Kelt resolved by the Senate and
House of Hepreseiitalive. of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania In (oviervl Aasemhly met.
That the following is proposed aean amendment
to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania In accordance with the provisions
of the Eighteenth Article thereof.
Strikeout section four of article, eight, and
Insert in place thereof, as follows :
Section 4. All elections bv the eitiretis .hall
be by ballot or by such other method as mnv
be prescribed by law ! Provided, That ecerccy
111 voting lie preserved.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The undersigned administrator of the estate
George P. Miller, late of the borough of Mblille
burg. Snyder County, Pennsylvania, deceased,
under and by virtue of an order Issued out of
the Orphans Court of Snyder County, for the
payment of Ihe debt, of the aald decedent, will
expose to a public sale on the premises in said
borough of Mlddleburgh, on
Saturday, Sept. 29thf 1900,
the following described real estate to wit :
A lot of ground situate in the borough of Mld
dleburgh, on the public road leading from the
Pennsylvania Hailroad depot to the Court
House, neat adjoining the newly erected Ev
angelical Lutheran Church, bounded on the
north by lands of the Main Shoe Company,
Limited, west by lands of Samuel Wittenmyer
south by the property of Ihe Lutheran church
and on the eaat by the public road, having a
frontage of seventy (70) feet and a depth of
three hundred (3im) feet; wberon are erected a
other necessary outbuildings.
This property is pleasantly located, In excel
lent neighborhood and isdesirable to any one
contemplating the purchase of a home.
Sale to he held at 2 o'clock P M., September
-"uh next when conditions and terms will be
duly announced,
WM. K. MILI.EIt, Administrator.
Executor's Sale of
The undersigned executor of Ilarld M. 8warta
will offer at public sale on
Sathrday, Sept 22, 1900,
on the premises of David M. Swartx,
deeeaaed .all that certain tract of land sit
uate In Chapman township, Snyder county,
bounded as follows, to wit: North by lands of
J.C Kreltser. W H. Hwarti and Daniel Kisen
hard, on the east by Polly Keratetter, aouth by
J . I). Wilt and on the west by lands of Tobias
Harrier, dec, containing M acres more or leas,
whereon I. erected a large farm dwelling boose,
large bank barn and other outbuilding., a well
of excellent water at the door.
Sal to commence at I o'clock p. at-, whan
terms will be mad. known by
re e
aW BiraWsaV
f MP
R3AXj li3fST.T23.
' Tlit imilfiriitiienl xlmlntoliatoi of the . -of
John MiinwiT. hit- of Aifsnn lowaihip, I
( Bnydvr oonnty l . deceMwl, nndeY Mid by
vittuf nf an order IMUed wul of tin Orphan'
Court of Boyd or county for th praynionl of the 1
debt- of the -aul deci ltnt, will cxtoi4i to a pttb j
lie rwle on the premises in nail towitHhlp, at ;
Port Ami. on
, ,
fdllouiiiK dsjsjcrlbsd real i-ntatc t wit :
TUAcrNO. I Sitiiatc in Adam, uw.hp.
con.ty and -tat,. afon,,id bound north bj
lamNof . .a. slmivver. c.- by landj of tnt
N," 1 "J" ".' ""I1 'V ndl of John M.
STAItl.i: and other out-bulldinga. all clear ami
in a (j .,.,i -ttv of cuiijvatioa
TRACT NO. 1 Sltuataajaioreeaid, bounded
north b l.ndi of InacBhawrer, ea.t and aouth
bv laiiilH of John M. Mover ami m .t liv tract
1 No. 1. Oontalnlns ONB ami ONB iiai.K il1
acuks. on winch are erected WBIHKBY
DIHTILI.KKY now in oK-ration which liaa
been oontti naly Iteenend for the la.t four
teen year-, a WAHBUODSB and BNQ1NR.
UOU8K, with eicellenl water, ail clear and in
ngnod elafe ol cultivation, alto at the earni
time and place an enitin" ol H or III horse-power.
Sjiic to commence at ioe'dook . M. when due
Bttenda.lea will be uiven anil termn of .ill,-ma"-
known I, v BEN1VKL WALTER.
JACOB OILBKBT, Adminiatrntor.
Altorm y
1 October Court AdvErtising,
October Trial List.
1 EiPlienborKPriind Woll vs. AUOker andKnlgtlUi.
Joan D. Mafki vs. Henry Blessing,
AS. G. OrottSS V8. CbaS. and Nora Walter
WelntrA Co, n, n. j. Ltftngston.
Wm. H H, sh.iffcr vs. Mary A. Rathfon.
Albert IC. Hunter vs. Klijali RoUSb;
RUDkleg Walter vs. A. W. BOWerfMX arcl .1 P.
Bmltb, adiu'r ol VloleMn Bowersox.
.inhri ii. Bonier vs. Qeorgs Pontius,
ir. J. f, KaOaweU vs. Kst. of llenrj' K.s indcrs.
Ccurl FrnclamatiDiii
W'lltREAS tho Hon. Karold M. McOhire
' President Judge ol tho Judicial District,
Oompofed of the counties ol Snyder, and
I ' 11 inn and Peter I". Rlegle and Z. T. Gen
borllngi Eiqi,, apsix-ihio Judgei Id and forSny
der county, have Issued their pteospt. bearing
date the Tin day ol June A. lb, 1Vh. to un
directed lor the holillnn ol 1111 Irphans1 ourl, a
court Ol Oomnon Pica.., court oli:yer and Tcr-
miner and General 1 'oiin ot Quarter Soi-.-ions oi
Ihr IV-ace, at Mlddleburgh, lor the county oi
Snyder, on the llrst Monday, (helnu ti. l.t
day ol Oct, l'.HIO), and to continue one week.
Notice Is therefore hereby glvsn to the Ooron-
er, Juitloei 01 the Peace ami Uonstnblei in and
lor the eOOAty ol Snyder, to sppaartO tluir
proper person with their rolls, records, IiiiuIrI-
tlons, exaiiitnaliDiis and other ri iiieiiiliriincei
bi do lliosc thing! wlikli ol t ti'.'tr ornce' and In
their behalf pertain to be done sr.d wlttp-fct
, and pcrmns jirusecutiiiK I n behalf nf the Com
I nonwealth asalnitanr person or perfonn are re-
I iiulreil to he then and there attending and dc
I parting wtthontleav at their peril. JusUon
an requested to be pnoetusl In ualr attendance
; ,, tne appolDtad time atrrecbly to notice.
(liven under my !iml n.i seal at the Sherlll'e
. , .. .. . ....
mm in .'ii'i iiri-ii, ine isi nay oi ncpt,
a i. u. .TT1 I . . '
o. u,,vud tiiu,iiiu nine uiinurcii
O. W. BO vV, Sheriff.
WHHWS' ArPHAISEMKNTf. Notice Is here-
by ClVi-li tllltt till) follow tin. WldnWH' Ali-
I pralscTietits under thoHnolnw, hare been Hied
wlth 18: flcrlt of tlieorians' Court, ot Snyder
oiuiiij ior uonnrwuiion unit lea, ltfon.
Appraisement of Mary Burns, widow nf Isaac
C. Burns, I ate of Sell iisvrnvc, Pa., deceased,
elected to be taken under the 3oo exemption
Appraisement of I4uf e 1. Howell, widow of
Wm. K. . laie of McClure, I'a., deceasea,
elected to be taken under tbegwa exemption
Appraisement of
Alice Sprfjrcle, widow ol
MennoHpilpKle, lute of Witsfilngton fwp., Pa.,
deceased, BMC ted to bo taken under Hie $3U0
vxeiuptloD law.
Appraisement ' Barbara Lenob, widow of
William UUB, laic Ol GhapWMtWp,, Pu , d'
eeninid elected to be taken under the t.iO exemp
tion law.
rothonolHrj'H tirimni
The following SOOOUUt will be presented fo:
coiillriniitlon o. t. I, ltrnii.
The SOOOUDI OfJOMI Trexler. Trustee of Wil
liam j. Tr?xicr, of Monroe twp., Pa.
... o. N. BBINOBL, Clerk,
iddiebnrgi Pa., Bept.1, I WO.
DROISTER'8 NOTICES. Notice Isberetr give
xk e.i thiil the foliowlnf nnmert perioUH have
filed their Adiiiiiilsirators', Ouradian, aud E
SOU tors' accounts lathe Ragtater'SODVK of Sny
der, and the Satue win lie presented fur
confirmation and allowance :ii the coiirt. House
In Mlddleburgh, Monday, Oct. 1st, 10.
The llrst and final account ol llr. s. E. Oclison
fird. executor of I) r. P. A. Buyer, late of Sellns
grove, Snyder (Mtinty, Penna., deceased.
The fli-vr uml n,, ,i mssmJ a iWh
.............. u,,,j,,u, ui ,IO,IKf I'.-.IC,
u.l mlMl.l r,,lr ... VI I. I . . , . ..... -. . ....."j
, ,, ,, ,,, , n-iK, one oi .VMili-
towiislilp, Snyder t:ouut-, Peuna.. defeased.
The first and final SOOOODt of Ellen A. Gilbert,
administratrix of the estate of Daniel Weaver
lateof Adams township, Hnyder County, Penna.!
The first and flnnl account of f owls iietfrich
administrator of the estate of Joslali llelrrlch,
late of Sprlni; township, Penna , deceased.
The first account of A. '.. Schoch, guardlun nf
John A. Schoch, George S. Schocli and Ethel I)
Schoch .minor grandchildren of George Sehnurc,
late of Sclinsgrove, Snyder County, PetiD., de
ceased. Account of JohD W. Hummel and llarrv 1).
Maitrer, administrators of tne estate of David
Hummel, lale of Jackson township,
ceased. I- H. WlLUS, Register.
Mlddleburg, I'a. Sept. 1, 1900.
The undersigned executor of the last will and
testament of Valentine Walter, late of Centre
township, Snyder County, Pa., deceased, will
sell at public sale In Centrevlllu on
Saturday, Sept. 29th, 1900,!
the following described real estate to wit :
TKACT NO. 1, Being n farm situate In Cen'
tre township, Snyder Co., Pa., known as the
Swarm farm about ' mile south of Centrevllle,
Joining lands of H. L llniley, and others on the
north, east hy lands of John S. Long, John
Oruhb and others, south by lands of J. VV. Kei
ster and west by lauds of ft. J. Kailey, etc., con
taining 1 acres and list perches with all the
buildings and appurtenances belonging thereto,
live acres In woodland, balance is all clear
Uuilding. are all good.
TKACT NO. 2. Being a farm situate in Centre
township, Snyder County, Pa, known as the
Hartman farm on the road lending from Centre
eille to Middlehurg, joining lands of U. K.
Long, Kphrnim Waller, etc., on the north, east
by lands of F. 11. Smith, IT. H. Kessler. south by
A. C. Walter and west by Isaiah Walter, I'rlah
Weirlck, etc.. containing 104 acres and Si
perches with all the buildings and appurten
ances belonging thereto, four acres fn wood
land, balance Is clear. Buildings on the tract
are all good.
TRACT No. 8. A house and lot In the town of
-entrerille, being the larger part of lot No. 4S
In the general plan of said town.
TKACT NO. 4. Saw and planing mill with
nneacieand 77 perches of land situate right at
the town of Centrevllle,
TRACT NO. S. Being a tract of woodland
Joining lands of ilopnia Samp sail, etc., on the
north, east by lands of Mary J. Kelsh, south by
lands of John W. Keister and west by tract No.
ft, containing 10 acres.
TRACT NO. S. Being a tract of woodland
joining lands of Hopniu Sampsell on the north,
east by tract No. 8, south by lands ol John W.
Keister and west by tract No. 8, containing 10
acres and It perches.
. TRACT WO. 7. A tract of timberland joining
lands of ilopnia Sampsell on the north, east by
. b, wuiu g, hdih oi ionn w. neister
ana west Dy tract X
o. 7. contain! no- lfl
TRACT NO. 8. A tract of timberland joining
lands of Hopnia Sampsell on th north, eaat by
tract No 7. aouth bv John W K.lsW ui ...
brjhwct No, I.oowteiniag 11 mm and Tl par-
TRAIT NO. 9. A trarl of llmherlnn.l Joininir
land, of Ilniiii Sniiirll hihI lanlrl Khii on
the ii, Tin, earn I liy tract Xo. I nutitli liy Julin W.
Kvlater and went by trait or land, of MM W.
Mi ller. eantalalac ll aerae nd li iwrclic..
TKACT No. 10 Being a tru t of woodland
joining landH of I . II. reealer on tlic i.ortli,
Krnnk Donnun on tin' i iiKt, Mary J. Relah OB
Iha patrth and tract No. 11 on the went, eiuiiain
ing 10 aeren.
TKAtT NO. 11. IlfiiiK a trait of woodland
lolnlng landn ol .lolm Hohn on the north, eael
by trait No. 10, tootn hy landi ol Vary J, Bai nh
ami went by tract No. It, containing 10 acre.
THAtT NO. 12. Heli-K a tract of woinlland
lolnlnit land, of John Mohn on the north. . .i-i
y I rjrrjr. " .
5 ,
, .. "
Joining lande ol J. B AlbrlBhl on t north"
, ,,, M h , , 1 J
san,..dl and , -t by di ol San" Bftlta
j -
Alo l MMMM Innean.l plaOC a portable iinw
mill, boiler an 1 engine.
I , ! begin tan o'elook when t.rui? win
J'.xci utor.
tSTANTBI Active man, ol good character to
delivci ami colleci.iu I'eunxylvuiiia 'for
an old established maniifncturlntf whol.eiinle
house. a year, ure par. Honeet more
than experience, inquired. Our reference an
bank in the city. Enoloie sclf-ail.liess.., and
-tnnipcd envelop. Manufa, tin, rs. Third Floor
.1 1 Dearbon Street Chieaso. 9-U-ICi
. s . v
Call to see them. I
V.v -v :.vs m-. : :; vis x v
Frank S. Riegle,
Middleburg, - Pa. a
Inaulre for . . mihLSiammw
rmcs aim terms. wVSM WQBtRWW
i wm n
The New-York Tribune
upto dare, and always a stanch advocate and supporter of Republican prin
ciples, will contain the moat f eliable news of
including discussions, correspondence and speeches of the ablest politic1'
leaders, brilliant editorials, reports from all sections of the land showing
progress of the work, etc-, etc., and will commend itself to the careful
perusal ot every thoughtful, intelligent voters who ha the true interest!
of his country at heart.
Published Monday, Wednes
day and Friday la I n reality a
fine, fresh, erery-other-day
Hai I y, giving t lie latest news on
days of Issue, and covering news
of the other three. It contains
all Important foreign war and
other cable news which appears in THE DAILY
TRIBUNE of same date, also Domestic and
Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Klegant
Half-tone Illustrations, Humorous Items, In
dustrial Information, Fashion Notes. Agricul
tural Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable
Financial and Market reports.
Regular subscription price, 11.80 par year.
Wa furnish It witb the Post for ll.TI par year.
Send aU orders to tho "Port", Middleborgli.
Buchanan, Mich., May 22.
Gpne8ee Ture Food Co., Lo Roy.
N. Y.
Gentlemen :-M mamma has
been a great coffee nrinker and has
found it very injurious. Having;
used several packages of your
(jUAIN-O, the driuk that takes the
place of coffee, she found it muck
better for herself and for usi hildren
to drink. She has given up coffee
drinking entirely. We use a pack
age every week, I am ten ve trs old.
Hespectfully yours.
Picnics and Festivals, etc.
Sati khay, Skit. 15, annnal (i. A. 1.
bean aoup in c.ltl spring Qrove.
Module, e
BATratUV, Skit. 15 to It, tho annuiil
Bttt3smjin'nt untl Inter county
fair will lx held at (Irange Park,
Centre Hull, Pa,
Saturday, Sept. 22, the "Ridge"
church of West Beaver township
will hoM their annual picnic.
Saturday Evening, Skpt, 22, the Y.
P. S. ('. E. f the V. Ii. church
will hold a festival nt Port Trcvor-ton.
".. .n:n
N . V A VJ
AT -
439 Market St.,
.-ix-ix :rjR'rzjjj',s
HS. Bigony&Co.,
Sporting Goods,
Cans - id - sign,
and Records.
new ion known for nearly alxty ltS
Published on Thursday
Wont-iB every part of the United sM
W Cbilj as a National Family N. "i
at ivuuii
aid villagers. Jl comf" j
most Imnortant ge
newt of THE DAII.T TRIBUNE op to hoo.
KOlng to press, has entertaining res'linn'
ng to press, baa entertaining re"ins
ry member of the family, old and ;'"
rket Reports which are accepted as autboj
by farmers and country merchant"
clean, up to date, Inter tetil
ogand instructiTS.
Begttlar sobacrl prion price, HM par year-
We fmniahlt with the Post for fLnV 1