The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 13, 1900, Image 3

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Maryland's Republican Senator's
Idea of Imperialism.
An Amerlrnn Imperlnllat In An I'n-
kiiimn :i hi-ii In tho llodr Pol
itic at thr I nllr.l Statre.
I'nlted States Senator McOnmas. of
Maryland, says a dispatch from Haiti
more, baa Just returned from abroad.
He called at the Republican state head
quarters and after consultation with
the party leaders seemed satisfied the
Republicans would be successful this
He said the situation In Maryland
was all that could be desired. He de
clared that Republican success In
Maryland was assured.
lu discussing his tour abroad, in
connection with politics, Mr. McComas
"On the subject of Imperialism, as
they term it, some of tiie Democratic
press seem to have gone wild. 1 had
the pleasure of taking lunch" with Lord
Alverston, the master of the rolls and
the probable successor to Lord Chief
Justice Russell, several days ago lu
London. He said to me:
"'Senator, what is imperialism? I
pee that some of your papers are con
tinually talking of imperialists aud
"1 had to think for a minute or so,
and then I said to him:
" 'I can't tell you what an Imperial
ist In our country la. I never saw one.
I don't think there Is a man in our
country who la an Imperialist by dispo
sition, utterance or aspiration. I think
that with us the species la extinct.'
"The moat ridiculous statement that
- laoe as a ca .igu argument i
Democratic newspapers is th
that Mr. Bryan can't do much harm
anyhow. Even this I deny. I say that
If Ilryan ia elected there will be
a scant but inevitable majority of
two Democrats In the senate and
a very decided Democratic major
ty in March, 1903. I should be very
glad to believe that there would be a
Republican majority In order to pro
tect the country, but it is not so, and
those who are are making this claim
v misleading the people."
e Refnaed to lorrender and Wai
Riddled With Mullet-.
Harrisburg, Sept. 4. Thomas Frohm,
lias "Shorty" Jones, of Sunbury, a
member of the band of robbers who
hot and seriously wounded Lafayette
Strayer and Frank Grim, farmers, last
Friday night near ElUabethvllle, waa
hot and killed yesterday on Berry'
mountain by a posse of Dauphin coun
ty farmers. Frohm was detected by
Harry Btlne. of Ellxabethvllle. hiding
behind a log on the mountain side, and
waa ordered to surrender. He refused,
ad fired eight shots from two revol
JJJ at Stlne, none of which took ef
fect a posse was quickly organized,
and the alleged robber waa soon sur
rounded by a great crowd of armed and
determined men. He again refused to
nrrender and fired several shots at
" party. The farmers opened Are
J Frohm In every direction, literally
riddling him with bullets from head to
root. He fell In his tracks and died
081 after.
Frohm was 38 years old. and former
v lived at Shamokln. He la alleged
have been the head of a trio of rob
w who have been terrorising the
wrmars In the vicinity of Ellsabeth
"lle for some time. One of bis com
panions. Frank Venaskl, waa arrested
Mturday and Is In Jail here awaiting
result of the Injuries of Strayer
d Grim. The posse it scouring th
mountains for "Whiter" Streusser, th
her member of the party.
Democratic Majority
Uttle Rock. Sept. 4. The entln
"emocratlr i. ir i,.,i i u,, Tor
JJon Davla. of Pope county, for gov
Bt M elected In Arkansas yes
Jy. Early returns Indicate that the
will be lighter than was expected.
JL. Rammel, the Republican candl
P or sovernor, made a good show
g and his Increased vote over two
"era ago will probably reduce the usu
g lar Demoo ratio majority. There
tick .D "PPO'iUon to the Democratic
for any office except the gov-
ldlnB Holler Kit In Two.
gP011 In the engine room of th
JJTlr1 Light company's plant In this
Mil. 'J),o4o yterday afternoon,
2JM William Hoffran. 40 years old.
g UUrles Meaerve, 66 years, the for
J" dying instantly and the latter
ume later In the hospital. This
2 d 8a co, which were supplied
wZ .'ftrtclty for the street lights,
wait J?1 last night as a
of the aoeldent The building
h the engines www situated waa
mm, jflijt v
The Brain and Nerve Food
and Medicine, Quiets Irri
tated Nerves, Soothes the
tired Brain, Builds tip the
Vital Powers of the Body
It Contains no Opiates nor
other harmful drugs.
Sold at all drag stores on a positive (Tuar
ar.tee. Write for free advice and booklet te
Or. Msee Medical Go- Elkhart .InJ, .
I It I
News Items of Interest From All
Parts of the State.
presldeat Mitch.-n n . ism it will
Be tli- lllKitret Strike th Nation
1 1 hi l.rr l niiu n 1 . 1 u I . o r U e r
Oppose I'rcaldciit I In yea.
Indianapolis, Sept. 1. "In my opin
ion there win be a strike in the an
thracite region of Pennsylvania, and It
will be the bisgest that the Unitod
States has ever known," said President
John Mitchell, of the United Mine
Worker of America, today. Mr. Mitch
ell has Just returned from a trip east,
during which he was present at the
convention of the miners at Kazlctou,
"The situation in a nutshell." he
continued, "is simpry this: We have
formulated our demands for an ad
vance of about 20 per cent In wagea
and the removal of certain conditions
that exist In the nuthracite region.
Principal among these Is that the op
erators, dealing with the miners, allow
3,300 pounds to a ton and in selling
coal sell 2,000 pounds for r ton.
pounds for a . q.
. tie strike Is ordered I believe
that 140,000 men will eventually come
out. I do not know Just what per
centage of the anthracite miners are in
the mine workers' organization, but I
firmly believe that 75,000 men will quit
the first day our men are ordered out.
If the bituminous miners attempt to
supply the market for the anthracite
dealers we will bo compelled to call out
all of the meu In such mines as supply
thla coal."
Glaaa Worker Oppose Darn.
Pittsburg. Sept. 3. A meeting of
window glass blowers and gatherers
was held yesterday which was attended
by members of the craft from all over
the glass districts. At the meeting It
was unanimously decided to refuse to
obey the order of Simon Hums, presi
dent of the Window Glass Workers'
association, that all membera of the
organization must work to secure flat
teners to nil the places of members of
the Window Glass Flatten!11 associa
tion In the plants of the American
Window Glnse company. It was also
decided to refuse at all times to work
In a plant of the combine In which
non-union or "scab" flatteners were
employed, no matter what personal
agreement President Burn had made.
OlrhratlnK ll.-nry irorn ' nirthdny
New York, Sept. 4.- A memorial cel
ebration of thu birthday of Henry
George was held lust night by the Man
hattan Single Tax club. The chief
speakers of the ovenlng were William
Lloyd Garrison and John DeWitt War
Mr. Mrs. S. H. McCrackeu presided.
Waa Democratic ( iiiidldntc For Vice
I'rraluVnt Four Vcnra Ann.
Bath, Me., Sept. 4. Arthur Bewail,
Democratic candidate for vice presi
dent in 1 vj'i. is critically 111 at his sum
mer home at Small Point. He wae
seized with apoplexy at 10 o'clock oa
Sunday night, and last midnight had
not regained consciousness. It waa
stated by the physicians that there
wae absolutely no hope for his recov
ery. Hie death Is expected at any mo
Vent, and he probably will not com
eut of the stupor In which be has lain
since he was stricken. The family la
about the bedaide awaiting the end.
While swimming in the river at Dan
villa 8-year-old Lester iiuiirk drown
ed, By the explosion of n aoda water bot
tle, at Allentown, tra Bchrader lost un
A Flah and Game Protective nssot-ia-tlon
of I'crks county will be formed l
Charged with stealing a number oi
horaea, H;ury Dugan was arrested at
From the effects of a fall downstair!
17-year-old Mrs, Bllaabeth FetteroU died
at BtlBtnokin,
By the parting of a workmen'! t r.i in
near AVOC Hurry Howella, aged 16. Wa
Falling under the whei la of an Ice
Wagon at Altoona, Merrill Yon was
crushed to death,
A dog tit Allentown bit Mra. Alexander
and two children and attacked a police
man, who killed him.
DuriiiK th' paal month there were aeven
fatal and 2; non-fatal accident! In the
Seventh anthracite district,
For catching five bass under nine
Inches In length J Mai Qui un was fined
ISO and costs at Btroudaburg,
Authorities of Columbia m to be
unable to apprehend incendlurloa who
have been terrorizing citizens.
A. W. Richards, ol N. wnrk, N. J., was
beaten and robbed ..1 833 by a highway
man at Wllkesburre Saturday iiIkM.
Lockjaw, resulting from having all his
loea eiit on mi tii.- railroad, caused the
death of Hugh Bradley, n brukeman, of
Charged with iteallng n camera at
Bprlng I'ity. Walter di Inger was ur-
reated at that plan- while he was calling
on .1 young lady,
Paris and the
PARIS, the timst beautiful city in
the world, nresentn this '.car the
mosl mugrjincenl Kxpositiou of the
marvels of llio Nineteenth ami n
forecast ol the Twenty Century ever
known, Millions of people will jour
uey thousauds of miltm al vusl ex
pence tn sec t h e MATCH i J '.SS
WONDERS of the Fur. Millions
more can secure, at tnlliui? expense,
taken by n corj s of our own artists,
portraying all tbat is worth seeing.
This Beautiful Art Series will be
published weekly, betriuniog June
2d, in twenty consecutive numbers
of sixteen views each, The whole
will constitute it large and beautiful
volume of
J20 Magnificent Art Productions
size 9 x 12 inches
OUR TRRMS-Write plainly your
name and address, and muil the
Mil mo to us with Ten cents each
week, and your name will be enter
ed upon our books anil the parts
will bo mailed to you promptly, as
soon as published.
Send in your orders at oneo to in
sure prompt delivery. The parts are
numbered consecutively from 1 to
W, nun suliHcrihej. 'iboitjri n.i
each week the uumberdesirea. uack
numbers can always be secured.
Subscribers sending us postal or
der for (1.50 will secure the rutin
'Je parts of the Berief.
CLUBS Any person lending tis ten coupons
properly tllleed OUt, iitnl order one dollar Week'
ly, will be given one set of the parts tree.
CANVASSERS Persona not employed run
make tig money by writing to us for special
(onus tO liL'elllS.
114 Fifth Avenue New York.
Sunbury fc Lewistown Division.
In effect May 28, 1000.
t l A M I A M eM
jiki 87 Sunbury , '.ijo! sou
218 In "7 lion im, I so
2 Hi 10 19 BelinsgTOvs M1" 4 '
- M 10 SI 1 Pawling s 88 1 15
381 lost K reamer hid 4 M
2 81 li':,7 Ueiaer I t 16 4 js
'.'III 10 XI Mi.l.ll, I.mik H 40 4 it
i in io:ih Benfer BM 1 18
."' 1046 Beavertown jH25 t07
.100 111 61 Ailiimalniri; H tn tot
II7 I'lOTl Itaulii Milln 8181 8 Itt
3 13 11 (Hj .M ( lure I SIC, I) 49
9n III IS Wkkiiit ' 7 57 a 39
8 85 II 11 Sbllldle 7 54 3 88
830 11 81 1 Palntervllla 7 4 aan
336 U27 Maltland 1 743 324
815 nv Lawlalowa I 7 818
347 It ST Lewistown (Main Street.) j 88 3 is
150 llio, Lewistown Junction. Ill mo
Train leaves Sunbury B 2.1 p m, ar
rivos ut Selinsyrovo 5 4.1 p m
(Vain leave Lewistown Junction
a in, 10 n u m. i lo i. bUSO p m i IB, 7 07 , members to hmnper and harass a pros
i P in, for Altoon.i, rui.-hiirK uini tho Went, i .,',,
11 t,H
lor Hiillimere uiel WimhiiiKtun o 35 a in 102.
138 188,810pm For PblladtlphM anil New
York 639 36h m, 1 Oil 1 33 4 33 anil 1116 pm For
HnrrlHburK 8 10 i m
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Tmin laavea seUnegrove junction auiy ror
Siinhiliy anil Weil.
I. 25 ii m, 12 .vi p m, 5 30 p m. -Sunday 9 25 a m,
s u P m.
Trsltia leave Sunbury iliilly except Suoilay:
1 2i a tn for H .ITalo, Erie ami Caiianilalaua
6 10 a m tor Ilellelnnte Krl ami CannmlalKiia
9 12 am lor lick llavon. Tyrone and the Weal.
1 10 i m tor Kellelontc Kane Tyrone and ('anac-
4Bp m for keaovn and Klmlm
h 4n ii m lor Wllllnmsport
Sunday 5 10 a m lor hrle and ('anandalua i
U46aiii rrl.-'k Haren and t;. m tor Wl
6 5" a m, 9 88 a m 2 00 ami
burn and llaelton
6 25 a in, lu 10 am, 2 05 p m
kin and Mount iiriuel
4Kp m lor Wllkca
4 p in lor Sliauio-
Sunday 9 55 a m lor WHke.barre
Train leave Sellnaarove Junction
10 00 a in, dally Hrrlvlnur at flilladelpblN
317pm New York 5 53 p in Baltimore 3 11 p m
Warhlnaton 4 10 pm
534 p in dally arriving at Philadelphia
,0 20 p m New York 8 58 a m, Baltimore 9 45 p in
Windilngton 10 56 p m
8 42 p m, Q a 1 1 y arriving at Pblladelpbla
4 30a m, New York 713 a m, Baltimore 2 30 m
WiwbliiKton I "5 in
Trains a I -i i leave .Sunbury :
2 27 a in dally arriving at I'luladeld bin 6 68 a m
Baltimore 6 35 a m WaahlnKton 7 45 am New
York 13 a m Weekday!, 10 38 a m Sunday.
7 60 am week daya arriving at PhUadelpbia
11 4 am, New York 2 18 p in, Baltimore 1185
a m, Washington l on p in.
163 pm, week day arrlvlnr at Philadelphia
6 23 p in , New York V 30 p m, Baltimore 6 00 p m
Washington T 16 p 88
Tralni alto leave Sunbury at 50 a m and 6 25
and 31 p in, lor Harriabarg, Philadelphia and
1 . H. WOOD, Oen'l Paaa Agent
i. B. HUTCHIMSON Oea'l Maoaser.
They Will Muster in For McKiu
ley and Roosevelt at the
Club Convention.
I'rral.lpnt .1. Hantptow Moore lame
iiir Final nii For ih- Great uuiii-
rrlnn nt Philadelphia on thr 17tli
(Special i'"rreip,nilinro.)
Harrisburg, Sept. 4. President J.
Hampton M of the state League
of Republican cluiis, has issued his
final call for the state convention uf
the league, which will open In Phila
delphia on the 17th Inst, uud continue
the following (lay.
In his address t" his fellow Repub
lican President Moore says;
"The Pennsylvania State League of
Republican chilis, co-operating with
the national executive committee, will
have the honor of Bring the first gun
for McKinley ami RooBevell at the con
vention tn be held In Philadelphia
Sept. 17 and is.
"The occasion will be one of great in
terest, and win afford the Republican
clubmen of the stale a splendid oppor
tunity ef demonstrating their useful
ness in a political campaign.
"At un time in its history has the
assistance or the Btrong fighting force
of the State i.e. mue been more welcome
than in the great stniKclc which is
now pending, There is n I fur the
lire and enthusiasm of energetic
leaguers in every city and hamlet of
the stale and nation. When the peo
ple an- prosperous and contented they
are apt to forge! the dangers that be
set them. They forget sometimes to
'Iocs the Btable door until the horse
Is stolen. ' tn ihis campaign our ma
trlal Btrength may prove our political
weakness. Strange as it may seem,
the greatest menace arises not alone
from the confident feeling that the
popularity of our candidates will carry
the elections, hut from the more sl
nlflcanl and extraordinary sentiment
thai 1 ause the people are prosperous
there should be none to want a change,
"The average American voter who
was dissatisfied and unhappy under
Democratic rule la now contented and
prosperous; the tollers of the land who
were Idle under the Democratic re
gime are now employed; the great
army of business and worklngmen
voters who demanded a cbangu from
retrogression to progress, and who, for
four years, have been reaping the
benefits of wise Republican legislation,
are Blow to believe that another and
powerful army Ik marching steadily on
ward to overthrow the good that has
been done and to seise the helm of
governi. .ui. They .re slow to believe
that the candidates of the Republican
party, who stand for all that has been
proaperoua and successful in our na
tional development, and for all that
haa been valorous und heroic In our
manhood, should be lu danger of re
pudiation. "They have not yet come to roallte
that the restless army of Democracy,
of Populism and of demoralization has
stealthily advanced, gathering, hero
and thare, the selfish and discontented.
comnining all for the grand attack In
November upon the honor. Integrity
ana prosperity of tho country. They
nave not yet come to realize that tin
standard hearers of Republicanism
stand violently assailed by the Boxer
horde of the New World, with all Its
lack of reason and responsibility.
"In this crisis the duty of the volun
teer forces of the State League Is plain.
The men who man the polls should be
up and doing. The people should be
aroused to the Importance of prompt
mid energetic action. They should be
warned that defeat in the nation would
be more disastrous to Pennsylvania
than to any other state. They should
be told of the necessity of carrying the
state ,and electing our own standard
bearers, E. B. Hardenbergh, auditor
general, Robert H. Foerderer and Oa
lusha A. Orow, rongressmen-at-large,
by tremendous majorities. They should
he told of the warnings of both nation
al mid state chairmen against apathy,
fancied security aud overconfidence;
they should be told of the urgent ef
forts of the congressional committee at
Washington to prevent the return of a
mulorlty of Democratic and PonullltlC
j'cim . auiuiuinii iioou.
"They should be told that the leadfir
of the opposition In this campaign ha
adopted a flank movement, which It
pleasing to the antl-progressltee of the
east on the one side and to the silver
ftes of the west on the other. They
should be told he Is fortifying his cen
ter by the organization of clubs clubs
on the hilltops, clubs in the valley
clubs everywhere to catch the young
and thoughtless voters and to under
mine the Republican strongholds.
"These are umone tho reasons the
Republican State League Is welcomed
Into this contest. There Is a fight to
be fought which demands the energy
and the enthusiasm of new recruits. It
demands the organization of clubs In
every county and township of the state.
Old clubs are urged to help the new
ones; to encourage young men In the
work of organization and to stimulate
efforts In untried localities. They are
urged to see that Democracy and Popu
Ham shall not triumph through Repub
lican default.
"Let the representation at the State
League convention be large and con
vlnrlng; let none be turned away who
care to come. Every club qualifying
for membership is entitled to three
delegates and three alternates."
A special consideration to those who
desire to attend the convention is the
matter of transportation. A special
rate of one fare for the round trip from
all points in Pennsylvania, good going
from Sept. 15 to 17, returning, to Sept.
it. Inclusive, has been secured. To ob
tain this reduced rate It will be neces
sary only to mention the Republican
State League convention at the UetMt
where purchase la made.
for Infants and Children,
Castorla is a harmleaa substitute tor ;isir oil, Eart
goric. Drops and Soothiug Syrups. It is Pleasant. IL
coiitains n. it In-r Opium, Morphine nor other Nurcotic
suoHtoiioe. It destroys worms and allays Fcverisluioss
It rules Dtarrhtea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth
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The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
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In Use For
500 Tr
The pleaauri
of a Graphophone is largely Increased by making and rcprodu .,
jhIs. We furnish this machine with recordm fm R?.s . e
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Urephnphenr. ul every dt-MTlpllun. I nil or u rltr. rfjk M
II1III11U 1:1 I A- ll.'i i 1 1, V.i
Cum 'aspotoney, Night Emiasioai, Loss
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A nerve tonic and Hood
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Since 1863,
immediate lasting
"Star" tin taps (showing Rinnll utars printed on emipr siiio
of tag), " IIorHo Shoe," "J.T.," "OooofLook," "Cross Bow,"
and " Drnininond " Xuturul Louf Tin Tu'.s nro of equal vuluu In
securing presents mentioned below, ainl may bo assorted.
Every man, woman and child can timl souulhint; on the lint
that they would like to huve, aud cuii havo
1 All.
... 116
1 Mmti-I, Box
- K I f 1." ''l.-li ,' !
H Krtsftors, IH Ini-liet
4 Child'. Bt, Knife, Kuril and S..n;
b Halt and lipr M.OMeaea, ijuail
mini- piaii- t.n wiiit. metal do
8 Frn-h Briar Wood Plpa 88
7 llaZ'T, hollow glvttSMl, fine KukIIhIi
ntwl So
8 Bnttor Knife. trll plate, Ix-at
quality AO
9 Snuar Shell, tnrle plae, q-iial . U
1U Stamp Iloi, Mterllui silver 70
11 Knife. "Keen Kulter." twi, blade 7S
13 Butrlier Knife, "Keen Kutter," -ln
blade 7S
18 Shear. "Keen Kutter " A-inrll 76
14 Nut Set. IWker aud Plrka, aUrer
MattMl ho
lf 1., . Hall. "AaH,x-latlou." beat uual.liio
in Alarm Clock, nli ikel ... lto
17 Blx (lenililie MgafS Tea.pooUM. beat
I'l.ieii , ""1. IIMI
1 Watch, nli kel. atem wlml and aet ilou
l CarTera, .. ,.. ateel, blkkhorn
hatnllea . . . .SOU
80 HI i (leuulne linger' Table Hjone.
Iieat Dlatftd ooori lia
81 Six earn, Knlreaand r.irk. buck
horn bamllea . . xto
88 Bit -n. I, Oeniilne Kooera' knlrea
ana rorki. beat platil mm
narial Nntiro I I'uln " Hur " TlD TlKa nhai le. star tin kaea with nn .mall
OpOOiai rtUlllO . ,Ur, prlntel on under aide t tawl. are nut fr in-ernti.
hu, lll 1 ul.1 f.ln fUtlU .... Il,ah..l. .
oandred, 1 rerelred by uon or l.f,,re
UKAU IN MIMI) that at diaee'e
will lent looser mad afford' anorc elraeare than a dlme'e wank of any
ether breast. MAKE THE TESTI
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Over 30 Years.
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A strongly ( nnstrui led Oi
ophont,with limplc median
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1 1
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Restore. Vitanfr
Lost Vigor
and Manhood.,
of Memory, all v:asting dis
or excess 1 indiscretion.
builder, b-ines tho oink
The Ideal French Tutm
Badorsed ly Medical Faculty
efficacious agreeable
1 Oloek. Mar, Calendar, rbermotn-
Htnr. HrnunTer ,, .. . Uv
u owl '-a, leather, no better made. 111
U lb-volvr, ntltoiKitUi-, ,1 ul,H actio O,
3jor s-alilr aw
36 Tool let, licit iilaytliliiK., hut r"l
tooia thi
7 Toilet lei deoa'ated porcelain,
vry bandsonM
SA Il.-ruirii.-t. ii HUe N . I, Jlor 'il "10
a Wateh.eterlina illrei rail jeweled Its
3D DroseHall Cue, K-attier, handsome
and 'luratil. . luuj
ai Bwtaa ataebiae, rirnt cliase, with
nil atta.-liiniitr. isoil
33, Cult ., ae-i-alllwr. Iiiuwl
sftat, i sue
as Klfln, Colt-., it-t: t, tt-raUoef I5uu
U Uiii'ar iWaabbarai, r mm . t ,.
hud 8w
36 MAiid'iliii, very lmiitUjuie
m Wtaeaattar iteiitinii bhot ciim,
ISttauite. tun
37 lUmliitf-.pri. I :'il. I.'irrt'!. bm-
mer siiot ooa, is 1 r ii laeae . . 3UUU
88 lllryi-l, attu.lird iiiaki', lill"t r
8nti w
m Shot Onn llmluittou, luubl bar
wl, liium-rlH.. . . .3ouo
til Kahlua Mu-i But, ll luch ULW..MMI
March it, leou.
worth el"
TOBACCO CO., SI. Louis, Ho.
L-astBisv:. u a