The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 30, 1900, Image 8

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mm. affaffH mW mmmf mmmmW aOaffaOM I
H H oH Ljm
Absolutely Pure
Made from most highly refined and
healthful ingredients. '
Assures light, sweet, pure and
wholesome food.
How the Organ Contest
Tlie eleventh count shows the n
xilt ii- follows :
K '. I!. 'hurch, Fremont)
I ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 coupons, l -' 4
New -paper coupons. I2H
C". Evan, church. Penn's
reck :
Premium coupons,
New spaper coupons,
total VOTE CAST :
Evan, church, P. 'reek,
L'. i!. church, Fremont,
Sbciu it 1 '. B. hurch,
Trinity church, M'Kees J Kails,
To 15c Qiven Away to Some Church,
Sunday School or Public School.
The publisher of the Post will give a
Handsome Wkavkh Chapel Organ
to wime ( 'hurch, Sunday school or pub
lic school in Snyder County and he a-k
Me patrons of this paper to select the
place where it shall go. The highest
number of votes will determine the
choice. Newspaper coupons unci pre
mium coupons will count as follows :
rnting enuion printed in each issue of
i he Post is irooil for one vote if
Hied "'it and sent or brought to this
crilHTs who pay for the Post in ad
vance will receive a Premium Coupon
from this office, thai entitles them to
rwtt votes for each month paid in ad
vatici and li'i tor a full year. For a
NEW ( 'ash subscription FOUR pre
mium coupon! will be issued for each
month una 60 for a full year. No cou
pon will he issued for Ii than six
month- subscription. Changing the
name from one member of a family to
mother will not be considered a new
tnhscrilier. For every dollar's worth of
job printing or new advertisements thai
are brought or sent to this office, a pre
mium coupon will he issued fori") votes
it piduUvUVijU gost
Ti.!u ,b.M..i. amfltlosi tlt ln,li1ir
aj l lii- l 1 " " "
j . . . r .. 1,.. I 1 . . i i . .
XI Dill' Olf l"I UH iifiisii.-wiis
A -Made by the Weev
jy-l V.irk. I'a.. anil all
Ui'liurt,'. I'a. I lie gi
giunilay School or l'ub
Mode by the Weaver Organ A Piano I 'n
Ml i-y r . .-. mrirri, mui
U' 1a viinr t'hilnh
iT.i.i... ..t i i.. - . -
raiHMrocnnotui i uu""-
.County, by lie rHI, "iddlcburgh. I'a.
This vote is cast for :
Thin cotinon U not good Ave weeks after fi
above date and will then not be counted.
Send by mail or bring to hl office and
bare It deposited la the ballot box.
I KO. 17. rW"30 J
Housekeepers must exercise e.ire in buying bale
ins powders, to avoid alum. Alum powders are.
sold cheap to catch the unwary, but alum is a poi
son, and iu use in fuuJ seriously injures huiltk.
Picnics and Festivals, etc.
Tltt'KSOAY, Auo. 80, the Trinity Lu
therau s. s. of Selinsgrove will
hold their annual pic-ulc at Clem
ents' Park.
Thursday, Auo. 80, Odd Fellows Re
union al MiJHinburg for Lodges of
Snyder, Union, Juniata and Mlf
'ho counties.
Tl.'Ulr ,v, Artir.
of the Reformed .--.inlay school of
Mlddleburg Will bold a basket pic
nic on Howell's Island. The Other I
Sunday schools of this town are I
cordially Invited to take part.
SATURDAY, Skit. 1, the (filbert's Sun-.
day school will hold their annual
picnic in Howell's grove l mile
east of town.
Saturday, Skit. I, the four Sunday
scl Is of Troxelville will hold
their annual pic-nlc,
Saturday, Skit, l, the Wltmer's Sun
day school of Union township will
imld their annual pie-nic at Ver
dilla. There w ill he a hand and
good speakers.
Thursday. Skit. 6th, Post 14s ;. a.
R., the W. K. '. and Sons of Veter- I
ans of Selinsgrove expect to hold a
picnic on Oemberling's Island.
Saturday, Sept. s, the U. B, Sunday
school of Ebenezer's church, Wash-1
ington township, will hold their
annual pio-nlc.
Saturday, Sept. s, the Paradise s. s.
will hold its annual plc-llic in
Paige's grove.
Saturday, Sept. I, annual s. s.
pic-nlc in Cold Spring Urovc, Mc
Clure. Saturday, Sept. 15. annual ;. A. R.
bean soup in Cold Spring Grove,
M. -CI tire.
Saturday, skit. i" to 21, the annual
Encampment and Inter county
fair will be held at Orange Park,
Centre Hall, I'a.
Saturday, skit. 22, the "Ridge"
church of West Beaver township
will hold their annual picnic.
Five Famous SoDgs.
"Tell Mother I'll be There."
President Mckinley to His Dying
"Grander Than All the Baunera of
the World." Greatest Flag
"I'm Going Home to Mother."
Hero Hobeon Waltz .Song.
"My Buckeye Home."
'Tin Locking lor the Mailman."
Regular price 0 cents each. ( tar
price 1 0 cents each.
"WE know out BUIIXE8g."
The Great Republican Song liook
for 1900 embracing 20 patriotic and
political songs with photo of Mo
Kinley and Hoosevelt on title page.
Beg. price 25 cents each. Our price
10 cents each.
A cents wanted lor the Mceaphono-
Harp most marvelous of musical in
struments. Above special prices for 30 days
D. Aaron Kern and W. I. Gar
man went to Williams Grove picnic
Tuesday evening.
Members of the Tsung li Yamen
May Act For China.
A St. NltMtirt Dlapateh Oeclarea
They Wtrt Defeated In Pekln.
Intr l.NOO Mm Allies Capture the
District Weil of the V ii lied City.
Washington, Aug. IS After several
days' intermission In Chinese advices
the government yesterday received two
dispatches which presumably bring Its
advices up to the most recent date.
There are Indications that the principal
delays in the lines of communication
are encountered between Tien Tsln and
Peltin, a fact explainable by the news
paper advices that small bands of Rox
ers are operating on the line of com
munication of the Pekln campaign
The Important dispatch of the day
was one from Minister Conger relative
to the military situation In Pekin. La
fortunately it lacked a date, the minis
ter presumably not having yet received
the department's Instructions to In
clude the date In the body of his dis
patches. The s'ate department, con
cluding from Internal evidences that
Minister Conger's message was cer
tainly later than any oflVinl emanation
from the Chinese capital, the messngs
was allowed publicity for what It was
worth. The dispatch follows: .
"No Important movements since last
dispatch. Military Is trying to restors
order. No representative of the Chi-,
ne?e government encountered yet. Sev
eral ministers of the tsung II yamen re
ported in the city and are expected to'
appear soon. Cenerals (Ictde not to
enter Imperial palace, leaving It prac
tlcally vacant. Two thousand Hermans
arrived today."
Our minister's reference to the arri
val of 2,000 fresh Qerman troops caused
some surprise, no one apparently hav
Ing closely watched the movements of
the German contingent, which Is now
arriving with fairly regular frequency
In Chlnn. and which consequently may
he expected soon to equal In numerical
strength the military contlneents of!
any of the Kuropean nations there rep
resented. A significant statement In Minister I
Conger's dispatch Is that respecting the
expected appearance in Pekln of some
of the members of the tsnng II yamen.
A natural construction to be given to
this statement Is that these ministers
wish to undertake to represent the Chi
nese government formally in negotia
tions with the powers. It having been
found impossible up to this moment,
according to Mr. Conger's statement,
to meet any representative of the Chi
nese government In Pekln who was
competent to open negotiations, It may
be Inferred that If these ministers ac
tually appear with proper credentials
one of the problems connected with ths
ent difficult situation In China win
... :olved.
Ever since the fall of Pekln the prin
cipal difficulty confronting the govern
ment here has been to arrange for ths I
next movement in Its program. It !
could not withdraw Its troops, even If
so disposed, without arranging for In
demniflcatlon for the heavy cost it has
been put In the Pekin campaign. Also
It must make arrangements with some
responsible authority for the future:
protection of American Interests In
China, as our business Interests cannot
be withdrawn along with the army of
Another stntemenf In Mr. Conger's
dispatch, relative to the decision of
the generals not to enter the Imperial
palace, appears to explain the move
msnt of the Amerlcnn troops which the
press dispatches were unable to clear
Up, In relaxing the attack upon the
palace gates, after capturing all hut
one of them.
The first direct word from On. Chaf
fee since Aug. IS enme yesterday In the
form of a cablegram dated yesterday at
Taku. reporting the action of the Sixth
cavalry with the enemy near Tien
Tsln on the 19th. The cable Is as fol
lows: "Col. Wlnt. on the 1!th. reports
marched at 4 a. m. and engaged large
force of enemy seven miles fro-n city:
dispersed them, killing about 100.
Americans lost five wounded."
This cabl adds nothing to the Infor
mation In the possession of the depart
ment relative to military movements,
al It is simply Q .n. Chaffee's belated of
ficial report of an engagement pre
viously reported by Admiral Remey.
The government has derided not to
send any more troops to China. All ths
troops now at sea. amounting to about
1,000. together with those under orders
for serviie in the far east, which have
not sailed, amounting to about 3.000
more, will be sent to Manila. With
the arrival at Taku of the Hancock
and the troops she carried Gen. Chaf
fee will hnve 5,000 available men.
which is deemed sufficient for all pres
ent purposes.
lil i olt I I li RETRBAT OP ALLIF.9.
Rluhti-en Hundred Killed In a Dea
pernte llnttle In IV kin.
London. Aug. 21 The allies, resum
ing aggressive operations, have taken
the district west of Pekln. This state
ment, based on Chinese authority, is
cabled from Shanghai. From ths same
place comes the further statement that
LI Hung Chang has wired the empress
dowager at Hslan Fu, requesting the
arrest of Prince Tuan and the disarm
ament of the Boxers, in order to give
him an opening for negotiations with
the powers.
A special dispatch from St. Peters
burg to Le Steele, of Paris, says:
"It Is persistently rumored in St.
Petersburg that the Russian govern
ment has received a dispatch assert
big that after a fierce battle Inside
Pekin the allies retreated, losing 1.800
men, mostly Russians. It is further
aid that the Chinese occupy fortified
positions, from which they are bom
barding the allies In a murderous
"Russian Journals agree," says the
Moscow correspondent of The Stand
ard, "that It Is Impossible to deal with
China In the spirit of revenge, as sug
gested by Emperor William. They be
lieve that methods leas drastic eaa hea
ths end of Russia m
Manchuria. The question would he
satisfactorily settled to Russian minds
by the seizure of the northern prov
inces." Gen. Dorward, In his report of the
engagement outside of Tien Tsln Aug.
19, whrnjthe Americans, British and
Japanese signally defeated a large force
of Boxers, killing over 300, says, In a
dispatch dated Aug. 25:
"The lines of communication near
Tien Tsln are now free from danger.
The enemy had been treating; the vil
lagers badly. Several decapitated bodies
were found near their camp. The vil
lagers are now flocking to Tien Tsln at
the rate of about a thousand a day.
Ah there Is not more than a month's
fond supply, there Is every prospect of
a famine shortly."
Three Killed, Koor Wounded and
the WommiN Home Destroyed.
Oilman, Ills., Aug. 28.--Two men
killed, three wounded, two of them
perhaps fatally, one woman wounded,
and her residence burned, are the re
sults of an all night battle between a
mob nnd Mrs. A. W. Wright, who was
accused of the murder of Dessle Salter.
The dead: John Myers, laborer, em
ployed by Mrs. Dr. Wright; Michael
Ryan, citizen, serving as deputy con
stable. Fatally wounded: Lawrence
Ryan, brother of the dead man. wound
ed In the abdomen; George Willough
hy, citizen, shut through left lung;
Mrs. Dr. C. W. Wright, shot through
right shoulder, bullet taking down
ward course. Seriously wounded;
Peter Latter, member of the citizens'
attacking party, shot through stomach.
The conflict was precipitated by ths
Investigation of the coroner's Jury Into
the death of Dessle Salter, a lH-year-old
girl of Leonard, I lid. , who died in
Mrs. Wright's ly lug-In hospital Friday
night, and was taken to her home In
Leonard under cover of darkness early
Saturday morning. When a constable
went to arrest the woman they were
met with bullets. After a desperate
battle, resulting in the above casual
ties, the house was burned to the
Mrs. Dr. Wright Is about 50 years
old. It is stated that she was for
merly an actress. For some time she
has been conducting a lying-in hospital
on the outskirts of Oilman. She is in
Jail, and will probably die.
SteTenann the I'liimllut Nominee.
Chicago. Aug, 28. At a meeting of
the People's party national committee
yesterday the declination of Charles
A. Towne as the vice presidential nom
inee of the party was accepted, and the
name of Adiai E, Stevenson was put
In hts place. This result was obtain
ed after a long debate, Senator Marion
Butler, chairman of the committee, ad
vocated leaving the place blank. A
motion was made to endorse Mr. Ste
venson, and Mr. Washburn, of Massa
chusetts, moved as a substitute that
a Populist he placed upon the ticket.
The substitute was lost and the orig
inal motion was then adopted by a viva
voce vote.
Fife Retire Krnni the Itlnar.
Ne. York. An?. 28. Fltzsimmons
and William A. Brady, manager for
Jeffries, met yesterday afternoon to
arrange a match between the two men.
Pltzslmmons said he was In good condi
tion, and wished to fight next Friday
night, and Brady replied that Jeffries
was not In trim for a fight and could
not prepare himself In the few days
Intervening. The men separated with
out coming to any agreement except
that there would he no contest on Aug.
31. Fltzsimmons last night announced
his retirement from the pugilistic ring.
He will open a training school in
II o n in ii ii la nnd ltiilu;arla Mity Klitht.
London. Aug. 28. Referring to ths
tension between Roumanla and Bul
garia, recently accentuated by the un
satisfactory character of the reply of
the Sofia government to the Rouman
ian demand for the suppression of the
Macedonian revolutionary' committee,
the Bucharest correspondent of The
Dally Mall says: "The outlook be
comes more and more serious. The
opinion of the general public here is
that Bulgaria must be taught a lesson
by arms if necessary. The expulsion
of Bulgarians from Roumanla eontln-
Still Another ('hurley Itfiaa.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Aug. 18. In Jail
In this city is a tramp who startled the
recorder's court yesterday by stoutly
asserting that he is Charley Ross, kffl
naped from his parents at Philadel
phia nearly 25 years ago. The man
produces documents intended to sub
stantiate his assertion, and has assured
the police that a man lives in New
York who can prove that what he says
Is true. Chief of Police MeCabe has re
quested the New York police to Investi
gate the story.
RatlVCS rtylntr I.Ike Files.
Londoa, Aug. 28. "The present epi
demic of cholera," says the Simla cor
respondent of The Pally Mall, "is one
of the worst outhreaks on record. The
btihonlc plague is child's play compar
ed with It. The natives are dying like
files at the rate of .1,000 a week. The
epidemic Is undoubtedly due to the
pollution of the scanty water supply
during the famine."
Flaherintin'a Kntnl Trent.
Pittston, Va.. Aug. 28. Anthony Mi
chonls, sged 42, single, was drowned
in the Susquehanna river here last
night. He was Ashing in a boat when
he met another boat In which were two
friends of his. Michonls wanted to
treat his friends, and while in the act
of handing them the bottle his boat up
set, and he went to the bottom. His
body was recovered.
Brearl Attempta Suicide.
Rome, Aug. 28. Bresci, the assassin
of King Humbert, ineffectually at
tempted to commit suicide Sunday. He
now refuses food, saying that he has
BO Intention to give the Bourgeoise
the satisfaction of seeing him con
demned. He shows signs of aberra
tion of intellect.
Ready For the Advanre.
Cape Town, Aug. 27. Lord Roberts
arrived Saturday at Belfast, a few miles
west ot Macbadodorp, where he met
Sir Redvers Buller, Gen. French and
Gen. Pole-Carew. Everything la
la rsaalnsssi tor the advance.
ST! rarioN.
ProposiiiK an ninendmi'ii' to the Constitution
of tin- ClomnmnwaaUhi
Section I. Be it resolved by Iba Senate and
Hotine of Representative! of the Commoa.
wealth in General Asuembly met that Ibefol
lowing Is proposed ai antendnutnls to the f
Mitution of the Commonwealth of lYnnnyl
vnliia. In iiceoriiam e with the provisions of The
ciKtitectith urtiele thereof:
Amendment One to Article Bight, Section One.
Add at the end of the Brat paragraph nf aald
aectlon, after the words "shall Ik' entitled to
vote Ht all elections, " the words, "subject how
ever to pilch laws requiring ami refcuiating the
rasignaUoa of electors as the Ueneral Aaeembljr
may enact, ' so that the Mid section shall reail
aa follows.
Section I. Qualification of Electors. Every
maleciMzen twenty-one yean of aire. possesK-
Idk I he following qualifications, shall e en
titled to vote at all elections, subject however
to such laws requiring ami regulating the reg
istration of electors as the Ocnerul Assembly
may enact:
He shall have been a citizen of the United
States at least one month.
He -hail have resided in the State one year
(or if. having previously been n quaUOed elec
tor or native born of the state, he shall
have removed therefrom and returned within
six months lumedtately preceding the elec
tion. He shall have resided in the election district
where he shall offef his vote at least two
months immediately precedlnglhs election.
If twenty-two years of ate and upwards, he
shall have paid within two years a State or
county tax. which shall have been assessed at
least two month. and uiid ut least one month
before the election.
Amendment Eleven to Article Eight, Scctioa
Strike out from said section the words "but
no elect ir shall be deprived of ttie privilege
of voting by reason of his name not being re
gistered, and adtlto said section the following
words, "but laws regulating and requiring the
registration of electors may lie enacted t - apply
to cities only, provided that such laws may be
uniform for cities of the same class" so that
the said section shall read us follows)
Section 7. Uniformity of Election Ijws All
lews regulating the holdiiiffof elections by the
cities or for the registration of electors shall lie
uniform throughout the State, but laws regula
ting and requiring ttie registration of electors
may be enacted to apply to citiesouly. provided
that such law s be uniform for cities of the same
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing uu amendment to the Constitution
of tlic ( oinmonwealtli.
Section 1. Be it resolved by tiie Senate and
House of Representatives of the t oiimiou wealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met.
That be following is proposed as. in aiucni Intent
to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in aovordaiiee with the provisions
of the Eighteenth Article thereof.
Strike out section four of article, eight, and
insert in place thereof, as follows:
Section 4. All elections by the citizens shall
be by ballot or by such other method aa may
be preeoribed by law 1 Provided, That secrecy
in voting be preserved.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Sin-rill's Sale of
REAIj estate.
By virtue of a ceitain writ of Fi Pa Untied
out of the t'oiirt of Common Clean of Hnyder
County, Pn., ami to me direeted 1 will ex
pom to public mile at the court Iioum in Mitdl
burg- IV, at I o'clock P. If., on Friday. AuuM
II, ItWO, the following demribeil real entate to
A certain farm or BMMUOM of land situated
in Union towtifhip, Snyilcr County, I'a., ljoiu
Ing lands of .lamcH iCatfoo on the noitb; vnnt
bf londo of Georgi Wcntzei; Mouth by lamin of
tcor(e Wentzel ami Phillip Hoot and went hy
html- of Henry H . Hoohlill and Jacob StaufTer,
containing m verity -eijcM (7) acren more or
lest.-, whereon N erected a DWM.U.V. BOC8R,
tdianly and other - mull huildiuK and alao a lot
of good fruit tree on the prcruiMen.
Sri' "I taken into pxeeution and to no Id
an the property of Peter II. iSechrint.
i. W. ROW, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Mlddloborg, An. ?, 1900.
Valuable Real Estate.
The underi.;ned Administrator C, T. A- of
the i -iai of Samuel C. Miller, late of Perry
ToWfltbtp, Snyder Countv, I'a-, defeated, will
sell at public sale about three miles west . .f Mel
terville and about two miles south-west of
Oriental, on the road lc;idiiig from Oriental to
li.ii hfleld, on
TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1900,
the following described real ctatr to wit:
All that certain tract of land situated in Perry
towutdiip, Snyder county, Pa , bounded on the
north by hind of loel Mciser, east by land of
Jacob Shaft or, outh by lands of Morris Swine
fori), William Strawser and Henry Hupp, and
went by lands of Flank PnrtrJine, containing
106 ACRES, more Off lens, whereon are erected
a two-story DWKIXINCi HOt'SK, HANK HMtN.
HOl'SK. l.KANAKY and other necessary out
buildings. A good orchard on the tract. Well
of water near the door and running water
in the barn yard. About Ptf acres of the land Is
clear and inn good state of cultivation The
balance in well timbered. Posscfsioii will be
given on April 1 1001 Sale Io commence at 10
o'clock A. M. when terms will lie made known
Administrator C. T. A.
The undersigned administrator of the entate
of John Shawvcr, late of Adams township,
Snyder comity. Pa., deceased, under and hy
virtue of an order issued out of the Orphans'
Court of Snyder county for the kayment of the
tb lit - of the said decedent, will expose to a pub
lic aale on the premise In said township, at
Port Ann, on
FRIDAY, SEPT. 14, 1900,
the following described real estate to wit:
TIIACT NO. 1. Situate in Adams township,
eonnty and atate aforeauiil. bound north by
lands of Isaac Shawver, east by lands of tract
No S. and south and west hy lands of John M
.Mover, containing ONK Al'KR on which are
erected a two-store OWKI.DINO HOUSE,
STABI.K and other out-buildlnge, all clear and
in a good state of cultivation.
THAIT NO. 2. Situate a aforesaid, hounded
north by liinda of laaac Shawver, east and south
by lands of John M. Moyer and west by tract
No. L Containing ONK and ONE-HAI.F (I1,)
ACURS. on which are erected a WIIIXKKY
DISTILLERY now in operation which has
been continuously licensed for the last four
teen years, a WAKKHOl'SB and KNOINK
IMil'SK, with excellent water, all clear and in
a good state of cultivation, alao at the same
time and place an engine ot S or 10 horse-power.
Bale to commence at 10 a'clook A. M. when due
attendance will be given and terms of aale
maoe known by BENIVKL WALTER.
JACOB UILBEKT. Administrator.
' Consult or agggajgat
uakaUa wiut UN Mttor
ofUtfet paper, wao win give aU
Executor's Sale of
The undersigned executor of David M. t
will oner at putilie sale on
Saturday, Sept 22, 1900,1
, OH the p r r in i i h of Iwvrjil M.
i ilpcfaMt-d .all thnt certain tract of lurid ,
, ii. tic in i iiapmitn lownnnip. nytlr oo
, ixiuMtM'ti at follows. io w: iNnrth by U
' ireur. . n.wariz ami Daniel
' hard, on the i ant bjf POllJf Keretftter, not
I si a U, v ill ami on the wet by lamUofXfj
i ifitnier, MO,, ooaauning " acre mnrtMit
i wlMMOti werecletl a hrw furm klwolllttfft
inrac huuk nnrii mm hut oiiidui HI I tiffs, am
Ioi rxceiH-ni waicr ni im tinnr.
Sate to commence at 'J o'clock p.
t- nil- will be mitile known by
I I. LORQACRE w. h. swaktz,
.1 uiiionwr. l'-xecJ
The undersigned administrator of tli- .
(teorfre P. Miller, late of the borough of
i under and by virtue of an order Issued .jj
ourg -suyuer v ountv. r en usv vam.-c ...J
. iiie wrpnans ourt nl fnvuer ( ounty fort
payment ot the items ot tile said .1 ...
expose to a piinilcsale on the premises i
borough of Mlddloburgh, on
j Saturday, Sept. 29tlif
the following described real estute to wit
A lot of ground situate in the borough nf
tienurgn. on the putitn road leading fn
' Pennsylvania Railroad depot to the IVJ
, House, next adjoining the newly erectsSJ
angelical Lutheran huri h. hounded
north by lands of the Main Sh o
j i.iuiimi, west iiy uill'ls ol .-sumucl i
soutn ny the property or the Lutheran i hal
ami on the cast ty the public road, bavins
irontage or seventy (TO j feel and a l ith
inree minute I (.(inn rect; wlleron ai-- real
other necessary outbuildings
This property is pleasantly looflted, In eg
i lent neighbor In od and is desirable to an i
cct.templuting the purchase of a home
eaie io oe nolo av o otoca r m., Ncptpal
-'.an next When conditions I terms will
duly announced . I
WM. K. MILLER, Administrate!
Xl derHiiied ninlitor Hpp'i'titi
the Orphans.' Court of Snyder Canute, 'o ilg
bete the funds In tha hands nt Elizabeth
itdtiiinistrutrlx or Ttie estate of John licit
of Franklin twp., deOed., will sit for the pn
or ins appointment at IDS Otnoe of J, o. 0
ihthi'horuiik'h of Mlddlebtirglion Tuesday.
I. llioo, at 9 o'clock A. M., at, wlilch tun,'
place all persons having any claims against!
estate must present ntesame or be foreverfl
alter debarred from claiming any part ot t
Tumi. J. M. HAkbb, Ail
August. sth. lsino.
I-I-I-I-I-I-I-l-l-I-l-l-l-l-I-l-l-l-i-i i-:-H
Harrisburg Business
oonege ana scnoci 0'
Nh.rthnnd and Tyucwriiluic
Ki MnrkPt St.. Htmlsbiire. Pit. Urti
t usins enetrmuiy assisted in a-CUnog r
f.aMt J. K. I. AHN KIl, Prtlldp.ll
HUM-;. ill II I I on III- I'OKT.
H-H-H-I"l"I-:-l"I"I-I"l HH-H-H-H
Knight, ot the tJolden Eagle, at Nils
l' , Reduced Kate via tbe I'liina
vaula Railroad.
On account of tb e meeting of
Kusout'hnnna District Knights ofl
Uolrten Kutfle, at Milton, Pn., mi D
tember 3, the Pennsylvania liiiiln
Company will sell special cxciir
tickets from stations on its line in Pel
sylvania to Milton at the rate f tl
Cents a .. , u travel! 1 tics
to lie sold and good going Senteiuu
and 3, and returning to Sept r
National Encampment, Union Veti
Legion, at Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Redured Rate, via the PennsylvS
On account of the National EdOI
mcnt, Union eternn Legion, at
Wayne, Intl., on September 12,
rennsvivania Kmironti t oinpanv
sell excursion tickets at the rate of
fare for the round trip from till J
tin its line east of 1'ittsliurgitinl Htl
Ft Wavne, licketa to be sold
good going September !, 10, ami 111
turning, to .HeptcniiH-T is, inelusive
Xlfflln t otinty fnlr at Lcxvlstowal
On account of the Mifflin ''!
Fair at Lewistown. I'a.. on Sen ten
5, it and 7, the Pennsylvania Kuill
Company will sell special exosj
tickets, aooa gtiing rrom Bepteins
to 7, ami gtxsl to return until BejH
1800, inclusive, from Newport.
ingdon and intermediate StoUOJI
Lewistown Junction, and frmn alll
tionson the Lewistown Divisiol
Lewistown Boro. On September
and 7 n special train will leave
town Boro. at 7:15 p. m, for Mllroi
miermeuiatc stations.
Thurat'uv. SentenilsT (i. srjecial
fer Midtilebiirg and IhtermediaM
Hons will leave Lewistown Boro.
p. m.
Public Sales
Tint Ices nf sales will be Inserted MS M
heHtllnK wlien the bills are prinledid '
when I lie mils are not printi-a st on
cents will tie rhanrerl. Persmns f'XIiet
have sale should select it date snd have Its
ed In this columu.
Kill H V AI'H SL at tbe court lion-e
dlebureh. O. W. How. sherilt. will
estate of Peter Sechrlst in I'nion l
SATfHDAY.SF.PT. Paitonvllle,
HMm will Mll l...k,.l,1
I TUESDAY, SEIT. 11, three miles trSSS
,rv e 1 HO .on Mi cr. SUItimm-,
T. A., will will sell 4)0 acres of the
Samiiil C. Miller.
FRIDAY, SKIT. It, at Port Ann, Adni
ship, Benlvel Walter, admn
Jolm Shawver, will sell two tracts
estate, including tbe distillery Itp
TtTKSD tT, SEPT- Is, Mary M. Wbi
sell U acres ana lli percnes in n-
SATl'RDAY. SEPT. a. near Pallas. I
Swarti. eiecutor of David M.
sell real estate.
iTr-usiv atrirr so. u in unt.tlel'iirl
tr win ' - - -" P. I
deceased! will sell brick bouse ami
the French Flats.
Butter 18
Etrgs 14
Onions. 40
Lnrd 9
Tallow 4
Chickens. 7
Shoulder 8
Wheat old
Bran peril
12 lFlourpr