The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 30, 1900, Image 1

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    ev. Sheldon s "Malcom Kirk" Begins intlie Post this week.
0- W . WAVHDAUiJaot
Week's News Dished up in
...nil i umni ii t itii nr in
Town During the Past
WeekOther News
of Interest.
.I i '.!. v :.. ;.. tUtm,- Mi it nf Ni fin. was tn
leburg Saturday.
r A. M. iiutli was ai me coun-
...,t V',lii,..i In v innriiinir of last
1 ' ... uuitalt rai.nii'imr 111
1 I I I I I .-Willi: VVIlfcV II 1 Vtrn.i
r fa
A f Ml
homufl Katnton. oi raxconviue,
sell his personal property Sat-
L. I ini'l i'i ii in I i in L U icnrtT m
tin.r trionrU mid relatives ill Elk-
T 1
I, I HM.
.i i A : . 1 tU
ow nit Biiir WBMO UIMI MHI IH
waist girl are having a serious
I' III I L .
ri I 1
in muii 1j. opamrier reuiroeu
! A v v ...i. du:i
1 LI
. . ..4' n in id
lllllll lllll. Ill ill 1 JHl UN, 1"
r 1 .
i . . i . i . i
lias. i.. sieimnger uuu miuii)
i" . i iimt:..; n
iii'ii miir Lin Y iiiiuiun . u v c
: l n . .... .... ' : .
ttnmov H H. (irimm and son.
ii k riwmil s 'vrr l uvn in i 1111
ulna last week.
i j j oirouo aim unrrev iuuku.
K reamer, were at Middleburg
i ' i
i . i i m : i ii..!
attended the picnic at Red Bridge
oseph Hnnkle, 01 l.elletonte,vis-
his U Dotes. John and James,
t I Knfirluv -nn wife h I iW1S-
Bpent Sunday with II. II.
Illin 'iinI franiilv
new shoemaker has come to
1 . 1 V I fl
I'. 'it V ... fl I J ....... t ... , . - . .. I i. fill
in m ion nn inrn Tor i mniirn tii
ui nu iraue.
wii Amig, of Selinsgrove, was
(Mlest tf Ilia I in it I ii-r Phi Ii it ill
-w. u Ullllll I ,
otrnaster Geo. C. Wagenseller,
Belinstrrove. was at the county
rllluliiv 'i H..ri i. ill
.'.' I II.'. 111.
-I'.. . v.. in n ui miA ai u v iiimiii
Id spent Thursday of but week
it Slate capitol.
acoli S. Hoop, MifHiuhurg's enter-
g litiiuioru, wan at mis mm
. - - .
,? . jx, uuiA IHX ' .11 in
:lir,..... ,.i m i 1- ..:
uj ui oiuppeusniirg, is visu
relatives at this place.
K. Murray, formerly the drug
ot this place and wife, of l'hila.,
visiting friends, at this plaw.
IT. ... ...
1 irrw. U mM 1 1 LII. ... Ul. 1..,,
-..ii ..i i im 1 1 M Tl,l II M CSl
'uwnship, rode his bicycle to the
My seat one day last week.
llS Sfclln anil fvrn Knniitr
tic rviiAafo ..4 f T ...;.. .....1 nin in iniivm i jiiu i uuu
C'rouse Rpvprnl ilavn th nast
j ,
"hn S. Yerger, of lit. Pleasant
m brought a nice load ot delic-
ptaches to the county seat Fn-evening.
John I. Woourufl and Itev.
. Wn... r t. 1 I
. "utT, oi ousquenanna uni-
i "tie me couniy seat cmi-
Moate.of Akron. Ohio.
0r than Ira fn. n
l"Pcr tnvintr an vnnnf nt th
Miss Belle Bibighaus is viaitiug
friends at this place.
Geo. NT. Hasringer and wife spent
Sunday with F. P. Kuster in Penn
Sherifl Row andrife attended the
funeral ot Daniel B. Heiser at Slia-
mokin Dam Tuesday.
The Middleburg band will play
for the odd fellows' reunion at
Mifflinburg Thursday.
M. Ii. Hassinger. of Barnes,
Warren county, has been visiting in
this vicinity tor the past week.
l)o not miss "Malcom Kirk." It
is one of Sheldon's best stories and
liegins on the inside pages of this
Hon. (i. Alfred Schoch and wife
Miss Kate Bolender and Mrs.
Lizzie Eyster attended the Schoch
reunion last Friday.
David Steininger, wife and child
of Lorhiel, have Ik-cii visiting rel
atives in and around this place dur
ing the past week.
Charles Miller and II. Foster
Kreamer, of Sweet Hope, one of the
Buberbs ot Selinsgrove, were at the
county seat Saturday morning.
Fifteen cents pays for the Post
till after election to he scut lo new
subscribers only for the campaign
purposes. 25 cents to New Year. tf.
Oscar N. Liudig, an expert
plumber, of Lewishurg, with Mrs
Miss lviitli Howell has ironi
Sunbury t" work in the silk mill. pokSai.r. A bav horw
four years old. weighs ten hiitidi
solid and sound, works in all harness.
Good reasons given for selling.
8-10-3t. Ueavertown, Pa.
Houses a no Mules at Private
SALE. I have five horses and five
mules from five to ten years
that I will sell at orivate sale. (
ou or address
8-23-3t. Beavertown, Pa.
EJditor Albert Smith, of the Eliz
abethville E:lto, spent Sunday in
town the guest of his parents. Ed
itor Smith is publishing a newsy pa
per and deserves the heartiest sup
port ot Dauphin county people.
D. A. Kern's cider press has been
removed to the brick yard where
it will be operated by Howell & Sny
der, Wednesday nf every week, and
Wednesday only except in case of
rain when it will run Thursday.
to I
Committee Meeting.
( 'itntlitlatf for Senator
nf L'Vili District.
Go to A. K. Soles for
easyshave or up-to-date
a smooth
hair cut
and head cleaned with a refreshing
shampoo or dandrufl removed with
his tonic, clean towel to each patron
in hank building one door east ot
Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed.
Charles Rothcnnel, of PortTrev
erton, who had been in Klondike,
came down t Seattle some time ago
I V( . . . fl . a 1 I v.iv vavni. v- i - linn ctviii laai. tto
itinduj and son, last week tWAlMb n -HJ .polfik
the hosi)italit ilrs. Charles VaI-ln -ii .... PT .
ill: .Till null. Ill n lew ncc.Q Ml
Klondike again. Mr. Rothermel
W. L. Bossier and brother, of
Freeburg, were at the county seat
Thursday of last week. Will thinks
the Sheldon stories are very interest
Eugene 1'. Leonard, of Lincoln,
Nebraska, arrived in this place last
Friday. He is now selling stock
for a rublier factory in the Philip
Theodore Walter, of Akron, ).,
is visiting relatives in this place.
Theodore is enjoying a lucrative po
sition in the town ot riots and dis
order. The POST will be sent from now
till after election for If) cents and
till Jan. 1, 1901, for 2.") cents. This
oiler is good only for new subscri
bers and is made for the campaign
only. tf.
Miss Kate Howersox, of Carlisle,
and her mother, Mrs. S. A. Hower
sox, of Paxtonville, have been visit
ing County Superintendent F. C.
W. W. Kipka, of this place, was
appointed Monday as a railway mail
clerk and served in his official duty
on the Sunbury it Lewistowu Divi
sion last week.
Editor Thomas H. Harter, of the
Bellefonte Gazette, was in town sev
eral days last week. From here he
accompanied John M. Steininger to
the Susquehanna river to fish.
Attorney Win. K. Miller, of
Salem, was in town Saturday on bus
iness with his brother's estate. He
will sell the house and lot on the
French Flats, Saturday, Sept. 29.
Rev. ('has. M. Sheldon has more
readers to-day than any other living
American author. His interesting
story, "Malcom Kirk" begins on
the inside pages to-day. Do not
miss it.
Mrs. I. II. Howersox and daugh
ter, Ruth, visited the former's hus
band at the Danville hospital last
week. She reports him in an ex
cellent condition and in a good shape
to come home soon.
At Williamsgrove from Middle
burg and vicinity : Chas. Moyer
and wife, C. E. Steininger and wife,
M. L. Hassinger and wife, Curtin
Howersox, wife and daughter and
J. E. Newman and wife.
has written several letters to the
Post concerning his ex'verience in
the Yukon region.
When Hishop Brooks wari once
told by his private secretary that his
Episcopal duties left him no time
for himself, he said: "I have plenty
of time to myself." "When and
where?" asked the scrcetary. "In
the railroad cars," answered the
Hishop. September Ladie Home
The Home Telephone Company
have just issued a very neat and
complete list of their subscribers in
book form. 1 he In ml. also contains
a corrected list of of the Shaoiokin
alley, Penn Telephone, Montour
and Columbia Telephone, Schuyl
kill Telephone and Tuscarora Tele
ephone companies.
If a child bom to Mr. and Mrs.
James Dcitrick, who lives near hurt
London, lives until Sunday it will
be six weeks old. The child, which
is as healthy as month -old babies
usually are, was born without nose
or mouth, with three fingers misting
from the other. At the place where
the mouth ought to be there is an
opening leading into the palate.
Huntingdon Globe,
Messrs. S. Charles Hoover, of
Lancaster, I'enn'a, and Rciij. F. Eat
on, Jr., and two charming young
ladles, Misses Edna Ames, oi Haiti-
! l x m t & i i
more, am., and .wary nariier, ot
MiHiinhurg, enjoyed a carriage! ride
to Middleburg Saturday afternoon,
where they were the welcome guests
of Gabriel Heavel and family. On
their return to Mifflinblirff Miss
Maie Heaver accompanied this
jolly party, where she is the pleasing
guest of her brother, James.
A hack party from Selinsgrove
and their friends took supper at the
Washington House luesday even
ing. It consisted ot 11. M. nclioch,
Danville; H. S. 8choch and wife,
Mrs. Laura Schnure, Irwin Moyer
and Mrs. James Schoch, New Ber
lin; J. M. Schoch and wife, Mrs. C.
Logan, Mrs. G. Slifer, Miss Jennie
E. Winter, Philadelphia; C. B.
North and wife, B. F. Gregory and
wife, Dr. B. F. Wagenseller and
wife, Sigfried Weis and wife, Ira C.
Schoch and wife, Selinsgrove. The
Selinsgrove hack was driven by
Irwin B. Romig.
The Miillinlitirg liiH'M is i. lie red
for sale.
H. C. Pinkie, of Money, spent
Sunday with friend- in town.
Next Monday is a legal holiday
and the bank will be closed.
The last day for registration is
Sept. (!. See that your name is on
the list.
Don't forget the meeting of the
Shoe Co. stockholders Thursday
T. E. Reitz, of Reaver Springs,
made a pleasant call at this office
Mrs. W. F. Feese and Mrs. An
nie Hottenstein visited friends, from
Saturday to Monday.
Samuel Wittenmyer, Jr., and
sisters, Hertha and Mabel, are so
journing at Eagle's Merc
W. Nevin Engle and Miss Eva
Howell spent Sunday at James
Bingaman's at Beavertown.
John A. Duck and Mi-s Bessie
Mover spent Sunday with Charles
A. Meiscr at Thompson town.
John F. Stettlcr, M. Z. Steining
er and Edwin Charles are attending
the State Camp at Lebanon this
.There will be Farmer.-' Institutes
in Middleburg Jan. 14-15 and tit
Mt. Pleasant Mills, Jan. 16-17,
Dr. A. C. Spangler and mother,
of Selinsgrove, were at the county
seat Monday looking after the prop
erty ot the latter.
Next Thursday, Sept. 6, a spec
ial train will leave Lewistown lor
Middleburg at 7 p. m. to take home
people who wish to attend the fair.
A wreck occurred Wednesday
morning at dawn in which six
freight cars were thrown from the
track at Bower's crossing in this
Commissioners' Clerk John X.
Brosius is greatly elated over the
arrival ol a new clerk at his home.
He will train him so that he may
become an efficient county official
some day.
Congressman Mahon's conferees
from Snyder county arc Thomas
Herbster MeClure; P. A. Troup,
McKees Half Falls; J. C. Kessler,
Selinsgrove, and P. S. Ritter, Mid
dleburg. This week we present our readers
with a good likeness of Hon. Ben
jamin K. Focht, republican candi
date for Senator of the 27th district
comprising Union, Northumberland
and Snyder counties.
A meeting ot the citizens of Sny
der county who are interested in the
institution of a Company of the Na
tional Guard ot Pennsylvania in
Middleburg, will meet in Room No.
6, Bank Building, at 7 o'clock p.
m., Saturday evening, September 1,
1900. ComtiTTi-E.
There will be a meeting ol the
Republican Standing Committee of
Snyder County at Middlehurarh
j Saturday, Sept. S, 1900, at 12:30
1 1'. M. As thi- meeting i- lor the
purpose ul making arrangements tor
the fall campaign, it i important
mat there .should he ii lull turn-out.
En. ii arlen, ( 'hairman.
.... i
Shoe Factory Meeting.
Who was nominated Tuesday r ,, u
Istown for In- iliili term in Onnirrcss.
The Servant Girl the Heroine
of a Novel.
Demi Enlaiwal lor Record,
e Knepp lo J. H. K nenn. 45
. I rl
acres in Spring p wnsllip for $2500.
.laines D. Wert and wife to Mary
J. Zellers, house and lot at Iluill-
tuel's VVhnrl tor 52o.
George Bolig'a heirs to J. Albert
Stettler, three tracts in Middlecrcek
township for S7 M ) and 3 acres in
Union township, Union Co., valued
at $500.
Josirth Swinelmrl and wile to
Michael Den in., two ir.i. ts mm,. ,emi "tit winnot read, "Tin
Mil ' -y the First with
out getting a great rk al ul beuuiuu
The stock holders ot fhe Main
Shoe 'ompanv. I limited, will hold
their semi annual meeting at the
factory Thursday evening, Aug. 80,
at M o'clock. The reports ot the
managers and auditors will be re
ceived. Evei v stock
i. Alkrep Schoch,
( i. M. Sill XPET,,
del' should
The opening chapters ol I i
Stuart Phelps's new novel i
lished in the ( ctol)er Ladle
Journal. The trials ol a
bauite wiih servant irirls
re pub-
1 lome
is its
.i 'i.i
i uieme. i ne manor noes noi attempt
to solve the domestic service prob
wig 1 acre and o acres respectively
for !? 1 2o.
Henry T. Cook to Nancy S. Cook,
19 acres in Jackson township for
Ellen N. Spoils a::. I husl and to
Mrs. Mary . Stfaub, til perches in
Perry township tor .S'Jimi-
Ellen A. (Jillx 1 1, administrator;
to Win. A. Gilbert, d acres in Ad
ams township lor 9550.
Simon I'. ( bulgier and w ile to
Ada S. Seiler, house and lot in Se
linsgrove fir Hi;!.
Peck Snubs Senator Hummel.
Friends of Senator E. M, Hum
mel express great indignation at
the action of United States Commis
sioner Peck in refusing to show Mr.
Hummel courtesies due him as a
commissioner from Pennsylvania to
the Paris exposition. Senator Iluin
mel, it is stated, is not permitted by
Commissioner Peck to the United
States building (or letter writing,
Sunbury Jinn.
Editor Wm. Kurtz Dead.
ly spiced with rich
Get. Your Picture.1) Now
Those who wish to have their
pn l ores taken should do so vrrv
soon, as I propose lo leave .Middle
burg before very long.
W. N. Km. i.i:,
8-30-2t. Photographer.
i -
'Phone Line Extension
Saturday morning news reached
here by 'phone that Win. L. Kurtz,
editor of the Lewishurg Journal,
had died in Centre Hall Friday ev
ening of typhoid (ever. Since the
Journal has been under Mr. Kurtz's
control it has been one of our valued
exchanges and it w ith sincere regret
that journalism loses so able a news
paper man. Mr. Kurtz is a son of
Hon. Fred Kurtz, who recently re
tired from th litorship of the Cen
tre Hall Reporter and became asso
ciated w ith his son, ( 'has. R. Kurtz,
proprietor of the Centre Democrat.
Editor Kurtz leaves a widow and
three small children.
ine ill ihe .Montour A ( oloui-
i Telephone ( i in nan v. between
i i , -
Bloomsburg and Millville, was put
in operation Tuesday and local sub
scribers can now with the
Millville subscriber. Twent3'-four
'phones I
between Danville and Washington
ville is well under way and it is ex
pected that it will be in running
order inside of three w eeks.
iave Pet u placed in that
ie construction of the line
Smith Moore.
The wedding of J. C. Moore, of
Upjicr Augusta, and Miss Mary C.
Smith, of Shriner, this county, took
place Thursday at the home of the
bride. The marriage ceremony was
verformed at 12 o'clock, noon, by
Rev. W. A. Haas, of Selinsgrove, in
the presence of a large numler of
guests, after which an elegant wed
ding breakfast was served. Mr. and
Mrs. Moore will make Klinesgrove,
Northumberland county, their fu
ture home and their many friends
wish them success during their mar
ried lite.
Lutheran Reunion.
'The Lutheran reunion was opto
expectations Thursday. The crowd
was large and as heretofore various
ly estimated anywhere from tour
thousand up. The committee were
of the opinion that the (fathering
I rs n
was as large a at Island Park last
year and rated the crowd at not less
. 1 A .1 I fll t
itian lour tnousano. the pavilion
was temporally enlarged and the
crowd well handled bv the excellent
trolley service. 'The day was per
fect and the program carried out
w ithout a break. The If iltou Or
chestra furnished excellent music
throughout the entire day.
The choir of 'Trinity Lutheran
church was very successful in ren
dering two grand old hymns of
which one was Luther's battle hymn
of the Reformation. 'The general
expression was that the Milton Park
was Bujerior for such gatherings to
Island Park. Many Compliment!
were expressed to the president for
bis successful management of the
reunion. Milton Standard,
Wantkp Sta vk Sawyer An
exjerieiioed sawyer for a nail keg
stave mill, must be a man who is
capable of taking entire charge of
mill, to run it by the thousand.
C. B. Redman,
Haldaxe Williams,
Mt Union, Huntingdon Co., Pa