i Baking Powder Economy The manufacturers of Royal Baking Powder have always declined to produce a cheap baking powder at the sacrifice of quality. The Roval is made from the most highly refined and wholesome ingredients, and is the embodiment of all the excellence possible to be attained in the highest class baking powder. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price, and is cheaper at its price than any similar article. ROYAL IAKING POWDER CO., WE AVER CHAPEL ORGAN. To Be 'iiven Away to Some Church, Sunday School or Public School. Hi ublishernfthe Post will (rive a huidoim Wkavbh Chapel Okoas to Nome 'liurch, Sunday school or pub lic Rchool in HnydeH 'ounty and he asks the patroiiH of t'hiH iinper to select the plnee where it shall go. The highest number of voten will determine the eholce. Newspaper coUn)Hm ami pre mium ipoiis will eouni UH follows : NEWSPAPKR COUPO'X.S : T h e voting coupon printed in euehissueof t li ! Post is good for one vote if filled ml and ent or brought to this iffiee. PREMIUM COUPONS . All bud icrihers who pay for tlie Post in ad vance will receive a Premium Coupon front this otttce, thai entitles them to rV() votes for each month paid In ad vance ami -" tor a lull year. For a SKW t'a-h subscription KOUR pre ilium nupons will he Issued for each nontli ttiui 5U for a full year. Nocou . i III lie tamed for less than six :i subscription. Changing I he name from one member of a family to mother will not he considered a new subscrib r. Kor every dollar'- vvorthof joh iirintiugor new advertisements that nre lirouglit or Kent to thU oftlcu, a pre mium coupon will he issueel for 25 votes CUT THIS OUT. ' 'f 1. 16. Al 23. Thbt coupon entitles the holder s i one vote for the handsome , WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN N (Mrdebythe WMvar Organ AMenoCo Uol York, fr., and sold by F.S.Riecc' Mid Pldiehura;, l'u. i tn im ulveu to ome Church, Mtfundajr School or Public School in Snyder I Dcountjr, by the I'ost, Mlddteburgh, Pa. I 3 This vote Is cast for: y, rhUeooponta not food flr waakaafMrl if. i 1 1 ' I w 1 1 1 I r 1 1 not he countel. L IjSeiid by niall or brinu to thi offlce and r hAVr It tlri" - I- l in ine naiini n,. Dr. Fennel's Golden Relief. A TKl'E ftl-KCirlO IN A I.I. INFLAMMATIONS Old Sura., Wound., Klo iim.ti-m. Nurlfl I . Ills." A OUHB uUnB urip Fnr ioi mi Inside or oil U o.tim. VuiatlV mU waJfiaSaalajnr. i 5 Samples of mixtures mnde in imitation of baking powders, but containing alum, arc frequently dis tributed from door tu door, or given away in grocery stores. Sucli mixtures are dangerous to use in food, and in many cities their sale is prohibited by law. Alum is a corrosive poison, and all pliysiuujjs tuiidcmu baking iuwdu:s couumuig it 100 WILLIAM ST., NIW YORK. How the Organ Contest Stands. The tenth count shows the re mit as follows : U. 11. Church, Fremont, Premium coupons, 972 Newspaper coupons, 1 !" HI" r. Kvan. church, Penn's 'reek : Premium coupons, 446 Newspaper coupons, 308 754 ls.71 Total, ' TOTAI, VOTE CAS IT : Kvan, church. P. Creek, 0213 Xbenezer U. B. church, 2008 l". I!. Church, Fremont, 2587 Trinity church, M'Kees j Fall. 108 Total, linns Washington) i. CJ Qeucssco i'uie Food Co., Le It N Y. Gentlemen : -Our family realize so much from t ho use of OHAIN-0 that 1 feel I must say a word to in duce othei lo use it. If people are interested in their health and tile welt are of their children they will use no other beverage. 1 used them all, but GRAIN O I have found su perior to any, lor t ho reason lhat it is solid Brain. Yours forhealth. C. P. Myibs. JJ1K1J. August 1", near Freeburg, Nath anael Schlnppig, aged 81 years, 2 months and 26 days. Interment at freeburg, Sunday, August 19. Kev. 11. (!. Bnable officiated assisted by the Rev. W. A. Haas. Loadi of Liberty. Old Bachelor 1 lr not Fee nny need of your society, Wnodvote. It Metal to me that women are pretty thor oughly emancipated ulrcnly. Mrs. Wood vote Ilub I what ilo you judge by? Old Itnchrlor By the number ot liinrripd men who nre trying to get dIVOKea. 5. Y. Weekly. Trie 1,1 (tie llnrllitK Wlnr. "Mary!" yelled the tony-writer. "Whut Is it, dear?" usked the patient wife. "Why dnn't you keep that hoy quiet? What on earth's the mat ter with it ?" "I don't know, dear. I'm Kinging one of your liillahics. to the poor little dar ling." Tit-ISiti. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Hotter 18 Ktrgs 14 Onions 40 Lard 1) Tallow 4 Chickens 7 Turkeys Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat old 70 Wheat.. .new.. 05 Rye 4o Corn 45 Oats (old) 28 llraii per 100. 90 Middlings" 1.00 Chop 1.00 Flour per bbl 4 00 Picnics and Festivals, etc. Friday, Auo. 24, the annual re union of the Henoch family, at Kreamer, this county. Saturday. Am. 25, the Middleburg base hall ti'iun will hold a festival on the lawn near John P. Smith's. SATURDAY. Am. 26. a festival will be held at Bniithirrove for the benefit of the church in the evening. Saturday, Am. iir, the Sunday schools of Paxtonvllleand the lias singer's church w ill hold a picnic in the hVd Bridge Grove, two miles west of Middleburg. Able speakers will be present All are cordially invited to attend. Saturday, August 26, the V. Ev. Bunday school of Port Trevcrton will hold their picnic at Hear Spring Park, about one-half mile west of town. Saturday, Auo. s, St.. John's Sun day School will hold their annual picnic ai Fremont. Saturday, Auo, :.'", the annual Law yer's and Samuel's S. 8. pio-nic w ill be held in Lawyer's grove, De catur. Saturday, Auoust2S, theM. K.Sun day school of Selinsgrovt will hold I heir annual oil picnic ( icmhcrling's island in the Susquehanna river. Saturday, Auoubt 25, a festival will he held in Killer's grove. Music by the ( 'entrcville hand. Saturday Evening, Auoubt 25, the Hoover's U. K. S. S. will hold a festival. Monday, ai i rangers Williams ii. L'7 to BEIT, pic-nic w ill he the d at i ('(.., he an Irove, lumber Pa. Thursday, Auo. 30, the Trinity Lu theran 8. s. of Seilnsgrove will hold their annual pio-nic al ('leni ent' Park. Thursday, Auo. :fn, odd fellows Ke unioiiat Mittiinhurg for Lodges of Snyder, Union, Juniata and Mlf Hin counties. Thursday, Auoust SO, the memlier of the Reformed Sunday school of Middleliurg will hold a basket pic nicon Howell's Island. The other I Sunday schools of this town are cordially invited to lake pari. Saturday, Shut, 1, the four Sunday schools of Troxelville will hold t heir annual pic-nic. Saturday, Skit. I, the Witmer'sSun-' day school of Union township will hold their annual pic-nic at Ver diiln. There will he a hand and , good speakers. Saturday, Hkit. . the U. It. Sunday school of Khcnezer'n church. Wash- iligton township, will hold their I annual ple-IUC. Saturday, Skht. 8, the Paradise S. 8. will hold its annual pic-nic in Paige b grove. Saturday, Skpt. I, annual s. s. pic-nic in Cold Spring Grove, Mc Clure. Saturday, Sept. i", annual G. A. R. bean soup In ('old Spring Grove, MeClure. Saturday, Skpt. 16 to SI, the annual Encampment am' inter oouote fair will lie held at Grange Park, Centre Hall, Pa. Poroe De Pporte Speaking of economy, I brother Jack hasn't apent a cent In five years. Chappie- Indeed? De Sporte Yes; but he'll beout ne-week.- Olurlem Life. Where n Came From, ThOU art sn near, nml yet no far" Al M an ancient Home Came llrst fmm one, who, nearly broka, "rVofl fnr away from homo. Radford Review. He A penny for yonr thoughts. She I (tore not tell them. He Why not? she This is not lean year. Sondam- Nia Hi MethoA. "My wife and I," remarked1 Palocum, "run the house without a particle of friction. When things go right I give her ii U the credit, and when they go wrong I take all the blame." Chicago Tribune. Strnleo'. Photographer How shall I flni&h your photographs, madam? Madam Well, retouch half of them' to look ten yea, 11 younger than I am. I want those to send out of town.-Chicago Kecord. The Voice of 12nv Upson They say Mlsa Muchcushhaa rented a Hat? Downea (one of the rejected) Only rented? I heard she'i married him, Kansna City Independent. When Humor Oeased. Casey (a bachelor) Isn't it funnr thot a woman will some t lines strike the man she loves? CaaBidy-Yia; It's funny until ye git married I Puck. A Foetle Mind. Lulu Aren't the peach blossoms lovely?" Flossy Oh, yea; they always make me thlak of peach ice cream." Chica go Kecord. Te Benteaee. "A stolen ktaa." said the janitor phi losopher, "U aometlmes punished by a married loife alntince ar har-rud la bor." Chicago Daily News. X AMI THICK IIR CltorosKli. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Wednesday. Ana- IS. Senator Butler, the Populist chair man, denies he will stump for McKln ley. Senator Hanna will open the Re- Subllcan campaign at Aibury Park, N. ., on Tuesday next. Senator Mason, of Illinois, who has returned from Alaska, announces that he w ill lapport McKlnley. Collis P. Huntington, multl-mllllon-alre and railway magnate, died sud denly in the Adirondack. The Republicans In the Fourth Maryland congressional district nomi nal! d Charles R. Sehrim, of Baltimore. Jaroh Mathias, aged 73 years, a prominent merchant of Northumber land, Pa., while gathering pears, slip ped and fell to the ground and was killed Instantly. Tlinrailny. Ann. 10. In Paris 35 persons were Injured by an electric car colliding with a horso car. Gen. MacArthur cables that there are 5,129 sick soldiers in the Philip pines. Ex-Congressman Henry O. Burleigh, cf New York, died last night at White hall. N. Y. Chief Justice Henry M. Oreen, of Pennsylvania, died suddenly at At lantic City. Kx-Senator John J. Ingalls died atUns Vegas, New Mexico, where he had been for his health. The steamship Bermuda, of filibuster fame, was sunk at her wharf In Phila delphia by an explosion. Another first elas-s battleship li about to lie added to our navy. It is the Wisconsin, building at the Union Iron workers, San Francisco. I'rhliiy, Atilf. 17. Herr Krupp will begin practice Aug. 23 with cannon shooting 14 miles. Antl-Imperlallsts, in convention In Indianapolis, endorsed William J. Bryan for president. The American Window Class com pany yesti rday declared a 3H per cent, dividend on Its $4,uuo,UUO of preferred Stock. Forest fires are burning east ot lout li fork, Colo. The fires have al ready traveled 35 miles and the dam age will run into the millions of dol lars. The People's party Pennsylvania stale convention met at Erie yesterday and nominated Robert Brlgham and Ceorge Main for congrcssmen-at-large, I). O. Cougblin for auditor general. M. K, Mi Mullln, broker, who Is a director in the Philadelphia company and prominent In the organisation of the Union Traction company, yester day pun based the West End Traction company, of Pittsburg, outright for a cash price of nearly $4,500,000. Snturilny, Auk. IN. John H. Batsman, editor of The State Sentinel, Dover, Del., died at his resi dence, aged 70 years. Henry Brown, of Steelton, Pa., fell from an electric crane at the Pennsyl vania steel works yesterday and waB instantly killed. MrB. Botkln wno was convicted in California for the i.ounlng of Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Deane, of Dover, Del., has been granted a new trial. The big battle between Fltzslmmons and Sharkey at Coney Island will he decided on Saturday night. Aug. 25, In stead of Friday, Aug. 24, as was origin ally intended. MoadajTi Ann. so. The population of greater New York Is 3.437.2D2. The Prussian government Is Issuing orders for 4S0 locomotives. The shah of Persia spent $1,600,000 In purchases while in Paris. The Paris consulate is overrun with stranded Americans desirous of get ting hack home. Lord Roberts has warned all Boers who break their oaths of neutrality that they Will be shot. Actor Robert Mantel has married Marie Booth Russell, his leading lady. This Is his third venture. Jamea V. McKenna, of Elizabeth, N. .!.. may die of blood poisoning, re sulting from mosquito bites. William J, Bryan will be officially notified of his nomination by the Pop ulists on Aug. 23 at Topeka, Kan. Tneaaay, Anw. Thirty planing mills in Chicago will go into a 14,000,000 combination thi3 week. Yesterday was the eleventh day of J00 degree weather at Abilene, Knn., and the temperature rose to 115 with hot winds. Sol Bloom, a music publisher, lus sued the 1'nlon restaurant for $50,00 for refusing to serve him while clad in a shirtwaist. Boaz, a small town in Marshall county, Alabama, was destroyed by Are yesterday. Every business house was swept away. Senator Wiliam M. Stewart, of Ne vada, called at Republican headquart ers in New York yesterday and said he bail decided to vote fur President Mc Klnley. r.KM'.HAL MARKBTfl. Philadelphia, Aug. H. Flour weak; win ter superfine, $2.4"'-i2.0i: do. exlras. 12.(9 rg2.0; Pennsylvania roller, clear. H.W'H 3.25; city mills, extra. $2.63'i2.'.i. Itye Hour uu!jt at $t.lOQJ0. Wheiit firm: No. 2 red, In elevator. TlVi'lTl'aC. Corn higher; No. 2 mixed. ipot. In elevator, MOMUci No. 2 yellow for local trade. oats dull anil weak; No. 2 white clipped. 28MiC., new; No. 2 white clipped, old, SiKilioV'. : lower grades, as to uuallty. B027c. Hay In moderate demand; choice timothy, J14 for large bules. ProVtStOJM steady; smok ed buef. 151i ISc. ; beef hams. 19.iti20; pork, sides. 7l7Vc Lard llrm; western steamed. 17. Butter firm; creurnery. 171 tr21c. ; do. factory, current packed. 14"S 16c.; Imitation, ltValSe.; New York dairy, 1iMi20c. : funcy Pennsylvania prints Job bing at 2:ifn2Gc. ; do. wholesale, 22c. Cheese dull and weak; large, colored, lUVifllOHc; large, white, lOMiNHic.; small, colored. lOVic; small, white. lOVjc. Eggs firm; New York and Pennsylvania, 17iS18c. ; western, regular packing, Mii U'v : west ern, loss off. I'-oiTi- Potatoes dull; Jer seys. Iltil.25; New York. Sl.25fil.S0; Long Island. S1.12Htil W. Peanuts firm; fancy, handplcked, 4c; other domestic, 2VtHc. Cabbages quiet; Long Island, Sl.502 per hundred. East Liberty. Pa., Aug. 20. Cattle mar ket steady; extra, $.'...;.'.. prime, S5.40& 5.60: common. S.;. '.). Hogs fair; me diums and pigs. S5.55fiS.60; best Yorkers, and good mixed, S5.5035.55: fair Yorkers, S5.50; medium heavy, S5.4Sli5.50; heavy hogs. SS.355.45; roughs, S3 5o .44.60. Sheep steady; choice wethers, S4.SO4.40; com mon, Sl.504j2.50; choice lambs, S5.25'G.50; common to good, SJ.25&4. veal calvea. S6.it ari. EDUCATIONAL MERGER GOLLKOE Carlisle, Pa. Na -Tn This college is devoted to the higher education ofyoung women, it is non denominational. The Academic Year Bagtna Sept. 18, ino. Catalogues - of - the - College OontaUUas all particulars conaernlng the ad- mtiwloa ot Students, courses ot study, etc. may be obtained by applying to SAUAH KATKKliK. President Ot the Mel (gar College, Carlisle, 1 a. Franklin & Marshall Academy, LANCASTER, PA. This Academy would call attention to Its EX CELLENT OPPORTUNITY lor colletrc pre. punitory work. Ii lias s permanent (acuity ot instructors or successful experience who can stimulate students and command their best work. fiwfilmj Bccommodatlont ; Catus mid tamplt'ih) furnuhtii room tilth ilmni Mai and tUctfU li'jkt. (ood hoard and ail modern conveniences Free access lo collere and lllerarv soclely llhrarles about .'wor; volumes, gymnasiums, military drill and atllletlo Deld. Twrms for Room, Liuircl unci Tui tion, SL'nopur year. Scud for on tatefrue Fall lenn opens sepi run. THADOEDSa HELM, A. M KUWIN M. HARTMAN, A. Jt WMt. Principals. North Wales Academy and School ot Business, Th,irty-fourtr Year, September Btl. our students take llrsi honors lu our best Colleges. -Ellis ststemcf Btismoss rrartice -LEARN BY DOING. Building lighted by Electricity and heated hy "Model II, il Water M stem." new this season. itoaru i Aeeontniodatlaaa cntftyafsft. Sn4 fur new Citii,it;tie. H. 0 BRUNNER, Principal. s -2 4t. P. o. Box 11, Nortb Wales, Pa. MISS GORDON'S FRENCH and ENGLISH L dliaHprnre St., Philadelphia. College Prejuimtury nnd Actuleniie Courses. Certificate admits to Smith, Wellesley aud Vassar. s-'.Mt. GoHhen, 111. (JenesKeo Pure Food Co., Le Ro3 N. Y. Dbab Bibs s Some days since a package of your ORAIN-U prepara tiou wiih left at niy ofBcn. I ook it home and give it a trial, and I have to ssy I wan very much pleased with it, as a substitute for coffee, We Lave always used the best ,Jnva and Mocha in our family, but I am free to say I like the CHAIN O ns well as the best cofiee I ever drank. liebpt ctfuily yours, . C, Jackson. M. D A acfsrant girl who played divinely. rbo above illustrates one of the original and interesting as well as dra matic incidents in the strong narrative of key. Charles M. Sheldon Malcolm Kirk It is one of Mr. Sheldon's best stories. It differs materially from "In Hla Steps." It demonstrates m a high degree the fraat powers Mr. Sheldon undoubtedly possesses as a story writer. While it is M fascinating as the best of ordinary aovels its influence is for good. The story will appear in this paper. Look out for it. 8PINAL WESlta SCHOO f INSTITUTIONS. Allentown COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES ESTABLISHED IN MiT. POPULATIONS, CITY. 40,000. FallTcrtri Operis Septerriber 4, igcg sfeil lo ti .. I ..,.,, i... ... .. .. pass ll for lo. ,1,1 3 S3f' All Mlno'll, . .paaipwK 8ultablo for nJ N TBNNIS.and other mfl o OU I i 'III ! I I . ki;t BALL, i.ah A A f . I . '"""I and l Art-Tta collagealmi ... osrVdo? c ' IS AlTfclt nswell as IXTKM.KfT-ll si taken of Young Udles-llany HoWoomSS b.-v ",e todsats-Slew Vu J5 Building heated hy Steam. Utrhterl el and K eel rl.otv.. v.. h.tZ riuT.5,.?"? 53 try. sM Pt. nSSr i n- . . r.....-v.r.'.'. Allentown, h, NEW JERSEY. BoMfH. The Fir-t Aim otKluM m "I" biilUllriK r . hnraeirr Wo ,r , daaTOrtna to main BORDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE unexcelled In the training of bovs-to give Um that mental, physical and moral aqaloroM wldehvvmtlttUemfortlu.vrorkof Z Lr;l . ii vuui ses scientific, Classical arid Acadcrr, - - Write for Catalogue - a. m pnoolDai Major T. D. Landos, Commandaot, TOVNO MBit h a.ytih With fair MtiiMtlA- - . ... ' .UN L.ONHI '!:' ... t . . iia es are assisted to positions ,,tK: S ,,,,,,, o. I ia lor free e.ii.,1.... Aiamsi mmi rj" wrmooea ... - OLBa TELEGRAPH OOLLEOR UUIHUTON. M, rf.4-!-t--I-T-T-t,.. a. -1 tit 411H ' Harrisburtr Bu;inp.: 1 - vui.5t uqu ocqooi Mo rlhaiMl mill Tvi,.la.... , S24 Market St., RsrrlibUnr. Pa hi , uiuea uueenuiiy assisted m seourlBB 1 . lions. Mcnilon the .,- . T-'-f-st. j. .;. UAI1NLS. Prlnelm t i"i"i-i"M 1 1 miii w J mu. Tiff TITClL I it ii ljio man nim a iiuuui Is the Happiest Man I The Most Fascinating Hobby for La dies and Gentlemen Is tbe Cultivation of CACTI Liioico (.,0 0., 1 . ousiuaiil. lianrt. Holoo Plants . hliuim. v.... . .. nu.uo. ouiuii oiiigic nauiB, inc. cnci l.lsl to Stamp. Mrs. E. F. Main, (MMt' Nogales, Arizona. School Teachers Elected. West Perry Twp. t rossroads, H. S. Hornl Stalil's, Wilson Hornberper; ll. i-tir Valley, Samuel Snyder; Buckwha Valley, Albert Whitley. Pk.w T vvnship. The school board elected the f(i lowing teachers: Salem, M. P. He man; Fair Oak, iVm, A. Knlle Povor's. H. C. Hpndrixlra. h,W. D.Jarrettj Crissinger's, P. F. B .Jr; Kant, Michael Baney;Sclu C. K. Fieher; Hill End, Harvd u. - l.!. 1 1 Diuiw, .n Heieviiou was niauesj Piilitr's tiwiiiir to a dead lock in ll board. Union Twp. Narrows, George Sholl; Ki Lottie Spangler; Scholl's, Michael Brubakerj V itmers, Howard SM Simon BerTold's, Kdwanl Slisfti Wm. IKrroldV, David HernH Port Treverton Advanced, Thota ll..ee.,i.l rV- ty.:.... ... iiwivi, 1 1111 ANTCtWU 1 I 1 ilia1 , Reuben Aueker Washington Twp. Principal, (ivo. W. Wall)orn:.H .-o.u..., e.uij kj. J INIflMI, IIUUUI' I 1 . Jv Hon; Intermediate. 1 4:iou. i: nf ;i-i.-i, 1 1 iiii.ii y , lu.irv nfavrri ler's, Wm. Brawn; Flint Fred Hsf appiej neicnenDaen 8, .lolm ih Iwilir- l.'..,l l.,l.. (... ...rlllft Siimmii 11,,,,,.,. i...,. ; v ... ... . . , . , , , B ..,,,, 1,-, in 10. ' " I ' .... . 'V iev, Amnion onaner; nawetm Hae Moycr. Perry Twp. Fremont (iramuiar, T. V. Arb" tract- I'liin'oM- A t I if ster valley, N. E. Stuck; Buckwl .v.t, . 1 . j,, m. iii i .1 1 ne, 1 : ,,- t: 11 i. . ..1 i...i.. I'nnE 1 "1 wiiiiiwuiiasiiii, i" 1 MMMMMm IT. 1 . ill IK rill""" John Nicholas; Potato Vallefi V. Sierer; Shaffer's, J. A. Shaffer- i are visiting J. G. Gill at Pax"! ..:ii tu. 1 i -wM.iioliurt r nrlflv mnminfv In end tlin ti lVtl called at the Post printing offi? i 37 years since the elder mea " I Snder
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers