Paris and the Exposition Illustrated l'ABIS, t be most beautiful city in the world, presents this year the most luaRiiiticent Exposition of the marvels of t)in Nineteenth and forecast ot the Twenty Century ever known. Millions of people will jour uey thousands of miles at vast ex pense to see the MATCH LESS UONDEIiS of the Fair. Millions more can secure, at t ruling expense, beautiful Photographic Reproductions taken by a corps of our own artists, portraying all that is worth seeing. This Beautiful Art Series will he published weekly, beginning June 2d, in twenty consecutive numbers of sixteen views each. The whole will constitute a large and beautiful volume of 320 Magnificent Art Productions size 0 x li! inches OUR TERMS Write plainly your uauie ami address, and mail the same to US with Teu cents each week, and your name will he enter ed OPOD our books and the parts will be mailed to you promptly, as goon as published. Send in your orders at once to in sure prompt delivery. The parts are numbered consecutively from 1 to JO, and subscribe) s should indicate each week the number desired. Hack numbers can always be secured. Subscribers Hemline us postal or der for 91.60 will secure the entire 2t parts of the series. CLUBS Any porson KOdlog Ui (en coupon prupcrl' tlllet'ci out, iirid order one dollar week ly, will be given out' eel of the puns free. NABOB ADVERTISERS AND PARIS EX BIBIT0B8 SHOULD WRITE TO US FOR SPECIAL TERMS FOR TI1K8E PARTS, i'anvasskrm Persons not employed ran make big money by writing to us for Bpeolal terms to airents. SAMPLES OF THESE PARTS M AY BE SEEN AT THE OPF1CE OF Tills PAPER. PARIS EXPOSITION VIEW COMPANY. 1 14 Fifth Avenue New York. S ' vvv SIPE'S i Japan Oil. r ' o)ooo)ooo)oo For all kiuds of mint ing is superior to linseed oil both as to durability and Finish. Costs less than linseed oil. Prices quoted ujon 4 I '1 , ha pnea James B. Slpe Co. Sole MANUFACTURERS, ALLEGHENY, PA 6-28-lOt. A ' .1 .v: : N PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAO. Sunbury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Kay 2H, 1900. aSTWABD. I station. I SAaTWAeTJ' ' X AH A Ml vH -lU 9 7 Hiinhury KSi S 00 213 .1007 Selling-rove. I iiiietiim , 0. 4 SI) 319 1012 SrliniiKrovn 1901, 111 J io si Pawling m 4: 331 ilOM Krcamer i H 4tt, 4 111 3M 110 27 Melsi'r i 4 4ft, 4 38 240 1083 Ml, 1.11. hut- 84o 4 '. 108K Hrnft-r ,884 4 Ift M 1046 Heavertown 8 4 07 I0O 1011 Auanisburic B iW 4 IH 107 !l097 Itaiib Mills 811 3."tt 113 U08 Mcl'lure 8 07 .14!) 122 1III8 Wanner 7 .17 M 141 iiift Slnndlp 7M a '1ft I JO 1121 Palnters-llle 7 42 ISO I3C 1127 Muitlanil ' 7 43 .1 24 141 11 39 Iwlntnwn 7 S.1 111,1 HI 11 87 Lewlntown (Main Street) 7 . 8 18 K 11401 Uwiitown Junction. 71 8 10 Train leaves Sunbury B 2.ri p m, ar rives at Selinsgrove 8 45 p m latins leave Lewistowu JoOOtiOO : '- in, m is am, no i m.uin p in 122 p in, ; 07 1158pm, for Altouna, Flttntiuru end the West. t'r Haltlmorc ami Washington j 8.1 a in llfi. L 4 88.8 10 pm POT I'lillailelphlii Hn.l New trkeiMV 8fta in, 1 02 1 38 4 88 and 11 U pui hot Him.burK 10 p m Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NORTHERN TKNTRAI. RAILWAY WESTWARD. Train leave Sellhsgrov Junction Sell for SMibury and Wust. I a am, 12 58 p m, 5 30 p in. Sunday 9 21 1 in. U VXD. TnluHlravp Sunbury dully except Sundny: Hi a tn tor llutTalo, Krle and I'anandalsua 10 a ta for Helletunte I t la and Canandalgua Us in tor Look Haven Tyrone and t lie west. 1 10 i in for Helletunte hawe Tyrone and anas dalicua '46 p m lor kenovo and Klmlra M it m iur winumHport v-r, I iy 1 10 a in lor Krle and faniinilalsiia Mini for l.ook Haven and 8 68 p ui Iur Wi ttMuport ''i'ii, ess am 2 00 and 148 pin tor Wllkes Jfs and Haselton H a in, io 10 a m, 2 ob p m, 8 49 ji m lor Sliaiuu tiasml Mount Cariuol sniilay e 5S a lor Willed bam) EASTWARD. , 1'raln leere Sellnsgrov. .1 unction WOO a in, dally arrlvlnir nl PhlliidelphUi lllnm V.. V..fa ft ft. a, .,. Illli, ... M , ,, ft. r - tw" w. i antnston 4 10 n m 114 p m dally arrlvlmc at I'hlladelphla p in New York IN a tu, Halllmore 4Sp m WilBirlou 10 8 p m. EM I m, a a 1 1 y arrlvln al riilladelplila Lm, New York 718 a m. Italttinore 2 JO a in !,, A U . ... TrlttM I m i laiftva Huiitnirv Jt U dally aiTlVlIlK at riilladel.l Inn llll Ill vtiniiire e SI a Waahlniitou 14 ui New Hknam Weekday, 10 ft a m Sunday, .. am wnak day. arrivtiiK at 1'hlladelphia 'eim. New York 2 It p in, Ualtlmare nv 1 ft .Waahlnn i no p in. .w pm week dayi arrlvlna at Philadelphia lTt. Haw York e (0p u, Haiti more ft oo p V?lt- "P Qalaa ala leave Manuurr at w M a m and 38 JJJJl p m, tor Harrletmm, I'hlladelphla and . - J . R. WOOU. Oea'l Pea. arjTcUlNSON uaa'l Maaaaer. LEGAL ADVERTISING. BherilPa Sale of Xl-EJVTL. ESTATE. By irtue of m certeln writ of Hi Ku ImimcI out ot llu Court til Common i'lean of Snyder County. Pa., ami to me directed 1 will vx- boee to public nUe (t the i ouii home in Middle burvvFe . ut 1 oolock P. M on Friday, AUffuel 81, 1900, tlif folio Winn dee rlbed run I eetfttc to wit : A certeln fRrm or meeuiMof lend iltueted In Union townehlpi Bnydei County, Pn., edjoln itiu lende ol Jtunee ReAfon on the noith; bmI by lends of George Wenteelj tiouthby lendi "f Oeorye Wenteolond Phllllpllool end wenl by Inndi of Henry H - seehrlel end Jecob 8leuffer, coiituiiiiti); m' vcntv-filit 7S 1 urii- inori1 or lefts, wlicri'oti in rrottoil a 1U KU.IVi IKH'SK, henty end other nuill bulldlnm end elea a loi of good fruit treeeon Ihe pranieee. St'i. ii leken Into execution end Io be eold the property of Peter EL Sechriet, ti. W. ROW, Khcrlff. Slieriff'H OflU-o, Mitldk-hiirK, Auk., 1W. ORPHANS' COURT SALE REAL. ESTATE. Tl. undereleied edmlnletretor of tin1 eetetc of John Bhewver, lete if Ademi lownelilp, Snyder oonnty, la , deceeeed, under end by virtue of en order iMued nil -'f ibe Orphens' ourt ol Snyder county for the peytnent ol tin" debt) of theeeid decedent, erlll ex pom to a pub lic on the pretnleei In Mid towneblp, et I'ort Ann. on FRIDAY SKPT, 14, 1900, tin- .1 nli.-d real estate . Wit TltAOrXO. I. itniit.' in Adams township, connty and atote aforeanld, bound narth Ii) lands of Isaac Shawver. east by land, "f trm-t No 'J. and eolith and west by lands id John M. Moyer italning ONK AOHK on which arc erected n two-atorv DWEI.DINd llulM'. HTAHI.IC and other nut-buildings, all clear ami in a good tate of cultivation TKACTNU. 3. Sltuateasaf aatd, I led north by Innds of Isaac Shaw ver, east and Miuth in landa of John M, Moyer and west h- ira. i No. 1, Containinu ONE and iNK HALF li'.j M'UKS. .ii which arc erected a WHISKEY DIHTII.I.KHY now in operation which has leen contltiuoualy llceneeil for the last four Icen years, a VVAKKIIOUHB and KN01NK li I "sic, with execlteni water, oil clear and In a good t ate "f cultivation, also at Ihe aam 1 time ami plan' an engino ill or in home-power. Sale to commence al i0oolook A. M. when due attendnnco will he given and terms of sale mane known by UE.N'I V'KL WAl.TKIf, JACOB (JlLHKItT, Admiuistratoi Attorney. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Valuable Real Estate The underwlirned dmlntstretor C, T. A ol tin- eetato ofHemuel C. Miller, lete "f lerrv Towneblp, Hnyder Count v, Pe., deceased, will ell at public Halo eboul three ml let weel of Mel ervllle end ebout Iwo ml lei south went if Oriental, on the rood leading from Oriental to Klchfleld, on TTJESDAT,8EPT.11,1900, the following deeeribed real estate to wit i All that certain trad of land eituated in Perry townnblp, Rnyder county, ia , liounded on the north by Inndsof loel Meleer, eael by landiof Jacob HhafTer, nouth bylandsof Morrii Bwlne font, William Btraweer end Uenry Hupp, end west by landa of Prank Ports) I ne, oontalniuK aKW .M'KK.s, more or lew, whereon ere trectcd atwoRtory t KLUNO HOl'SK.BANK BARN, LA HUE VVAUON HHED, I'M i BT HI.K, HP RING UOUHE, ItKANAKY ami otln r iirctf4ry out- luiiitiinuN. a Kood orchard on the tract. Writ of flood watt r near tin' door end running water in the iurn yarn. Anout 1" acrrn of tin- land II clear and inn good state of cultivation 'Mu balance in well timbered, I'oftapfaioi, wilt t uivt-n on April 1. ls,ul Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. when termH will Ih made known by HARRISON MILLR& Administrator C. T. A. AMKXDMKNT Tl THE CONSTITUTION PKOCOSKI) TO Til K CITIZENS OK THIS COHMONWKALTI1 FOR TH Kilt AP PROVAL, OR RK-IKCTION HY THE GEN ERAL ASflRMRLY OP THE COMMON WEALTH O PENNSYLVANIA PUB USUEU HY w. -i.ll THE SBCRETaoY OF THE COMMONWEALTH fN PURSU ANCK OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CON STIi'CTION. A JOINT HKHOLCTION. Proposlnic an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section 1. He It resolved by the Senate ami House of Representatives of the Common' wealth in General Astmb)y met. that the fol lowing la proposed as amendments to the Con stitution f the Commonwealth of Penneyl vania, In accordance with the provision! of the eiKbteenth article thereof: Amendment One to Article Ught, Section One, Add at the end of the tlr-t paragraph of eald eectloO) after the Wordl "shall he rntltleU to vote at all election-, " the words, "suhjoet how ever to iuch lawi requiring and reKnlatintc the rceignatlon t electors ai the Ueneral Ateembly may enact," to that the ai J lection shall read as follow-. Section I. Qualification of Electors. Every male fil i.en tweiity-iuie years of ajfe, ponsesrt Ing the following qualifications, shall ho en titled to Vote at all elections, subject however to iuch laws requiring ami regulating the reg istration of electors as the (Jeuurul Assembly may enact: He shall have been a citizen ofthoCnitcd States at least one month He shall have resided in the State one year (or if. buvinK previouely been a qtatllfled elec tor or native born citizen of the state, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, within nix montha Immediately precediiiK the elec lion.) He shall have resided In the election district where be ball offer bll vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. If twenty-two yean ol age and shall have paid within two yearn a State or county tat, which shall have beenaeBceced at leaet two montbtand paid at leant one month before the election. Amendment Eleven to Article Eight, Section Sevan Strike out from said eectlon Ihe words "but no elect r shall he deprived of the privilege of votiiiK by reason of his name not hemic re gistered," and add to said section the following word-, "hut taws regulating and requiring the regletritiou of electors may he enacted t uipply to citlee only, provided that iuch laws may DC uniform for ciilee of the eame claee" so that the said section ihall read ae followe Section ;. Uniformity of Election LaweAII laws regulating the holding of elections by the t itles or for the registration of electors -hall tie uniform throughout the suite, but laws regula ting and requiring the registration of electors may be enacted to apply to citiesonly, provided that Uefa law s he uniform for cities of the game class. A true copy Of the Joint Itesolutlon. w. w. QRI EST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. I MBNDMBNT TO THE CONSTITUTION A pKOPOBBD TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONW KALTH Kolt THEIR APPROVAL tt REJECTION BY THE liENBRAL As KEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUBLISH ED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMON WEI TIL IN pi K8UA NCH OF ARTICLE XVIII OK THK CUMatTlTUTlON. A JOINT BBSOLUTION l'roHmiiiK an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. dhy tin House of Hepresen tat Ives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In tieueral Assembly met. That " ! followtiiK is proposed asan amendment to tbe Constitution of the t'ouimonwealtli of Pennsylvania in aecordance with tbe provisions of the Klgliteeiith Article thereof. Amendment. Strike out section fMir of article, eight, and insert in place (hereof, as follow: Section 4. All elections by the eitlrells shall Ih by ballot or hy such other method as may be ptejeevlbed by Ittwi Provided, That eesoey in voting be preserved. A true copv of the Joint Resolution. W. W. ORIENT, Secretary of the Commonwealth. nATENTQ OBTAINED. rfft I Lit I V TEEMS EAS7. iMimuli or communlcalo wlUi the Editor ofttiia paper, who will glre all needed information. I LEGAL ADVERTISING. Executor's Sale t IFLIDATLi ESTATE?. wl , . . ... .... rin- mi I.THuiitNl c., ut4ir of David M. Swarla will offer ot public nelc on Satarday, Sept 22 1900, I nil tile i I i' in nr. of Hiivid M. Swa ' l..'..:ftM .1 i.ll lht t ...... ..I I.. ...I .1 uiitc in Chapman town.hlp Snyder county, I I bouudedaa lollowa. to wit: North by landaol l.i. i . Kreitxer, ll.s..iri. and Daniel V iaen hard, on tl eat by IMIIj Krratetter, Honth by j. u, u'litandon the .--t by land, of Tobiu, Hamer, dec. nvtai""s :" "f '. I whereon la erected a largo farm ilwelllnir houae. I lrm-1 ank nam ami ..ii.. i outbulldinga, a weir) of excellent water at th d....r Hale i" com n.-r ut s ...i.u-k d. in when I terms will be made known b L LUNOARRK w. II. 8WAHTZ. Auctioneer. Ex cuto-. Auuiiuno wtii luc tub i . - year. . demiKUed rtuditor Hppoloted ly Thnraday. Anc. 0. tin' orphans' court 01 snytler I'ounty, tn dlsirl. bute the lunita In ih"bniuH "t Kiltabeth Iteltz, A Boer plot to capture and shout adminihtratrliiot the PHiuti pf John Keitz, late Brltlsb officers In Pretoria was dla- ut l-. in. kiln twp,, deced.. will alt for the purpose , .... . ol ills appointment at the imi tJ.ti enmse covered. 1 he ring leaders are In prison. la themronch or Mlddleburirh on Tuesdaj , Sept. I Minnesota Republicans nominati .1 I. 1800, at 9 O'clock A. M al which time Ud Dntwrt M I i Pnltettn for anvernnr place all persons havinir tiny claims acalnst said Kpen 1 BOYernor estate must present thesameorbe forererthere anil renominated tbe present state of uiti r ili ii.ui. .1 ii, .in , : iiimiii,' .nr. pan u( .iui ! Ccitk rnnrt. J. v. iiAhKK, Auditor. , ., tmrust.atn.itnn, In iht Havana custorn house the ' number of Cubans employed excee rUATdll s NtiTil'K Let i r - ol I Ail.riiniMv.illoM i ii I he -nit Amelia Btdiey, n oi Franklin ip., Snyder county. Pa., dee'd, bavins Im aranted , tin. ir.l ti Miitl entilte .ire ri'iiui'tril nake immediate payment, while those bavins 1 urn-will ,ri'"niit tlii'in , lulj Riitlu'iitlcatad U ' no iii!iUriiiicil . MORHIH Kttltl HY U, A, UArt'CU, Mlddteburs, Ailmlnlitratoi,. June IH, 1110, A1 DMINISTHATOKM' MU ICE Let ti-rs nl Ad mil) 1st rut Ion in tin- 'atate ol - loletta Bowersns late of Middlnliiirg, Bnyder ni'. Pa., dev'il, liavlng Imhmi Kiiiiiti .1 in tin- undsraiirnedi il peruana IcuowinR litem elves indebted to aald eatate are reiiueeted tn in h k Immediate p ment, w hile ilin.' tia Inn claims will present them duly authenticated t,i tin. uudvrsitfned. I 1MEH P. -MITII. June it, 1900, Adinlnietrstor, RIPENING THE CREAM ninu, Anliiublr liiiii llejcnrillnH Tesnperatare mid I'ruper Trea men i l ii i ( liuralne;, Set t Inir.- There are many set ting1 milk for cream, and the aep ara tor Is now taking the place of them nil. But 1 .-till prefer pans holding from six to eight quarts II I led two-1 thirds full. Place them on a ruck In a good-milk room mid give them the. cloae attention necessary to .'noil but ter-making. The quality of tin- imt tcr will excel the separator product, while the quantity will closely ap proach it. Cream Room.. For ten or twelve cows, a room l irlit by ten built in the coolest corner of milkhouse; celled with pine and having a plank rack ot ton of out- side for ice, with tank belOW for water: must lie well light ed, yet with blind to darken it at will; milk rack extending length of each side, with wide shelf or table bo fore window for crenni pails while akiniusing PV The room fan be. wnrnieif in winter by a stove In' the larger room. Temperature. Must ve vnrieit ac cording to condition of milk. When cows are fri-sli cream can be raised at lower temperature than after milk inj.' them some time. Milk from differ ent herds requires a different treat, ment, making it hard to give exact rub's; tit- to 62 degrees in warm weather, and in eltl weather 59 to 85 degrees, seems to secure the best re sults. Careful watching, noting result- from certain temperature, will soon give the exact degree required. Treutment Up to Churning. Tbelgons were drowned cream should be removed from tin milk as soon as nil has risen. If more than one cream pall or crock is re quired to hold a churning, equal quan tities should lie skimmed into each and thoroughly" stirred each time. Cream should not stand more than 4s bourse Ibefore churning. If not ripened enough, use a starter. If room is kept ut proper temperature, the cream will be uliotit right. Hut sec that it is wanned or cooled ns needed to about GO degrees before, churning. A. good thermometer is u necessary in the dairy as a churn. And let me s:iy "Eternal vigilance is the price of success in the dairy, as in Outer DUS1 loss. Mrs. (i. K. Hrainard, in Ohio Farmer. Hr Baraad iu Paaay, Tommy Mr. Y., my sister Laura said at table this morning t hut sh thought you had the prettiest mus tache she ever saw. V. You oughtn't to tell thing! you hear nt table. Tommy. Tommy Hut she's going to give me a penny for telling you. Tit-Hits. Ilia I'rojirr Kullinnte. "Wlien I marry," said the young woman of advancftd ideas, "I shall in sist upon my husband tukiug my name." "I would, too," rejdied tho demure young Woman, promptly, "if I expect ed to get that sort of u man." Chi cago I'ost. Abont one) month uco my child, which is fifteen months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting and I gave it such reme dies as aro ukubIIv given in such cas es, but us nothing gave relief we sent for a physician and it was un der his care for a week. At this time the child bad been sick for about teu days and was having about twenty-five operations of the bowels every twelve hours, and we were convinced that unless it soon ob tained relief it would not live. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and diarr hoea remedy was recommended,and I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change for the better; by its con tinuous use a complete cure was brought about and it is now perfect ly healthy. C. L. IBooos, Stump town. Gilmer Co., W. Vs. For sale by all druggists. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Wftl ii ii . tun;. H, The ImnxenM float Ingdry dock bought t Havana from t ti Spanish govern" liiilll in iw wiuui u t i" l.iui'lil, I il. ' CharleB A. Town? Il out In u letter formally declining the Populist nomi nation for vice president, it is believ ed the national committee will name attwTenson. Frederick Merrick Is under arri'st at ... , , , , , HUgtJ, COIO., "Il BU8pl('lnn Of being "tia uf the men who robbed Ihe Union Pa- rifir express and killed W. J. Fay. of Z. , , .iilirornla. i tno ItHeriintionnl yacht races fur . , , ..... "" aeawanniiha cup, mi i.iihi' di, Louis, the Cam dian defender Red Coat defeated th Minnesota, uf St. Paul, tin times, ii't.: inin' tin' i mi anntliiT j Americans as follows: Cubans, G02; AinencauB, The Invalids In Gen. MacArlhur s I DKiiinninoa armv nr..- etb in pitals, 3,766; sick in quarters, l percentage, v 04, The moss postal receipts at BO i 1 largest postoQIcea fur tin' iiiontl July aggregated $3,338,683, n nei crease of $263,392 over July, IS03. Rev. Cyrus Hamlin. 1). D., fm met l Dlsslonai y to Tut key, nti'l most famous nun In tin C tionai ministry, died at Port'., yesterday. rrldny, tns. IO, The Income of .i-n;i 1 1. K the Btandard Oil magnate, I. ef( 't(ri ;10 ot'tj.- Ooo a year. Unity Hoffman died at Bant Butler, Pa., Wednesday evening, Bged 106. Mi never used tobacco or liquor in any form. I George Wlsh and William Roberts, colored waiters at the Hotel Imperial, Atlantic City, were found dead in bed and tlif gas tusned on, Governor Roosevelt will start on a Pacific coast stumping tour m-xt month, going through West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, Saturday, Auar. 1. Djcvnd Pasha, the former grand Inter of Turkey, died in Constanti nople yesti rday. Tbe next Pennsylvania state fair will lie held in Wllkesbarre, the necessary funds having been raised. Miss Flossie Swetland, a prominent Boelety belli' of Kredonla, N. Y . was drowned yesterday at I'ut In Hay while bathing. Two tr;Un robbers were surrounded In u house near (ioodlaml, Kan , and killed. Several of the pursuing party were wounded Lord Russell of Klllowen, lord chief justice of England, died yesterday at his residence, Cromwell House, Ken sington, aged 67. Mr. Herbert Putnam. librarian of the United States congress, Is in Ber lin ai ranging soaMCtUMM for au ei change of books with European II braries. Monilnv, Ana;. IB. Filipino Col, Orassa has surrendered 181 rebels and guns to Col, Freeman of tbe Twenty-fourth Infantry. Chinese Mlnistor Wu Ting Fang, nt Washington, has expressed Ills inten tion of never returning to China, BlaaTruJillo, one of the most promi nent cigar manufacturers in Tampa, Fla., committed suicide Saturday evening. During the maneuvers of the French fleet off Cape St. Vincent a battleship collided with a torpedo boat. Fifty pcr- On Saturday Mrs Sheng, wife of th first secretary of the Chinese legation, gave birth to a hoy. This is the first Chinese baby of the Celestial diplo matic class to be horn In the l iiitert States. Tu.-Nilfi. Aiik. Il The Fifteenth United states Infantry has arrived at Nagasaki, Japan. Karon von Btumm Halberg, the dis tinguished conservative stateman. Is suffering from cancer of the stomach. The New Foundland legislature has been dissolved, a general election be ing ordered for October, and a hitter campaign is expected. The Evening I'ost, a local Populist paper of Lincoln, Neb., says that Chairman Marlon Hutler will take the stump for McKtnley. Loreni Schweitz, of Breslau, ha been appointed to the post of public executioner for Prussia. He Is a re tired business man and well to do. Dr. H. J. Costello, a well known physician of Philadelphia, suicided al his hotel, at Eagle's Mere, yesterday afternoon by banging himself to a water in nt- wltt a strap. OBKBRAL m a ii k i. rs. Plilladclphla, Aug. 13. -Flour steady, winter nuiii rflno. tl 4iKi2 .); do. uxtrus. 2.ii.V.i2.W; Paansylvanla ruller. clear. 13. 25 4i3.40. Bye Hour quiet and unchanged nt p.IOQI.IO par barrel. Wlieut cjulet and lower; No. 2 red. In elevator, iSWl'V'. Corn dull; No. 2 mixed, SPOt, In elevii tor, 4J'v'(42ic.; No. 2 yellow for trade. 4tf47c. Oat steady; No. I white, slrpped, 3(K(30Vkc. Huy steinly; choice timothy 116 for largn bal. Mutter llrni, creumery, 17HW21C. ; factory. cnrrenl liaeked, UMIe.! imitntion creamery, lnff lSc; New York dairy. WfllSHc. Cheese rtriing;, larga. coloraO. 1UC. ; trniall no.. lVkc : lr. . white, 10tJ". ; email do.. 10V- Bksk steady; New York and IVunsylva- nla. 14ul7c; weiilerp. IKil.lV.r. for aver age lots. Potatoes teady; Jerseys, Mt l JS; New tor. rl.KAI.DO; IxmK Island. gl.12tMll.S0. . Cuhb ses du'.i; Long- Island, tiO0SN per 100. Live St. .rk tlnrketa. New ToTk. Atii;. 13.-Btwra slow; me dium a shade lower; bulls and cows. 1041 lac. off; sveral curs unsold; steers. S4.TS 6: bulls. 12.4irT3.60; rows. $l.;-n 5". Cal.ves Opeaed llrm; closed dull ; butter milks 15'a25e. lowrr; veals, $B7.50; tups. $72,"jT culls. S4.S0; buttermllki. (3.25'. uniSHpri and yearlings. 12 7Sy3 2.'. heep steady; common stock dull; lambs opened ISfliSSo. off; o ihtwD, $344.75; ropd IMLW.W: cnotce and ened ISDSac. oir; olosen j&'umic. lower; wethere, K; iambs. extra early. 7'(i7 2J; ills. tlTM.SO. Hog alow at IS.60&6 M V st Liberty. Pa.. Aug. It. Cattle ac trv extra. tt.iWyS.To; prime, rvHjr, fti. re ii. on. I3.60fl4.2i. Hogs slow and lower; ..ra assorted mediums, best Torkers i.nd prime plra.; coramoa to (air Torkers. B.SOM.U; heavy hogs. K.H tj.40; roughs. W.IO0. Sheep slow and war: choice wethers, I4.40i4 50; cesnaioa. .NKftN; choice la sabs. lf.lS4JS.IO, com moo to good, IKJBSjt; veal oalvea, kLHff. aBaEMBIaBaMaaMaWBgMaMBaCriaily for Infants and Children. Tho Kind Yon Iliivo Always Bought 1ms borne- lio signa ture of Chas. 11. Fletcher, and litis been mode undrlri personal supervision lor ovr .SO years. Allow M one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, mitationii uad ".lust-as-cfood" are but Experiments, and endanger i.lirj health of Children Experience against Experiment, The Kind You Have Always Bough?. iicars the In Use For Over 30 Years. r tNTauij COMPlh U REPRODUCES SAME B RECORDS AS 1 ALL STAN DARO D TALKING m MACHINES. jr-a llaaTaa. Vfi' Sii mi Sit $r.oo 3m-A Ml MAKE YOUR OWN REGORDL IM. $500 The pleasure d a Graphophone W largely increased by unk i n M your uwn records. We furnish this machine with recordei f..t 5 T lrapSophonr. ,1 vrry deasrlSlloB. Cull or rl I . . Z COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dcpt IH1I1IIIU ua li'A i i.i.i Hoi. hi'.mawiiv, N V We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita, The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. ir c iiVi D:f1r. tr. U,.. wail . P ' C- aVVW DUACe MJllUsall IMI a lll.a, vv WAfca buu.u..i . a boxes contain 1 5 Pills. , Beware of substitutions and imita .s. Sent by mail; Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Corner Clinton and Jackson St s Chicago, Illinois. Sold by Solil by MIDDLEBURQH DRUG CO., niDDLEBL'RGM, Dyspepsia iAn Elnce IB6X immediate lasting SaaiBarLiNa I SEND'US ONE DOLLA R Cut IhU ad. ut mi ) lu ttl.h, iil , will IH I lluUll I'tKLttK SU 0MU lr frrlrlsl C O. I. , stsl lloi, YuH tun r I amlnr ft nt your in n -1 I' Ijrlil jou flnrf II IMtljl Hi rrpre-wnli-il, tli frnlMl ur Hd far In iter lhan urvans BVdtvrtUrd lif ttlhrra al snnrc t , m OUR PRICE S33.50. ! " ' ., mr rrrlffctrliarva. THE PARLOR CEM Utn i.r ii r AMI s m i hi ltir u laairuwrnlM rsrr uiaiif. r nm llii thoirn. which wengimytd dlrK frumpnotirrph sn ii i .1 Mb or wall But M dretlrril, perf'traird art allit, full Irraullful Maraurtrr (M-ilKa l.aarla ami ..liter tiainlenur ud (irnamrnfa, saahlu II 1h VKH V UTaWT IT VUU I II K iiV.M lad ft-ft hitrh, it loelwi lonir, as Inchw itifUamd 1. M I- I ii IN ' ' It " . .. l ' . .1.1' Hi i; tfalrlaaa, i-lis, (,, Haas('(iuilrr, 1rrl.lrtinM.l4-r, Plapaann F'.rlr and Vol H .. m an , 2 i r I .-i j, ' . -. TMN llffll I Ui-and ttrvan II. 4 Hrla ..f llrriirlrai i ' K. o'.naiorj i r lgualit Kre-de. I Ket of S7 far M1 Irlixlia K.rl., I Irfaff' UTbarsnlaitl; Hrilllwil f'alralr Rrrde, I IMtftl ' s, -nil Krrrls. I Hot of ll'i.lnr Fmrt HrUli..u . . n r ,, H-rri.. THE PARLOR OEM ' ' . .-uu.r tlx rrlrliraUd . -rll Hla, hi ii nrf oniv u i ill ni,ru nt trrttle nptriun t , I ; r. 1 with HaMmi.nd t ouj-lrra an lr.i Humaaa. t-. h. -t PolaTi" fftn. I t r i , , , t . M Mmu lif thrliol miIiI-.ti i.iIi. 1 .v " - afneh anrl line. 1ftfl..T in TMlvrn. THE PARLOR CEM ' with i 0lM tH)r?lcl pUt4B Krrnrh mfrr-.r, tn.-kfl ptsit-. Ii.." l ii rrmnra. mi rvrrr muurrn irapniTemrn. Ifu ral.h frrr a handsusH orfaa itool and tor brsl i.ncan Inatrur Hloss Sunk puhlltbrsl. GUARANTEED 25 YEARS. ffiWs'as'Se inaue a. writtt'ii hlixlliis B t-ar if Uriranti-r1. hy thr trmind rondithin ofwblrh If any i-a (flvfumi rt'tlr it rrrr or rhanrr. Try II tint1 ninnth arnl refund your mnnry If jou arr not perfectly faiitflVi). ofthMf OMaVUwfll b old at $39.50. tlllMt AX n ( fr'. IMIN1 DELAY. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED " tia n( itttlH with unak ymiriiflKhhnrabout ua, writ the pui-Haher of thlR iiapt-r or M tri.j...iitn National .tank, or Corn Nat. Hank, or t'lth-atfo . orUcrman BattUaBft Bank, Nrw York; or any rallnail or tSOfMi rompany In i i. , Mr I kar aaidialtif or 700,MU.MIt octupy iiitlrt onr of thr Iarjrt burlneaa klorku In '..--.. and employ nearly pe-'ple In our own DUliaiTifT "I BBHaa irarsr as f.a.isi mnn up; - aw PtAJfOH, $ lU.odaadapialioeTarythlnir Id if, a. Inofnimontu at lowrat wh. siiU prlrra v.'ritt- for rr- ;pTtml Otiran, piano and mualral Inatniment catal'iirue. ArtdffJM, i: 'jri. h (o. ar Ibumufhly rallalila. i ir. 6 EARS. ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.), Fulton. Desplainut and Wajman Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL. ? 121' 5 Jav XXbicvcles. lyltala all hi-') .-lex below all other nawaea. Mtratcam, blryrleaat ft.OO. rfl.OO, tl.M. It.Maad 00, tWaw IBOOOarlaaailu. r. n,,,ltf4. at yet QH 1C rfPffl AT $13.75 lahy furtkecreatewt karyaln eer affrrrd at tae prc. ! t 1 1 t , r.-l h v . HI Mii v. t.l -r!, aiHatl ikkink, laUalaf aMriikfcay. Fanom Brldan Hanrer. flrta atiulpment. Saaraafatd Paaaaswatta Tlrs Mft srrwslr Hsuldfr IdaJa. HaJadla Bar. Too la and Toolbaar. Knajnalad hlark. arwen or roarnori. tf for aJOT ierrttard la tkla aaaarr ar ta aarf t aaiajaawa, Signature of Ml - I l '.I' S0t 1-., VI: ii. rev iW L A strongly constructed U '( ophonc, with simple nio luu i Ism, te nuct th, tli ; mand ler a first-clan l.-.l . J m J machine, .it .i U price. s r.M , l!'t CO, Hit 30 w B FA. i f TRY Tho Ideal FrciKh Toak tad nnnv Ain rpaim . a Ml ! I Vfia uoo s w uivwi Hadorsed by Medical Faculty efficacious agreeable I ii.ii llii jrrl 4fNl i.iiil i ftvr " wr pat tli f 'right I ... nn.l psoal III i. tl il tun -li 'iit 'ii ll jroueiui fiirni u paUWl l..l l.iurrtli P IM Ml It wHfcthi 3AU .i, ' 1 i 1 ' fWARu aFalB 9 B SV V V im SEND ONE DOLLAR ad. out aad ad in hi, Mtals hi-tbi r I i hlr.V llll It ll, aluo iHilor ami wm Mi r.:,:,'i.l,.HICH CRAPE 1900 MOOEL ACME JEWEL BICYCLE. 5 - 5 aailaafkM. i i . an riMinliie at ..'. i rte Ofllcc. aild IF ' .' 1 1 . rf.-rt i. a.i , h,.-. ri. rtlyaarrarmratrd, lkrBltT M 0U9 HI l I. iUI r ea or krardaf. e'jual t ki. -J!. retail a M, f. a f0.oo, If jr..ti think yoai oan aell It at f I0.IHI pn.trt aa; 4j, . eipn -nat." ingui SPECIAL PRIEl. 3.7. lesathn ll 'Varnt with t.nler. or i! i' rrf '4 i'I-.m hllc oar Hpfflatl ftli mwm nt u 1 4 n; nr. i ii . I f ; it f r thf askl ;' invtaut oa yna ai saaai i.t is f)iv. wai aw SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO.. CWcaaa. HL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers