The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 23, 1900, Image 6

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An EstiiiiKte Giving the I3icr Lead
of Regular Republicans.
ilav-r OB rtclnrnlliK
H Hi. I Mr- Will I. ii lull. the
i,uiitc suad CanvMi For R-eleo-tlr
In tar I alted State Senate,
f8N,iil Correspondence, i
Harrlahurg, Aug. n. Since the de
parture uf Col. M. 8. Quay on a trip
to Maine 21 persistent effort has been
m.-b i in Uhi insurgents and Democrats
In PeunwJvanla politics to create the
tmiir. tlial the Beaver statesman
lat docMed to retire from politics. All
sort.' 'f reports have been put Into
rJrvri'.r Ian to the effect that the in
nwent have made great gains and
nrt- lo : position I" Influence the selec
tiou of the nandldute for United Btates
aaator. Lists uf figures purporting t'
present the relative strength of the
regulars and the iusurgents have been
published In Insurgent papers and
other matter has been given publicity
witii the Idea of misleading t,e Repub
Urxn ti :-s In the counties yet to nom
inal rubers of th legislature.
State Chairman John P.
Is i?i h position to get exact
on the political situation)
c m lete 1 1 filiation of the
nter.i nts, and In an Inter-
.ii ion b I as bad this
Bkin, ii
halm ni
has ! Iv .i
tnaui gi nl
view far , Ii
to s;t.i
Emmates and tal les of figures pro
cIbJqhvI by i :is u r i;. tit newspapers on
tbi senatorial situation lack convlnc
in;; lorce because t details are given.
1 have just looked over the estimate
published In the Philadelphia Press in
an issue t t 'eni date, anil find it so
tride nf the mark thai l do not appre
hend ' was intend' d tu be either rell
ubn accurate. If the opposition
neiii1, ipt.'rs ant t' l"' fair with the
pel1'' in this matter 11 would be an
.eas.v task to make up a list of counties
Sn alphabetical order, showing upon
whv facts their claims are based. The
estimates t;iiis r ;i r made public are as
mm is and misleading aa the
ctpfbi r
laker u
la i
audi ;
rnv . .
lr;,-. Ins
frii ills '!;:it upon his return be would
ma).'' a ti;t:r of the state in the fall
campaign on ihe senatorial and other
pul' .- quest! It is his intention to
earn this vexed senatorial question to
the fori ':i of the people, where he will
noe- adversaries and give the elec
tor?, f the state the opportunity of de
i. in myjudssncnt a decided
WE ' ' voters In the state are
ii vor of re-electing Senator Quay
ry ihe I' d States senate. There
mi .... , much misrepresentation
fconi tlie partisan and factional com
plexion of tlie incoming legislature
r?ia' s plain statement of the exact
itti itlon may prove of Interest. The
lis; "i counties below show those in
ire a few
Chinese iliph
nga which mi
! e
fixed facts in this controversy,
firsl plai e Senator Quay is a
and will remain In the field
H BUCCeSSOr IS elected. llefore
fft Maine If informed his
be kl
Bfc lr
On i
CUl :
f - ,
primaries have already li n
li ::; which primaries have
en held, together with the re-
far as known.
Is table showing counties
h members of the house have
;: i-:- iniur- Doubt-
i in-.
4 .
Li.-. :
r.a.- tea
t.--". .
I.'.i S . .
I.v.-orr Inf
McK. in ..
Ml r r ...
Mont .
i t: . i i
W Ofi
In .
Vi it -tot
h rs rrrar05
. r- : in Alleghany,
n Vork. Total, 1.
not yet he
mt I Eiarki ' Buck
t ntr . I: C
Oreene, I: trfrhinh.
i Northampton,
Perry, l; Phlladi
H il i an, l . Wayne,
nominal J
ents already nosslnated
-t nornlnat.-d
latad In jn 1 iJem'x ratlc curi
..r llnri'-t
T'.'r. :r SM
"J if above tal i- applies only to
sjteinbi rs of toe lower house," O0s
.l?it:- Mr !;ikln "la ih- first column
an.- j.:."-l those nominated as regular
BajlllllHl Sill w l,-ii.Te in majority
rule and will abide Uy the decision of
the eaacOS la the ond column are
thm who have beea r.o.inatd as In
warr.'t', some ' ' w! MB. however, will
abide by tie Repabtleaa caucus de
rtstm. In the third eoltMBI are those
whose position ofl bV - a 'J mm and other
similar 'j'jetlons Is not known, and
tbrefore .laswd dovbtfal.
"A njaj;rity of the ISssbSffl not yet
,',natel are in Philaletphla and
bVwiigimiery rtTStatiSW u the former
I arii five In the latter, making 44 of the
' 77 yet to l nominated Of the 33 mern
Ssera Uj be noniinat-d. not Including
Philadelphia and Montgomery, a large
jsrrj,' -r u are In ieftio ia;. ountlea,
iut instance, lierks. Crater. Co-
lumbln. i-. ;;. Monroe. NorthampKn
nnd Pike. Many of these are siniill
counties, having but a sitiKie member."
This Is Mr. IClkln's estimate of the
probable result in counties where pri
maries ore yet to be held:
Regulars will surely nominate !
Insurgents Will surely nominate 9
Doubtful II
Members In surely Democratic coun
ties 18
T"T tl of m.'intit'rs to b nominal 'ft... 77
"In my judgment." remarked Mr. Kl
kln, "more than a majority of the
I doubtful districts will be carried by the
' regulars. Most of the counties In the
I regular column are safely Republican,
nnd in a Presidential year will he car
i rled by tlie stalwarts. The above
figures are only for members of the
j but they clearly show that If
the Republican party does Its whole
I duty in November the contest will be
settled by Republican votes in the
j house. The only hope left for the In
; surgents Is to join hands with ihe
' Democrats In November and elect
: Democratic members In counties where
they think such tactics will win. This,
of course, will be done, but the lead of
the regulars Is too great to be over
come. This is a Republican year, nnd
fusion with free silver Democrats is
not pntrttnblc to pound money Republi
cans. The fusion movement h falling
flat all over the state. The masses of
Republican voters are becoming very
tired of being made the tail to the
Democratic kite, flying free sliver and
Insurgent streamers. The allied forces
In the Republican party v n win
against th mad designs of the Boxer
element wlth'n Its own ranks and the
vihl vagaries of the Bryan Democracy
"This is Q table shOWlm prol abb'
make-up of the senate at tfco nexl ses
sion of the legislature:
Ri : ' r Republicans :7
Insurgi tits 7
1 'tn i ruts II
Doubtful 4
"When nil the nominations are
made," concluded Mr. ESlkin, "the re
sult v ili lie as follows as nearly ns can
be estircati d in advance:
Already nominated in lower house t
Rstlmnte nf those t" be nominated .i
Probable nominations In toubtful
list , 1 IX!
Estimate of remtlnrs In senat. 1'T
Half Of doubtful II I' -
Tet.-i nnmlnnttnns by regular :?i
belli brunches nf the legislature
. stlrc t- -1 102
Alrendv nominated In lower . i - z
Estltr :- ..f ' i.- --.ii.- i led S
News Items of Interest From All
Farts of the State.
Terry Weal
Men me
jury List.
List of Grand furors drawn tor the Court at
Qrer sad Ternune-r snd Qeneral Jail delivery
and Court of Quarter BesslOOSCl the Peace of
Snyder round held at Oct. Term, commencing
Monday, Oct. 1, nn
Name. (JOOUpatlon
Aroogast, PradeMek, Farmer,
Blogsman, Janes M., "
Brosius, John P.,
Ballsy, Peter, Oentlemnti.
Ohartes, Henry, tinsmith,
Kieids, .louu. Lumberman,
Freed. Lincoln, Laborer,
BOSS, Owen J,, Farmer,
Herbster, Charles ii , F irmer,
iiummei. Reuben, Laborer,
KblghtS, Hurry K., "
I Kerstetter, John. Farmer.
Kline, Win. II., Laborer,
Lsnb, Henry B.,
Losber, Joseph, Printer,
Moyer, Caarles it.. Laborer,
Liberal Adjustments
The MaettBB t Hmleton to Adjnat
Wigr Si'itlc nnd Ponder ( hurun.
Mnrilrri-il In Cold 111., o.t For Dla
pcralna Crop Sbootrra.
Hazleton, Pa., Aug. 14. At yester
day afternoon's session of the minors'
convention President Mitchell spoke
at some loni;th on conditions In the
anthracite region. He said that this
was me most important aaiueriui l Mattern, Isaac, Parmer,
mine workers since the death of John Harkley, Reuben. "
Blney. He told the men to organise Rlegel, Henry, Laborer,
to have their wacrs tironerlv ailitlsted. steflen, Fram
secure a lower rate on powder and
have the dockage system abolished. A
committee will report today on the
scale of wages the mine workers will
demand shall be paid In the three
districts of the anthracite region,
namely, the Lackawanna Luzerne ai
Bassaman, Henry.
Shrewder, John, Carpenter,
smith, Michael K SUoemaker,
W loey, Win., Farmer.
Prompt Payments
Beiinagrove Qnlv the Oldest, Btronffeflt Cash Oompanies,
lUddtecreek T ,3 , . , m i
maver J? ire, Jjite, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
the Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88
M Home J853 " 9,853,628.54
' American " " ' 1810 " 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Bearer Wesl
Heaver West
I Vim
Perry Wei
I Llstot I'etit Jurats drawn lor the Cuurl or
Brouimoii Pleas, (oun "i Quarter Besalons ol LUe
Heuf" Court or Over and iVrmiuer indOeueral
Jf.lnll Delivery ot Hayder rouuty, Pa,, held as
Po, i Term, coninieuclngUJC, 1, iswi.
1 1
In I n
I fill
nees to !- ...
will vons
rieti. n".' r ha
v :,c ' nf p:"rir nts
i brum ' .- of loaUlat re
probable t m i -
i been Invited to visit
New York nnd confer with the lenders
'of the R nu! 'lean mtional enmmlttee
In reference to the work nf the ram
paign, it in ('..-sired that the chair
man of the various state committees
shall be in touch with the national
rommlttee rnd work in harmony with
Chairman Wnnna.
The sneorb of fieeeitnneo from
Hrynn. In which he made Imperialism
almost the only Issue, made an Impres
sion nv"n the conservative element of
the Democracy and the Republican
leaders fear that unless there shall i'
a rem wal of thn agitation on the silver
question, Ihls speech from Bryan will
have ti,.. . '' i t of sending sons of the
sound money Democrats back into line
with the national democrney. it is iie
lleved thai thi speech was prepared
with M sole purpose of misleading
the gold Democrats of the east and
;;etr:iK them to five their support to
Democratic candidates for congress,
Bryan i as tb confidence of the silver
itos of the v est and the northwest, and
they know that he will be true to their
Interest no matter what he may deem
politic to say in any of his campaign
speeches. With the knowledge that the
sllverites ore for him, Bryan diplo
matically made his speech of accept
ance (,n Imperallsm, with the idea of
(iettln'4 the sound money Democrats of
the easl .ntl it;? in sympathy with the
Democratic organisation. The Demo
cratic silverites of Pennsylvania are
now boasting that Bryan's Indian
apolis Bpeech win briiiu bach Into the
Democratic party many of the sound
money advocates and that they will be
serviceable in helping to elect Demo
cratic candidates for congress and tim
Democrats and insurgents, who will bo
on the fusion tickets lur ihu aiuie legis
lature, Works Destroyed by Ternad.
Pittsburg, Aug. 13. Word has just
been received here that at New Ken
sington, Pa., yesterday almost the en
tire plant of the Pittsburg Reduction
i ompany's aluminum works was de
stroyed by a tornado. The loss Is esti
mated at not less than $100,000 snd u
will entail the (losing down of the
v. 'k-i for an Indefinite period. Frank
Johnston, the engineer, was (aught by
the falling walls and was probably fa
tally injured.
Killed by Live Wlrr.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 13. A heavy
wind and rain storm swipt the Wyom
ing valley last evening. Charles BlckJeS
was driving through the utorm and at
Wyoming his horse stepped on a live
wire whli n wics lying In the atre'-t.
The animal was Instantly killed.
When the horse fell it threw Blckles
out of the carriage. H" received a fatal
Shock, dying an boar later.
M A WooaSay b:.n been appointed
fourth class poeUaaaU r ;it Hppi Cbttrek,
The niaagowaa eeWery, ghenea
doab, srbleli has been Idle t BloBths,
haa ruml opuatUna
The Colun.bU .ir.d Montour T' leplMMM
(ompi.nx hn opere d Ihelr line In Iwi-m
Bloenaburg and Miiivtiie.
8leep!r. or. the track at the Weal
eranton vard Parilel (ilynn iHuik
by a train Bad Inatantly killed.
r'rafc Is M Kekley, of York, hk'1 21
yiara waa overcome, with th. hal In
Harrlabur and dld fton after
M',r'.- A ''lute, aced reHr, for
merly tnntiaaer of the Wiet.rn unlofl
telmraph ofrTca In Harrlahurs dead
Ijennlii Ltdby'S barn at Uwlituwn, waa
atru'-k tiy llhtnln( arid. to, lie ( with all
l' coHtenta, ootialstlni; of all the aoaaon's
harveet waa deatroyed. antulllliK a loas
Charles Wlerdlen, aaed U yeara, whoaa
pari-nla live at m KlfUentli atrovt. New
ark, N J , fell under a freight train at
lialleya Bihtlon, on ih Pennaylvanla
railroad, and waa klllad.
Don, Joe Wbeeler Sn, ihe Life ff
Presidential lundldntea
Chicago, Auu. 14. General
Wheeler, commander of the depart
ment of the lakes, yesterday saved the
life of William .lenniiiL's Bryan, Jr.,
the 12-year-old son of the Democratic
candidate for the presidency. The lad
visited t;en. Wheeler and the latter,
after his lirst greeting, turned to his
work, and allowed the youngster to
amuse himself as best he might, Young
Bryan found a loose ( hair caster and
bin bundle of rubber bands. These he
.N.iiiic. Occupation,
Arbogast, leffersou, Laborer,
Boyer, David, Gentleman,
p. tacbel, John vV Parmer,
Bowersx, Fneter, Laiwrer,
Joseph Biiirer. Jesse, Parmer,
Maker, John R . Laborer,
Benfer, Joel l., farmer,
Boyer, Leonard,
neuter, n.iuon, carpentHr,
Urouse, wai. v. Laborer,
Dn esc Anion, K.inner.
Dunn, Calvin, Laborer,
Duck, John, Farmer
Brdle) . James, Laborer,
Kerry. Calvin, Parmer,
I ioy, Qeorge,
tied Into a long string and then, se
curing the caster to the bottom, went
to a window and began bouncing the
piece of iron up and down on the side
walk. "0 feet below,
The general, engrossed with his la
bors, paid no attention to the lxy who
gradually became so intent In his play
that be leaned farther and farther out
of the casement of the window. "Fight
ing Joe" 'happened to glance up a few
moments later and was horrified to
see the lad banging with his whole
body over the sidewalk and only the
toes of his sh-rs visible, clutching the
angle of the window, He sat aghast for
a moment, Then, rushing to the win
dow he pulled the lad i:i by his legs
nnd hind d him Bnfely on the Hour.
Cnbnn Cnndll Shot.
Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 1 1. -Parejtta,
the well known bandit, was killed yes
terday at Palms Soriano, about 2
miles from Santiago. He was shot by
a corporal of the rural guard, under
aommand of Col. Valllant This out
law, who was a Cuban mulatto, had
been terrorizing the country for sev
eral years He was a thoroughly des
perate character and had committed
numerous murders. In his possession
was found a Springfield rill e, which
was identified ;.s the property of a
private of the rural guard recently
Peaneytvnnln Tows rire Swept,
Bloomsburg, Pa., Aug. 18. The vil
lage of Turbotvllle was threatened
with total destruction by fire on Satur
day afternoon, The blaze started In
a barn in the lower end of the town,
nnd swept i ; the street, taking every
building In Iti path until it reached the
Bitler lumber yard, which was ui-;o de
stroyed with its thousands of feet of
sawed lUStber, The toial number of
buildings destroyi d is reported as 43,
the list comprising four y-ins, 30
dwelling housi s and nine barns.
Urayblll, Roy! T 'acber,
uarman, Peter, Parmer,
Hotnagtoi christian, Laborer,
Huitenstein, Elijah, Merchant,
Mains. Henry, Parmer,
Hummel, J v... stone-cutter,
Hofnsgle, Isaac, Laborer,
Kepler. Keiley, Parmer,
M altera, .t unes M Parmer,
Melser, John s preigui Agent,
McAfee Alvtn, Laborer,
Musselman, Wm., Parmer,
it. usu, Henry,
hv'ir'e, Prabk t., Agi nt,
u imbOi James, Laborer,
Heed, ls.uw i:..
Bin morrj . Adam, Parmer,
geebold, Colt man. l. iborer,
Sin kt, (i B . Wngonmnker,
Hckrelber, Qtorne W carpenter,
Bwsrtz, Uowardi Laborer
Mulih. Isaac M Oentleman,
bblakal, John, Justice ol tue Pel
Bi Christ. Anion. M rch lOt,
Soulier, peter. Firmer,
Bwsru, wm , lii oer,
Thomas, Harrison H., Parmer,
Trut t. Jacob,
Wetzel, Chillies,
Walter. Irvlu,
Watrenimllej'jJoh! P., Teaoher,
v ner, sepiiaiea, Pafofer,
Beaver Wesl
Perry West
HTashlngton 1
Perry West
Besvi r
Uooroe 1
Adams '
, Ottntre
Ad ins
rt'iins.-ii re
Doctors find
A Good
for mankind
Tta for Drurrlstt Creeen, Rattatiraatt.
Sj1ooq, Newa-Suodi, Gtneral .Stsm and Djrbtri
Shopa. Thr baolih pjlu, induce iitf, and proloaf Ila.
One fftm relieil No matter whai't the matur, ana will
t0 food. Tea aamplea and on thoaaaad ttid
BMalalii tent br aiall lo aay addreaa oa receipt af arlca.
r Uia.Xipaaa CUaucal Ca., 10. Spruce St., Ncw.Yorr Clly!
Dlsiis(rroN l-lr" I :i Hanover, Pa,
Hanover. Pa., Aug. 13.- sixteen
buildings were destroyed by fire here!
yesterday, the lo s being ertlm-ited at
from $o. to $50,000, partly Insured.!
The heaviest losses are the Hotel Obald,
the J. C. Tanger Hardware company's'
warehouse and Sin ker's livery stable. I
The other structures destroyed wars ;
dwellings, stables and warehouses. I
Thirteen horses were ro&Sted a! ve i
Bbriver's stable and It Is rumored that
a man'U iresile-r was bi.ined to
death In the Hotel Obald.
lien ii n ebe Powder CAoaed nentb.
Altoona. Pa., Aug. 13.- William P.
Reader, a yard dispatcher for the Bal
timore nnd Ohio at Pittsburg, was
found (bad at the Palmer House. Pat
ton, Friday morning It has developed
Miss Bird Hard. He had the head
ache nowder. which affected bis heart.
lie was on his vacation and had stop-J
pi-d off at Pat ton to see his sweetheart,
Miss Burd Hurd, lie had the head
ache and she gave him a powder,
Whi h be took when he retired.
Krn ent of Doer '; eminent.
London, Aug. 14. The Boers have
left Machadodorp, according to the
Lorenso Marques correspondent of Tin
Daily Mail, and occupied Watervalon
der in force. A considerable portion
of Commandant Qeneral Louis Botha's
camp and stores at Dalmanthua was
destroyed by lire on Sunday. Accord
ing t'i another special di -.p itch Barber-
ton has been proclaimed the new seal
of the Transvaal government.
.r.,,,1 Will Aflcml Civil t',,n v en l,n.
New York, Aug. 11. The National
Association of Democratic clubs has
received personal assurance from v.
J. Ilryan that he will attend the quad
rennial convention of thai association
In Indianapolis on Oct. 3 and 4. it Is
announced that during the three weeks
the association's headquarters In this
(dty have been opened 12!i,000 new
members havn been received Into the
Knives, rorKs n
LiA of theKuuinr, m hich are wiW H
rk the makcru .jooklet
r No. of beautiful new V
"A DOLLAR' S A :i) IS A I ( I I .Alt KAlvNEIV
1 llaSHPvf-.i
$1 For a 12 Ski
To introiluee to every family in the
'onnferw, insniea.
Onttlei mill Heels
rhlnn'a llellluerenl Kmpraao.
Iyjndon, March 27. The (Shanghai
rr.rreupondent of The Daily Mall aaya:
"The empress dowager has ordered lbs
Chinese cruisers Hal Tien and 'flnl
Bliou to proceed to the straits settle
ment, there to art In conjunction with
the men detailed to capture or as
sassinate Kang Vn Wei and other re
formers. Kbe believe their 24 knot
in-re Matches Are Hade,
Fair Customer Can you make a
match for this ribbon?
No. 30 My (! ar y(.ut;' lady, match)
nre made in Heaven. Chicago Daily
This T, allies' Dongoln Kid Boot( Lace or Jlntton, sole leather
counter, inner, outer sole and heel, fancy top stay, Patent Leather
Tip, Opera Toe, 2 to h, D, K, or EE, sent postpaid on receipt of si.
Kquuls niiv 2 lu-ot sold. Our makx Money refunded if unsatis
fuctorv. We guarantee fit, style, wear
I'REE.- Otircatalosue with lllust rations of iso bargains in slices; also a Bubsci
eii Ticket w iiicli tecares a Liberal dssh Bonus on your year's trading,
rPT?C!rPTTT4rMTT A T C Equals any fa.0O shoe ; wifeweni tmrefooi rather tluin
X X.:.I) 1 iii'.l.Uxt J-o'J t'U.v anytbingbui tbeOKXTERtt.ouglioe.
baSTi it mice Do :
Dear blrs The shoes are proving satisfactory, 'this mir thai I now have make nve
different styles of shoes tuat I have nought of you and they are nil good, 1 showed 01a
merchant pair ol i 1 B slim thai I had lust received Irorn von and be tool! bis knife I
mt lato the heel and exnmlnea ibem thnrongbl)' aiut pronounced theni cheap at -you
still find aa order with this letter for two inure pnir ol shoes.
Kespootfull yours, UBS. J. N. WILLIAMS,
WUki, Mi ilaclno (' .. '
r. s.-i'sp my name if you like,
In 1 11: Shoe Co.:
nenie Please find enclosed, herewith, express money order, ' Please send the si
out 11 in. 111 delay, 1 am oeedlng them, Mv ife Is almost barefooted and I don't wlsti w
buy shoes atanj other house because 1 have used the Pester and Rnd them thebestiof
the money. yours truly,
I'llll.II' H, ECKALfl,
ifewoks, Itt,
DEXTER SHOE CO., Sk Boston Mass.
Established 1880. Capital $500,000. Bcorporatcd
sirrcl Caff Arm nm'incnfs..
'Dicky, if you w rt- polite you would
rt up and offer thai lady your Mat." ftO.75 BOX RAIN COAT
"Hut. pa, she's too big for my sent; taiwius 45.00 w 1 r.uT en ft
, . 1 j
yon better offer her yours." h lea go
Hail M i 1 ,- Thesa,
Askit tvhy couldn't u bird store be
run on a cash bs lis?
Tellit - That business't eist
without bills. Baltimore American.
After ike Coavaalloa.
Party WorkeiSee here,yontold me yon were confident of success?
Defeated Candidate Well, of course,
I meant that, in the nature of things,
some candidate or other waa bound
to succeed. Iii(li.ili.ilis.liiiirnnl.
Ada Then yon liavi-n'tijuite ds-eided
to accept him?
May Not quite. In fact, I'm not
sure that lie Is mi very much in love
with dm. When be proposed ha didn't
talk a bit Incoherently. Tuck.
I!.!.'.. r.i
t; V- 1
latoeaaa. ilasrlm
t'i i"M M ( kl
1 1 1
II ae - oird law IM "
.1 ynm 99ft or hel
' f MMjI "J 'cat yua e
Y t"'v ,"' tlOTtaMI
title our hrlat lit au1 m-lg lit, lair imailirr it
HHM rtWNM KM liri .ial, Isln-n utrr
.. .1 iiader ro.l. rlu.e up under arms, an 1
W. Will Wild JfOO llllnt'ont !)' tlptl r
I. U. II., aulijrrl lit eiamlMalHita. R
unlnt niMi tt it on t .your in 1 1' (
KpN lOflMtt ami If fnunn -tarll)
as rrpr "' l : ' ""t """ ' "
I nnl III, ami
an liU lor
tlPl't""1 Mefflll IM II
1.1 '''ii I'liM K, $2.75 aim
iim si- ehsnfM.
!i. fitcv nilliiLf, 11 i t- fi'i'iii koat
'it.ii..,f lan mlnr, ,-.noii.e Hat la I avert
iioihi full mnki oottbN 9fmm9Ql
rrVi-r Vflvitt i-ollar. ram-j nniu iitunx.
wHi.-ri.r'-'if MiiMf attaint. HulthUi fur
(both llaln or n.erroEt, ami fluarmnle4
1.1,1 in- 1 iii v. mm ofT.i.d hy u or
an v otlmr fr Vr 1 loth Haasples
f f Mfh'l Ma.-hli.t.-lM-. Up lo lj
nnl Ma'lc I" Muatuix HuHtanl Over
roaltat r tn r. fin writ fof
I 111 k htni'l.K IIIHII Nil. BUR. Address,
ca ta, art mtmmjmw wmmrn
ll IM1 ktk, IW.I 111 IS.
1 ,1 ; .1.-. si nr.
1 iwl'
ii ra
The lUtv. NV. B. Costlov. of Slock
bridire. Oa., while attonditiK to his
past or i nl duties at Kllenwood, that
state, was attackxl by cholera mor
bus. He says: "liy chance 1 hap
pened to pet hold of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Ilomedy, and I think it
was tba means of saving my life. It
speed will enable them to outstrip ar relieved me at once." For sale bj
or war." u uruggists.
Our 1st itluinnl If we 1.1,1. Any onr acndlua
akrtcli and description of any Invcnllua will
promptly rrcdve our opinion free concerning
(he patentability nl mniia. " How lo Ulitalu a
patent " neat uiioii reoucat. I'utrnla aecurcd
UiioukIi ua advertised for aatc at our eaptilM,
Patents taken out Ihrouah ua receive ipecial
noilce, without charge, In Tub 1'atbnt Kacoan,
u llluatrated and widely circulated Journal,
consulted liy Manufacturers and Investors,
scud lor sample copy Fill. Addreaa,
S. IM 1
invun ' m ro amy or thcscsh
Iktauj U 1 .- '
Q Wflt if I "i M I. I 1 111 ' ' ',
till I ll'l I J '. I'll I . . ' ,
Mr ai iii 1 nir 1 '1,1, Man titntli "
Mlt1 f m II IUUM 1 1 r "
(eloTH m-l o salit s.M ' ""r.
sa iu, 1 1 v 1 uroii rM iffi ": ,,ur ,
Oft-.- I'ru v. il.tthi ami
THCtCMiCI rlT 1115
If. I 1 m ol sail tr rrtaitrt. J .
a? in u Mli In,: kl.K -I ! ''"
lal.l 11,1,11 sAtial ia Ulltari'.i d, '",
BttUI iMMIfl ttrlhl, mn'
Ui.-i. a ...leai.H n.-nl I, H.i
nilli Ifniinii nnl"-'.
sla. In ,u..l I . ' I t ' ...oil. it. ' ,M
. . a. . a ... ....I.I l.i Pr" .1
im .ma n "mi , is sun 11 11 1 i'io 1- rti 1 vm -
rlllt PKKK I Ml I II fiim i.s i.l Id.) a" I lini"" , a- aa,--. a- ... aj 1 1 1 flf
pTittt. fttM mtwuri nifi f m 1 1 lntrwBttoh ,
Urs's Nulla inn.). I . iinltr lom ii."" r
iiN ariit (if on niiiilli atlmi AMrr-'- .
iFiRS Hf)r;uit":K A CO. Inc.). Chic
(fear. H wbart I $M lr Ittarwaflil ralUblf-
WW aatul IM tn W9
by n lull l. "
aaaniltiallnii. V"
Anil It lli "il"'1 ,am
pruif .i iiiSiii.o 1 ' jS
..... ....I ,,1,1 .lr- . J.
m-WH II. f"; "Zr
sisan a is. itassai rr,
pay jeur frrirn1
sarrful THrl-rt
IV.I.L. a Sure.-. '
aanlwtlk nrrlari nlharwl.a rrlurn 11 " ""' !
and we will return your SS.e.. '"";ial
.s ulhS. las k . li. Wli iun-ib. '"Hilt
ii M imtW ill iV.,.S-N "
ws, ssea is, aas.TSi as '"--t;
ft I AO miYC. A ta Rfl SUA
JW v . 3 il ' " ' " n viww yvj
r s ' I ' '' I lot