The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 23, 1900, Image 5

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reeiy Letters Written by Our
Corps of Correspondents
Throughout the County.
Tho canning factory has started to
can corn.
Mary Miller is vi-it itijr Mends in
('. (). Mover is pending several days
with his family.
Mai. E. P. Rohbaok took a trip to
Philadelphia last week.
Miss May Reynolds, of Baltimore, is
being entertained by friends.
Mis. Ella Wanner Is entertaliuna
from Efarrisburg.
Mrs. ( 'lias. Suhnure is visiting her
cousin, II. I). Schuure and family.
M. s. Bchroyerand wife are at Get
tysburg spending several days there.
Mrs. T. C. Houtz and children have
returned from theirsuiumer vacation.
MlssJeaue Mullin, ofScrnnton, was
entertained for a week by Miss Mary
The town council has under consid
eration the advisability of lighting the
town with electricity.
Foster Bower spent Sunday at home.
Allien Mciser bought the Ranter's
again from
Adam Sheuiorry was in town.
iiur roads are in excellent condition
n k. Winner is taking out a nice lot 'several friend
river com.
The Post coupon gatherers are as
iv us bees.
y . stauffer is raising a very hue
t o( tobuOOO this season.
Henry Hoot lost a valuable hog caus-
1V llie ein "-
June Hoiiser, of C hapman, spent a
mrt time with Louisa Neitz.
Tousle Fliner visnwi aer Kiuu-pe i pne ,,,. ,.,,., under consul-1
. i .i.,, si wn t una nmi v.
i L Varner. traveling for the Sha-
okin Hardware Co., was in town. The baru on Ed. M. Hummers farm
. ... ... - ,1. .. .... .. I ... .1. . .1 ... ,i. .. i
l)ani'l oil ami many ouiciti unvvi uumvu w mm kiuuiiu w.iii uu iio vuir
I ln luilllier regions lor worn. ( iems msi v ecine nay.
ie last week has oceii hot and dry ; Ed. Weldpil hauler, of Milton, was
.iters SKI low ami nil U 11 l B n J ; iii i ' ' ii IUUH.1I1U iio I I ii illicit c "i iii-
owlue. nouse m tnescuooi ihk business.
Rev. 1 raver and tnnnl.v, ol New'
Jersey, are guests of Mrs. Henry
Bchoch, mother of Mrs. Traver,
.1. W. Qauglerand wife are on a visit to
Hnrrisburg, Mnytown and Kliznbeth-I
villi to see their sons and a daughter.
Rev. Fortnev and wife, of Turbotvllle,
are visiting Mrs. Fortliey's mother and
ulster, Mrs. Dr. Zlegler and daughter,
Mrs. Millie Herman and children. f
Wyoming, are being entertained by her ,
mother, Mrs. J. I'. Richter, on South I
Market St.
Trinity Lutheran Sunday school has
decided to make a donation to the
Miss Kate Troup is home
a n ip to Middleburg.
alter St roup spent Sunday at the
campiueeting at Summit,
John Shaffer sold a marc and colt to
Edward Blckharl for (00.
Calvin and Irvin Bailey spent Sun
day at ('In stnul Ridge and Clement's
Mrs.Arthur. Shaffer took Misses Qertle
and Jennie St roup to theeampuieeting
A load ol oia
were to the riv
water melons.
Edward Troup, Frank Man in
wife were to the picnic at 1 tint
Saturday mi their bicycles.
Anybody seeing a flock of young
ducks in the vieimty of Pallas will cou
ferafavorby rcnortinu to the owner.
1 1 icy have not
three weeks.
young men from Pallaa
r and enjoyed t he good
Mi's. Win. Bwartz.
been seen near home for
Forney Bros. & Co., of HarrlBourg,
anutactiirers of slns'S, had their sales
im in town.
Eli Gable and his hands arc mowing
in the canal, n iooks nioic one
lining man uwtwug.
Prank and William Mull, of Pawling
atlon, and Thomas Houser, of chap-
ii I tkiJM nntialn II...
nil, ealieu on uutwiu,
i: Wnlt issiieuilimr a few days
ith In- parents ami will
p Johnstown to work in
J. P, Wagner has taken advantage of
hortlv start
the luiulier
Jacob Burner i- mi th
( leo. Mull 'unl wife,
were Visiting T. '. I. an
J. W. Neii, Samuel
Haines were on the 1-h
e slcK list,
of Kratzerville,
l;-' recently.
Straub and .las.
i if Que Simda .
yer mi l ( i. A. Botdorf
Pa., 1 1 n i ing their saw
if Berwick,
Moure last
isler, Mrs. Nathan-
-oils were to the
church in Buck-
iml drv wentlierin waging w ar
briars and their associates by flru sufferers of Turlnitvllle. A -three
men cutting them down, collection will he taken up next
Will IE
I. (i.
Co., i
f gooi
u......,,..l Oihnll mil' of the lirolllisillLr
hool teachers of our township, nasi
l... .Ma I l, I In'
charge ol ur school (Wiuncis
.1 tor the next term, commencing
Seilcr, of Selinsgrovc., selling
i for seller, Zimmerman, Otts
I Shamokin, was in town ofifer
s in his line at rock hottoni
day morning.
We noticed Mr-. Emmel Eysterand
Miss Kate Bolender, of Akron, Ohio,
at the choir convention, alsojohn Motz,
an old Preeburger, of the same town.
John looks natural.
H. L. Phillips and w ife
delphia din ing a part
M r. 1'. laving in a stocl
aud continue for seven months
I 1. r, V 1 1,1 If 1 OS 1L VIS I.
Ada Dreese is on the sick list.
One of Wm. Roniig's horses' legs is
ri ii.
Milliter and family were to Sun
rv nuav.
Sinn,, ill' ..or citizens attend Sabbath
. ..I IT ,.. -1.....1.
in m ii ai iioover s ciuucii.
V v. ii,, itv nmi,. is hiisv threshinir
v . . - '!. . -
ii is i ii e in Mill Hum.
,,l,i, innjudl rT M 11111 mAI 'M V llliri.
VLsuuiir ui u. o. n oiimwr.
. . . . . . i
at . Summit and Clement's l'ara
c a ji n i at A
' " T " V
ir il ll m '
attended the choir
reeburg, Saturday,
for clothing and
were ill I'M
if last week,
. of early fall
cuts' furnish-
John A. Mi
were to linker
Joseph Walp and u Ife
I'm., weie visiting ( has
Miss II. Ellen Br
lei Trevitz and thn
picnic at Daniel's
wheat Val'ey Saturday.
Jonathan Arbogast, wife and daugh
ter, of Selinsgrovc, Mrs. Hartley and
daughter, of Lewistown, wero visiting
ill tile valley last Week.
Nathan Sclllablg went to his
ternal sleep, last Thursday night, and
was laid ill bis liual resting place Sun
day afternoon, lie was a kind and de
voted neighbor and always ready to
lends helping hand in those in need.
8CH n" I-;.
C. H. Keller spent Sunday at home.
I), s. Thuraby, of Suubury, was in
last wtvk.
J. I. Charles and wife spent Sunday
with relatives at Chapman.
J. H. ShafTcr, of Sunbury, paid his
beat friend a few days' visit.
Prof. James Herman, of Edwards-
ville, was seen in town Friday.
Mrs. ('has. Hendricks, of Shamokin,
called mi relatives in town Sunday.
Jacob Snyder, wife and son, of Sha
mokin Ham, visiting James Houser's.
C W. Neil, who i- employed at
Sunbury, spent several days at home.
Warren Onell, of Hnrrisburg, spent
several days under the parental roof.
Miss Mayme Wiest, of Shamokin, was
a welcome guest a) Wm. Boyer's last
Miss Maruarel Klsclihiirt,
pendence, spent Sunday attb
al Hotel.
Miss Mary Sliatnbnugh, ol
I;mi, is visitiiiLr her granilpaiv
Snook ami w ife.
Mi- Mary Rlne, of MeK
called mi her cousins, M i
Lerie Bingitinan,
c.I. Flanders, wile and i
Miss Peril, --pent Sunday will
umuaKer at Mahantongo.
Mrs. David Wendt ami children and
Mrs. Annie Slinc and children, of Sun
bury, are visltillij relatlvi -.
George Clnugler, of Xorthumberland.
ami Mrs. Shoenian, or nunhtirv, visil
Empress Dowager and Emperor
Left Before Entry of Allies.
if Indc-Nation-
ts, John
w Jl Falls.
I ,ena and
Chliii'i- Sill, Hers Surriiiinileil liy
Truiipq ol iMii. ri-ui Powers and Ire
.IlllUllltf tl I.llNt Sliiuil Ai, Ileal Ion
For 1'VWCC l'KOl IlltlOllM.
Washington, Aug. 21. From Gen.
Chaffee the war department has receiv
ed official confirmation or tin- fall of
Pekln and the rescue of the besieged
Following is the text of the dispatch
from (Jen. Chaffee, dated Pekln, Aug.
15, as made public by the war depart
I meat :
"We entered legations grounds ui E
o'clock last night with Fourteenth ami
linht battery. Bight wounded during
day's lighting; otherwise all well."
Only two battalions of the Four
teenth regiment are with Gen. Chaffee.
They comprise about Mil) men. This
j would indicate that only about one
third of Qen, Chaffee's force actually
I had entered the city at the time ho
1 sent his dispatch,
I Admiral Kenn y has telegraphed 11
list of the casualties in the late tlulit
lng. among whom are Lieut. Smedley
What docs your mirror say?
Docs it tell you of some little
streaks of gray? Arc you
pleased? Do your friends f
the same ae show this loss
of power also?
Just remember that pray
hair never becomes darker
without help, while dark hair
rapidly becomes gray whin
once the change begins.
their sick father
David Iturkev,
law. Mrs. M. II
enjoyed a drive 1
during the
wile and
rndd, (
ooiir low 11
I ,cw Ishurg
Mrs. Itohci'l 1 i"- i improving
tioin her late sieklle .
Mrs. Aaron Mover is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Lash In Miftlii unty.
Mi's. Maillia Haines is spending a
few days iii 1 larrishiirg visiting her son.
Charles Wagner mid family, nfHIair
county, are visiting rioliieof their Sny
der count v friends,
has !
We think the shirt waist man
come to stay, the ladies as a rule
objecting to 1 lie Innovation, mi the
trary, say that the men should have
the same rights to appear in comfort-:
able dress as themselves.
Tile Trinity Lutheran choir attended
111.. I'ttl, nknU 1 i.,., ,1 l.',-.... 1, 1 1,-,,
n,l tank ,,. ,, l In il nomlui Thn ..v. ! do some business.
ecutive committee met and decided to
hold the l it h convention on the 8rd
Saturday of Aug. 1901 at the same place.
The following ollicers were eliidcd :
Pres., Prof. Win. Mover; Vice Pres.,
M. L. Wagenseller; Beo'y, J. B. Hull;
Treat., Brian Teats.
(Too 'ui.- f,,r lnt week.)
Our farmers are busy plowing.
W. II. Wendt snorts a new Ian
not j bicycle.
'Oil" ! I',.,, I, .,, II., I 1 I , ... LJ....I
... ill,'.. ..ii,,,, ui, I ,l. I,, . I I I I I M I I
ast Tuesday.
John Shaffer has been -id; fur the
last few days.
v imam .. wen nee wa
to Kant. Ii
o - 1
ne tvimtz tu" anu uuu -iuu ca-
i . 11 ii ii. 1 i i i
1 . . . 1 I 1ITMI!
, were visiting the latter's aunt,
D. S. Miller.
he K nit I',, rn.. I llniul uill furnish
1 mtllic for a picnic to he held at Port
. (. I U r
"...v ..i vul , III... 1 1 - 't.,., v..... ..,'.
He at resnectto the honor ol .Natli-
I'lilabig, whose remains were bur-
Ut 1' I'eeblirir Kuoihiv
I. K H iirnluirirup LmirlH n imu- nr.
'hr.,1 I.'. .1 1 ..
COHIltv fill u liiuinniiw tcitklnuf wi-i l.
. 1 K iwiuun iT '(..lit j n Mm
- ks(iuo.i ''i ivsuwj a 1 Kill t 1
1 tin- guest of liis parents over iSun-
I V Ml ivl.dli.r it-, ow.en . h. u.ue
lirom Huckwbeat Vallev to H. (I.
1 D nuuuo oirvtl
.ii. Mdva lllim 1 llllllll u
I'll tlit Maauwa mmmm SUm IT A I.'l
- v itKtvnu u iv 11, J"v. i-.u-
n new store last week. Hurry un,
Ml hi. 'ii In nt ll.,., ,.... I ..f
. 1'inin t a t fan nvn HIT
oiiHiioY i.i-ii. vJ "v"i iini-r .
( MmW. 1 1 1 '
riToni tt ilu. .1..
" J 'J1""CI, ll i.llMMI UHlll ,
DBPln ..t tl.... ..1 Ul-.l 1
w uuirsday. lie wils iiu appli-l
A. Kepler and W. H. Wendt Were to
Middlehiirg Monday.
A good rain is badly needed in this
section of the country.
Ohas, Kepler, who is working in
Northumberland County, was at home
over Sunday.
Rev. E. K. Miller, of Allentown, Pa.,
preaeneu a sermon in llie rst. John s
Mrs. James Krb, daughter
of Pittsburg, arc visiting her
law, Jaeot) Krb.
Mr-. Ann lia Hook is visiting in Mil
llin colllily lis a . it -I of her sister, M is
Samuel Ittllimgtirdller,
1 roi. liowersox nuiile some vei
teie-iiiig remarks al I he ftinera
Stmdllj , I'm' w liiell In- ha- tin
wishes nfiill present.
Jos,. 1 ih Kline is disposin
I lea pi
ami son,
- in
(Hair f
I' hi- peach
seventy-live cent- per bushel
up measure and running over,
sua certain customer reisirted,
Howard (Hbbonev, wife and daugh
ter, of Belleville, MitHIn county, spenl
a few days lu re visiting friends, also
attended the funeral of his brother-in-law,
'BqUire Steely.
Wm. II. ECnepp (blacksmith) gol a
few sever.' bruises hist wi ek by his lire
slaver breaking, ami tn'iiig let down on
We had vt gisift ram ;-j ' j. night.
The gyiisies areaai.'n caiuDiuson the
Zieber island.
Miss Mab'' Beaver was visitintr her
friends wt I reeburg last wtek.
William Haines and wife, of Selins
grovc, called on Mrs. Win. Sehroyer.
Fred Jlerhst, of Lewistowu, spent
Sunday with his fat her, Charles Herbst.
Blanche Moyer, of riiiladelidiia, is 1 Saturdav
visuing irieuus ami reialives al tins
John M. Moyer, of Freebunr, made a
business trip through this place Mon
Kdgar Herbst, the traveling sales
man for the (Jaion Tea Company, had
an accident at this place. He fefl from
his wagon and bruised his knees.
A crow d of Selinsgrovc people bad a
picnic on the island. Among them
were E. W. Snyder and wife, William
Moyei ami family, George Ulrich of
Philadelphia, Reuben Ulrich ami wife,
Mrs. Val. Boligand son, Mrs. Brymyer
and daughter and Miss Isora Ulrich.
Lutheran churcli iii this place Sunday, the tloor not very gently
.1. J. Steely wed lt rrluay and WM
buried Sunday at theSt. John's church.
A host of friends fol low ed his remains
r .vid Bottt'iger A, Co. moved tin:
saw mill on the tuiilicr tract of John
Apple, where they began last Thurs
day to saw.
N E. Stuck was to Freeburg Thursday,
John Stuck was on tin
J. B. I!
sick list last
thermel was to Selinsgrove
to their last resting place. Rev. Spahn
Officiated. The tamtly and relatives of
Hie deceased highly appreciate their
neighbors and others fur their kinduess
iii aiding them in time of n 1. The
deceased leaves a w idow, live children,
two brothers and one sister to mourn
his departure
Chaa. Troup bought a bicycleoneday
last W eek.
The rain Monday moistened tin
ground again.
R. A. Stuck an
friends Sunday,
wife were visiting
Mrs. A. S. Beachel is 011 the sick list.
She had a paralytic stroke.
Quite a number of our young men
went to the colored meeting at Summit
on their wheels Sunday.
Men selling watermelons are seen al
most every day on our streets. It ail
peal's there is a good market for watermelons.
A. ( '. Smith and drover Smith took
a business trip to Sunbury Monday.
A large number of our lovers of music
1 1 1 1 1 . 1 , . i 1 . 1 Urn .ili.ilr e.,11 viiiillmi ill l-'r.-c-
J. A. Kreighbaum was a caller at this ,, kininniav
I The teachers' examination w as held
a new chain- Monday. There were -even aspirants,
but two were disaniHiintcu.
if Shamokin, .!, Walter, formerly of this place,
who lived in Iowa I'm several veal's, re
turned In this place last week.
Thompson Hllblsh and wile anil Mr.
and Mrs. O.'OrlenawnH of Selinsgrovc,
took dinner with W. II. Gordon's
place 011 (sunday.
Benton Rothermel got
less bicycle last week.
J. L. Varner ami wife,
were in town Tuesday.
1 Tlic cornet band of this place was to
a picnic Saturday near Richfield.
W. A. Wendt and William A. Hard
ing were to Middleburg mi the tandem
last Thursday.
Henrv f'rvinver. of I'nion count v.
' far help from the ovi i-secrs or our. shot himself through the head last
rii.i ifi ai a. a. L.5.1 1. 11 1 1 ....,., ...1.1..1. .... .....i
"lauding be shot himself. (him to take his life.
The roller mills in this vicinity can
hardly supply the people with Hour 011
account of the scarcity of water. If it
don't rain soon, the mills will I ave to
he run by steam power.
oiiuny is uumiK'reii wu 1 t n
.lie I T .
".IK."" uuu ismiiv sneni
- '"""UK irieuus ai I'axinos.
IIIVIII,. n . .! a !.
v-V. A. Haas failed to deliver his
sermon at Reiner's Kuiulnv .m
ui n iiinerai.
f-C H. I In I I L' I , .1 i, . n-r . . r WtlAMm
- - , , , ,t 1, , M I , I , l i .'I I'l'll'
WllS Visitinu vcill. ui.y.,,iJaJra
,, , 111 IM ,1 ,
Aucker. last week.
' - 1 1. I ih 1 1 miro 1 1 1 , . 1' 111 M.,,....
" Dfl onp r 1 1... J( 1 t ti
1 nic at Verdilla Sept. 1.
s Baby Thin
w . . n
- ivi i iiikii duu a
his milk three limes a day.
Vs astonishmtf how fast
V;ill imnn.,. tii
is iivr. 1 . 11 ill irwc
1 e mother take th
Pulsion. ...
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear3 the
Signature of
cheslra will furnish apptoprlate music
for the occasion, liefreshiiients of a!'
kinds w ill be served. A bicycle parade
w ill also take place. Come one, come
all, and enjoy a good day of recreation.
Lucy Dressier is troubled with chills
and fever.
I). (. Long in. ends to quit farming
next spring.
Mrs. Amanda Noll came home from
Sunbury Sunday.
B. . Metrics and Arthur Wilt have
a nice lot of melons ami cantelouies.
Rev, (J. W. Hoard man preached an
Interesting sermon Sunday evening in
the. -eh 1 ml ilOUSC.
Jacob lhilick and Katie Seesholtz at
tended the colored campinccting Sun-
Jay at Clement.
Miss Lizzie Shrey, of Verdilla, is vis
iting Miss Katie Trutt. The two young
ladies were out on the river in a boat
and the latter was thrown out into. the
water Monday.
Senator K. M. Hummel's barn caught m iV 1 . ,
fire last Wednesday and was entirely White I leer when- he has
de troved. It is supposed to have been f,,r the I"11 two WC3ka
J. A'-: Roush, of Krcamer, was in
town Saturday.
Rev. H. H. Spahn, of Beaver Springs,
was a welcome visitor to town Satur
Rev. Grove, of Carlisle, a Reformed
minister, preached an interesting ser
mon in the St. John's church Sunday
ukuuuuu. Victory For Aatl-QM7 Mini
tsome otour people alleiuleil thechoir Lewistown. Pa., Aug. 20. Complnts
couveouoii in rreeDurg ami some at-1 returns of the Republican primaries
tended the picnio tt Daniel's church held on Saturday from every precinct
oniiuruBy. n Mifflin county show that the antl
I he St. John's Annual Union Har- Quay faction of that party has scored
vest Home picnic w ill be held on next I a victory over the Quay wing of that
Saturday, Aug. iioth, 111 Albert Sclniee's organization. Thaddeus Maho.i, for
grove. Able speakers w ill lie present I congress, was tinopioticd.
and the Garfield cornet hand ami or-
D. Butler, Privates Qreene and War
fell, all slinlit. This Is the second tin."
, Lieut. Butler baa been wounded.
The Japanese minister. Mr. Tak.i
hlra, has received the following ad
! vices from the Japanese foreign office
at Toklo:
j "The Japanese consul at Chefoo
wired umUr date of Auk. 17 to the fol
lowing effect: "The foreign forces at
tacked on the eastern side of I'ekln on
; Wednesday morning. The enemy ol
j stinately restated. In the evening the
J-. 'se Mpt up . Chlao Ypr gqt
I and the Tung Ohlh gate of the Tartar
j city and succeeded In entering. In the
' meantime other foreign forces entered
the Chinese city by the Tung l'len Kate.
Detachments were sent Immediately to
the legations and opened communica
tions, The ministers and staffs wero
found safe. The Japanese loss was
over loll. Including three ollicers,
namely, ('apt. Michilye and Lieut.
Watanabc wounded, while Lieut. Va
zakl was killed. The Chinese loss
computed at about 400.
"After entry in Pekln was effected by
the allied troops, the Chinese troops on
Aug;. 15, betook themselves to ami re
mained in the Imperial palace, and
there they met with obstinate resis
tance by the Chinese troops. Fighting
In still going mi. The headquarters of
tin- Japanese army Is in the legation,
and the division Is mainly quartered
In the villages outside of An Ting
Now that the primary object for
which the allied armies marched upon
Pekln. Vis., the rescue of the besieged
li'Kathmt b, has been accomplished,
the drift of discussion In official and
diplomatic circles revert to the next
step to be taken. The presumption hers
Is that tin next move made will he an
agreement for an armistice. This may
be undertaken by the commanders of
the Chinese army and those of the al
lies on the spot where the fighting ap
pears still to be In progress. This ac
complished, the question of the with
drawal of the foreign armies, the pay
ment of Indemnities, and many other
problems may be left to commissions
dully appointed to adjudicate them.
There are 11 nations which have suf
fered ns a result of the Chinese distur- I
hances. All will expect a settlement of I
damages which have resulted from the I
boxer outbreak, the murder of mis
sionaries, and the destruction of le
gation property. Spain Is one of these
and, although she has not participated
In the relief expedition, she has suf
fered alike with others and will ex-
will bring hack to your bas
ilic color of youth. It sever
fails. It is just as sure as
that heat melts snow, or that
water quenches fire.
It cleanses the scalp also
and prevents the formation of
dandr.ff. I( feeds ami nour
ishes the bull s of the hair
making them produce a luxu
riant growth. It Mops the
h.air from falling 'ut and gives
a tine soft finish to the hair
as well.
Wa bSVS bi.ok on tin1 Il.ilr nmi
S.'iilp ivMrh yuu 111.17 Obtain tmu
upon rMuitt.
( you .l.i nut "1. tain nil tli DMieBt!
Vnu oipocion ip'tn in uf in mo
iKur, wm.' II. li . tor alimit It.
1,1.1.... I, IF .I C AVl'll
H '- Luwall,
0p Lpffffisl
f'n'i, his irnle anxiety being to inrs
the e mat Ion of hostilities.
Th application is understood alsii
t.. ! ve been made to the other powers
i in iDj hepe that if all would name a
i-ouualti ner there would be :i gen
i era! count il of peace between i.i Hung
, Chan;; en the one hand and the several
j representatives of the nations mi the
other. Aside from the fact that the
condlt ons of Auk. 12 have nut yet
been complied with by China, It is
pioballlo that Ihrs v i iiinenin 'iciJ''
desire to take sufficient lime to learn
what the other powers Intend doing on
the same line, as all are acting in
unison. Moreover, there are soni un
explained features of i.i Hung Chang's
application, one of them being that
while he asks the allies to censi hos
tilities, he kIvcs no assurance thai he
has the power to make i he Chinese
army and the rebellious Boxers cease
litis inn Defeat Cblneni",
St. Petersburg, Aug. 21. Qen Orlnff,
chief of st;,rf to the Rusiali for In
China, reports to the Russian War of
fice the defeat of 7,unn Chinese nfter a
hard fight, the capture of Vnk Shi Pass
and the occupation of Meduchel. Vn
Impi rial ukase has been Issued pro
hibiting the exportation of arms or
ammunition to China.
t unillicll ill He Kill, i,. Of
Hani i.oi'Im-i.
Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 20.
rowers, former secretary of stati
on Saturday found guilty of coln
In the shooting of Senator (Joel, i
was sentenced to Imprisonment foi
There was a great crowd in
around the court house when tin
dh t was returned and sent en
DOUnced. The jury was out mil.'
46 minutes. Only one ballot wa.i
resulted unanimously in favoi
Thrrr llroniM-ll In tin. Surf. PSCI lO He tmiemillSeil lor HIT losses.
Cape May. Aug. 21.-Ellen Young, j Thp dispatches seem to make clear
flalina Newhouser and Albert .1. i hnt the emperor and the empress
Schwab, all of Phllndelnhl.-, were dwaKer have made their escape from
drowned In the surf at Cape May Point 1 1Vk'"' 'f-f B,D0Ut ""'f preHpni
yesterday. They wero bathing, and
got beyond their depth. Schwab made
a nohle effort to save his companions,
II I. Itoniig made a business trip to j holding their unconscious bodies above
I the water's surface for some tlmo
Suiiburv Mondnv
Mrs. C. II. Kloscaml children spcut
Thursday in Kelinsgrove.
Hiram Seigfried ami wife, of Selins
grovc, spent Sunday in town.
Isaac Winters, the popular clerk in
Fult.'s store, is on the sick list.
The infant daughter oft 'has. K. Kel
ler and wife died Monday morning.
Rev. Zimmerman and family are
spending their vacation in Mahony
Elmer Shannon has returned from
been employ
ue 'troved. It is supt
starteti by some one tlirowinga lighted
cigar at the straw stack. Daniel oas-
sainan, Jr., the fanner, is the heaviest
loser. All his farming implement-, o
hogs, one calf, all the hay, grain and
straw burned. He lias very little in
surance. Some of the neighbors and
friends donated theui the necessaries
for which they are very thankful.
Miss Victoria Mover, of Hollidavs-
hurg, who spent the past month at this
place, has returned to her home.
The tie existing between Miss E tella
M. Kouiig and Cbus. Smith for the
Adamshurg primary sehisil was de
cided by the board of directors as fol
lows : Miss Itoinig to take the primary
and Mr. Smith the Kiegle school.
Just as a boat which went to their j
rescue reached his side he loosened
his grasp on the women and they sank 1
out of sight. The women were taken
ashore, and although the usual meth
ods for resuscitation were resorted to I
they could not be brought back to life.
Schwab's body was not recovered.
service of the Imperial palace and
grounds Is an asylum In which the de
moralized Chinese soldiers are making
a lust stand. The Japanese legation's
advices show that the banners of the
imperial cortege were seen leaving
Pekin on the 12th, and that probably
the empress dowager, as well as the
emperor, had left the city. Consul Gen
eral QoodnOW advised the state depart
ment that he had Information from
Flrat Aaltiint Poatninitr flrnrrnl.
Washington, Aug. 21 William M.
Johnson, of Hackensack, N. J., the
president of tho New Jersey state
senate, has been tendered and has ac
cepted the office of first assistant post
master general, made vacant by the
resignation of Perry Heath. He will
take charge of the office In a few da8.
He is president of a bank, has o'her
Chincso sources that tho empress dow-
. Sger had left Pekln.
China's latest application for peace
negotiations was received early In the
day at the Chinese legation, and was
J transmitted by Mr. Wu to the state
! department. Karl Li's request Is that
the United States shall name Minister
i Conger, or some other official, to act
as peace envoy for the cessation of
I hostilities. He expressed his wllllng-
ness to go to such point as the powers
I may desire, and under the intimations
made it la thought that Pekln or Tien
commercial interests, anil Is very , rp-in mU he aaaaatad for h Baamria
wealthy. He has been a state senator UoIlB Tne Chinese envoy proposed no
for four or live years, and has been by terms as to the withdrawal of troops,
virtue of that office acting governor ol miLlie no otner suggestion as to
the state on a number of occasions. I wbat to before tne COmmis-
w II-
i and
c ver-pro-nbout
' aken.
of life
Imprisonment. The jury was . tn pos
ed of eight Ooebel Democrats, three
antl-Qoebel Democrats and one Re
publican. Several of Powers' friend; crowded
around and expressed their sympathy
with him. Powers seemed da' For
a few moments be was at the poin if
fainting, but be recovered bimsell with
an effort.
"It Is an unjust verdict," he said a
he turned to o with Jailer Reld
There was no sort of demon.'.; ration
following the verdict, and the vast
crowd filed out of the court bouse al
most In silence. Powers remained In
the court room for some time after (ho
verdict was rendered, In conference
with his attorneys, who win at onoe
move for a mw trial, and, in
that, will take an appeal.
. a
rr.wsi.vv M A NEWS COlfDBSSBD.
Chambersburg's first automoblli will ho
pin, , .1 on lbs street there this week.
c. M. Woleott bus been appointed post
master at Cady and J. B. Haney at
Hllti n by a rattlesnake. A. B. Callahan,
of Oaleton, chopped orf the w uuuVd
tlnK"i and thus nuved his life.
Pat sr Dommel, Jr., Andrew HartSMD
and s. v. Leed, "i Lancaster, have iei-ni
held for court fur ashing Illegally wltti
nellies and nets,
Rev. rranli Beubert, who diad a few
days ago at I htnwn has In laenth
ed his lllirary In Kcv. liuKfim llaitel
meyer, Waynesboro,
Accidentally shot with a rifle in tne
bands of a companion, nt on City, a
young son of Samuel Blcket bled lo .1 ,th
before assistance muld lie sumnnuii-il.
Cumberhuid vaUey Lutberans will noij
a reunion at Mont Alto l'ark nt. yyt. s.
Addresses will bs made by Revs. H. H.
Deik. nf Hagerstown, and F, W, BtJty,
of Mlddletown.
The Adams county liepubllcun , ,.ren
tlon hna nominated William A. Hinn s. of
New Oxford, for c.inifreSS, SUbjaOt I" Uo
clnlnn of the Nineteenth district coiu,-rea-nloiiul