r ,1 . ' ' TsJ . . - i -- i- MATES NOTIFIl .ftSf H - - I I ran and Stevenson Meet Fort; Leaders at Indianapolis. i UcH Of CANDIDATE BEYAI. ' TELEPHONES Oil FARMS. JfMfflfflT. IT Mill f CANCER l Time was warn Canctar was considered as incurtle as lenrosv. IS NOT INCURABLE BUFFALO TREE HOPPER. lDTote AAA' tt, th Q,ua- L(B of Imperialism. Derlarlna tha Ittltuilr mt the Repobliean Tarty LnnlN(l.- to the t'onstltutlon. Indianapolis. Aug. 9 William .Ton- Ln Bryan and Adlal L. Stevenson te yesterday. In this city, c.Ticlally formally DoUfled of their nomiiia- Tliey Are Xot Merely a 4'onveiilrnce, Uul a Uniid Uualncs laTHl umt as Will. In the locality where I live there arc several lines of telephones which run through the farming district to parts of thl and Delghboring states, sc the several villages. Many of the I cojnpanied by specimens of apple twigl farmers along these lines have placed and branches showing the Work of the phones in their houses, which puts buffalo tree hopper, lead us to bebeve Time was want Cancfcr was considered as incurable as leprosv. PbTsicians snd friends could give little relief or encouragement to i one afflicted with this terrible disease. Rven now doctors know of no remedy for this fearful malady ; while admitting it to be a Dlooil disease, xuev siiuinsisi unit mere is no nuuo ouisioc 01 a Milium upariauuu, nim auvpr you iu uavc uh .aici lui um, but at the same time cannot assure vou that it will not return. You may cut or draw out the sore, but another will oome in its place, for the disease is iu the blood is deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon' knife or w. ,1... I, ,1 r. . ml M a, nllra TKm l.l,..i.i niuul 1m miritiawl utitl u1 r. n .. I ! i r 11 r. 1 t)if avit.,i i,!i.-vi-.l 1 if utt tu li SI tfl 1 VI elf, It, Valuable Information Taken from - . 1"- -- - - r matter before the Cancer sore will heal. Hercnt circular of III Kansas S. S. S. is the only medicine that can overcome this powerful and contaminating; poison and force it out of the blood. It Baaerlsaeat stnttoa. builds up and invigorates the old, and supplies new, nch, lite -giving blood. S. S. S. in a purely vegetable remedy ; no mineral i can be found in it ; the roots and herbs from which it is made contain jmwerful purifying properties that act directly upon Numerous inquiries from different the blood gvstem and make a aafc and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured thousands, whv not vou? Caneer is not alwavs inherited ; vour family may be free from any taint, yet your bloo.l may become so polluted that n severe and stunooru torm o( the disease may develop from a sure or ulcer on your tongue or other part of your body J a slight bruise or hurt, a little pimple oil the eyelid, lip Impure Blood Invites Disease. Ins by the Democrats at their recent tbem m .meet communication win. tnat me apple-growing puouo is uc- of n m imn , Qn the , ,,reust a harmless looking wart or mole, and other causes so insignificant as to attract Insas City convention to the omces the villages. 1 recently visiiea a coming awakened to tne aiiim.ianoe 01 liu,e ()r UQ attention. If you have an obstinate sore, don't rely upon salves or ointments to cure it begin with 8. S. S. ipectlvely of president and vice pres- former who lives three or four miles this orchard insect, though not aware ttl olu.r . lt wju cleanse Tour blond and prevent the formation of cancerous cells. nt of the United Mates. I ne csrw I from one o our large villages, in of the methods or avoiding the injury Mrs. R. Bhirer, La Flats, Mo., writes " A small pimple came on say jsw about one inch below the ,,,.,,!., (ha nirniilnn of B .Li- ,.:n 1 (I,., nmilliiui .4 U. ,,,,, , i ,, , ..c Ti 'tints I rut on 1 he lrtt Mile of inv face At tll.t it SSVe Hit BO trouble, SSd I did UOt think it WSS anything KI.OUI ,ny ...-. - " - in o...w, in ! ' I I miT !, law Iwmi in msII sari haeams much Inflamed At the asm tima the son hems to anread and mt lato the flesh, and gai ma Intense pain I tried everything l could hear of, hut nothing did mi any .t I then besnn tbe use of s s s , nn.i ntin i.;kiim irvrmi nuiiif me cancel scaled, and mere u of O I f- ....... ..1 ... - it ..,.,,) iu ,i ii.-l, if, irinmt i, ,t, tli it tutll m n oeeui i cu i , ....... ,i iu.i I',, . . ..... ui, wn. . tut if ti 1 and shaded tract of ground i much he would aide to sell, he these injuries was Hrsl made known. upon inquiry as to the condition of the injured trees (luring the previous Au- tionstration. with which the nemo- Qf pj. aru, .,,! ,,f a large truck gar- brought forth l correspondence wltll ts mav be fairly said to have begun ,, n t has been his custom to drive those who rejwu-t the dumnge eontii iu $ tr national campaign. The DOtlflCa- j to the villugi , . , . . , . , I SWWNMIIIII IHUmi, , ma nn jiai.ih", , ... ..... ..Ju; .a n I I I Iff I I OH S .1 ,,lv IV II II 1 He M C , II lll.l tl(UIIBIICU UCUUWVIID Ul I the center of the city, and was wit- would often take more than he could . . thaHUMlla ffwwiMM . Jl. ..f I ,1.:. ullMltll, bu,lt m,.p fcSDU lV BmHj I IIO IIS, Vitus. UUIIQI li t 11 S H 'SC III , .1 II' I I'll OIII'lviO iv . , . - . In isichardson and Governor Thomas, until ihe next trip, did not always Colorado, made the notification i keep in a marketable condition, ami i hi !S to the canaiaaies, ami uotn m tins win eoiihmeru ne was wuswu you ; it is tree. Write our iihvsicians about vour c;r-e. snd fur miv advice or information wanted ; thev have made a life study of Cancer and all blood diseases We make no charge what ever for this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. (JA. kpon led at length. Mr. Hryan started during tin r. This farmer has put by saying tno present issue was a ., telephone m Ills inuisc wiiieu jnueea test between demoeraey and pin-' him iu communication with his cus- tTaCy, ailU llieu uiseusseu iiitiei mi- lolllCIsin llie Vlllile. in I. nt, i. iii, is Iu the course ot his address us Hn.ii- orders bv teleplioiie, and know ing what they want, he delivers it to them on his regular days of market ing. This makes marketing much easier and plcasa liter, and he thinks the telephone a profitable Investment lor him. Sometimes he wholesales produce to dealers when he. can get satisfactory prices, When a dealer hi his village wishes anything ill his line, he can easily order it, if price! can be arranged, or when the fanner has anything ready for market, he can "call up" the dealer and ask fur prices. The telephone not only places him in Immediate communication with his own village, but i'h neighboring vil lages, ami. by telegraph or the long distance telephone, with the city mar kets. The farmer 1 have mentioned grows several acres of atrnwherrlesi By the aid of the telephone he is able to learn without delay, which is im portant to marketing berries, where there is a demand tor thiiii and at what price. There are many other uses of the telephone for the farmer iii his Iso lated circumstances, so t hat cry often he can make it convenient ami profit able, 1 have been in the railway sta tion when some farmer "called up" the agent and asked him if the goods he was expecting hitf arrived, and the Information would sometimes save a Then the president, supported syipnw Liiv unanimous vote of the house and bate entered upon a win won opain the purpose of aiding the itrugKling hrii'ts hi uoa. tno country, wmium it. t,l party, upplauded. Although the ami" ruts raooajniaeu insi ui nuiinms- L would necessarily nam a inium .11 i-anliiKe from the conduct 01 a war lull. In the very nature or (ne ease. A - ion end In a coiniueie victory, tiny la with the Republicans in the support huh they gave the president, vynen was over anil tne itopuoiican Iders began to suggest the propriety of Elonlal policy, opposition at once tnanl- ted ilseli. When ins presiueni iinany before the senate k treaty which ognlsed the Independence of Cuba, but tvided for the cession 01 the riiiiip- slanda to the 1 nitea niates, ma 1 1 - ul m h i i t Usui uceoiiis " n Irt-nt that many preferred to reject the fcal v and risk the Ills that nusiii toi- bi ratln r than take tin- chance of, cor- k tit. u the errors of tin- treaty uy tie" H. p. inlent action of this eeiin'ry. fhose who would have this nation i n f upon a carter of empire must con fer nut only the effect or imperialism the I- lllptnns, DUI tin y must also cm- lute its efleet upon inn nwil n il inn. innot repudiate tin- prlm iplt ol s.-f Ivirniiit-nt in tie- Philippines without akenlng that principle lure. Ijur iiiponeius. conscious hi ino wenK- if ttieir cans., s. h In contuse 1 111 - Irlalism with expansion, anil have even fee to claim jencrson as a supporter their policy. Jenerson speae so tic-iy kil used language with such precialon lat no one can In- ignorant of his views. 1 niie occasion he declared: li there tent- principle mor- deeply rooted than Sv otin-r in tne nunu 01 every amen- In, it Is that we should have nothinu 0 with coniiiivist. And again lit lid: "Comiuest Is not in our principles; - Ini onslstent with our guvernnient. -The forcible annexation of territory to I Kovi-rned by arbitrary power diners as luch from the acquisition of territory to bu.'.'-up Into slates as a monarcny Stic partfr does not oppose exj slon, en txppnslon enlarges tne area 1 inn public lnnd Incorporates land which n he settled by American citizens, or ds to feur population people who 11 111 llins to become citizens and are ca ble of discharging their duties as such. is now proposed to seize upon dis til territory already more densely pop itnl than our country, nntl to force on the people a government for which (re is no warrant in our constitution our laws. I colonial policy means that we shall id t'i the Philippines a few traders, a task masters and a few officeholders, d an army large enough to support the Iborlty of a small fraction of the peo ' while they rule the natives, f We have an imperial policy we mut ve n large standing army as Its natural d necessury complement. The spirit ilt'h will Justify the forcible annexa m of the Philippine Islands will Justify " Selsure of other Islands and the mih.ition of other people, and with irs of conquest we can t spec) a eer ln. it not rapid growth of our military tablishment. rhe Remibllcan platform assumes that I Philippine islands will lie retained idt r American sovereignty, and we have rlsht to demand of the Republican Iders a dlSCUSSlOn of the future status tin- Filipino. Is he to in' a citizen or iit.i. . 1' Are we to bring Into the body tilth N.mlfl.noo or ln.oen.en) Asia lies, so NVrcnt from us In rnce and history ai amalgamation is Impossible? Are e' t i share with us In making the and shaping I lie thsliny of tliis n.i- n? No Republican of prominence has n bold enOttgh to advocate such a position. The Democratic platform de nned the situation when it says that je Filipinos cannot he citizens without gangerlng our civilization. When we made allies of the Plllp'noS H .it un, I tbem to Dght against Spain t disputed Spain's title. If we buy lahi title we are not innocent tnjr- ISeni. Hut even if w,' I1.11I not dis- ti'd Sii.iln's title, she could transfur net er title than sin- had. and her title : t on ftiree alone. We cannot nd such a title, but as Snain cave a oult claim deed, we can honorably 1 the property over to the party In " n W'hth.r :inv Amur), ill nf- 1' ..... the Filipinos moral assurance intli'pendenci. In not material. 1 lutv, It tii ,t hlvitorv riiriiklii.il to. aVflttinU ttirtiituiie baser than ours if we now tltlltM our vol.. f..t- tl,.. ml. I, v., If.. he iierm.-inont nhilrmin nf the laat PUblii an ntlrvnnl rnni-uiitlini IWHMK Itill- T,ei linl.irir w. . m .... I n .11 lt I.,. 1 .1 Wti.in hu mm I A . We ir Irit.-rfRtfd In th- IMilliinntn-s kh!IV ,lJnt of othr--r.4. While we raffard r w, lf;tr of thOSe pripo un a sa -r-'. pt rcKnrd tiio welfare of the tl rxoiilt first W . e mtr (Infv ourjs( v(.5 an wi ll M to others. We be- III triirl. nTniinsiMn ltv , -. ri- L.oiti. mrani within the Drovtnce of tov- Pm' Mt arwl ('oiistt1iilit.il wf mt-:in tn Mi- i v i i.i -. , 1 1 1 1 1 lit ii', r ti .il.. 'in4 1" the commercial firpurnont. It la ulon the theory that war can be rtHged for pecuniary advatitagt, it it im ...... 1 . .. ssws i : - i j'i mi i - i i in hj mil 1 1 . i v P:e . ' force anil vi!nrp Kr nk H n hoth of these proriVisltlonH. I n f p. mm W m . i ill U 9-: mpuM M t l A po'ltion ovlpo-iiiin In Iii , it. the 4t'' alwL ' . ecus . I.', iirriiuaed a at C Old Bcarred T JSMm t ' '' , ' j punctures lire shown at I-:. cJPil ,;.,,.,' , i fife.. Ml ! lili v' Kilst ami Sepl cr, il appear . H.; ? 1U(! IUI 0 ease t ha! t iie tleisW.lt (fct M It time in w.til-- ami ijrass, cul iiai ion 'SUSBSSf. 'A. ' I Allln'll 1 Read This ! Read This ! 1 f MY PRESENT STOCK OF C AHPETS Is Iuilti r llian i v. r li. l'i.ie ; inv PMC S LOWEH limn OTII KUS for t m SAME GOODS. &J.v prictH ou Ifl toIIh nf cm pol I wihu to close .mt will suit tin. pnekul book ol iniiii.t mill save otbers nioiicy. )i nni tbink of hu.vitiR your fall cnrpctH until you jjivu luy stock of carpels your uttoiitiou utul gvi tbe prices ol hoiiio ol in.v biiiiifiiiiiH 1 am olVerinif. iprurs in each row li at t hat s, cultivation liaviii!.' Inch sin pi lull ! for one can-, another, itnd the orchard weeds l- lovvcsl tn KI'oH II levin civ. li. lll.lllll'J from tin amount i t! vat ion in such an the work of tin-p. st. The inference il too plain to ii' 1 1! argument. Clean cul ture during tin late summer, to keen the ground free from the weeds on which the young hoppers feci, will protect the young orchard from al tack. When the tics are iiircn.lv badly iMini't iired the only thing that can he vJi) Prices j tisvt right mi t hese One Word About Pictures. nni offering my present slock of pictures ul cost, I'M AN t t S I' iiinl sunn' Im' I lie pi ice of the trlitss in t lie Doll 'I un ss. Ins sale I liiivo Home pretty iliinu's tn offer in Furniture, La'oi will sin prise you iii Styles ituil I'ricea, ft nines. i-c.i I'ters ;i. 1.. ii... v',' ijfi 'rsr of injiir.v in o: clianis vi In re eu!- & -' "'' !' was not tliu siispcinlcil show s J Hr ' in utmost entire immunity from ' Rcmcmtx r MAJOU'S m nni i: t'H.M I. NT, Jl A.IOICH LE M ill " CKMEN r. HA)R SWITCH 65 CENTS, e o o ej o O o O o O o O UNDERTAKING ! UNDERTAKING ! In tins brunch ol my btisinoHH 1 am nrepareil give Ihe public tbe best serbioe Unit can be nccureil bv iiionej Inn.' innl pni's.itnil tit teiitioii. My i'iiiippiii;o in this lu iiiieh of Iiiihiichh is f the tineat in the Htnte. HEAUsES, (lAHHlAdES i .1 UNDEHTAK1NG L'AIILOHS me up In .In. One m i d ih ml I report 1 1 no nltpntlnii 1. 1 -'. e ill '.1 10 lata!' 1-1 . ' . ' I i.l'AUANTKh tolui'in-li lie hi a--; .1 l.l.ss MONr.i Illlj, lii,IIANTKK loglvpyiHI easiei I'AViil.MU. LiviTV Coiilicctctl willi L' Illicit ii kil it; lii'iiilllliiel.l, no 'l house in ne-1 ('la- KM I M Lis I .lone is to euli t ate 'teueroiisl v t he cotn- trip to the station before the ffXKUI I ag aeai to keep t he injured trees in were there; or lie was as' "1 to send' . t of rft llm fjem ( aiephone to come pluvv,( in mutfrrowing the injury. It lias been I w i. ui. .uimedlate reply. j suggested by some that the injured The telephone. In sides jiluci njr the ,.....,..,..s ,honW I. -ivned out audi farmer in immediate eommunlcation burned, thus reducing the number of the pests the next season, lint if such a plan were to he put in practice it with his merchant, physician, veteri Oarian and others whose services he may need, affords eommunlcation be tween fanners and their families, It not only facilitates Intercourse in business matters, hut a. his verj much to the social life of the farmer, lie converses easily nt any time with his neighbor on any subject of interest to them. Many farmers think that the cost of the tele phone is so grcilt tlllll thtVJ cannot afford it. in my locality the farmers own private lines on the co operative plan. There are main lines operated by Indlviduols, or corpora tions, The farmers linve 'built private lines which connect tbem with these. Oenernlly, a few Individuals taking the lead, ihe farmers ore visited in the Community where the wires are to bi put up. and asked to subscribe to wards buildln It l. M.I.I. Ml il IS II sv SMlr SI Item 090 t" 2,3 S3vtutM n "I iwitcsi ilbsi - i "' t f I tut.. -.Kii, UUH (iFFEIl: J '"' 1 ' ""I " " Ainiiit.- ,it ii. i inn .in,.., v- .i . .1 ,m pu a oulas nsar Uio roots ... : Mllils,lncliiM ssr ssstlsl srt sssles s'l :. ttstt stirs to 1HV in.: ', . I ti 1 "- it'll u. i- -.e ilif knlirli In Malrn ,usr liliir SUSI, I. n . ." n I In 11 I'V iti.-vi i, ttoet m ol. mjiti if i ou sr t psrfsetlj ali.fleil. rt-t.ti ti ll n' ill wu will ltniiitnluU-lT reftii.il y.t.tr i:ier.i v. ee.'S.- tlrP.'. - "r k .Me ? n " .'t.h y sv in. lotic, hmi slsta, 433c; Riiort stem, l POO? " " 'f. I ". ''. t I'l'ln, SI.Z9I laos, st-ln. Ion, sli irt slmn, i..o: S Of. MM in lonff,sliitrtstem,Stt.2SI ;' on win. loaa, s Btsm, tS.Stt. Waei'iSislM C , OCR trass Hie in. Iisst itrsda on tim f.i r.ri la't. Ilrdrrstsstt nintrrl ISNStsttlSl Sislv srltti V" T mi.it) rrlnntvd it m. c w W. H. FELIX, tV 'OCCJeOOl I 'oniiet'tloii, OOOOCOj r.r-1-,,- r i-vv-,,-1 This Dictionary CONTAINING 50,000 Words FREt.1 Would result in many eases In the re in, ival of entire trees, no part of the small tree being exempt from .attack. The eggs which are laid in August ill ihe Wounds in the bark hatch the next May or June, and it is suggested that at the time when observation shows ;he Insects to he emerging it will he possible to destroy most of tin tender young by a spray of kerosene emul sion at a moderate strength, So much reliance may he placed upon clean cul ture, how ci.r. that this spraying Is not considered necessnrv, though a prac tical method of destrut the ri;ht time. (Sura, K I slesaei Hnl.'iloodJ, Ail.l . utal'itcuu el S.AHS. ROEBUCK & CO tlnr 'Ctvraaa orb A ) ii. ar n. " m i I reliable. bJllur. ) REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man ana 1 r'.i-v the line. bum , Wei. Ino vilic1 to-da i do not wish to pay money are allowed The win ' ' to furnish work, nosts, et is put up at a small cost t. each farmer, but in addition to it, he must buy his telephone to put in his bouse. This costs him from $15 to 20, Then be must pay his share of the taxwl.ich la charged for connecting the farm- er's private line with the, main lilies, which ill most of the communities iu 1lii section is two or three dollars annually for each farmer. in one neighborhood near me I do ii"t think the cost of patting up the wires and buying the telephones was more than $30 for each fanner. Perhaps t Ills was only the cash outlay, and the work contributed by the tanners was not taken into account; I was not definitely Informed on this point. Where there are such opportunities for building fanners' lines that can be connected with main lines, sorely money or work expended iii this way will be well insisted. JVt. 11. Jenkins, in Country Gentleman, of Me. produces the t.liovn remit ln'30 lny. It aetl i , . a , 1 1 1 v mid niiirliiv i.'urcH when 111 other:- foil ii if doncot Vuuug men wiU retain their lost tnanbood.SDd old ' mon will recover their youthful vigor liy lining in vivo II onlckly ami purely r.tnrenN. nous- r)nB, Vitality. Impotcucy. Nigtltlj Emlssloni, Lost Power, Failing Memory. Wat-tinn Dlaessei.ana ..i .-to nt a.ur uliiuin avaniMSSBa lodisetetiOO. wtnclmnlltH.mofor8til.ly.lurlliHsoriinrriaite.It I Bliess ive 11 plant that cum DOt only cures liy starting at the rrat of dlsesse.DUl ISSgreal nerve tonic aim nioou pauuen mtur iHg hack tliu pink )gnw to pole cheefcssnaN ntorlng tin. tiro of youth. It war Ik off 7MaltJ and Conaamptton. Inniht on baring BE1 no.no other. It ran lo rarrlfil in v. t rot ki t . Iiy mill Hl.tio in ri.arkoga.or six ior sn.oo, With POSJ tlve writtca aaarunleo to euro or refiuia the money. Circular (no. Addrtxa Royal Medicine Co., caLo.Tu!' FOOLING THE CROWS. li. mis; Crows an time t. malt. OeowttlS Crops In Orchards. The disadvantage of having grass or growing crops in an orchard is not en tirely due to the chance of the crops robbing the soil of fertility needed by own of tiicsH proposltlona. x t o the philosophy of Franklin agailnut 1 the trees. If it was it would be eiusili "'li'l doctrine of thnqe who utn.ilrl nricA M...... in- . , a, - ' awa iim ti.t- ill tv.i aaii.u.i. uil Iind ll.allfv ii u-nr rxt t H tho STVli tl, ,t It ..ill nava. uti - imorrnti 1. 1. ;.v of trades. It would extend our vt every leRltlmate and pwacoful HI. Hit i. las ..... I 1 II X S. .-inrtiBo of human blood. - Hvi,anam WOuld be profitable to the ItK. : , ,Bi;ior',i i wouiii iie proncanis !hln ou ...... ,.,. . i m 1 ii .-- w- b. ttiiu wuuiu carry live "r to the PhiliDDlnea and hrinn- the Philippines and brlnff who would seise upon the fran- trt WVMIU uc i vuiauic iu nit . .whoM aalarlea would be tlxed ' 'M f II 1J 11 L . . v...s a. a. t na m ine popnng man and to the ' ill it tar mi irt hr iil avriun.ll ...... . nOI fOma WSS thu uonnnn nf V. .v , '1 Un Af IKum faasssss U . ..S....l . at n 7 h . numan heart. Lat It be a tktai ot sovarslsnty; let IsHU iiiaiuu oi ocina tne aavance- orth to balp 2nd te uplift. remedied by the manure applied to the hoed cropa, of which the trees would get their share, or by turninjr ibeep into the orchard to eat the ,'rass und the fallen wormy fruit, who would en rich the soil by their droppinfrs. lint the greater trouble enmes from the summer and fall droughts when the trees need nil the moisture to perfect their fruit. If the grass or other sur fnee crop tnkes it there will be a large amount of fruit fall which might have been saved if there had been moisture enough to carry it through to matur ity. Where water can be supplied by irrigation this difficulty Is not as great. American Cultivator. Good roads are a necessity to any enterprising agricultural aommu alty. hit yonder by il thick In Ih.ii hack lot -ain't fit no play Witii scarecrows 1 know how t 'cm sick. Now, Johnnie, brim that tar and sorter stir A pint right In th:it pall of seed; you, Fred, CI" In where mother Is an' Just ask h' r 'I'd let ye have them nshes In the slml. Now sift the iishi s In an' dry It out, That's rlijht! Now, hoys, come on It's gettln' late. See that old crow? Cawl Caw! Hark .it his ahotil I He thinks he n put us now hut you Jest wait. Tbem crows are knowin' birds they're watchln' us. Let's net down here at this end of the row An' watch 'cm ther they to without any fuss; Hie Unit nno drr.itoh? He's found the com' Ih.! Hoi I'yn't like that tar? Jest see him spit It out! Try niie more Rh I I'll bet that burned his tongue. Caw! Cawl That's right. Your Rbpes are up the snout. Ply home ami uu your folks with every long That we ain't buildln' scarecrows in our corn I'er crows to laugh at tell 'era all to oome An' try their teeth m tar from early dawn. Come, boys, let's plant this Held an' then go home. - Rural New Yorker. m 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. V work of extra arj interinl i" all rlsssea ! .i...-i -ive ticiiiile Iii twain) ii I-' Willi!, even ! Ihe ureal iiirtiiilai il worka uttiMlai In quant It j It islna mail) ever) wnnl in ruiniiiuii uaase, aiiil lulli answers llie purMise of ai leaai llini t . -i rierj t,,,.?, i,. Winn -Ir. In. Ilnii.ii) Im. Ii'.'i.iiiii wnnl-. I i nliiM El n luiVl Ataiidanl seO.OUO. Ttirse fnat tl SI" i" i",n rsili. inira sllli BU.000 words ma) nun Ik'IibiI iiimhi lernia lieietnl iinli.'.nil ..f. A new Mi. alit.wa tin- plural i.hih nil III.1 iiiiuiis. Aiiiitlil'r IKiltin. .ml bIn.ui nooo esiirrlall) .1.111. nil wnriU; Iml llir icrrstest of all selili'treinriils In i lein illci an maklnu i- tne sildltlnti et ..''.in1" vm.oi- tn ilila illrll j I-, weans et n ilui In nase, .'mi.. I Un "Coliiuitilau WorU-Builder." a nrnanTuruTO llesliles the Ulrllonari It also enntalna twelve DEPARTMENTS !- . f..ii i ai in- rlntis i 3 Hrmioiinrlns no lloiiai ri I'rpiM.r ISi -. i ( nrelteer oflheM I: ' Large Titles : l'lirlliiiiieiiliirj llnlesi Business Inslrilrlnn - Sim nil liliiin ilt ; . letter Writer) in. I'se ol Cniltals II runctuiitlon I IJ. ItcuuUlus'StUvagos, hstnliotnely bound in Imitation leather covers. , i 1 tl. . tut t. cur null, "li- RIVFN flWBY. . ' : ,. ,-' i-h'slr.nd'i l.V a elr. - tlnn of 380,0001, Inn. t I.....-H. '1 "' l" "'V "',,"' " ..',','i'n lui.,,. .... make in. fi.llosi in i' Itei.iat I. iil.it' i ifl"i' I ' imr r .- I la Mi . Ii.ll. :i .1 ;.r. I"ll V ' W 111 MM rARM A N n HOM-: lll'-vi- llll II I I' 'Ii III.' Till 'Ilt I. Kl itllilliti- ' -- . Un .liver ..r stamim), and wlthi.nl further rl arrri T Coniprehenslvv Websti . Illetlonfiry, ;. i f "; ', ,. jf. i liinll ii."t.iild All fiinntiii:- IhlmltiT will receive .iirningnii Iren'tt) lllnstrntnl 40-pnge preinlnin l t . i nr. ' 1 ' V .'1,1 trtleles ami i.. of the in;' r. ninrkal.li' ff " " ',' ' " W II your niitiierli.tlf.il Is sent Inimedlau i. ... ill nln h ' ' " A ViIm ot the Worhl. ilainltie msi In rolnrs. which would iot al V I m'tmrnteti Ii-iiK leuitnl everrwntiTO i. i-i si it inirelia I 'Ner.ll l i'l I1--!' Box D Sprintsficlil, Win Itrt. .-.-iilv I W'll. Aililn ,,or Chicao, Ills. for Hale in Wddlebunh, ''.. .,- MWDLEliURUll DRUG t . H-H-H Cnrranl C'ullnre t'nndensed. Currants are easily (,'rovvn; u clay noil that is rich and moist, not wet, is to be preferred they (rive DCtt results iu shady situations hence are excel lent to set in orchards. Five by four feet is the distance most generally vised. Clean and thorough cultivation is very necessary to produce the larpest sized fruit. They are gross feeders nud appreciate liberul dressing. A major ity of growers use yard manure. He move all old canes and weak shoots. Mulching with either coarse material or the dust mulch is quite necessary, during the hot season particularly. Insect and diseases, while compara tively easy te check, absolutely require attaaU aav -Prairie Farmer. M , MlhTLIINBURG MARBLE WORKS. I -:: -:o -: R. H.LANC1-;, Iteiiier In HCrtrble and scoicii ChMMlte l MONUMENTS, HEAD- ? STONES & CEMETERY X LOT ENCLOSURES. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. J. Prices as Low as the Lowest. .! X la t I" I Satisfaction Guaranteed. J !J. A. JENKINS. Agt, Crosscrovc, Pa. .;. l-H-H-H-l-l-l-l-H-l-W-W-KH-W-W K. 1 Pottiogei', Veterinary sUrgeoN. SELINSGROVI. PA. All professional huslrjesa entrusted to my care sill ri"celve prompt mid careftil ntietitlnn. l 1 . t k-ki( ISAW ve 8- -i ..v ?r T Ulf ifl aj-- urn Star" tin tags (showlnpf umall sfirii printed! or. under f-i.1" of lap;), "Horse Shoe," "J. 1'.," "flood Luck," "Cross Bow," and " Drammond " Natural Loaf Tin Tags nr.. of equal value in securing presents mentioned below, and may lo assorted, Every man, woman and child or,:! Gnd something on tlio lit that tboy would like to hnvi . and ean have 3P 3ES 313 2 J A8. 0. CHOUSE, ATTORNKT AT LAW, MtDDUtBllFe, PA. All business entruste.1 tohiso&re rill receive nronipt attention. m BaflTs. PARKER'S UAIH BALSAM as aad tMsoUnas ths bslr. I srslp Siaaaaa. b.lr lal mcsadlliOal Drsglaa t Mr.fr V P T u Knifa, "in' blarl . 8 Bci.aai.ni, I't- Ii e ' 4 Child' He' . I- lll 6 Ha t unit lp Turk .11.' VAflt, i'l T! .'It, ' .Im'. ili.t, lir. Tharmora- )Ti i Star. Il in i.im'it .. .. ra.il ,. 14 I. ii pass, Isatlittr, nn iie'rrr maito, ivw n - .i. 2'i i -" 'voiver, palorastlo, rfonbla aettutt, . nua i- 1 - "r 'h callls.r sun i . i .ti r r..l -s: -.1 portislmla, ninle iil.c ... i- iumisI f- .i - I 8tf no i t rrtnrta Briar Wood llm Ml ula..., t Its -r. lull r mound, Aoa Kin.li. HI IW Bel atsel 1 1 ' .' rV batlda h s nutter Ki ll.-, irlpla plats, u-st " miasi '. Itl qasllty DP '-"' 1 teli. -" Hi 9 Siiv-kt Rlisll, tru l pl.c. In-., tfruii. ''-" Boll ' Ii la atsmti Dos. stsHlna sllvss :l A'ld dOlrlMo , II Kiiii... "Keen K. hot." I.. bladM . :t H l.-srlna Al ne, Hir.i ulsss. wltb 13 liiiiiit-r Knife. "Kiwi Kutlor," -ln I .lattarhiui . Km Msils 7 IM I iVtHVar, Colt's, M unit... , lilU"d II Nbsars. "Ksan Knit.r" Minn.. ... 76 I -eel isnti 14 Mat Hat. Cracker and f Picks, stlvat all ." -. : '. -- uIi't. . iwu ..ii V' . i. - or 'U al . "."i 'i v. .i-iii jemis i lew ktstliar. Inn. a-i mt n '.i III tlUltar ( Wa.ht i . , r -e.vi.. ,1. in- laid Sikhi t k it : el.t.-l i'. Bsaa Hall. "AauM.stion," besl qnal.luu la AlannCloek. ntrkal Isu II Bis Osnulns Rogars Taaapooaa, 1m"i MBtad s I IM )h Wainb, nil-he, itani triad and aei uu is Osrvsrs, ft".d atwi, liuckliurn liainlls. SOU no six Qstinins RoKsra' Tsbls Bisjuna, lies! f. Ira .-. SOOOs 2WI 21 Hit sack, Kni. ks ami Works, lin.lt- liorn lmrilli.t 3&tl 13 Hli IIu-i.ti' Kni vi. slid In- Imal plsti'd ireoda 6011 1 4u lvcins Oslo Mux. Ivi1 lm.li UliC . tM THE ABOVE OFFF.R EXPIRES H0VlBER 30rn. 1900. Cnopial Mntinn ' Plain " Star " Tin Tsc (thst l, Htsr tin tags Kith BO arr.all 0Joulttl IVUlllU . .',irH print,..! en nn i.'--' I-. i; . ' -;..,, ( rlii jnsnsli, lull will lie DSH Mr le i:amii i.u IL- IWU u( - -u.. .. . .il. i .. . it6 MsBatollB, vary handsoBM 3uyu ;i6 lyipcbsatsf Bspsstlag Mint tiun, II SSUIJO. 30IHI J7 Keiiiinittiin. dotlbla barrsl, Umn iuer Hliui i Inn. IS or ISlfsago - .SuOO n Btarcla, stsn.tsnl toaks, In lias "r svnts Hsf shot tea, Banliiftoa, doabls bsr rsl, huniiniTl,.--. :ukhi buiidred, If received liv na nn nr Iwdin Margb lat, IS". (sVUKAK I.N HIND Ibai a dime's worth nr STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer and nlford mure pleasnra (ban a dime's n orth of any other bi and. MAKE THE TEST I Send tags to 0 l T VI. TOB VCCO CO., SI. Louis, Mo.
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