The Cure that Cures Coughs, Coiia, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Incipient Consumption, Is Tta German remedy Experts Baffled Real Diamonds are no better for all purposes than the Diamonds v, nm the sole airentfl In the United states for these inorvsMoiis semiprecious stones, which are tlie nearest approach to Genuine Diamonds ever discovered. For the purpose of mi i . ..tin in' them quickly to the puuuc wo win lorwiwu MM RING, PIN, STUD, EARRINGS (Screws or Uropsi, at CUR GUARANTEE These stones are guaranteed to re tain their lustre forever; the mount ings are heavy rolled plate, and a ro warranted for tlvo years. EACH Earrings Are $2 Per Pair. SPECIAL CAUTION : Do not remind Genuine Barrios Dia monds with so-called Hhlnrstoiies, White Topaz, or other Imitation stones, regardless of what the name may be. Genuine Barrios Diamonds have no artificial backing, are equal to real diamonds as to looks and: wens, and will cut glass. This offer will last only a short time longer, and Is subject to with drawal without notice. MAIL" ORDERS. A Beautiful, Brilliant. Genuine smnn Diamond, mounted In a heavy ring, pin or stud, will bo uent to any address on receipt of uno Dollar. In ordering, give full direc tions and state whether small, medium or large stone Is desired. . .iiii.i.i. (-......- - . ...... . , ... ... , '. . urrllHH ' CAJIII.I.K MKTUAHn, ine ITiraa irains 01 UN waller I'uiiirotHU vi '-"i i " Barrios Diamonds are lustrous and rull of fire. They are magnificent substitutes for seiiulaa diamonds for stage purposes' " : a II 1 1. 1. 1: SEYQABD y , y ponipllr reliiiiil.Ht If kmm are mil hm I pi i HTBewnvo of Imitators.1 Address Mail Ordors to The Pomona M'f 'g Co., 1131 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Mention Mlddlcburg Post. TRUSSES, 65c, Sl.25 AND U? ..In.. IS. t.rj Tro.., 4. i i ti nun I'KHSS, llisli inir-i . . .... .. . .... mt ii... prlc I lANTIf I in in iu rtsiibiii. "-J . wlirtl.i-l li.'i.lin uiirwruMi ir,Minum Yort l(rr,tlr KU.U. l'u... lllUHtralnl ...... VUt tSlt . . i ....... i i ,i ii ki'iitii rufl aa. i mii.i wim ." ... w. - - . ,i ,i, y.,iir n.l.1.1. W.1H. A., how limit you hr MS rssesfeSi wmmm riipiurn Is IsrseerssleUi sisn .uwi r.uiiil?r inches srornd the body on lln with the nirilure. luiy whthr niKurel. en rls-ht or left tins, ml lll filher tnnw Ui yos with tn under sSiiiiIIiii ir it u hi. .''' " BSBSS i Mill ikr MSSSS Mr prirr.yuucsn return It nd we Will return your money. h , WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE n.. 1 it IrMM. "neludlim tlx . tlo so Urn Tm. JO TC I SEARS, ROEBUCK Co. CHICAGO borse and poor iiit- , tlW wont kluJ of u com ( blC.UOD. OgjV Eureka 8 Harness Oil , : notonlrraakestheharnessanil Ui 111 . o hone umk liettn hut makes lbs 0 lesttieraortnnd pliable, puts It In eon. 1 0 niu "i"-.? lusrif.'S ,0 1tt Horse a Chance I jjm ns BWW . Z. 4w 11 ml too I THE WEB OF LIFE. soon the mb of ltf Is spun The thread is mapped; the work Is done; And rising from iii" whirring loom. We pass within the larger room l'rom out the weary din o( life, To where peace over cometh strife; And In the M ister's presence sweet l.ay down our little tasks complete. Hut still we'll note with throbs of pain Where tangled threads made effort vain, Rememb'rlng how grief's heavy seal Was set, our errors to reveal; And sadly own. through tear-Mled eyes. That careless hands could ne'er devise A plan to guide the shuttle ritfht. I'pon life's loom from morn till nleht So when, the weaver's heart to oheer, The Master Workman draweth near With words of counsel to advise And patient fingers, skillful, wise. He draws the tangled threads apart, And lays them stralyhl and smooth athwart The bar-then listens, that a call For help miiy ne'er unheeded fall But when the web at length Is spun. The thread snapped off, the work all done; The weaver hears It from the loom, Where- In the sunlU larger room The Master sits, all tasks to sean, And Judge the workers man by man Full Joy 'twill be If we but hear The Lord's "Well done," fall sweet and clear. Lllliaa C. Nevln, In N. Y. Ohserarer. OOOOSOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOO HUGH BAIN'S CRIME 8 o 6 Ly Julia K. Hildroth. a a ccoooooooooooooooooooooou V. IS n tyrant I That's What he is -;i tyrant; and 1 would like t .1 . -1. km kaui ervt nim as oiutr ij rsu u ...... server! before!" cried Hugh Bain, shak ing li is. list at the schoolhouse door. "What's the matter, llugh?" asked a boy, standing near, "Why," cried Hugh, In an excited v,,ir.. asked him if 1 could stay nt home thin afternoon uml be said: 'No decidedly, no!' " just like him!" cried aereral of the boyu ill chorus. "1 hate liiui," said Hugh. "I'd like I to-" "Hush!" whispered Mark Crow,! irnrnlnirlv. "Mr. Carter will Jicur I you 1 don't care," repliedi Hugh, with scow I. "Wliele Were going?" inquired Mark, curiously. "Uncle Milton ami ever so many young men are (.'"in,: "t to shoot a couple of foxes that have been steal ing" our geese and1 chickent," replied Hugh, "Uncle Milton said1 if I eouhi (ret off, I might go with them," Hero Hugh liroke off. nnd, with a very savage glance at the iloor, uiut lereil : "1 wish you Were the fox and I hail the shooting; of you." "Hush!" whispered Murk ("row ngnin. "You know that you don't mean that." "Ve, I do," Mild Hugh, defiantly. "He is a tyrunt nnd 1 huio him." The boys were standing about the schoolhouse after noon recetl, waiting for a signai to enter. The bell toundkd Just then, nnd Hugh took lii k place in n very bad humor. He was srj sulky and stubborn that nt last Mr. Carver became impa tient, and indignantly ordered htm to apologie at once or leave the school until he thought fit to lo so. Hiiffli. without, a word, seize ! bis lint ami rushed from (he room. But when he stood outside of the ehoolhouae, bis anger cooled as be re membered it would be impossible to kcc this disgrace from bis parents. Hugh was in no hurry to go home now, nnd so, when lie came within sight of the house, he turned Into n little by-path which led to the woods, As he walked slowly along, picking up the dead leaves in his path absent ly, he caught sight of a pair of sharp eyes, watching him from behind n large stump, nnd the next moment a grny fox bounded across the road. nnl wna lost to sight among the bushes. At the same time Hugh heard the barking of dogs and the sboiitinp of men, and bis Uncle Milton, followed by linlf a. doz.en of his friends, tame running toward him. "Which Way?" cried Uncle Milton, too much excited to be surprised by Hugh's appearance. "Did you see him? Which way did he go?" Hugh pointed in the direction the fox had taken, and nwny they nil went, helter-skelter, pell-mell, dogs and men, and Hugh followed. At a short distance from the path. nni surrounded by a fringe of tail bushes, the pnrty came upon the wall of a deep ravine. Over this I'ncle Milton threw him self without a moment's pnuse. nnd With no other support than the bunches of dry grass and weeds grow ing among- the rocks, made his way rapidly downward to the gully below, nnd went scrambling up the other side. All followed. lint one unfortu nate young fellow stumbled nnd lost his footing, nnd Hugh saw him roll to the bed of the ravine, nnd lie among the stones, motionless. Hugh' hurried back K aseertnin if he were very much hurt, und found him sitting up, rubbing his arm, rue fully. "Are you injured?" nsked ngh. I helping him to nrise. "My arm is either sprnined or broken," replied he. Then, pointing j to the fownng-pieee on the ground, i he added: "That belongs to your uncle. If you wfl! pve it to him. 1 II go home. I have hnd enough of fox hunting for one day." As Hugh slung the weapon over his shoulder, feeling pleased and impor tant, the young man stalked moodily away, holding his injured arm. "Now." said Hugh, as he hurried after the bunting party, "if the fox shows himself again, he won't get off quite as easily as he did before." H went oat of his way quite often. to follow gome imaginary skulking animal among the bushes, ami when ut last lie determined to follow tin others, nil Founds bad ceased. Then he discovered that it WSl growing dark, and also that he WU dreadfully hungry, .o he turned hie steps homeward. Before he reached the border of the Wood, it bad grown really dark. When he came to the little stream which Separated the woods from a corn field which belonged to Mr. Carver, he hes itated; for that gentleman objected to the boys trespassing upon his ground. So Hugh stood still, uncertain whether to cross the little bridge that apanned the stream or take the longer Way around through the woods to the road. There was u half-moon tbnt night, but It gave only a fitful and uncertain light. The sky was covered with heavy, fust-flying clouds, and a high wind was moaning dismally through the trees behind him. As Ilu'h paused with one font on the bridge, the moon came from be hind a cloud, nntl shone clear nnd bright for a moment; and Hugh saw. on the other side of the stream, a fox, the same probably that I'ncle Milton bad been chasing- all that afternoon. He was gone in a second, but Hugh caught a Hying glimpse of his brush a he bounded over Mr. ' urver's corn field toward a wall, "What a glorious thing if would be," thought Hugh, "to be the one to carry home the fox, lifter nil!" tie darted across the bridge und on toward the wall. Just before he reached it, however, the clouds again covered th" moon. Hut he crept softly along by the wall, and presently he beard a slight rustling among the bushes close to him. Hugh softly raised bis weapon to his shoulder, and nt the same mo ment, whackl came o blow upon tin top of his head. The boy looked up in amazement, and saw in the dim light an arm extended above him, and the next in stant it struck his upturned face, half blinding him. "Look out!" cried Hugh, angrily. "You have no right to strike me. Don't do it again!" His antagonist made no reply. In- Btead, be once more swung Ins iirm around in a very threatening and energetic manlier. Before it could fall, Hugh sprang away; but In doing so be stumbled on the rough ground nnd fell back ward, The gun be held slipped from his- grasp. There was sudden flash of fire, a sharp report, and a heavy body fell headlong to the earth. Sick with terror and trembling from head to foot, Hugh struggled to his feet again. He gave one busty look at the black silent heap on the ground, snatched up bin hat, which had fallen from his head, und ran on. He never knew how he reached home; hut as he opened the door, th sound of cheerful voices coming from the dining room seemed Ktrnnge nnd unnatural. In an agony of terror, he ran quickly upstairs to his own little room. He found a match and lighted the candle, which stood upon a table near the bed. Then he pulled off his bat and threw It down. As the light fell upon the hut. he gave a cry of horror. It was not his; it. must have belonged to the man whose life be had taken! Hugh turned it slowly around, a cold chill creeping all over him ns lie noticed the small bole near the band. Suddenly bis eyes rested upon the lin ing. He gave a low cry, and the bat fell from bis shaking band, for print ed nion the somewhat soiled nnd faded red nilk win the name "Rich ard Carver." "Oh, what, shall I do? what shall I do?" moaned Hugh. "Poor Mr. Car ver! Ohl oh! oh!-" Presently the 6ilenre of the room began to be unbearable, uml be thought : "I can't stand this. I will go and find father and tell him." He crept down the stairs softly. The bouse was very quiet now, but a light was shining from a half-open door. Hugh looked in, and saw his, mother rocking backward and forward in n low- chair, singing softly to th baby in the room "I couldn't taH iMef 1 westr where father is'.'" thought Mag, aa k atole toward t he hall door. Then he remembered to have beard that Mr. Haiti was going to call upon some one in the village. He run swiftly along the road, so occupied with his own dreudful thoughts that he did not notice n boy who was coming toward him. until his arm was grasped, and Mark Crow exclaimed: "Hallo, Hugh! Where are you go ing?" "To the village." said Hugh, strug gling to free himself. "1 sny, whnt is the mutter?" cried Mark, without releasing his arm. The unhappy boy broke dawn nil at onoe, and sobbed out : "Oh! oh! oh! I've shot Mr. Car ver." "Shot Mr. Carver?" rejieated Mark, shrinking from his friend in horror. "I know you said you hated him, but I never thought vou meant to kill him." "Of course I didn't menn to!" cried Hugh. "I fell nnd and the gun went off, nnd he tumbled down without a word!" "You don't expect nnyone to believe that." said Mark, quickly. "Why, as msny as ten boys heard you sny you hate him. and would like to do all kinds of things to him only this morning. Hut if yon are really sorry," continued Mark, after a pause, which Hugh filled up with sobs, "you can go to Judge Winter and give yourself up. And 111 go with you, for fear you might be tempted to run away, you know." "I tell you I did not mcan'to!" pro tested Hugh, wringing his bands. "But 1 will go with you to Judge Winter's if you think that il the right tiling to do." "(If course I do," replied Mark, de cidedly. Tin- two boys hurried on toward the village very silently, As they went they met a number of people, to each one of them -Mark ofliciously whis pered: "Hugh Main has shot Mr. Carvel our teacher. He said be would this morning, and we are goiiiff to tell Jiu!rc Winter." These people invariably turned, no matter which way they had been go ing, and accompanied the two boys. So, by the time they reached Judge W inter's residence, there was n large, horrified crowd surrounding Hugh. Mark knocked at the door, and, on Feiing the crowd and hearing the news, the fir! who had opened it flew . back and acquainted the judge with I what had occurred. He came out instantly, and after asking where and how the shooting had happened, and telling Hugh to ' lead the way to the field, they all started tiff toward the scene of the crime. Presently, Hugh felt his hand grasped, nnd. glancing up, saw his father. Even in the dim light he looked white and troubled. "Father, father," whispered Hugh, "you believe 1 did not mean to shoot poor Mr. Carver?" His father silently pressed his band, I nnd through all the rest of that dread ' ful journey kept close to him. Hugh felt as though he were in a dream, and that Mark Crow was the blackest of nil the shadowy phantoms in that dream, and kept repeating: -Yes, he did it Hugh Bain did it!" Hugh heard murmurs of pity from the men who were following ns they passed Mr. Carver's little cottage. Sonic one was playing the piano and singing a gay little song his daugh ter, probably. The tears started to his own eyes us he thought what misery he had un intentionally brought upon this happy home. On they went. Now there was but a stone wall between him nnd that ; awful sight, und Hugh's limbs trern 1 bled under him at the thought of hav ing to face it. He climbed over, however, the judge nnd nil the rest following him in pro found silence. As Hugh pointed to a dark, motion less object on tlie ground, the judge said, in a low, solemn voice: "Stand back!" and taking a lantern from one I of the men, went cnre-fully forward. The crowd drew back and formed a semicircle, and many removed their I hats and stood bareheaded under the wan moonlight. rej ' ' -t for- rd and raised the lant m. Ab he did so, the thick bushes near the wall were parted, and I a familiar voice broke the silence: "Whnt's the matter? What are yon I all doing here?" The judge stepped back, with a shout of laughter. The owner of the voice scrambled over the wall. At that moment, the moon sudden ly peeped out bright and clear, and re vealed the form and feature! of Mr. Carver himself! Hugh sprang forward, as did all the other spectators, with exclamations of amazement. There, lying nt his feet. Hturb saw an absurd-looking object, dressed in coat, trowsers and shoe, but with u 1 head made of st ra w! "What have you been doing with my , scarecrow?" said Mr. Carver, in a j puzzled tone. "And what does this crowd mean?" A loud burst of laughter drowned ; tlie answer. Judge W inter explained the mistake. Then there was another loud laugh, in which everyone joined but Hugh, who had passed loo many miserable moments to forget so quickly. He went up to Mr. Carver, and, seiz ing bis hand, cried: "When the gun went off und it fell, , I thought 1 hud killed some poor old tramp; but When 1 saw your bnt, I felt SUN mim Jim US, cb, I am so glad M mm aw anal And, Mr. Car ver, will yew pleas forgive me for my conduct this afterooon?" So. after ail. Buffet apologized pub licly, though Itolttf fattS -a! up his m in a toetesa Th mmrt mmmi, mmmtf, ami for many day Eugfe Essa'a murder was n, standing Job In the village. ISut it was n long time before Hugh could hear it mentioned without liv ing over again the misery of that even ing. Golden Days. I The Wren's llreneli f CiiNtom. j Mr. Le Oallienne writes of Nature as , a lover, but his poetic fancy does not I disguise from us that he was bred in cities. In his chapter on what Nature brings to beautify the graves of the little deadllte writes: "The wren will sometimes bring her sky-blue eggs for a gift. " Perhaps a wren may be permitted to do this sort of thing in a "tragic fairy tale;" In everyday life she would have to purchase them from a commercially minded hedge sparrow, for her own eggs are pearly white, with reddish brown spots. In any memorial concerning Mr. Dick it is impossible to keep out some mention of Mr. ItichnrdsLe Gallienne'a hair. Two literary friends of his were receatly speaking of the disproportion ate amount of adverse criticism he oc casionally received. One said: "His work is often excellent; he is 'fclated because of the length of his hair. And yet that helped him at first." "Ah," aaidl the other, "it began aa a boom and ended aa a boomerang." Philadelphia Saturday Evening Poau. IN AN APRICOT ORCHARD. Bow the Fruit i Gathered, Dried and Prepared for Market In South ern (nllfnriiln. As soon as an orchard of apricots comes into bearing, advert iscim-iits Are inserted in the newspapers of adjoining towns for women and girls. 'lhou tandl of women leave their domestic duties, taking with them their fam ilies to engage actively in the shedaol the ranchers, cutting the fruit for dry ing, after the men have collected it from the trees. Sometimes 500 people will be engaged upon a large orchard. Bulea and regu lations ai l laid dOu n for their conduct ; the WOmen and girls sleep in tin- tents provided- at a low rental by the man agement, and either conk fi r them selves, or board with what would be termed in railroad circles a "boarding boss;" the men, not so many, occupy tents in some other and distnnt part of the orchard. The sole requisite be lng the ability- to pick and out fruit, an aggregation of humanity represent ing all classes of society, from 1 lie im-1 pecunious English family with culS- taii d manners nnd aristocrat ic connec tion to tin- nondescript, who travels from town to town in search of employ ment, 'is collected together in industri ous activity for the revenue to be de rived. Bach woman bus a smthl tray in front of her, nnd, after cutting tin- fruit w ith a knife, she lays it open on the tray. Bach tray is furnished with a raised end. When live lire filled tin y arepijed up, ami the operator shouts: "Tray!" whereupon an attendant approaches, punches a ticket with which she has been previously furnished and takes tlie five trays to the sulphur house, Tlie women are paid ten cents a box, each box containing tit) pounds of fruit. All fruit lias to be placed in the sulphur house for several hours for the purpose of bleaching it or causing it to retain its natural color, as well as to destroy nil insect life that may remain, other wise the sun would cause it to turn black. Tlie trays ate then carried out anil placed upon the ground under the steady ray of the glorious California sun. Should clouds be banging over the trays tire placed one above the oili er until 'lint great purifier and drier of the utiiv. rse, old Sol, makes his appear and. The fruit requires from three to seven days to dry. At the end of tTiis time men go out into the orchard with wtkat arc called "sweat boxes" nnd scrape from the. trnysj all tho fruit into these boxes, in which It is left un til fully dried. Finally it Is hauled to the storehouses nnd' piled up in heaps, perhaps ten feet high, awaiting tlie eye of the criticuJ buyer. Pearson's Maga zine, FIGHTING THE CUTWORM. An Kit remel r Simple Contrivance (or Protecting Plants Asjalnst the Pest's Attacks. - -fc Fold old newspapers and cut into sheets, say, nine by twelve inches. Puin,t with cheap, quick-drying black paint or waterproof varnish. Sticky paper covered with rosin and sweet oil will answer for one season. Cut the sheets from edge to center. The plant SIMI'LE PLANT PROTECTION. being set, slip a paper around it and place a clod or stone on the lapped edges of the slit ucur tlie plunt ami otherwise secure it against winds. This will ilare the edges, cast water to tlie center, lets uir under to prevent mold and yet is dark and retains-moisture. The grub prefers the ground on which to travel aad will not attempt to crawl onto the paper. The papers, if proper ly cared for, will lust for a number of years and can be safely taken away from the plant in a week or ten days. Dr. M. W. Strealy, in Orange Judd Fa riner. Some Iteajons (or Spravlnc. A correspondent of the Farmers' Re view recently wrote that he had no faith in spraying; that if the birds were protected there would be no need of spraying. The attention of the cor respondent should be cnlled to the fact that the prime reuson for spraying is to prevent fungus attacks, such as those producing the opple leaf scab. Hirds can have no effect in checking troubles oMhat kind. Bpraying with Hordeaux mixture was first tried in Bordeaux, France, to keep the boys from steuling the grapes. The owner of the vineyard found that it also saved his grapes from mildew. Now, birds have no effect on mildew. So it is evi dent that the preservation of the Birds does not remove the reasons for spray ing. Sprarlns; as an laveatment. It is about as hard to convinco some orchardists that they'should spray as It is to convince others that they should insure their houses against fire. The two acts are in a way similar. The expense may be looked upon in cither Case as insurance. The man that sprays his orchard may never see that he has escaped disaster. He may never appreciate the good he receives from spraying. Ills enemies are so small that he does not see them approadti and perish with the poison that has been placed in their way. But whether he sees the results or doea not aee them, they ax there. Farmers' Be- Three Meals a Day. How many years of her life doa getting those three meals a day ? . I ' i 1 , i i I ,: . i J . I 1 T t: woman s ihiiui, uui il mu iim uu 1 . . V. T. , I ,i i : . .1 ,i . lie.ise in I sLii iiviii ii huh ions? cases of the womanly organs which derunuc woman s vitality. "I cannot praise Dr I'irror'j I'vorU( senption too Highly as a tonic for tired, out womrn who arc afflicted with female nrsa." writes Mrs. Ira W Holmes, of Kapids, Iowa. "It has helped me very nun a skillful nhvsician once said to t I Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do re-act upon ine system, iney are a . . I . -T-1 ... . , , A. . r. is a laxative, two a cathartic aobc medicine for every woman. V .. - ... FARM ARRANGEMENT. A Division of Land WMeh lln. Culled iifi Idrnl One (ar tht urent Central Went. The farm here described and rraieti consists oi .iir Hen-s uin lino inree iieius ior me purpoei saving lencing. .tin iiirm in a section or under can oe oivuteu the same number of fields, tb est nuinlier that, will me svsiiti farming in vogue in me great tral west, tan be made practical. system pursued ujion this farm clovor, corn, wneat, witn ttei-K N WL FT. MAJBVrtaLN3 EyfT , R, road. O, orchard. W IJvood lit. 1. E- V. ...I.I. n. n r. m rtn m m -mm .. ii.TT . nn .Bfl n,epn drives I if not, then feeding cattle. This r ' - 1 s Wnen the farm was bought the .l,u n,im ii,,,, - ' . i ' ... A. .1.1 ...... 1,1 1... M.ll. AflMS the. wood lot and from there H wen. wnere me water is, puis a wind wheel, and to the barns , .. ,,, u'niiiip ii,.,, mi- i mi ,1 r milking in summer. During t he . 6 .rnlii; 111,. V 1 1 T L 1 1U I'l I II VI ' 1 1 1, ', well be on a farm of that form. In case there arc hogs W i. I. V , H .1. (,(., (, ilin., ... I.. ...... ... .1,.. , 1..I.I1U1V can be used to divide them, or n .. .. i. I. T,i, !..! . . r f, ,,- . i ri V II . the two fences can be used At present rails are use! for tut- V.i rw imun in In.. ,ii. p m n ti e I-1 4 " ft ""'-' - .... r E. E. Druley, in Ohio Furur. Two Pastures (or Bwlaa For the pasturing of nwinel two pastures side by side, in rotation that is, I use w pasture, while I plow up nnl have an abundance of paetun' always made it a practice ' l-UI'tl Kllll 1. .llg.l 0(.ll.."T .ln... wll. .linriS trvr-inL 1 otn v. Din nave conciuaea to - Essex rape thla sprins. I nlng through the yard, and thai 1 1 1 n is tunc r r autuiu Farmers' Eevlew. A ThoaaraUeaa Rcaaark. Old Mr. Probus Yes. Hoceftf best' Tjoliev. vuaxicj twuautr vii, x v - Old Mr. Probus (penslveJj; you're never been honest, !.' Experienced. Miss Bud la your mothe' with vou to-nieht? DJ1.EUUI un, iiu, iuuctui. - I ahouldn't think of allowinf . r i. M , V II see! Town Topics. In the Klondike. "mo ne ate noru i as "VT-well." said the sDokeem1 committee on notification, hard. Yes see, he wis frU t mum!" If. Y. Herald WUh Some Aaalsta W A II,,... Ar.A, 1... Tirimni'- .11.1U9I wen, uc iieiiii." - till 1 got out of all sorts ot with him ana neipea mm u- Tribune. One Lsckr -Do you have any trouW vuur crTaii.i TAVU T'sm ail asm I Mil fa) aafo Tlmaa Perald.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers