NT 4J KILLED AT A CROSSING. ORPHANS' COURT SALE 'SZJi EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION No inferior or impure ingredients are used i n Royal lor the purpose of cheapen ing its cost; only the most highly refined and healthful. Royal Baking Powder imparts that peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, etc., which expert paltry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other ieavening agent. Alum i sci1 in nnkinc cheap hnltinf: pmvitcr If you want to know the effect ol alum h(mm the tender linings ol the BtolMch. touch a piece la your tongue. Wu can raine biscuit with alum taking powder! but a! what a eobt to health ' ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NCW YORK Thirteen Dead anil Many Mere la Jurrd Kear glatlnirtna, Pa. SlatitiKton, Pa Auk. 13 Thirteen , ,,t!!B!?!3SE!d T?.?1?! 1-'!m? n , , , ... . . "of John sliawvrr, lull of A l.iin townlil. persons were instantly Killed and II ; snyilor oonnty, Pa , deeeaaad, undfr ami by Others several jf whom will die. were rirtuc of an order baunl iu of the Orphan' seriously injured las. night In a grade SeMS&SS missing accident three miles east or ic nsie t. u,,.,i.,. ln ail lownahlp, at this rltv. liv a passencer train on the lortAnn. on I Lehigh and New England railroad KH1DAV BE PT, 14, 1900, ' mahtiiD lnn Dn nm nihil nrmtftlninfl! i nr aii it. i i the ft.IlnwliiK described re.tl NtetV to wit : 25 persons, All the dead &nd injured , , ti i ,HrriH,Hr wen- in the omnibus and but three es- L LtfuttSZffi i MEjTZGrCR GOLLRGEJ fjiiiMi 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 j i : i ' 1 1 , innui 01 in.wc nnnwTer, pwi or innua i inwi TV a bmMaii4 rrfiirtn1 onnt K No I. And Smith And WMl by lands of John M ... " . . . , Mover, contain Inn ONI. At KK on wl.uli an V O'CIOCK. ! hf (imninus in i f-n dj ami , , , . t . i n twtstory DWKI.PINH HOIT8K, ' nninoJ DaraM noil' mI nmitiia in fil il Hi". an . 1 1 1 H! .....I ..!,.. 1 .... M... m ..ll Mini , n- in' mm n mi mns -. r, . . . .... ... ... . , ton from a funeral the occupants ha in good Mat of cultivation eaucation or young women. It Isnon been attending at Cherrysvllle. The ' J io. s luatoa nforeaaid, bounded denominational. dead nnd Injured were nearly all reia- x ... ., v ,t -ci t im.t The Aoademil 1 1 v 1 ! BKHiniB M r.ou nr. ai wnuse .or- ...... i. otuiutiiunii .'-'-. am. " . - iww.r ..7.1 n IM MU.IIIVDU : i...l1il - .. iioiiuuii ' "' oo.i.om.o ' i' ,a , i js . if . rifl rniiarta 1 1 oniiiininc; all purt'ciilarN i iiict-riilOK tlie ad- misaion of Btudenta, courses or siudv. etc harp curve In the road and the Omni" tlmeandplaoeanenii ne ot t or 10 hone-power, bus came along at a good rale of speed., ', t.. .omin. ne.; t Pio'dook A. M.when .lue . attrlMl Hire ..-.11 i. e'. - 'l ail'l term-, of al, the occupants unconscloui "f any Im- ; UM,U. kn,llrnb "bENIVEI WALTER, l endint; dancer. As the 'luis swiin; : jAcois mi hkicp. Adiuiniitrator. Beaulea thev Dad been present. train w as a special tnd COnailtea or been continuously llcenaed for the lut four- an ..m il i .1 ..101:11 At M10 nnlnt Bt teen venr, 11 WAItKIIOUHg B ' l KNOINE- ...1.1 1. u- ,.,. .u,.,. u - ; UOU8K. with ezecllent water, all clear and in 'O' " 111 1 .......... ...-.v. . - . k. I.t. ,.f . II IIV.lt I.. II II ,11 Jit t it' 1 1111" Carlisle, Pa. This college is devoted tothe liiirher Y ea i' It Ct '. may he obtained by applying to BAHAH KATR Kflff. I'residfut oi Uie Wetzger college, Carlisle, Pa, :-tt. around the curve, the engine ami ear came in Bight. It was too late to stop either the omnibus or the train and as the urlver of the former whipped up the four horses to cross the track" ahead of the train, the latter crashed Into its middle. The occupants were thrown in all directions, bruised and bleeding. At!. .rut y. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Valuable Real Estate. Franklin & Mai shall Academy, LANCASTER, PA. FXI'RESS MESSENGER MURDhRfD. TI idcrxlKned Altnln'trator . t a. of Jhjfademjf would call attention to Its EX- the estato of Samuel C. Miller, late of Parry CBLLEN1 OPPORTUNITY lol sollegje pre 1 Townahip, Snyder Oountv, Pa . deceased, will i parntory work, l lias a pcruianenl faculty 1 irll 11I on 1. lie role about thrreinllc weal ol Mel- ' '".instructors 01 Bticcessl in experience who ran Iberville nnd almut two milea nouth-weat of niuiaie btuuenta and I'oiiiiiiand their best Oriental, on tlx- ronil leading from Oriental to work. TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1000,; W KtetUenl arrvm'itailith.nt; l,nrn and ttmpte'ttu " ' 1 ' " " "rani aaai ana lucuit A I'lirmer BmplojfC of tlio t'.iiiij.linT Klehliehl, Confeaaen tin crime. Columbus, Aug. 13. Charles It. H. Perrell, a former employe of the Adams Express company, was arrested yes- ten :iv riff itmi mn in this ritv and bas 1 n..it!i in iAiuU.,t l.i M..i, r nnai i., i,o,.i,..f confessed to the killim.' of Messeneer I 'eob chaffer, Miirh by land of Morris Hwlne 'l'erms for Rporn, H. laird mid Tul 1 Charles Lane and the robbery of the way safe f the Adams Express com i; od board and all ttleilern conveniences-Free access to college and llterar) society libraries v.ier tv. Pa, i I on the ! ,. . i'.. ' , ,"" .7; a7mnamuais, military the following described r.-ul etale to wit: AIM1 ate it In tract of laud aituated In Perry toll I H MARION PEKIN. , How the Ortran Contest Stands, riic iii tit.li count shows the re- mill m lollnws : j 0. ):. Church, Fn mo :, miiiiii coudous. 086 Newspaper eoiijioiis, 50 Jumi. e'liitvli, I'enn's "n ek : Premium coupons, Njiwapapnr cotipims, 745 11 50 01 Tonal. TOTAX VOTE CAST: EC van, church. P. Creek, Xl nezer I ". B. .hurch, f". B. church, Fremont, Trial tj church, M'KeesJ Kail-, Total, 5401 I Jill is 1470 ' l!IS ! 1 WER C?f PEL ORGAN. r.i Be Qlven Away to Some Church, .Sunday School or Public School. The publisher of the Post will ptlve :i iAutlonie VVkavkh ClIAPEI. OltdAN : imine 1 'htireh, Huiiflny -el I or pul chtMil i't Snyder Ctniuty nnd he asks the patrons of this nitH'r i" wleet the o where it hIiuII '.:. The liiliosi naiiiber of "i w il! determine the Choice. NewHpapcr eoUKitiH nnd pre mium coupons will count as follows : NEYVSPAPEH COUPON8: The rwtinKCoupoii prlntetl in each buue of Hi o Post is uood fur one vote if filled out and -n t or brought to this lllice. Pit EMI CM COUPONS i All sub scribers who my for III'' I'i'ST in nil vuicewilln Ivea Premium Coupon dllco, that entitles them to mi an . . ,. ftiarrirun t n r- i 'or i hllts Santiago do Chile, Aug, 14. The i Ckllean congress h.-'s voted $2,600,000, CMtean currency, for a carso of cars the preater portii i w'.-.i h wtii be Coneral Chaffee's Last Dispatch In- purchased in il" Cnltod s-''-. "'!- i , :. . be n invii i f. i i, ; the dicatcB Closeness to Capital. Mat Iron bridi-.o over tin rlvor Malyu, ( tH CASUALTIES AT YANGTSUN. I'ii.. iir.Tii.i Losaee Bnatalned it The Am.'rlcnn Tronp l-,.Mirt...iith luffintry Loel Vine Killed nnd S!-ty-two Wounded. Washington, Aug. 14. The Ameri can commander In China, In a dispatch of three words, received fit the war de partment late yesterday afternoon, sei a thrill of exultation nnd expectan throurhnnt official quarters by noimclng his arrival at Ho Si Wu, t 33 is from Pekin, last Thur . Te u.spatch road: "Artrved 1..- . ..'u yesterdny." It was deemed hardly likely that the march to Pekin could have been made since Inst Thursday. At the rate of prosrrem, six miles a day, mado from Yangtsurj to '! i Si Wu, about !t4 miles would have been covered in the li st four ilnyc. and up to yesterday thin would rti'.l leave the International forces nine miles from Pekin, V lowed fror1 ,:' standpoint, the advance to Ho Pi Wu was of the utmost tmport- anco, not only strategically, hut also In showing that communication front Chin i e hordes had not been sufficient fo prve it fhs steady forward move ment, snd in the influence it would ex ert ttron the Chinese government. Although it Is not stated what force h"s arrived, the war department sc cej 's it to mean that this is the intcr national force which flrst took Pelt- sang and then Yangtaun. It has rone steadily forward along the left bank of the Pel river, keeping on the main road, which skirts the river bank. At Ynntftsun the railway crosses the river, and branches off to the v est. New the forces have left the railway far In the rear, and are depending Upon the high way and the river. Ho SI Wu Is a dnee of considerable slr and the l:inrcjt town between Tien Tstn and Ching Chla Wan. The latter p'ri' ie and Tung Chow nrc the two cities of considerable size In the line of ad vance after leaving Ho SI Wu. It Is sur rounded by orchards and gardens and Is not a plat" likely to have afforded opportunity for strong defeticp. It Is the highest point on the Pel river where the river water Is depended on, ns the native wells are the ssnurcr" of supply on the balance of the route to Pekin. Shortly after this dispatch arrived, another meace from Gen. Chaffee, far more lengthy, trnvc the melancholy re sult of the fight nt Yangtsun. Tv casualty list was given In detail, with the additional Information that the dead had been buried at Yangtsun and that the wounded had been sent back to the hospital nt Tien Tsin. The reply of the T'nlted States gov ernment to China's overtures of penes shows that a firm and final position has been taken. A specific statement of what the T'nlted Stntes expects as a condition precedent to a cessation of hostilities. Is that a body of the relief force he permitted to "enter Tekln un molested" and escort the ministers back to Tien Tsin. Exchanges befwepn the yarious powers have been going on constantly, and as a result the officials have the satisfaction of knowing that the position of the United Stntes had the approval and support of all the great powers. Kxecutor' M le of ford, Willluin Stra.ver and I'enry Hupp, anil west by Inn.'s of K ank I'orti me, containing alSAtKKM, more o- less, adiereon i re erected nnnv on the Pennsylvania east bound , w-"'ory '' vl '' ,N"'' '"" s! ."AMI BARN, pauj ud un rBuuay iyuiiiu oani i I LAKQK WAfiON SIIKD, PHI HT tHI.B, BPRINQ iinui nun ii urriveu in line illy 10 inoi- Hot S K, ( .It A N A II V and oilier neceaasr out. night Friday. One th f wsj' n 1 dollcTfl of butldltiBti. A nmul orchnrd on tlra trnict. Well the money which he had stolon was re- P'RJ ,v,,,,'r ," '!","r rl,,;"i.". . J in the barn yard. Attout lliftacroaof the land la covered, I clear and In a good Mate of cultivation. The FeiTell was to have been married balance ia well timbered. Poaneralon will lie Thursday next to Miss Lillian Costlow, J-iwAllirl! !?-n KHISSr?"' 10 , ' I o clock A. M. when term will be made known daughter ot Patrick Costlow, an en- by n arkison mii.i.kk. gineer on the Pennsylvania lines. He Admlniatralor C. T. A. had been dischanmd from the employ of the Adams Express company about two months aao and had not since been able to secure employment. He TrLTTISLIji riCjjSTj'JL li!. confessed that the motive of the rob- i T, nd.-rsiKned executor of Uavld M. Swart I bery was to secure money of which he will offer i public sale on felt iii great need on account of his np proachlng marriage. The money re covered lie had given to Miss Costlow i" i.-op nii nun, in wuii ii h i uaic in i inipiiiau townsi ip Nnyuer county, money he had saved from his earnings bouuiiodaa follows, t., wlti North by landaoi lie was at the home of his affianced t: '.'bS'i.'hi" ISSw'v'h 'ir;'" , , . bani, nit: at by I' ll Keratctter, twutb by I ami In her company when placed under I.I. I). W'lltandon the west i.y landa of Tobiai j nrrest. Hiimer, dec, contninlnu n.' ncrea more or leaa, ( whereon la erected a larji- fane dwellinft bouse Advance Fo, Te.,rphc,.. , &taUrtdi! i rlttSDUTg, Aug. 14.- After several , "ale to commi n at j ..Mock p. m , when eanferencea with the Baltimore and , , m ""' ";, , , . II. ,-s,, .1 i I f. tton, sl1' ii i pr ywar. nd tor oatalogue, Fall term open Hpnt. l:ifh. THADDEU8G HELM A. M, KI'WI.N M. Ha HTM AN, A.M.. 8-"- Principals. Alleiitown COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LAI nahiiptv If, 1S6T POPULA CITV. 40.O0J. FnllTcrrr. OreT5 3cpf3rnb2r Located bit eher.ui fill IQuftl Val . Paased for bealta SBdcnmrn KB! BALL. LAWNTvNiaandoi At IKK as well nu iv i i-i . ...... taken of V, urn., i ...ii.. ' V1 l; l I l.lt as well a.s N PRI I I'l i taken of Yuung Ladle.-Many to m n o',', ,,,,v "'sl".-s-N'e and Electricity JF ,v Instiu t - I ernm .t, ,, i. ..... . ed Calalnjrne annlT i, "" 4W.Kn.uTKNUW(!.k!;,a. M.,,.r.w NEW JERSEY. Bordenlowii. The Fiivt Aim Of veil I II,.. ......... sl it oi ebaraei "ciiionnj; r.i bui;e 'r. W I North W aids Academy and School of Business. Tlyrty-fourtti Year, Scptcrribcr 5th,. Our students take nrsi bonors in our best Colleges. Ellis system of Bnsmess r-racflce - li:: by mm. MMoeiiedtn me training of boy-toi "un, pnvsieal -, j ,,.. yioh win flt them tor tne wors ot Ttjree Coursos-Scientific Classicai arid AcaJ - - "nte lor Catalogue IMtr.T.H.UjnKj. ,A. y,. Prtn... SiAJcniT, D.Lanoo,, command rm u mux WAvrn. Willi fair e,in....ii.. .... ' un i iM Mb '-V, ! ' SSS9, . uawe are assisted to "i"MV A" mm OLOBB Ti l Mn . .... fi ll tim. "rn t OLLEl l.t.VIM, il0oavd .nil tliiit cert, i n trail of land si' I mi .iiiii; 1'1,'liti d l Elect rlcliv and hnafed h Model Hoi Wuii r s.i Btcm,"new this Beuson, ii..n riling iccommodnllona I'linti jH. nt. Band fur new Catalogue). s. r BRUNNER, PrliiclDBl, s -i! . v. o. iiu. ii, Norib vvaii s, Pa, Ohio railroad officials, the Order of Etailroad Telegraphers have secured recognition of the order and a read justment of wages and conditions which will mean an advance and bet terment to the majority of the 2,000 or more operators employed on the Ftaltlmore and Ohio r.ystem. The ro fidj'. ent. will reduce a fc": r.ioti, but because of a reduction In hours nnd work. In some lru;:t' es the advance will be between nnd Siom month. I. LONGACRK Auctioneer. Kxecutor. a MbNUMENT T ' C I'll I . I I is I 1 1 'Pi i Death f n Cheek Chn m;lon. New York. Aug. W. VnBcuaccniest has j'lrt hee'.i made of the dsnth Sun day nt the Mnnhrttan Bteti hospital, this . iiy, ol Wllllnm Etc! 'Hip i sheas plaj In Pn gue, :.!.: !, ! ". j had made i h" r .' i ' !. i In the fivei.t totivnairtetif M2 he nalm d ilia v rl r I ship, and i'.";''. ii until .'' ;, I was defeated by Emanuel l I Since then he seemed to be on Hi j dine, and his mind began to fall. the bora ISi ! he f!?s:lon. ondon tn ;-. mnton TilK OXSTITUTIOX THE ciriKNs in.- .him t o.MMO.W.:,tl.Tll I' .'l' TlllCUt IP-t'l-'OVAt, ok RKJKCTION I Y THK HKX KHAL ASSEMBLY OK THE COMMON. 'ir.AI.TII oi' PBMMSTLVAN'Lt HUB. UHUBp HY OKDKU ()! THE SKURKTAKY OK TiiE COMMONWEALTH IX HltHSU- smtiTioxf 'V"KL Xfm 0F T,E 0N- Tom tlii I'Wn votes lor each iiiontli iaid in ad Tanceand -'-" lor a lull year. For a Nl VV faeh auliscriptioii KOUR pre u ,i coupons M ill !" issued for each month nnu 60 for a full year. No cou pon will i.' i ueil lor letw than mx nonths suliecription. C'hnnging t h e mme from om wenilier of n family to mother will no! be considered n new subscrilier, Korevery dollar's worth of job prliitlngor new aaverl Isements thai r! it or sent to this office, a pre .""li coupon will be issued for SS5 votes -r r I'll!-; m i'. yy sf YS sThc piafllfborrjli gost g ir. Bool 'i-T'iiokcr out ..f Dana;er. New York. Aug. 14. Mrs. Booth Tucker, wife of Commander Booth Tucker, of the Salvation Army, who I has been 1)1 at fpniij; Lake, near As bury Park, and who was reported dy lng, is now said to hp greatly imiiruT" sd In heajtb and out of danger. A JOINT BKSOLVTION, Ptopeetng una ndmenf to the Conatitutioi of the Oonimonweallbi Section i. ii,. it resolved by Ilia Senate and UottM) of liepreaentafivea of tin- i uon- weathlnd ral Aaembly met that the fob loWlllK is. pro"ied a- amenill'ie.its to the Cop,. atitution of tbe Coiuraunwunlth of Pannayl. vaiea. In accord in. Willi tin- irovision.i of the al(bteentb article tbereof: Aiuendiuenl One to Artie!.- Eltfbt, Section one. Add at the end of tin- ",-t parairrspb of aald se. Hon. after the worila 'sl nll lie entitled to vol at all election, ' tin- won), "(Object how ever lo such law requiring and reKiilatinR the resignation of elector! a till to Iteral A-scinbly ma. tim i ' ' s, , t linl . ' .. .,.1 1 uu.. 1 1 . 'i ivlu ii lie ! .-is follows. Section i. Quotlfleatlon or Bleotors. Every maii ci sen twenty-one yuur of ure, poaeaaai I or the following qualification, shall oe en lined to vote at nil election, subject however to audi law s re i uir! n mi l regulating tbe rag. ietration of elaotora as tin- Ucnerul Assembly may euad: de- lien of the railed 1 1 15. Aug. 16. This coupon entitles the bolder to one vote for the handsome ;WZAVER CHAPEL ORGAN W (Made by Hie Weaver Organ A Pinno Co S,f or k. I'i.. ami o.l fy t . s. kick.-i, .nul fkilrbiirg. l'a. I to be Riven to oiiip Church. ' - i i . I . i ' i llii'tl or I 't':i v lio ! I'l Miyuer lOanntjr.by the Peer, Mlddiabitrgh, t'a. 'I ll is vote Ls cunt for: rlil coupon la not z I Hve weeksftcr Ismh dateaaa will then not ne counted. 'Meed by mall or bring to this ofbee and I k depoemeo in ine nanoi n jr. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Butter Kicgs..: Onions IianJ Tallow . Chickens Turkeys Shoulder Ham , 18 (Wheat old 70 14 Wheat.. .new.. 05 10 Rye 45 9 Corn 45 4 Oats (old) 28 Bran per LOO. 90 Middlings " 90 8 1 Chop 90 12 Flour per bbl 3.50 "Excuse me for not shaking hands. Mine a.c lull juit now." MALCOLM KIRK by Rev. Charles M. Sheldon A most fascinating story will bt printed in this paper, beginning soon. Those of our patrons who tail to read it will miss a rich treat Mr. Sheldon possesses thm novel ist's art He knows bow to tell a story in a way that keeps the reader's interest at a high pitch from begin ning to end. Above and beyond this he has an object higher than the usual story teller he aims to help and uplift Hr shall have been a c States at leasl one month in fitui 1 liaw r. tilled In the Stat one year nr if. Iiavtnif previouely been a qualiflecj elee uir r native bom citizen uf the t.ttr, he -hall tiave removed therefrom and returned within Mix monilm iiuiuedttel preceding the lec- tin!l. He shall have revlded In the election dfntHcl iv here lit- shall otirr bis vote at leaat two iiiontli Immediately pre eding tin- election. If twenty two year of jiln- and unwt.rdfg.hei hall have paid within two years ; Btuteor 'county tax, which nit. ill have been Assessed t least two monthvand paid at least one month before tin election. amendment Eleven to Article Eight, S'etioi. Sevan. etrlke out from said section Hm words "but no elector (thai) be deprived of the privilege of voting by reason of his name noj belnt r" gistered. ' and sdd to .iitl section tin following words, but laws regulating and requiring the registration of electors may in- nnacted t lapp y loeltles only, provided that such law may ir uniform for t itle' of the same class," so that t lie nani section shall read as follow Section ',. Uniformity f Blectlon Ijiw --All laws regulating the holding of elections by ths citieH or ftir tin- registration of elet torn lmll ho uniform throughout the Mate, hut laws regu)a ting and requiring tbe ibitvation of electors may be enacted to apply to cities only, provided that such laws be uniform for cities of (be Same class. A true copy Of tin Joint Resolution. W. V. (iltlKST. Secretary of the Commoowesltb, t MKNDMKNT To TliK roNSTITI'TloN H pttOPOSBD TO TH E CITIZENS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH FOfl THKIft APPROVAL OH REJECTION bV THK GENERAL AM. 4RMBLY K TIM: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER K i ill-: SECRETARY i TllKCOMMONWK I'll, IN PI KttUANCE OF ARTICLE XV1I1 OP THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT UKSOM'TION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of tbe Commonweal tb Section 1. Belt resolved bV the Seimte nnd BouSC of Uepresentntives of tbe .'onimonweulth of Pennsylvania In (icuer i! Assembly met, Tlint 'he following i proposal MSfl nmenlment to tbe Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In nc'-onlaiice with the provisions . .f i In- l.ihii-t niii Article thereof. Amendment. Strike out section four of nrtie'e, cijrht, and insert in place thereof, as follows : Section 4. All election! by tbe citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be presx-ribeil by law: Provided, That secrecy in voting he preserved. A true copy of the Joint Itcsolution. W. W. (JHIKST, Secretary of the Commonwealth. MISS GORDON'S FRENCH and ENGLISH SCHOOL e0E,-&IB,L$ 1112 Spruce fit., Philadelphia. College Preparatory and Academic. Counea. Certificate admits to Smith, Wellesley mul Vassar. H-'.Mt. I-H-!-;-H-J-.H-H-I-l-H-.-h ; ; Harrlsburg Business --v T Cop-ge and School , ,J",!",'-:I" lM.wrlin. J. uai-s cheerfully awuiteS , r -..'ion-'. Mention ttwpZ, !a,eouM"S i h-h-:h-h-iwh-h-:-:. ft iii will a I Is the Happiest Man I J iii Th. Vrtut l.'... .,l, . ..... ...a.. .. . a.... t..v i uoiiiuiLiu 111 ill III, I I ..iillcs- ami OMtlaafuiM u ikaliaiu. . YJ mm urn mm ...... n mi u Q 11JU tUll 1 i, CACTI CliOlce Collecilons by mull, poi, i some Plants, elepint bloomers, tuir 1 1 erard, smmi smKie punts, i5c. pi !l stamp. Mrs. E. F. Main, s-t. Nogales, Arizona.! Wnshinirtoo, I). 0. Qeneasee Pure Food Co., Le Bvo N Y. tlKNTLEMEN: Our family realize bo ruucli from mil uho df GltA.IN-0 'hat 1 fft'l I iniiht say a word to in duce others to use it. If people aro i ii 1 1 rested iu tbeir health nnd the welfare of their chiltirou they will use no ol her beverage, I used them all, but GRAIN O I have found bu perior to any, for tbe reason that it iri solid grain. Yours forhealth, 0, P. Mtebb. Neelr Granted Delay. New York, Aug. 14. C. F. W. Neelr, wnn U accuged ot embez cllng Cuban postal funds, was not ez iradlted, as was expected. A respite until Sept. 7 has been obtained for him through an appeal to the United States supreme court. The appeal will he heard In Washington on the day mentioned. SWINDLERS. O iinmuiilr.it l. There are some people who think the only kind of swindler is the lightning rod swindler anil that they live faraway. Why, bless your toes, we have them here just as bad and some a little worse. The lol lowing will give the reader an idea of some ot their methods : Mr. A. works one day Cora farm- .i .11 , er: cue nexi aay ne (roes to a Bron dealer they are the best and cheapest he ever saw and as it is looking lor rain, he would take a pair along and that he would pay tor them the next day as he had a lot ot money to get from the farmer for whom he was working. The dealer gives him the shorn; he is gone, and he never Came back. Three years later the dealer asks him for the money, and he politely savs that as soon as hair grows in the palm of li s hand, he eotild pull them out. They never came out. Mr. B. forgot his xekct hook, hut will pay for what lie gets, the next day. hut he never came hack. Mr. C. comes around with a forged order on some well-to-do farmer. Now then who could blame the business men for organizing, putting the names of these swindlers on a black list and exchange these lists and positively refuse to sell to one of them before they are square on the books of all the other members ot the organization? I am not speaking of those, who try to pay and cannot, but of those who could, but will not. Honor. The Post could add a few names to the black list and probably will erelong. Editor Post. Arrested for Forgery. E. L. Phillips, proprietor i Susquehanna cauning factory "l j uuouiuve, was ;inv-tel .JmuH evening at Selinsgrove tor Ihrj by (i. VV. Marsh. Some time M 1 1 4' I manui Huoorsea a ten-day nntt bank lor S'Jno u,r Phillips Monday Mr. Marsh discover! i the nolo had been raised tn M .1... . ... ., i .inn mo time extender! to HU Phillips confessed the forgery. matter was settled by I'liillill friends paying the money. NOTICE. To ALL WHOM IT MAY COM' Notice is hereby given thai Ji Musser, a charge ot the pud trust of Middleoreek township, provided with a good bomeaui he is in the habit of leaviuj township ami creating expens w .. v. i i m. j , . .i ,. .... ..ii. . i.. . 1 " " " -'v. i ne uiKiersitr h 'i to see the shoes, etc.; ne tells the, . . . ... . seers iicrcDV give puDlie not)' they will pay no bills lor said Mi scr unless they are personally I orized by them. W. A. Hummel, Simon Kkatki;, Overseers ot the Pd Middlccreek twp. Jaly24,1900l Caution Notice. My wite, Lizzie Yerger, lett Dea anil hoard without anv a June 28, 1900, while I was ai Ironi home with my wagon, 4J came to the bouse June SO whilS was away again from home and 1 moved bar household goods. I not Ik.- responsible tor any debt"' traded by her and all persons cautioned not to harlior her on' account. Ci C. YXMHL New Berlin, Pa. Aug. 4, 1900.1 Goshen, l' Genessee Pure Food Co., Le Bl JN. 1. Dear Sirs : Some days sincfj 1 PS " J s. u ji.Hu..-U I ' 1 ,HH tiou was left at my office. I toSJ home and give it a tnal, and LI to say I was very much pleased it, as a substitute for coffee, have always used the best JavM Mocha in our family, but I ant I to say I like the GRAIN O as the best coffee I ever drank. Respectfully yours. 4.0, JaCJUOK. M.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers