IMPLE HAY RACK. AMBASSADOR WHITE. Mailt at Small Kapetisr and lally storeu aw mwm .Not In lr. His Drfrnai' of the Ann rlc in Meal litdiiairv stumps lllm One nf the 4UmI of Olplniiinia. nvnifk illustrated herewith is I .,1. '' , i n, fiiT.m ,n a emu in"M ma. Is art' two ! I H i't ccs two by four for a low wairmi two Anv, w It. White, our minister t (termanj lias proved himself a Valium defender of all American Interval ii the Teutonic empire. .1 u t now lie Is few ii better. To theae attach mauntruianeu niraseii oj nis i-nura rips p.. by :i inchei on bottom I geoua battle for the American meat in- iiieaii's if half-inch bolts run- duatry, threatened with hostile leg! ' rh the lemictrcurar arms; lation. Minister White is known a at inchei. Two pieces of one hy "educator, historian ami diplomat." laid on both end of arm ami i J" tnpiomaxic career commeuceo m j so that the bind wheels ean between and up Lhrougb them. I an ureh (a or b) over hind three pieces of wood or iron BOMB-MADE 1 1 A Y RACK. f,,r!!i of half circle, or tv.o I. ailh an elongated circle and i the oue uy lour inch strips -.1. ..: r .1,1., Merc: wnn tuuo m-n? ,i , Lkecphn.A or grain rromcominjj i with wheel, i lie rront , . i i .l.hmi1u r.. ....., ..,1 I or sKint.,1! u euuiiiui miicuiu ti'.ls b mi ans of a full l Hgth , Li j.;,t bar;!, of front arm and at- so as to uc ruiavu up ui iwn u, lakes at rear end fastened in same kr, This render it more con- to store away under some low lun net in Use. It. Logan, 1n am: Nome. WWW 'fW'y, With so much talk as we hear now ady about unhappy marriapes, and with divorce rivaled in number b nothing but trusts, it is a pleasure to see an ideal marriage, remark the De troit Tree Pre. Booker Washington, the negro educator, is developing r character that iacommandingunivers&l admiration, He might have marrieu a woman who would have been willing to sit bai'k ami enjoy his honors in silence. Hut he didn't; he married one who can not only aid and sympathize with him in his work, but w ho can carry on a like work for the benefit of the ne gro women. Their ease is a doubly Inter- eating one. It Is not only going to show what the colored man can do, but what the colored woman can do, as well. ?nJfF &3 Disease at Heredity. regl-hfve ruder the new army hill each incut of infantrj and art liter) will u band of 28 pieces, maintained at the expense of the government. Hereto fore the army had no music of it own, except at theexpi nse of the officers and the mi ii. a the pay of the baud was on It that of privates, except as this was supplemented from these sources. In manyrespects Scrofula and Consumption are alike ; thev develop from the same gen eral causes, iiolli arc Hereditary and dependent iikui an impure and mi- poviahed blood supply. In consumption the disease fastens itself unon L.1 r . . i . , , , r. , , . ,, , 1 me- luns , m ouuiuu uic n..iii(is oi uie nccs anu tiitoat swell and sujijuttate, , jiinu ulv running sore t!ie eyes are inflamed and weak ; there is an almost continual discharge from the cars, the limbs swell hones ache, and white swelling is frequently a result, causing the diseased hone- to work out through the skin, producing indescribable pain ami suffering. Cutting nwav a sure or diseased gland due n. C1 : the blood is iiois.incd. The old scrofulous taint win. li haa nmhatdv nun Anmtt iln , ,n.,h eauiara TJgeneiations has polluted every drop of blood. bcrotuia re,unes vigorous, persistent treatment. The blood must he brought hack t a hesltln "million before the terrible disease can be stopped in its work "f destruction, Men-nrv, pot. nil auc tllr i,i, ic mlnBrnl, 1u .,:.,. :,, .,,,.1, .1 ,,..., , i . ,1 .1. tTT . f.v. ........... ...... v , w . . u 1 1 T glTSH ,, .Tit, ,, ,.-,, S VII" HU'ib llttl 111 LJI.III U,HJ , IUC1 I U I 11 IUT UlKnUUfi and leave the system in a worse condition than before. S. S. S. is the only medicine that can reach deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula. It goes down to the very roots & th disease ami forces every vestige of poison out of the blood. S. S. S. is the only purely V( jtctuble blood purifier known The roots and heihs from which it is made contain wonderful blood purifying properties, which no poison, however powerful, car fmmwMr mMMm ar at r at longretUt, 8. S. 8. stimulates and purifies the blood, increases Uu 2hMM if IT I gl fr lQff ILDnnLMWm "' "'v'r ""' !';' ItRcstiou ami restotes health and stieii"tl to tht enfeebled body. If you have reason to think vou have Scrofula, or your Clillil lias inherited anv blood taint, don't wait for it todeveloD. hut betrin st om e the use of S S. S. It is a line tonic and lh ( inmently a remedy foi poisonous minerals, best blood purifier and blood builder known, as it contains children. Wlicn mv lUuithlrr WSS SO infant lie had n ix-Ttrr rnf of Srrofulu for which he wm under the con stant rme or physlclaaa lor more than two years, she was worw ni the end oi that time, huwevei ami Imost dcsaite,l of her life, A few bottles of twlft's Bpcciflc cured hci completely as it seemed to o,!ire'ttthr cause of the trouble I do not believe ii has an suus I t"i stubborn esses o( t ii , id disesscs Which rc lK'ycmJ the jmwet ol other "-,iinl blood ttmHim s I iih.,k. Moatlecltn, Ca Our tueilical department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made Scrofula ami othei blood dis sse a life study, rite them about your case, or anv one you arc interested in, Your letter will receive prompt ami careful attention. We make S. S. S. is pre. KPENSE OF HAULING. . jersey it llo lieen Reduced la M I n I ill ll m by the llullilinK ,,f Itone ltuadx. tlintr the making of stone roads tstlon is frequently asked wheth- increased taxation does not t to more than tin- advantages I Slate Commissioner Budd, of .Iitscv. reiMirts tliat lielore tne Inn t ion of good roads t he expense king a few pound of produce to was fo great that farmers. I possible, found it much cheaper nil by car or boat. Hut now they burcliasinir moan ireuu nnjun., cany from 130 to 235 five-eighths tl basket of vegetables and fruits. before they only carried from 30 i baskets, and are returning with I three to five-ton loads' of manure. he ferry lending to the l'hilndol- tarket this year the passage of trams per day was taunted car- rfrom three to five tone on each Stone roads place the farmers Int the door of the consumer, tnaiiy intermediates, all of whom C'eclito hove a profit. Hi in i'"Hthe s!"incin transnorta- ispensing with the cominfc and the delivering of the ,o the grocer or consumers' i have resulted" in saving to the in itial farmer sums ranging1 from ten lenty dollars on each load. ANDREW D. WHITE. (Ambassador of the ITnlted states to the Court uf Berlin.) st. Petersburg, where lie was an at tache of the American legation. He aided in I he founding of Cornell univer sity nnd was Its president for 20 years. During this time President Grantmade him a commissioner to investigate the proposed1 annexation of San Domingo. He favored annexation. President Hayes In W'.i appointed Mr. White min ister to Germany, and he remained at Berlin two years. After this, giving himself entirely to literary work and trave l. Mr. While found' in 1806 that the government again desired his services. President Cleveland ali pointcd him as one of the commis sioners to investigate the Venezuelan boundary dispute. President McKln ley further honored him by making him Btnhnssndor to Germany. His During the history of the nation an 1 American army has been through sev eral tropical campaigns, aitl always successfully, The Santiago, operations were the most trying, but they weiu necessarily undertaken in huste. uo charge whatever for this. CHICHESTER'S U&UoW Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. liV CX 00OOO0OO0O000000CXXX90O 0CX)0OXX3QC90OOO00OOOCCOO0C pennyroyal pus ! 1 Read This ! Read This ! Jury List. 1 , S6 .r.fe 0 1. 1st ottlrand lurors drawn for the Conn i Oyer and Terminer and uenernl Jail delivery and Court ol (Quarter sessions o( the Peace it Hnyder count) held at Oct. Term, commeuclnt; Monday, tJt, i. mm i.ii wti Jtrituitb, Name, UCCUPrttlou arbogast, Prederlek, Farmer, Blngaman, James m . Broslus, John P., Bailey, P iter, Oentloraan, Charles, Henry, Tinsmith, Pleids, John, Lumbermau, Preed, Mr.coln, l.aborei , lioss, o,eii J,, t ut n er, Hurbster, Charles lb. Parmur, Hummel, li lubua, Laborer, Knights, Barrj R. " Si.ife. , vr linbls bsdlea, ask nrURtlst for BNWiilMII III Keil Slid .ol metallic buses, sealed with blue ribbuu, l ake oilier, lt'fiiM danvroua satliall lilllona uti,l liiillntlona. KU) i)f youl llniSKtHt, r send -le. m itamm fut Prtleulr, Teatl-,ii,.i,i:.t- una --ic-ller lor Lmlles. Is letttr, b) rrluru Uall. IO,tlOOTostlni ids sia l,y uii iirussists, i'iut:iir:sTitR chemical c?o. aioo nqnare, rim. .. i-a. SlMnOnu tkli pvr. ... ... r, 1, l i:..rwi..f,.,i' t an, I'triM.T services to tins government ill neruu i i . - ,i... c .1, ,..,.i,..,n ivnrwsrs ' Kline. Win II., Laborer, 1U1IIIL. LUC opflUtnil --- lie speaks WIDE TIRES NEEDED. of incalculable valut German and French as readily as he iloes English, SENEGALESE RIFLEMEN. The French Colonial Troop That Took Possession of Inaulah Oasis la North Africa. ' yinke Travel More Pleaannt and Not Destroy the Surfacea of Itoada. frequently have pointed1 out in column the injury to public resulting from the use upon i of narrow-tired vehicles, porticu heavy farm wagons of great bur It has been proven that wide tire TJie occupation of the Inaalah oasis by the column of Frenck troops com posed of the foreign legion and the Senegalese riflemen ha called forth a protest from the sultan of Morocco, but no one in l'nrle imagine that any seri ou consequence will ensue. The frontier between Algeria fiiui OCC" is intentionally left undefined. France has often had trouble with Morocco, al most invariably caused by the occupa tion of villages ilk the vicinity of the border by French troops. M. Klamand, chief of the mission which took posses sion of Insalah. ay that the question of the union of the Sahara to Algeria has been advanced 30 yearn by the present occupation, and that It will be settled by The French govern ment has only to establish intermedi ary stations, one in thei direction "f Timbuctoo and the other In that of Insalah. for the whole thing- to be oc- compllshed. Protest from France's neighbors in Africa may be expected, Luub, Henry Il Leaner, Joseph, Printer, Mayer, Charles H., Laborer, Msttern, N mc, Parmer, Markley, Reuben, " Rlegel, Henry. Laborer, Hteffen, Prances, Parmer, Hastamao, Heory. Bhrawder, John, Oarpcnter, Smith, Michael K rihoumaker, Wlney, Wm., Parmer, PKTJT.1 DROR8. 1,1st nl Petit .lumrs drawn (or tlio Court Of I I'liiiiiiinti I'leas, Cinirl nf Otnirler .Sessions i,r I lie Peace. Court of ier ami Terminer mid General Kesmesee, OH10HBSTBR OHSIIIOAL CO. I ' ll '1 S100 WatlUna tinirr. PHIL,., PA JuCkson SjaoUas lali i,pr. Monroe HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS, reiry u , sl , Jim JaU Delivery of Buyder county, pa Oct Term, coliiiueiiclng O.'t,. 1, 1000. lie Id as lUNTIlfQ THE ROAD'S noTTOM. ke draft lighter and travel more lil and at the same time maintain iform evenness and smoothness of road's surface, which at once Irks them ns public benefactors. he in the accompanying illusftrution (Barrow tires hunting the bottom I the earth," forming ruts that will ke travel roug.undl disagreeable Kecks and weeks. Wide tires should fie into ireneral use on country roods pl no heavy farm wagon without tn should be driven upon any tlior- ghfare when the groundlis saturated I'h water, or uftce heavy rains. Irtners' Voice. -' W hrelinen I rae Road Tax. he Michigan division of the League American Wheelmen is preparing for introduction in the legislature Priding for a road poll tax. It will oride that every atblo-bodied man in II state between and inclusive of the f of 21 and 60 shull pay this tax, Ii the receipts will be usd to build 15 repair roods In the county inwhich M collected, and where the petition- for such roads will ngree to pay eir whole road tar in cash instead "work. The plan has received satis- ory approval. Row to Bconoaalae Labor. Iuen too much land is cultivated the Pnier is compelled to slight his crops certain extent, and what he gains rea cultivated he lose in yield. ' be more profitable to cultivate ay as much land as can be given care- 1 attention. The manure that is suf- t for a small field, and which M Increase the yield, will give bat BBKBOAIiBSB R1FLEMF.N. (The llravest Body of Men In the French Colonial Force.) but nt thu Quai d'Orasy it is thought that this will niuku no difference iu the eventual result. M. Flajnand is op jxisetl on principle to the extension of France's colonial domain, and he con siders that it would be better if the possessions already won were organ ized before, t he republic starts in search of new territory. Bat in his opinion France would bo guilty of a serious error if she were to suffer the Morocco question to drag on when uhe can now settle it once for all to her own advantage. The accompanying picture from tne New York Tribune shown the Sene galese riflemen wiho in March made a triumphal entry into the Kcsbali of the IJajoudn at Insalah. This corps is conf posed of welMrained Senegalese nnd Is considered a remarkably eillcient body of men. Rasays Written to Order. A western firm claims to have been in the business of supplying graduat ing' essays for 21 yenrs. Its price list in ns follows: High school orntions and essays. $3 to $8; college essays, orations nnd debates. $3 to $13; polit ical speeches, $10 to $H0; lectures. $! and upward; sermons, from 50 cents to $25. Name. occupation. Arljut,ust, ISaTsTSQn, Laborer, BuJ'C". Strati enileman. Haoebel, John A,, Kanner, Bowersx, Foster, Luburer, Bllgeti Je, Farmer, linker. John ft. Laborer, Henter, Joel !. Furmer, Boyer, Leonard. " Beafer, Bimon, CaroentHr arouse, Wo, C Laborer, Dreese, Anion, Farmer, Dunn.calvln, Laborer, Duck.Joho, Parmer Brdley. lames. Laborer, Krrv l alvln. Farmei. Goy, George," Teacher, Gannau, Peter, Parmer, HofnaBle, Christian, Uborer, Hottenstein, KUIJah, Merchant, Ualns, Henry, Farmer, Hummel, J, B wone-cutter, Hofoagle, Isaac, Laborer, Kepler, Relley, Parmer, Mattern, James M., Farmer. Ueher John 8., Freight Agent, McAfee; alvln, laborer, Musseknan, Wm., Farmer, Rousb, Uenry, Kelgle, Frank s., Ag( nt, Bambo, James, Laborer, Reed, Isaac E., Hhemorry, Adam, Parmer, geebold, Coleman, Laborer, Bpecbt, Geo. k . Wagonmaker, Bcbrelber, George W., carpenter, SwaitZ, Howard, Laborer bmlth, Isaac U., Gentleman, Bblakel, John, .instil r tae Pea seclirlst. Anion, Merchant, Bbafier, Peter, Farmer, swart., wm , Laborer, Thomas, Harrison B Farmer, Trtitt. laeob, Wetzel. Charles, Walter, Irvln, WsBeoseUer, John P., Teacher . Walter, Sephares, Farmer, Residence. Waslilugton Middle, -reek Frank lln centre Franklin Heaver West Jsekaon Peon Adams Mlddloburrg Beaver Perry West Franklin Mlddleburg Penn Waahlngtoo Franklin Perry West Beavi r Monroe Hit Mil III H4N Unit '"Mi III:, I, ,irh In, hftlr at Iron, 65c to S3. 25, lh" fv II at wIltlMM lhal ralall at! Im r.U, 0UK OFFTR- "l "", d out sod send v ' toua, IncloMagood titvd aiii,ltj ol 11,,' aiar, . . -1 . wsntnd, anil rut It nuina aasr tnu roots poaUDla,lseUias aar aparlal rl,,. qtintarf ami C rrnta attra to tay LHjiOti,','. sa mala lha awltra to aaalali tour hair IMSt, ana MIK) Ui yu,l l,y . t,uptpaia.aai(t 1 1 you snt sol prrrvctiy titl. l' i it anU will tuiiuvillan-lir l ivt ind j u,-1 oa , uvrauataiaiuB.rrnraaaiaiiawai a-o? awiirn mm. i,''r. ' . M.'m. ajfci --r. i OOCI t-,,x. MaV Isail. akariaaaSB, SI. 251 194Mb V In. 1 in - allurt oto.n. SI. SO: .1 Ha iti in Ibae.shai itti. S2.29I i " 1,1 iwraf, an,, i :. 1 1,-1,1, S3, zb. ai mikioik i tits iinsK in,- i.i. ', t , on tin, ' Biarktt, 0fVr at aatt, Ntisttl ihaaa aparial prlr.a V,nr m.oirj i. i I II jun ara aa li'i" v. rit" ',,r Fran Csaadoaus ui llalr Uooda. All Irraa, 1 SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. (Inc.) Chicago (Saara, Uatbuck a t o, ara rfcnmM r, llablr. -SJIIar.) O O O o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o c Middlecreek it-aver aBaaaw Pbi,toara,,aa yPOk Iroaa Ula. rTh ','.asW aaaaf-aTfJSn ' I TTalIrrW REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man a, of Me. ITniTOR'H NirriCK.-TIIU I'N- Thla I Hard to DelleTe. A faster snys that the discomforts i;,irr u'iihniit pstinc for several benefit on lsirge urf see, 6mll weekg sre uot BPrious. and after the permit or greater economy . wm of tastiag they are hardly a r daralornsd ntnlitur nppolnted by the Orphans' Court ol sn.wler i'oiint, in dlstrl- J bllll' the II1IMIS 111 IICMlaVion oi r.iimi- . administratrix of the estate or John Kelt., late ot Fn-nklln two., deceit-, will sM tor the purpose ... ,.,.. ,..,, ,.,i , tlio oHIee of .1. ti. Cm use I, I ,!: ,,, ......... T.:-.. , InlhelMiroilL'll ol siuuili'oiirKiioii nicninj, i . i i. 1900. at 9 O'clock A. kL, at which UBM and T t,.,.., .iini,i,a liuvlnL' anv claims attains! said I estate must present tin' same or lie ioreiei inero ttaaritaiammd irom alaimlDaT any nan t sum fU'rt. J.M. HAkcb. Auditor. uttust th. 19H0. ' 9 i nc -j GIIBAT ,,, i,, r...,,ii . 1,,'ifl dars. It sell 1 err powerlullr sud uulckly. Cures wbtn all otheru t UL Adams ( VouMninnwlllresala tholr lost manhood and old Mkldleeeeek men will recover their youthful vigor by ualns .iiianieittiK REVIVO u QUlckiy and surely r. stores Nonrous Fralikllli DCBfi vitality. Impoteney. Nightly Emlmioni, Penn Lost Tower. Falling Memory, Wasting Dlsetaes.snd Frmklln I U effects of self abuse oreiccssand Indlacrellop mii , ,1 which unfits ono for study, buslneBfi or marriage- II ladleborg no, onl7 curel by mng lt UM seat of dlBeise. bul Union isagrett nerre tonic and blond builder, bring Mtmroe i In back the pink glow to pain cheeks andra t '.l , ; storing the Ore of yonth. It w.rda 'uul 1 ' "" and Consumption. Insist on having Union othsr. It can bo carried lo vest pocket. By mail Ml eliurtt l.OOperpacksge.orsIx for 5.O0, with M POJ I ob.p xrssz sg Ailitius RoyaJ C(Kf O- obm fovmlein Mddleburqh, Pa., by onapniu MIDDLERURGH DRUG CO. Frtlllklln I ,.,......i......,aaaaaaaa, l-I-WH-H-i-W-l-H-:-i-H-H-I-W-f MIFFLINBURG MARBLE WORKS. I R. H. LANCE, Adams , bj I'.rn Jackson j T HMdleerrek I i S' lliiHirove I aja Franklin T 7. SlicriH's Sale of REAIi.33STATEl. Br virtua o( octtaln writ of Ki Pf 'ssuad nut of tha Court ol Common Pleas ol BnjrOer County. IM., ami to in- .lirecte.1 1 win se to nubile sale at the ictirt house ill Mnldle !,urK. Pa., nt 1 o'clock 1". M.. on Friday. Aunu-t II. floo, the following- dateline real estate to i A etetsin furm or sias;s ol land situated i I nion township, Snyder County, Pa., adjoin 1K land, of .lames Hatfnn on the noith; .asl '. I, f lieorgc Wentiel; Sonthhy lands of itmu v Wentsel and PhlUipBool SJd weat by tu ds of Henry H - Seclirist and Jacob Mtauffi r. 11... aa M-vrntv-eillht 7S) acres more or tewlieM slmnty nnd other small btdldln and also a lot of ttO'xl 'ruit trees on the prsmlSS seized taken Into execution and to be sold a, the property of ''.y Vrirr. Sheriff's Office, Sliddlebur. Auj, 7, MOD. 5t Dr. Fennel's finlden Relief. ISO6 A IRU BPECirlC IS AU inpi AMMATIONS Old Korea, Wounda, Rhmallam. NatiraJgui Colds.1 A SURE PURE "rip Far sse P1IU . fj of out. BffMr. mtOaW Uj aUVii tttCf nwuua-w. a l :i le t" 111 Mitl hlf lllllt M'olfli -Isirnufli' . , MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES & CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ;j. A. JENKINS, Agt, f Crcsscrcve, Pa. Veterinary sUrgeoN, SELINSGROVE. PA. All professional business entrusted to mj- oare will receive prompt and careful attention. JAS. O. CHOUSE, ATTORKKY AT LAW, MlIUlLKBIJHe, PA. All business entrusted to bis car will receive prompt attention: PARKERS MAIB BALSAM IClaauaa and baaatina tba bate. If',. m a Inxurtanl BTuwth. Ikarar falls to Baatore Oray MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS s InrKer tbiin ever before ; my 1111(5 S LOWEH limn OTIT- EHS for 1 1 u SAME (1001)8. .My piiws on -ir rolln of ciii pel I g wish to clone out will suit llio pockt'l botik "t nmuy nnd shvo ntlii is Dioboy, 1 i , in t think nt buying your lull eiiils until x ' . , e . '. . :.....! . i . . V you Bivo uij kiock oi carpeiH your alien nun itiiu kci ihc pn of soiiu' ut iii.v buiiKHiue 1 am otleriiiir. i 'I ,i I f I 'fifes Mist rilllll oil t llfSf .'titnls One Word About i'itturcs. I I' pifturcH ut ens till' itlllHH 111 till LE i i unit I Min ofJWinff ray prcMPiit st.iel, THAN COST mnl some t"i 'I"' pt'i' Don't miss this snlo. bttvo h prottv Ibines to ilior in turuiture, nli m Later will mirprise you in Styles nnd I'rico. UNDERTAKING In this braucb ( my bu public tin- best serbion tin! ppi'sonttl attention, My o line of tile tilts si III till' si UNDERTAKING PAHI.i'i nun iv rd ihniil retsirl Oi i' mv nrieiM, I ill'AKAN PKK ( UNDERTAKING I he mnl is is 1 i in ' First-CIim inn 'i i ,,r I it A.N i Livi'i'v 1 IniiiM'cl W. H. Tfleplioiic 'oiinectitm. . ,-,v .,'VXXXXXXJOOO.'--' -:m 'sk I nip. prepiircd 1 1 pivt in l' Heetti'eti bv money, I line niiiiL'e in i nis brunch nt busiiii II KAltSES, OAKHIAUKS nnd ' e up in date, inn lias be culled to Intel v in i- rn .i in , iiiKslsal MoXKY ii'Hi ii . i caster I'AY mknt tliaii nil uiliets. ,i , , I riuIerUtkitig 1 IfjuirtiiK nt. FL-: LIX, LEW IS N, lA. I lllO UlUllUlldij 50,000 Words i f mK. 1 si! BW li... 1,, .. . I, FREE;! 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. worTol estrsordliiary Interest to. ill cliasss orprMreailt A wura ui ," - a. IIOOl'll'. llHlliallO " "'"'I''' IM 'I, ") 1111111.,'."".", - ? i.v inouaiitlti ii Mintsliii nearly mm word In comnios W ........ uini full, :,iikw, in tli' 1'Uii'i'i,' ,tt I'-ail inrrr "in "i "verj rrSSt eT ,,rreati lllci an lias mm word, tyuiurj a I lAtMidard mm Tbste coat from fl mfH each. 'm jjllli M nt ii ,Hlan.) now be lisd iiIHiii tenna hrrstof unbrs ! fiii.i tiii " ') , ,;.i i, , in i m ., all tin' niiuna. ... ',i.r,.ii,iHiii alinul r.iiiin eaiari'lallj diffloull words i linl I all arhlxwiiiKllU III I, n, ,;i li'inill li.akini: I- tie .Zifiinn nf ss.100 wtirda to tlilaillrt lunar) li) mvanMif a unsle ISaSr, called Ui "Columbian Word-Bulltler. nrninTUCUTC Itraltlea Ihc IMctlonsn It slro rontjlns t clvi DEPARTMENTS. .i.-i.n.n,,. r..ii.,: i. a .i... -. gsSL wrt. "ttOT.,'.! , i , , , I ,, a n, ,', . ,......, - - - - llStal liiliilr. . .. . ... , ... ,.. ,..,hr rnarra. Itcoutsuia nr. psisa, nanuaomai) uuuuuiu ........ .... - ' s ....... t.. t....,la,. rnrni nnd Home, "Mi nat ion GIVEN AWRY. .iVcminthly cwfalrl. ai.-sd, -m ; f II,,,, of SSO.OOOI, Into Mioaiwfto of Imiw '" i j X l"n. mSe Ills t.'ll,' ,ns' I ei..... k. sW Ofl r !.'.:,,., ' ,, J KiX,".$,nE? i,mihsontrtolfo! ..nb !5S!a .... .ll.-.-r rir !:,,, i"' ComprahcnsWa Webairr Illrlloiary. harsi i".' in n rclvt i hi tleacrllH-d.b) ,nr Piannii; rl i,",' ms ratnsid. All scccptlns Ihlaeffn w llcccivo r Icrntlr Hiiistratinl i,. -111111111 IN . y ,., uarfnl srtlclssand -i I ii"' ""- " l" iTkM'?, "' ',,,.. I'lLki lf-oiir uharrlnllnn lscni mmctllati I) 'i will sl;o li .'.,',! At IsSof he World, contslnlnsi nana In rulors. which would rosM wanU'd svorjrwliati 1 all orilcra to . llaal at if niirMilunil apnarllplt AKntH 1 IKaral rnmmlaaldll f,,r L'""l V"tW AddfC I "'a' . 1 111. FARM AND HOME, Box D. Sprinf tern, mass., or vm. v "Star" tin tags (showing small star printod on tndor Btda of tag), "Horse Shoo," "J.T., lood Luck," "Cros Bow, ami "Drammond" Natural Leaf Tin Tag are of equal value in si'eurin presents mentioned below, and may be assortea. Every ruan, woman and child can find something oa tuo list that they would like to have, iuii can hare JP 3EC XS JB S 1 Malcli Bos i' Knr. "li,. Ma,lr. Rood s""l S Briasors,41 Inchei 4 Cblld'a Shi. Knife, Pork i"l si b Sail ami Pepper S.-l . "ti., SSI h, 'lua l raple plate t,n In-" metal,, Frenrli briar I'M"- 7 ha r. Iicjl ,w (ToUDd, line Eugllah Tna. v, ' 21 Clock, dsr, rstendsr, Tbartzoma f', I star, Bari mater ar ", :i linn rasa, leather, ti" better lasd, ,'aio 5j ; ii Bevolver, automatic, doobhi tetloa, . SS or SS rsllUet OJU mi so l""l Bat, plsythlng, in rsa) 25 I lools i- uei Be 1 ii.., -'ui' ii i"iwi,ii b liiiitrr Knife, irlple plate, l ' qitalltv 9 Maar Shell, Inrls pla'e, i"" tfusl . M Stamp ll"i. StarllOR ailver 11 Kalis, "Ki-en Kutter, two w'l 1J Butcber Knife, "Keen Kutter." a-ln blaile , 1.1 Slieaf. "Keen Kutter." K-itieli 14 Nut Set, f'la.-ker and ti l'lika, illver Jilated II base iiaii. "Aseociatlon," bssl qual.ltw 15 Alarm CIlM-k, nlrkel IW 17 MIX Of inline ll.uera' TeaaK,ilia, lieat jlalisl -,N'da I'" l WaKh, nickel, atetn wind ami set MM 1.' Carvera, tfood steel, burktiorn bandlee ) Stl Six lletmlne Ib'ters' Tallin Hi"ll. laat 1 '..- 1 tf .",1a HO 21 Klx Saab, Knives and V. rks, btjek- burn ban. Ilea 3S0 IS Mix vaab, lieuiiine I. vers" a and Furka. liea: dIsIM loods, .. KM v.-rv handsoro. SS Ib-iuuiittoii lllll" N . -- "r 31 ' 1 " , 1 Wstca, aierllns illvet nil jeweled IMS ;,j liressHull I'aae, leather, hand an ma 7u snddarsbls '"u" 71 .11 Sewtna Ma, bine, i.r-t ,!. i'h 1 all sttanbmsats WW ts I U Barolvar, Volt's, aSoallber, blued 74 I steel. IMS m nine, uoti a, le-anui, aa-vaiiiaar. ..w 34 ilnttar (V,'a-,blnir!i, rosswuod lS laid ....MM aixx) :ti Maii'l 'Un. very hamlsoai. :i6 W inchest af r.epeatms; Shot Uun, WtauK 9M :I7 Ketnliiil'iti, .l.'ilMe barrel, bam- mar Snot Oos, i" ur li khk ss Bicycle, standard mak, ia.iis ..r llsiita Hfo) 3t don, BsBxlagtoa, doahia ir- i, baauaarlasa 3 40 Raflaa Muni'.' Box, UU 11c1 Duc.JiuM THE Mft fiFFFR EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30th. 1900. Cnaial Untioa I I'laln " star " Tin Tao, , that Is. Star tin l with BO amall ODeCial N0IIC6 ! stars prlnteil .11. iind, r side "f las-ar- I forprfmtt, 1,,,, will pabl for in CASH (.11 till) basis uXlwsutycoaaapur btUillred, If re.-elve.i l.y Bl ,an . I r Is f5ra Marrl, l.t. IP Hi. aVlIEAK I.N .MINII thnt n dlme'e worth ol STAR PLUG TOBACCO Will last limner aAd afford more pleasure than a dime's wurtb of any oihrrbiaurf. MAKE THE TE8TI Send UJtoCOJTIXEXTAl. TOBACCO CO., SI. Louis, Mo. it A UM can D maae more nnuo noticeable. TjaaTa