COUNTY NbWfc. iir.!tM Kir Hur nrns hi wunvayvim- 1 nrougnoui me wuumj . StiLINSGROVE. . i- n',,,, i ,,t Tr.'iilon. X. jss AW'" ' i visiting menu , .. il,.v,ln of New XOrK is il . .. ..f Will. Al. -MUllllllC. m.i.n,. of (ii'ttimrir noing r. to"-" -- , . . " J grtalned oy "nNn ; Gearbartand family, of Bun y, spent Sunday with Mix. sear- . til.,..,. ill Willi IMS llt'Oll 111 o 1 I.. ,,, Il ' ,.11'l.U ' llll HTwIW , nm i,.-.... .t P&rka died Saturday. He been Bli m i - - i C Rhlndel Mid tnmiiy re in in their home evlUe, i)in. iss Helen Benta, f Philadelphia, Hag entertained by her uncle, W ..I... rt mill f:llllilV. li. Rohbaen hum wire. u .klINf Lancaster uo., are spending with friends. ... .1.. .... V Hunsicker f PhllaUeipnia, irofMrs. Rev. O. W Gentxlcr, is visit during hto vacation, u. Fisher, engineer of Lewtetotvn, family are welcome guww i m- in rand Jarretl nomesumuo. ..t., (Cuti-iius. of Gate, slate hlngton, was entertained by P. s. Albert and his wife. Dr. Yutey Bpent Sunday at her Re the lation f Rev. U. is. tiarman. (4e. I. Stuhl and sun, (if I ipent a short time Visiting aire. . .... II... .....1 1111 iii wagenseuvi ...i i i ...:c. ,.f Poorln vill KllUCl ill i "i " are visiting the scenes i r. n s it li ii I uti l b - -.- j oiiiii c.i. mini mill ii ii it her i M rs. Si ) 1 . . . 1 II,.. several nays verj pinjwuwT, of Rev. Dr. Karl) ami taniii.v in m tin n .tatfa1 hv A VP! v 4 It I III it 1 I M " ' . I v-flvo dwelling house wero imrm - . ground. teachers of the public schools i assigned their places in me l.r...l i i,, r Villi If 1 I V . i 1. W. II. Phillips, i AnrotiMimrg, i: , I ,l,ivs U 11 II l(i H .'...v i. .,-.. nt hi hnrir. . .1 ... K.. In. .ii. i MiillllilV i Verdie Itusser'B remains were . a . L?..t,i -. iii if ii I 1 1 r i ii H ill with the stricken parents ami XSTORIA or Infants and Children. Vn llasa Alwaat Rflllffhi 6 Mliu iuu iiuio nmui b Bears the RICHFIELD. Etnma Page returned home Sunday. Adam Markel and wife, of Fast 1 . . . . 1 l J .1. A, . Michael Shellenberger and wife, of ekoda, visited here over Minuay. Maud Chalfont and brother, of Phila . . . . ... . .... . ...I.. ... Al if I ...If.. .u, .11' noil n in . ' M il. clime lo tills li ace on men ol . " .. . . I.: eics Sunday. Mrs. Ida Porter, of Philadelphia, is ... . ii .'I I I 1 M 1 1 . mill 11 1 m a a . 1 a I l U ll til I 11- 1 It'lll I t I L U 1 .. ....1 ..... 1 ... - Mr. C. K Bhdlenbenter, Mrs. Bauer .a . ' U 111.. , t. ..... rs. Aukeri hwutii u poor, one is a l i i i SHADEL. J. N . TeHtH wears a smile. I ause a 1 IW Ixianler came to his place to stay, is a little tsiy. H. A. Kbright w ill soon U-gin to Mil ...I.l.i,. t .. lilu Llnrn 'in i It lit' Cilll U'll IL IHIL't'l MIM 'l mm Hay is si'iling at $10 per ton at some aces already. How hiirh will it lie 1 lievt Mhui Poor t.c.t.l. cannot ford to Imv ii It,, mm ill tbcv keen I'lr sloe If ' .it Id I lie (lllesl ion. Last week a party from Middlehuri; Us 1 1 . ,T I ..... I ,in nor utn.ts oil their ".V to Hickory Comers to receive cdical aid from a doctor there. A "ii many people go mere to gel cureo. Point' of our neoiile attended th . : i 1 . HMOOftond iNM)iile wouhl knowwimt " I I I I I I I l I I I I 1 , HVJ l iuld not hold meetings any more at W lil .. i .. t .in .. t I 1 1 - home camivmeeting wUlba held th. iii... .. i ......... ..i. ...... i. i.. ii. ,11 IIIH. I' I llllll II U.HU r -'. ill' till O, l I l I ' I I I ' n I V., ...II- V fin it... 11. . I' 1 , 1 .. , I.. , Htle.'l Wii'L- Uviill . , . i n 1 1 i 1 1 1 'i tbere ill be about half a dozen ministers '.in,- nail, in mi- Miiiii' eA- g Is Baby Thin Wi summer? Then add a little SCOTT'S EMULSION h:s mitk three times a day. i li is astonishing how fast - v -ii improve, u ne nurses, - Ice mother take the WEST BEAVEk. John Ii. Herbs ter is home from Blair county visiting friends. Jacob Krb has lieen suffering for the past week with asthma. The potato and corn crops are ruined by the drouth and not a half crop is expected. Win. Peter lias given up blacksmith lag ami sold ins tools to a party in Mif flin county. J. J. Steely is slowly Improving from his late sickness. A speedy recovery is wished for by his many friends. The festival at tne ralrview school house last Saturday evening was well attended, but the proceeds were small. Dr. A. M. Smith, of Adamsburg, naid Lowell a professional call Sunday to administer fb the wants of 'Squire Steely, .lames Peter lost a line liikT hog last week. He claims all that he can ac- count for its deatli. was eatini too many chickens. our hucksters report the Lewlstown markets well attended, bm monev scarce, as pay day did not; come until Saturday evening. Prof. Bowersox held anrlnptlon at Met 'lure 1 West Heaver teachers. a teachers' ex Inst week for All applicants West Beaver trot a flrst-clnss paper. will expect to much wiser during the next year. The gentleman or lady who i-it our peach orchards when the owner is taking his midnight sleep may be com- in have a leu aninuiaieu on i- count of a load 01 UUCKSnoi oraiw- hundred pound bear trap coming In contact with their lower limbs. s. Il Phillips bough) hlmselfn new nm of the I ! th rock pattern. He says to any party who furnishes the amniu nitlon be " ill guarantee him or her al tbe name tbev can use for the seasi in The came will be from to a polar bear. Just as it fence ITIOUHI ordered. FREEBURfl. A number of tiaUers from Eremont ia-s(l through town Monday. Mrs. Vanant, of TurbotviUe, Is vis iting her friend, Miss Mary Arbogast. Precburg was represented by many of our young people at Grubb's picnic Saturday. The Snyder County Choir Conven tion will be held Saturday of this week. Quite n number of the choirs will be present. On Thursday evening of last week Miss Carrie Keeler, daughter of L. Keel- er, and John Miller, son oi i ommis inner Qeonre Miller, both of this place, were united in marriage at the parson age by Rev. II. 0. Suable, Salem. in bride and groom left for a trip to Nlag ara Falls. CENTREVILLE. Benneville Walter, of White Springs, was in town Raturtlay. Miss Dessie Sampscl visitiKl friends at BeaVertown last week. J. C. Stephenson, of Newport, was in town one day last week. J. c. Schooh, of Mlddleburgh, was in town one dav last week. Prof. Edwin Charles, of Mlddleburg, was in town Saturday evening. MiSB Stella MUSBer visited friends at Mifrlinburg several days last week. C. o. Qaugler. of Selinagrove, was a business visitor Tuesday of last week. A. c. Bowersox, of Ellw lClty,0., is spending several weeks with his par ents. Mrs. John Hepner, of Freeburg, was the uest of her son, H. N. Hitter, last Thursday. Chas. Seesholtz and family, of Hea ver Springs, wi re visitors in town over Sunday. K. F. Chambers and wife, of White Springs, visited Hopnal Sampscl last Wednesday. Mrs. C C. Smith (nee Sampsel) and daughter, Gladys, of Johnsonburg, are the guests of Dr. J. NY. Sampsel. . W. Sheary, B. H. Headricks, J. H. Crossgrove and Daniel Herman were home from Lewlstown over Sunday. yf, H. Hartraan, R. H. Walter, W. A. Mohn ami P. C. llartmaii attended the funeral of A. P. VVllaon and wife at Miffllnburg last Friday. Editor Herman, of the New Berlin Iteporter, Prof. Amnion Hteaae ana Samuel Oelse, of New Berlin, were in town Saturday evening. Mm. Jackson Mover, of Miffllnburg, was the guest of Merchant S. C. Dun dore and family several days last week. Mr. Moyer also came over Saturday evening. Wednesday evening of last week al. Bowersox was bitten by a copperhead ..... 1-..- ..I .1... T....I simile I line I 1LTI1 L ICk: llimif un' i"'i lie went into tin liar and stepped on the snake, WhJ of the steps. h was K ing at the foot HUMMEL'S WHARF. Harry 'Trutt is the proud father or a nniiHi nt' iau t;.,.. '. , t ,.. I'll I.L ic ulullll linn H tc'A tg III llllll IfHHVH WBVMWW" weeks at Muuey and Williamsport. Arthur Reichenhach, of near Salcni, visited his brother, Harvey, Sunday. Miss Kate Trutt and friend attended the picnic at (irubb's church Saturday. A straw Vart.v of little folks of Selins pent Friday very pleasantly at Frank Frdley s. Norton Bower wa Siiturdav night on 17 called to Oriental account of the III- nessof his wife. Mr-. Peter Trexler. Dam. was the guest of of T. Shamokln I. Hummel and wife last week. Misses Olive and Lottie Sassainan and brother, William, spent Sunday with friends at Shreiner. The school lxiard made a good sclera tion when they elect i d Hnan 1 eats to teach the sehiMil in this place. Miss May Schoeh, who has bean Mtaidlng the summer with her sister near Newport, has returned home. The farmers are taking advantageof the new hydraulic cider press erected by Chas. Brown at Shamokln Dam. A LINE. J. W. Teats wears a smil Miss Bessie Shell spent .; it i a boy. some lime with Ella Melser. II. A. Ebrlght is Kettlnx ready to build a new store room. Some of our people attended tin an.. i i. ii at rivmunl Mmnlav. Mi-s Annie Martin, of Phil is 1 1 1 1 - iter her parental rout at present. Miss Elsie Reichenhach, ofFreeburjr( sient a few day s under the parental mot'. Mis. Sydney Dinger, of Lewisburg, spent a few days wiiii Augustus Ding er's. li Miss Ivy visiting M i' cut. Mi llc t'ie Ii, of Mifrlinburg, is Hornberger at pres- Miss Clemmie Beale, of Oriental, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mis. Lizzie Naugle. MiasebEfHe Hornbergcr, Ivy Mensch and I lUperia Naugle spent Sunday with Miss Ida Uoodling. V. J. Trutt lent a bURlTV to go for the doctor, but the lellow slipjaxl on and went to the picnic i This is the hottest summer for the last twenty years. The thermometer registered rrom lnuto I in degree. Mrs. J, w. I ornlHTger and children, of Wagner, who were visiting friends and relatives the the pat few weeks, have returned home. I suppose a great many of our people will attend the Elizabcthvillu camp meeting and also the Darkey canip meeting al Suminil t bis week. J. ( i. Knouse with the lire. I and the lire broki had io be watche tail a l le 1 1 1 1" 1 1 c trouble new land .1 out in the wood I for some time. it UT. PLEASANT MILLS. ( ico. Rehrer is having a well hi his premises. J. A. Kepler and wife Bpol'l Irill. tsmiciii bicycle. The c.c. Baud w ill plav tor the pi ic at I lalilel s cniin l S; aturuav. John 1 lofl'lliatl and laughter, Inice, f Ereeburg, spent Monday I larvcv Long and wife. i town, f Pfotltz's Vallev, Visited st nunc (iarmnu's Sunday. John M. MtefTen, who is working at Packer's Island, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. John A. KreighhllUltl and I'". '. Llllldis took a drive to Mi. Patrick Sunday on their w in , J-. i ( llarence A. Sehnii' and wife, ofScnin ton, arc spending several days with Mr. Bchnee's parents' in town. Examination was held here Monday. There Were twelve applicants. The teachers w ill be elected Friday. NV. I. Carman and wife, of Middle burg, were the quests of his parents, Henry Oaruian and wife, Sunday. Mrs. M. F. NVonier had a stroke of imlsv Sundiiv eveulnst. She was un conscious for a while, hut is better now. iuiu- munis i of i nr people attend-1 i d the picnic at (iru os ehurcli Ootr unlay, and some attended the colored camp-meetlngat Summit Sunday, While attending the picnic at (irubb's church Saturday, Miss Nettie Smith fell near a stump and broke her left arm near the wrist. Dr. Longacre bandaged the arm and she is getting along nicely. TROXELVILLE. Frank Troxel Is now doing his work alone again. The thermometer registered nlnety- elghl at this place. Irwin Eetterolt and wife, of Lewis town, are visiting friends in and about town. Frank and Hilly each go! a new bi cycle. They say they can go across tiic mountain to Hartleton on short notice. Francis Blee has accepted a job with Philip Blazer in the seven mountains, Elands says he likes the job, but not the little pests in bed. Fdward Bingaman and his grand father, Frederick, who had been visit ing out in some western states, return ed home one day last week. Weader boys held a festival at Port A mi Saturday evening and came home well pleased with the net proceeds, Ml- equently it must have been a success. UfJNDORE ' ("apt. K isc was m town selling groc eries. Business makes men as well as tries them. I The cider press this year Is off on a vacation. ' Emanuel Rambo is working for N. T. Dundore. i ra Hoover reports a goon crop oi I sweet corn. Y. M. Mease, ofKantZ, was in town selling phosphate, j. B. Stauffer thls'year threshed over 500 bushels of wheat and oats. Our merchanl is ordering goods and selling produce through the 'phone. Many of our people were to the pic nic at Grubb'H church last Saturday. S. S. Bickel, traveling for the largest d(y goods house in Phila., was in tow n. John Miller, of Buffalo, N. Y., had j his agent in town selling hats and caps, i Ice-cream was at a premium last week in town and lemonade was out of I sight. Lizzie and Dolly Reichenhach spent j Sunday with their parents at Toehlll, I one of the suberbs of town. Jacob Tbaip. John S. Aucker and D. V. Staid and others are doing tbei threshing very cheap this year. Our teachers are getting ready for examination. Our township is fortun ate in having its own teachers. J. (i. Wagner threshed iDO bushels ()f wu.t , , ve and oats for feed. Hi- Kuleaster wheat is the cleanest in the township. Kvery day last week the bjmperatUE wtt8 between M and 100 degrees in the shade in town. The most scorching week this season. Com and jxitatoes are suffering In the extreme. UNI01S TWP. Harvey Borkey i numbered with the nick. A. E Aucker has embarked in the bicycle business. William Riegel, of Nanticnke, was home over Sunday. Henry Blessing returned home after a week's stay with friends in York, Pa. 'Squire Lenig entertained a wairou tad of friends fruni Suubury Sunday, Misses Minnii Hummel's Whu Lizzie Sehrey. About half o townshipattend 1 and i 'atherine Trutt, if, spent Sunday with (he population .I the picnic at ( I if our rubb's church last .-satu day. Mrs. j, i ). Herman, of 1 is spending the week w it 1 J, NY. Snauirler and wife. ilwardsdale her parents Through the Phila. North American of Aug. It, we learn that Rev. Dr. , Pow-wow N'eit. is casting out devils. We presume he has a big job, but wi would protMise that he would begin al i home. 1 1 is a wonder thai we can h body swearing yet ur usim; I language in these days of the a r any profane colon 'il 1 campmeetings, The schiMil directors arc gettltm tin school houses in shape for busim The teachers will be selected evening, and they ccrtainlv ) large batch from which to selc ErldtiN have a oL -el with quit. II few o our i 01 1 in mi ll W ell at Kri :uuer Saturday. I. It. Kisherand wife were visiting at lied Bank on Sunday. Warm weather and drought is the complaint among our citizens, Unite a number of our people were to Summit campiticctiug Sunday. The m id i streets Monda Hleumn. Most of our forward to nth Inch w III I..- ig w was i un U..t I was on our v Will. Mils- young folks are hsiklng ud the ( Iraugers' picnic, in Aug. 117. In Mis. horse Vol! list -lie e 11. .1 i. e. i t hat i was kicked by a a mistake. It wu- Win I 'That a Mr-. NN'iu. il lMi;!' TuKYKIU'oV Mi Kate Noll is vi-iiiuc her uncles al Steeltou, Mi-s Kit vacation at e ( 'liarlcs i pending he home. Win, Briiluiker, or qllent vi-ilur in our t Suuliiiry m ii. M rs. ( leo. I . Flanders mad a bus lucss trip toSunbury Monday. Barber Nettz, who is employed at Caketown, spent Sunday with parents. Miss Jennie Neita has resigned her position at Suubury and is now at home. Mrs, ReUOeU Auckeraud littledailgh- I ter are visiting at the Aucker honn- tead ut ' Vnlihu Mrs. I). rhunby. of Suubury, Is visiting her ,'. ther, Abraham Qaugltr, who is seriously ill. Henry Hoover and Samuel Johnson, of Milton, rode their bicycles to tow n one day last Week. Miss Flora Bogar, of Ly kens, was the welcome guest of of Miss Sue llogar during the past week. NV. s. Len hart's family, after spend ing about six weeks in town, have re turned to their home in Harrisburg. Mi-s fsora Bingaman, who has been spending the past few months al Wash ington, returned home Saturday ac- .mi lllied i her uncle, and cousin, I'M win Ai-.Mr-. Will. uold, faniil Stcpp. McCLU HE. Warm, dry weal her. Adam Wagner and family spent Sun day in Lew Istown. NVm. Decker had a slight stroke of paralysis last week. Rev. Ott, of Bcllnsgrovo, spent Sun day at Isaac Dreese's, Samuel Wagner, of Fiemoiit, spent Sunday ainoiig friends here. Wm. Dreeseand w ife returned from their western trip Monday evening. Mary Miller, ofMountain Dale, spent last week with her cousin, Nellie Ulsb. Henry Kahley moved his saw mill west of town where he is busily engag ed in sawing R. R. ties. KKEAMEit. Harry Dickie, of Ashland, mingled with friends in town Sunday. Grover Smith is home from Keller's Busluesa College on a vacation. Kemer Aumlller, who was working at Northumberland, is home again. A. t'. Smith and E. F. Walter rode to Mlddleburg Friday evening on their w heels. 8. A. Appaud w ife, of Monroe town ship, visited the family of J. F. NValter over Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Page and children, of near Philadelphia, arc visiting her par ents at present. Mrs. NY. A. Hummel and child, of Lewlstown. are visiting 1." parents, John Fields, at present A. D. Kramer purchase'1 a . aw up-to-date buggy, ft i- dandy. A. D. believes in being up to th urnes. 'The union picnic Saturday was a de cided success. There was a large crowd in attendance, th ' (veather being fair, ami all had v vc y ei.i .abletimc. 'The Kant, ham! furnisher, excellent music. Rev. Bhambacli delivered a few well chosen re uarks. Ni;nz VALLEY. T!ie grape crop is abundant in this . inity. atoll leimbacfa killed a black siinkc sb. . .'t long. ' atborine Haines is visiting Mrs. Philip Hendrloka. Joseph Heimbach, who is working near Trcvcrton, was at home over Sunday. K A N T.. i A. 0. filascand wife are hie a baby hoy. PALLAS NEWS. One of buried at Samuel Qlace's chili Urubb's cemetery n il was aturday uiorniug. Wednesday morning Henry Hum mel had the misfortune to loose two of his best cows from eating too much young clover. In last week's report we stated that Mr. Bailey wished to take a horse to feed over winter, but since then he has bough) a tine young horse on Chestnut Ridge from Cyrus Hummel, Consid eration V.n. The much-tnlked-of picnic at irubb's church is now past. Die number of people present has been estimated at live thousand and the Sunday school realized f&IOcash from the safe of eat- able sum my year whiell exceeds by j"i tliehigllesl llown to have been derived from Sunday school picnic held this LlNTSTONE VALLEY. Mil -inn vas i.-ititij: J, llainci II V. Harry Trow it i- empl Ncit at present. Jltmcs Haines was t. d bv J. NN . Knitzerville Tuesday mi business. The thermometer reiristen d lis gnvs at this place Thursday. ( ha-. Kissinger, Sr., and wife, wi visiting Lewis Moyer's recently. Fielta ICuoiise, of near Krat.crvil is wot ilug for T. ( I. li- in ihis val- ley. Jacol i Benfcr a Saturdav morning. - kickinl hill II. it by a hoie -. i very sci- lously. I.. Haines, of Fr Haines, of Fliiitstom new porch tor ( i. A. burg. 'cluirg, and ( '. Vallev, ereetei Hotdorf in Ft E. Win. Hendricks, prising fanners, ha makinu last week; I one of our a new kind - made hay Villi I' ll' hay out oi summer grass, Two nierrj fishing parties of ibis place were to Middleereek Saturday, one consisting of Lew i- Mover, l:. ( iar inaii and -on and T. ( '. I iiiudis mid old est s in. Second party : t wo yotlllgi -t sons, Jam .lame- Dailies un.l -hut more snakes. ( '. I T. c. and : Lot! Haiti 1 iiiudis, 'atirlce, i of li-h. -. who ml two I with a was with the laltci iliaki s and u ou tided revolver. party, si the thin D ITTI.R or v f;Tsr Itrll 1 lesl Ijonneii anntn I mail rien ii IVe n f i. London, Aug. 1 1. The Bhr 1 1 correspondent of The Dally L. ' wirbis' yesterday, mya: "The allle" noon Saturday, were within 10 ralti of Pekln." A Yangtiun dlnpntch, flated Aw. 7. Kivinn cletaiis regardlnc the capture of that place, says: "The Russians and French held the left, the British the i it r. the Ameri can! the right cen'pr, and the Japanese the extreme right. The British anil Americana advanced on the village at a rapid rate for 6,001 ynrds. uni'.er a severe shell snu nno are. rue JVun ulans opened and the Britlsh-Amsrtcan advance became a race fur pr.sitiotifi, culminating In a iiriuiiuit charge. "The heaviest lose of the day was sustained by the Americans, the Fourteenth Infantry having nine klllei I, 1 62 wounded and several missing. The Bengal lancers unsuccessfully attempt ed to cut off the Chinese retreat." Another Yangtsung special inyn: "(iwing to a mistake, BrltUh and Tlii!?-iii n guns shelled the fourteenth t'iilte.1 States infantry during the night, wounding ten." The Dally Mall's St. Petersburg cor respondent says: "No prisoners were taken by the Russians. Wholesale iiian sacre was the order of the day. and, when the battle was over, the Cos BBcks rode over the Meld, killing nil the wounded with the butt ends of their muskets." CHINA'S ESMIMIBM DOWAGER. la Advised Uj Hit MInlM. r in lii r- null, i lo lm PUlB. Merlin. Aug. u. -At the Chinese le gation In Berlin the press correspond ent was Informed that the empress dowager had declared her Intention to leave I'ekin and to transfer her court to another city before the allied forces reached the capital. Lu Hal Houan, the Chinese minister here, on learning of this intention, telegraphed to both the empress dowager and the emperor not to leave Pekln. tint quietly to await the arrival of the international forces. The Chinese protest against the landing of troops at Shanghai has been oftlclally received here. A foreign office Official, disciiHBlng It, said this after noon: "The protest Is here, but who pays sny attention now to Chinese pro tests?" Great Britain, according to the German foreign office, has not given any other declaration of purpose in landing troops at Shanghai than the declaration made by the Ilrlllsh consul general to the other foreign consuls there, namely the protection of life and property. Rasataa Minister's Report. St. Petersburg. Aug. 14. M. DefJIers, Russian minister in Pekln, reports In cipher, under dale of Aug. 4, its fol lows: "The Chinese government re cently applied to us ami to all the for eign representatives in order to ar range the dato and conditions of our Journey to Tien Tsln. We replied that we required Instructions from our gov ernments, without which we could not loave our posts. I consider It my duly to point out, ns indlspenslble to our Journey, as the allied troops sent ss an escort should be Of sufficient force to protect 80(1 Europeans. Including 200 women and children, and 60 wounded. The families of the Imperial mission and the Russian colony are well." 'nrynn nnil O. A. II. Kneiimpment. Chicago. Aug. 14. The Chronicle says: "Colonel V. J. Bryan will not he In Chicago on Tuesday, Aug. 2S, the day of the great parade of the Grand Army of the Republic. Rather than emharass President MrKlnley by a counter demonstration, the Democratic nominee for the chief magistracy will defer his arrival to the next day or perhaps two days latter. This decision was reached after Mr. Bryan was made acquainted with the program and the part to which he was assigned by Ex ecutive Director Harper. Put Your Finger on Your Pulse a&2i ma You feel the blood rvshinn slonR. But what kind of bluodr That is the question. Is It pure blood er Impure blood ? If the tlood is impure then you are weak and languid ; your appetite is poor nd your digestion is weaK. Yoo can not skep well and the mcrn intj finds you unprepared 'or the work of the day. Your cheeks are pato and your com plexion is sallow. You sre troubled with pimples, boils, or some eruption of the nkin. U'by dim purify your blood 9 will do it. Take It s few day. and then put your Hnger on your pulse again. You can feel the difference. It is stronger and yeur circo'utioii better. Send for oar book on Impure Blood. If you aro Mlious, take Ayer's Tills. Thiy greatly aid tlm Sarcaparilla, They cure constipation also. Vfrlta to our Pacta?. Writ.' th, in fr,'iT aU III,' UHl-llfninr-l lis roiir tBtii. V, 'll mcTi I irmi.t ri-i.iy. mtnon .Vlureie, UH. A. i . 1.1 r.iv, LoMi-li. Maa. vp, imm H run Ml i u .inaldo Pcs Not Accept the Prociamatioiit Urn. ('in 041 I'M;, a lion. I AmiTlei, ill. Tried hy ' .: to it' ::."rh t,' .1 ,. 1n m ii ..l.'ii-i I; Ovt- i.-l V. ;ri;.l. rti.Ct'J" War.hlnEton, A Manila pa i rs ret partment contain to be from .i pers ig, i !, Copies vf ,-. . d 1 1 the war d'j a letter purport Ins n::l friend of A got naldo, v hlch s' itcs chh f doi s not tako (it th" rilipino dvnntnge .' 'h amnesty proclnmMlon because boom tlnie ago he gave orders to his follow ers to break up Into guerrilla bends The amnesty order excepts those ! violated t 1 1 - - laws ot ai ii si v that Agulualdu fears that he would ! In tho excepted clacs, should ho U'". dertake to surrender under the am nesty prod itnntlon. The letter Is dated al Biac-Xo-I$atn, which is s,".;d to be the present ir -visional headquarters ot AguftmlsVi. It states, however, that Agulnaldo never stays more than one night in a pinc.e and only a fc.v hours in any one o cation, lie allows no one to conn, near him. except his most. Intlmaxs personal friends. A dispatch in one of the papers) dated at San Pedro Macatl, states tbrt Gen. Plo Del Pilar, who recently sur rendered, says be wishes to become good American citizen, and Intends ta accept the American terms offeree! to his people. He said he would liku nothing better than to raise a regiment of native Filipinos to serve in China. Copies of orders received at the war department announce the sentence of .la. into Ebron, a native. Ebron was sent to the penitentiary for Ave years. The order states that Ebron wan m member ot a band of outlaws operating in Cagayan province. Luzon, write: committed various outrages upon Hrr whole population and kept tin peODSSj In a constant state of terror. The orders also contained the ac -quital of Col. .lames S. Pet tit, Thirty -first volunteer infantry, who ji charged w ith being responsible for thir death of a prisoner named Jnan Rnmw by turning him over to the president off Zamboanga The findings and the ac quittal are disapproved by Gen. Maw Arthur, who says that, notwithstand ing the alleged character of the prison er. which tended to reveal bim nr a guerrilla or outlaw, be was neverthe less entitled to protection, and to hav his guilt determined In the regular way by war tribunal. Although the ncqntt tal Is disapproved, there was nothing further for Gen. Mac Arthur to do. anil he restored Col. Pettit to his regiment An liuli pi-ii it i-n( IMiiiti' I nlon. Bcranton, Pa., Aug. It, A number of nun employed nt the Uelawar. Lackawanna and Western company" collieries net here last night and took the preliminary steps toward organiz ing the Lackawanna union. The com pany's officials say they will not recog nize an organization that toriijiui. other than their employes, and it wmt. to meet this objection that tho new union was formed. A vote of the mill ers showed that 8,141 favored the uesw organization and 1,021 opposed iL Tkec United Mine Workers of America hete a meeting here and denounced the for mation of the new union as an effort te separate the men and place them as cross purposes.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers