The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 09, 1900, Image 8

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Baking Powder
The strongest, purest, most efficient and
wholesome of leavening agents. Not lowest
in price, yet the most economical ; indispens
able to all who appreciate the best and most
healthful food.
Our country is enjoying prosperity almost
unsurpassed in its history.
For every one there is money enough to
buy that to eat which is pure, sound, good,
Why should we use cheap, impure, un
healthful articles of food? There is no
economy in them ; they endanger the health,
they may cost life. There are reported
almost daily cases of sickness caused by eat
ing cake, puddings or biscuit made with the
cheap, alum baking powders.
In all articles for food buy and use only
the best. The good health of the family is
of first consideration.
W:i; Unite in JfrrriPge.
. .. ivii I icuitKC' lias leen grant
ed t William !.. Parks, ol S'lins
grove, and Mit (Jruec l.'nnlv, l
Buulttit'v. Hie cerunony ill take
platre Tft'iint-sdav evening at flic
lioui o tlit" j rosjteetive groom in
Nelitisgrove. The loys expect to
haven Purdy good Line, ami there
will lie a ntimher of entertainments
in tiic variola I'uks. Hurrah !
Sit V Ml' 7 ' III,
To IV" (iiven Aa to Some Church,
Sunday .school or Public School.
The publisher of the Poht will given
bnnilsome Wkavkh Chapki. Oho an
to some Church, Sunday school or puh
lic school In Hn vder County and In asks
the patrons of this loipcr to select the
place where it -hall no. The highest
nuiuber oi votes will determine the
choice. XewMpaiier coupons ami pre
luhim coiiimu)s w ill cotini as follows :
voting coupon printed in each Issue of
1 li e Poht i Rond for one vote if
Hllcd out and sent or brought to this
PRKMTl'M OITOX8 : All sub
scribers who juty for the Poht in ud
vuiiccSvill receive ti Premium Coujkui
fron ihi- orllce, thai entitles them to
l V ' -. i - ror each month mid in ad
vbi e mi ! 25 lor a lull year. For a
NEW Cash stiliscrlptloii FOUR pre
ml iu coupons will be Issued for each
month nnu lOforn fall year. No eon
i 'will Issued for less than six
months subscription. (.'hanging t h e
laTocfro , ;i member of a family to
moth r will not lie considered a new
subscriber. For every dollar's worth of
oh prln ... or new advertisements thai
are uroiii rscnt (otitis ofHce,a pre
mium ei i'ii , hi w til lie issued for 25 votes
i l l' THIS or r.
B o U dllitldUl)uvili gost S
Tltis coupon entitles the holder
to one vote for the handsome
10. 11 1 Aug. 9.J
M I Mnilt liv thp Wmrer Orimn Pint,,, t'n
fcjof for k. I'i.. ntul mil. I hr K. S. Itlrifel. Miil-
)kll...iir I'n I ... I.A ,.i ........ ........ --- -
Sunday Scl lor rnblta School In Sny.ler
County, by this POST, MliMleburirli, I'n".
This vide is cast for :
'i l.i- coupon In not rood live wcolca after N
above Hate anil will lueii nut be count,'.!.
ItW ..'.. I r l.ri... .1.1. Ml I
1 . " " " ... MH Bill
PI ha va it rlepoalte.1 in the ballot t.n.
Va al ATA aV ,
Alum is used in many baking powders bcrmtsc it makes
them cheap. It costs less than two cents a pound.
Alum is .1 corrosive poison. Think of feeding it to chil
dren ! Yet the manufacturers of well-known alum
powders arc actually denying that their goods contain it.
How the Organ Contest
The ciLilitli count shows the re
sult as follows :
I'. I'.. ( 'hureh, Fremont,
Premium coupons, 4l
Newspaper coupons, ' II 47S
I'. Evan, church, Penn'a
( 'reek :
Premium coupons, 200
New-psipi-r coupons, 244 III
Tor i, voi r: CAST :
Kvau. church, I'. Creek, 5370
ICls'tiezer IT. 11, . hureh, 26UH
I'. I',, church, Kretnout, 728
Trinity church, M'KeeM j Falls, Ins
Washington, D.
Qenessee Pure Food Co., Le Roy
N Y.
liKsri.r.MKN : Our family realize
so much from the use of UJAIN-0
'hat 1 feel I must say a word to in
duce others to use it. If people are
interested in their health and the
welfare of their children they will
use no ot her beverage. 1 used them
all, but GRAIN ) I have found su
perior to any, for the reason that it
is solid graiu. Yours forhealth,
C. F. Myers.
Uncle bam s Balance Sheet
"Uncle Sam's Balance Sheet" is
tin name of a large poster illustrat
ing flic benefits ol the Protective
policy. It should lie placed wlier
( ever voters can sec and read. For
: warded to any address for Four
Cents. Ask Poster (I. Address
Ameriacan ProtectiveTurifl League,
135 West 23d S;., New York, N. Y.
"What is the price ol Dobbins
Electric Soap?"
"Five cents a bar, full size, just
reduced from ten and your choice
of 217 25-oent books sent free,
tor each : wrappers anil ." cents
for postage. Hasn't lieen less
than ten cents for 33 years.
'Why that's the price of common
brown soap. 1 can't afford to
liny any other soap than this.
Send me a box of Dobbins'
Butter is
Eirgs 12
Onions 40
Lard 9
Tallow 4
Chickens 7
Turkevs ,
Shoulder 8
Ham 12
i Heat. to
Rye 45
Corn 45
Oats (old) 28
Bran pet 100. 90
Middlings " 90
Chop 90
Flour per obi 3.50
News Items of Interest From All
Parts of the State.
rhnri.'1'i f Wtlk.-aliitrrr Coimcllnien
vittriii DealeS i' Aeeased.
tfysterloas Bzploatoa Beanton
Wreck Tiro BalMtaaa,
Wilkesbarre. Pa., Aug. 7. The com
mittee appointed by city councils to in
vestigate the ullcKed bribery or at
tempted bribery of councilman to pro
mote franchises of rival electric rail
way companies held Its first session
vesterdav. Counsel for Councilman
Thomas Wheatley, who claimed he bad
been offered a bribe of S'i.UUO If he
would vote for a certain measure, re
fused to allow him to po on the stand
yesterday. He will be heard today.
Councilman Thomas Santee said he
had been offered a bribe by (ieorpe J.
Llewellyn If he would vote as desired.
Llewellyn placed $200 in his lap. Wit
ness put the money back on Llewel
lyn's desk. Baying he would not take
the money If he was starving. Coun
cilman C.resh testified that he. had a
conversation with Henry Scott, the
janitor of city hall. The janitor told
him that he might as well take JSO0
us other councilmen.
George J. Llewellyn testified that he
never offered Councilman Santee a
bribe, and he denounced Mr. Santee's
lawyer, Mr. Dando, as a liar. Mr.
Dando replied by calling Mr. Llewellyn
a liar and a coward. Janitor Scott
also denied the statement made by
Councilman Oretb.
The attorneys for ex-State Chairman
John M. Carman entered a vigorous
protest against the mode of examina
tion, claiming that the whole scheme
was a villainous one and had a ten
dency to besmirch the characters of
honest men. Mr. Carman, who was
also present, entered a protest. He
saiil the use of his name in connection
with the charges was unjust. It put
him In a false light before his friends
nil over the state. Mr. Oarman was
attorney for one of the electric rail
way companies seeking a franchise in
Bfyaterloas Ratploaton i n Borantoa. j
Scranton, Pa., Aug. fi. By an ex
plosion of mysterious origin Saturday
evening, which wrecked the Mer- ;
chants' anil Mechanics' bank and an I
adjoining building. 117 persons were In
jured, and several miraculously es
caped death. H. W. Sklvlngton, whose
leg was cut by a piece of Hying glass,
ll the only one of the 27 In a critical j
condition. Miss Anuie Klein, Tif this
city, and Thomas Urennan. of Minooka,
each will lose the sight of one eye as
the result of cuts from Hying glass.
The debris was sufficiently removed
last evening to disclose the bank vault, .
and it was found Intact. The money
and papers were removed under escort
Of police to a building on Wyoming
aTe&ue, where the bank opened for I
business this morning. The loss Is
Second Victim of Mnaton ICt ploalott.
Bastoa, Pa., Aur. 4. Joseph Toad,
the Hungarian who was badly burned
by an explosion at the Alpha Portland
cement works Thursday, when Imrle
Tefenzkl was killed, died In the Elaston
hospital yesterday, Before he died
Toad Informed the hospital authori
ties that he had $10 sewed in the lining
of his coat, which would bury him.
Killed bf Llathtalac
nethlehem, Pa., Aug. 7. While Will
lam Mauser and two sons were repair
ing a wagon under a tree during an
electric storm last evening Charles
Mauser, aged IS, was instantly killed
by lightning, i he father and other
son were rendered unconscious, but
will recover.
rtotb of Harry Hamburger'! leg! wi re
cut i(T by n train at Johnstown.
Joseph rinmble was appointed fourth
cla.-s postmaster at HngdHu.
Janu s Btoughton, of Lewlsburg, was I
klllcil In a runaway accident near Milton. .
Scalded some weeks iiko, a son of Mrs. j
Mary Maur died In Reading last Friday.
John Kalokitea was killed by a fall of j
coal at the Bterllng colliery, Bhenandoah.
Mr. and Mrs. Alstadt celebrated their
diamond wedding last Friday at l'otts-
Walter J. Langan, of Allcntown, was
arretted for uaing the malls for fraudu- ,
l. nt purpose,
Arrangementa for the meeting of state
magistrates at Reading next month have
been c ompleted.
My the fall of 'a scaffold William Q,
Bheri, a painter, fell live stories and was
Killed, at Lancaster.
Government suryeyori are at Womels
dorf making a survey of the county with
in n radius of ai miles.
Caucht In cok wheels at the Maple Hill
colliery. Bhenandoah, William Taylor was
almost Instantly killed.
After a strike lastiiiK 11 weeks 130 union
machinists returned to work at their old
scale at I ill City Monday.
By a shot which penetrated a breast nt
the' I'lne Hill Miliary, near PotUviUa,
George Savage was killed.
Oiound has been broken for the cen- j
tml heating and lighting plant of liuck
Mil university, nt Lewisburg.
Mall t'lerk Itobert Lucas was Btruck by
an express train at the Union atatlon, 1
Harnsbtira. Sunday and killed.
Patriate ljulnn. of Scranton, was strlck
en with heart failure and was drowned '
while bnthing "t Gravel Lake.
William Borlacher and wife, of Moun
tain Grove. eelMbrated the "fith anni
versary of their wedding Saturday.
A stone or rifle bullet struck the window
of a I.ehlgh Valley train at Pottsvllle and
Albert Smith was badly cut by broken
glass. ,
Some one fired a pistol close to the ear
Of Mrs. J. W. Forrest, at Mercersburg, '
and she was made deaf, her uar drum be-
lng broken.
Richard Williams, aged S, of Wind Gap, I
Bled of a fractured skull, the result of
being hit on the head with the seat board
of a swing.
While trying to dispose of brass and
copper, said to have been stolen. John I
Raldy and Jonathan Ibuch were arrested I
at 1'ottstown.
The horses being acared by a rattle
snake. Mrs. Manning, of Galetoo. waa
thrown from a hay wagon and received
probably fatal Injuries.
Samuel Winner, a wealthy resident ot
Lancaster county, died of Injuries re
ceived In being jostled from his wagon
through a rut In the road.
Ten Pittsburg boys who left that city
to go to Mt. Gretna with the Fourteenth
ana Eighteenth regiments were arrested
at ajtoona ana tent to uatr no
Weelaeaday, Ana- 1
Ballard Smith, the well known New
Yosk Journalist, died at Waverly,
Mass., aged 45.
In a prize tight with Tommy Sulli
van at C'ouey Island George Dixon had
his arm broken In two places.
The Duke of Saxe-Coburg, second
son of Queen Victoria, died at Rose
nau castlp from cancer of the tongue.
Anti-imperialists vigorously de
nounce Senator Hoar for his announc
ed intention to support President Mc
Klnley for re-election.
Governor Beckham, of Kentucky,
Will call an extra session of the legis
lature the last of this month to amend
the Ooebel election law.
Thursday, hk 'i,
Mrs. Wu Ting Fang, wife of the Chl
nebo minister, and her son are at Cape
May for a two weeks' stay.
In l'arls a French anarchist named
Francois Salson made an unsuccessful
attempt to kill the shah of Persia.
Gen. Gordon, commander of the Con
federate Veterans, will attend Chi
cago's G. A. R. meeting as a special
Alexander Jester, the octogenarian,
was acquitted for the second time, at
New London, Mo., of the murder of
Gilbert Gates in 1871.
Ex-Governor Roger Wolcott, of
Massachusetts, has accepted the post
of ambassador to Italy, and will as
sume office In the fall.
Paul Varner and Martha Hendricks,
elopers, pursued by the girl's father,
were drowned while crossing the Cur
rant river in Missouri. The father has
become insane.
I rldiij. Ann. .1.
At Wynnewood, I. T., Mrs. B. L,
Millard was burned to death. Cause,
lighting Are with kerosene.
In the election for govi rnor held In
the Choctaw Nation Wednesday Judse
J. W, Dukes, full blood, -' as elected
The Norris family, at Harvey, Ills.,
were poisoned by eating mushrooms
In which were secreted small black
hugs. Three died.
Sixteen-year-old ESlla Regan, escaped
from a Chicago correctional institution
and recaptured, Jumped from a train
near Ottawa, Ills., and was killed.
Intense heat has prevailed over
South Dakota for five days, The tem
perature has ranged from 98 to 104.
In Bismarck, S. D., It was 105. Work
In harvest fields lias been Interrupted
Bntnritny, Ahkt. 4.
Postmaster Genual Smith and Sen
ator Fairbanks are scheduled tor cam
paign speeches In Maine.
At WoodBVllle, R. 1.. Frattk Barton,
a farmer, 70 years of age, while mow
ing WSJ stung by a Mack hornet and
died four hours afterwards.
The municipality of Monsa, Italy,
has purchased the ground on which
King Humbert was killed in order to
erect a monument or a charitable in
stitution. The conference of the tin plate
workers and employes at Cleveland
failed to reach an agreement end an
adjournment was taken without time
or place being selected.
In the first race for the Seawanh tKa
cup on Lake St.- Louis the Canadian
defender Red Coat defeated the Minne
sota, of St. Paul. The second race was
a fluke, owing to lack of wind.
Monde y. Auk. '
At Chicago yesterday heat caused
two deaths and several prostrations.
It WaB 04 in the shade.
Four thousand l'arls cab driver
have gone on strike, demanding a
lower rate for renting vehicles.
Right Rev. Augustine Ileal)'. Catho
lic bishop of Maine, died suddenly
yesterday afternoon at Portland,
Gen. Zebulon York, one of the dash
ing figures of the Confederacy, died at
Natchez, Miss., yesterday afternoon.
At Wllllamstown, Kan., indignant
citizens placed dynamite under a build
ing occupied as a "Joint," or U.'ieit
saloon, and the building was demol
ished. I ih'mIii j . Auk- 7.
The price of coal at Cape Nome Is
$15d a ton.
The funeral of Humbert, the mur
dered king of Italy, will take place In
Rome on Thursday.
Eleven persons dead and a score of
prestations is the result of the heat in
Chicago yesterday.
It is reported that the California
raisin crop will not be as large as ex
pected. Estimates place It nt 3,000 to
3,400 carloads.
Rural free delivery service will be
gin Aug. 15 at Oregon, Ills, Neaco
peck. Pa., Beaver Dam, Wis., and ad
ditional service at Alma, Mich.
Fred. T. Berdan, a prominent mer
chant and capitalist of Toledo, was ac
cidentally drowned while fishing at
Middle Bass Island last night.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6. Flour in light fle
mand; winter superfine, J2.406i.60; Penn
sylvania roller, clear, tS.2fa33.40; city mi I lr.
extra, I2.6MI 2.90. Rys Hour iul-t and
steady nt B.1IK93.I0 per barrel. Wheat
Bteady; No. ' red. In elevator. 7340740.
Coin llrm; Mb. 2 mixed, iiot. Ill elfvntor.
4t)4043Vk!.; No, 2 yellow, for local trade,
48&C. Oats steady: No. 2 white, slipped,
MQc; lower arades, 274)30c. Hay
steady; choice tlmotliy. 111! for Inrne
bales. Heef steaily: beef hams, J2iii21.
I'ork steady; family. tUOUJS; mess,
til. 75011,50, Lard linn; western steamed,
BT.iitj. Live poultry quoted at llo, for
choice western fowls and 111) lie. for
sprinK chickens, as to quality. Dressed
poultry Ifresli killed), choice western
fowls. lltUlltsc. ; olil roosters. B'.Jc. ; near
by chickens, as to size. 12ftl6c. Butter
steady; creunury. lT'iiSic.: factory, cur
rent packed, 1401540.; Imitation cream
ery, lMilSc. ; New York dairy, 141il9c. ;
fancy Pennsylvania prints JolibinK at 114
i27c; do. wholesale. 23c. BggB steady;
New York and Pennsylvania, 14lil7c. ;
western. lliH13Vic Potatoes quiet; south
ern. ILItei-75: Loin; Island. tl.621il."5.
Caliknns quiet; Long Island, tl.751i2.25
per fto.
I.lvr Slock Markrta.
New York, Aug. 6. Beeves In fair de
mand; closed weak to 10c. off on steers
and bulls; steers. t-lftG; westerns. tt.0tj
Texana. t4.85; bulls, t2. 854.40: cows, Kit
4.25. Calves active and 25'i50c. hlKher;
veals, t4.6(KBvr.7H; choice, t7.50; butter
milks, t3.50i)4; trnissers. t3i3.25. Uood
heep Bteady; under grades lower; lambs
generally 15025c. higher; common steady:
sheep, ti4.7S; choice wethers, t5; Iambs,
Miti.s71; three cars extra, t7: culls, S I
4.60. Hogs steady at $5.755.90; choice
light state hogs, ti.W.ifi.
Eaat Liberty, Pa., Aug. 6. Cattle ac
tive and higher; extra, t5.50(;5.70; prime,
tfi.40O5.60; common t3.5064. Hoga fairly
active; heavy Yorkers, 5.(6Ot.70; heavy
hogs. t5.50fc5.5S; roughs. 33.7506. Sheep
higher; choice wethers, 34.7504.85: com
mon. tl.50O3.60; choice lambs. 35.500;
common to good, H 5000.25; veal calves.
Carlisle, Pa.
This college Is devoted to the higher
education of young women. It Is non
denominational. The Academic Year
Bruins S-pt. in, 1800,
Catalogues - of - the - College
Containing all particulars) oernlng the ad
mission of students, courses oi study, etc.
may be obtained by applying to
President oi the Meizger college,
l-J-tt. Carlisle, Pa.
, Franklin & Marshall Academy,
Nt Ml
! Tills Academy wonld call attention to its i-:x-CELLKNT
OPPORTUNITY lor college pre.
Iarlr,y ntirk. I hits a permanent faculty
ot Instructors ol success! m experience who can
stimulate fctudenta and Command tlii'tr best
Exc llrut tteemmodotion$ TtQffH and eontpU rlv
tnrnirhttl rvoMM e,A utt-nm lifat and ajftfrw
! light.
Good board and all modern conveniences Free
access to college unit llieraiy society lllirurles
I about awon volumes, gymnasiums, military
anil and athletic Held.
Terms f, r Room, Bi ard and Tui
tion, tSDUO pr ywiir.
.Send lor OHlnlogue.
l ull lerm opens Nell. 1 :1th.
Kl'WIN M.BARTMAN, a. m.,
is-2-it. principals,
North Wales Academy
and School of Business,
Thirty-fourth. Year, 5epterrber 5th,.
our students take Mrs! linrui-s In our bSSl
-Ellis system if Mm fraclice-
I Building lighted h) 12'ectrlcl'y and heated iy
Model Hot Water system," new this season,
lion ri in.-.- AceommodAtlonN
S jnd n,.v CateUogUS),
n. f BRVNNRR, Principal,
I s-ii tt. 1 )'. 0, Box ii, Nortn Wall h, i'ii.
Ilia Spruce St., Philadelphia.
College Preparatory and Academic
(.'nurses. Certificate admits to Smith,
Wellesley and Vnssiir. s-iMt.
Sheriflfa -Sale of
Bf virt nt? of m cettetn writ f Ki Pa inwuril
oat of ibe Court of Common PleM of Bnifder
County i I'n., him I to mo tliriutt HI will vx
poM to public mIc nt tlx- coui t hoUM in Middle
liiirjf. 1'a , at I o'olook I IU .. on Frulnv, Auti-t
Bl. 1900, tbe following deffcrlbod real ettata lo
A certain form oi mrwiUM of Ian1 iltiuited
in Union township, Snyilcr County, I'n., ljoin-
liuj Inndi of Jnmei Rntfon on tin nottbj .i-t
by Ifttule of George Wenteelj Houthby lamU of
tit'orjjf Wentsel ami rbllllp ikI went iy
IhimIh of Henry UMeebrietnndaaeob staiifTrr,
etintniiilnic Kcvrnty-fiiclit (7m mere more or
len whereon Is erected a Dw i-.LifNU HOUSE,
hnntynnd other imnll bulldlnn end .'! n lot
of good fruit irt vH mi the premlees,
Belied taken into execution end to le Sold
bi the property f Peter H. seehriNt.
G. W. BOW, Sli. rirr.
Bberlff! Offlce, Mlddleburgi Aug. ?, 1900.
The Story Teller's Art
Is not so common that many write ra
have it Only now and then an
author shows it unmistakably. Rev.
Charles M.
the author of "In His Steps," is a
natural novelist, although his writing
is but an incident of his life work.
Malcolm Kirk
one of his stories which will scon ap
pear in this paper, is aa fascinating
aa any novel Beyond this its influ
ence is moat wholesome. The firat
chapters will be printed soon. .
i E-'i w w ft Eimvimar
hST&H CUCn I aJ lOM nn...
"".. rv,rUU-,0,l
tin, 4ii. oiiii.
Fall Terrr Opcrs Septenrber 4, .
i. nated in tns beaurlrul LeaaTa Van
passed tor bealU) and eoDMori '
An Aiiraette taassfa Bultabli
KET BALL, laws TBNNUkaod otba
An Ahle Hfiri l- fll, 1.-.
Regular and Special Co arses of Btudi
and At The College alms tooevii ,
ALTER us well us INTKI.I.KttT ' :
taken ,.f v,,iirie I ;,ai,. i ii.,.. . .. '
enjoyed by Hie students New f-M
loin, nil),' neuieu QJ Meilln. ),-rlit
.mil Kleetrleity--.v snftr Inititntinn
tl'U tit tfAlVA IlilWn., MM ...tail .1 .A. .
J'ernia Moderute-for llluJ
... . .. nnp ... iii nt
NEW JERSEY. Bordentown.
The First Aim ot!
tin- iMiiiiiinK r eaamatar. v u
delivering to make
unexcelled In the training ot boys to ia
that mental, pnyaloal and moral tqa
WUIeh will III t! in for tin. work ot Ike i
Tfree Courses-Scientific,
Classical ard Ac-iU
- - Write for Catalogue
Rav.T. H Lakdox, a. M Prlncti
Ma job T, D. Laxdok, ooauoaotl .1
y xv umn wastkb
With fair f-rtOCailOn "nil good en
H ll.t t Hi' VI' II . 'I'l.l.. I. a.J.u.i
. ... ,.w .. . .- ,,.. inC' .NM'. ' J
lug railway companies as tb only KTin.t
' ivduhvhuh oi us Kina, Allonfi
uittes are asslstiii to pos.tlons. l. i 'I hI
milieu. riu' lor nee dialog. (Full tcftsi
H. Laxisoim
rf-I!JtI..l... .
i-i-r-.-.-1-r-, i-j-,-t,-i-,-i-;-
T Harrisburc Bu?inc. s -
X "College an.d School
T Bhorthanl and Typewrlilni
X834 Market hi, Utirilnburo p i a,
.L intes clieerrmi aulMted in seounns
j. lions, Mention the pot,
'--''St. ,i k. UAHNbB, Prinelp
Is the Happiest Man 1
The Most FiiBclnatlng Hobby
Ladles and Itentlotucii Is the Cultv.itiuit-
choice collections by man. nnsin.,,i
some Plants, elegant bloomers. Bks. unit M
wards. BjmaU Bugle Piasis, llo, Price us
Mrs. E. F. Main,
Nogales, Arizona,
Durintr the civil war, as well a?
'OUrlattt War With Nrmiii AtarM
I was otifl of M
tlisteuses tbe army bad to contJ
: With. Ill lllllliv inul,,..uu it l....,oJ
chronic itml old soldiera still s 8
! irom it. Mr "avid J tivlor, oi Wu
! atone, ureene uo Pa., is one I
theMe. He uses Chiini bet Iain's i'oJ
Choli ra and Dian hooa Rtmedy il
, hhvs be never found an v thine ti
I would stive hini tucfa qniek rein
is ior sate oy au iiiugiHtt.
Notice is hereby given thai JtJ
Musser, ;i charge ol the poor
triqt of Middreoreek tovi n
provided with a good botneaudll
ie is in the habit oi leaving I
township and creating expeiini
us elsewhere. Theanderrignidoi
Beers hereby give public notice t
j they will pay no bills for said U
sit unless thev are neraonallvii
, orised by them.
W. A. Hi mmi:i ,
Simon KkATZKR,
Oversee ra oi the P1
Middlecreek twp. July 24, 190ttj
On Monday, July lfi, there
eri out ot the world the son
tha Marie, daughter of Josepfc I
Amelia Hendricks, iged 4 swn
montlis and 2(! days.
Xh avaa !l vrv lii'lirlif Ii44mI
and the favorite of all who knew
IS;arlet fever was the jansc"
death. Interment in the 01
cemetery at Selinsgroye, Jul)'
the Bet. H. G. Snable officiating
The sympathies of the church
with the bereaved family.
Oenessee Pure Food Co.,
Dear Sirs : Some days tarn
pacaage oi your liU AliN U prerT
tion was left at my office. I tof"
home and give it a trial, and I .
to say I was very much pleased
it, as a substitute for coffee,
have always used the best Javi
Moeha in Our family, but I am
to say I like the GRAIN-0 ai
as the best coffee I ever drank-
4. a Jaosm. aifl
Ill Mai WIS A t
1 1
. -asSBBal