rv NEWS. Our kers Written oy Correspondents rhout the County. (bITZ VALLEY, Itapplc vWted in frii'imrg the F . i j I L Mtller fell from a loan 01 liruiscu HIT lace uwusnsw- Mover is busily engaged In Ifr our fanners. ,l Martin wits visiting in Valley. PALLAS NEWS. val held in tm. uauej - i benefit ol imam rvers- ti t Biol HIT ileum V". tnolil has flnlshed thresh- Lction for the present ami L machine to Klcnnera. , .-Wlcy is taKinjrnmsie ., ran a Miss Ida .-mm in s mm Guitar music. Calvin sports Heel. having a wonting null- to give out in reea uve l, apply io iim" . he needs one ai "". . ... vill he well rel ami ciue.i. . i I.... ,.f I'liilmlcl- t II Mrs. Stniub of Mt. l aniie niBStsof AugttstUB Straub and ,, , ,11111 I 1UUUII i ll.is o ace. incy e.pe. . ri F after the plc-nlo at ( rubb's WEST BEAVEU. m thresher is heard almost ,ur vicinity, r""1 fir crops far beyona men t- i in ylcm. . f Xtifltin IllV. Ill', v..--- -.. , , tent a few days here last week I ...... nl I I I 1 1 II 1 1 I . .'I .'in',"' to the wants ol tier nroiuci, W- leely is still unanie t awenu tss from his late sickness. Itobcrt doss has been on tne ffor the )ast weeK. 0W sue ping. ll H. Phillips has been furnish- t of our llUCKsicrs wium" of late for the Lewistown mar . iii V..H..V I rlbe took a trip to Big allej j LfnwentrU,.,', I . , . - ,. and Mastertiuay MwlysiK'n with some of their Lowell i:;i.,.h n comrade ol your is now located in Yeagerstown, icountv. eii oymg gouo. uswu, i i,:.....i.,.H.- He snvs. come Inirades a..d go into my vineyard .. li. l...t II. fiiui It of all tne iruii m I Hilly. in Trenster and daiiirhter, Ir, iispent Sunday with some LSmV !ends. leu Steely was a Belleville, sunuu k, visitor last naiunmy p nna v lrre Krebs and wife sient Sunday i MeClure. Charles Hcrtistcr ami f also spent Sunday at tne "c movement Is on foot among pass- JiiKcnts of all the Rrcat ratiroaus .., biuitrv to sjve to every veteran ol livil war at all times over every ud half-fare rates." Kxcnange. i the ball roliinir and have It ao- plishiKl Is the cry f all the old vet s. and vour actions will Ix- apprcc- L'i I vail. ASTORIA For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought ears the aaturo of CENTREVILLE. I J. H. Hartinanlcft for West Virginia Ct iriday. Minn DoasleKanipsell returned home m Mifllinburg hist week. Mrs. Stucker of Shenandoah visited mm. Aurand and wife over Sunday. Mm ,l..l,.i,l.. Miiniimell is visiting mods at Montoursvillc and vicinity. Jiilm Miin'uni ,,f l.ewisburir was a pitnr in town several days last week. .1 I.' i. i oiwl ilmiirhter. Alma. ... ii 1 1 1 ni , ,.' -- -, , vLiihHl relatlve and friends at Jersey Boon the nast wck. Miilm, Koanglcr A Co. purchased a lieu ( liHiiiiiirtii Thriishcrlast week ami jsrv now ready to serve their patrons. MT. PJ J5ASANT MILLS. Tim hers' examination for Pern WWnihip will be held Aug. 13th. I Miss Joicy Yerger is working at the wnaai HoU'l, f recnurg, ai prescm. Win Tnuin nml wife of Pallas were tin L'liests ,if .liisiiih 1 lei ill's Sum lav. " . ... , -, I,.. I I .. .1.1.. ,.la,, ....II i.lt.v fur IICU.I1UIU iniimn: niu r.' "" he (irubb's church pic-nic Saturday. t"mic of our ni-onle are attending the i 'ttiiiliineetimr at FlizalK'thville this PMk. Mr. and Mrs. Weiand of near Selins-1 Krove were the MMSBS of J. F. Hover's , k - uiniay. Mrs W K Arlminist and son of Mif- lliiitown were the guests of Lewis Mi- I'liiim'sKiiturdnv Quite a numlsT of our people expect ' attend the pic-nic atCirubli's church "cxi.-viiuruny. Maurice M. Mengel, wife and chil- u r j - i . .4 v . . .. i . 1 1 1 1 , l . 1 ii 1 1 1 ui unit -v,, ... nrai ,viiiiiiiiim Mine. ,'.... Iturday aud Hunday at this pUoe. , V, A. (jerhartand wife, accompanicu , raiur in.v, r-.-,.i. .... " !' his mother nml hrothcr of Fni'lmrn, first Saturday of heptemlier or cmtj VMt iruesta In our town Wednesday year. sftcrnoon. The writer dog seventy stalks of jh- Rev. C. C. Miller, the newly elected Uitm-s up one day last wiik and jot a T...i.J , i J.-....i... i.., oimsJ i rd of ft bushc of potatoes. ''uiiirntn minister, win iimr il" IntheBt. John's L and it. cliurch, i Bu j . . ALINE. a. B. MitrkU-y is In Benysborg on u business trip tins week. Tlu' pii-tiio was well attended on Ntt ardmv lust t St. Peter's church, in Knouietown Tin- home oampmeetlng will Ik' held at tin- Aline church m sept 4. Minis ten of different placestwill U' present. M .... 11 rr, I.M., i la nnmhaH 1 with .HIS. II. I. I .1 'Ml. I I I n sick. Kate Arnold pent Sunday afternoon Rev. Fred Weaver, of Adams Co.. viwili'it Li. luiranrn l.'i-l week. i.Mwi.pii Miss Nora Teats was entertained hy of the Misses Qoodling last Sunday. Rev. Spahnand wife are spending A. O. Hornberger and it. It. Weaver their vacation in Reading and Lancast- made n business trip to New Berlin er. last Saturday. , y. Anrand is hauling stones ore Mr. Markley ami wife, of Millers- punitory to erecting a new dwelling burg, mingled amoug friends here sev- house. era! days last week. Miss Myra Romlg of Keller's Com- The Children's day services at the mercial College, is spending her vaea- United Evangelical church last Sun- tlonathome. day evening were well attended and an Our R. R. agent, Hurley Romig, is excellent program was rendered. I negotatlug for the purchase ofa house Miss(s Kffle Hornberger and Ida and lot in town. Goodllng attended the picnic at St. Samuel Werner, who is employed in Peter's church in Juniata county Inst b saw mill near Huntingdon, is speud Saturday. They reported a good time. Ingseveral daysal home. Misses Ida tinnier, of Somerset Co., I aud Mattie Vocuni, of Herndon. were pleasantly entertained by their former college mate, Miss Eflie Hornberger, a few days last week. George Hall, Meiserville's enterpris ing merchant, took unto himself a lct terhaif. He says it isn't good for a man to lie alone. The writer wishes! him much happiness. Last week one evening while ill pasture one of George Goodling's luir-cs ran into a wire fence and was liurt bad ly. Dr. K. Peek was summoned Im mediately. He dressed the wound and 'the beast Is now on a fair way to re covery. KANTZ. Bilger was seen on Rolandi streets. Mrs. M. Mlllner spending a Iru ,, I I I , , , luutthniu Some of our farmers have finished olowliiir their fall irround. ,,,i-i.i'i'M wmwiiwi.i ! nli ii I 1 1 ' 1 1 1 .: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 is einnlovcd at Marion Heights at present. The children's day exercises held in the Hoover L'. Ev. church wen- a grand success. Mrs R. K. Dock, who has Itecil oil "e sick list for about ten weeks, is low, improvulgi TherebuUdlngofWm. Romigjshonje WnlCIl was coimuineu uy nre nuij m Julv js um1w .... , horse Sunday and received a few bruises, but they are not serious. It. Br.Forry is working in the upper counties of the state taking orders for the Preeburg memorial company. The Kantz Cornet Band will furnish music for the plo-nlcto be held at Meis cr, on Fagley's Island next Saturday. Henry Romlg, M. Mlllner, John (). Holtannle of Kantz and Jerry Charles of FreLu-'': gave John Heck a call Hun day. Heck resides at Marion Heights, Northuinlicrland. MIDDLECREKK Andrew Herbster spent several days at Selinsgrove. Jus. 1'lsh was working at Yeagers town last week. Chas. Gross and Mrs. Gross were vis iting C. A. 1'. Ulsh. Jan ics Spangler, of Adamsburg, was seen on our stretls Saturday. John Bhambaeh, of Mlddleburg, is a1 present staving with his uncle, Milton Fetter. Misses Emma and Sallie Heimbach were visiting in Mussel's Valley over Sunday. H. J. Swart, and Homer Ti ter made a trio to Blizabethvilieon their bicycles last Friday. H.J. Swart, and wife and Mrs. Liz zie Peter spent Sunday with Troxel ville friends. W. H. Kline and wife attended the funeral of Mrs. Amnion Spangler at Mlddleburg Saturday. Buried on Saturday at the Ridge cemetery, a son of John and Cora Blng ainan, aged 1 year and 11 months. Mr. Hofnagle and wife and three t. i.l.l. iv sinters, of Lewistown. Were the I guests of Kinmet lloss over Sunday. ll iii i'n ... - --- - ----- omon Stelnlnger. of Lew istown, arc at . I I., ll.iu u. ,'ti, ,ii Irvin Fetcrolfand w ile and .Mrs. hoi present visiting friends in this section. Mrs. Jennie Steely and children, af ter spending several weeks with their friends, returned to Reading last week TROXELVILLE. Fmnk Norman, our blacksmith ap apprentice, is on the sick list. W. S. Shemorry and wife were to New Berlin visiting friends Sunday. The teachers at this place seem io , havesome trouble since examination is ; Tin. teachers at this nlaee seem to so near at hand 'Hipjirc Fetterolf retunuil from York luut v i 'i L ami went to Mt. Union this ! week to put a stave mill in operation. Kinanuei Schanihach, of Middlcburg, I'.nianiiei r-eiiiiiiiiiiu ii, n '""si i . . . , . . V , V.... w'ho is woranig inr reu. mown v ,Hjl Hi(,k) WH..H nfl has uil the work he cares for. uiM Rmthan w ill have a festival i Pnrf Ann Saturdav evening, August 11. RcaYeshmentl and choice music ill la- there. .. .., I (). crge ami two ol ins cniiuren, win, had been dow n w ith typhoid fever for the last live weeks, are up and on inen j" - "n""" i.-en.iW T. Troxel took his first trip since April 11 on his milk wagOti to Adiimshurjr creamery Monday hist, ha iH'inir sick its mentioned before. The four Simony schools of this place decided to hold "their annual picnic Saturday, Sept. 1, and hen-alter on mi ,i ....... .in According; to this the potato crop twill i M.n in ttiij nitniniiinirv. ADAMSHUtUJ. Dr. Smith mad) a business trip Altoona. A. M. Aurand spent a few days a Philadelphia, Homer I elfrlcu of Altoona is vis iug iii town. Mis- Lillie Bpaid of Mlddleburg spent Sunday in town. Mr. Jus. Dreese visited friends in Lewistown recently. J, VV. Snook treated your reporter to some Hue Seekel pears. V. II. Mitchell and family spent Sunday with friends in McAUlstervllle. 1 f- .. t. j. u. mhi'. m in- anil i Mlddlehurs spent Kundi t v i children in town. lav ll. I. Romhrand K. I Shunon com- meiiced work on a new doiilile dwi lug house for Jno. Itearlch in Lewis toS 11. FLINTSTONE VALLEY. Sunon Bilger was in this valley on business. Percival Garman and wlfi were vis iting T. C. Laudls' Sunday. Philip Moyer and son, M. S., were to Seliilsgrove Saturday. The Mover brothers an' making pre- ... 1 1 1. . ...: ,: 1. 1 1 .. pill III 11 ills in ituiu iiit'll llllll Kill). One of Jacob Benfer's hogs died Sun day of injuries received from dogs, Misses Sallie Hlnkle, Emma Erleti our I meyer and friend of Precburg visited I Philip Mover's Sunday. few R. Garman and T. C. Laudls arc a happv ixiir. Knell family has been in oreasea witn a oaugnier. G. G. Moyer of this place and John .. . IMlllll 1 HI ..I I II I I II, ,1 II lllltlll . MI II l , ll IH the guests of J. Haines Sunday. Miss Mary Horrold of Preeburg, Al salom Schnee and wifeof Fremont were the guests of Philip Mover's Sunday. A merry sporting artv of a few young gentlemen of this place were out exanung the country ofNelta Valley recently. J. A. ami Philip T. Mover have the Champion threshing machine: it is a Champion by name, ami it has the right name.. Sue I lent and sister, Grace, of Sun- bury were in our midst Sunday. From here they will proceed to But Black Stone Valley, Virginia. uCNIMHtK. Our farmers are busy plowing. A guml laugh is sunshine in a house. Adam Sheinoi ry, of Ksntz, was in town. Frank Bltner had a good patch of spring wheat. Adam Fisher, of Sprankleville, was on our streets. I., s. Cooper, of Northumberland Co., was in town. Fli Campbell is sheltered under his parents' roof for a few days. S. L. Weist, traveling for a Philadel phia dry goods house, was in town. (Jen. A. Kirchcr, selling hardware j for T. James Fernley, of I'liila., was in town soliciting orders. Success is no rainbow. You can grasp it hut you must travel many a haul and difViciilt road. Samuel High, of Millersburg, selling hardware for the Selt.er-Klaho Hard ware Co., of I'hila., was in town. The festival last Saturday evening al the Witmer school house drew an im mense crowd ami was financially a suc cess. ( Children's day exercises at Hoover's United Evangelical church last Sunday evening were interesting and well at tended. M. 1.. Wagensellcr, of Selinsgrove, was in town selling w ood and willow ware for one of the best houses in Phil adelphia. Harry Neitz intends in the near fu ture to open a painting shop in town, where old buggies will be UimeO 11110 in v rn I new mil's over night. ., n c nt. r'r,..il Urns . I if liiclilaiidtowti, man ufacturers of shoes, for which there is a good demand in this town, had their icprcseiitative in town. A few of the mauy worthless dogs found in Port Trevorton were on Sim; day morning after an eariy breakfast mill f.illllll ill .1. F. Warner's field a Hock of his turkeys good breakfast, come again. George Campbell, at the age of t'i I years, ui building a canoe forGeo.N. ' Went.el. He Is the champion In this Sus.pichai.na river, hav ,..,.,,.,.., :mn . la8t llfty-t w ins Imilt aboul 800 in the last fifty-two years. David Witmer, of Salem, is Visiting his many friends in town and vicinity. He savs it lisiks natural around the old i I 1... X- rr linn. lolllcsleau now ow inn in .-. . . . , n. i. .L. - . .....I hiore anil wile. Be IS Hie vouugcsi wu , f the lamilv living and is n- nuirkalilv active at the age of i'J years and eniovs the distinction of being the oldest postmaster in the county. Nursing Mothers dread htt weather. They know how it weakens and how this affects the baby. All such mothers need Scott's Emulsion. It gives them strength and makes the baby's food richer and more abundant. 60c Slid 11. All druggists. inalr $ Victor l What does k do? is wmm m m mmi more 'soft iwiwwPMi mm wma one of the great causes of baldness. It makes a better circu lation in the scalpand stops the hair from coming out. II Prevents and ll Cures Baldness Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there is any life remain ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. If yu 6o not obutn li th bnOU you lpt-t4il from th- ue of Hi. Vigo wrlu th. Iinrtur about II. AJJrMl, UK. J. C. IV KM Lowell, tut. 8J3JLIN8QROVE Mrs. Ed. Taylor was at Sunbury Sat urday. Miss Jennie Miller is the pns-i-ssor of a llew Miami. Boyd Blecker spent a day with his parents last week, Rev. J W. Glover was in town be tween trains Saturday. Mrs. (rant App of Sunbury circulat ed among friends last week. Prof. it. I,. Schroyerand wife spent Sunday with friends al Montgomery. Mrs. Igtaarua nee (Gemberllng) of Chicago spc iii a day among friends re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Bloomsburg are being entertained by Dr. Vutzyaud family. Miss Donna Albert, ,who has been out of town for several mouths, return ed last week. !--. Welsand wife have taken a trip overland with horse ami buggy of ten days or I wo w eek-. It is currently sported that Rev. Doillcr L'lrieh has received and accept ed a call at Danville, Pa, Mrs. Bod mer nee Kaiituer left for Harrisburg Saturday where sheexpects to leiiiaiii for some tune. Mr. and Mrs. Warner and child of Loysville spent pan of last week with Mi-s Mary Burkhard. Miss peters of Philadelphia, who spent a week pleasantly among friends, icit .Mnniiay morning for net home. Isaac (i. Seller Slid family and Levi Fisher and w ife camped a week at Ma- liantoiigo creek near lie- lllirh bridge. We notice Win. Shindel and ("has. Marks on our streets frequently. There inii-t he some attraction, gentlemen. Ceo. Long, Esq.. Is turning his pres ent office into a dwelling house ami will build an office between it and his residence. Mrs. E, E. Dietrich and Mrs. J, mine I iilss are wulcome guests at their par ents' Imine, Dr. and .Mrs. Diuilii, on Pleasant St. Misses Annie ami Maggie Phillips, who spent 2 weeks with their sister, Mrs. Rev, W. S. Ulrich, returned home Friday evening last. Rev. J. C. Shindel of Clrclevllle, O., Is a guest of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Hsnry Schoch, The Rev. was a form er Selinsgrove boy. H. K. Gregory of New Castle is vis iting the scenes of his lioyliiHid days. He is one of the leading attorneys of the New Castle bar. A. B. Wallize and Miss Ida Snyder were married last Wednesday at noon at her resilience. We wish them a happy voyage down life's stream. Prof. 0. H. Albert, three sons and a daughter are niemliug several weeks Willi ins parents, r. .s. Alis rl ami wile. Word was received that Mrs. May Taylor nee Buyers had died at her home in Marvland. Her ImmIv was brought to Banbury Saturday for inter mint. SCI I NEK. William A. Kclince and drover Schnee were to ltichtleid to do some business Monday. J. C. Boycr sjiorts u new tiunh m hi cyele. sVa Chns. Itciclicnhnch of Liverpool was a caller at this place Sunday. V. 11. SVcndt was tiiNunburv Tins- lay Chns. Troup was a caller at tlii place Kunday Chas. lU'iclicnhacli was to Heaver- town. mw cttTaaHaaclsBb ULOBX MILLS. William lemberling of Preeburg vis I ted relatives at this place. Allen Hasslnger of Mlddleburg made a business trip to this place Monday. William Heaver and wife of Mlddle burg drove through this place Sunday. John Stephen of Reading, Berks coun ty, visltedhis uncle, Henry Hotteus teiu. Amon Bloucb ami family ofHunburv spent the week visiting ids father, Mi- clmel Ulouch, near tins place. Mrs. Ficd Klase of Lewistown, who had been visiting friends and relatives nt this place, returned home Moiiuay. Saturday evening, Aug. 11th, the Globe Mills Kunday school will hold a festival on the Zieber Island. Refresh- incuts served. Music by band. Kverybodv invited FiiKEBURO. the Kant Two yoiniL' lad arc visiting V. 1 friends of Sun him Basslcr. M isses Hallic and Gertrude lurk of Niirtliiiiiilirrl.iiiil visited friends Itisl week. Mr. and Mi's. St row ofS Huuday it I the fainllv 1 1 1 1 1 ill IV of 111 upcnl ... K. Mover. Prof I!. Apple and family of Sun bury -pent several days with' Mr. A's nml her. Mi Lottie It. Hilblsh, after spend ing several iniiiiihs in Keadilig, return ed home Saturday, Arthur t', UroWII and sister, Mis Mary, were pleasantly entertained by Scpharcs (ifuihcrllng ami family al Salem Sunday . M is. Thus. K. Arboitasl and daugh ters, Mi.es Jennie and Mary, arc spending the week with Mrs, John nchoch, New Berlin. Miss Katie Fisher, eldest daughter of Lewis Fi.-licr and wile, and George Hall of Mclscrvillc were married Tues day evening of la-t week by Ucv. V. A. I laas. Several of the Immediate relatives W i le present. UttAVURTOW N. The Mil Anil of MahantoiiL theeliest . of the Aline lamilv. M iss I lessie Sampscll of Cciitrcvillc Is visiting ill Joseph Middloswnrth's. Prof. Anthony of Bcyront, Syria, w ho delivered a lecture here mime time ago, spent Sunday at this place. Mannas (lllhcii and wife arc the re cipients of a bran new baby. Miss Annie Wiiicv of Eveiidnlc vis iting J. I'. Shirk and family. Joseph C.'irpeiiter, an llldllsti'io.i young man of this place, retlll'lii'.i home from the west, alter an alisciici of a few mouths, Peter lilllili ami wife entertained some Adamsburg friends Saturday. I W Incy of Mlddleburg was seen in tou n Saturday ingin. .Miss Claire Winev of Mlddleburg vis ited among friends Saturday. J. P. Kearns was in Lew istown over Sunday. William Savior, who was etllployeil at Itcedsvllle, returiietl home. The V. P. s. c. E, festival was a de cided success, Realisation about thirty dollars, l hc proceeds will be used for tin- benefit of the church. AMENDMENT T.i rua UONS'I ITCTIDN ekopoMKi) tii Tim I'lrizKNs uf 'tills . iiMMn.N KALTU KOU TIIEIII XV PHOVAli OH KKJkUTION BV TIIK UKN IJHAL AssKMIU.V OK THU UUHMON. WKAI.TII UK I'KNSSVIAANM I'lH ,SIKI ll Y OKDKH of THK SIH'IIKTAII V UK TIIK CIIMMO.NWKAlIH IS ITI.sl ANt'K MP AKTICLK XVIII OK TlIK miN SUM III IN. a joint kkhoiajtion. Pfopoilna sn aiiii'ii'liiii'iil ' i'ic I'laintitiilinii .if ill.-1 'utmiionwealthi Seetlun 1, ll ii rrnolvtsj by llio Henntr unit Houm "I KirvMiilatlwa of il' Cmiii wealth In i;. -in mi Aeuibl iimt Um-f"i- lOWllIK ! PrOlMMrtHl II llllln.'lil- III III'' I'llll" tltullon i.f Hit" C'on iwiullli nf Ki'iinityl" mnls. In cconlmiei' with iln- provlnloiin ..i lln lyhWentb Brtii'ln Iheri'nf: Anendtnanl lo t Artk'lo Bight, Section One, Addnlthaendol Hie lii-i Mirrih nt wild ectton, lifter tin-' vtnrilN "hIihII in; entitled to vote t nil election, 1 tin- wordi. "ubjccl ti" -ever in Miirli lawn ri riiirinaj him! reaulatliia iln raalgnatlon of electors aa tne Ueneral Amieiiihly mat enact," aotlial Ilia -ai.1 action slmil rend ft- f.tl I.IWH. Section I. Qualification of Hectors, hvcry male cltlnen Iwonly-one year ol age, i. - lag Ibe following qualificatloM. anall na an m ' I I.. ,.ie ui i li i'lioim, unici i non to inch lawe i Intratiiiii of el quiring and regulating the rcg atom im the Ueneral Assembly may DSOt. Hi- ihall have been a dUsaa "I lbs United SiuteH nt least "in1 month. Ilr sliitll have resided In the BlatP one veal (or If. bavins previously been a qualified sac' lor nr native born i llien of Ml Mule. b shall bavarc veil llli'lefr ami retinue. I Mllliln ix months Irani ed la tel preoeding Ibe eleo Ha iball have resided in Ibe election district when he shall offer lit" vote at leai two niiiH Immediately preceding the eloctloti, If twenty-two years of sgs nml upwards, be hull have paid wllhln two years State or county tax. which shall hsa baenaasessed at least two monthsano para si n-u-i one .,.... befori' Ibe fiatiinii Amsndmanl Bleven to AHIcIs Kight. Section S.-VSI1. si.iL. t tiniH miiil sacUon tin- wnnt 'lint no l ici t ir SMII Da ili jirlvcii in on- mtiiup ot voting by rasaon of hla nana nol being re al ste rod ' and mid to sniil saction Ibe following words, "lint lews regulating ami requiring tin n ifl-.tr ili'.n of elei tors may na. n 'i i "ii'i tociiiin only, provided that soon lawi "...r..r". f,.r , itM -of the nma class, may I.. mi thai tlie wi'l section nliall rratl as follows asUoa " UnlformMjf of Baetlon Iji --All Isws regulating the holding of sjsetlons by tin cities or for lbs registration of electors shall in uniform Ihrougbonl tba State, but laws regula ting and reqalnng Ibe ragbrtntfion of electors may be enacted to apply to cities only, prnviileil that such law s lie uniform for cities of the same , lass. A true copy "f the Joint Uesoliitlon. W. W. QKIgST, SeiTctary of the C'liinmiiuwealtll. 4 VFSHMKNT TO TIIK COMSTITUTION A. pKOFUSKD luTHK CITIZENS OK THIS OOMMONWgALTH FOR TIIKIIi APPROVAL OK RK-IKCTION BY TIIK OINBRAL A HRUBLY OK TIIK i o.MMONWKAI.1 II OF PKNNSVI.VAMA, I'l III.ISIIKI)HY oKIIKH oK TIIKHKl KKTAUY OKTIIKI OM.MONW Kl I'll . .. ... i.ur . H. iu i 1 1,- e i 1 1 I I i I i i 1 1 iv i'm list ANi K OK AKTICLK XVIII OK TIIK CONSTITI TloN AJOINTKEsomtion iTopnaing ";v;;.'V!,n;,0hl7l,;'",,rt" s,cti..n i. Baitn-tn.lv y .he s,ie ami Uiusul Pais asaiilaU res nfnia rnmmnniraalth ol Paaaaylvania in Osasral Assemiiiy met, TigsitsW'-ih'wh i,.tlie OonaUteHoa f the CoassBoawsaiUi of T tfl.aula In aaaniilaasa slni llisiamlslnin of Hie Kightecntli Article thereof. Amendment. strike out section f"ur of article, elKlit, ami Inaart In plaaa lliataot, aa toUows I Section 4. All elections by the citirerm k, i.aaeribd bylaw i I'roviitcj, That secrecy l a ii.. i . ts 1 1 ' 1 1 i. tin. r ti. -ti. mi us. rtinv I In voting lit- preserved. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. UKIKST, Kicrctary of the Commonwealth. lilies Checked at Peitsangi Eight Miles From Tieu Tsin. THE ALLIES SUFFER HEAVILY ( m in mill rr TaaMlSTi I " Orpcrt ti WashlnsrtoM, Plaova tk Limiv of th Halted Porce I Kllte' uni WouBdpd in Twelve HntutveiL London, the Billed A ui;. 7. "The sdvanca o: forces commeneed today." fllllll s t In British consul at Tien Tsin under dati if AUK. 1. ThlS Is the tils! uflicial Information received here that the attempt to relieve Pekln baa be gun. U is accepted as correct The Hiitisli imiiisiiI does not mentloi any lighting, but tin- Shanghai eorre spondent ol The Dally Mail, telegraph hit; Sunday, says- "The l'ekiu relie! column Is reported to have Buffered Check. The Chinese nre said io havi adopted Tugela tactics and. after sev eral hours of tlKutiiiu. to luu.- re treated." This is the only message received it London this morning bearing om tin reports of Admiral Remey and Com mander Taussig regarding un ungag meat at Peltsang. The fact thai the advance did not begin until Satm UiJ la taken to strengthen the accounti r a battle Sunday. In the same cablegram, which ira read In the house of commons, tht consul at Tien Tsin says: "News from the Japanese legjttioi has been received up to Auk. I." Therefore, the edicts announcing tbi Bufuty of the ministers on that sat are continued. Yesterdaly the Chinese minister. Sh Chili Chen Lo Feng Luh, communi cated to Lord Salisbury a messag. from the tsung-li-yamen, dated July 3o, reiterating the statement that the ministers were safe on that day aud recounting the friendly relations a lstitm between them and the yamen, as well as reporting the sending ol supplies to the legations by the yamen. The message contains this Important statement . "A successful termination "f the conference with the ministers for lliclr conveyance under escort to Tien Tsin is expected, hut. on account nt the re commencement of hostilities at Tien Tsin. code telegrams for transmission to the representatives are considered undesirable." This appears to confirm the state ment that the Chinese government will (..I'eitvor to stop the march to Pekln by sing the ministers as hostages. T! St. Petersburg correspondent of Tlic : ally Mail says: "Ait ve negotiations are proc ilnp: between RiiHHla nml the United State -, the prnbi tile outcome of which will be a resolutli n to uphold the integrity of China um undltlonally." The Standard's Shanghai representa tive, wiring Sunday, says: "It In riear that the march to the relief of Pekln will be anything hut a walkover. Japanese scouts have dis covered n large force of Chinese nmiV west of Tien Tin and another li i force in the vicinity of Lu Tai, to the t eastward. "H Is learned now that the members of the tsung-li-yamen ho were put to death, for their alleged pro-foreign proclivities were not beheaded, but were cut In twain, this being the se verest penalty under the Manclm code, Bheng declares that the grand council at I'ekln was ignorant of the orders for the execution A Shanghai special, dated Ann. C says: "Ll Hung Chang has officially Informed the consuls thai the minis ters left Pekln for Tien Tsin last Kri dny. Aug. :t. with Gen. Vnng Ln In command of the escort, Tin consuls nre by no means disposed, to credit Fail Li's statement. All ether reports that have reached London Up to this hour Indicate thai the ministers have not left Pekln." HEAVY Miss OF Tilt: IUIBI' romtiiiinilt'r Tnnaalg Repnrta Tsvsjlvs. Hundred Killed nnd Wtiuinlfti. Washington, Aug 7. The announce ment received through Admiral ite tney and Commandi i Taussig of re ported heavy fighting on the mad be yond Tien Tsin was the news of inter est in the Chinese situation yesterday. Little doubt was expressed at the navy department that the news was sub stantially correct. It Is probable that a later report may reduce the list of casualties among the international forces, birt It Is evident that the move on I'ekln Is at last fairly under way. and that strong opposition has been en countered. The first dispatch, received from Commander Taussig, nf the York towri M ,lat((1 Chefoo, Aug. 6, nnd was ns follows: "riritish Fame reports, unoffli lal.en pigement nt Peltsang Sunday morning. 3 to 10..'to. Allied loss, killed and wounded, i.2on. chiefly Russians an I Japanese. Chinese retreating." The dispatch from Admiral Remey, also dated Chefoo, follows: "t'nolfirlal report believed reliable. About 16,000 allies heavily engaged Chinese at Peltsang daylight of th 6th." Peltsnng Is the first railroad station about eight miles northwest of Ticii Tsin, on the way to I'ekln. Opinion among the various officials now In Washington is somewhat di vided as to Just what is presaged by yesterday's events. The more optim istic are Inclined, to think that such a severe blow as the Chinese must have received at Peltsang will result in the BDeedv disintegration of the forces now simu.iilnir the mnrrh of the international eofumn. In line with this prediction it i pr()hpsi(,(1 thul the chini-se gov- ernment would find means to send the 'ministers from Pekln under escort, and T thOS stave off the advance upon too I eanital On the other hand there were numiier of offlcers, in a position to I mumwmt j Z Judge equally well. WHO hniii mat ino flght at Peltsang wan only the begin- nlng of a strenuous resistance thnt : wri,i tw. rnntlnued to the gates Ot hpvnml It was uriro;! in fOP- i tho fhft Piin(p had av ,vs - - a hundred men to lose against one or pun ui iiiia i3 1 " u i v th allies- that thev were all wen I armed with modern guns ami had ap t parent ly an ahundancc of ammunition. ouuaay, Aug. l-th. ut wmm v j
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