Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Y Idnev trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor ana cnecnuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be brr P afflicted with weak k f neys. I' U.e child uriL aisr, i rllen, If the jrtne scalds the ficsr- rt ... hen the child lunches an are -....n i- should be able to Lontroi the p.agj, It is yet afflicted with Egd-wettlng, depend upon It. the cause of lnc difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first Ltp should be towards the treatment of liese imponani organs. i nis unpleasant Muble Is due to a diseased condition of the Kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as ost people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder ..trouble, Egd both need the same great remedy. Khe mild and the immediate effect of Iswamp-Root is noon realised. It is sold druggists, in flfty nt and one dollar Kizes. You may have a Etmple bottle by mail Eee. also pamphlet tell ITornp of Swamp-Tloot. ing all about it, including many of the housan is of testimoni.il letters received om sufferers cured. In wntinp Dr. Kilmer Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and ention this paper. Mnrkrcl Down. Bachelor Hut 1 can't w much In he pirl you pointed out to me. She m Inakrninca&tl v in.-ilL Qtecrral Matchmaker Precisely. That is why she hupvirnn to bo. avail- ,ble o remnant. rl, I. World. VnaccomiuorintlUK. "Oh, yes, my huabaod'a mother is lowly Just lovely but it's awfully hard living with her. "How can that lie?" "Why, no mutter what I do, I can't tt her to quarry L" Chicago Record. Very nid. There's nothing like putting a bold ace on Itl As he said thin the forsrer raised the lace of a two-dollar check to I90( fherc wan no question about the bold- I of it. .V Y. World. Greek HeeOng Graak, OC'ce liov There's u man downstairs louts to Fee vou. Kditor Show him up. Office I!oy He laya he's (foin? tr how yon up. Town Topics, I About onn month hi?o djj obild, lii'h is fifteen months old, hud an stack of diarrhoea iicomiipmieil by puiitiuir and I stave it suoh reme- Itpj.w" uflu.iliy riven in mu'Iihis- iiornins-' (jiivc reiiei we fcntfur a nhymciau and it was uu i i . - er tils cure for a week. At this time In child had been pick for about (n days and was having about ItDtT-UVfl operations of the bowels my twelve hours, nud wo were nvinoed that unless it soon ob- urjcu relief it woul 1 not live. Cham rrlnin's Colic. Cholera and diarr- O.'ii reined v w as rmnmmendad.snn decided to try it. I soon noticed Ichange, for the better; bv its con minus use a complete euro was foucui about aim it is now perfect- Healthy. C. L. Bonus, Stump po. Qilmer Co., V. Va, For sale v ill druggists. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ISuubiiry & Lewistown Division. In effeot May 28, 1900. TAIM. I STATIONS. I EASTWARD A M 87 Siinliury '""7 -i lin-. t w Junetlon loiai Seltnaarove .'oai Pawling Wi Kreamar Metier Mlddleburg "W Benin 1'"' KenviTtiiivn A'lau i'int l,y 1UI)h Mills "in McClure Wagner MM Bhindle Paintorvllla Matttand bawtieawn J-37 Lewlalown (Main Street ) " ii Lawistown Junction, I Wt leaves Sunbury 5 20 p m, ar ci,,.,.. -1 n 1 - . i "'ci ul oeuDBgrove p in (Una leave Lewistown Junetlon ! l.i a in, I io n m,l:w p tn r,wi in, 7 07 'Ion. r..r ai. ii... ........ Ilw II i 'h.iiiu, a ii i -i mii n; jiiiii i ii l Y o-i. V,n '"""fi'i""1 Waihintrton p8m I 08, . --"-"in i in r,,r in i i:l .ii'iiiin.i mill New P:e.:i ... iii.ii , i. ... , ,,,, ..... H , . . l ... I w .mil IIIU UIU nil "t-ur S 10 ii iu 1 R'adelphia & Erie R R Division. I HtTHUKN nBNTBX RAILWAY WtXTWAKD, iTaln I, nvna a - --ii'ii-riMJ " jiiiii-'niu uuiiy Kir . -uu , cat, 'JH1. !' "i( n m K in n ... . u. nm pni i , .'v t. .... DiuHify v m m ui, IR2S? Sun,"iry dally eree,t Sunday: 5E S ,rr"lo Krl' n'' Oaaaadateua BSMwtbnta Erla and OAomndiiljrai ! I- b'flk Haven. Tyrone mill the Brest. "WBalWfbatefUneT yrone and Oaaac- ll I t'Ii. . ni Itlfc , -.."iniiii i.iiuiiu T3 10 , or iire an,. Cnniind.'iliruA KLp Huvon an 1 IHpm lor Wl - and li3 5 m 2 00 llnJ 5 48 ' m ,or W1"""1- I In i ti u WavVw.0.'. - ' m m ior w iiKWDam EASTWARD. Jri0n leve SHin-grcve Jnnetlon "." jf nrnviuif in rau.idc nni . ne Yurit k i ii Mm... ' ,' J I 11 p'Hyarrlvlnir at Plilla.lelphla mN.""y rrtvltiir at Philadelphia is:."?. . in. j. 7." ouuuury : oraiai' mvln Phlladeldhla 9 58 a m IU H I..' i RW v2r7 """B i rniuaeipnia a'sSaabnry at dm am and ss B . MWUIWU. HIU 1. B. WOOD- Otrnft 9mm. A . Oea'l Jtaaacer. am p u !l JO B (Kl 11 Oil I .'ill 1101 1 -I 15 a 08 4 . h id i m I M I 28 tU 4 LK 884 4 Ifl H tt 4 (17 B 0 4 iv h 18 a :w sir; a m 7 .17 8 89 7 M I H6 7 4 am 7 4:i 8 tt 7 IS U 7 88 3 18 7 HI a 10 U nil fill 7 AA u m IVnia ii .. w". am vlui: at Phlladslnhia am... . -w., iu . ounuiii. P m, Baltimore Ust TBI ROAD TO WEALTH. a. iLa. I m r jbh 0 "I earned yesterday the first money I ever earned in my life." "How did vou earn it?" "1 hold three doon empty wine hot ties." Flleorende lilaetter. A Different Style. Minister Don't you often repret having led such a checkered career? Convict- Well, parson, 1 tell vou one thlnir; there's more fun in & checkered career than there is iu n striped one, and that's no eomie-paper joke, either. Judjre. Kymiintliy. Baton Shabbalong (on park bench) What is mierobea, anyway? Tuffold ECnutt (on tlie prass) n corbel is harmleaa little critters ther'a a pre judice against because they don't have to work to make a livlaV-ChicagO rribune. KHturnl ikt . Wiggles I understand that Mr. llnx le, the X-rny specialist, is poing ti marry one of bis patients, Waggles Yes. Wiggles (musingly) I wonder what he could have seen in her'.' Somerviile Journal. a Yn- iiothers Dave. Flossie Vou have a wonderful memory, mamma, Mamma Why so, my child? "Because you're always remember ing to remind me of things I forget." Yonkers Statesman. A ttanp) Ontluolc. Dorothy We've invited 3,000 guests to our wi (Ming. Donald -Well, say! We can sell enough duplicate presents to pay every bill connected with 1 lie. whole thing. Chicago liecord. Dsclc itiMif Zoology. "Would you call a eat herbivorous, carnivorous or omnivorous?" aaked the man who is learned, but tedious. "Neither," answered the man who yawns; "merely vociferous." Wash ii.gton Mar. In Them- lin,. "What? Is that young Pacer's fa ther? Why, the old man looks younger than his sou." "Exactly, :v' Pacer has out stripped him. Lived faster, vou know." X. Y. World. I'liri'Ai'rlln flic I lie v 1 In tile. "We've (rone to housekeeping." "Ds you enjoy it ?" "1 do; but my wife is worrying about what we'll do with all our things when we break up and go to bourdt" Chi cago Record. MACARTHUR WASN'T MR." How Handsome Vonnp; Wduii Took Some Dtnnev Oneata ! Surprlae. Alexander MacArthur, author of u successful study of life in the Latin quarter of Paris, which brought to the writer both popularity and profit, is also tin- pupil and biographer of Rubin stein and is a close friend of Padcrcw cki, says the Philadelphia livening Post. The author lived for two years in St. Petersburg, corresponding for the London press and taking part in some thrilling adventures, but the most singular of the writer's experiences happened in' Chicago after the novel had been brought out by a publisher of that city. The book had been so suo- loessful that the publisher decided to give the author a dinner, to which J a doyen uf the leading men of letters I of the lake city Were invited. The I guests bad assembled when the author I was announced. j Through the blue haze of smoke there appeared a handsome young woman I attired in evening dress. "We arc expecting Mr. MacArthur," said the host; "Mr. Alexander MacAr thur, I he novelist." "So 1 understand," returned the un expectf d guest. "1 am Alexander Mac Arthur." "You?" gasped the publisher. "Yes. Didn't you know? J am Lil lian MacArthur, ut your service. I have been w riting over the name of Al exander ever since 1 left mv home In Dublin." It was only the work of a minute to rearrange affair., and the dinner was a great success. litfhL Mrs. Crowley My husband a. ways tries to make light of things. Mrs. Alnsley And yet it is common gossip that he manages to keep you in the dark. Chicago Times-Herald. Would Talk Too Mnch. Yeast Won't you and your wife join our Whist club? Crimsoobeak No; the doctor says 1 must keep my wife aa quiet as possible. Yonkers Statesman. According- to His Thlakla. "I don't see what they want to call this 'doing time' for," said the con vict, disconsolately. "From the way it passes with me, I should say teat time wssdotegme." Hsrlemlils. IA t 1 . .If I 1 I I . w. 1 avi 0ER0NIM0 A MANIAC Dloodlhlraty India Chief Crated by Hla LB ( onflnemrnt. Vinita, I. T.. July 24. After a long period of Imprisonment, which he en dured more like a ferocious beast than like a human being, Gerontmo, one of the mocst bloodthirsty Indians that ever figured In history, has gone stark QBRONIMO. mad. He Is a prisoner at Fort Sill o. T. It cost the government a million1 dollars and hundreds of lives before he was safely behind Iron bars. De prived of his liberty aa a punishment J for his crimes, he could not stand the' Confinement. For ll years he hail been' a prisoner of war the last ten at Port Sill. For almost half a century ho. led a band of bloodthirsty Apaches on the warpath, la the early settler of ho southwest he was u terror. QBNBHAL MARKETS. Philadelphia, July :.(.- Flour well tr dr. tatned; winter superfine, t2.40fiZ.tiu: Penn sylvania roller, clear, tl.25v3.S0; city mills, extra. t2.8Ml2.90, live fluiir qUlel and Steady at $' IMfS.H per barrel, the latter fur fancy western patent. Wheal alow; Nn. '.' red, in elevator, HOMc. Corn linn, but unlit. No 2 mixed, spot, In ele vator, I4644ic.j No. - yellow, frir local trade. 48c, Oats quiet; No. : white, lipped, olc lower arades, tliVto, Hay in IlKht receipt; choice timothy, SIB for large bale, iwf quiet; beef hums, 12031 II. Pork steady; fondly, HSiUlS.86, Lnrd quiet; western steamed, 7.I5, Live poul try quoted at llMll'ii.; lor choice west ern fowls and ItfllDc. for uprltiK chickens, ns to quality. Hotter steady . creamery, I720c.; factory, current packed, 1 1 :!! . Imitation creumery, irijflHc.: New Vork dairy. I5H4i1Vc.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing t iWi do. wholesale, Lijc. Cheese dull, large, white mid col ored, '4e.; nn. .11. white, Bai'9c.; do. color" d. !i:7.e. Biggs firm; New Vork ami Pennsylvania, I4j17e. for avrage lots: western, lli&lflte. Potutues quiet; Chill and Mi.it::. in. jl . I.l.'ij. Cabbuge QUiut; l.oae is! mil. tlQl.SO, Mve Sioe:c jjttrketa, New Vcrk. July 13, Steers tirin; closed 10c, higher; bulls and tows slow, but steady; steers, t4.20gf5.&S; bulls. I2.50j J.75; cows. $1.9003.45, Bheep lower at 114 I24c. ; yearlings, Uc, Calves active; opened fully 50c. Iileher; closed lower than opening; voala, 84.IOitj8.75; culls, $t; choice extra veals, 707.13Hc, j butter milks, t2.50iif3.26. 'J I sheep steady: comt.iuo slow; liimns IS (J Hit. lower; clos ing dull; sheep, ..: I.;;., culls. J.6ayz,7i; lamba. J(" '.'(.. culls, tt. Hoga highMr ut t.70.65.0: c!u1a atate buja. W. Kast Idburty. Pa.. July Si. -Cattle hlah er; extra, $S5iKi5 70; prime, (,5v760; common, I3.S0O4. 1 1 s active and higher; prima mediums, good Yorkers and plga. K.70; heavy hoes, t5.S0O5.86; common to fair Yorkers, I6.50O5.60; roughs, M.731W, Bheep lower; choice wethers. t4. 401(4. 80; common, tl,502.60; choice lambs, t!i.258J t.3o; cuiuiuua to good, 13815; veal salves, I'.Aiiliidlnu Qaiaolltie Lnanch u lllaTwo New York, .luly 24. Hy the explosion of a gasoline launch on lotig Island sound last night Mrs. A. K. Crowe and her 16-year-old son Chilton were In stantly Killed and A. E. Crowe perhaps fatally Injured. Mrs. Crowe and her son were frightfully mangled. Mr. Crowe WS8 hulled into the water. His thiy:h was fractured and he was Inter nally injured. It is believed that his Injuries are fatal, Mr. Crowe is a wealthy resident of New Rochelle and a member of the New Rochelle Yacht club. Tiie R v. W. 15. CoBtlev, of Stock bridge. while attending t his past o rial duties at Ellen wood, that st ite, was attacked by cholera mor bus. Ho mivs: "By chance I bap pened t' sjt hold of a bottle f ihaniherlain's Colic, Cholera and Dituvhoea Remedy, und I think it wus the means id' saving my life. It relieved me ut once." For Bale by ul! druggists. An Inquiry. TU in warrr.th, so we nre. told, Thut friendship oft depends; Why Is It. tlttn, though cash la cold, It has so iniitiy frlesdst Chicago Daily News. Rim .in the Family. A young gentleman took Ids little slst. r with him w bile calling the other evening tit a bouse where he is a reg ular visitor. The little jjirl made her self quite at home and showed great fondness fox one of the young ladies, hugging her heartily. "IIuvv very affectionate hi.e is!"Faid the lady of the house. "Yes; so like In r brother," respond ed the young lady, unthinkingly. Huf falo Courier. i. ii i nn i Terrible. Aunt (who affects youth, to visitors) Mildred is a silly child. She cannot wait to prow up. Mildred Yes. I want to he 20 years old. Aunt Then we should be twins, dear. Mildred Triplets, wouldn't we, SUnty 7 For you would' be twieo us old SS I. X. Y. World. Looked llenl. "At last," exclaimed the enthusiastic younp buMijess man, "I've hit on a scheme to attrnct the women. I've put mirrors back of the goods In my slwiw windows. Of course, they'll " "My boy." interrupted the old hand, "It's no good. I tried that, and I found the women never saw anything but the mirrors." Philadelphia Press. When Flak Are Bltlngf. Bet a boy to digging garden, And, you may prognosticate. Ere you've safely turned the corner That same boy'U be Clgsiag bale Chicago pecor. General De Wet Has Again Cut Roberts' Communications. HUNDRED HIGHLANDERS CAUGHT. Both Men and Home, of the llrltlah I Army on Short Suppllea and Out of j Condition Far Hard Work British Onrratlona Apnarrntly I'aralyaed. London. July 24 Gen. De Wet has main succeeded In cutting Lord Rob erts' communications, both by rail way and telegraph, and captured 100 of the Highlanders. The story of the federal cominander'R bold raid comes In the form of a telegram from Gen. Forestlor-Wulker, dated ut Cape Town, Sunday, July 22, forwarding a dispatch from Gen. Knox, dated Kroonstad. July 22, uu follows: "Following from Broadwood sent by dispatch rider to Honlngsprult, wired thence to Kroonstad: 'Have followed commando slneo July 10. Hard, sharp fighting at Palmletfontein July 19, Prevented from pursuing laager by darkness. Bight dead IlocrH found. OUT casualties five killed and Tti wounded, Reaehed Vaalkrants today. Fuemy doubled hack through Paardc Kraal In darkness. Shall march to morrow to Roode Vaal station. Send supplies for 3, null men and horses, also any news of the enemys' movements. 1 believe the commando consists of 2,000 men and four guns, and is ac companied by President Steyn and both the De Wets, "The wire an.'! mil line of the rail way north of Honlvigjprtllt have been cut, and also the telegraph to Pre toria via Potchofstroom. According to my Information De Wet has crossed tho railway and is going north." Gen. Kelly-Kenny telegraphs from Bloemfonteln, under date of July 22: "The railway has been cut north of Honlngsprult ami a supply train ami luO Highlanders captured by the enemy. A report was received this morning that a large force of the enemy is moving on Honlngsprult. All communication with Pretoria is cut off. The second and third cavalry brigades ate following the enemy. " The war office h is received a tele gram from l.ord Unbelts, dated Pre toria, July 22. which repeats the news contained in the telegram from Gen Forestler-Wnlker, given above, mul continues: "Mcthuen continued his march af ter tie' occupation of Heckport, ami engaged the enemys' rear guard ;tt Zindsfonteln uly 20. Casualties, one hilled and one wounded. Early Sat urday he attacked (he cnirtiy again at Ollphant'a Nek ami completely dis poned them, Inflicting heavy loss. Our casualties were slight, Hy these suc cesses RustSnberg has been relieved and Itethuen and Baden-Powell have joined hands. "Hunter reports that Druce Hamil ton secured a strong position on tlie Bpltzray yesterday, with a battery and the Cameron Highlanders and 500 mounted men. Our casualties were three of the Canierons killed and Capt. Keith-Hamilton, of the oxfords, Capt, Brown and Lieut. Stewart and 13 men of the Camerons wounded." Letters reaching London from tho British troops in Orange River col ony assert that both men and horses are on short supplies ami out of con dition for hard work. If this he tnio there Is little cause for wonder at the failure to capture De Wet and at the apparent paralysis of the operations. Genernla t.nuii mul Rnrrj For Chlnn Washington, July 24, Although the orders have not yet been Issued. It in pretty generally understood in military circles that Brig, Oen. P, D. Orant, r. S. V., and Uric. Oen Thomas It. Barry have been selected for assignment to duly with the military division in china. Their assignment, together with Hint of Brig, Oen. James H. Wil son, r. s. v.. already announced, w in give Major Oen. Chaffee three general officers of recognised ability to assist him hi the management of military op erations in China. Oen. Orant is now on duty with the troops In the Philip pines, being stationed near Manila. Oen. Barry is a passenger on the trans port Sumner, which left s.m Francisco on the 1 7th inst. b.r Nagasaki. Not ii hrlatlavn Kndi'uvorer. London, July 24. Miss Caroline IS. Keyes. who pleaded guilty a week n.R( iu i lie Marylebone police court, Lon don, io the charge of stealing a gold watch, a bracelet, hair brushes and articles of clothing of the aggregate value ' from rooms in the Nor folk .Mansion hotel, where -die bad been staying, and who in the course of the hearing said she was an Amer ican aim had come to London to at tend tin- world's Christian Endeavor convent ion as a delegate from a chnn Ii In Minnesota, has been sentenced to three mouths' Imprisonment. Tho evidence showed, however, that s!ie had no connection whatever with tho Christ ian Bndeavorers. A le 'oe ii ,1 FrOM .lap. -in. Denver, Colo., July 24. tiovenior Thomas yesterday received a brief Communication from Secretary of State J ihn Hay Inclosing an extended letter from N. Nabeshima. the Jap anese charge d'affaires at Washington. The letter is in the nature of a de mand upon the part of the imperial government of Japan that the Colorado state board of health raise the quar antine on Japanese subjects on ac count of the bubonic plague. The Jap anese, according to tho statement, should not be Included with the Chi nese In anything. They are nut given to plague, and never have been. Japan will Insist that the raco shall not be discriminated against. Bftne. Jaaaaiekrrk Stricken. New York, July 24. Mmo. Fannie Januscheck, the tragic actress, la a patient In St. Mary's hospital, Brook lyn, suffering from almost total paraly sis of the left side. She was attacked during the recent hot spall, snd her Illness is due m part to hsr weak assadlttoa caused by the excessive II ts koaje she will - for Infants and Children. Tho Kind You llavo Always ltonht lias borne tho sljrna ture of Chos. ll. Fletcher, and lias boon made undor hi personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no One to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Use For Tr CtftTaWH compnv. T? In BiHii5iinnTTTjn?iuiT;ii3in-H Uli tk REAL Gi :CT 1 SB I Wl f Hk V V s' ..IS as Mq , ' srfF' PH "asB-S-ae m-txT .aa , REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. M "1 - sTsaW.W A. ZZ mm m a aT ar ar s-ea missbi h-h , ; , SB'1'1" plcasuTe f .1 Graphophono is largely MM you! own records We furnish this nia hine with recorder f"i 5; (arHphuphoiii-a f i rr) dvax-rlptlun. ( nil or w rlli . JS COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept ttflllllil la 1454 I15.V115 1 HidadwttV,,N.jl'. NERVifA ; urn potccy, Nigbt Emissions, Loss of eases, all enect3 or ell-aliusc or excess and Indiscretion, A nerve tonic and Jmn-J builder. Urine. : tha pink plow to pale c.ic''c. find restores the firo af youth, lly m?il 50c. per hex, 6 noxes for $2.50, with our bank able guarantee to cur or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. NERVITA TABLETS (YELLOW LABEL) Tositivcly guaranteed cure for Loss of Tower, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken) Organs, 1'aresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and tliu Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY Cnton and Jackson Streets CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Sold by MIDDLEBURQH DRUQ CO., 11! DOLE BUR OH, I'A. Dyspepsia? KiieVA 1 B B V fWS BV B Jat' ri. ' aa n bv - vrnwa aa at nujaaav Elnce 1863, immcdidte lasting SEND.US ONE DOLLAR, I ul lhl i Willi t I aOOt ti H8J IHI KIIVHl I a It 1.1 JC M Old. t 1 1 -a. it n ran examine ll1 sftj 3011 flntl If t'titi'tl) ii ri prriH 11 r in un -f (Vl IkIiI lit l, Hie kTiUli vl tSlUf in itltirr at nm num. , s.nt OUR PRICE 515.50, I... tt . f 1 OH .1. M,,lt. ir M4.MI and rr.ihirhirv.. THE PARLOR C EM -.-f nt Iba m...t hi lUbLM imi urti'r luMii id-iriim. ut i . r msiir. : . . n i the uiu ttton nh" ah, which tiengrawd dlreel ir m ufa onipli yoaeM fnn ome Idott of ltd boutlful fcppt'it ratlin. mlr irnniMoihl qunrter MWetl nut nr ill mil M ) -r .1, i. rfurai. il hi tiip full r Imlt, hrsulifitl miriiir1rj li".lirn fi.iitfla ami raw nlhrr himltomr tWairiUsM 8Mi4i.sa.ammU, msllni-ll th.-UKV UTMT RTYLRe 111 K PA II Mill itMhMi'i't liiafti. It Inehei IodiT.M Inehei wldteMd hi Intinda, Oonlatlni oetavi 11 st3tfittui follow ins.v.n, I'riurijjsi, Inlrisna. ! India. I 8)Wtle re ns. I(.itt MMWfa Tr. 'ili t i.n iiIt, )laiaaiin Korlf ml V Humana: '2 Orlatf ( .u.lf r. 1 I. nr liranrl Orvan HtfM, I NrU nf Urrliistrsl I -mul IUtWMlar) 4)usliir Mriali, t Itl if It reri Bw4hH HrMla !, I tVI tharwlnrlt MriMUnl ( -li-.tr ltrrN, B ajfif Hu h n. i 1 1 . i ' Iwwi I wl f FlnulM iMrri hmimh rnaneaj IWSBfje int KHKLUI1 ir.m 'i''ii' i in-- Okhralrr! S.rll (r..a, w hicii jirr mil y Ulied I ll tin ln.'li -Mt trnuli IniCnUMnUl Httfld with llnmmnnH Ceatl n. ami Yin ih.n alao t.. t Dolae felta, loathe ra, . tr.. belloa if1.!''- '. i i'i'i ''til, aVply bellowa itoek nml Hneal ..ntheriri ralTea, THE PARLOR CEM Mf-irni-hi-l with a run bevalau plate French mirror, nickel put. rj pedal fratneSt and w rv modern IraproTemenC furnlah fret a haniUnme orttan aUml and thr hfl orKan Iflttrur tloa ' t i i ll-hrtl. GUARANTEED 25 YEARS. 7,7,"" baua IiiiHuil,' t.y tln i4THinanii oondlttoni of which if anji part frlrai oat w rij'tir t frea f rhanrf. try it one montb and at win rffutid ymirinnnry If ydii nre ri"f ft rlrrtly lNHn. bub tif theeonrAnawlllba k. ii m $33.50. okDi.lt AT OM'K. DON'T DELAY. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED " hat i. i ih alt with uu if k 'ii r in-luti t irutu t iih the piiiillnlicr of thla paper or Matrnilltan Nation al lfank. or ('rn Nat. Hank, of I lUQagDl or (J'rmati Kifhunro Hank, Ni wVnrk ; nr any 1 rallroail or cxiirep romjatiy In t'hira;o. 14 ftaiaraplfa!or f7iHl.MMl.tKl, oci'upy cnttni ttni of t hi larirPst huslnrsn blin'kn In Chicago, and cmtliy nearly if.ooo - in our own a i : .' e -Ml oiii.lN- AT tt'i'i.Otl and up; ritKOM, ai 1 6. ihi and apt al every t hint In in-i-lcal Instnimc.-iti it lowrot enran, piano and tnuslcal liintnuucnt n;a . .. . Aihlr SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Fulton, lat this i IcrclM ut (.00. If. 00. ai.tfl. 8(.e0aa8 81.88. lk..w 1 I bicycles" AT S.13.75 l-t'j fkrlb.arcalMt k.remla r.r .Srr4 a( taa prtee. lrl',. (' lllflln .,rrlkU,. F.tTIOIIt j iii. .i pr.,'.., l.u.inT ...r.ikta,. r.tnona Ilrldm Hmrr'T. n. eqalpownt. C.inal.ra Nmlli TlrM, high l.8addlo. PMIala, BaBdl.Bar, Toola and TMlkaf. BaaawM turk, gram or rnarnon. ir TOO WAIT AIT tsnCTaBt.wihMll.ttb .yrar I. wiiblieii, wrlMatart wtlMiallaM8,SS taS!S.SSM Sa oraesncTi . r. "ieVraiKi aCARt, ROEBUCK It CO - .... Signature ot Over 30 Years. Muwwav bthut, wtw vons crv lilSl :ttbi 88 Ht as w:tv its :8 lilt nil p rt IW mi' m (J:::imii:'TTT-i::. -: v :: A itrona.lv construi ledGrsph. i I ophonc, vs i t Ii ilmpli mcclun- Lin mnHa in mpul lha it.- I1- nund for a Flnt'Clau laUIn, machine, .it .1 lew price. N I.4 1-4 ml Bum incre.iscil by making uid 50. , rnv ;proaU int; hi ki IW in ffl m I i i IS 1 1 .'ILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood,.- Memory, all v;astinR dis PILLS CYS. EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results J TRY The Ideal French Tonic -1 . HI I Jl 11117 I mil aLm in ej EiJorsed by MeJIcal Faculty efficacious agreeable SZ1 altjpol , mul U'rKifrz "Z,'... ill I list th 1 fp-r" "t"4" m-II, I'lfar ef tl i-.,th laoan, L-witutL a Qa, arc ih..r"u,. hly nllable. lutlter. Desplamet and Wajman Sti., CHICAGO, ILL. mm im; ''.ill lin!: rtlr rrfr-fa. Wrlt fitr rrrn . , i SEND OME DOLLAR ad. mml aad as a J iu us. h.;. m ht i UKMTV OB UHlr- nil nil. a.- nr wanted. HIGH GRADE 1900 MODEL aend ruuthls. ACME JEWEL BICYCLE, V.,r'"' , 1 T U.KUlji-rt t08ta auaiaatlan. Vu can examine at y ur aipmaa ofJloej, n rid if found i'rfllT aailfarlr, at aetiy urrirsratol, t br I(IST WUS UK HI I I.VALI yaeirr us orstsN ef, Cijual to MQ ."'i til retail M lii.-h an 10.00. If you t'MnU you oan aell it at in.oo profl any day, par the) asprcuacrMCUl SFtCUL PRICE, $13.75, leaitlio ti.ooacnt with order, or SHeSand eiprenechartrcn. YVMIeourMprrlul Rlcycla ( atalocmf .1 Ha. :. ii f ..: r th i. 'k .i.e. ahowa an inoyciea aeiew another aauw ,f trip other bio. a, stripped vmfffl at Vll. 11, Illl CI covered by MeabNfeu