The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 02, 1900, Image 4

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    The Middleburgb Post.
Published Every ThurwUy.
Editor and Proprietor.
SI .OO per vi hi if pnl.l In advance.
SI.30 pel year if nut il in advance.
Single Copies, Five Cents., rti,lK Rnl. II cent! 1" line, non
pareil nuaitimmmt for first inaertloi- ami in
cents r 1 1 11.- for ift It subsequent insertion.
Entered nt the I'ost Ofllce itt Mi. Ml. loirit, I'm., as
second cbuw Vami matter.
OFFK'K.-.NfnrtliP t i.tinty Court House, Is--twccn
tin' Pint National Hunk an. I the County
Hibtory. -Established In 1844asthe
Union Demokrat, at New Berlin, ter
man Whig paper. Changed name to
the Post In 1881. Oldest Republican
newspaper In Snyder County.
Republican Standinc Committee-
Adams C. K. Blngaman, .!. I). Sipe.
Reaver A. W. Muaser, Calvin DraeM.
beaver W. -Fred 8 Qundrum. Thoa Herbater,
Centre -Allen Borer, b. A. Btlne.
Chapman I'. A. Troup, C. II. I'lslegrovc.
Franklin U. L Walter, II. K. Bolender.
Jackson J, Harvey Mover. G. A. BroUM,
illddlaburc Edwin Charles, Prank li. it.
Mlildlecrcek John S. Mciarr, Hen. C, Stuck.
Monroe W. I.. Young, I'eter Yn utile.
penn A. R. Smith, Geo M. Wltmar.
J'errv Irwin Buyer, V . (). Smith
Perry W.-T. K. Orayhlll, 0, S. Sprlggle.
Bellnagrove J, a. Lumbard, Oeo.A, Livingston.
Spring G, M. Smith, John N. Relgel.
Union Jacob Ktahl, C. 1. Bogar
Washington John M. Hoyar, W. F. Rattan.
Jos. A. LUMBASD, Chairman,
Bowis Cbahlks, Secretary.
J. Kbak Ruts, Traaauiar,
President Wm. McKinley.
V. President Theodore Roosevelt.
Auditor Gen'l E. B. Hardenburoh.
Congressmen at large (r. A. Grow,
Congress Hon. Thad. M. Mahoh.
Senator Hon, Benj. K. Focht.
Assembly Hon. A. M. Smith.
Prothonotary Geo. M. Shindel.
Register dt Recorder Jno. H. Willis.
District Attorney M. I. PoTTEB.
Jury tommissioner E. E. Sham bach.
Thursday, August 2, 1900.
Churches, Sunday schools, or
other organizations holding pic-nics,
festivals, re-onions or other gather
ings to which the public are invited
are kindly requested to send a notice
to the Post to be inserted free under
the proper heading.
Tiic Port did all iii Its power hurt
week to save the victims of the
lightning rod swindlers and could
have done SO, had it been possible
to get them to the county seat before
the swindlers were released. Alter
the rogues had their freedom three
or lour ot the victims appeared on
the scene.
The Centre Reporter, of Centre
Mall, published since 1868 by Hon.
Fred. Kurtz, was sold last week to
S. W. Smith of the same place.
Mr. Kurtz will take charge ot the
editorial department of his son's pa
per, the Centre Democrat of Belle
fonte, Pa. We welcome Mr. Smith
to the editorial fraternity and wish
Mr. Kurtz much pleasure in his
new position.
It farmers and others would take
the advice we havegiven repeatedly,
never to sign any papers lor strang
ers, their bank account at the end of
every ten years would be a great
deal larger or the debt on their
property a great deal smaller. Those
who are willing to pay a dollar a
year for a paper like the POST and
heed its advice, would be saving
money every year.
The death of Miss Mary K. Sny
der, of Selinsgrove, last Friday,
calls to mind the early history of
this county and state in which her
revered ancestor, Hon. Simon Sny
der, figured. She descends from an
ancestry which in its day were the
makers of the real history of the
county and state. She was possess
ed of many good qualities, and those
who knew her best can letter appre
ciate, than others tell, the oddities
of her disposition and makeup. Her
age was a very sensitive subject and
that accounts for no age being men
tioned in the obituary we publish in
the Post.
In another column, we publish a
notice of the probating of the nuncu
pative will of Henry M. Reinhard,
late of Chapman township. This is
a rare occurrence. A nuncupative
irill or teeUaneni is made by word of
mouth only, before witnesses, and
depending on oral testimony for
proof. Sylvester Flanders and Ida
Estella lleinhard were the witnesses.
The will was made July 4, 15)00
and was sworn to be as follows :
"Well, now I am sick and must die.
I waut my wife to have all my pro-
pert v, everything that I have as
long' as she' lives." For a person
who desires to make a will, it is not
a wife policy to wait too long, but
n nuncupative w ill may be of service
in a dying hour, if it cannot be
written and signed.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the Prohibition ttate Conven
tion it. be held at Pittsburg, August ,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets toPlttSDUTg
from all stations on its line in the Suite
of Pennsylvania at rute of one fare for
the round trip (minimum rate twenty-
the cents). Ticket to lie Kid and tfoml
Koing August I', ", and 8, and tt return
until August it, inclusive. It
Aeroiuif Knights or Pythias, Biennial
For the Biennial Conclave, Knights
tf Pythias, at Detroit, August '11 to
September 1, the Pennsylvania Rail
road company will sell excursion tick
ets from all stations on its line to De
troit, at rate of single fare for the round
Tlokotu will he sold on AUMBt -J
and 'Si, good to return between August
y and September 6. inclusive; hut by
depositing ticket wun joint ngwu i
Detroit not later than September Land
hn nnmwnl nf flftv cents, return limit
ii io v lie e V let It led to September 14, in
clusive. S---.H.
Account ofO. A. R. EnfumpniMi.
. ,i, ... r....fl. A..
t In aCCOUUI 01 WO t mat "luui 111
Dual Encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic, to be held at Chicago,
. . ..i n !.. i.. .1... I. , l.
AUgUBl llll iusne, me iniliqr
varna Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets from points on its line
to Chicago at rate of single fare for the
round trip.
Tickets will be sold on August 'Jo, 26
nnti i!7, good to return until August 81,
inclusive; aim ny uepuaiwug ireaet ivu
joint agent at Chicago prior to noon of
I..,...' i,,,,! tl. i.uvtliellt nf tlftV
rjvuinuiivi , . .. , .. - --.
cents, return limit may be extended to
September 80, inclusive. H-'2-'M.
Picnics and Festivals, etc.
Friday, Acq. i, the V. B. Sunday
school of Port Treverton will hold
their annual pie-nic at Clement's
Saturday, Am. 4, a festival will be
held at (filbert's school house in
the evening.
Saturday, Am. 4, a festival will be
held at the Summit Hotel. Music
will be furnished on the grounds.
All kinds of refreshment will lie
Saturday, Aug. 4, a festival will be
held at Smithgrove for the benefit
of the church.
Saturday, Auu. 4, a festival at Wit
mere church, Union twp., in the
Saturday, Aug. 4, the Hatslnger
Sunday school will hold u festival
In the evening for the benefit of the
Staurday, Acii. 11, the Sunday school
of Globe Mills will hold their pic
nic on . K. Kaglcy's island.
Saturday, auo. ii, tne u. ana h.
Sunday Schools of Grubb's church
will hold their annual picnic near
the church
Thursday, Auo. 16, the Hllblsh fam
ily re-union at Clement's Park.
SATURdAY, AUGUST IS, the Daniel's
Union Sunday School of West Per
ry Twp. will hold their harvest
home picnic in Ockers woods near
Gordon's school house in Buck
wheat Valley. Everybody is in
vited. Able speakers and good
Saturday, Aim. is, the 18th annual
choir convention will be held near
Thursday, Aug. ii'f, the Susquehanna
Lutheran re-union will be held at
the Milton Park.
Friday, Auo. ut, the annual re
union of the Schoch family at
K reamer, this county.
SATURDAY, AUG. 25, St., John's Sun
day School will hold their annual
picnic at Fremont.
Saturday, Sept. 1, the Wltmer's Sun
day school of Union township will
hold their annual pie-nic at Ver
dilla. There will lx a band and
good speakers.
SaTUBDAY, Sept. 8, the U. B. Sunday
school of Ebeneser's church, Wash
ington township, will hold their
annual pie-nic.
ISatubday, Skit. 8, the Paradise S, s.
will hold its annual piO-niC in
Paige's grove.
T here Is more Catarrh id this sec
tion of the country than all other di
seases put together, and until the laet
few years was supposed to be incur
able. For a great many years doc
tors pronounced it a local disease,
and prescribed local remedies, and by
constantly failing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a
constitutional disease, and therefore
requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
is the only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taken internal ly in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful- It
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer
case it fails to cure. Send for circu
lars aod testimonials. Address, F.
C. Chknkt & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Vvaaaaala'a Haw Cablaat.
Caracas, Venaiuela, July SI. The
following la tha composition of the
riaw eablaet, officially gasatted yaatar
day: Mlnlatar ot Ue Interior, Cabrera
Malo; war, Oca. J. Pulldo; foreign af
fairs, Eduardo Blanco; finance, Telle
Mandoxa; public workM.Senhor Otanet;
commerce, Beabor Ayala; public la
etrtiction. Felix Quieter.
News Items of Interest From All
Parts of the State.
To Inveatlaate fhargtt That Caak
OfTer. Wara Made For a Trolley
Franchise The Varlaa Pleaaea Ilua
alaaa Itema of State Hewi.
Wllkesbarre. Pa., July 31. The
peelal committee appointed by city
councils to make arrangements for In
vestigating the charges of bribery made
by certain counrllmcn in connection
with the passage of an ordinance
through councils giving a Scranton
trolley company a franchise In Wllkes
barre met yesterday afternoon at the
city hall. Formal charges were then
made that one councilman was offered
15,000 If he would vote a certain way;
another councilman was urged to take
$200 as a present, and another was
offered a valuable ronsideration if he
would vote the right way. It was de
cided to recommend to councils that
an investlgaton be made at once.
The Varlag Plenaea Iluaalnn..
Philadelphia, July 31. The Russian
cruiser Variag returned to Cramps'
shipyard yrsterduy from her trial trip.
During the run back from Boston the
; ship was spettled with the view or iui
: filling the contract requirement of 23
I . . . , 'I-1. .. ,.,,!
knots an nour ior 12 noura, u
began off Nantucket shoalii and a con
tinuous spcetl of 83.6 to 23.7 knots was
developed for seven nnd one-hair
hours, when an art ltlont to one of the
high pressure cylinders compelled me
hutting off the engine affected. The
aneetl nlrendv 1 I've ODert has SO lar ex
eeetled the contract requirements that
the Russian hoard of inspection unae
Imonsly agreed that the essential
conditions of the trial had been com
plied with.
Sniie, 1 in With Cara-o Aflame.
Philadelphia, July 30 The Clyde
line steamer Qoldsboro arrived here
yesterday from New York with a por
tion of her cargo in flames. The fire
started in the fore hold and Is sup
posed to have been the result of
spontaneous combustion. When the
Goldsboro nrrlved opposite her dock
she was towed to the Camden side at
the river and beached In the mud. The
Are was extinguished late last night
after the hold of the vessel had been
filled with water. It Ib thought that
tho damage to the ship will he com
paratively light, but the loss on the
cargo will doubtless be considerable.
Sawmill Holler Kxplodea, Three Hart
Bloomsburg, Pa.. July 28 The ex
plosion of the boiler at the sawmill
of Everett & Ikler at Henton, Colum
bia county, yesterday afternoon com
pletely demolished the plant and seri
ously, perhaps fatally, injured three
of the employes. The Injured men are:
Charles Savage, badly cut about the
face and body; Robert Evans, badly
lacerated and seriously wounded In
ternally; Emanuel Bender, injured by
a piece of flying iron, recovery verf
PrlKhtened to Death hy Bnralara.
Wllkesbarre, July 31 Edward Myer,
an aged farmer of Falrmount township,
died Tuesday night from a scare hs
received about a month ago. Three
masked robbers entered his house, and
because she refused to divulge thS
whereabouts of his money the robbere
tortured him and his wife. The aged
farmer never recovered from the shock.
Tehanon's spuqul-contennlal will not be
celebrated until nest yar.
Joph Sherrlck. of Shnmokln, wag. fa
tally shot In a right at Hermalne.
Flramnn Joseph Miller, of Aahtand.
wai killed In a collision nt Mahanof
SHtnuel vvnrcl, a 78-year-0ld Pike county
farmer, did all this years harvesting
without help.
The entire Iehanon Valley brnneh of
the Philadelphia and Reading railway Is
to be rebnllnsted.
One-year-old Willie Eckensberg fell 10
feet from 11 window tit rittsliurg and wne
only slightly hurt.
William (Jcorge, who was Injured by
the explosion of a cannon at Huzleton,
tied last Thursday.
At HetnPfleld Saturday John Hhnts
dropped dead of heart dlseaae, superin
duced by the heat.
Thieves at Huff's Church. Rerka coun
ty, secured cutlery nnd meats ut the resi
dence of Milton Rohrbach.
The Gautler rod mill, at Johnstown, re
sumed work Monday with 2U0 men, after
a three months' shutdown.
Falling under a car at DUllnger Sat
urday. Rrukumnn Robert Seltrlnger, of
Plnegrove. had both feet cut off.
The machine glrli In the hosiery fac
tory of Nolde & Horst, Rending, have
been granted an Incrnaae of wagts.
Melanoholv over his lost health. Dr.
Cyrui B. Schrelner cut hla throat with a
razor at Pittsburg and bled to death.
While fishing near Nantlcoka Sunday
Herman Marler. 43 years old. fell Into the
Pennsylvania canal and was drowned.
The body of an unknown man waa
found In Schoenberger Park, near Lan
caster. He hud evidently committed sui
cide. While asleep Saturday night Veronica
Bndaliu, aged 3, walked out of a win
dow at Shenandoah and was badly In
jured. Iiy a collision between wagons at Beth
lehem 12-year-old Erwln Wescot, who
Was stealing a ride, was perhaps fatally
After eluding the police for a month
Jennie Zimmerman, of Sunbury, was ar
rested nt Khamokln for assaulting an
other woman.
A trolley line which will connect River
Side, Danville. Bloomsburg, Espy, Lima
Kidse, Rerwlck and Nescopeck will aooa
be constructed.
At Green Grove, Lackawanna county,
James Brennan, uged 12. was accidentally
shot and mortally wounded by a com
panion Saturdny.
John McMahon add Thomas Flyns
were assaulted by highwaymen at Will
lamiport early Sunday morning and both
men were badly cut.
While the family were away burglars
took J311 In money from the ""Oie of
Frederick Eisenacher at Joles. near
Pottsville, Saturdny.
Tha seventh suit was on Saturday
brought against the Temple Ifeo aenv
any, of near Readiag, for alleged vta
atlon of water righta.
After a battle whloh laatad half aa
hour. John Carney uad Themes StN
Ptttston boys, killed a large rattlesnake
which had attacked thean.
Trying to board a passenger trala at
Hahanoy Plane Thomas Ctascaaej, Sf
Ashland, fell beside the tracks acid an
oil box fractured hla skull.
Bitten by a copperhead saaka. a U-vear-oltl
son of Oacar Davis, sf Crsa-
berry towashlp, Venango county, Mled
the reptile and taw want for
$Ia25 for Nothing
Our prcsftM hare completed printing our
CaUiotrue No. 99. of everything to
Va. IIh ua Ua.u 1. u.-k . A
coats 91.00 to print and 20 cents to
mall. As an evidence 01 interest,
send 10 cents In stamps to nelp
pay postage, and tou may detiuut
tries 1U cents rrosB your nr
ordtrorsi. it required s? car
loads of paper tor this won
drrlul cauiirue, wnicn cun
Is little
tains 4H0 psges.size loss 1 -1
you can
Inrhes, equivalent to over
think of
that this
lOUUpaffesnt tne ordinary
cauuogue. vv e save you
b 00 k does
'do per cent, to 7D per
not contain.
cent, on everyining
exert'! in jq-
you nuy at every
comotive and
season ot tlie year.
It. ;its. We even
1 tits tXHk qiiutes
ouute I.Ue Ani
wnulrsale prices
mals. Kverything
to consumers,
and with it In
a man, womsn or
child wears, all kinds
your posses
of food, evervthinaf
sion you buy
1 . i... 1 . ... tu.
c tfi a p e r
office, for a hctf. for use
tnan tne
on a fann. in a ham. or for
every known purpose, can
he found In IhU catalogue.
This book contains over
l.'t.OOO lllusirations nnd atmtea
prices on over 160.UOO dilfer-
ent articles. v
Lithographed Carpet,' Rug'and
Drapery Csulor ue, and our Clothing
Catalorua with large samples at
tached, are also Free. Expressags paid
on Clothing ; Freight paid on Carpet ,
Which book shall wt send t Address tkts way t
Department 909. BALTIMORE, MP."
Excellent Farm for Sale.
Wishing to farming, 1 am of
fering at private sale a moat excellent
fann containing Iot acre of rich farm,
in land, sT acres of which is clear and
In a f,.oil state of cultivation. The bal
ance is timber. On the land is a good
litre bank bam, excellent dwelling
house, good Bice, all kinds of outbuild
ings in iioti repair, good cane molas
ses factory, tjtiml never-failing water
near the house and in the fields for the
stock, excellent apple orchard, abun
dance of peaches, cherries, pears, and
all kinds of small fruit, such as black
anil reil raspberries, grapes, currants,
plums, etc.
The property is located convenient
to church, store anil postofHce along
the public road and is n very prom
inent farm. We raise excellent grain
ami grass ; have I fences ami a line
location for a fish dam withinsightof
the house. The soil is good, deep and
rich, no stones to bother with, no ditch
ing necessary, no slate ami we have an
easy roiul to the river. We will also
sella) acres which Will make a small
farm for some one who does not care
fur much lit 11. 1 .
This farm was twice sold for $.r,000
and is now offered at the very low rate
of$2WN). If it were not tor the fact
that I wish to discontinue farming, ths
farm would not be o fife red at so low a
figure. A clear title can Is' given.
7-10-3m. Pallas, Snyder Co., Pa,
We give Ixdow some clubbing
combinations with the Post. The
rates quoted arc very low.
The Farm Journal, monthly, lor
almost live years and the Middleburg
I'ost one year, paid inadvance, $1.00
The Farm Journal in one of the bet
agricultural paer published It con
tains front H'J to t" pages each month
and treat., of every milijcct nf interertt to
the farmer, lain, rcr and working man.
The New York Tri-Weekly Tri
bune and Ihe Middleburg Post, one
year, paid in advance, only $1.75,
The Tri-Weeklv In publlahtd Monday,
Wodnaaday ami r rtday. raaehM laif?)
jroporlioti of ittbeMjiiDeri on dulti ol
IrtMue, nmi each ad It Ion ih a luorutia;bly
UptCMtala daily family IMWSpapaf for
biiHy M-t 1 1 1 1-.
i he .New l ork eekly 1 nbune
and the Middleburg POST, one year,
paid in advance, only 9125
The Weekly Tribune l publlebed on
Tliurwlay, ami kivv all Important news
of nation anl world, the mo-t reliable
market raporta, une ice I led aejrioultantl
leartment, reliable general informa
tion and obolot aixl tit-Ttai m tniaa
Oallany. Iti the ''paOplCt paper" for
the entire United Staten, a national fam
ily paper for farimTH and villauers
The New York Tri-Weekly World
and the Middleburg Tost, one year,
paid in advance, only $165.
Tba Tri-Weakly World eotnai three
times a week, in tilled with the latent
newH of the country and is well worth
the price aaked for it.
The Practical Farmer, one year,
and the Middleburg Post, one year,
paid in advance, $1,50. Both ol
the above papers and the Practical
Farmer Year Book and Agricul
tural Almanac ior 1100, paid in
advance, only $165
The Practical Farmer la one of the bant
farm paper puhltahed, Inaued weekly,
atfl.uoyear. The year hook contains
fto pnKe'i In which there U a fund of in
formation that in Metal to the farmer.
The price of this hook alone in SO cents.
You get the 1'OflT, the Practical Farmer
and the vear hook for only $1.6"
Teachers' Examinations.
Applicants for a teacher's certificate will be
examined In the several districts, comprl.lnir
Hnyder county, at the place and on the date,
herein Indicated, to wit i
Middleburg Iioro. and Franklin Twp., Mlddle
hurfrh, ah,' 4,
Beaver Twp., Bcavertown, Auk. 6.
SprlnirTwp,, Adamsburg, Aug. 7.
Beaver west, McClore, Aug. 8.
Adams, Troxclvllle, Aug. 9.
Centre, lentrevllle, a ug. 10,
Monroe, Shnmokln Dam, Aug. 11.
Perry, Fremont, Aug. 13.
Perry West and Kvendale, Crops
Koada 8. House. Aug. 14.
Washington, Freeburg, Aug. 15.
("hnpman, Kohrer'sH. House, Aug. IS.
Union, Port Treverton, Aug. 17.
Penn. Salem. Aug. 18.
Mlddlecreek, Kreamer, Aug. 80
Jackson, Kratzervllle, Aug. ai,
Ueneral special, Mlddleburgh, Aug. no.
All applicants will be expected to take exam
ination In the district In which they have ap
plied for a school, unless, through sickness or
other unavoidable cbcumstances, they are de
barred from attending, when the examination
may be taken elsewhere, upon the presentation
of a petition to the examiner, signed by at least
four (4) directors nf the board to whom applica
tion bad been made, requesting Bald examina
tion. Persons under seventeen (IT) Tears of age
need not apply as a cectlllcate will not be issued
to them,
Roark's Methods of Education will be follow
ed closely, by the examiner, on the snrject of
Theory of Teaching and School Management.
Directors and friends of education are cordi
ally Invited to be present at any of the above
examinations. We sincerely trust that each
board will manifest Its interest by sending a
large representation to Ibe examination In
their district. If possible, every director should
be present
Examinations will begin promptly at o'clock
A. M. Faithfully yours,
F. C. Bowuaox, 00. Supt.
rrJ mm ASM
aW M
dealer, y aiy
New Going on. i 3 to 1 4
Reriuctinn on Fvorvthincr.
1 . I ,'1
I Oome atj Once
1 If Z"o-cl "Want
-Watch for Circulars.
H. KATZ, The Clothier,
Next Door to Court House, Middleburg, Pa.
a. . m '. t
Reed Rockers, - $1.25 and up.
Couches, - - . $4.50 and up.
Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up.
Frank S. Riegle,
Middleburg, . Pa
Inquire for . .
Prices and Terms.
tersof Administration in the
entate ot Amelia Erdley, late of Franklin ttrp.,
Snyder county, Pa., dee'd, having been granted
to the undersigned, all peraoni knowing them
flelvei indebted to eaid etttate are requested to
make Immediate payment, while thone having
claim will protect them duly authentleated t
the undersigned.
11. A. RAUCH,
Middleburg, AdmlnUtratois.
June is. 1900.
ters of Administration in the
state of Vloletta Bowersox.late of Middleburg,
Snyder county, Pa., dee'd, having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing them
elves indebted to said estate are requeeted to
make Immediate payment, while thoae having
claims will preeent them duly authenticated to
the undersigned.
June 2", 1900. Administrator.
Goshen, 111.
Genessee Pure Food Co., Le Roy,
N. Y.
Dear Sirs : Some days since a
package of your GRAIN 0 prepara
tion was left at my office. I took it
home and give it a trial, and I have
to say I was very much pleased with
it, as a substitute for coffee, We
have always used the best Java and
Mocha in our family, but I am free
to say I like the GRAIN-0 as well
as the best coffee I ever drank.
Respectfully yours,.
4. C. Jack son. ML D
TreYiewa." "
First Tramp I envy den butter
flies wit' nothin' ter do but sippln' ds
Second Tramp Oh! I dnnno. Seems
ter tarn Vy does e lot o hnstlin'
That ho never did know
just how to buy furniture until
be found himself in our store.
And you will regret the bar
gains lost if you have not in
spected our lino of furniture,
which is the most complete in
the city. We name you few
of our bargains :
Japan Oil.
For all kinds of paint
ing is superior to linseed
oil both as to durability i
and Finish. Costs less
than linseed oil. j
Prices quoted upon
James B. Slpe . 9
at. - i
Parsonage in Centreville, by
Simnn A nrand.
Zion and Miss Katie K Oberiii
P ennscreek.