The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 19, 1900, Image 8
r NERVITAPiS Cure Impotency. Night Emissions. Loss of 7 .. . -u .1 cases, all elti'cts 01 seu-auusn - , , . A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink clow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50C. per box. 6 boxes for $3.30, with our tank, able euarantee to cure or refund the money paia. 1 Send for circular and copy 01 our NERVITA TABLETS cure In 30 days or refund money paid. NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY !nton and Jackson Streets HOKT TKEVEBION. 11 . 1 r, in W'i ii'Ii Miss ivaie won munwu ! "! Scale. Mr. Sara Hhaffer is upending several days hi Hunbury. i; ilK-n Aucker In the proud father of a young daughter. Mrs. Dr. Nipple of 8unbury paid uer hick mother a lrief visit. Chan. Keller is visiting hisslster, Mrs. George Rlne at Milton. J. I). Bogar ami if' of Bp ev,lle arc visiting the former'n parents. Mm. K. 1'. Blngantaii is visiting P. A Khuinliaugli's at rthainoklii. our town was well represented at the picnic at Page's grove Saturday. Win. Schrawder, who is employed at Kclm tgrove, a few hours at home tiun- L . 8. l. uhart and family f Harris burg are visiting at tin- Arnold man sion. Mrs. David Fox of Millersburg was the welcome guest of Charles Bros, lust week. Mi-- Delia Arnold of Milton is visit ing her grandparent, M. P. Arnold ana wife. s. 1'. Hteffen, on f Harrlsburg's fti-i-class book-keepers, paid his wife a short visit. i.i . Strnwser and wife of Selins u;ro ijm'iiI Sunday with I.. F. Charles and family. . . Aucker and A. Neitz, two of Hlllibury's up-to-date clerk-, spent bunday in town. A, . Houser and wife and Mrs. J. L. Hwartz of Akron, Ohio, are ming hi. a;. long relatives in town. y.ilsH Dora Attinger of Nortliumbcr ., , ,i was visiting her uncle Henry At tinger, during tin- past week. rvin Kelohenbach of Shamokln was called home on account of the sudden Illness of bis daughter, Miss Carrie. Benjamin Nelte and daughter, Flora, returned borne from Sunbury Sunday. They were accompanied by Peter su f fn and Misses Jennie Neitz and Edith Mrs. Pershing and daughter of I'hila., Samuel Arnold, Mrs. Helfcnstein and daughter of Bhamokln and Wm. Hel- fenstein and wife of this plat njoyed a drive from Shamokln to our town one day last week, Mi Clara Bitlgamail, who is em ployed at t.ewisbtirg, Messrs. Charles Wells and MorriH Atkinson and Master dank Atkinson nf Philadelphia arc having a very enjoyable time at the former's home at this place. l NU N TWP Jockey Long traded horses last week. Pow-wow Neit. Is becoming very pop ular. Monday at 2 p. m. the thennometer rogistcn d 103 In the shade. It. W. Aucker i- the happiest man in town. It is a little daughter. Pouter fisher, of Salem, spent Sun day with the family of Jonathan Spauglor. 14 R. Vonneida, of Sellnsgrove, in tends to spend his summer vacation on a firm near the aqueduct. Harrv Rinhnrd, a civil war veteran, was Int'erretl lat Sunday in St. John's ce tery. Aged i;4 yean. Tim i. Ieiihoiie make- tllinus lively through here. They can even canal breaks over the telephone report 11. is is a greal convenience. The Keiser's ti. S. had their annual children's dav exereiseti Bunday even ing. They had a l'o.mI program and were well 'prepared. Among those from a distance who took pari 111 it were: A. W.! Potter, Esq., wife and daughter, Kittv, of Hellnngrove. tiOS Co., en, 111. Le Hoy. Genessef Kuro Koud N. Y. l)i all Sins : - Some davs since a package of your GRAIN-0 prepara tion . ;efi al my o trice. I took it home and give it a trial, and I have to ' 1 was very much pleased With it, as a substitute for coffee, We have always used the best Java and Mocha in our family, but I am free to say I like the GRAIN 0 as well as the best ooflee 1 ever drank. Respectfully yours, A. C. Jackson. M. D. II. A. Klinger, 01 towuship, ue ot the Washington c Mintv and itors, droppi d in to id last week. see us Friday A rirturrsqnr Mullun CrleSrattoa. New York. July 17. Little Italy ob eerved the first day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel yesterday, and from dawn until midnight one of tho most picturesque celebrations ever witnessed In this city was In progress. Italian from Boston. Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Newark and other cities attended, and at least 50,000 persons gathered about the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The streets In the vicinity resembled a country fair. Buildings Tere decorated with bunting and booths on the sidewalks were filled with things that delight the Italian palate. American and Italian flags .ware displayed. . Ristore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood Memory, all wasting dis- .nrl indiscretion. B.nuicBu....u... FYTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results Address CHICAGO. ILLINOIS l.nrn'tion l iir Supreme rourt justice ! Trenton, July 17.-Governor Voor ' hees. at his home at Elizabeth yester day, tendered to ex-Judge A. Q. (ar- retson, of Jersey City, the position on the supreme court bench made vacant by the death of Justice Llpplncott jiidKe Oarretion Indicated hl.s willing ness to accept the place. The new ap pointee, like Justice Lippincott, Is a Democrat. He has served as county judge and is at present a member of the law firm of Vredenburgh & Garret son. Colomliln's Double Calamity, Atrato. Colombia, July 17 Bocaadal Toro has been visited by a terrible gale, which destroyed many buildings and banana plantations. Immediately after the gale a fearful lire swept the town, destroying its finest buildings. The alt nation la said to lie desperate, the people being demoralised over the dual catastrophe. The Are originated through carelessness In the Chinese quarter. More 'I ranHirta Kim' llllna. Washington, July 17. The quarter master general yesterday Increased the Beet of transports to be used in tho transport ation of about 4,000 horses and mules to the Philippines and China by the charter of tho trans ports Phryra and Athenian. Most of these horses are intended for the use of the cavalry troops ordered to the cast, and their dispatch Is to be ex pedited. How the Organ Contest Stands. The sixih count allows the suit as t'ol lows : Ebenozer V. B. church, Washington township, 1 Premium coupons, Newspaper coupons, I". Kvan. church, lVnn's ( 'reek : Premium coupons, Newspaper coupons, SI 144 l!t4 Total, TOTAL VOTB ( AST : Kvan. church, P. Creek, Ebenozer C. B. . hurch, r. I!, church, Fremont, Trinity church, M'Kees Kalis, 41!.- 4135 2650 J 17 19H 7239 ital, WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN. To Be Olven Away to Some Church. Sunday School or Public School. The publisher of the Post will give a handsome Wkavbh Chapel Okoam to some Church, Sunday school or pub lic school In BnyderCounty and he asks the patrons of this paper to select the place where it shall go. The highest number of votes will determine the choice. Newspaper coupons and pre mium coupons will count as follows : N EWKPAPEH COUPONS : T h e voting coupon printed In each issue of the Post is good for one vote If tilled out and scut or brought to Ihi oiliee. PREMIUM COUPONS : All sub scribers who pay for the PlWT in ad vance will receive a Premium Coupon from this office, that entitles them to TWO vole- lor each month paid in ad vance and 25 lor a full year, l or a KK.W Ca-h suhserintlon FOUR pre mium coupons will oe i sued for each No cou than six ring t h e family to d a new - worth of mnutn ana oo ror n run y.n . iion will be issued for less month- subscription. Chan name from one member of a another w ill not be consider subscriber. Poreverv dollar' job printing or new advertisements that are brought or seni to mis omi 1 pi ItliUIll coupon w ill he issued tor vou CUT this OUT, 1. 11 July 17. This coupon entitles the holder to one vote for the handsome WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN (Made bv the Weaver Organ K I'lano 1 o. tv.k I Hiidxdil bv K. S. liieirel. Mid- dletiurg, la. 1 to be jl'en to some Church, Sunday school ot ruouooooooi in soyas County, by the POST, MiddleburRh, I'a. This vote is cast for: Thin coupon l not good Are wealtr above dateand will then not be counted. .. . , .11 AMklnMA UiUmSm ann .1 ,-PHU lljr 'limn ui u.iiMI - M bavs It deposited la the ballot box. 60 PILLS SO CT8. I j p WW THE GREATEST SUNBURY HAS A.T BROSIOUS BROTHERS, SUNBURY. -PRICES : 1Wai'w Wnva' and Children's Snits and Trousers at prices so low as to distance all store has ever cut so deep before. Yon know the quality jjjjjjjjjjxu T, ,- M ST j)ri P 0 c H II uij's $7.(10 Suits now reduced to $4.98, Men'- $10.00 Suits now reduced to 7."". Men'- $15.00 Suits now reduced to $10.00 Boys' $5.00 Suits now reduced to $:'.!s. Bovs' $1.25 Suits now reduced to 89c, Children' ,50 Suits We will pay no fares daring this creat Sale, as in many cases prices Lave been cut far below cost in small lots. REALLY THE MOST BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Thus far 1T.1 bodies of victims of the Hoboken holocaust have been recov ired. Warren Mis?imer, aged 17, was drowned while bathing at Wilmtn&toa Dal. Hon. John L. Pennington, ex-governor of Dakota territory, died at Aunla ton, Ala., aged 75. Rev. T. Dewitt Talmago preached to an immense congregation at Stock holm, Sweden, on Sunday. Grievances of employes of the New Jersey Central railroad threaten a gen eral tie up of the system. There is a movemcut to nominate Charlis H. Duell, commissioner of patents, as Republican candidate for governor of New York. David Hallen and Isaac llraumflue, each l!!-year-old picnickers, went over Kbit Hock dam. Philadelphia, In a boat, and were drowned. BIk Steel I'lnnt Cloaed Diiitn. Lorain, 0., July 17. The big steel plant of the Federal Steel company 1 here has been closed, throwing 4,000 nu n out of work. It is announced that 1 the Bessemer plant will remain Idle I fur about two weeks for repairs, but the blast furnaces have been closed for 1 an Indefinite period. It is said that ' there is a stock of pig iron on hand ciiffi.deiil to run the mills for six ; i months. N I Hrw VorU Chinese Ask Proteetloa, N ; New York. July 17. Chinatown N Chinese have framed a petition and forwarded it to Washington asking the authorities for protection In case of a sudden popular outbreak. A week ago last Thursday night a meeting was held for the purpose of considering the raising of a fund to help the Boxers. When the question came to a vote It was defeated. Indlu'n PIiikup Statistics. Indon, July 17. The governor of Bombay lclegraphs that there wera 1,928 cases of cholera in the famine districts during the week ending July 7, of which 6,474 were fatal, and that In the native states there were 9,528 cases, of which 5,892 were fatal. The total number of deaths on the rcllel works was 5,870, which was 3.9 per 1,000. Porto Rico Trachrrs Coming. Santiago de Cuba, July 17. The UnW ted States transport McPherson, from Can Juan, P. R.. July 14, arrived hera yesterday and left In the afternoon for New York, carrying 80 Porto Rican teachers, who will attend the Harvard summer achooL CUT : ALMOST .... During This . . . , REDUCTION l"I":-H-H-I-M-I-M-I-!-H"K:-r Come and -;-:--:-:-:-::-!!-!-:-::-:-; m LOOK J.H reduced to $1.79, order to close BROSIOUS RELIABLE sMS Sunbury, IN COMBINATION WITH THE POST. We give combination! rates quoted below some CI ; with the Pos'l are very low. iililiii!' . The The Farm Journal, monthly, (or almost live years and t lie Middleburg P ISToneyear, paid in advance,.? 1 .1 h) The Knrni Journal i ene ol the liel agricultural paperi publUhed. It con toins from S2 to I" pun each inontll nutl lr,'Jil-tf every RUllject of llltoroill to the farmer, lalmrcrumi working uiuil. The New York Tri-Weekly Tri buneand the Middleburg Post, unc year, paid in advance, only 1.75. The Tri-Weekly i publishad Monday, WediiMuay and i rlday, reachei ;t largti iroporllon f subMrloen ou ilnte l Imuo, and Mch odltlon is a thoroughly up-toHtato l:niy family nowtpapei fur bu.HV people The New York Weekly Tribune and the Middleburg Post, one year, paid in advance, only 91.25 The Weekly Tribune i published en Thursday, and given all Important news of nution ami world, the most teliatde. market reports, unexcelled agricultural department, reliable general Informs, tlonand choice and entertaining mU cellany It Is Ids ''people's paper" lor the entire United States, a national fam ily paper for Carmen and villasjers. The New York Tri-Weekly World and the Middleburg POST, one year, paid in advance, only $1.C5. The Tri-Weekly World oomes three timei, u week, i- filled with the latest news of too country and 19 well worth the price asked for it. The Practical Fanner, one year, uid the Middleburg Post, one year, jiaid in advance, $1.50, Moth of the above papers and the Practical Fanner Year 15oek and Agricul tural Almanac for l'JOO, jiaid in advance, only 1.05. The l'ractlcal Farmer in one ol the bent farm papcra published, issued weekly, at $1. no year. The year look contains tiOU page in which thee is a fund of in formation that is Useful to the farmer. The price of this book alone is 30 cents. You get the 1MST. the Practical Farmer and tho vear book for only $1.03 "We hare sold manv different cough remedies, but none has given better satisfaction than Chamber lain's," says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is per fectly sate and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds 01 hoarse ness." Sold by all druggists. MewataeJae and mmi mtgiu cared by Pat UlLEb raUH r uaafc una osaw a anas. CLOTHING SUE EVER SALE and style of suit and trousers $ee For Yourselves - H - H - H - i - i - i - i - i - H - H mum vh Z.XST PflXOXUS. Children's $3.50 ( N BROTHERS, Washington, D. C. Gene see Pure Food Co., Le li jy, N. Y. OkntlbMEK : Our family realize bo much from the use of ORAIN-0 that I feel I must say a word to iu duce others to use it. If people 1110 interested in their health and the welfare of their children they will use no other beverage. I used them I all, but GRAIN 0 I have found BU ' perior to any, for tho reason that it I is solid graiu. Yours forhealth, C. r . MYERS. N N' V SIPE'S I a ' , V ' Japan Oil. ooooooooo For all kinds of paint ing is superior to linseed oil both as to durability and Finiih. Costs less than linseed oil. Prices quoted upon application. James B. Slpe Co., Sous Manufactubbbs, ALLEGHENY, PA. 6-28-10t : v . :. A A . V S'N MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Butter 14 Eggs 14 Onions Lard - 7 Tallow 4 Chickens 7 Turkeys Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat 75 Rye 50 Corn 40 Oats (old) 27 Potatoes Bran per 100. 90 Middlings " 90 Chop 90 Flourperbbl 3.50 When you want a good live pa per containing all the news subscribe for the Post. KNOWN IN : HALF competition. Not even this to he found here. - i - i - i - i - w - kk - h l-Ml M't -H"!1 Suits new reduced to fc- 48. lildren's 1.25 Suits now reduced to 89c. Men's $1.00 and $1.26 Pants reduced to 80c. Men's $2.00 Pants uow reduced to 81.48. Boys' $1.50 Pants now reduced to 98c. Children's Knee Panto reduced to 10c w is is w Pa. DMINI8TRATOK8' NOTICE. Lei l.ue.v Ann UoDilg, late of We-t IMavi'rtwn . -m der County, I'a , deceased, bavins; been grsnsl to the undersigned, all persons knowing ti.em- -elx'es nnlehlcil to sihitl estate are reQuetted make Immediate payment, while those lm. H claims against the said estate will present Hi duly authenticated to the undersigned. T. K. KSITZ, Junes. 1900.': EXKCUTOB'S NOTIUB. Notice is he ui veil that letters testa mctitarv upon Hi tate of Caroline Mover, late f ileaver t Snvili'r fniiikti' On i ImMII lA lino t.-U in due form of law to the undersigned, to wl all Imlebted to said estate should make In diate piivinent and those havinif claiiiin iil'.i it should present them duly authenticate!) I' settlement. HARVEY KOYBB, Ex Beavertown. I'a., May 7, 1909, EXKl TTHIX'S NOTIOB, Notice is li Kiven that letters testamentary upn t lie estate of Win. F. Howell, late of We- ver Twp.. Stivder County, I'entia , dnyAsn have been Issued in due form of law to t) denigned, to whom all inrlehttsl to saiit havinir claims nc;ainst it shouhl presenl duly nutheiitiiited for settleineiit. LIZZIE UOWKLL Biecu HeClure DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICI . tersof Ailiiiiuistrntion i 11 1 1 tstHte ol Amelia Krdley, late of Fiunfcim Snvdcr county, I'h., dee'd, bavlnff hem . 1.. ,1.. 1., all ,.-..,.- I. H. ........ till pelves indeDsaa to MUO estate are reuuwva nuke itniiieduite piivinent. while t) H el ilni. will presi'Dt tliym duly a ut lieu: ie.,:el the underMncd. MoRKIS BBPLEY, II. A. BA0CH. Middleburg, Adtainlitrsua June is:. BTM. A",:: DMIN1BTRATORH1 NOTICE tnte of V inlrtta HnwiTN.ix.lntf ,,f MlddIM U.....1.. 1 1 Pa .I-...'. I 1 1 I .en ,.!. .,.l.l...,l n . t.7. fhi If III- HBmSBSJSgWgBBBM, ISII I 1-1-1. I.- I. IM'1' ' " irhf f ntlcl'ttMl 0 -ni fHtatc are n iu.ntcxl make Imtiirdiate pHyinent. while IboM Kn ciaiuis will irPent them duly authentii! me uiiat-rfiKiit'U. JAMI-a P. .SMITH. June 23, 1W0. AduiiniKtrto. uAMin. Chriritian man or woman (lUftllfv for Hfrmaiint rutaitfri Mfl .ui-1 rt"s-tii NUinned on volniui to 1 .' mi sum iM'iiii vuuiiiv. sTrwr vt'nrii lace, Uenrl Secretary, Cochran BtUM Wasnington, D. t, opposite Treaiiurv Vh Torsro mks waivtkd With fAlr PflllPntlnti and rmnA .1 " ' ' T IT A ti V T L"T tr 1 s till v tTi J HID Inff rtlllWUV mmnutilfH am the nnlv tHTfKri icuuoin iiinii uciiuu hi iiu KlliU, fliiu' Ullti'S Arp JlSlSfCil Ui tKiMirinrm TjhIIm alaV 1111 1 it-tj. 1 1 l 1 u r irw catalog. r un x u AIILMIST Ifith OLOBK TKLEGRAPH COLLEK. (VI Cm, LKiwilTO.V Dr. Fcncr s Golden Relief A MMta aaaniaasjrfSj A I.I. INFLAMMATIONS uolfls." A URI CURB Far in Pill Iselds ar All