tn ror: 1 Mpjnrr ami MRlf, refuse to do so una" go our ways ,givlrss of our responsibility aud self lab iu our use of God'a money." pbllip closed bis sermon with an ac count of facts concerning the condition of some of the people he himself had visited. When the service closed, more than one property owner went away secretly enraged at the minister's bold and, us most of them said and thought, 'Impertinent meddling In their busl 5ess." Was he wise? And yet he had In-en to more than one of these men lu private with the name message. Did ha not have the rlht to speak In pub lic? 1 M not Christ do so? Would he uot do 80 If he were here on earth againf And Philip, seeing the great need, seeing the mighty power of mon ey, seeing the indifference of these men to the whole matter, seeing their de termination to conduct their business for the Rain of It without regard to the condition of life, with his heart sore and his soul Indignant at the suffering he I""' witnessed, came Into the CUUrch ami Hung his sword of wrath out of its scabbard, smiting at the very thing dearest of all tilings to thousands of church members today the money, the property, the gain of acquisition and he smote perhaps with a somewhat un wise energy of denunciation, yet with his heart crying OUt for wisdom with every blow he struck, "Would Christ aay It? Would he say It?" And his sensitive, keenly suffering spirit heard the answer, "Yes, 1 believe he would." Back of that answer he did not go In these days so rapidly drawing to their tremendous close, lie bowed the soul if him to his Master nml said. "Thy will be done!" The week following this Sunday was one of the busiest Philip had known. With the approach of warmer weather, a gnat deal of sickness came on. He was going curly and late on errands of mercy to the poor souls all about his own house. The people knew him now and loved him. He comforted his spir it with that knowledge as he prayed and worked. He was going through one of the nar row courts one night on his way home, with his head bent down and his thoughts on some scene of Buffering, when he was suddenly confronted by a young man who stepped quickly out from a shadowed corner, threw one ana about Philip's neck and pit 1 his Other hand over his mouth end at tempted to throw him over backward. it was very late, and there was no one in sight. Philip said to himself, Tliis is the attack of which I was warned." He was taken altogether by surprise; but, being active and sell' pos sessed, he sharply threw himself for ward, repelling his assailant's attack, and succeeded In pulling the mall's hand away from his mouth. His tirst second''. Instinct wss to cry out for help; Ills next was to keep still. lie suddenly felt the other giving way. ,T!ie strength seemed to be h aving him. I'lWIp. calHng up some of his knowl edge ,,f wrestlina gained while in col lege, threw his entire weight upon him, and, to his surprise, the man offered no resistance. They both fell heavily up on the ground, the man underneath. He had not spoken, and no one had yet appeared. As the man lay there motion less, Philip rose atiJ stood over him. By the dim light that partly Illumi nated the court from a street lamp further o ho saw that his assailant was stunned. There was a pump not far away. Philip went over and brought some water. After a few mo ments the mau recovered conscious ness. He sat up and looked about In a ionfused manner. Philip stood near 3y, looking at him thoughtfully. TO BR CONTIXUEH. IS IT RIUIIT tiiir An ECdltoe i Recommend Patent lrlltcilie ? lYomsiivsn Vsttey News, Brevrad, x It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper ban tDA riirbt to recommend any f the various proprietary medicines which Qood toe market, yet us a preventive of suffering we teel it a duty to say a good wordfor Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, W nave known ami used the miilieim. 0 Our family for twenty years ami nave always found it relial le. lu many cases a dose of this remedy would ave liouis nf Mill'-runr while a physician is awaited. Wo do not believe in depending implicitly m ny medicine for a cut e, but we be H i hat if a liottle of Uhatnbi rlain's ttarrboea Remedy were kept on pand and administered at the incep tion of an attack lnueli suffering "tight be avoided and in very many cases the presence of u physician "onidtjot be r quired. At least this "s been our experience during the pust twenty years. For sale bv all "fuggists. "d 'Mtii3 -oo f SNOSHVd " NHOf 01 P-n'VBii"U sacrA'M pns'f-jj 'pa -piv -u,i ; ' uB ' poKi sssjosm jjiki -pjpiini rn Ulr '3iBUI 3M1 uo JaPlolt apeil MOpatAl JgJJJP lsom pni isaSnniis hJicni u i sj pus ,tl1 S .i ISpm psinionjiiUBiu djui sui j. 1 1 """-'I $3.98 HjMStH SUIT v' 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 W l LiHOl I I'n ill II... t.M... ttfsl AT $1.88. ij ntw i :t me rai Ar or wse suits tMi .""T fia : -fnr rr.on j :: : tfj fK.Y, r-ii tbis !. u. MAMlt ' '.li mf v;JliV VIWUMbT i ii i . ..i i u- . ul w til Mnd you s ...t . i i kHMisssi it t your WWfi it ;'(.! fftlj mtl- ' id -.. . ..'!) fsMir isbbsj for M.ij, tvyn irr t n- n i 'itir S(ci-lgU TH'5tm'ft-'r n. jr'.-.f !.. t ,, . VU-- Msssrni -1 t Ji. I I JllMl t' I I. i ' IS .'!?( KXSK8, t. i! v,.i. n..l. tnm II Iff. -l til. nr IMHM KlI-wflNil . ..... i ,,.niu.r, i.rui, iimihIm t,ie pccienl. t - pB..U II.. ,J, l.l..l!.l. "in !. fl.ttllr IIH "l "-".r """ P.irrm "Ul J be proad .t htuir'' L Tfl ki uv ! r '..e.- rr k... 4 M , -. -Hi. f., k.l. Ir . . ..M ( . h.KLu, Btf. ''nid ' " in-- tlnnnhowtoordar. ROEtfuCg k CO. list), Chicago, IIL the: u::MornATic platkohh. Anll-liup.-riiilioui ibr I'rluelpal Isaua of the l a ui pulu ii. We, the rSBrsSSntatlves of tha Damo crutlc party of the United Statea. assem bled In convention on the annlversurjr ol tha adoption of the Declaration of Inde pendenca, do reafltrm our faith In that Im mortal proclamation of the Inalianabl rights of man and our alleglancs to tha constitution framad 111 harmony there with by ths father of the repubUc. W bold with tha United States auprama court that tha Dsclurutlon of Indwpand ncs la ths spirit of our governmact, ot which tha constitution Is tha form and Utter. We dsalars afaln that all govern ments Instituted aaavng men derive their Just powers from th consent ( the sev erned; that any (overnment not based upon the consent of ths governed la a tyranny; and that to Impose oet any pes- f t a government of fore IS to substitute he methods of Imperialism for thos of a republic. W hold that th constitution follows the flag and denounce the doctrln that an executive or congress, deriving their existence and their power from th constitution, can exercise lawful author ity beyond It or In violation of It. W-a assert that no nation can long endure half republic and half empire, and we warn the American people that Imperial Ism aliroail will lead qtlll Uly and Inevit ably to despotism at home. Believing In thes fundamental prin ciples, we denounce the Forio Hieo law, en. u toil by a HrpubllcHn congreaa. SJfalnsI the protest ami opposition of the Demo cratic minority, as a hold and open vio lation ol tin nation's organic law and tt flagrant breach of the national kooiI faith, It Imposes upon the people of Porto Rico a government wttnoul their consent ami taxation without representa tion. It dishonors the American peo ple by repudiating a solemn pledge muile In Ho'ir behalf by the commanding Mi n eral of our ly, which ilm I'orto llicuna Well omed tn a peaci Ul and unresisted oc cupation ui their land, it doi med to poverty and distress .i people whose help lessness appeuls with force to our Justice ami magnanimity. In this, tin- lust act ut its Imperialistic program, the Republican party seeks to commit the t'nii. ,i Stutea to n i oiontul policy. In consistent with republican Institutions anil condemned by the supreme court in numerous decisions. We demand the prompt and honest ful atlui. nt of our pleuge to the Cuban peo ple ami the woi nl that the United States lias no disposition nor Intent. on to exer cise sovereignty, Jurisdiction or control over the Isiund of Cuba except lor iis pacification. The war ended nearly two years ago. profound peace relgllH over .ill the Island, and still the administration keeps the gov i mo ' nt of the Island from Its people, while Republican carpet bug fflclula plunder its revenues ami exploit the colonial theory to the disgrace ot Hie Aim ii in people, I'll 1 1 i ,pi uea I'ollei Denounced, We oondsmn and denounce tin- Philip pine policy oi tin present administration. It has Involved the republic in unneces sary war. sucrlnced tin- lives of many ot' or noblest sous ami placed the I'nlted tit. ites. previously Known ami applauded throughout the world as the champion of freedom, In the false ami unumerlcun po sition ol crushing with military force the efforts oi our former allies to achieve liberty ami self government, The Fili pino .oi.:. ot be citizens without endan gering our civilisation; they cannot be subjects without Imperiling our form of government, and as we urt not willing to Surrender our civilisation or to convert the republic into all empire' " favor an Immediate declaration of the nation's purpose iii give to ti.e Filipinos first a Stable form "i government, ol. inde pendence, ami third, protection from out side Interference, such as hits been given for neatly a century to the republics ol Central and South America, The greedy commercialism which dic tated i lie 1'hlllpplne policy of the Repub lican administration attempts to justify It witli the plea that ii will pay, but even this sordid ami unworthy pica rails when brought to the test of ftti Is. Tile war of criminal aggression against the Filipinos, entailing an annual expense of many mil lions, has already cost mure than any possible profit I could accrue from the Stltlre Philippine trade for years to coin.-. Furthermore, When trade Is extended at the expense of liberty the price is aiwuvs too high, We are not opposed to territorial ex- f illusion when it takes in desirable terrl ory which can te erected Into states in tin; Union anil whose people are willing ami tit to become American citisens. We favor expansion by every peaceful and legitimate means. Hut we are unalterably Opposed to gelslng or purchasing dis tent Islands to lie governed outside the constitution ami whose people can never become citizens. We are in favor of extending the re- Suhlic's Influence among the nations, but ell, vc that Influence should be extended not by force ami violence, hut through the pursuaslve powi r of a hiuh anil hon orable example. The Importance of other questions now pending before the Amesfcan people Is In nowise diminished, ami the Democratic patty no bnekw. rd step from lis position on them. Inn the burning Issue of Imperialism trowiim out of the Span ish war Involves the very existence of the republic ami the destruction of our free Institutions, VVc regard it as ths paramount issue of the cumpatgn. Republican Inslnoerlty. The declaration in the Republican plat form adopted at the l'hlludclphls con vention, held in June 1900, thai the li,.- riubltcati party "steadfastly adheres to he poiicy announced In the Monroe doe trine" Is manifestly Insincere ami de ceptive. This profession is contradicted bv tiie avowed policy ot that party in op- fosltlon to the spirit of the Monroe doc rlne to acquire and hold sovereignty ovr law areas of territory anil lnrc;e numbers of people In the eastern hemis phere. e insist on the strict mainten ance of the Monro, doctrlni and in all Its ntegrlty both In letter and in spirit, as necessary to prevent the extension of European authority mi this eontlnenl ami us essential to our supremacyln tmertcan affairs. At the sane- time we declare that no American people shall ever be held by force In unwilling subjection to European authority. We oppose militarism. It means ron- nit st abroad ami Intimidation and op pression at home. It in. an tiie strong arm which has ever been fatal to free Inst It ul ions. It Is what millions of our gltlsens have lied from In ISurope, It win impose upon our peace o ing peo ple a large standing army ami un s- sarv burden of taxation ami a constant menace to their liberties, A smnll s-ami-li,,' army and a woll disciplined stale nillltla are amply sufficient iu time of peace. This republic has no place for a vast military service ami conscription. When the nation Is In danger the vol unteer soldier Is his country's best de fender. Tiie national guard of the Uni ted Slates should ever lie cherlsed in the patriotic hearts of a free people. Such organisations are ever an lenient of strength and safety. For the first time In our history sr,d co-evll with the Phil ippine conquest has there be n a whole Sale departure from our time honored up, I approved system of volunteer or ganization. We denounce it as unnmert cun, undemocratic ami unrequbllcun ami as a subversion of the ancient and fixed principles of a free p. ople. Private Monopolies intolerable. Private monopolies are Indefensible and Intolerable. They destroy competition, contrul the price of all material, uud of the flnlsheel produrt. thus renWnp b.h producer and consumer. They lessen the employment of labor, and arbitrarily fix the terms and conditions thereof and de prive Individual energy and small capi tal of their opportunity for betterment. They ure the most efficient means yet devlBed for appropriating the fruits of Industry to the benefit of the few at th expense of the many and unless their In satiate greed Is checked all wealth will bo uggregnted In a few hands and the re public destroyed. Tho dishonest palter ing with the trust evil by th Henubllcan party In state and national platforms Is eoneluslvo proof of the truth of th charge that trusts are the legitimate pro duct of Republican policies, that they nr fostered by Republican laws and that they aro protected by th Republican ad ministration in return for campaign sub scriptions and political support. We pledge the Democratic party to an unceasing warfare In nation, state and city against prlvat monopoly In every form. Existing laws against trusts must be enforced and more stringent ones must be enacted providing for publicity as to the affairs of corporations engaged In In terstate commerce and requiring sll cor porations to show, before doing business outside ot the state of their origin, thai ney nave no water In tlielr stocg, ana that they huve not attempted and are riot attempting to monopolise .toy branch of business or the production of any ar ticle of merchandise, and the whole con stitutional power of congress over In terstate commerce, the mails and all modes of Intnrstatu communication shall be exercised by the enactment of compre hensive laws upon the subject of trusts. Tariff laws should be amended hy putting the products of trusts upon the free Dst to prevent monopoly under th plan of protection. The failure of th present Republican administration with an absolute eontrol over all th branches of the national gov ernment to enact any legislation assigned to prevent r even out-tall th absorbing power of trusts and illegal combinations, or to enforce th anti-trust laws already en ths statute books prove the InstncsrUy of the high sounding phrases of th Re publican platform. Corporations should be protested In stl their rights and their Ugltlmst Intsrssts should De respected. But aav i corporations to Interfere wftfe the publ reo sovereignty which crest them, should be forbidden until such penalties SS will snake such attempts impossible. We condemn the IMngley tariff ISW SS a trust nreeiiitiK measure, sKluuny ee Vised to give the few favors wht h they! oo not deserve and to place upon many burdens which they should bear. We favor such an enlargement of the scope of the Interstate commerce law as will enable tin: commission to protect In dividuals and communities from discrim inations nnd the public from unjust and unfair transportation rates. I h leu u i, Platform Itenfllrmed. We reafflm and endorsi ef the national Demoi toloptiil at Chicago In 11 the principle .'tic platform r. and we re- Iterate the ii. maud of III it platform f an American financial system made I y the American people for themselves, Which shall restore and maintain a In metallic price level, and as part of sin. system the immediate free and unlimiti d i ulll Hold at tin present leu without waiting for the duration of the He of silver ami ratio of K to 1 i iu sr i onsent of Sni other nation. We denounce tin- currency bill enacted st the last sSssliitt in rongress as a sti n forward In ths Hepublicutl policy which alms to discredit the sovereign right of the national government to issue all money, whether com or pnpi r. ami le be stow upon national hanks the power to issue and control tin- volume of paper money tor th. ir own benefit, A perma nent national hank current y. secured by the government bonds, must have a pel -m. incut debt to r st upon and if the bunk currency Is to increase with th population and business the debt must also Increase. The lti publican currency scheme Is therefore a scheme for fasten ing upon the tuxpnyers a perpetual and growing debt for the benefit of the hanks. We are opposed to thlsprlvuti corporation paper circulated as money, hut wit hout legal tender qunlttles, and demand tha retirement of ho national hank notes as fast as this government paper and silver certificates can be substituted tor them, Ve favor an nmendmi lit to the federal constitution providing for the election of United Status senators by direct vote of the people, and mi favor direct legis lation wherever practicable. We nre opposed In government hy In junction; we denounce the blacklist and favor arbitration as a tin .ins of settling disputes between corporations and their t mployes, Depurtmcttl uf Labor Pnvored. In the Interest oi Ami rlcnn labor and the uplifting oi ii. e wurklhgtnun, as the corner Btona of the prosperity of our country, we i -a mum. mi that congr create i department ol labor III ih of a secretary, with a seat in the Inet, believing Hint the elevation of irge rule the American laborer will bring with It l ies. I prosperity to mir country t home ami to our commerce abroad. We arc proud nf the courage and fidel ity of the American soldier and sailors In all our ic. us. we favor liberal pensions to them ami their dependents and we re Iternte the position taken iu ths Chicago platform in IsM that the fact of enlist ment and service Hliiili be deemed eonclu lV0 evidence against disease and dis ability before enlistment. We favor the Immediate construction ownership nnd control of the Nicaragua canal by the I'nileil States, and we de nounce the Insincerity of the plank In the late ItcDUbllcan Platform for an uih- An, Ej i !i:;ric of Diarrroea' Mr, A. San. Ii i -. i itina until ( J i live, Fin , s.t I:. un Item 1 iid: ut i "n I). lll!te . ii. at. i''lili ln:e nl lilli) u eevel'n i by fulii 'i i-ei- i eill l i i llll'h t ' t !i ii i; III I I" ii Ul .-t I, hull llll . 1 1 l t In i It IH i1 J f i it tAIL't'l dnbury .v LnwiHtown I I ion. In o li !. ..ii r.i i los UWJ, BASTWAIti win w Ann. e S .1 M jic: '.. .'.7 .:: I0U7 J I'.i in 14 J'.'s 1071 Jill !ll".l A V '' M I V i r. 4 Wl I II I -" I .".' I III 1117 I .v a a 10 a in .1 ::c 810 a m :: 10 Hunbury Beliiinitrove ,fttnetloit rvlinsarove I'll iv n nu K reamer Mel, r Mi.ldlebura llonfer lleavel t..i n Adnmsburii Kh.iIis MillM Mel'lure Wanner Handle I'slntervilU Itiailland .ewieton a Lewtstnwn (Main tri-et )' Lewlstown Junction. 1.1 I IS N I .'::i j HI i HI i 00 l :i7 .1 i:i t 1. 10 law 10 03 10 ilN ill SI III III I .17 11 HI II 111 I! Ill 11 '.'I 1 1 :'7 s 14 M 117 i "i 7 M 7 19 7 4fi "'!'. 7W 7 HI II l M it r. tin loavAH ISuiibury 5 2S d hi, ar rives ut Selinsjjrove 5 45 p m renins It'itve lifwi-'iiwn Jutietloo. i ".' a in. lu l.i a in, l lu n in. Mo p in n n p 'ii. 7 0! ii Mpni, t..r Altoomt, Plttsburs snd the West. Ker Bulliinore soil Washinxton oS5ani 1 08. i "j isn.siopni K..r phllsiielphia and fifes , i ii. i. i. ar vii in. .... i , .j .inn 1 1 1 u p :u r in I rlarrlshunj 1 10 p is Philadelphia & Eria R Pi Division. i AMI J KOKTHISKN I'BNTItAli HAILWA VVESTWABD, Tmln i.'av... 9 'Ii ferine Junotloo dally for Saab uy and West, 'i .'-. a in, li r.s p m, :iO p in. Bands) 9 i" a iii, s I.I l til. I rslns leave Bonbory .tally execpf Send iyj i ji a in tor it lflo, Brie ami Oasandslsjus s la .i tn .'or li illelonte lle and Csnsodahcos 1 1.' :i in for Look lUven, Tyrone sod the Wesi. 1 0 u In tor HellsfOStC Kaue Tyrone and OsnSC dslsns 54Sp tn tnr ItsBovosnd Elmlrs lu i' in '"r vVllllsmspoti Saadsf -"i te a in Ibr Kris an. I Csnsndslans 04SSD forliMk Uavsn an I S6.ipiu tor ft- Ibunnort ISO a to, BsoamlOOand B 48pm lor wiikeh bsm snd Hasslton 8 i'i n in. M in ii ai, i H p in, .'i 48 p in tnr Sluimo kln sod Mount Osmsl StU day 'J V B m lot Wlllie-hnrre KASTWAltD. PralDJ leuve BsllnisrotS Junction lDiV'i ii in, dully iirrlvlim at MUUdslpbal :) 17 p in New Yurk r .1.1 p iu lialtlumra 4 11 p in Wurlilnstun 4 10 p in BBt p "i ilnilv arrlvlnn at Philadelphia ,n 2n p in New York 8 H a m, Kaltiiuure 9 tr, p in Wiinliluittuu 10 !l p in. 84Bp in. uully arrlvltut at PnltSdslpbll 4 HO ii m, New Yerk 713 a ul, llaltiinore 2IIU ii in Waabington ttbam Trains aio leave Sunbory : 2 'J7 a in daily arrtvlnu; at Phlladelilhla 9 ra a m Haltlmore 0 85 a Ul Wnshlngton 7 4ft am New York 33 a tn Weekdsyi. 10 3H a m Sunday, 7 SO a tn week days arriving at Philadelphia i: 4s am. New York 2 IS p m, Balllmcre 11 5 a in. Wasblngten 1 00 p m. IH p m, weea amjm amvioil M ruuauoipiua S 23 ! m. New York 80 p m, Baltimore fl Ou p m Washington 7 15 p m Traim also leave Sunburv st 60 am and ft 2S and a 31 p m, lor Uarrlsburg. Philadelphia and Baltimore J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pass Agent 1. B. UUTCUINSUN Oen'l Msoaircr. main en nut m race or trie raTIure of the Republican majority to pass the bill pending In congreas. We condemn the Hay-Pauncefote treaty as a surrender ef American rlKhts and Interests, not to bo tolerated by the American people. We denounce the failure of the Republi can party to carry out its pledges to Xrant statehood to the territorlea of rlsnna. New Mexico and Oklahoma, and we promise th peaple of those terri tories Immediate atatehd and home rule during their oondltion as territories and we favor home rule and a territorial form of government for Alaska and Porto Rico. W favor an Intelligent system of Im- firvlng the arid lands of the West, stor ng tho waters fr purposes of Irriga tion and the holding of such lands for actual settlors. W favor th continuance and strict enforcement of the Chinese exrluslon law and tt application to the same classes of all Asiatic races. Jefferson said: "Peace, commerce anil honest friendship with all nations; en tangling alliances with none." W approv thts wholesome doctrln and earnestly protest against the repub lican departure Which has Involved us in so-called politics, Including ths diplomacy of l-.irnne and the tntrlsiiii and hind grabbing of Asia, and we especially con- tti ileum t tie iii concealed itcpuhiicun uin not I snce with England, which must mean discrimination against other friendly ini tio, s. and which has already stifled the nit nm's voice while liberty Is being strangled In Africa. liiillChy P'or the tliicri. Believing In the principles ot self env n in-ni ami rejecting us did our fore fathers the claim of monarchy, wc view witli Indignation the purpose of EJngiand to overwhelm with force the Bouth Af rican r. publics. SpoakliiK as we do for ri 'li entire American nation, except its Republican ofllee holdet s and for nil free t verywhere, we extend our sym pathies to the heroic burghers in their un equal struggle to maintain their liberty und independence. We denounce the large appropriations of recent Republican congressi s. which hi v. kept taxes high and which threaten perpetuation of oppression of war levies. We oppose the aCCUmUllitlOtl of SillplUS to be squandered tn sm-li barefaced frauds upon the taxpayers as the ship ping subsidy hill, wtiiih under the false pretense of prospering American ship building, would put unearned millions Into the po. kets of fuvorlte contributors to tiie Republican campaign fund. We favor the reduction ami speedy repeal of the war taxes and a return to tin tune honored Democratic policy of strict ccon amy in gnvernmontnl expenditures. Relieving that our most cherished In stitutions are Iii great pi t il. that the very exist. 'tn of out constitutional republle Is slake, and thil the decision now to be rendered will determine whether ot not our children me to enjey tine., bless, id privileges of free government which i i : i v made tiie United States gri"it, pros, porous ..mi honored, we earnestly ssll for tin foregoing declaration of prln cip'. s tin- hearty support ot th.. liberty loving American people, regardless of previous part) atllllutious. TIMELY HORSE NOTES. Little Thlnits Which, If I'riiperlj 11 tended lo. V. Ill I'reveul I Ii h neas nnd I'roiiinfe Health. Keep whatever the horse of scrupulous! t, clean, for t rinks out e animal is verv rustidlutls in r Nevi r fceil hay in I !i hlffh liny ruck, for it i Ml t. Itl-fn fet'li W a I er. lioucil, ..f liiniitninntion of the ryes, If the horse lias innnr, I. real, up llir ucubg, witli soap ami water, ami apply a strong decoction of tobacco; repeat in u couple "f weeks, oml whltcwnsli the tolls. After miliar or saddle calls have been washed with war n water castile Mircri. apply witch hazel, Teach the horse to promptly obey the word of command, lie sure the col lar tits. Whenever the horse Is fretted or be comes confused, it..p all effort lo pet him to move until he Is over his ex citement, Peed n oil la r I nnd water often) a half day Is loo lini- to keep a horse without water. rhc horse likes Mii:ir, and if it is given a lump when it is caught in the Held, there will never la; trouble In catching it. Keep a close watch of (lie feet; if they become haul apply n flaxseed poultice. Very often n few weeks mi pasture will build n horse up wonder fully, If the young horse lias sore mouth latnpns washout with chlor ate nf potash nnd vta'-r. Horses are often made to Interfere by the way they are driven; If vour horse int. r- feres, see if more iiit help the mat ! vinjr will ia barley In It la scorched before it Is i nd is less dnngi r in conseuence, The In die or coach horsi - Is Charles 11. Snrlnjrer, In fed to horses, as horse feed ceding nt' rati prolltnble. ICpitomist. NOTES ABOUT SHEEP. Lambs may by stimulatinj mi!!;. An excellent with Is two pi ushcd le e. i food i.f bn crushi How Inml nit pnrl corn meal barley; and one in. ul if it can ! il I" I ri L'ured. alls fur Imnic proper treat- Unskillful sin orlop . diate attention to tin Ttieiit of cuts made In t!t elionlil be immediately e skin, protcc Tin by fl coat nf clean pine tar. As Fuon as the sheep nre sheared the ticks will gather on the lambs, much to their discomfort nnd darn nire. The easiest remedy is lo dip the lambs or to wet the skin all over with nny pond sheep dip. Scours in young lamix may be checked by giving them ten drops of this mixture: One dram each, of tinc ture of opium, ginger, rhubarb and pnrdamom seed. It is a cordial .iml a pr i ntlve of trouble f this kind, and r-h. nld be piien In a little water twice a day, or in bad oases three or four times, (live three times as much 'o the ewes. American Sheep Breeder. Wonder If It Is. Little Oliver The funny-bcae Is In the elbow, isn't it, pa? Mr. Callipers Yes, my son. Little Oliver Well, pa. Is that what makes people lauph In tlielr sleeves? Tit-Bits. F.xplanatlon of lies Penchant. "I notice that she 1ihh her portrait painted, but never has her pliotogruph taken." "Yes. You see the camera Is bo exact-" Chicago Post. It Mlht. "A cigar named after a congressman ought to have) eensiderable pull to it." "Yes, and It might be in bad odor, too." Cleveland Plain Dealer. for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always nought has borno tho Hlfrna turo of Chan. II. FloUlier, and lias boon mado under liU pcrsDiinl supervision for ovor 30 years. Allow no on to deoehre you iu this. Counterfeits, Imitations ami 4,Jnst-as-(footl" aro but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For t fllliiW t T m IA REAL GRAPHOPfflmm m HI m ' x t ' - i'M $ msT rll SM SH 8 m ffl REPRODUCES SAME mi RECORDS AS ALL STAN DARD P TALKING m MACHINES. I MAKE YOUR OWN RZQXXL . UK Tiie pleasuie of a Gtaphoplione is i.itelv incrc.tscil lv tn.iktng and li I ;-i youi own tecoiils. we fumisli tliis machine with recordct i i . ' Qraphopheaei er everj deaerlptlos. fall or write. as i iu.u ivi u i m r'nunuijMHi'n lu. utpi. Illltlilii i I.! I .i , .Vi .... IHADipitCPCASixrrii'.'nicuSfwiiiOMACBKi i W, Ji -.ri Un htrftellf ull.fHi.rl.e,u.. . I'Meil i" ' i .. .lul ll:l I .i 1 ... . i I i f " ii. . . ; . ,.i iii-ii4. ten l i t lltll i . ii iu un in faer frllalil ' i nnil I ... . Ill i liver ifa , ..' y. nr .... li .. .. .'.in-. . .1. Si fie i, .. r 1 1 " f'to , :. srTi TATKl: Tr; kf" :v. ' ' 'tf'v' rf ..... . mill ., '...i:m, pr 1 I rlKi . 1 MMIl l..'l t ,11' .- ni. .u - Bi.:-'...'.;i."-. .' ' " tit:. ii r,.tiliM Sauf, .tii,i miv ' ."1V. I'll ' II I Ml.Vn, Vu.ii- l.jtln-.... K sflSS - . I.." r'-.i.-'-' A i V-.l.-v.-'"' "' ""' l mall'. , '. li.,'...-- . . i'v -r i . . 1 1 ii .o . . .!" - - -(..'. - ' 'rjfiJf -r p 1 ' I ' 1 i 1 ' d ;'! M:' ' i ill i tt tl MM M i r ctt t- j i ' Til "t 'V CCfv 5 B 1 '' ' 1,1 ni with full fn "i tal i hi I In fof 'Vj'I ' , t. T'CT' V.'' , 4 I .1 1 1 ra. ISIISI l-'. selet..M r.-SsKf. . I I ' MI .j s Jl I 1 IfHTJI i -idwiimtcdi! iiw t itnttih. Hur im ilmwi . r ,. rx i f ur - .m t i . '.J 7i ikj O " a t ' '' iifStnrU Mnnil : wHisitiAm 0 -. J I I ' .3 i Rnn lmt, . ui un - ' ' . J tli II . italic M fi in- il 1 '' ; v r' ' r " 1 ' " ' " ' " l'' '' 1 ' 1 " 1 1 . 1 1 T' it tit M H 4 CiAV M whf.1, n.iinno.n ; ii- n m . . -.u il nN iilNir ri ts&A UCB ii I 1 ntdn iruurf. WA ' 1 i - i r4 am in inHwtl ii nBf jjgyflj nkhrlirif.sB'-st, CVIARANTEsfO ..t,. . . iraml ffi!t&ifLffi&trKM aiihalfM n I 'la a :. . : ' bnwun nfiat U .t...i . inr Ii i In Jktnu ft Fancy "rl. A Xtttt niutllri i IT COSTS YOU NOTHING j, And Ihon tf c 'iiTlncfd th ii jrim uif t I -' 1 v y hk m ui-1 1 kn im i: ii.') if ft any Hm within f J ' in- tt r DOM'T V t ..i... Ho. I-...-. Address, ROEBUCK & CO. i5n Dyspepsia? Since 1863, fasting immediate fat ihl n -ii raiMUH li IAI1LU. " ' III! linn, mi tan i v Mitti t a i (In '. 1. t i oys ppjo tl " J.I I . . I t: Il i I . . . ' I . nu .-il ifk w wa! I ' iimui 'il narajwlr i m ami nrrufu nU, n 1 1. i i.CM i.i.i. i hi l iitnda. CmitAln ''' . Palfuwaf T Hwlia, l-li MapaMHi rarta li . I Itrin t Or mi H we'll, ! i I . . '. UaatM l: I f S I n 1 hantilrii-; r III l . ' Maaaaaa I...-1- i : - I'n iid. THE PARLOH 1 i pMmlM Si ni ii i." . pt rrada in. t uiimi i-. i . Vi Haiaaaae of tha ! .i t i ll -ci . ' Hwtber In tbIti , THS ' Willi a l".lt I 8i . jti-.ini iiitiiM , and fi furnUh frre t. .--' .: tin baafe mWI Ard. GUARANTEED 25 . " uaOfl a v ntta i . Ivrml anil idftloni rffpMr it IWa af ei - . tl rrf nnd yonr mum y If 3 rcu oftbaaa orffsitii aril ' l AT ONCE. inr. i p: . OUR REL!. :tir . dtut hIiUm i. oiriit Un- pajullaher t tUU i r r Uu . rt -j . i Bank or I m o"0muui Eicl an 1 ; . nillH-ml OT ' , baif ruff-' f aw ll onpnf !;- l'ii i. f ' and tftiplui ... i - bulldiiic i'imi :. i .. niWIs illft.M I "t : '' . i ' . . I iTC'in. pituM tttd iitii iti Inalniniofil cm i , i SAK3, ROEBUCK Jiv OO. Un - thi, MS?. 82 mm m m oinvn re ' tal Mcrclei at fl.00, 11.00, tT-.n, tN.OOand tt.00. anr IM iMMlM Mi at tfll.S. j t OLiR AQKf JJWli. AT SI3.5 y farlht-Brciiteat larala rxtr iffmd at (ha prlea. It la vnrrrrd bj IXIHMJ U l:M I , irleii-1. iRk laUttaf r-eri-laf. Kauioua I'thlen llaiiirer. Una enulrment OlHHlllI Ttmm jg-Pll jolilfl. niillt. ffrrsttf Toola and Twilbag. MMM blarlr, grwn or maroon. Iff VMfHfffl UTII IE llll Yl I Ir' n i'i rrtlae-rt ! th U nsr-r or la t tilllNiii Hi as an J e will Ut J oo al Ii aat $)i.0 lo !(. .10 n It aBWlKtaafiS SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. HL Signature of Over 30 Years. MUMHH ft I HI I T, NIV TIIIIK flt .V V . i WU im nit IM TOY. ill i,l 1 1 ixxzzn txxTT-in - . ' "l,2Tv"1 " A strongly const uctcJOr -ii. j ifpjw fciv ii ophone, witli simple mctli . i fell I . W ' :.. I. . . .. Ism, made to meet the d ,; X "s ,'. in. in.! I t a first-class i n i lr. i; machine, at alow price. , i i i ixkssrxssxxsztsxxn lip mil v. ,iv, N. k. t!i) 3K". .... .. .ii ait r;r i It . U II' I . "l,... .- ' f... '.'I l '.ill., .'... .ih', , 1 A. - --...' . '" ' "s. a i ..1 .1 . wel v itliei f ti . ii aurliln insure itb il ... r .ni S4U.IH1 to In lei i eni " 31 9 . i ',. illeil. UUUtU IU j.) Chicago, III. TRY Tho tdcal French Tonic FOR BODY AND BRAIN Esdorsed by MeJIcal Faculty efficacious agreeable 5 ..ii ..e.lj : "k'tioa La.ur. -. SHICAOO, ELL. . ' x li 1 '! M 9 u I ' ' ""-' " ' 4 3 iaiillff,inn!l nw,s.Hii SEND OWE DOLLAR d. put udMid u. u, ptnti- Mli.'tlii-r voa eli nil- US LlllOV llll tl I t:. :.. ... n.leranil ,:i-nr anUil, LnJ..y':,'i.'i.HIGH GRADE 1900 MODEL ACME JEWEL CICYCLE. gJJS aniinuinn. Vnu can t'xamliio at ynr rxpresa (illiii-, and II ("iriil erfrrlii aaii.'ri' ri, i. t:. i,r.;.'....!'.i.ibrJOTnMi. :;i i ' v.i.i TaB firr saw r !irar4 uf, rf.ual t' I'll r It . that retail 1. 1 id, h .n $m.on, if jrott thli-U yu can tc.l is nt i in.ini pfoni fv ia. .iy io ripnQ.-tMOJR SPECIAL PRICE, !3.75. leaito !.' nt with nnler, or iJ.Iiand CTipri ' Ml fen. U'htl nu Kprt'lnl Illcyclo 4'talafrvcuial It'll froa Ur tlioajvki:i-.Miow all bSeielM bolow ui! t r !-...... strlnnoi