The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 19, 1900, Image 5

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Absolutely Pare
Makes light, flaky, delicious hot
biscuits, rolls, muffins and crusts.
Makes hot bread wholesome. These
are qualities peculiar to it alone.
I have found
to all others.
Breezy Letters Written by Our
Corps of Correspondents
rhr ughout the County.
F. J. Bohooh and wife are sojourners
at Atlantic City.
Mrs. A. A. Conrad spent a few days
at Danville visiting her son Harry.
Dr. Hartley's Medicine Co. is hold-
uii toriii uere lor u iwu wbww ","
f w . . . . i i i i r-:.
.www JFU1IIO nil -
v"' : .
Mrs. 8. (i. Gearhart spent 'lhursaay
nf last week with her mother, Mrs.
Margaret Sehoch.
Dr. C. E. Front., of LaGrange, is
pending his vacation with Ins father-in-law,
1'iof. Noctling.
Jar. M. Bchoch and wife, of Phila.,
and Mrs. Laura Hchnure, Of .New ISer
lln, sjH'iit Saturday in tow n.
H. H. Sehoch and wife returned
from Wlldwood on account of the ser
lourlllneM of Miss M. K. Snyder.
Mrs. Kousuni and son, step-mother
and brother, from Middletown, spent
several days with J. W. Bousum and
Misses Kthel Behoch and Annie Pot
ter have ifone to Wildwood, N. J., to
be the guests of H. H. Seboeh and
Miss Rachael VanBuskirk, who tar
ried a week with friends at Lykens,
remrniii eiinesiluv last aceompauieu
by Miss Beatty, of Lykens.
The directors of the public school
uiet Thursday evening last and elected
the following teachera: Principal R.
L. fx-hrnver. W. A. Mover, S. Bravser,
Daniel Gemberllnsr. W. Raich Waaen-
Mler, Misses Jennie Miller, Algie I-Ain-benon.
Dora Bums, with one other t
van hi me next meetlliir.
H. K. Stuck went in Iterlee tn visit
The band will nliiv for a nic-nie at
Independence Saturday.
Mrs. Samuel Hover and Mrs. John
ArlKUftlMt IM An til.. uii'L lk T
Norman Troon uml wif.. vi-ito.1 l
Miilaleburg Saturday and Sunday.
J. C. I'! ffle :uiil Annie Minium visit
d at T. E. licit.- Saturday and Sun
lay. A. K. Yerirer and Mnisv P. Steffen
Kuinui ui ii. . niruvii n pui-
Bev. Miller Drenched an interestim?
The Garfield Cornet Band went to
-qv. o wove oasuraay iasi w iuay ior
Itev. V. IE. I '..rn.ll i. in I Annllv laft
Uewday for Convnirhain, where be has
"Tien a call.
.Several of our neonls went to the
""HI 11 Ollllllilll otli. 1 1 i v at U-...L- I . I
"Jcklehcrries and report a large crop.
John K. Hoyer, Snyder county's en
PPrtMng fruit giower, expecta be
"'on eiirht an, ten thousand crates
l'aelies this summer. John Is a
(Too Inu for lust week.)
iSi? a number of our people spent
J fourth at Richfield.
mIr: Hman, of Lancaster, is Visit
nKut Rev.C. K.CorrellV
ttSa R,n,BU uluJ wile, of Bhadel,
" Sunday at Jonathan Troup's.
-OJDrease and fatnilv were visit
"k irieuds in Kelinsgrove Sunday.
a o2 i!" loyd Stuck. who l working
loin" y' 18 fPendin the week at
p.!i.Amo,1 aud wife, of Freeburg,
fcRSSC ofHCW8tur:
the Royal Baking Powder superior
C. Gorju, late Che, Delmonico's.
(Too lata fir week.)
Charles Stuck, of Lewistown, was a
Snyder county visitor last week.
Walter Steely has accepted a position
in Lewistown with Mrs. J. B. Belhel-,
Landlord Mlddleswarth and wife, f
Met Ture, were seen on our streets hint
Oliver Baker had the frame work for
his new bam raised last Friday. H.
H. Herbster is the contractor.
J. Irvln Howell, wife and two chil- j
dren, of Alfarata Mifflin Co., were Sny
der county visitors last Saturday.
John FQM and wife, of Burnhani,
Mifflin county, were guests of Mrs.
Hhellenberger a tew days last week.
Captain Henry, with his minstrel I
troupe, rendered some choice music ut
MeClure last Saturday free of charge.
P. W. Treaster's little hoy, Foster,
has been unable to walk for the past
two months from the effects of sweeny
in his legs.
P. W. Treaster, wife and two hoys, I
of Warrior's Mark, spent part of hist
wiek in Snyder county with some of
their relatives and friends.
Our old veteran, L. B. Treaster, and
wife, gave a general treat of ice-cream
to some of their friends last week, for
which they return many thanks and
hope it may occur often.
Samuel Dual, of Yeagertown, was
through our township last week look
ing up some timber tracts. If he is,
successful be will give employment to
a number of our laboring class.
Alvin Shimp and wife, of Lewis-!
town, were here attending the funeral j
of their daughter, Mrs. K.ra Steining
er, who died Friday last and was bur
ied Sunday at the St. John's church.
S. H. Phillips has a chainless wheel
of the improved make, on which he
expects to make a trip to Pittsburg
shortly. Sam takes great pride ill
showing it to all who see lit to give
him a call. He expecta to add still
more Improvements.
'Squire Steely, with his son Reedy, I
visited some of the old soldiers on the
Fourth who were unable to call at 1 i -'
office to attend to having their papers
fixed for their quarterly pay due them
from good old Uncle Sain. Our old Vet.
Thomas Herbster, is ready at n mo
ment's notice to go and light the box
ers. His friends' advice is to wait un
til be has bis pound apples picked on
piles as they are more easily gotten.
Mrs. Win. Gordon was in Bel ins
grove Thursday.
Thompson Hilhish of Selinsgmve
was in town Thursday.
Win. Freyman and Chas. Keck drove
to Helinsgrove Thursday.
J. It. Relntzelman and wife visited
friends fa Juniata last neck.
Ervln But k fMiddleburg visited J.
K. Hi Intat Iman's over Sunday.
Weldlc Heintaelman went n Sun
bury Monday Intending t' learn the
barber trade.
Mrs. James Magee. Miss Erroa Maget
ami Mis.- Kate Fields drove to Middle
burg Saturday.
Mrs. Mead Boweraox and child ol
A.damsburg were the guests of I'liiiip
Rouen's Saturday.
Win. Bickel of Ashland wan over
looking after the interests of his farm
one day last week.
Mrs. Milton Orwig and children of
Houtadale and. Mrs. John Kinney of
Salem vi-itod the family of J. P. Wal
ter Thursday.
Jesas Maurer, ur expert haxneas
inaker, makes the cheapest and best
harness and fly-nets that can be bought
anywhere. Anybody in need of a new
harness should i;all ni him and obtain
Sheriff Row was noticed on our
streets last week.
Oscar S.Willis, uf Philadelphia, is
pending a few dayi with parents and
Grani Rttter, employed In Philadel
phia, Is upending a vacation with Ins
Lewis ( iemlxTlini; and sister, Miss
Minnie, of Sellnagrove, visited friends
The musical col lope opened Monday
w ith Misses Tuiupowski and Ollflllan
an teachers.
Mrs. Win. Watnpole sml son, Har
rold, are spending several weeks with
Mrs. Susan Hover.
Mrs. Olive Warner and children, of
Loysville, are visitiiiK Mrs. W'smoth
. er, Mrs. Alice Uepner.
Mi-s Bailie Roush returned
Wllliamsport, where she had
Staying for several months.
Miss Berkhart, of Selinsgrove
from I
her friend, Mi-- Rlegle,nf Mlffllntown,
visited Miss Alice llepner.
Guy Mot, of Akron, Ohio, is spend
lug the summer with relatives and also
attending the College.
Prank s. Riegle, wife and daughter,
of Middleburg, accompnnleil by Mrs.
('lias. Roush and m Ralph, spent
Sunday with Henry Roush's family.
Rev. ami Mrs. U. K. Miller, of Allen
town, spent Saturday nnd Sunday in
our place. The Reverend preached
for tin' Lutheran congregation Sunday
' evening.
Miss Anna . I. Mover, teacher at the
AUentown college tor women, and her
sister, Miss Klla, a graduate in the mu
sic department of the same school, re
turned home (Saturday after a visit to
The picnic in Page's grove last Sat
urday was well attended. The Fre
nioni 'ornel Hand furnished the music.
Mrs. Jacob V. Rcichenbach is on the
list, She has been sick for over a week,
but, at this writing, Is getting a little
Miss Klsie llelcheuhach left Sunday
for Freeburg where she intends to work
at the Musical College for H. B. Mov
er, i he proprietor.
We have very drv weather, but it is
favorable for harvest and hay making.
People can cut the grass in the fore
noon and haul it away In the after
noon, Mrs. Washington Wilt was buried
after a lingering Illness of consumption.
She has gone to the spirit world where
We hope she is relieved from all sick
ness and pain.
A sad accident of lire occurred Mon
day evening. P. M. Helm's barn w as
totally destroyed by tire, but there was
nothing in tne barn except a little
straw and some hay.
Last week a child of Benton Reich
enbacb and wife was buried in Grubb'i
church cemetery. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. Gilbert assist
ed by Hov. Brillhart. This child wa
a mem'rfr of the Aline Sunday Schtsil
and her whole elnKs'was present on the
day of burial and put hompiets on the
colli n ls?fore she was buried.
J, P. Wise has been doing carpenter
work for Minnie E. Eyer of Bellns
grove. Reuben Melser of Selingrove was in
town. He is always ready to talk
JohnKrouscof Phila., selling dry
goods, was in town and full of business
:i- usual.
Revs. Brlllharl and Boyer were in
town speaking a word of cheer to th. ir
I). W. Stahl has been doing some
threshing for our farmers and reports
good results.
Mr. Houseworth, son of our noted
attorney of Scllnsgrove, w as to tow n
on bis wheel.
Dr. Krebs was to town and the re
sult is that seme of our juveniles have
less teeth and less ache.
('apt. Rise, one of Gen. Mead's staff
officers during the civil war, was in
town representing the grocery business.
Speaking of the te lephone, we ought
not to say every rose has Its thorn, but
rather be glad that every thorn has a
n isc.
A. I). Berlewof Sunbury was in tow n
accompanied by his clerk. Mr. Miller,
son of Geo. Miller, one of our county
?dr. Fislicr; a traveling salesman for
John II. Obold it Co. of Reading, pass
ed through town with samples of the
lineal guns on the market.
M. It. and I!. S. The juveniles of our
town are taking a baud in politics, and
Harry thought M. R. meant Mighty
Republicans, but Jacob said it was Me-
Klnley and Roosevelt; while Frank
thought II. S. meant Had Stick, but
Mike said it was Di van ami Stevenson.
Our people, all wish for rain.
Miss Mertie Dreese i -tiil on the sick
Win. Brannon moved to Lewistowin
The festival was well attended Sat
urday evening.
Some of our farmers will commence
to cut oats this week.
Operator Wm. Dreese and wife left
for Denver, '1.. Monday,
Miss Annie Casner, of Lewistown,
visited in town v. ir Sunday.
Prof. Ed. ( harics, of Middleburg,
was seen on our streets Saturday.
Kdith and Kva Knepp. of Lewis
town, spent a week among friends here.
Ira Drees,-, wife ami baby, of Lewis
town, spent Sunday with her parents
The West 15eaver school board met
Saturday afternoon to adopt some new
Borne of our people, attended the dis
trict Sunday school convention at
ver's church Saturday afternoon and
Mrs. Catherine Rothrock left for Mil
ton Friday afternoon, where she will
spend a few days with her son, Dr. D.
It. Kothrock.
And is it not due to nervous
exhaustion? Tilings always
look so much brighter when we
ore in good health. How can
you have courage when suffer
ing with headache, nervous
prostration and great physical
Would you not like to be rid
of this depression of spirits?
How? By removing the
cause. By taking
It gives activity to all pnrts
that carry away useless and
poisonous materials from your
body. It removes the cause of
your suffering, because It re
moves all Impurities from your
Mood. Send for our book en
To keep in good health you
must have perfect action of the
bowels. Ayer's Pills cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Writ tm our Doolorm.
Ptrtatpi you wnuiij ilk to ooniinll
Mi. enilnrnt phrttciftm about your
Condition. Tbll Vmta u fTorly nu tl
artlcuhira in ytir caio. You will r
mopromnt rplT, without cmt.
Audriui. DB. J. C. A YKK.
Lowell. ,Mu.
The festival at Kantl was well at
tended. Cant. Geo. Kubn was visiting in
Flintstone Valley.
Mrs. Daniel Snyder, of Rebuck, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jos. Tharp.
The 17. B pitvniO hiis a financial
success. Nearly everybody attended.
Some of our people attended the fu
neral of Harry Kinlmrd Sunday after
noon at St. John's.
Misses Jennie ami Gertie Straub, of
this place, have taken a pleasure trip
across the river to Herudon, Mt. Car
mel and Shamoktn.
The m w minister of Alleutown
preached again at Gruhb's church last
Sunday in the German language and
gave a line talk to the Sunday school
on the Syropheniciau woman.
Wesl Deppen wits the guest of J
1 allies.
Harry Trevltz was visiting Geo. Tre
it.'s Sunday.
(i. (i. Mover sold live lambs to Win.
Hilblsh lately for t-1 '.
James Haines is remodeling his home
by building a new porch.
.1. W. NeltZ and ' E, Haines were
to Middleburg Saturday.
Philip Mover's and Win, Sprenkel's
gave an ice-cream parly Sunday.
Cbas. Dreeae and father were on the
Shade mountain for huckleberries last
Katie Trevitz and II. Ellen Bressler
were visiting their uncle at Aline over
c. E. Haines, Grant Miller, Jona
than Orubb and wife were the guests
of Philip Moyer Sunday.
There is prayer meeting at Ebenezer
every Sunday evening at Preach
Ingattho same place Saturday even
ing, July 1WW.
G, A. Stine of New lierlin was in
town Tuesday iubrniog.
Win. J. lliirns and family of I lanvile
visited friends here last week.
Cbas. Cox, prop'r. Voung's Hotel,
Miftllbburg, was in town Saturday.
O, W. Sheary and Jas. Crossgrove
were home from Lewistown over Sun
day. Levi Voting had his house treated to
a coat of paint. A.J. (Jrossgrove did
the work.
Prof. Wonder aod Amnion Steese of
Neu lierlin were visitors in town last
Mrs. J. H. Lloyd and son. Albert, of
Lewistown visited parents and relative
over Sunday.
F. S. Riegle, the genial .-owing
machine agent of Middleburg, was in
town last Thursday.
Ben Minium of Mazepjia, Chas. Ar
bogast of Lewisburgand Henry Dlef
fenderferof Buffalo Roads were in tow n
Tuesday of last week.
J. V. Keitz of Middleburg ami h o.
II. Toadvlne of Willianisport, (ieneral
Agent for Geiser MTg. t !o. of Waj ues
boro were in town Tuesday evening.
Ernest, son of J. H. Kline ami wife,
of whom we made mention last week,
died Sunday morning about 7 o'clock,
lit? va- a bright studious boy about II
years of age. The parents have the
sympathy of the entire community.
Funeral ceremony was held Tuesday
morning. Interment in the L. and It.
News Items of Interest Fro:n All
Parts of the State.
The Noted Labor Leader a Vlctlai of
laneer tit tin- M.miiii!. I'at her and
Sun Asphyxiated io n Well Crloil
iii I Christian Helenea.
Baltimore, July 16. Poverty, cou
pled with ill health anil a Weuk tuludeil
wife for a helpmeet, were probably the
causes which Impelled Louis El ii. a
shoemaker, early yesterday to kill him
self, his wife and babe, and to wound
almost uiiio death his Utile son. The
dead: Louis Elsen, aged :u yours;
Sarah Elsen, his Wife, 30 years; Mor
ris Elsen, 13 months old. Wounded:
Harry Eisen, :!'-; yours old. will prob
ably recover. The weapon used was a
razor, the victims' throats being cut.
The tragedy occurred at the squalid
apartments which the family ral
home at lbs Bast Lexington street,
hut the exact time is not known. An
occupant of the upper floor of the lit
tle tenement discovered the tragi ly
about '.' o'clock and Immediately sum
moned the polios.
a minute search of the apartments
failed to discover a crust of bread or
a strap of moat. A Utile salt and a
small quantity of milk wore the only
edibles in the place, while the amount
of money discovered after a careful
s"aroh was 10 cents which Hiseu's
pockets contained and tents which
lay upon the cobbler's little counter.
Aanby&latrd In n Welt.
Wllkesbarre, Pa July it',. A num
ber of boys wore playing ball on u
vacant lot at Ehlttonwood, a small
mining village south of this city, last
SVenlng, when the ball rolled into all
abandoned well. Daniel Uolivinskl,
aged H. went down the well after it.
As he did not come up within a reas
onable time the lad's father, Frank
Golivlnskl, was notified uiul hastily
descended the well. When he failed to
return a third man. Stanley Knofskl,
w.nt down. Nothing was heard from
him either. A fourth man. carrying a
rope, succeeded In bringing the three!
bodion to the surface, The two
Oolovlnskis were dead, but Knofskl
will probably recover. The well bad
not boon used for many years, aod was
filled with gas.
Criminal Chrlatlaa Brlrncr,
Philadelphia, July 17 The death '
7-year-old Edward Heck at the "Uea
lah Orphanage," run by "The Fire lla.
tlzed Holiness Association." led to all
Inquest by Coroner Dugan, and it was
shown that the boy. whoso mother
paid SI TiU .i week for his board, diotl
without medical attendance. On the
witness stand H. E. Bollenberger, the
minister who Is the hoiul of the
orphanage, testified that all diseases
were treated only "by faith In God."
and that even If a child had both
legs cut off It would be allows.1 to
bleed to death "If It were Ooda will."
The inquest was continued and Sollcn
berger held In bail.
I.lvetl a lluntlrril and Seven Yonr.
Susquehanna, Ha., July 14. Michael
Maloney, of Olenwood, Susquehanna
county. Is dead, aged 107 years. He
was one of the pioneer residents of
northern Pennsylvania. Al the ag
Of 101 years be underwent a very crit
ical surgical operation Until within
a very few years ho wus in possession
Of all of Ills faculties. He was prob
ably the Oldest person In Pennsylvania.
Died trier Belna Rescued.
Ashland. Pa,, July 16. John Shut!
snd George Italia, who wore Impris
oned In the mines at HIr Miuo Hun
Eat unlay noon by a cavein in the gang
way und who kept signalling to their
rescuers, wort! Anally reached by the
rescuing party. Shut! was unhurt, but
Haiia was so badly Injured thai he died
while being placed In the ambulance.
hrrr Lad Died From I kjaw.
Chester. Pa., July 14. Thomas Clegg.
aged 10 years, who was attacked with
lockjaw, as a result of being shot with
a blank cartridge on July 4. died at
the Chester hospital Thursday night,
lie was wounded lu the riKht arm by
a revolver held close to him and fired
by another lad.
Klltnl Q.unrra-1 In n Doat.
Wllkesbarre, IJa.. July 16. While
three men were crossing the Susque
hanna river at Nanticoke in a boat hist
evening they quarreled. The boat was
upset and John St hinski was thrown
into the water and drowned.
Jofitsh T. Meyer was killed by Inhaling
gas ;tt tabanon furnace.
Amandus Newhart, who killed hi wife
and shut himself al Catasauquu, will re
cover. Hun over hy a hose cart al Olrafdvllln,
A ok ost ns WandjasH was seriously lll
Juretl. Ttie funer;il of Dnvld A. Prey, the vet
eran editor, look place :it York Saturday,
The pallbearers were hla five sons.
Strikers of the Pressed Si"el Car com
pany hnve I n evleifl froui their homes
at Preston, and 3fi families are camping
Miss Anna i.ynps. nf Lancaster,
years old. drowned herself In a huh pond
while In a Mt of melancholia, to which
she was lubject.
Col. Henry McConnlek, the well known
iron manufacturer of Harrlsburg, .tied
at his Cumberland county country seat
Saturday, aged M.
The blast furnace of the Danville Bes
semer company, which was blown in
year ago after an Idleness of si yen years,
went out of blast Sunday,
John LutS, the ritt.-tun wife murderer,
has been granted I new trial by Judk'O
Halsey, because Jtimr Koons, who favor
ed a soi ond degl'SS verdict, was coerced.
A bulldog pounced on the little daugh
ter of David Dickson, al Eden it'll, sink
ing his teeth lii Inr face. The dog had
to he shot before the child 0 oild be lib
erated. Arrangements are being mule In Read
ing for the annual conclave of the Ori'ml
Commandery of Pennsylvania M;eonlc
Kntfhti Templar, to i held In that city
In May in ;t
Twit YnntiK a'ninrn Killed hy Train.
Shelbyville. Ind., July 17. Three
young women, riding In huirgy, wore
taught on the crossing and killed by a
passenger train yesterday afternoon
one mile eaat of this dty. Two were
slaters named Schloaa and the other
a Miss Zoble. All resided at Prescott
Wntnradji r . Jalj II.
Dng meat is extensively used In
gtiany as an article of food.
Iiritish casualties In the Boer war to
date are lii.lss officers snd men.
The estate of the late Vice Presi
dent Mohan was appraised si s'l.ljs,
111. The reciprocity agreement between
the United states and Germany has
been Binned.
Governor McMillan, of Tenm has
withdrawn from the contest for L'ui
tt ii state senator.
The "money i xpress" on the I i id
0. road was dellberati ly wrci i :i
I 'hi l. delphia. The mlscreauta
without phtudcr. Nobody serlousl) in
jured. TbnrMdny. f nl) i
United States Consul Hay. of i'r
toria, about to return home.
Oen. Randall has placed Cape N 'me.
A: ka, under martial law.
Iii tilt ; of lfss victims of the Hol 1 1 iii'Q
honor have been recovered thus far.
Oscar Slsco, of South Caanan, Pa,
whlli beating his wife, was Bhol
by bis 13-year-old Bon.
The insurance commission nf e
brnskti has summarily suspended from
work in the Btute all frateruul com
panics chartered l : Illinois
Six-year-old Willie Italy, of New
York, "just for fun," set Ore to the
clothes of his baby Bister, Kate, aud
the child was burned to death,
l i i. In,, .l it) i:.
Six forgers, engaged in the n nu
tacture id spurious Brazilian bank
aides, were captured in Paris,
A Boston and Maine railroad gaso
line tank car exploded at Soruervllte,
Mass Three killed and 30 Injured.
By an explosion in an old coal . haft
at Wllliamsport, Pa., William Punch,
aged 30, was killed and David Samuels
seriously injured.
Charles K. Westervelt, Becretnry ;md
tn ifliirer of the Dime Savings bank, of
Newark. N. J.. confesses to a d falca
tion of $36,000 to $40,000. He Is In jail.
Hons overwhelmed a Iiritish force
of 300 at Nitral's Nek, 18 miles from
Pretoria, after a day's lighting. Iirit
ish casualties loo, and 200 captured.
Janus M. Beck has left the Demo
cratic party ami has boon appointed
L'bited Stan s assistant attorney z i, or
al, .lames B. Holland succeeds Uiui .is
district attorney of Philadelphia.
Satarday, July 14.
Paul Bluel ( "Max O'Rell") is suf
fering from appendicitis in London.
Spain, having no Interests to defend
in China, will send no war vessels
i din R. (!ear. United States senator
fitii.i Iowa, died in Washington, aged
?5 !rs.
The wheat crop of Minnesota and
North t.nd South ll.tkota this year will
n ich l;.'. 000,000 to 150.000,000 bushels,
against 1.0.000,000 bushels last year.
Bryan end Btevenson will be for
mally notified of their nominations at
Indianapolis on Aug. 8.
The reports that a fresh revolution
has broken out in Venezuela are
strongij-dea.'ed in Csnu ns
Muudi.y. July 10.
Fire destroyed six business blooks
in Prescott, Ariz., causing over $1,000,
000 loss.
Qeorge Chance, the well known labor
loader, died of oamer of the stomach
at his home in Philadelphia, aged 57.
3en. De Pollleux, who figured prom
inently In connection with tin Dreyfus
affair, died yesterday at Quitnper,
Fra nee.
John tl. Wooihy. of Illinois, Pro
hibition candidate ior the presidency,
will be officially notified in Chicago
next Friday evening.
Commander-in-Chief Willis J. llui
lnt;s has called the National Associa
tion of Spanish-American War Veter
ans to meet at Chattanooga, Ti un on
Oct. 3-13.
Col. Henry McCormlck, of Harris
burg, a veteran of the civil wai and
well known Iron manufacturer, died tit
his country residence in Cumbi rland
county, Pa., Saturday, aged W.
Tneadaj .inly 17.
Manuel Alvarez Caltbrou has been
appointed Peruvian minis! r n i tie
United states.
Heavy rains in northern Kansas
yesterday broke a drought of live
weeks' duration and saved the nun
The Indiana Socialist Labor party
has plated a full ti' ket in the field,
with Philip More, of Indianapolis, al
the bead.
The services of the Fourth and Fifth
regiments, Illinois National Guard,
are tendereti to the government toi
duty in China.
Terry McGovern, Brooklyn feather
weight, defeated Frank Erne, of Buf
falo, lightweight champion, at New
York last ninht.
Philadelphia July Ifl Flour w. k
ter minarSine. l2.Ui82.Cfi: city mills
$2.7tVil; Pennsylvania roller, ch ar, t
3.r,n itve Hour unlet ami barely si
nt ttt.2w4s.tV) per barrel, wheat dun.
2 red in elevator, TCHtJIHic. Corn
Mfi. ;
N.i. 2 mixed, spot, in elevator, tteyu
Nn ' v. lliiw. ..r li. .1 1 Irade. 5oe.
t nit
niilet and steady: No. 2 white, rlli
,t i . Hay lui. t ; choice timothy
for Ijrfce b iles. Ileef gulet ; beel I
I20G20.50. fork easy, family. Il'.-'i
mess, tun u.75. Lard easy; .
fte.imod. 17.174. Live poultry quott
12'4Wino. for eholi e western foa
lSVuK '.t uprlng chickens. I
poultrv (fresh killed), choice
fowl. 10t&llc.; hi roosters,
by chickens, MtBe. Butter
creamery, n1 n f. : factory,
packed, 1 1' I Imitation n aim
11'.: New York daily, lf.iy.ils
Pennsylvania prints Jobbing al
do wheleeale, jje. Cheese ilrmer
I celsred. ' V, . 4o. white. .,
i white, SHelVe : do, colored,
tiers linn. New York and Pennsj
I461c. ; western, llllHc. I
Steady: Chili. 2101. UVi Cabbagt
Lont, Island, II M ifl per 10u.
d ttt
Live si... k Markets.
Now York. July If. Beeves Bit
10c. lower; steers, 24.7t06.TO; distill
S.2t4)f.TO; hulls, t2.t0v3.60; tows
Vnain slow, hut steady; eholcs tin
turmllks weak, ve tin, tl'Uti.iO.
$6. ;c'u;.7f: buttermilks, tlfiy I
calves, H .31 9 tM, Sheep steady:
Ji'uMie. lowr; heeu. t3.2Sfi9.tii:
! wiiUuim f.'.l- l.imtiv. tii yy. 7 ;:
ti.fitiitri. Ihnrs slow it ts.tnffS.K3.
Kist Mb-rty. Fa.. July 18. Catl
and lower. . xira, I". :ku;i.7.; ,iIii
t.50; enmm n. CSO'dl. Hoc1" l iw- t
plgts, beel mi illums and heavy
15.55: heavy l.ns. tG.4iit6.66; arnss
common Yorkers, lt.40iasl.46; roue;
ttj. Hhe'p lower; choice wether
4.68: tl.V'tJjO; choice
t5."5''is; common to aood, t.wiiiu..
calves. $6.6007.