T'.iZ SUI7DAY CCIIOOL. j.jj, BJ2, mm -I'etefa l oufea klun antl Clirlat'a llrliuke. Prepared by II. C. Lcnlngtun. Till: l.KSSON TKXT -Malhew U:l':-'j:. OOLKIfiN HiVl'. If ui.) mini .v ill torn afte Mr. Let hiiu ilea blaanelf, ., ak up hla cron, and folia Mr. .Uult. Ml. NOT BSfl AND COMMENTS. After heeling the daughter f tin gyrophoenlcikn woman Jesus return io Ualilee, and perform many mira cle f healing. This is in the summer f A. 1. '!! It is in Decapolia thai the feeding of the 4.ii:u from aeveu loave f bread occurs. Then come die demand of tin- Phariaeea and Sal duceea for a sign. The Phariaeea ami gadducee hud not, we may imagine, teen any of Jeaua' miracles. They hail heard of His marrelous works ami came to prove Him. But Jeaua refust -lo them a sign. He would nut perform a miracle for the mere pur pose of demonstrating His power. Fur thermore, we have reason to believe that these Jews would not. have be lieved1 had they received the sign, bill have used' h as a biusis for contro versy, claiming, 11 they afterwardh did. that "by lieelzebub caste! h He out devils." These events are all re corded in the first two Uospcls, in Matt, 15:29 to 16:12, and Mail; 7:31 to 8:21. Mark also gives the story of the . healing of a blind man at Bethtuida as occurring at this time (Mai !; 8:22- ! IS). The People's Idea of Jesus.- After lie events related nlioe. busj days ol ' teaching, healing and controversy with ! Mril'cs and Phariaeea, Jesus finds Hi:.. elf alone for a little tune with Uis disciple. He waa drawing near to tlx close of His earthly ministry, and tool this oecasion to fasten upon their minds certain definite impressions. They had been with tlirir Master the hotter part of two whole years. During this time they must have found certain ideas regarding the work and person ality of Jesus, yet they had not prob ably resolved these into definite und liied convictions. This was a suitable occasion now that opposition had come to definitely formulate what was in their minds and hearts. Bo Jesus aaked, leading up te His real objective in the most natural way: "Whom do men say that I am?" The disciples, during t&eir preaching tours and by contact with all sort of people, had learned that the impression abroad -was that Jesus waa one of their prophets re turned to earth. 6oma said lie was John the Baptist, other that He was Elijah, and atiU other that He was Jeremiah. Fater'a Declaration. But what Jeau waa anxious about waa what they thought. He ought not for popular approval, but to leave a personal im pression upon the heart of individuals. ENfce find Him preaching just a earnest -I Trio an u uu ier.ee of one a to great mul titudes. "But whom say ye that I am?" Simon Peter answered the query: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living tiod." It waa the great mission of Jesus to impress this truth upon the world, but this was the first time lie had heard it expressed by human lips. Where had Peter learned it? We could say he had heard it from Jesus, Him self. But no mere words could convey a menage fraught with such Heavenly import. Jesus tells us where 1'eter learned the truth he had just uttered: "Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which Is in Heaven." The Bock Foundation. These words of Jesus help us to understand what fol lows, fur it shows upon what is built the Kingdom of tiod, both In the hearts of individual men and in its outward manifestation as the Church of God. It is the spirit of being in harmony with the Divine influences, being aide to hear auiid the confusion of this lifa the still j imau voice of God, that furnishes the foundation of thegreat structure Jesus was to erect. This faith in the heart of l'eter has grown and broadened, deep ened and heightened until now the host of the faithful and consecrated cannot be numbered. No influence is powerful enough to successfully assail this structure. "Upon this rock," says Jesus, "I wilitouild my church; and the pates of hell shall not prevail against it." Jesus' Death and Resurrection Tore told. We may merely note that this is the first time Jesus has clearly and un mistakably stated what was before Mini. His disciples were to be fore warned and so forearmed. l'eter liebuking His Master. The at titude of Peter upon hearing the words M Jesus was quite natural' in one so impetuous, yet it comes as a surprise "Iter his declaration of the true charac ter of Jesus, and the commendation of l'eter by Jesus. Hut Peter had his weak moments, and could hardly have known at that time that he was but tempting Jesus to overthrow the work of His ministry, for the crowning point "f that work was upon the cross lioquirements of Discipleship. Yet this very incident serve to emphasize no of the most important teachings f Jesus, namely, self-denial and'eross oenring nre essential to true dis- ''Plesbip. Only by laying down 11 life was Jesus able to accomplish win i.t plish what no did. Genie of Truth. Conscience is the better mnn within he best of men. When the devil is ure of you he will W you alone. Iettr the pessimism that persists against odd than the optimism that wakes no effort at all. Beciding to do right 1 the beginning f a fence that God will help you to ouild to keep the devil out. The. richest man la not the one who -M i monU but the one who can n? ?Wt thankful for the leaat. Batr.'r An I milnril Man. Mc.Iigger I siippoe.- you'd call l'aton a bon vivnnt. Thingumbob Huh! That's too mild. He's a gross glutton. McJigger (! come now! Thingumbob He is so. Kvery morn ing of lais life after he has gorged him self with breakfast, he sits there and tells his wife in detail what she must get for dinner. Philatlt Iphia Pre. Chll Off the Old BlOClC, GrOWellt 1 wonder what makes that boy cry so when the nurse is trj ing to wash the dirt from his fate? Mrs. G rowells Oh, 1 suppose he takes tfer you. Qrowell Now, what do you mean by that? Mrs. Qrowell He wants the earth. Chicago Daily News. Slid. Mr. Wiseman Set ms to me ynu come home from the theater wearing a pretty long face. Wiseman Oh, well ad play. Tragic ending. Mrs. Wiseman- Why, how did it end? Wiseman (mournfully) They mar ried. X. Y. World. The ( a tine. "I wonder what makes a man's hair fall out so fast when once it Start?" "Worry," answered the man who always has an explanation ready. "Nothing tends to make a man bald so much as worry; and nothing wor ries a man so much as the Idea that he is becoming bald." Washington Star. n Knvi Rev. Dr. Fourthly Mj vacation? 1 expect to spend il in Kuropc. My con gregation has given me a purse of mon ey and a three months' vacation for that purpose. Rev. Dr. Goodman (turning away with a sigh) 1 wish my congregation waa as kei n to get rid of me as that. Chicago Tribune, Some KnnwIeitaTe of Him. -It is to be merely a little garden parly," explained the prospective; hostess. "We dine al fresco, of course." "I have heard of the gentleman," said Mrs. Qaawell, with well bred In difference, "but I think 1 never met him." - Chicago Tribune. AvvfHl Ullllr. Featherstone What keeps your sis ter so long, Willie? Her Awful Little Brother She's put ting on tJie finest clothes she has. Featherstone What's that for? Her Awful Little llrother She said he was going to land you to-night if it could be done. Tit-Hits. Her Opinion. "Is it nn indication of mental de rangement for a man to talk to him self?" nskrd Willie Washington. "Judging by the men I have heard," nAswcrod Miss Cayenne, "it i not; The derangement is shown by the fact that the man listens to himself." Washing ton Star. iiiuin r Bdneatloa of Wont, "She managed to keep her cook more, than a week after the cook decided to leave!" "I'm not surprised, At, college her blockingnnd interference w ere t bought quite phenomenal." Indianapolis Journal, Sublimated Political Wisdom. "How did you get up such a univer sally satisfying platform?" "Why, you see, we mapped out till wo thought it could safely say, and then we knocked out nine-tenths of that." Indianapolis Journal. TWO ok ONE KIND. He What, Julie, .still awnVe.! 1 hope you haven't waited fr mo till I eamu home from the club? She 0, no, dearl I've just come from my club. Her Floh, Like Iron. "There is a suit, mv friend." Bald the dealer, "that will wear like iron." "1 gues that feller was a liar," said the victim two week later. "The suit is rusty already." Indianapolis 1'ress. Hum let 1 lo Diite. Poloniua There is nothing that counts for success in life so much as honesty. Hamlet Oh I I don't know; you seem to get along pretty fair. Judy. It Look I.Ike It. "I think my landlord must lie a oh ess player," said Dlnwiddle.to Van Ilramm. "What makesyou think that ?" "He told me it was my move." Pitts burgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Another Qneatlon. Chicago Child Ma? Chicago Mother What Is it. child? Chicago Child What db women do with all their old weddBng rings? Judy. Quite DellKhtfnl. Round Town Griggs got out of that trouble by a light squeeze. The Fair Young Thing Oh, what a delightful experience. Yonkera Herald. NIAGARA r LXwURSIONS. l.iHltil-Yiienll"" Prlpa VlM IViihnj ;. Mala KnIIhmmI, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has selected the following dates for lb popular ti n-day excursions to Niagara calls from Philadelphia, Baltimore, ami Washington ; July 'M, August ! anil 23, September U and 20, ami Oeto Ibcr4and 18. On thene date the speci al train will leave Washington at 8:01 A. M., Baltimore D.-05 A. M. This year the excursions from Phila delphia will be inn by two routes, riioaeoii July l'u, August !, Septenib?) U, October 4 und lei, going via Harris, burg ami the picturesque valley of the Susquehanna as heretofore, apodal train leaving Philadelphia at 8:10 A.I 1 M.j exclusions of AUgUH) i'l alld Sept- ember 20 running Via Trenton, Manun ka Chunk, and the Delaware Valley, h aving Philadelphia "ti special train at 8:00 a. m. Kxeurslon tickets, n for return passage on any regular t rain, exclusive of limited expresH iinius, within ten days, will Is' sold ni fclo.00 from Phila delphia, Baltimore. Washington, and all points mi tile Delaware Division; 1 1.25 from Vthmtie City; $H.fl0 from Lancaster; jn.-.ii from Altoouu und Harrisburg; ttt.W from Suubury and W ilkesbarre; "i.7"i from Wllliumspnti ; ami at protMirt innate rates from other pointa, lueludillK Trenton, Mt. Ilollr. Palmyra, New Brunswick, pal Intermediate stations. I W ill be allowed ill Itiifl'alo, and prim i- Htop-ovtir Itoehester, , 'iiuamlitigutt, und W 'at kins w II bin llu limit returning, Inly I'll, August her 4 and 18. the exeursioiiM nl September tl, leto- For the excursions of August l'.'I und September 'JO, stop-over w ill be allowed at Buflhlo on return trip within limit of ticket. Themiecliil trains of Pullman parlor ear ami day conches will lie run w ith eaeb excursion running through to Niagara Fall. An extra eharge will be made for Mirloi An experienced i'!llltcrnn w ill hcci -ion. For desel ipl i e connecting tnil us, a r scut 1 1 ii 1 1 i-l 1 1 1 i iiipiiny each exeiir- pamplilet, time o' , nml further lufor iieiiiist ticket agent, illation Mpph to irnihlress (ieo, . Boyd, A i-tanl Oeneral Pnseiiger Agent, Broad Street stati Philadelphia. 7-llMt. EDt'CKII RATER TO BELtiEFONTE I For tin CetitroCountv Centennial at 1 I Bellefontc, Pu., July 26 and -, the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company will sell excursion tickets from nil station! . on its line in the State of Pennsylvania, ! to Bellefonte nml return, at one fare for the round trip minimum rate, 26 etsi. Tickets will I Id nml good going; ! 1 1 1 1 v 24, 25, ami 2", ami to return until , July 27, Inclusive, 7-12-21. 1 - N V I. V A M A ' II A I T A I t I A . Kedneed Hales lo Mt. Uretna vln "eniMvlVHiil Itailroad For the Peiuiavlv.iniaChaCaViua to be held at Mt. (Jretna July 2 to August 8, hhhi, the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell special excursion tickets to Mt, Gretna from New York, Washington, Baltimore, Frederick, Ml., Canandagua ami Intermediate points, Including nil stations on its line in the Slate of PcilllHVlvatlia. Ticket w ill be sold June 26 to Allg-n-t s, inclusive, ami w ill he good to re turn until August l:;, Inclusive. 7-21 -2t. a i rieniiiv Saaceatlea, "Life ii really not wur;h living," Said lh pesilmlit with n shiver; "Old man," the optimist replied, "Go lak something :or your Uvtr." Chicufc-o Vul.y News. A Forced Aeoeptanee. Mr. Aldermann Young EikoBer Just aaked me for Mary's hand and I told him to take her und be happy. Mrs. Aldermann Oh, John, how could you? Mr. Aldermann Confound it, I had to! To-morrow is election, and if I'd kicked him out of the Iioubo I'd have lost his vote. Judge. Crime I'poa Crime. In senteneing a prisoner to he hanged for the murder of a soldier Lord Kskv grove dilated upon the crime u fol lows: "And not only did you murder him, whereby he WSJ bereaved of his life, but you did thrust, or push, or pierce, or project, or propel the lethal weapon through tire bellyband of hit 1 regimentnl breeches, which were hi majesty's 1" I Over half a century of it is one uf tiie reasons why goods stamped 1847 the product of this Ion experience are best. The are sold by leading dea ers. For catalogue Xo. i, explaining points of it terest to buyers, ad-lrc? the maker:; laterMMtl.inal Mlvaf ' iui.udi, Alt ri.li ti, ( ..in. PARKER'S U a ID DAI SAM W.W".-- Cleanirt and atautlflt th hall. Prumulc a laxurit frowth. S5 T.lli to BatoraOraj ..... , VM.ii.hil f-n .ir. Cam ksIb diiraan a hair iaU I I 1 jsW in ai'inr iwy j! victim w firndy within I.. - ,1.- X M is imiwi. in umri eases inr niomi is ipuckiv Illieo Willi nils pOlSOIIOUS Virus Unil Hie swollen glands, HIUCUI jmtiiies in the mouth, sores on sculp, ulreis on tongue, sore throat, emotion on skin, runner loloml sulotches. Kiel t.ebi k' li.iir and evebrowa leave no ro.m for doubt, as these are all unmistakable signs of Contagious blood 1'oiv.ou. Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash aa the only cure for Blood Poison. The. poisonous min r.ds never yet made a complete and permanent cure of Contagious hlocil Poison. The- drive the disease bock into the syatem, cover it up for a while, but it breaks out again iii worn- form. These powerful mineral produce mercurial rheumatism nd the most offensive sore ami ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen snd .1 r nails to drop oil. Mercury rmd potash makes wroeka, not curoa, ami those who have been dosed with these dnig are 1 ver 'ter ftte from ache and un. S. S. S. acts in an entirely different manner, being a purely vegetable remedy ; it forces the m isi 11 out of the system, and instead of tearing down, builds up ami invigorates the general health. S. S. S is the niv antid itc for this specific virus, and therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No malter in what stage or how hoa.-U-ss the case may apK-ar, even though pronounced incurable by the doctois, S. S S. can be lelied upon to make h rapid, permanent cure. S. S. S. is not a new, umricu remedy; r.n experience oi nearly fifty only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Ml II U Wvci. iiki MulWrtv St . Nrwitk. spread ull uver my tiolv. These hooll brokr nut :er fortius. AB correspondence i held An Importanl Pendnltim. Through the effort of Prof, John Millie and Prof, lodge Davidson.an "earthquake pendulum," costing $l'."'U, has recently been Bent to Ilawuli, where it will In- employed to study the tremors to which our new Iv-annexed island group is subject, 'Ibis under taking forms part of a great seismic Mirvcy of the world, through which It is hoped io obtain a falrlj complete knowledge nf the location of the earth quake centers of the globe, and of the direction ami intensity of the earth- j quake waves which radiate from them. , The station at Hawaii will be among the most Important. Applied Splrni-r. Huxley Why, aeronaut ists tell u that a woman's voice can bn dis tinctly heard at an altitude of 3,520 yards. Trimble tirent Caesar; It must have beeu my wifel Brookyn Life. Tli llljfhrr Bduoallom, Jim nickey IIow did you come to let those Baryale boy get you full the other evening? Tom Do Witt Well, 3011 see, I never had the advantages of a col lage training. - Harlem Life. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PELLS OA CO' HP ffafr. Al'-vayn n llahle. Ldlr, iwk nroinnit Air '111 I'll IMTDK'M KNIilalNII Hi Ked auitl allI 111. 1,1. iir hmel, M'tttrHl Willi bllifl ritlln'1 Tke no oilier. KrfUsr dnroui ubtill lullon-incl linlinilonB. Bujrof your lmiKKit, or iwtitl in NtumpA fnr Pmrllrnlara, Trail monlnla uml It. ll. r for IMillra." fn (attar, by reluru Hall lo.ooo TMtlmonlftl. Hold by all I irugjftstt, omrHKnTrB OHBUIOAL CO. ftlOO nillt. qiiurr, I'll II. A., . Mxnllmi tiii- iir. l MIFFLIINBLRG I MARBLE WORKS. K. H. LANCE, Dealer in HwrMe ami seoti h UrMlte . . MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES & CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteed. '!. A. JJMmS, Art.. t L" Crcc:rrcve, Pa. -j- i,;-;-:-;-:-.H-H-!-:-:-H-i-H-;-:-i-'-ai a! rv poiticgGi, veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSGROVE. P. All professional business BDtratted 10 rny cure win receive prompt and careful attention. .1 AS. U. CR0U8B, A'l'TOItr K Y AT LAW, MlDPLKULKe, PA. All LusiiKcH entrnsted tobici.ie will receive i ioiupt attention: MB SWITCH 65 CENTS. r. BILL 111 lis nun sniHIIIvb to aaatek r h.lr atfruea 65c " $3.25 f Wl ! .-.trbfi. that ratjl at t. WO tit M.MI miB nrrcu- '' 1,1 outani f 1 uun uri-tn. U9 i,lCiflM) . nnHx - M-t.j .f uf Hit- tri .ha-ie waritaxl. and rut it outaa nrevr the i an - sfihlr. Inrlone aar spMlal prlf adtd . . i reala atlra to pay puaURU, aiil wr will aiah iha awlifh ta aiatrli jar aatr atart, and fend to jni hy mall. poalpald. and it ruu arc not perfectly aatuned, return It and we will lmuiedlau-lj refund your monew. 0rS(relalllfrrrleeaeMlowti S-Of. iwlth Win. lornr. it.m, 63c: abort atftn, 9QCI - " ' " -rtft'"'. 91.23 Zt-M. loniT. Mi'irv flve-ni, ti.9Vi ii-ln.lonir.BtM.rtat iii.S2.2SI :' V r loiiar.iliit -;.,. S3. 23. WS tH.AaUJ.TKI Ul H wuiia lite muin-s. urajia ud market. OreW al . e-d set k peei ,i rieea Tear asejaei r rt.d IT ymm are a4ap. Write for Free CafiaiOffu of HalrUooda. Add ream, SEARS, ROEBUCK 4 CO.flnC.) CKiciS .n r r ui 1 rrnnernvae 1 1 0n, . 1 i r- ti l i, : .. years has proven it a lure su.l N J . wti I wl iBtcted with terrible blood into k.iTr, unil il in cui-y lo Iniagia t lie nunrnwv; tin ijbi M i u, v r 1 1 1 . I w . . . s diihhi I U1H II the rosp of themousler before the true no. tun eoltia O" nir do i j 1 ni i iim.i tprni a nuauieil dollar, whlen w k renlly till own sway I I hiri tried rariouii ..u.-ui ntealcines, bul thev Ji.l not iru.li f hi ili When i hud bnliiheo my iirl bottle of s s s i wi sreatlv improverf, an. I wai deliKbteil with the rrnult i'Im large, n d sptotcbe on inv client twnn to j(iow a -r i nnl miallri M-id brfore !'i!n .1 ijiprured rntirrU I reKaiueii my losl weiabt, became tlrongcr, aud my sppttitc inipi ived i wa hhhi rntitrli well, mnl my iKm aa deal m m pirrr of iiUii " 8end for our Home Treatment book, which contain valuable information about this disease, with complete direction for rl( treatment Oui medical department il in charge of physicians who have made life-lime study ol blood .!i s, s Don't heit::te to write for any information or adiic -.'ti'ed We innke nocbni what- in the most sacred confidence. THE SV.I,' t;,Ot'X.'?C.X 1 Read This ! Read Wis ! j TWTV DP'CQTJ'WTi (jrnfinvr rKj? ft a nnnrC A ui i nuOijjLi a o x. If larger than ever before ; ii;.i o EUSS for 1 1 1 SAAIK (lOODS wish i ti cii ut will suit if.. Ol III I S III! ', . nut ilr: l, 1 o you give my stuck nl euipi is O of some ol m. Imiigniiis I am ! Ste If Display of Cite, Mi hhk fflam. i L'licfbjltbt light on those goods. p One Word About Pictures. r am offering my presi nl slin k of piclure at coal, LESS 5j THAN COST am some lei Hi pi it uf thi giuss in thai flumes. toll'l lllisi- lllls Mile. V- 1 ... .1 . .. .1 : 1.. . v. .. :.. 1.- ........ ..11 V O 1 1111 e si line (ii ei i 1 1. in I.a'ei will surprise you in Styles nml Prices, TTUTITTIT II VTWfl In this branch ol tn.v luiaiuesH 1 am prepureil to give llm J public the best serbicethal can be Bocurod bv money, tnui un I 9 personal attention. My en, ppnge in tbia branch of husiucHs is if tile lilies! ill tl. Z UNDERTAKING PA I I " line w tiI iii".ii 1 report lh.' m prices, 1 Ul'AllANTKK In" 1 imiise lu the county, ii.taiiavii 1 Kind-Class Livery Connectui o W. H. o o 9 Tt'lonlion ( 'onnection, v"n"if5OO0OOOO00O0O00'v This Dictionary FREE; DEPARTMENTS. I iiHIN : ..f Hull'-; 7 eller I Iter: 'iinIhI fluide, Jir iri- i'l I : 1 1 1 1 1 II hiits,. mi ntlfinliiu tin riiver nf . ' " inati. nmrtiaiiii t FARM AND HOME, Box D, d o e at SAVE YOUR "Star" tin tiiH (showing n of tag), "HorseSboe," ".I.T. and "Drammond" lialural I. Hecuriui; Dresent mentioned Everv mau. woman and child that tLej would like tt. have, jsz" MatCli Tlox I Krufv, DIM ldadt. V, i 'Iff . H kSctasort. el H Itu'iiea 4 Ohlld'M rWt, K-ilf". Fort mi-! H di S 6 Salt tud Ppj t BitofiniHUh t:n I- npli tin't ii w)ir nMMttl f mm i Hriar I I'M - i mi r, ii- II w grvoad, ttua ICoglUh Htfwl H Itutte-r Knife, irii'lt pUtw, l- il qtialif )' fW ft Hiii-'ar Bbvtl, tni l'- plft'w. Ih-si qua . fl 1(1 lli X. otiTlllIU' arflTeT II K nife. " K-ti Kuttur," m., blaVuVi ia Botcher Kiiiff. "Kmu Kutiw' - In tilaile ... J8 i.t siiMiir1-. h i n Kntter " Mnrii., ... .u 14 Nut Bft, CleWkvT t4ld v PiCeUi -iT Tinted . -tl ir MM Hall. "Ah-ri-iMtitiii," bwl 'luiit.Jt"' Iff Alarm Clock, DtriwI. llu 1 ; Six OefiditM Ui'Hr' Ttin-ji-looai btfl I laieta) .. .U 1M 1 tta'rh, iilci.el, ntttu wiii l snd aol . )tuj ly Carvr-m, k td teal, Lu kburn handle. JUU St six Owiiaioa K"tfrV Table Spoons, I'laretl u .uda '0 SI Htx SSCbi Knl4 and 1 ufka. liUi k iK-rn hautllea ... . KQ S3 Blx each. Miu t 'if BtaterV Knlras and i . -. (wai plat d .nd (00 THE AWI'F OFFFR frorf WVi'VSER 30th. 19C0. Qnarial Mnf inn t Plata " tar4' Tin Taf (that la. Mtar tin taa y.ithnn mU OpbOldl IMUIIUB . itar, prim,..! ,,n undwilili-.'f taK'. ri"i u I imt'nin. baodrni, 'ft. . '..-1 lr.it '.vi. I i.m.hIJ t.r l.r. ri- V ill. A II IN HIND that a dlnr'a worth or STAR PLUG 703ACCO will I oat lunger nod ullurd mire plrnnure tliitu n dlmi'N m I'j of nay other brand. MAKE THE TEST' ( Send tag to COTI.E.TAL TOBACCO CO., St. Louii, Mo. i o mm III I si I SI .' 111 I It. I. tllC nature of tin disease i : ., . ., wrecks, unfuihng cine for this discjse. It is the dines. wWch w In unols at fiml I mi iftrt w.ir.la I railtltfil 1" t . r I t-. 11111 . unvjni r thai the i SPECIFIC COMIAfJY. ATI l TA, OA. ; vx ta xvl ciig I'HIC s f.OWKH tlnin OTfl piieeson i: n !' nf ei.i .et 1 1 1 cktt l'i i l ol mai v and !' buviiic vour fn I i ni j ' t - ii t tin- piie ynui utti-ii tioti nml oiVering. 1 1 1 i uii m runiaurv, sa uew, q I TTIO TlWO T A V TV ! DAltSiliS, t AlvlvlAU rS uiol roup to date. ei ion hns tie called lo lateh In rtgarft 01 me t' "il- al I.I ss MONKY limn Hlit' 1 easier I'AYMKNT tlian nil others, I iiulcrtukiiig I li'iiurtnient. i ; CLIX, 'V ! tX 1. i:vi.nw., pa. " 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. iieni'le. Iii unalit) it is uneirelli-H.eveii 11) tin-ureal lannai u "ii' uito.uy. In auwilltj it I'wiiisliii neail) ever) w'-rii in ciiiiiiimhi uuse. and fully snuwert the narisiw of al lesil Uiree nut of even four iieonle wori-Hilai IllcUoiiar) baa in.s.i" 11 wonln, Ccuturj 331 anil standard ssojaW. Tliene rout from Slu t" ?w rarh. 'ur. uli AO (inn u iu'iIn iiiki n" be had iilKin lemn heretofore iiiihi tnl "f. A neat denlce hlicvs Ihf I'tmal itiruis ol all 1 1 iioutis. Another lioliim mil aiui .".nun ehrrlall) ihilii uit wurtlsi I'lil the KiesteKt of h afhlevemenl In inoilern dliilonar) uisklnu i Ibe addition of 85JINI aordu to tlila illrtlonar) In Uiesneol u siiii.it iae, called the "Coluuiblau Word-Builder." 11 I'll tl.. llllM It ill rontalnf it Al.l.i. .i' I 1 1, I il III It t I I'rofwr Niimi 1 1..- V ..t 111 : I. II I KM I it II - : I'lll 1 1!! Ill Il I il I I Miislneaa liistriiettiri ... in 1 i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i. I1 I nl t ttlliai I'UUI I mil mil i I'A It ' ..nun.-. I'j: iae'-s, limn .'inrlj liitiitiil Iii lii.iuiittii iiuiiiti ... nil. riwru ailllV T Intrnd Farm and ftnnie, nnr "sUnti- GIVEN AWRY. i ,Zw iwiiin. i..-h uu ;'"''"; II'HI III . inn. "mi . iTti't 11MM1-... , ' '11... l-,r lakrtl, Wl make thr fnllowlllll lt. n.inliiiMefl"r: II.. 1 1. il.ir f 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1' 1- - 111- .. - ihlmiaiirr. ,i i IhaMi trial f"i onll iBinta -t.- ml alllniiil riirtkn mam , V,'' 1 .-..,.. 1,;.., tt ... ., .,,. 1 1 1 ' f I llti il, ItV .. .---I. If- In iiil) lllnatralfil 40-naa premium list, ron.ainiiiii itvfnl artlrlm ami mi nrilii' ri-iimrkalilii offers mi w If vi.nr mtliKrrlptluii Is irnl Imnirillatelj m- ill nifcit Inrlnnea 1 ursei Allan of thr Wiirltt. runtalnln b(m tn rolors. wlilrli wnulit rol l V Irani If I'm. h e. . I utiiarsteli Aifrntii Miiiilnl rverrwlwre. f ah iiiii-i n un ..n. 1 , T iImm.i mnimlnliiti (,.r l ..ik. nil fiHiTs ti Springfield, Masn., or Chicago, lils. a c t ct o Ctis S'Caa iftll stars priatcd on ander lda " "Good Luck," "Cross How," tf Tin Tn i n' b:j lid vi.Iuu in below, end u;oy be assorted. k can find Bometaiii o- U0 list and fin bavo -t.i -- : ir TAOS TbSTFAOtS . M .' 'tta i. uj nble j n, i'l f! -k. - day, Oslrodd ptnr. Uarottte)rar S4 i-'lTi leatl i-r. m U$ hi .1.; f. rtQtoraat . k r mcalll Ot'J T "I Hi t. ii"' playtutntftt, b if i il a; 'i'.iii. t Ht Uaeonitecl porcwiaut, vary baud-wMiM "ud li- iM.nt .ti Ultte So. 4, . i r :-i . -'d j4 Watt hi atarilug ilvef.filJ ; I iut su tttiit Caae, (tastier, hauilaoms A'id durable . luUO LU h-wmi: atavlilne, ii: tlat, with all tiorh iipo i a .. IS BS HtTovr,CuHi, ..... 'iii I 1800 : i I id-, Co It 'a, I-.- -!i it, . . NNfj ..ltvw M Uu.tar (Waubburnh rcaawooo to laid ....W0 MSfMMIlli "Sty IfSff.l iup. ... .UMU M aViooftiaatar Itspsstios HtuH Qtm, Il ,it- luoo Al l.Mulaiun. dvaMabsTfSl. lum knarSbol dun, lOor i : Ranffw . JWxw Ti- ... trjJ M BlAKl atandard make. Uditvi huth anw 3 Shot linn, Itriiiiitiiton, d'-iabta bar- Ml, bamrafriam 4 Betjla afoalfl Box, M , loota Udj .Mimi form I'Asn iu iluu::i ui iwuui' tenia itr Ma - eli I.t, ly. i 1 nam. U. ataairiafwlliaaiaii aw way 1