The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 19, 1900, Image 2

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: 1 35 jut
Pair, in Head, Side and Back.
j nrs ! suflbredwlth pain In the head,
In i te side, and In the small of the back.
. h i ' rvotis nnd cons! 1 pated and could not
l - ; i l 1 la and otber medicine l tried
r). route a bad matter worse, Then I tried
i .'i kn,g. oiio package cured me and
r. i m w woman of me. Mrs, Th. Kles
lui . rotonuHudioni N. Y.
King cures Constipation and Nerve,
. i iveraud Kidney Diseases, 'i
H:rsc a
Chance !
Experts Baffled
Real Diamonds are no better
for ail purpooas than the
Barrios Jp
We are tho nolo a -tents In the United
Btaten for Hie marvellous point preeloua
stones, which are the nearest approach to
Genuine Diamonds ever discovered. For the
purpose "f Introdurlnir them Quickly u trm
public we will forward either
. flfill 1
(Screws or Drops), at
These stones are
guaranteed to re
tain their lustre
forever; the mount1
tin:-' are heavy
) : EACH i
ulieil plate, anil
warranted for
live wars.
E,'.rr;.iij3 Are $2 Per Pair.
lie net confound Genuine Barrio. Ma
mouds with so-called Rhinestones, White
i. ; ... or other Imitation stones, rettardlessof
whjt ti.e ii. itiic may !. Genuine Barrios
1I. i.'ii. iei-" have no artificial backing, nru
equal to real diamonds as to looks ami wear,
and vi l cut gloss. This offer will last only a
shi rt time lontfer. and L subject to with'
Irawal without notice.
a Hi antirui. Brilliant. Oennlna narri-s
Diamond, mounted In a heavy ring, pin or
stud. wi;i ! wut to any .oiiire-w on receipt
of one Dollar, in ordering, give full amo
tions ami state whether small, medium or
large -ti ne Is dnslred,
t twii.i.K MKVU.tnO, the Prima Bonn
if the Wa let Damrosch Opera Co., writes
Bai rlos Diamonds are lustrous and full of
flr.v 1'liey are magnificent substttntM for
mnnlve diamond! fur st ige purposea'
;., -. . -i Mitpttj i cl iii(l-l II iroiMlw ore
not u r'pre'iiti t.
Hew;ire nf I inittitors. . . J
. Idress Mail Orders to
The Pomona Wfg Co.,
Mention Uldillebun Post.
fRUSSES, 65o. $1.25 AND UP
HIMIMUM IN rrj ostrit iravara .,.,.-
I i : I'HKKH, liu than uue tliini
the ir tAftrnd iy otlierw, IM WE
miADAurrr m riT you Frarrcm rat
wli. t . r vmiv.!h OUT Irweirii Irutt or tiur Rletl Hw
fork insiir 1 n... i i .i i . .1 above, rut thl
ad. out BOd -.''Nil to un with OIK M Ultl HUOI
. tato v . iir llrlfhi, Wftfkt, Afta how long you have been
mptiircl. whether rupture 1 wrft or nnalli aito Itett
uuinixT Inoh arot itd the body on Hup with the
rupturr. -y whether miKure 1 tn rltcht or leftside,
and we will Rcitd either truat to you with the under
lian'Hn.' If It U Mil i-erfrrt At ind ejul t MM Ual
retail t t hrre t linre oar can return It and we
will return your money. .
aflreaa Innludlna'tbe lew iiu.mi Ua Trax &f) C
that earn ilant aay fH, safl whiefc we MM fer ftilw
VI Aitf 17
f rat J, I
t iMnkin, -fyrKi
ir-'i'"li rlnok- i,
k).g ! ..rrifh Is tlm
word Kin I i f it cum- f HE
Harness Oil i
not only makestho harnei I n-i 1 th I tS
In . . , better, I' it U !' h Hi" ' V
i . r will pllal I". 1 ' 1
i ii I t , dltlonlu last t.vicu kS lung U
I !i aft ..i it onllnari: . mid. M
lilxlA' I '. awrrshera lu essl-SlI KM
j't "' SJ4 yfl'ilW
r Xu'Vt standard If ;!
Us n s
si. syf ssi
w istf assr ssa x". as m
Author of "In His Steps: What Would Jesus DoP" "Malcom
Kirk," "Eobert Hardy's Seven Say," Etc.
OepvrtgM, Ut. by The
The letter which Philip liml received
uuil wlilch liis wife now rend wns ns
It, v. Philip Str..n, rtor rlTry Church, Mil
Drsr Sir tti'l Brother- The seminary at I'tlrrlew
hai lung hefii contemplsttng the addition to in
professorship ol a chair of sociology. The la k "1
fundi sad the absolute necestlty "I audicient en
dowment fur such a ihnir hsve made it iaip.i
ble hitherto f'T the trustee! to make any dtdnlts
in. In this direction. A recent legacy, of which
nu have doubtless heard, lia- made the founding
..f.tlm new professorship possible, An-I now the
trustecj by Unanitnnui ..t.. lave united un you
Hi. man l l Btted to till tlii hair el aociolO'
IVe have hesrd el your w.rk in Milton au.l
know ol it personally. Wo ar.. ssmired you sre
the man 1 1, it piece, Ws therefore tender you
most heartily th" position nf professor "f sociolo
gy hi rsirview spmlnsry ut a uijtv ol tu..oi a
yesr ami a prellminsry year's sbsenee, either
hrnsd or in tin- country, before you begin setual
!aV-r with the spmlnsry,
With this formal call en the part the trusteis
goes the most earnest deiire on tlie part ol all the
professor! "f the lemiaary who remember you in
your marked undergrsduate sticcesi as u student
here, Vou "rill meel iih the mosl loving wel
come, and (he i mlnary i!l be greatly strength-
,.ur presence in this new department,
behsll ol tlie semlnsry, very cordially
Tus Tat i ties.
Hero followed tliolr nninea, familiar
to hotli I'lilllp nml hli wit'e.
There wns. u m imenl of astonltilied
Blletie, ninl then Knrah nalil:
Well, Philip. Unit's whal I the
llDrter nf Provltleiice!"
"Do you call .1 tin- fl tiger nf Prorl-
1 ilctice 1 ntivo it polots tin- way you
J want to go 7" naked Philip, with a
I iuille. But hid fnee instantly grew so
I her. He wns evidently very much ex
elted by the enll to Kairrlew, It had
cntiie :it :i time when he was In a con
dition i he very much moved by It.
'Yea, Philip." replied Ills wife its nhe
smoothed back his hair from iiis fore
head, "it is very plain to me thai you
have done nil Hint any one can do here
in Milton, and this will comes just in
time. Von an- worn out, The church
is opposed to your methods, l'ou need
a rest and a change, and. besides,
this is tlie very work Hint yon have al
ways had n liking fur."
Philip said nothing fur n moment.
Ills nilnd was In a whirl of emotion.
Pinntly he said: "Yes; I would enjoy
such a professorship. It Is it very
tempting call. I feel drawn toward It.
ASS yet" ho hosltntpd-"I don't know
that I ought to leave Milton Just now."
Mrs. Strong wns provoked. "Pliilisj
Strong, you have lived this kind of life
long enough! All your efforts in Cal
vary church nre wasted, What good
have nil yonr sermons done? It is all
a vain sacrifice, nn 1 the end will be de
feat n':il misery for you. Add to nil
this the f.nt that this new work will
call for tlie best and most Christian la
bor nnd that some good Christian man
will take it if you don't and I don't
see. Philip, how you ran possibly think
nf such a thing as refusing tiiis oDDor-
t unity."
"it certninly is n Bpleudid opportuni
ty," murmured Philip. "I wonder why
they happened to pitch on me for the
pic cor
"That's easy enough. Every one
knows that you could fill that chair
better than almost any other man in
the country."
"I'ii ymi mean by 'every one n little
woman nf the name of I'Mp.hV" asked
Philip, with a brief return of his tcas
ing habit.
"No. si;-. 1 mean all the professors
nnd people l:i l-'alrvlew and all the
thinking people of Milton and every
one who knows yon, Philip. Every
one knows that whatever else you lack
it Isn't brains,"
"I'd like to borrow a few just bow,
though, for I si -1 : 1 to have lost most of
mine. Lend me yours, won't you.
Sarah, until I settle this question of
tin- call':"
"No. sir. If yon can't settle a plain
question like this with all your brains,
you couldn't do any better with the ad
ditlon of the little 1 have."
"Then you really think, do you,
Barah, that l ought to accept this us
the leading of the ppirlt of clod and
follow without liesltiltlonV"
Mis. Strotig replied with almost tear
ful earnestness:
"Philip, it :s to me like the lead
in;: of his hand. Surely you havt
ihowu your willlngucss utid your cour
nire ami your sacrifice by your work
here. But your methods are distaste
ful, ninl your preaching has so far
mused only antagonism. Oh, I dread
tlie thought of this life for you another
day. It looks to me like n suicidal pol
icy, with nothing to show for it when
you have gone through with It"
Philip spread the letter out ou the
COUCh, antl his face grew more and
more thoughtful as he Kuzed Into the
face of his wife, and his miud went
over the groutid of his church experi
ence. If only he was perhaps thiuk-hiK-lf
ouly the good God had not given
him so sensitive and fine tempered a
spirit of conscientiousness. He almost
eavled men of coarse, blunt feelings,
of common Ideals of duty and service.
His wife watched him anxiously.
She knew It was a crista with him.
At last he said:
"Well, Sarah, I don't know but
you're right The spirit is willing,
but the flesh Is weak. The professor
ship would be free from the Incessant
worry and anxiety of a parish, and
then I Palgstl ' Just as uaer.n in tkse
Adatnt PubUMno Co.
seminary as 1 fl OPre WUO RnowsT"
Who knows, Indeed T" exclaimed
Sarah Joyfully. At the same tlmo she
was almost crying. She picked up
the letter nnd called Philip's atteutlon
to tho clause which grained him a
year abroad lu ease he accepted.
"Think of that Philip! Your dream
of foreign travel can come true now!"
"That Is" Philip looked out of the
window over tin- diugy roof of a shed
near by to tin- gloomy tenements
"that is, supposing 1 decide to accept"
"Supposing! Itiit you almost the same
us saiil t"li. Philip, sa; you will! Be
reasonable! This Is tin- opportunity of
a lifetime!"
"That's true." replied Philip.
"Vou may not hnvo another such
chance ns tit s as long as you live. Vou
are young now nml With every pros
poet of KUceess lu work of this kind.
It is new work, of tin- kind you like.
Vou will have leisure ami menus to
carry mi Important experiments nml
influence fur life young men entering
the ministry. Surely. Philip, there i
as meat opportunity fur usefulness
and sacrifice there as anywhere, It
must be that the will of Cod is in tills.
It comes without any Becking ou your
pa rt"
"Yes, ludeed!" Philip spoke with the
only touch of pride lie ever exhibited.
It was pride in the knowledge that he
was absolutely lie,- from self glory or
self seeking.
"Then Ka you will accept i
will. Philip!"
The appeal, coming from tin
dean st to liiui in all the World
ay you
lilnv I'll
Philip profoundly, lie ton!, tin- letter
from her hand, rend it over carefully
nml again laid ii down on tlie couch.
Then he said i
"Sarah, I must pray over it. I need
a little time. Vou "ill have reason" -
Philip paused, as his habit sometimes
wns. ami at that moment the hell rang,
ami Mrs. Strong went down stairs. As
she went along she fell almost per
suaded that Philip would yield. Some
thing of his turn- seemed to imply that
the struggle in his mind was nearly
The callers nt the dour were three 1
men who had been to see Philip lev- I
oral times to talk witlt him about the I
mill troubles and the labor conflict In
general, " hey wanted to see Philip. J
Mrs. Strong was anxious about the
condition nf Philip! health. She asked j
the men to come In and went up stain
"( 'an ymi see them '.' An
enough?" she asked.
"Yes; tell them to com
comfortable now."
Philip : s re iliiL' easily.
ymi strong
up. I am
tin 1 after 11
careful look at hint Mr
'troug went
down sta Irs.
To lo r surprise two nf the men hail
gone. Tl lie wllO remained ex
plained that he thought three persons
would excite or tire the minister more
than one. Ho had staid ami would
ii"! trouble Philip very long. But the
business on which lie came was of
such an Important nature that he felt
obliged to so,, the minister if lie could
do su without danger to him.
Bo the man wi nt up. and Philip
greeted him with his usual heartiness,
excusing himself for not rising. The
man took a 1 hair, moved up near the
couch and sat down. He seemed n
good leal excited, but in a suppressed
anil cautious way.
"1 came to see
tell you about a
ynu. Mr. Strong, to
thing you ought to
danger of your life
know. Then
"Where?" asked Philip calmly.
"Here, lu this neighborhood,"
"Well?" Philip waited for more ex
plcnutton. i didn't want to tell your wife for
fear nf scaring !";. but I thought you
ought to know, Mr. strong, and then
you could take otepi to protect your
self or get away."
Me on. Tell me the worst." Bali
Philip quietly 81 the man paused.
"V.'iil." die man went ou in a low
tone, "two oil. eis and me overheard
a talk last night by the men who run
the star saloon and den down by the
Palls. They have a plan to waylay
you. rob you and injure you. sir. and
do it in such a way as to make it
seem a common hoi. I up. They seem
ed to know about your habit of going
mound through the alleys aud cross
Itreets of the tenements. We heard
enough to make us sure they really
and truly meant to deal foully by you
the first good chance, and we thought
best to put you on your guard. The
rummies are down on you. Mr. Strong,
yon have been so outspoken against
them, And your lecture in the hall 1
last week has made them mad, I tell
you. Tbey hate you worse than pol
Boa, for that's the article they seem
to sell nnd make a living out of."
Philip hud the week before address
ed a large meeting of worklngmen,
and in the course of his speech he had '
called attention to the saloon as one
of the greatest foes of the wage
"Is that nil?" Philip asked.
"All, man alive! Isn't It enough?
What more do you hanker after?"
"Of course I don't 'hanker after be
ing held up or attacked, but these men
are mistaken if they think to frighten
"Tbey mean more than frighten. Mr.'
strong; tar mean ousincss. '
"Why don't you have then arrested,
: then, for conspiracy? If you overheard
1 their talk, they are guilty aud could lie
"Not in Milton, Mr. Strong. Besides,
tin-re was no name mentioned, and the
talk was scatteringlike. They are
shrewd devils. Hut we could tell they
' meant you plain enough. Not to prove
uuythliig in court, though."
"And you came to warn me? That
was kind of you. my brother." Philip
spoke with tlie winsome uffcctiou for
men that made his hold ou common
people like the grappling vine with lov
ing tendrils.
"Yes, Mr. Strong. I tell ynu the rum
mies will almost hold a prayer meeting
when you leave Milton. Aud they
mean to make you trouble enough until
you do leave. If I was you" the man
paused curiously "If I was you, 1M
get up and leave this God forsaken
town, Mr. Strong."
"Vou would?" Philip glanced at the
letter which still lay upon the couch
1 beside him. "Suppose 1 should say 1
had about made up my mind to do Just
i that thing?"
! "Oh. no. Mr. Stroni:. you don't mean
I that!" The man made a gesture to
I ward Philip that revealed a world of
longing and of hunger for fellowship
I that made Philip's heart throb with a
feeling of Intense joy. mingled with an
I ache of pain. Tlie man at once re
1 pressed Ills emotion. It had been like
. a lightning Hush out of a summer cloud.
"Yes," Bald Philip, as if continuing,
"I have been thinking of leaving Mil
i tiu'.."
"That might ho best. You're In dan
cer here. No telling when some harm
may come to you."
"Weil. I'm thinking 1 might as well
leave. My "oil; here has been a fail
m e anyway."
"W hat, a failure'.' Mr. Strong, you
don't know tin- facts. There has never
l u a minister in Milton who did so
much for tin- poor and tin- working
man as yourself! Let me tell ymi." the
man continued, with an earnestness
that concealed an emotion he was try
ing to subdue, "Mr. Strong, if you were
to leave Milton now it would be a
greater Ii ss to the common people than
ynu can imagine. You may not know
it. but your Influence among us is very
great. I have lived in Milton as hoy
and man for 30 years, and 1 never
knew su many Inborlug men attend
church and the lectures In the hall as
during the few IllOlltllS yotl have Isw'H
here, your work here has nut beep a
failure; it has Peon n great success."
A tear stole nut ut' Philip's eye and
rolled down ami fell with a warm
plash un the letter which lay beside
him. If a $2.rdJ0 call could he drowned
by one tear, that professorship in so
ciology in Fairvlew seminary was iu
"So you think the people in this
neighborhood would miss me a little?"
he asked almost as modestly us if he
were asking 11 great favor.
"Would they, Mr. Strung! You will
never know what you have done f ir
them. If the mill men were to hear nf
your leaving, they would come down
here In 11 body ami almost compel you
to stay. 1 cannot near tu think ut your
going. And y. t tlie danger you nre in.
the whisky" men"
Philip roused hlmst If up. Interrupt
ing his visitor. The old time tl.i ii of
righteous Indignation shot nut nf his
eyes as he exclaimed; "I am mute than
half minded in slay mi that account!
The rummies would think they had
beaten me out if 1 hit !"
tih, Mr. Strung. I can't tell you how
chid we would he if yotl would only
slay! And yet"
"And yet," replied Philip, with a sad
smile, "there are many things to lake
into the account, I thank you out of
my heart lor the love ynu have shown
"Tour wnrU here has not been a failure
it htm been a great success.
me. It means more than words can
express." And Philip leaned back with
a wearied luoi: on his face, which nev
ertheless revealed hia deep satisfac
tion at the thought of such friendship
us this ma:: had for him.
He was getting exhausted with the
Interview, following so soon on his
Illness of the night before. The visitor
wus quick to Uotiee it, aud after a
warm clasp of bauds he went
away. Philip, lying there alone while
his wife was busy down stairs, lived
uu age in u few minutes. AH his Life
so far In Milton, the events of his
preaching and hi3 experiences in the
church, his contact with the workmen,
his evident Influence over them, the
thought of what they would feel in
case he left Milton to accept this new
work, the dissatisfaction at the
thought of an unaccomplished work
abandoned, the thought of the exulta
tion of the whisky men all this and
much more surged In nnd out of bis
mind and heart like heavy tides of
a heaving ocean ns it rushes Into some
deep fissure and then flows back
again with noise and power. He strug
gled up Into a sitting position and
with pain of body almost fell from
the couch upon his knees and with his
face bowed upon the letter, which he
spread out before him with both
"- 6"
nanus, ne BoObed out a yearning CTJ
to his Master for light in his darkness.
It came as he kneeled down, uud it
did not seem to lilm at all strange or
absurd that as lie kneeled there came
to his thought a picture of the Brother
Man. Aud he could almost hear the
Brother Man say: "Your work is in
Milton, In t'alvary church yet. Except
a man shall renounce all that lie hath
he cannot be his disciple." It mat
tered not to Philip that the answer to
his prayer came In this particular
way. lie was not superstitious or
morbid or given to yielding to Impulse
or fancy. He lay down upon the
couch agalu and knew In his heart
that he was at peace with Qod ami his
owu conscience iu deciding to stay
with Calvary church and refuse the
call to Palrvlew.
When a few minutes later Mrs.
Strong came up, Philip told her ex
actly how he had decided.
"1 cannot leave these poor fellows iu
the tenements yet. My work is Jusl
beginning to count with them. Am!
the church oh. Sarah, I love it. for It
lias such possibilities, and it must yield
In time. And then the whisky men I
cannot bear to have them think me
beaten, driven out, defeated. And in
addition to all the rest 1 haven feeling
that God has a wonderful blessing in
store for me and the church very sunn,
and I ennuol banish the feeling that if
I accept the call to Kalrvlew I should
always be haunted by that gliost of
luity murdered and run away from
which would make me unhappy In all
my future work. Dear little woman,"
Philip went on a he drew hi wife's
heojU down and klsse I her tenderly,
while tears of disappointment fell from
her "little woman, you know yon
are the dearest of all earthly beings to
me. Ami my smd tells me the reason
you loved me enough to share earth's
troubles with me was that you knew I
could not be 11 coward in the face of
my duty, my conscience and my Uod.
Is it not so?"
The answer enme In a sob of mingled
anguish and happiness:
"Ves. Philip, hilt it was only for your
sake I wanted you to leave this work,
it is killing you. Yet" and she lifted
her head, with a smile through nil the
tears "yet. Philip, whither thou 'tie-t
I will gu, and when- thou lodgesi 1
will lodge; thy 1 pie shall he my peo
ple and thy Uud my Hod. Where thou
diesl will I die, ami there will I be
buried: the Lord do so to me and more
also if aught but death part thee and
me.' "
There were people In Milton who
could not understand how a person of
such refined and even naturally expen
sive nnd luxurious habits as the minis
ter's wife possessed could endure the
life he had planned for himself and his
Idea of Chrlstlau living In general.
Philip could have told them if he had
been so minded. And this scene could
have revealed It to any one who knew
the minister and his w ife as they really
were. That was a sacred scene to hus
band and wife, something that belong
ed to them, one nf those things which
tlie world did not know and had no
business to know.
When the first Sunday of another
month had co Mr. Strong felt quite
well again. A rumor of his call to
Falrvlew had gone out nnd to the few
Intimate friends who asked him about
it he did not deny, bul he said little.
The time was precious to blm. He
plunged Into the work with an enthu
siasm and a purpose which sprang
from ids knowledge that he was at lust
really gaining some Influence in the
tenement district.
The condition of affairs In that neigh
borhood was growing worse instead of
hotter. The amount of vice, drunken
ness, crime and brutality made his sen
sitive heart quiver a hundred times a
day as he went ids way through it all
His study of the whole question led
him to the conviction that one of the
great needs of the place was a new
home life for the people. The tene
ment! were owned und rented by men
of wealth and influence. Many of
these Den were lu the church. Dis
couraged ns be had so often keen in
h!s endeavor to get the moneyed men
of the congregation to consecrate their
property to tnristtan uses, rump came
Bp to that first Sunday with a new
phase of the same great subject which
pressed to hard for utterance that Le
could not ki ep it 1 :::'.:.
As he faced the church this morning
he faced an audience composed of very
conflicting elements. Representatives
of laho:- were conspicuous in the ga!
teries. People whom be had assisted
at one time and another were scattert d
through the house, mostly In the baej:
scats under the choir gallery, His own
membership was represented by men
Who. while opposed to his idea of the
Christian life and his Interpretation of
Christ, nevertheless continued to go
and bear blm preach. The Incident of
the sexton's application for member
ship and Ids rejection by vote had also
told somewhat In favor of the minister.
Many preachers would have resigned
after such u scene. He had said his
say about It aud then refused to speak
or he Interviewed by the papers on the
subject What It cost him In suffering
was his own secret. But this morulng,
ns he rose to give h!s message In the
person of Christ, the thought of the
continued suffering and shame and
degradation in the tenement district,
the thought of the great wealth in the
possession of the church which might
be used almost to transform the lives
of thousands of people if the men of
riches In Calvary church would only
see the kingdom of God In Its demands
on them this voiced his cry to the
people and gave his sermon the signifi
cance and solemnity of a prophet's In
spiration. "See!" be exclaimed as be went on
after drawing a vivid picture of the
miserable condition of life In the
buildings which could not be called
homes, "see what a change could be
The Brain aoi Nerre Food
and Medicine. Quiets Irri
tated Nerves, Soothes the
tired Brain. Builds up the
Vital Powers of the Body
It Contains no Opiates nor
other harmful drugs.
Sold at all drug stores on a positive fir
antes. Writs fo! free advice and book let ts
Ol. MH Medical Co. Elkhart h-.f.
wrougnt oy mv use ot a few M10U:
dollars down there. And here this
morning iu this house men are sitting
who own very many of those -in.
incuts, who are getting the rent from
them every month, who could, without
suffering one single sorrow, wit bout
depriving themselves of one necessity
or even luxury of life, so change tlie
BUrroUUdlUgS of these people that tliej
would enjoy the physical life tiotl
gave them and he able to see his lev.
in the lives of his disciples. Uh. lu)
brethren, is not this your opportunity!
What is money compared with human
ity? What is the meaning of our tils-
i.ii.t.. 1 itnl,.w ii. lum" v fir
God has given ns to build up his king
dom? The money represented by tlili
church could rebuild the entire tene
ment district. The men wl wn these
buildings" He paused as If he bad
suddenly become aware that lie might
be saying an unwise thing. Theu,
after a brief hesitation, as if he had
satisfied his own doubt, be repented:
"The men who own these tenemeuts
and members of other churches be
sides Calvary are among the owners
are guilty In the sight of Cod for al
lowing human beings made In his Im
age to grow up In such horrible sur
roundings when It is In the power of
money to Stop it. Therefore they shall
receive greater condemnation at the
last, when Christ sits on the thronjipf
the universe to judge the world, pf
will be not say. as be said long yen
ago, 'l was an hungered aud ye gave
me no meat, naked and ye clothed me
not, sick and in miserable dwelling!
reeking with filth and disease and ye
drew the hire of these places and vi
I ted me not'.'' For are these men and
Women and children not our brethren1
Verily God will require It at our
hands, oh, men of Milton. If. having ib'
nower 10 use Cud's proucrty so US to
1 chert
It's not a new variety of headache,
It's the old pain COUSeauent on condi
tions which result from study, confine
mint, and careless eating. It is on!)
one symptom of a derangement of tl"
stomach and organs of digestion u
nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medici
Discovery cures headaches by curing t-'-J
diseases which cause them.
" 1 was troutileil with very frrquent headache!
often sccsSupsnied by severe rotttitiBjr. write!
Miss Mary Belle Siimmerton, of San Diego, D
val Co.. Texas. " Howe's were irregular, and M
stomach anil liver aeemcd continually ou'. n
order. Often I could eat almost nothing, sol
lomctimsS absolutely nothing, for twenty-feu'
hours nt a time. I was entirely unfit for WOT,
nnd my whole system seemed so run-down toss
I feared a severe sick spell aud was very,110
discoursged. I was sdviscd to try Dr. i'iercc
C.olden Medical Discovery, and did so with sitf11
satisfactory results that before finishing M
third bottle I felt perfectly able to undertakt
the duties attending public school life, and 09
traded to do so. I most heartily sdvise ift '
tunenng with Indigestion, and Its me
evils, to give this great medicine a fair trial
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets keep
bowels healthy.
Pinautt rts ofiminniih
Consult or communicate with the Ediw
otthlB nanar. who will eive all needed i"ul"
r am Unnecessary in Childbirth.
Pain Is nn longer necessary In childbirth
morning; slckneaa. swollen litnbs, and likeevus.
are readily controlled, and womb diseases speed
ily cured. Never known to tall. I'hysiciani
attest its merits. Lady reader, eat this out; a
may save your life; suffer no longer, but seas
ua a two-cent stamp, and receive in sealed en-
rlnnH full trtlrnUrs And rmloAbta Drool'1?
nur wonderful remedy. Address FRAP
T uomas a uu., Baltimore. MO. a-w--