JOLLY FISHING PARTY. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as Pulltfd almost a Half 'fnous- ihey cannot revh the seat of the li . . . , , lease. Catarrh is a blood or conxtltu- Md I rout last Week in ,il)Ilal diwuse, and in order to cure it lirUeh Valley NarrOWS. VOU must take internal remedies. Hall's I ommuuwitt d Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and, ... , , , e i . acts directlv on the blood nnd mucous I nvMday of last week a Hsnrag 5,,,,. Hall'i Catarrh Cure ia not a ,i:u-u . insisting ol Profs, V. F. I quack medicine. It wu pmcribed by M.. ' r av I VV. L. Mc( Julloch f I ,,n,'"f the ,H,st P"1 " t,,is "" . . 11 I, I. I try for yean, and is regular preacrip ' 'li'lu'v; II. I), Kelly, Ulon. It is composed of the iest tonic H n' i 1 l'otuls; K. L. Nfagee of Ma-1 known, combined with the lint blood I .. ... ' - . . ...... 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 - pm nntitiir ilirii-tlv nn tin- milt'iills . in.-.- i)r . U llru-nriil In 1 H- I'"" o - !ni.': ', :ml Jamed K, Magee of Kres 11 r 1 to I.iin.' I tain in Brush ' i iiv Narrows, Centre County. y- iiught 487 trout and had a n . cnj ivable time. 1 Inly lili they hal IS visitors up consisting uf the following 1.0 1 rsniis : ( Miarles Smith and wiit it'Vt luiaiusport; Mrs. J. W. V . : Vhhlleburtr; Mrs. .T. E. Mi..- lit K reamer; Mrs i VI I ' 1 i ...... 1 ' 1 1 , ' , , ' , the Rjlmerfl - ' . r mm (laiuriiTPT, .loun 1 i: .vj-i.i.f..liiirhti'r,Ml 111(1 i.ll.l- Ivellv Kl " ' surfaces. The jierfii't combination of the tWO mirredients is wnal proiluces Mich wonderful results in curing t'u tarrh. Send for testimonials fn-c. P.J.CHENBY A CO.,Props,Toledo,0, Hold by druggists, price ro cents. Hulls Kninilv Pills n tin-lii'st. I Kilmer & Co's Fire. The fire which destroyed the im iiH'tiHo Swamp limit meilicine plmit 1 of Dr. KilniHi- .V: Co., July 1, was the Aaron I uioat disastrous which has ever oc Win eutretl 111 niiiirha.nioii. However, Til cr Utie'l Im lii'ss next lunriiiuir. (lifni!.li not at Mm old 1 ul- j i mid, which i- t h up "I smoulder !., . I nhIihs v bile the fin men were , vi t iiimu iiisr wttr on 1 lie burning ..h i: iveiiy ivm-itncr Chi nano stiaet MstablUhment. the Mi.-s S'l'lic N'nglcol New Kilmers were arrHnaritiff to do busi im Mrs, W. Magee ol neas somewhere; else, ..thluhem. That Ihis pr.t indut-try might ' nut im im inn 1 lor 11 moment. Reffi s 1 :. . r 1 . - i 1 - -1 j ! 1 .- iIip rii'.! and gt'tw' the (tittup. A l)lg tl .'. l.ll'l' I'll ll'l-itS III llt!lT .trfli itf prcpa! '. A general jrnii! time was spew In- tt visitors and ike fishermen nee huntiv over the 1 i'ts nl llu1 otttiui;, M. M toe 30. Im t .1 Trevi dorc, July 1, bv 1 hl, 1 Siili im. I apple and Sulii Kuutx, hv Allen S. Seciirwt, J. W. Shaffer, of Port and ( "ora Wise, oi Dun- i. Sim- din 1'. Uouiitr, In tli ol UlV 1 IMIPII 'Inoimh the com teay of olher pro i in'iit firins mm citiz"'!" the large f li ry snd adjoinitiK hui'ding on 8 nil h street Were vacated for the n. 1 1 lit nf 1 h SwatllD ' ! t'i "le 111. 1 popsesMoti was in on 1 111 rue dimely, and lire, hv ! md n , July 8, Mu hpw, loiiiporary factory will be tuinini! -n t Swamp Root, the treat Kindey Ilemedy, in quantiUes nf about BP .000 hottli h per day, and in twii ir three weeks' time the full cupHi'ity of unre than f 1 times I tliui aiuouni will be produced. The ninii-iiie demand (ft Swamp Rool ' ; mii thus in no wav be ibterferred ailb. On id' uiii sill-, with adjoining property which has just been pur Ii-inpiI, w',1 be erected immediately an absolutclv hre proof six story I Brosious Bros' TREMENDOUS Reduction Sale. Begins TiL-uLxs., J-u.17 .12, 1900 Tn ContinuE Just Three lAes Conceded to be mm 1 S j Clothing Sale' ' .Tunc 'J7, lflOO, at Si'lin rrove !y I: v. John II. Focht, C. Auiriw- his II wliner, nl I lurrisburg, and Mar Kantncr, ol Sclinagrove, Xhe June 2 i. ai 6 a m lT. 15. par- -tilt as . . 1 bv Rev. rJoyer. ! 11 i -, . it fucture, p! mis for which have been 11 v c ronleted. How the Organ Contest Stands. lilili ' folldW'l unit the rc- 'i nisce, Su inefi ird, H RnWIINl.. ,,l M;,l,ll,.l.,,,-,r Mahcd A. Walter, ol IVnns- Wn in I crec .1 Join IT, i .1 Posi ne 23, by Rev. K. K, Gilbert, A. Siererund Maud M. Yerg ;, nf Ml, I'lcasant Mills. 17. by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., r A. Snook and Dora C. Snook, ik. A GRAPH0PH0NE CAMPAIGN. in. cnurcn, renn s Creek : Pivinium coupons, Newspaper coujions, Kbenezer V. B. church, Wutthiiigton township, : Premium coupons, Newspaper coupons, (J. B. chuich, Fremont : Premium coupons, Total. TOTAL VOM cast : Evan, church, P. 'reck, Bbeneser V. To. . shurch, U. B. church, Fremont, Trinity church, M'Keesj Fulls, Sunbunj Has Ever Known. During the great reduction sale our sole aim will be to reduce the immense piles ot clothing still re maining on cur tables. Profits and even costs will now be equally disregarded. We must have the .ZJk room at any cost:. Money saved is money earned.;' JjfyJ, tbfBi 4Ui '.'(HI 197 50 :!ii; 60 10S(I ::ii4l 2418 108 I'D 1 1 ere is I Way Si it (Is Total, 804 ReiH.MiC.m Orators Aid In Launcliing a Novel Scheme. Prom ili" Public Ledgflr V vsiunotoN, Jury 12. Polit ical enlcrlainnicnt. embracing 'nusic mil oratory for every cross-roads ami corner irrocery, is a dream nt 'To ltc a,VMI Awa to Somc' churth sum;' Itcpublicam for the Prasidcn WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN. undav School or Public School, Brosious Brothers ft All $7.50 suits reduced to 54.98 All 10 suits reduced to S7.89. All $12 and $14 suits " to $10. All $1 Boys' suits reduced to 89c. All $1 50 Boys' suits reduced to $1.19 All $1.50 Men's pants reduced to $1. All $2 Men's pants reduced to$1.4 The Most Reliable Clothing Store in Sunbury. National pi. in, it- Tin' publisher of the Post will rIvc a handsome VVeavkr Cjiaiki. Okoan in n i it ' ( 'hurch, Hunday school or mii lic school in Hnyder County and be asks the natrons of this oniier to select the place where it shnll o. The higheel number of votes will determine the choice. Newspaper coupons and pre mium coupons will count us follows : NEWSPAPER COUPONS: -The voting coupon printed in each isHUeof i be Post is good for one vote it' filled oil) mill scut or brought to this olHce. PREMIUM COUPONS i All suh- ji.ib iv m it- it m k m m c 'ECONOMICAL Plow .oe, 81.00 Pair, Worth, $1.50. Arnold s Closing Out Shoe Sale tial .'ainpainn. it the Committee sanctions the rrii(lucuons ol political speeches by liie f;railioplioiie will figure largely in tl timuaign. S'vertil llepubiican swakers have been learning to talk into a grapho plionc in a professional manner, and :!i -I listening to the results as turn ed mil ol a brass tunnel. The ora tors include Senator Deiicw, nfXew . j.i - tn. I I........ t. I..-.. I .......... 1 I I.... .1... II... . ; 1 . . I m ' irejiiwimium vminuii, m-i i win wmu i"i inv i ' -s 1 in "'i- , ,;ur airellts SatllllkS. MlOCS a ,1 lii;..,; vanee will receive a I'renuum uoutMin ', 1 , , ', u . .i . " .. . from this office, that entitles them to II tlumped on the Arnold tables licprcBentative Mercer, -.1 .Neb- TWO votes for each month paid in ad- S eIUMIIOAI raska, repeated this evening his vnneeand "i lorn full year. For :i s BV VJ l J Ifl I VML pceehof May 8. 1808. on the nam- N,KW Vmh "'P1'0" gfJT P1 1 2narket St.. Sunbury, Pa. 1 - ' mmin coupons will be issued lur eiicb re ol the 0,000,000 appropn- mouth and 60 for a full No : rB' t, 31 111 IK I'll UH ation to iireonre for wnr wilhSonio I poll will be Issued for less than six i ..l.u u.,1.. i -i, , l, .. ! 1 1 1 1-1 .. llivi.imn nuimnui aiiKIIIH ., . - onti Pair Shoes to lie Sold, a cheaper than factory cost. The ,a sg lieauy Pay Store Shoe Stock, the a Arnold Sin leStorcSbK.'k and !() fc ill Tw w thn made and then the irranho- photies were moved across (he Cap- in Appropn- itol to the I oliinilttei ations, where Mr. ( 'annon fi r few minules about Porto Rico, rea ling part of the speech he deliv ered . hen the Porto Itican hill was before the House of Representatives, Mr. Mull, of Iowa, spoke part of his Sjieecll mi the transport service, and Q Lleprcsentative Cousins, of Iowa, N P0iMtoltn j rvilfflfiii ..I lnu ..I' si fort, which concluded with Sing's "Lest Wo Forget." Senatorial talkers were enuall numerous. Parts of speeches by Senators Allison, Spooner, Wolcott, Fairbanks and Depew were ski II tullv inscribed in wax with all the I -hading ol tones and emphatic cli- j niaxes. Scores ol cylinders inserilMil with these gemi of political oratory will !k shipped to Philadelphia, an I an exhibition given iwtore the membm ot the National Committee. It will remain with them to decide the fate of the project. unnio from one nienuier ol a family tn another will not be considered a new I Qenessee Pure subscriber. For every dollar's worth of I , Y. oo print i nu hi-newaavemsements mm are nrouirhl or sent to this office, a pre- talked mium couiJon will be issivil for 25 votes CUT THIS OCT. Ooshen, III. Food Co., Lo Roy, it- -II Mn i r -Kn'.i ii Kj Ki"- no. ny ; j B ? : hi N Deab Sihs : Some davs since a j package of your QRAIN-0 prepara tion was left at my offic. I took it home and give it a trial, nnd I have , to say I was very much pleased with i!,asa BUOStllUte tor collee, e have always used the best Java and Mocha in our family, but I am free to say I like the GRAIN 0 as well as the best coftee I ever drank. Respectfully jours, A. C. Jackson, M. D. This coupon entitles the holder Ei to one vote lor the handsome I WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN ff (' li- the Weaver OrgAn t TMnnn Co S of York, IV. and nolil hy P. S. Kleirel. M nl - illohiirK. Ia.) to be (riven to noun- Churrli, Sunday School or 1'ubllc Bebool in Snyder County, by the Post, MlddleburKh, I'a. This vote is cost for : This coupon la not rood live week after above date and will then not be counted. Hand hv mll .wk.lni.lA HiLaMa. mnA M have It deposited in the ballot box. iXZJ In almost every neigh borhood there is some one wnoae life lias been saved by Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Dinrrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic di arrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever opportunity oilers, hoping that it may t.e the means of savings other lives. For sale by all druggists. Middleburgh" Market. IN COMBINATION WITH THE POST We give below some clubbing combinations with the Post, The rates quoted arc very low. The Farm Journal, monthly, for almost five years and the Mtddleburg PosToneyear, paid inadvance,$1.00 The Fiirtn Jouriutl In on,- of tin- lot Mrleultuml pa pen publlahed. it con laJni fmin S3 lo tn pn.ui each month and treat, of every lublecl ol lulereel to tin' farmer, hilmri'rand u-orkiiifr man. The New York Tri-Weekly Tri- j buneaod the Middleburg Pubt, one j j year, paid in advance, only 91.76 i Tin Tri-Weekly i published UontUy, Wednesday nnl rrldfty, rcnchei m lare proportion f obeeriDeri on date t let ue, and encli edition i- it tboroutfhty up-to-dnte dally family newspaper for busy people. The New York Weekly Tribune j and tilt- Middleburg Fost, one year, j paid in advunte. only $1.25 I The Weakly Tribune publlehed on Tlnn-ilay, iind k'" ft" linj'irtinil neWri of nation and world tftt- mot reliable j market reports, unexcelled axrioultural departmanti reliable K,,",f'' Informa tlonand eboloe and entertaining mla cellany. ft ! the ''people's paper" fr the entire United States, a national (am lly paper fur farmers and villagers, I The New York Tri-Weekly World and the Middleburg Post, one year. I i paid in advance, only $1.65. Tbe Tri-Weekly World oomee three Note a week, i lilli-il with the lBt,'t iiew-K of thi' country 1111 1 n well wmth tin- price iieked for it. The Practical Fanner, one year, I and the Middleburg Post, one year, pani in advance, ti.bu. botn ol the above papers and tbe Practical Fanner Year Book and Aorioul- SIPE'S Japan Oil. ctou(:-:e:::oce For all kinds of paint ing is superior to linseed oil both as to durability and Fini -h. ( 'osts less than linseed oil. Prices quoted upon application. i H James B. Sipc & Co., Sou: MANTJFACTUBKR8, ALLEGHENY, PA. li-s-10t. , : fa i B I A DMINI8TRATOH8' NOTICE. L , XX tcrH of Admlnlatntlon in the estate l.'icy Ann Komi, lateof Went lltiavertarii 6 ! MrCouiily, P.., deceaawl, taaWngbMnmn , "1n Ierlned, all pereoni knowinKtli. j aelvea Indebted to Bald estate are requeetei l make immediate payment, trblletboee ha. olalma aoainat the miiil t-.utc will prcHcnt th : duly authentieated to the iinderaigned I , T. K, RBITZ, , . WW. Administrator. ! CXECUTOR'a NOTIfK.-JJajlce U hcrehy , - Riven tlml letter! tcntainentry upon the en tate of Caroline Mover, lata ol itcuvt-r twp i Bnydereounty, Pa..deeeaied have been in.ueii, in iliic form of law to the underslirneil, to whom Bit indebted to Maid estate nhould make inline dlate payment ami timne baring clalmi iiKninst I llJUould preeantthem duly Buthentloatad for I nl IIakvky IfOVEB, Bxsoutoi j Beavertown Pb.. May 7, 1900, , -in pXRCnTKIZ'a NOTIC & Notice li herein given ii ttcr leatamentsry upon the IMeetateol Wm. K. Oowell, lata of West Bea rer Twp., Snyder County, Pcnna., deoeaaed have been issucii in due form ol law lo the un dereigned, to whom nil Indebted to mini estate siimmi make immediate and Ihoee having claim, acaiii.t it Hhould preaent tlieni duly authenticated f..r settlement UZZIE UOWKLL, Bxeeutria. McClure, pa, Butter 14 Eegs Onions.... Lard Tallow... Chickens. Turkeys. . Shoulder. Ham 14 7 4 7 8 12 Wheat 75 Rye, 50 Corn 40 Oats (old) 27 Potatoes Bran per 100. 90 Middlings" 90 Chop 90 Flour per bbl 3.50 PB X .s Y I. V t N I 1 II 4 l i t VQ r A . tnral Almanac for 1900) paid inf-'d., Oanandagua and advance, only 1 .(15. f5 j,",;lu,,fi,,'l "" ' f . . in tbe State ot Fennavlva The Practical Farmer in one of the best farm pattern puhlinhed, Isnued weekly, at II. im year. The year hook contains finu paire. in which there is a fund of in formation that in useful to the farmer. The price of this book alone is SO centn. You get the Port, the Practical Farmer and the vear hook lor onlv tl. W ED HATCH TO BELLEFOXTE. For the Centre County Centennial at llellefonte, Pa., July 25 and 2H, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will ell excursion tickets from all station on Its line In the State of Pennsylvania, to Bellefonte and return, at one fare for the round trip (minimum rate, 25 eta). Tickets will be sold and good going July 24, 26, and 26, and to return until July 27, inclusive, 7-12-2t. Reduced Ituti-w to Ml. t.refna vtn !- nay I vimln Ui. 1 1 n mil. For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua to lc held at Mt. Gretna July 2 to August 8, hmk), the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell M-eiiil excursion tickets to Mt. (iretna from New York, Wiosliintfton, liiiltimore, Frederick, intermediate tations on its line l'cniisvlviiiiiu. Tickets will ISe sold June 25 to Aug ust H, inclusive, and will lie jrood to re turn until August la, inclusive. 7-21-2t. Washineton. D. C GenenseePure Food Co., Le Hoy N. Y. Gentlemen: Our family realize so much from tne use of ORAIN-O that I feel I must say a word to in duce others to use it. If people are interested in their health and the welfare of their children they will use no other beverage. I need them all, but GRA1N-OI have found su perior to any, for tbe reason that it is solid grain. Yours forhealth, C. F. Mteks. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Lct te rs of Administration i n t ii e MUte ol Amelia Ridley, lute ol Franklin tern Snyder county, Pa., iiee'.i, kavlna bei n mated in the andenlvned, ll perwiai kuowlnn ium jcIto. Inilehled to mild etlale uro reqnetii to Tiake immediate payment, while thoea havhu tl lim. will present them duly auttietnloutoil t tbe under.-iKiied MOHIItS KKDI.KV II. A. HAl'CH, Hlddlebanr. Adtnlnletcalote. Jan. ii. iwki. ADMimSTRATORH' NOTICK '.et ters of Adiiiiiiisfratioii in tle tate of i tin llowc .,x. late of Middl irir. Snyder county. Pa dee d, having h ranted to the nndwvle-ns I, nil pecan neknowinJ them elves iudet ted to naid etate are rep eated to make Immediate payment, w hile Iboei havine aims will preeeDl them duly authe-.Heated to llu; uudcrniKiied. JAMK.O P. SMITH. June 2.1, MtO. Admlnl-trator. 1VAXT'W. Chrl"tl"1 ,nn or woman to vv qualify for permanent position of truil In your liome f'nuntv. tMAo ..-.-i.. ... , elf-addrenned .stamped, envelope to R. H. Wal lace. Oenmal .SecreUry, Cochran BulldlnK, Waanlnieton. D. C. opposite Treaaurv D.-pt. VOI-KO HSU WAXTED With fair education and rood ehaictpr to LKAK.N TKI.KOKAP1IY ItaSZl'a "counnng and typewrli luu. Thl Is endorsed by a!l lead- lf,m",.ay.C0InPIM",'? B "i. only perfect and reliable Instruction of Irs kind. AllourtTBd- iS3SJnSSf!S& P'on- dalles alao ad fiSS ,te ror free "Mog. (Pall term opens 6-14 6m. I LODE TELEGRAPH COLLEGE, LlllkOTCN, Kt. St tl. laitft Golden Relief TKUai HMMM aw w INFLAMMATIONS 9 Sortsj, Wound., BkaBBMNem. N.araKr 1.1 loidn." A SUM CURB r.rioJ n ror hi CAIN lnl.i or oul. e-. lt b7 KJJ BJc.rrrVlU.Jir BO6