The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 12, 1900, Image 6

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    it' Early Promts.
Tm pIng ,ie proud of thai taatH
toy of mine one of those day??," he ex
claimed', earnestly.
"Is be talented'?"
"No. He';) going to lie u bUSlneSI
man. I toldihim lust week that If he'd
lie a goo il boy I'd lake '. I" to the cir
rus. Inateadt of tekini: ic right up lie
though) the i repoeitl .. r a minute,
ntu! tlnn aaked n e if i lh ught Itwu
a good circus."- athiugton 6tar,
A Victim of HousecleaBlasr.
Missionary Was it liquor that
brouj;lit you to this?
Imprisoned Uurglar No, fir; it was
house cleanln' spring houae eleanln',
.Missionary Eh? House cleaning?
Burglar Yessir. The woman had
been house cleanln', and th' stair car
pet as up, an' th' folka heard mo.
.Y V. Weekly.
I'rrpnriiiK tor Emergencies.
Aunt (severely) As I glanced into
the drawing-room last evening 1 saw
you with a young man's arm around
Niece (calmly) Yes. auntie, I was
Waiting for you to pass tin-door and see
its. Young men are very slippery now
adays, and one can't have too many
witnesses. Tit-Bits.
lie Needed Practice,
"It seems to me," said the manager,
"that you do that purl of receiving
the purse of (.'old from the chief vil
lain in a most awkward manner."
"1 daresay I do," admitted the actor,
sarcastically, "It is so long since I
had any chance to rehearse with the
real atutt." Tit-Blta.
Ilia modest Desire,
"Yes," said the irascible aeronaut,
"I told you a moment ago that the es
cape valve is out of ordvr, and that I
was doing my best to 11 x it. What dti
you want now'.1''
And' his timid companion trembled
violently as he answered: "I w ant the
earth." SomerviUe Journal.
1 1 i m ItcUNiin.
"What is your favorite recitation?"
aaked the hostess.
"Curfew Shall Not Ring To-night."
answered Mr. Blyklna, with n prompt
ness which was almost defiant,
"Why, nobody recites that any
"That's why I like it." Washington
Mistress You say you nre well rec
ommended?. Maid Indeed, ma'am; I have 30 excel
lent references.
Mistress And you have leen In do
mestic service?
Maid Two years, ma'am. X. Y
World. rill In r.noiiKh.
"Oil, you needn't tell mo that It's
healthfularoundhc re. I can see that at
a glance."
"Look at the doctor's house. It's
one of the poorest in the town." Chi
cago Times-Herald,
The Amateur f.rctiirer My misguid
ed friend, do you not know that success
is only achieved by hard labor?
Roving Ike 1 done six months of It
once at it stretch an come out no rich
er'n when 1 went. in. Indianapolis
Sure Sinn.
'T n tm ci rtain that Sue is engaged to
Mr. Dinkey," said Miss Kittlsh to Miss
"Why. she never mentions him."
That is what, convinces me. She
Used to make all manner of fun of
him."- Detroit Free Presa.
( i iii i TUB kitc iii:x.
I i
New Cook (after installing her li
brary, bicycle and athletic articles in
tho kitchen) Madam, where 6hall I
put all theso cooking utensils? There
doesn't seem to be room here! Ileit
ero Welt.
A Wlsa I'nrcnt.
"Xo, I never take the newspaper
home. I've got a family of grown-up
daughters, yon know."
"Papers too full of crin.e, eh?"
"No. too full of bargain sales." Col
lier's Weekly.
Want She Didn't Know.
Mr. Sappyr Didn't you know. Miss
Mawy, that a horse kicked, me once
and knocked me senseless?
She I didn't know that it wns n
horse that did it, Mr. Sappy. Uarlem
Extremes Meet.
Johnny I wns next to the head of
my class to-dny.
Fathl r Good. How did it happen?
Johnny We were standing in a
circle. lloston Herald.
Quite l'nneeenrr.
Jack Iluggard Shall I ask your
Miss Innit No; just tell him you're
ao big and' strong you don't need) to
Mkl Puck-
PI i.l I : '.. . .'V '17 f fiiN
Good Thing fur Man.
"After all," he said, reflectively,
"woman's preference fur office or store
work rather than domestic service is
a good thing for man."
"How so?" she inquired.
"Why, in domestic service she has
a mistress and in the business world
usually a master."
"What has thai to do with it?"
"It naturally gets her into the habit
of obeying man. which is excellent
training for matrimonial life." Then
lie added thoughtfully: "Sometimes
I wish you had had a little office
training." Chicago Post.
Hence Ills Tears.
1'antor Well, my good man, how is
your wife?
Countryman (beginning to sob)
She she died last night.
Pastor My dear man. control your
self. Remember at this time the In
exhaustible consolations of
Countryman And she did not even
tell me where she had hidden the
money she has been saving Vver since
we were married. X. Y. World.
In Mourning.
Last year her hair was white as snow.
Now lilnck locks nre her brow adorn
ing. Hut at th chance don't wonder Ro
ller husband's dead, and fhe'n In
Harlem Life,
Friend Is Jones working here now?
Manager No, he got loaded, we
tired him, und he went off . Chicago
Inter Ocean.
The Point of Vlrwr.
Dixon I haven't seen your friend
Mixer for some time. Is he sJck?
Hixon Yes, he's been ailing for a
week or more.
Dixon That's too bad. I knew he'd
been Leering for quite awhile, but I
wasn't nware that he had switched to
ale. Chicugo Inter Ocean.
Which Oner
They mads a wager as to which could
give a atory the widest circulation in
tho shortest time.
One of them hnd it manifolded on the
typewriter and sent it to every newspa
per in the town.
. The other merely told it. to his wife
"in strictconfidcnce." Chicago Post.
Suiting (he Action.
"Which one of the popular books of
the day do you like best?" asked the
"'To Have and to Hold,'" ho an
swered, in an ecstatic whisper,
"Don't, Harry!" she protested, but
her voice had a sinotheri d sound. Chi
cago Tribune.
Law mill Lawyers.
Richmann I have decided to make
no will.
Lawyer Then the law will divide
your estate.
Richmann Well, that is better than
letting the lawyers divide it. N. V.
Sprnklntr of Lawyers,
"What, sort of a legal light is a
pettifogger?" asked Dialling, when a
discussion nrose about lawyers and
"A pettifogger is legal lightweight,"
replied I. arkin. Detroit Free Tress.
Information While Yon Wall,
Mr.Spellem,of Hlghlundtown.writi s:
"Dear Bur Please tell me wat is the
holesuinest food fer children?"
You will find doughnuts about the
"holesomest" articles of diet. Haiti
more American.
a Qeaeral shnkr.
Sandy T'ikes When a woman shakes
her head 'tain't no use to urgue uny
Pellucid Fete Samo way when a
bull shakes his head. Chicago Daily
Hoi tlie Amwrp Bspeeted,
"Celia and I fell out about my hat."
"What about it
"I said it didn't become me."
"She said she thought so too." Chi
cago Record.
itcfidy for n Compromise,
Mrs. Crimsonbeak You just wait;
woman will have her day yet.
Mr. Crimsonbeak I don't oare, if
she'll only quit objecting to us men
having the nights. Vonkers States
man. Evidently o. K.
Mrs. Brown Do you trust your hus
band perfectly?
Mrs. Jones Absolutely ! He never
get! Scared when I tell him he talks in
his sleep! Puck.
Very Simple.
She There is really only one reason
why I prefer to remain unmarried.
He May I ask that reason ?
She The right man hasn't proposed.
Chicago Record.
Exrellrnl llriiiinn.
"Freddy, what makes you talk
from morning till night?"
"So's I'll be good comp'ny fer my
self." Indianapolis Journal.
The One Tiling Needfal.
Cholly I wish I knew what to do
with this mustache.
Jasfc -Why don't you put some hair
mm ft? Town Topics.
LeMon In the International Series fa
July M, 1000 J the ISrrad
of Life.
Prepared by H. C. Lenlnrton.
QOLDB3 TEXT Jeaua salil onto
them, I am the breud of life. Johu
The Lesson Text. John 8:l'2-40.
This lesson consists of a discourse
by JetiUb on the feeding of the 1,000
given the day after the miracle. Th t
full discourse ia included in the sixth
chapter of John, verses 1171,
The People Seeking Jesus. The
miracle of feeding the i.OOO people from
live barley loaves of bread increased
the desire of the people to see JeaUS.
So the multitude returned to Caper
naum seeking Him. Hut Jesus was not
seeking this sort of popularity. He
wanted them as He wants now that all
should seek Him, but the purpose in the
heart of the seeker has somewhat to
do with the result of the seeking. Jesii"
divines the motives of the people, and
says: "Ye seek me, not because e
saw the miracles, but because ye did
est of the loaves, and were filled." In
other words, they had seen agreat won
der performed, and sought to see other
preat wonders. They had failed to .er
cetve the real purpose in the miracle,
and had seen only the multiplying of
loaves and fishes.
The Imperishable Bread, It is in ex
planation of that miracle that Jesus
now goes on to speak. He tells them
that the barley loaves were only syxn
hois of that higher nourishment, "tin
meat which endureth unto everlasting
life." Then some of those before Jeaus
perceive the drift of His teaching. Thev
knew what the rabbis hud been teach
ing that "works for Cod" were-profitable
to the spiritual life. So they ask
what they shall do. "Believe," comes
the word of Jesus. "This is the work
of God that ye believe," believe on Him.
Jesus, whom Qod hath sent. Hut the
Jews were slow to believe. They for
get the wonderful works of Jesus only
the day before, and ssk for a sign. Hut
as they speak they remember the
"sipns" already given, and seek to back
down by belittling the miracle of the
loaves, sugpesting that Moses, day after
day for many years, had given their
fathers manna from Heaven, Jesus
docs not ofTer to defend His own mir
ucle; His only answer is that the bread
for the body is not the Heavenly bread
of which He has been speaking. "The
bread of Qod is He which cometh dow n
from Heaven, and giveth life unto the
world." Loaves and fishos help give
life to the body, but Jesus Himself gives
life to the spiritual man.
Jesus the Hread. This teaching of
Jesus is unlike any of the teachings of
the Jewish rabbis, nnd the Jews find
it hard to understand. They think He
is speaking of a material Dread which
may possess some superior quality, but
still bread after the fashion of that
used by them every day. So they soy:
"Lord, evermore give us this bread."
Jesus then speaks to them plainly: "1
am the bread of life;" and speaking no
more in figures, adds: "I came down
from Heaven to do the will ol Him that
sent me And this is the will
of Him that sent me, that everyone
which seeth the Son, and believethon
Him, may have everlasting life."
Objection liaised by the Jews.- The
Jews were unwilling to accept the plain
teaching of Jesus. Perhaps they could
not. Here was a man they knew ami
whose parents they knew. How is it
then that this plain peasant carpenter's
son, one of themselves, saith: "1 came
flown from Heaven."
Jesus' Answer.- Jesus does not argue
w ith t.he Jew s. They can accept or no,
as they will. He reiterates the truth
He has uttered: "1 am the bread of
life," and gives expression to a new
truth, adding in verse SI: "The bread
that. I will give is my flesh, which twill
give for the life of the world."
Another Objection. Christians will
see in the statement of Jesus a fore
shadowing of the cross, but the Jews
could only think it foolishness. "How."
t hey nsk, "can this man give us His flesh
to eat?"
Fating of the Bread of l ife.- Jesui
does not go into any detailed explana
tion of His meaning, of II is com in p sac
rificial death upon the cross, and how
this would bring the hope of eternal
life through His resurrection to count
less millions through the centuries to
come. They could not have understood
if He hail told them, but He did vouch
safe that they were to eat of the Heav
enly bread, "not as your fathers did eat
manna." They nte of that and are
dead. You, He says, may partake of
me and with me have everlasting life.
Many Disciples Leave Jesus. Hut not
all of Jesus' hearers, not even His dis
ciples, Understood this lesion Jesus
meant to impart. They said: "This is
an hard saying," and, like many a later
disciple who could not nil at- once un
derstand the mysteries of Christ,
walked no more w ith Him.
The Twelve Remain. The desertion
of the many disciples at this time must
have saddened the heart of Jesus very
greatly, but Etill the twelve remained.
To these comes the question of the
Master: "Will ye also go nway?" Hut
Peter, the Hock upon which He was to
build His church, answered: "Lord, to
whom shall we go? Thou (only hast
words of eternal life. We believe and
are sure that Thou art that Christ, the
Son of the living God."
(iraprii from Cnnnnn.
Walking with Cod will always lend
you toward man.
What you are to men depends on
w hat Qod is to you.
The stilts of pride do not help in
(he walk with God.
We all hate self when we see It crop
iut in somebody else.
The biggest coward is the one who
Is afraid to do right.
That cannot be the true religion
irhleh Is so absorbed In the revelation
rt God that It forgets ita relation to
men. Barn's Horn.
Restore Vitality, Last Vigor and Ms j hood
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Nervita Tablets
lmll.l Daanlta
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia. Nervous Prostra
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Hesultn of Kxrnsiire I'so of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain package, $1. 00 a
box, 6 for tS.OO with our bankable guar
antee bond to care In 30 days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton A. Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILV
Paris and the
PARIS, tlx fucft beautiful eitv in
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WONDERS of be Fan. Millions
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portraying all thai ia worth peeing,
Tbia Beautiful Art s.rn - will be
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320 Magnificent Art Productions
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OUR TRBM8 Write plainly your
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114 Fifth Avenue New York.
The wHI known writer, Kvelyn Hunt hi ht
I took i utUtrtl "Womanly Beauty" Mys: "It i
my contention that every woman not only may
liutnhool(l pone cbarmtnii personality ol j
Face, figure and manner To attain auH preaerve
beaut Ip Ibe pro pet pttudy "f won ankltid A 1
nn ujjrr liunre ni.-iy tlrvrh pfil; Icti nh. uneven
feature may be softened, reflnotl nnd rendeied
harmonious it t-ollnw or muddy eompleiion I
may tf f ret honed 4 hrlKhtrned nnd rpale clear;
dull cyii without eiirewion may H iteu ami
nmrkle and uuniirufN hlentUliesof eer kind
may oe rettoved i . eUl ilefeetn and h run ken,
impn'er'ahed ntnh ve i itcuren may he cr
maneutly remedied aim womanly I cant v ac
quired and retalaed, It it. every woman'aduty
to accompllfh Ihaas ratolte " The Manila Com
pany, H-S Fulton Btreet, Kew York, offere to
mall nine h" f "t weandrw ( team" and a fi ee
cake of t 'aaaandrfl iktn map. to any laly who
mcihIh Ave luo-ci-rit Rtamna to ,vi r expense of
mallinR TPhe regular ptiet of thie Iwok In
cants ami it contains val liable Interestlne i n for
mat Ion and Is foil of good advice 'or ladles who
desire to acquire ami retain loveliness of face
and form, t asaandra Cream" Is a wonderful
beautlfler of the complexion and makes the
skin soft, fresh and white by removinx a1! In
purities and discolorallomi it i a (erftctly
pure preiaratlon and a ill not injure Ibe mon
sensible skin. 4 r.'-i'.t.
Mra, Yorkrode WTiat In the world
wore jrou and Mr. Quilford swearing so
much about?
Mr. Yorkrode We weren't twearing.
We were Just holding a cursory diaeua
ion on the allYtr question. llaltlmore
i Tl -II 1 ri n m:vs.
In I M P
"Ilerp yer ore. Miss, all erbout er
old mnil wot founil er man under
her bed!" N. Y. Journal.
Ka Eienie for It.
"They say that (leorpro Washing
ton swore occasionally,'1 remarked
"I don't know why ho should
swear," replied KIldufT. There were j
no telephones in his day." Town
An Knrly Shade.
Mrs. Wunder My dear, that plum- ;
a aaa M M I
colored siik you nougnt ior me is
not plum-colored at all. It la green.
Mr. Wunder Oh, lta plum-colored
all right. It hasn't ripened yet,
that's aiL Baltimore American.
eral Adjustments. Prompt Payments,
Only the Oldest, rtroDgeal Cash Companies,
Fire, Lite, Accident and Tornado.
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Ml $1
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factory. We guarantee lit, t-tyle,wear
... Diiri'MtiiliiL-iii' w lih llliislriitloilsTTf lSo'liiTririilliH In Mines: also II Hut
it's tii kei bteh leonma Liberal osii Bonuaoo yi'ur yetrl trading,
ilmi rent n Irs ot snoes uiai i nine niiiiK"' ui ii'i'1 lm. iu' 1111 '".
mrrcbaiii a pair orit.00kboi a tbal l bad jusi received irom jrou and lie took tils km:
cul Into tbe nee! and eiimtneo ibem ihoto'ipbljr imn: proDounoed Uiem c heap at
You will in. i) an i.nler Ith I his letter for two mure pair ol shoes.
Rnpeotiully yours, MBS. J. M. WIUJAMB,
' wiluru, Medaolno c .
P. 8. Ue iny.nanif 'I you like.
I kxikii BnovOo.: , , ,,
Gh)0tS Please Hurt eneloseil. Iierewlth, express irorey order. Please send Ine
nui withoui delaj . i am ni edlng ihem. My wile tsalmoii barelooted sod l don't jn
I uv sins s at any oilier house I . muse I have used the Pexter and Ilnd lliem the 1
ibe money. Yonrs truly.
DEXTER SHOE CO., siSSiTteife Boston Ma
EgtabHshctl 1880.
a asaami si.y BOCBB
work ol art ba Jtwl bwtn iMoed In Kw York
at ... outlay ol overlluO.MKI for wide , thr pule
' Ittbers dad re n MiinKer in tl.ln "Uiity, also n
j K I solicitor: K I !" ''X1'' l,nr,v- I"''.',rlv
Kl .. ....... .iiii.t.dii.uu oiioer. l u-
' llll Itlll-paneeiiK" l
, miDatodeoren and bipdlpsa wwW gow' I
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i en roses ill the. loth I.Hidinits N.-IU at sikM:
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I manent (iavlnK position to nianeice our busi-
I MM SBd look alter tno ilirne hhimiiubhi i
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LljfcA I sttsl i-ulr n-aiio anii afcaat
nl SSf II If tit firi rtarfe4 by
fijtrfi- j pay i om- frt itht agent oar
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rU.jrhabics. ;; . ;,, . . r ,.,
liS.'S. I'frifH ai-n mm Vr H r,SS la-, for &0mllr.i
wi'MMai1-. iiirriti,. . rmu FitY.r. &Tm
OATALsHtC I psajal rat '. O. I. ulTer.(
iEAR&t ROiIbUCK A CO. Chicago.
As an advertisiug niedium the
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ty. Give it a trial.
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i v i;k na , "U nn
ar.iinf tn ti ou r
il in aaa ofllos. n'l
aa faSISS -air.; mJ lli 1
rralss j stst ' r 1
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atvl. aiv flttlrv. inrnl''
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alaaaaw f tan v-
Hr.p ST tf Mar. ft'' 7
fifttdtrwi Vail rW sssjf
anr i.thtr h"iiM. rrrrr.
vt Men'a MSfSlStSSS
ur.U 1 1 e.iirwui ' - j
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r.iifi si ir"'ii r""w ' ..
rlllk MT.iU lltMfk X- f 'T.
(atari. Roebuck 1 9m mi iocruuki j reUaD
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ketch and description ol any imj
pronipiiy receive uui uuimun -m
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Patent" sent upon request. Pa,,iJ
mrougn us aaveriiscu iui saic bi wu . :
Patents taken out through us receipj
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notice, wiliiou, cuuie, iu a "
an illustrated and widely OfeaBBjJJ
consuuea oy miiiiuiiiciurer iuu 11 ,
bcuj lur samoletopv rei. A-! ''
' (Patent Attorneys,)
Ktaaa Building, WMHINC
WMW f'w -I