IHB SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson h' In"""'011"1 Serlea (01 jair t taoo-JTha Gaattla Woman's Faith. I'repured by H. C LenlnRtou. THE LESSON TEXT, (Mark 7:21-30.) "( Ami from theme He arose, and wont into tlie border of Tyre and tjtdun, and , ntarad Into an house, and would have no in in know it; but He eould not be hid. S Kor a certain woman, whose young dkuftber had an unclean spirit, heard of HUD) and came and fell at liia feet. ji The woman was a Greek, a Syrophe BleiaD by nation; and she besought Him that He would cam forth the devil out of her daughter. T But Jesus said unto her, I-ct the chil dren lirst be tilled; for it is not meet to Like the children' bread, and to cast It unio the dugs. S Ami she unswred and said unto Him. Yea Lord! yet the dog! under the table rat ot the children a crumbs. ) And He said unto her. Kor this say ing f tn' wa'; ,he dev" Kn; out uf t tiT daughter. , . . 30 And when sha was come to her house. fhe found the d;vll gong out, and her daughter laid upou the bed, liUI.DK I1I1T Lord, help mr.- n 1 1 . l.l-3. M TK9 AND COMMENTS. Triumphant Faith" would be on appropriate topic for this lesson, nnil for the gecond time as recorded in the (iospels it is the faith of a Gentile tlmi held up to the admiration of the world. We remember that upon another occaaion Jesus, speaking of the Roman centurion said: "i have not found so great faith, no. not in Israel." This time it is the fnith of a Syrophoenlclsn woman that is held up as an example by which we might profit. However, before entering upon this study we may make a brief note ,,f what happened between the last lesson mid the present. This includes: Visit to Jesua of Pharisees from Jerusa lem. Discourse on Eating with I nwashen Handi. increasing Opposition to Jesus. The feast of the passover occurred April 16, A. 1). 29, but .Icsus did not go 10 Jerusalem to attend it, probably because of the already apparent oppo sition of the Jews. The Jews of Ju dea had evidently looked forward to His coming, and were disappointed. Even the Pharisees wanted to see ilitn, for as soon as the passover feast was over they started north for an inter view. Jesus did not avoid them; lie ami the disciples went on in their ac customed way. 'o sooner bad the dis tinguished men from Jerusalem ar rived) than Uiey found an occasion for controversy. The disciples did not follow tne traditions of the Jewish elders and rabbis in the custom of washing their hands before eating. Jesus' reply, as usual, went straight to the heart ot the matter. lie said (Matt. 15:16)1 "Ye have made the commandment ol God of none effect by your tradition," and cites in illus tration traditions which have had the effect of causing open violation of one ot the ten commandments. Then to the multitude that gathered about Him He declared that It is "not that iitth gol'ulnto the mouth that de 'filetb a man, but that which cometh out, explaining that "those things m which proceeded out of the mouth .come forth, irom the heart; anil tney defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adul teries, fornications, thefts, false wit ness, blasphemies; these are the tilings which defile a man; but to eat with unwaahen hands oefileth not a man." This rebuke to and exposure of the Pharisees before the people helped increase the growing hostility to Jesus. So He departed for a short rest among the hills of eastern Phoe nicia, There He entered into a house, "and would have no man know it." Hut word soon pot Abroad that the great miracle worker and preacher of Unli lee was in the neighborhood1, and the incident of the visit of the Syrophoe nician woman occurs. Faith Triumphing Over Obstacles. The beautiful story of a Gentile wom an's faith turns on the point that the Jews in general and the Pharisees With especial scorn used to speak of all (jentiles as dogs. The fact thnt Jesus used the term seems not to have surprised the woman, and probably for the reason that the exclusiveness Ot the strict Jews was universally un derstood', and at this place, only 50 or id miles from Capernaum, the Phoe nicians were accustomed to meeting With the haughty contempt of their neighbors to the cast and south. Her daughter had an unclean spirit, a demon, according to .Matthew. She needed help, and, from what she had heard of Jesus, she knew He could give it to her, and she was willing to sink her own pride to gain it. The answer of Jesus in, DO wise discouraged her. If tlio Jews were the "children" and the Gentiles only "dogs," yet she remembered that even "the tlogsj un der the table eat of the children's crumbs." "For this saying," showing her humility, trust and faith, Jesus granted her prayer. "O woman, great Ml thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt." Matt. 15:2S. Living In This Life, Hereafter can have little practical power on the life and eharnctcr of a Person who neglects or disregards the present. As Dr. Stalker bays: "Jielig ion should be, . . . not an insur snce for the next world, but a pro gramme for the present world." How use, or misuse, the life that is, is an indication of our fitness, or our un fitness, for the life that is to come. S. Times. Tn the lllKlil Iluail. It Is better even to stumble along in the right road than to step firm in the wrong one. Itam's Horn. I.ove and Life. The life of love is better thnn the love of life. Ram's Horn. Host Peace Comes. A steadfast faitJi beget a constant Peace. John Mason. A abort prayer will get to flefn Pbker thaa a long one. DEHORNING CATTLE. A Hack lispecliillr Constructed to the l'urpoae of Securely Holding Mature miio. In the work of dehorning mature cattle, it Is essential thai they be se curely held. The best plan I know of is by means of a rack, us illustrated, and which 1 have used with hun dreds of head of stock. For its con struction, take two Scantlings, a n. 1x6 inches by o feet. Bora three d inch holes through each piece, one in middle and one at each end. Put in three rounds, each 3 feet long, which makes the main frame. Bolt on six upright pieces, b, 2x4 Inches and 5 feet high, one at middle, the other two ut ends, on each side. Mor- Vw7r i if r DEHORNING RACK. 1 tise or bolt on three crosspieces, c, at j the top of uprights, each :t feet long, i to keep sides from spreading. Then nail on two oak planks, h, 2 feet It) i inches- above the main frame (lour, 1x12 inches by 7 rt feet; allow 18 inches to extend in front to tie the animal's j head to. Then board up tho sides I nearly solid, except for two slats, the lower one. to put a board, j, 1 foot wide, through, to prevent falling down while dehorning: the slot. I, be ing used to put a windlass, k. through. to draw the animal to the front of the stock. Nail two strips on ea'h side to toi Of uprights, each 1x4 inch and feet long. Then spike on two "xt inch pieces 5 feet long, d, ncross each end of tho frunie at the ends and on the bottom. Let them extend out 1 foot on each side. Brace them (Irmly aa shown nt e. The head of the an imal la fnstened with a ropo through the holes shown at protruding end of board, h. A peg is inserted under the animal's neck at g. The windlass is attached to the rope about the an imal's head and the head is drawn down close and tight against the board, h.. J. M. Tanner, in Fnrm and Home. HOW TO PREVENT FLIES. First Ksacnttal la the ReniOTal of Filth anil Trnsli, Tlirlr Natural llrredliiK t-rouud. I One of the greatest nuisances about a farm is the pest, of (lies iu the sum mer ami fall. It would be hard to estimate the loss occasioned by them every year about tho barns, dairy and feed-lots. No cow can do herself jus tice where she is forced to keep up a : continued buttlu with a swarm of I flies from daylight until dark. Wor rying at tho Hies is more wearing on J a team than hard labor. The cause of pastured and fattening slock los ing flesh in the aummer is the flies. I As with most evils, the best cure is prevention, To prevent, the pest one must removo their breeding-ground, which is the lilt Is ami trash about the premises. It is the cage on most ! farms that tho manure-heaps ure al- lowed to accumulate during the gum I mer and the yards to go uncleaned. i Theso furnish tho best, of breeding- places for the flies. Swill barrels and buckets, too, are never Washed out, but tire allowed to sour and become incrusted with dirt, another source of Hies. In feeding tho hogs and calves milk and slop are spilled about tho troughs and barrels day after day. The ground thus treated soon becomes a hotbed for the eggs, which will batch and feed there. Open closets and uncovered drains are an other source, us is any place where there is decayed matter or filth for the maggots to thrive upon after j hatching. Flies are far more of a ! local pest than most people imagine. A farin-bouso whose grounds are kept I clean and whose bail; yard Is free from refuse, slops, etc., will be little ' troubled with flies. Stock kept In a clean stable or lot will be less troubled ! than the animals of the untidy, shift less farmer. Cleanliness and flies do not thrive together. J. L. Irwin, in Farm and Fireside. OOW With Queer Appetite. Occasionally we hear of cattle that develop an abnormal appetite for wood, eating rotten pieces of boards, etc. A contributor to National Stock man states that at one Crawford county institute a gentleman com plained that one of his cows bad eaten a pig-pen, a string of fence and other lumber on the premises, and he had been compelled to fence her away from the barn to stive it. He has fed her many and various feeding stuffs, besides bonemeal, sawdust and other side-dishes. With lumber nt present prices, the cow has expensive tastes. He wishes to know what produced the nppctjte. and what will cure it. He thinks he has provided foods that fur nish all the mineral elements needed, and the inclination to chew sticks and boards seems now to be only a viclout habit. Bull calves, whether intended for the market or to breed from, should be kept in a thriving condition. feu t;erce is the buttle of competition, go strong the spirit of trade, that it it commonly believed that when a busi ness bouse is burned out or meets with other disasters rival firms arc ready to mount the ruins and gloat over the extra grist brought to their own mills. But, as a matter of fact, says the Chi cago Tribune, there is among mer chants a good deal of thnt same kind of fraternal feeling that, in the days when people lived in houses and had back fences uf their own, caused a sym pathetic neighbor to fix up the gaps made by hastily departing servants with a welcome pie handed over the fence. And so when a business house lias been the victim of a tire neighborly opponents come forth with friendly of ten of assistance which tire usually ac cepted in the same spirit in which they are given. Business is business, of course, but there are times when busi ness is more than business. A Kansas exchange prints this story : "It is toltl of n certain plutocrat in Be loit that in order to save himself from inconvenience w hen he had his house remodeled he included an automatic but lit ub. The tub was so arranged that be could lie in bed and by pulling a button the tub would glide from the next room to the side of the bed, and then all lie would have to do was to roll over in the tub and take his morn ing bath. The other day he was show ing a party of gentlemen over the house, and when be came to the room he said: 'Let me show you my auto matic bathtub.' There was a scream, and the tub came sailing into the room with his wife in it. She now takes her bath in a wash pan." This is a great country. Laat year the crop of wheat was 547,303,840 bushels; corn, 1,078,143,933 bushels; oats,, 7116,177, 71a bushels; barley, 73, 381,003 bushels; rye, 23,061,741 bush els; buckwheat, 1 l.u'Jl, 17:; bushels; po tatoes, SSsii.L'.-)-' busels; hay, 50,683, 750 tons. The average farm prices re ported were: Wheat, 58.4 cents; corn, 30.3 cents; oats, 24. 'J cents. These fig ures do not break the record, but they are in the. front rank. Meanwhile, tho manufacturing capacity is enor mous. So country has such a rail way system, such furnace, outputs, such huge shops and mills, while in trado the vast combinations and trusts ure equally colossal. A curious lawsuit is in progress nt Kansas City, Kan., brought by S. K. Howe against the Armour Tacking company to recover 14 acres of river front occupied by packing houses. Tho old man, says an exchange of I that city, tells u, veritable Bobinaon Crusoe story. Many years ago he took ' up his abode; on ti little island in the Missouri river, living in a hut with a dog and u few fowls for his only i companions. He was lord of the do main, and no one questioned the fact. Finally the stream changed its course, and what was an island became valu able river front, and the Armour com- , pany forced hi in off. A certain congressman has received the following suggestion: "Would it not bo well lor the L'nitcil States gov ernment to prohibit the exportation of mules until our supply has caught up with the demand? The country is now being depleted of its mules, and j sliould any serious trouble occur with any ot the European nations our means of transortatlon would be bc riously hampered." In 1S40 Harriet Martineau visited the United States and reported seven oc cupations only open to women teach ing, needlework, keeping boarders, working in tho factories', typesetting, bookkeeping and household service. Now there are about 400 occupations in which women are employed. A good deal more is heard nowadays about Missouri mines than about Mis souri hogs, but it is stated upon good authority that the hogs bring in five times as much each year as all the mining products combined. Correct Silverware Correct in character, design and workmanship is as necessary as dainty china or fine linen if you would have everything in good taste and harmony i Knives, fork s, spoons and fancy pieces for table use will be correct if se lected from ;;oods stamped "1847 SZ? R.-inmlier 'IN-I7," nthr r imiU tiuti "Rngmrn. For catalogue No. .i, vdilrns t ' itiii'Ti International Silver Co. Mtnden, Conn. PARKER'S UAIR BALSAM psiai sod brsaUnM th .bsis. ... . !. I.'.. I vrnwtn. hev'er rails to Bestcrraj Oray H.ir to lis Youthful Colt. Cairo scslp itisissn a hsir MBSfi lucsSas? mo si rirutxias : M 'iivriiPuTrTiu!WijiK'fi & ff Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters are useless, painful ami dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer. No matter how often a cancerous sore is removed, another comes at or near the game point, an I always in a Worse form. Does not this t rove conclusively that Cancer is a blood disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure tins deep-seated, d mgerOM blood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore, which, ufter all, is only an outward sign of the discs.se- a place of exit fjr the poison ? Cancer runs in families through many generations, ami those whose ancestors have Ken afflicted with it are liable at mg time to be stricken wttli the deadly malady. Only Elood Diseases can be Transmitted from Ooo Generation to Anotliai further proof that Cancer is a disease of the blood. To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood System remove every trace of the poit, n. Nothing ci.rei Cancer effectually ami permanently but 8. S. K. 8. S. S. enters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint, and stops tlie formation of cancerous cells. No mere I h or ordinary blood medicine can do this. S. S. S. goes down to the very roots of the disease, ami forces out the deadly - o .11.....;.. ,r . l 1 ..n I ...!. a i- c .A.i I.i m 11 I 1 , ., , I MwwtMg oiv , -it iu um uatiwsuij Miu uctuuuiciiiij o, . o. ui wic same nine piinuca experience, who are gf Information wanted, we make no charge Malting: Her Happy. Sunday School Teacher -Have you made anyone happy this week? Little toil Yea'm. Mrs. Illghupp has a baby, ami it's a nwful squally, red-faced little brat; but, w'en 1 met Mrs. Illghupp yesterday, 1 told her she had the sweetest, prettiest baby I ever saw. N. V. Herald. Wh) Hi' nidn'l Harry Her, "Oh, no; I'm not a misogynist," said the confirmed bachelor, "but there has been one reason that has always pre vented my marrying even the most charming of women." "What is that '.'" "She Wouldn't have me." Town Topics. A Mad Case. She I suppose, senator, you find the glare of publicity ery annoying sometimes'.' Ho Yea, I frequently become so weary of It that I am almost tempted to run for the vice presidency. C'hi cotfo Times-Herald. The Slumn-Pure Article. Percy Have you ever loved before? Edith No, Percy! I have often ad mired men for their strength, cour age, beauty. Intelligence, or something like that; but with you, Percy, It is all love nothing else! l'uck. May Have Qol Some h 1 n k. "A burglar got into our house last night." "Did he take anything?" "The children are all sick, and we hope he got the measles." Chicago Heoord. oTUc I tll RL.n Rnr.l. Tlilx handy little !" l-'t volume, eontainlnn ii), tun'- lablesol all mllroails In I'ennsj Ivanla, . nrovinR '! '" ''"""'f"" men and commerefal traveler. tUugl .he -,,., , ,. huok i- published monthly, corrected up to i.i,. snd contains lt paRca. itiH'.n seals on .11 train and t'nion News Co. stands and l.y manv news dealers. SuUcriutlon, lollar . sinale copies, t nls. Address, V vvm i'.ll.v-TIN''. Publisher, Milton, I'a. M-I"I"I"I"W"H'1 1"M-M"H t"M"M v MIFFLIN BURG I MARBLE WORKS. I vo:- ; I I f R. H. LANCE, Dealer In Marble anil i' RMlck tlraalte . . MONUMENTS, HEAD :: STONES k CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. $ y. ni,l c;i,.c f-lonnnd -inrl Rennired I VIU lUHVJ IWMIIW i i rnces as low as mo bowvsi, , Satisfaction Guatanteed. :J. A. JBKK1KS, Agl.. $ i Cr::scrcve, Pa. . ll'H 11'1'IH 1 1 li'M 1 'l"l"l-M"Mi K. 1. Pottiege Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSCROVE, PA. aii professional boainees entrusted to my ears alii receive prompt nnd careful attention. AS. O. GROUSE, ATTOKXKT AT LAW, MlUULKUORU, Pa. All Lui-i nets entruste.i to liis care will receive prompt nttmtlon. MB SWITCH 65 CENTS. WK MILL SSSu HAll SMI 1 1 II U U tiinirh mv hair at fron 65c '" f-3.259 ""' 'u 11 ol wlleh?lbl retail at i. "O l .. aatiil M tliB Htrt ihaJ WUtffL anl cut It uutu near tbe NOfll um pOMlBtoi IMMM our apwlal prlc quotfd autl rrala itra to I V puatoffe. And UI maka ! a-dlrk I nn'rh yoar hair nart, ort'l Mfkd to you hj mall.poatiMtd.Atiil if 'i. art nut pcrfertly MtiaflM, rfturn ltanawu will tuuuetllaU'l rvfuntl your "n'v, OarHrfcIalIUrrl 'rIMIlMtMII t-OI. iwltrh SOIn. l-.t.i'. lens rtem, 63CS ihort tern, OOol tux. 80 in. l. i.c.fciiui t nU-rn, tl. 252 S-oi, tt in. loB7. Shofi m. $1.50; ot. !n..n.Bhr'iMm.S2.251 ' lontf.tbcrtatsom. S3. 25. iei'ASaIT UL li vrOKK tne iiiKUCHl trrane on in market. (Irdrril unci iinlft lhwipflil rlfi. Innr mfj rr l-irnad If yaa are ao pi ai.ed. Write for Fre CaUlosu ol RalrUooda. Addreaa, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO.ftnc.) Chicaaa m .mi fZ WfflK) e f A lime piinpie, a Harmless looking watt or mole, a lump m beal under ordinary treatment, should ull be looked upon with a bud forui of cancer. Mrs. Sarah It. Reesting, mi Windsor Are . nti.tol Trim.. wrlle i "I sm 41 yfaii elil. aii'1 f'-r thrcf ett had suffered with a fvrrc form ut Cancer on my law, which the doctors hi this city said wj iuctirablr sad that could not live mors than fix months l sceepted theit statement si true, snti had niu-ti up all hope of cvci being well again, whrn my tlruK gist, knowing of my condition, rccommend i H s s. aftertakipg n few battle the sore tcnsii to heat, much to the lurprix of the physicians, ami in n .hoit lime itmde a complete cure. I have gained itt t;eh lay sppetltc is splendid, sleep i refreshing in fact, am enjoying pcilni health Our medical department is in charge of pbvsicians of lone especially skilled in treating Cancer and whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. 1 Read This! Read This ! ! ? MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPEIC ' I- b.ii.-. r limp ' vi t hi foie ; mv PHIC S F.Ott Y.V 1 1 an OTH- C i frltS fur Mi SAME (JOODS, Vy ptices oh n i! uf cnipi-i 1 I w 'sli o iot , i i:l nl nut i ,o pocket buik : i , aid 2. otbtTN iiioi.ey, l, nut lliink of htivinff vour lull riiins until S o mi tfiv iny slock of cai pi ts ol miiiiu oi in buagaius I am o w r . is i . r i i O v 581' -!-. IT nt . 1 l n I) l'l h i sin d right o o One Word About Pictures. I urn i iffi i ing my pi i si nl si HAN COST ami t-ouie iol Ibe 1 Doil't miss tins sale. I have soiiie pi.tdtv tilings to nflW in Furniture, all i.e. v. T. ni i will sm prise j on in St li s ami Prices. UNDERTAKING ! UNDERTAKING ! in ihin branch ul mv Iiuhiwhs I am prepared to give the pubha ilie beBl serbioH ill t can be secured bv money, time ami personal attention, Mv tq.iippage in this branch of business is oi f tbn finest in l i n.h HEARSES, CAKKIAUKS and UNDERTAKING PANI.OM urn up In date. o (1 1 iiic word iibotil i report the my i neon I t.r MIANTKK t bouse lu the county, I i.r.MtaVi i i i i First ( 'lass Livery Coimitiul I W. H. o Telephon ( Connection, .rw?ocxx)ooooooocf." IThis Dictionary' DEPARTMENTS. . tllkrii. i' 1 , , : k l'l lee of Farm ronmrehenslve ... ..... V MfHdVMM$itMM .1 B leeullv lllii.lrnt, ii. r'rr ,,wv, i ii. n i 1 1 . 1 1 .'i 1 1 t . KVWf Oi, tiiJS ;J i til"' i I remarkshle ulfers ever nil VlUa -Kitb9Sk V iir.iili.iTliiih.n Is m-iiI liiimedlati h .-ill alu Inelliilea I'm SB -"i,1 " -v ,nTTT P i 9 - Rise 1 loehi ,. tFA.iWt AND HOME, Box D, sft 'Ji Vi i v j ( ' & 4 -kjrcir-k-k SAVE YOUR "Stftr" tin tup (Ihowing Btnall Btnrs printed on aatler r i'lo ofta), " Horse Shoe," "J.T.," "OoodLuck," "' rose Bow," and "Drummond" Natural Leaf Tiu Ti ' . J ralae In Biicurin(r prt'seuts mentionod below, a;i ! ;j .y Iu lortod. Every mau, woman and child cau find somelUing oa tli . list that they would liko to have, and can have SV 3S5 13 : TAiH. I T3.. I Match ii i i6!BCIoek.n lay. Calendar, Thsrmooi. llBira.oBabt.MoiilMl ' L "'''r' ",r ""' "r . ' " R K,-iiB,.rs isiiu'lifi ' " i ,'im in-.'. . :.- , h,i . inaoai wu a i 'i.i i.i U. v 'e'..ri, ., .1 si i, Ull !- isale.ilui I actl n, 1 Mali Sful nnna, Hal sah.nuad. ranla i lata nn whits inatal. I f r-in Ii lirmr v... I Pip 2t 7 BaauTi iit'ii"w ffrouad, Ana l'.iu:h-ti mwl U tlliitti'r Knife, iriil.i plata, Im-t .(III,- . rtll ii 9 Sueur Klu II. trii lH ids'.'. I . uiikI . In Bt.mn 11., v 1 1 ,,K . r II Knife. "Kenu Kuili.r. " tw.. I.lat - l'l l..f ,1... r l,i,if "Kaan Rntlar " I In lilsils ... T5 n kii.nr. i. 1 .. " m.i, i, 'i, :;. 14 Nut Net. Ciaeker ami ii l'leK. a.r plsteil 0 IS Ila-e Hall. "Ai-'.' lutlon," ln-t iiih;..m IU Alarm riiM-k. nil k'-l IUi 1 BliGanataa Rogara'Taaspi i ns.bssl 1 1sie l ipaata ir,u is Watch, i.i .H. stem trlud ami sH . HiKi ill Oarvafa, i 'i stasl, hQckhora lislullen . ... SOU 2u Nn Qanulns RoMfa' Tabls Bpoont, bast ptotad iniodj sou ill Rii sach, Rnlres an I forks, huok' bom bredlns ,, 3AU L'2 Nn eai-li. Ileiitiiiu. 1! r.' Km, i h andTorks, has: pi ited goods. ... uu in Bagln i uoiio Box. IH In a uii..M THE A10IE nFFVt CXPIRS 30m, 1900. r - l u . . . p.n :sisr " Tin 0i9lildl riUllliO . mnra lirinlwl on but will iisld kBaflrad. If raoaltisd br n ion or hafrra ttTUt'.Ml l.i BUND Ibut a uiiae'n worib of STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last lunaer and ulford ni tre plrusure thaa it dliuc'n ih,u.. of any other brand. MAKE THE TE6TI i Send laqs o COIfTIIfBlVTAL TOBACCO CO., SI. LOU'5, MO. Cannot bv Gut Out or Removed! v:ch Pl&sfcrs wic uioon .inn i 'in i ; - i j wie general I the breast, a cut or bruise that reftisei ts suspicion, us this is c,:t, ii the beginning oi other Hcnid diseases Write for anv n.K.,.- your hi ten lion hi ottering, el t In' I I if I .-. S it i r 6 iln -e goods, Q 8 in I; of pictures- ut cont, Li'.SS gt plico of the gluss in tin fn.nus. c 4 x irntlnn has be called to lately in regard te me goods ul I.K8S MONKV Hum aV i. iou easier PAYMENT than another. i Undertaking Depart incut FISLIX, LEWISTOWN. PA. $ rncr-. CONTAINING rnLLi; 50,000 Words 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. A i,rk of extrsordlnsrj InlereH to ail tlsssci t iiroKreMdvc paoplc In qaslit n i inieseelleil.eveiib) the t'lui itsndaid w-.iki !,ri"i). Inqiitiiillj it runtaiM neail) rvery "ni in roniaius Itism, slid fully iiwit the jiuriHim ul at leasi three out ul .-oi toiii tisupls Worcester Dlctlohsr) has liift.o 0 wonh, teutuiy 2J3.ma ai, ,1 sisnilatil jw'.M'. TIii-m i..-i ti..m ph' i" fW esrh. Our. nr 50,000 wonls may now be lisd iii'un teiiim Ueretuluru indicant ' 'a Ilea device Miowh llu plioul forms i( ., , the i n. Anutlier I'uIiks uul sbuiil Minn i illtttriill wurds; Hie iitestest uf all selileveuiriits In moilern dletlunar) liiaslns i- th--s'l'llti'-ii "f tt,IMI a urdu to this dletloiiar) hj uiesut ul a sUujli sse railed Hie "t'oluniblBn Word-lJullUer." s I estbe Uletlonsri u nNn e ntali s iwi In in , i s, ;t . fullua n: I A hill - lu ll,, uh :' l'loi neliia iiiiimnarj ; i i roier naiiirsi i (iatetteer uf the World; A l.nricc 'ltlc: I'ailin Uai'J Itules; Business Instrui'tiir; - il r.tliiuelti I, l iter W riter III. I Se of Cullluls j ruUCtUalloU j r,,tl ftnlde. i li euatalui m nsgei, banilsouieiy bound in uuiiaiiun a auu r corei nilirM RUflV To Intrndnee Farm anil Itome, i GIVEN AWAY, at semi mlily i which slred h a elreiil lion of 850,0001, Ini" Ihonsaiirts of lionies "here It a ni ' tl,.- t,,ll,.K HJ Ii, lii.o loom oi oi llll.l llollie : ' ' ' ; "' "V ll.l II Ii, llusir nientloiiltuitldsaier,slx months on trial fui only 'r. mill 4 Webster Illellonary," slMive den , ... . .,. .. ...II ....... I.... ....r , , i . l . 1 1 Ml a ,1 III. ii.ilii ihi iinulii ll-l, i . il ni.u. IIOIS l 1 1 1 I'll, i in i . , , ,. ,p ails, oi ins w iiri.ii ,:iimi,iiiis .ii..i. i.i ' Iet ll If mireliaed eiralei Atfents u nnled everyule' J Mhrrsl i 'iiiiiiiIshIiiii fur u I work. Aililies.s all orders to x Sprinf ielrl, MaSP., or Chicago, l!l- 9 a f. .3!l jr -?V i rc i: irk "k 1 in '; T8cs rk k I M ur Weahlier ' Mi S'l Tool Bat, i, ! lai thin,: i. but r. il tools il Tollel Bel IN Inoo-ated porcalain. i . M k k k -k v ry lisiiiNuin ) -.1 Ramlniitiin lUMs No. I. r si . -il at watch, larlina stlrer.l i!i - l IileJ l I ts Hall ' iso, lastuar, bi anil iona I .I'lr i luuO it h-wu..! M ,. , 111 . A I 11 UM j B Hi VMi.r, i dt'l i i.'eul .-4.i! 1 i ul ir.ui) r, .1600 '; ' 1 '"'.''- '' M Guitar (Washburn), rosu wood. In laid M Mandolin, rary bamUonM..... Woo Jt Wlnchaatw ll'pestii, Nh"t Gun, II fMHa., auoo .il lU'iuini(tun, iI.iiiI.Im bsrral. liaiu- raar Boot Gun, 10 or 13 ganga . ..sow) j BtcyoM, standard makt, i,lii' ur Kriits i&M 39 Hliut Gun. Rtnttngtoni doubla bsr- rel, imiuiui'ile Tsui illisl 1 Star tin 'a.;, ivitli no oinnll under sldeof tsi! '. sr "l u Ki'l fbrprutnlt, I fur 111,' li nt. for In CASH u ilio bltil ul iwun'.yceutiUjr jtarch li. I '. -k i; t 0 I