The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 28, 1900, Image 4

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t .,
i-l u'jji L.,nrfL Pfte don awl it they nave not oomnoui-
Tbe Miadleburgn r osi. a tlRir shari.;tiu.v should not shirk
pnbiihri Serj Thiiriy. J Jtv. lYrhans they have done
Editor and Proprietor.
tlii- vi liavt not been infonncd.
' When we Bay theyahould oootribute
their share, we do not say that their
' apportionment should be equivalent
, to that of Denver capitalists, but it
should be something. Hie students
AtivpriNiiiK khi.. inccnti ir line, non-1 0 Susquehanna University curry a lor n 10 L ,, J- ... monev into the town
mH nar line tor em unnnM im..w..- rn- j .
iMni ...I.!. In. hnw
will dliulbm. flioo la prtmlunu. wltao.l
t.T Mil or alia..! any lou.r ?
f MMM Our r.rprl MMM
11 to f JOS tk-M Saa -"
aj ,H per vnir II luii'l in advance
I..V pel year it not paid In advance.
Single Copies, Five Cents.
Kntered ill Hi
PoetOffleeat Mlddleborf, '''
onil class matter.
OKKK'K. N.-nr In.- 'oiiniy (uri Hoitae, be
tween the Flral National Bank and Ihe unt
nf Si'linsiTove every vear
I business men there profit
t la
Our rain-gai.e as adopted by tl $2100 IN PREMIUMS
... .. ... ..i i I ....
earner niireau ooubibib uin imitrci
Ithactd receiver, surmounted by a
cylinder inches in length and 8
inches in diameter. The funnel is
placed in a cylindrical reservoir
2.53 inches in diameter ami '20
inches in height. The area of the
cross-section of the reservoir is to
that tf the receiver as one to ten, or
1 inch of niiu falling in the receiver
eorresiKinds with 10 inches of water
in the gauge. The rainfall Collected
History. Established in 144 asthe
Union Demokrat, at New Berlin, aGer
man Whig paper, (.'hanged name to
the Post in MM. Oldenl Republican
newspaper in Snyder County.
Republican Sundine Committee-
Adams C. v. Bingaman, .1. D. Blpe.
Beavcr-A. W. Mnwr, I nlvln preeae.
Heaver w Fred 8 Uundrum. Tbos rlerbster,
Centre Allen Boyer, I.- A. Stlna.
Ohapman-P. A. Troup, C. H. UMeftwe.
Franklin- M. I.. Wnltcr. II. K. Itoli-mlrr.
Jackson--.!. Harvey Mover, 0. A. Hroine.
Mlddleburs Edwin Charles, Frank Kelts.
Mlddlecreek John S. Matter, " C. stuck.
Monro. W. L. Voting, Peter ..unit.
Fenn A. B. Smith, Geo M, Wltraar.
Perrv-Irwln Boyer, . O. Smith.
Perry w.-T. n. Oimyhlll, '. B. SiirlKK'1'
MinVroeeJ. A. l.umbard,Geo.A. Livingston
Spring O. M. Smith, John N Relgel.
Union Jaoob Htahl, ' l. Itmrar
Washington JohnM. Mayer, W. K. Rousn.
Jo. A. l.i mhabu. Chairman.
Buwta Cbablw, Beeretary.
J, Krk Rkitx, Treasurer.
Kt i-l lll.M A TICKET.
Congress -Hon. Thau. M. Mahon.
Senator Hon. Benj. K. Focht.
Assembly Hon. A. M. Smith.
Prothonotary Obo. M. Shindbl.
Register & Reeorder Jno. H. Willi
Disiiirl Attornev M. I. POTTEB.
Jury Commissioner E, B.8hambach.
Thursday, Jnnejg, H0(
Moving Susquehanna University.
The people oi Selinsgrove and the
friends ot Susquehanna University
generally are in a turmoil concern
ing the question ol removing the in
stitution from Selinsgrove to Sun
bury, Pa. The matter involves not
only the students and the Lutheran
church, but the people of Snyder
County generally. We believe it is
the sphere of a newspaper that helds
in high esteem the well-being of its
patrons ami the intellectual welfare
of the community in general to dis
cuss in a friendly way the merits of
a question such as this.
We shall endeavor to be impartial
in the expression of views and to
diminish and :iot Id inert the gap
which seems to exist between a por
tion of the board of trustees and the
iieople of Selinsgrove. The benefits
of an educatiouaal institution in any
community can better lie measured
I.v liflvinu lot it 1 1 1:1.1 1 in SDV other
way. If we are pardoned a thread
bare axiom, but as true to-day as
ever, "you never miss the water till
the well runs dry." We trust the
people of Selinsgrove will not have
occasion to learn in a negative way
the value of an educational institu
tion. About 40 years ago Missionary
Institute and Susquehanna Female
College were ( halted. The people
ot that loeality contributed land and
gave largely ol their means to found
the institution now the Isnieof con
tention. Missionary Institute strug
irUI nliiiiir imd oiilv diiriiiir recent
and tenth; 1 inch (10 spaces) on the
rod corresponds to 0.1 (0.10) ol an
inch of rain, and 0.1 of an inch (1
suae.-) on the rod to 0.01 of an inch
ni r.iin nml an mi. It It verv sel- 1
domthat we have a continuous rain
fall of one inch with the same veil -city
during the period required.
Hoping this will be a satisfactory
, explanation ra enauie you io w
! the question referred to. I f you de
sire any other information on the
j subject or anv information I may re
able to give you, 1 will cheerfully
I do so. Yours respectfully,
J. M. Boyer.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
UUOIUCDO ...v.. ' 1 ' i . - o o
No college is self-sustaining without in the gauge IB measured by means
a good-sized endowment Hence it cf a graduated rod, marked inches
must have help it remains for the
people of Selinsgrove to d theirfull
Bhare and not run the risk of losing
the school.
Now let us consider the other
side. President Heisler and a Hr
tionofthe Beard of Directora pro
I pose moving the institution to Sun
: bury, il the people ol thai town
raise $50,000 cash to erect new
buildings and donate a site. It would
appear that the president bad very
j little patience, and in addition failed
'to appreciate the difference between
the financial ability of the people of
Selinsgrove and Denver capitalists.
I Sunbury is well-fitted lor industrial
enterprises, and nodoubt better than
Selinsgrove, but the latter is better
tilted lor an educational institution,
because the temptations in Snyder
County's metropolis are reduced to
! minimum, while we venture to say,
! there is not a man in Sunbury ivho
' is willing to make a comparison on
this wore. If the people ol Sunbury
'. I can get thecollegeon these terms, they
are very fortunate and we give them
-j credit fordoing all in their power to
secure it. It is a good business pro-
i ii.iohi iii lit it win i knows, but in a
vear or 80 a vacillating president
may sell out to the people of llar-
risburg for $100,000 and a site and
move there.
There is another ami a verv im
portant consideration and if a change
is made, one wntoti will involve euo
less liticatiou and eventually will
result in heavy losses by both sides
and result in two weak institutions.
A legacy of $40,000 was given to
the Theological Seminary of Selins
grove to be used as an endowment.
How can that be used at Sunbury?
This is a vital question and if the
poople of Sunbury figure on getting
this endowment, they figuring with
out their host.
Go slow, gentlemen. To move
an institution is no easy matter. Get
your beads together and heal the
breach. It is better for the institu
tion, lietter tor Selinsgrove and let
ter fr Sunbury.
loCQ Of
M'l" to
r. .
bought fcr frm P H to
$:u, aevaatMil to fit.
rrwa al'l tn jourilutloo.
I ! Ulli about rai
barialnl to aoala and
vatu.trooaara and tprtDg
Oar Mthfttraphe4
rtalojrue shows lb
t am ui MarvlaAd"
I r.rjeia, ktt. Art
- ilr'i, roriiri.
la' ( u rial ni and Hed
heta la that! real sol
ars, so that bv looking
at ihei alors4 platsa
voq can tsll riavrtlT
kow a esrnt will look
co your Hor or s tlra
fiery at year wlatlow.
Csrpetaraoselo price
fromltflloI IT. We
asw aarpu frea, fur
nish wadded llnlni
', -'ii char , and
pf I lDl.
Ili.r SlIA tiaao rata
totae of aver y thin a; to
Rat. Use and Har Is
tnuii for ths svahlna
io t to par oeat. aared
an rvryinins
Is Now
The Order
Keep Cool
. rr
Wblca bi dayoa wantr anaruirua. wr mm --j
JullUS HlBSS & Son, DopL909,Bttlmora,aW
New Goods
This Week at
June 23, at Mt. Pleasant Mills,
by Rev. K. E. Gilbert, John A.
Sierer and Maud M. Yerger, ltii
of'Mt. Pleasant Mills.
June 24th, at Mt. Pleasant Mills,
by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Philip .1.
Biekel and Ida May Bottiger, both
of Richfield.
Judging Others by Himself
MlitMfnW Tlmc.
'The Mtddlebutg Post haslieen
appealing to the people of Snyder
county to protect an old log
hut near Kreamer by saving it
was an old fort and was built for
that purjiose in the days when the
Red Skins were in possession of
Middlecreek Valley. We always
doubted the Post's saying in that
matter. The building might have
lnen a fire water tamp lor the early
Bofrlora hul wc doubt if it ever con-
dune 23. at Beavertown, Mrs.
David Coleman of heart trouble.
June 23, at Oriental, Mrs. Win.
Portzline. Interment at Aline
June 20th, near Erdley's church,
Mrs. Andrew Hummel, aged 75
years. Interment last oattiroay ai
Lrdley s church.
June 19th, at Globe Mills, Henry
Renninger, aged about COytare. In
terment June 22 at Zieber's church.
A widow and four children survive.
June 14th, in Medico Chirurgical
Hospital, Mattie Urubaker of Port
Treverton. Interment at Brubaker's
June 23, at Port I revert on, VI r.i,
wife of Jew Bognr. Interment
Tuesday afternoon at the Witnicr
church. Revs
m .
pre m,
m ouy one or our
Crash Suits at - $2.60
Linens - - - 2.50
Crash Single Coats - 50
Black & White Stripe Coats .45
Fine Black Serge Coats $1.25
" Alpaca 44 1.25
To Wear One of Our Soft
Breasted Shirts at 50c is
a Comfort to Anyone. . . .
H. KATZ, The Clothier,
mrt House, Atlddleburg, Pa.
Mi & Will's
Now Lanndried Dimities,
Just Arrived Monday,
f Come and See Them, i
Oil Blinds and
i CARPET ....
A nice line of Oil
- - blinds at 25 cents
just received.
A new ingrain oar-
pet at prices that
Will astonish you.
Table Oil Cloth.
Ten pieces oftable
oil cloth just un
packed. The de
aigns are neat and
!I Many other lines ef new goods J
(Jail and see them. I
: i fliii W. Wa? wzmw 1
ft) If some money is to lie BESSS ft
M expended for W iMHiM H W
PH is to take the time and j Ay l I
aa ft l I . ... 1.1 a aj I .i i '
I-l-I-I-l-t--M-l"I"I"l"I-M-r t l 1 1 t"H f
years has the college shown more taiaed any powder and snot, of any
pid advancement. Tin-re was re- amount) for war puraoses.
The claim of the POST that the
block house at K reamer wan used
hm ihp nil mania as a olace of refue
i . i - - - -a- - i
is snbsUntiatexi by tne lnilian rorw
Commission of Pennsylvania, also
hv Ira C. Sofaocb. old Matthias
nentlv inducted into the oflice ol
President a man fresh from the
Rocky Mountain gold fields that he
might give more life and activity to
the school. We are told he is a
irood man and a brilliant fellow
I u ish to call vour
Rover and Hrillhart It t0 lay Itue ( veral
Nursing Mothers
dread hot weather. They
know how it weakens and
how this affects the baby.
All such mothers need
Scott's Emulsion. It gives
them strength and makes
the baby's food richer and
more abundant.
50c. and II. All druggUta.
aw ' - - - I 111 IIU
We know he can electrify an an-. l).ll,iKrman now deceased, and oth-
dience. He came from the city otjers i f the 7im? wishes do dispute
Denver, the financial, commercial j OI,r rainiH it should cite some au
and business centre of the whole thority.
Rocky Mountain mining region
where monev lap lentiful and where 1 QUERY ANSWEREO-
gigantic financial and commercial Editor Post. Please explain the
nronositions can be and are iiuiekly ,.,; ((f an inch of min as there
ooosumated. In Denver it would a, great many here who do not
take but a few hours to raise 60, j understand why an inch ot rain fall
(XX) or even $100,000 for an ed uca- (gtjagga flood,
ttonal institution or for an industrial : jwejj pa Sl'iiscitiBKR.
enteriprisc-. In small townslike Se- j '
hnsgrovc and others mtterad L to Joha M lioyer Snyder
IHUmilll'iUl 111 I UiiU rviiuii.Toi Mti; , -
fc . . ... - II !nnm v rcurt
Eagle Hotel,
Mlddleburg, - - - Penna.
First Class Accommodation,
Iw lintes and Careful Attention
Given to all Guests.
Livajry Attached.
Good Horses and Careful Drivers.
8. Hose,
Ties, Suspenders, &C
OVERALL Made of the
liest material, with or without
apron, 45c, 50c, 60c.
TIES Four-in-hand, pull,
Btnng, bow, etc., at iir ices rang- j.
i iilt from 5c to 25c.
lIOSl'-Men'shaH hose for t
cverv dav wear. 8c and 10c, 3 t
ualr 2.")c: Men's Hose, better 4
quality, loc a pair, '2 air for ii t
25c.: Ladies and Misses long XI
ribbed hose, 10c and 15c.
f-if al.v VHV tlUIV IIUVI
lTl7 I, l.ln il...
iiwuure iw OAaiuiuo LUC
stock wfi c.nrrv. Innrn Mia '
tri nf i lii li wa oaII anil flmn pnmnnilA if UTIV
f.v v .....v.. v- dvii uvm .'"- " J
doubt as to value can remain, with the offerings of
n t i i i r in j. 1
oiiieis. j ii rui ly oeiieve l wiugei your oruor, uo
cause we have done everything to merit the trade
i ii
oi pruuenr Duyers.
Call and Be Convinced.-
44Q St.. f3vin1ovtry,
4-H-l-H-H-H-W"H"t"I"M'1 'HH HWi Ulli M-tH-H-t-i
Mm. In. Nails. Steel !
m m m ar i
M 111 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 M
si m m,
l t i i a a .t
jBlue Flame OilStovesg
OnontVa roDreaontative of the U. 8
Weather Bureau and give his reply
below :
Selinsgrove, Pa., June 23, 1900.
c a a
state, commercial propositionsot any
mxmittule renuire more time tor
consideration. This is not all. The
means it not always in sight It
seems the financial agent of Susque
hanna University did not get the
Ananninl i llf 11 1 llt in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 frolll till'
llll. Ill' i. n v . i. . . . . . - - - I
people of Selinsgrove that thel'resi-1 question 1 will give you
4 nlaSHS i wSm
1M.. Mm l(L((Mit Pawner PuittTtm
Mr GhsaW. Wacenaeller, Ed. Post, X RUBLE'S DRY GOODS STORE,
I . 1 .......... . I'.. I " " ---p -
.! 1' II 1 H I in I I I, x a.
DkakSik: Replying to your
tlie iolloA-
t- llll I
New Idea Kanliion T
llfvipw nil one of T
these banilaome T
ILIn P h StAiillifMl
niato introiluce the
........... ........... ... ......... ,
Screen doors and window screens,
lawn mowers, ice-cmam
frii'zers, water OOOleiB, -Hammocks.
For ferries and Bu6-i
Berry Ixixes, by the dozen or
Leather, Paints, Oils,
Coach and Saddlery Ware,
Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, ii
I Market St., Lewistown, Pa.
Ii i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i m n i m n 1 1 1 i n hh
Send uh a Saml
aTlui aSS 1 1 Ptria Grvm, London purph
a slug shot and sprayers.
1 GEO. 1. HACKm,
t 1 325 Market St., Sunbury, Pa.
T at tlimiufltul dImi lunch ItasketK.
tainu with your V I '
you a copy or the T
lateat eillllon oi tne
V aiT,TFl. Christian man or woman to
v-t? iv V
dent pxnectedi We are not Inform- 1 imr. The nieasurement of rain fall,
ed what amount was contributed by
the people of Selinsgrove nor wdiat
amount was expected by the Presi
dent. It is natural to suppose, how
ever, that the people "1 Selinsgrove,
who must be content to live on a
modest income, could not contribute
as freely as would the millionaires
of Denver. The people of Selins
grove receive the first and the most
benefit from this educational institu-
Central Hotel,
is "to measure the depth of the sheet i Fint-Class ACCOmmtMlaUOBi. LlTery Attached
ot water that would lie on level D. B0LENDER, PROP'R.
..,....! W n rain if none of the i Oppoalt. flral Jlatloni.1 Bank.
i. j , , middlebubq. pa.
W it It 1 Til It I'll J aBll.ia.i.a
soaking into the soil. If you con
sider that a fall of rain measuring
one inch in depth, corresponds to
the deposit ot 25,200 gallons per
acre, therefore it is possible for an
inch of rain fall to produce a flood.
It has been the case heretofore.
r.lT. llll-UUlll til VtllMIHM HI
(iiatlffv for ittriiifiiit-iit itoaitii-ni of trnat
J 1 in your home UMMf. fol yearly. Knclose
wl f-iuldreHHt il atArnped, envelope to R. n. w dl
Isce, llencrml 8ecretary, Cochrsn BuildinK.
WaaninRion. D. C. Opposite Trenurv Dept.
J. ters of Administration ill the
date ol Vloletta Boweraox, late of MiddleburK.
Snyder county. Pa., dee d, having been granted
to the underlined, all persona knowing them
aelTaa lodebted to aid eatata are requested to
make Immediate payment, while those having
claims will present them duly authenticated to
the undersigned.
June 23, 1100. Admlolstrator.
Butter 14
Eegs 14
Lard 7
Tallow.. 4
Chickens 7
Shoulder 8
Wheat 75
Rye 60
Corn 40 I
Oats (old) 27
Bran per 100. 90
Middlings" 90
Chop 90
Ham 12 Flour per bbl 3.50
That ho never did know
just bow to boy furniture until
he found himself in our store.
And you will regret the bar
gains lost if you have not in
spected our Hue of furniture,
which is the most complete in
the city. We name you few
of our bargains :
Reed JRockers, - $1.25 and up.
Couches, - - . $4.50 and up.
Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up.