The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 28, 1900, Image 1

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a r a - -w t 19 H
Editor and Proprietor.
A Week's News Dished up in
Small QuantitiesVisitors in
Town During the Past
Week Other News
of Interest.
No paper will le issued from tlii.s
ofliee next week.
Peter Carman of Mt. Pleasant
Mills was at t'me wanly seat Tues
day. John P. Wise oi Puudorc was a
Middlcburg visitor Tuesday morn
ing. Mrs. Savilla Kenninger of j!(Lk;
Mills was at the county scat Tues
day morning.
Mrs. Laura Walter ot Akron, ().,
is visitiug lier parents at the Central
State College ol Centre Co., Pa.,
lias an advertisement in the Post.
Head it. 4-5-13t.
Kx-Shcritl Bolender and Asariah
Kreeger were upending last week
with a fishing party.
(ieo. H. Stcininger and John F.
Sietler with their families spent last
week in Centre county.
Charles liiegel and wile of Free
luirg were the guests ot our music
dealer, F. S. liiegle and wile.
C. C. Seebold, the piano and or-
nin rlpuler of Smibiirv wax Mt liur
liysent A eonesda v ot UK week.
William I. Hilger and wife ol
Middleereek spent Sunday with
I'hilip Auiig and wile in Swinetord.
W. C. Pomeroy ot Port Royal
and daughter were the guests ot
Cashier Thompson several days last
Rev. I. P. Neft of Knoxdale, Jef
ferson county, spent last week with
his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Beaver at
this place.
Mrs. I. E. rjiah of Millersburg,
formerly of this place, has been taken
tu a Philadelphia hospital fiir treat
ment. A festival well be held at lias
singer's church Saturday evening,
June 30, lttOO, under the auspices
tit the C. E. Society.
The Misses Witteomyer and
Goldy, Samuel Wittenmyer, Cashier
Thompson and Ed. M. Greene at
tended the annual assembly hall at
Lewisburg last Wednesday.
Wednesday oi last week John A.
Moats of this borough fell from a
load of hay, which resulted in
breaking three ribs, injuring his
moulder and spraining his ankle.
II. II. Leitel and family and lis
ter of Miffliuburg spent Sunday with
Mrs, Leitsel'a parents, James Avers
and wife of this place. Qlen Lcit
tel, a son, will remain a short while
With his grandparents.
liast Thursday the horses In Mei
ser a bakery wagon, when near
Globe Hills, became unmanageable
and ran away. The driver jumped
"t without injury.- One of the
torses was injured and the wagon
Waa ljadly broken
According to the assessor's re
turns 543,040 is earning interest
w Snyder county owners. April
the loans and discounts of the
M iddleburg bank amounted to $210,
M7 and the Seliusgrove bank,
137,767, or a grand total of $891,
434.00. j
W. H. Eidem, optician and jew
eler of New Berlin, will be at G. C.
Gutelius store room Wednesday of
-"h week for the purpose ot testing
eyeg and repairing all kinds of jew-'rV-
Mr. Eidem is a graduate ot
te Philadelphia Optical College
"id all work entrusted to him will
receive his most careful attention.
Miss Jennie Ijecser, of Snnbtirv,
is visitiug in thi" place at present.
Postmaster F. II. Stinc ol Penn's
Creek was at M iddleburg Saturday
David J, Keller ot Selinsgiove
was at the count seal on business
Charles liousll ot the Packer
House, Sunbtiry, spent Sunday in
town with his family.
The shi.c factory has shut down
to take account of stock and get
ready lor the fall trade.
Dr. .I.C. Amig and wife are
spending a few days with his father -n-law,
Joseph L. Marks and wife.
County Treasurer Smith is travel
ing over the county this wtek col
lecting the mercantile tax.
Mrs. E. It. Swart ol Troxelville
is visiting her son, J, W. Swartz, in
Franklin and County Treasurer
Prof. J, Minniss Johnson gave a
grand pictorial lecture on "Bunyan'a
Pilgrim's Progress in the court
house Tuesday evening.
A festival will is: held at Smith
grove Saturday evening. June 30th.
All ara cordially invited. For the
benefit ol the church.
From Reports published in the
Post this week it is safe to assume
that the people ot Snyder county
pay interest on three-quarters of a
million of dollars.
Editor II. B. Mover, wife and
daughter, of the Frw.'urg CbwierA
are taking in the editorial excursion
to Wilkes-Barre this wVek.
G. W. Smith of Shainokin Dam
was at the count J seat last Friday
and ordered bills for sale oi some
truck land near Shamokin Dam.
L. M. Moatz and daughter, May,
ol Akron, Ohio, are visitiug friends
and relatives at this place. Mr.
Moat has many old friends here
who are always glad to see him.
While fishing in cherry Run Fri
day of last week, Editor Tom Hart
ter came across two Itears inside of
an hour. Rolh the bears and Tom
got skeered, Centre Jlull Reporter.
Prof. A. A. Killian, who was the
principal of the public schools at
this place for the past year, has been
elected principal of the public
schools of Watsontown at a salary
of $75 a month.
The Teachers' Normal School oi
Snyder County will open in Middle
burg, Monday, July 9th, to continue
four weeks. A full corps of in
structors has been engaged. For
further information, address the
count v superintendent.
Go to A. E. Soles for a smooth
easy shave or up-to-date hair cut
and head cleaned with a refreshing
shampoo or dandrufl removed with
his tonic, clean towel to each patron
in bank building one door east of
Post Office satisfaction guaranteed.
In accordance with our usual
custom of giving our employees a
week's vacation during 1th of July
week, there will be no paper from
this otliee next week. The office,
however, will be open to receive or
ders for job work ami subscription.
Newspaper oouponsin the organ con
test ihat expire next week should be
sent in. They will be counted at
the usual time, although the result
cannot lie announced until a week
later. Correspondents will not send
in news next week.
Teachers' Examination.
Applicants for a teacher's certi
ficate, desiring to teach in the bor
ough of Seliusgrove will be ex
amined in the high school room,
Monday, July 2, 1900.
Examination will begin promptly
at 9 o'clock A. M.
Directors and friends of education
are cordially invited to attend.
F. C. Bowersox, Co. Supt.
. l:mrrfl lur Kreor.
Philip llilhish mid Margaret, his
wife, to A n nn E. Keller, lot and two
houses on the Isle of Cue, Selius
grove, for 5 ll M .
HiirrlH'jp rtreime.
S John A. Sierer, Mt. Pleas't Mills,
(Maud M. Yerger,
I Geo. W. Sinter, Pt. Treverton,
( (Wa i-c, Dundore.
f Wni. II. Bowersox, M iddleburg,
( Amelia M. Waller, Peanscreek.
I Milton P. Herman, Seliusgrove,
( Minnie Y. Kuukle, Kratzerville.
I.eltera t.riiiio-it.
Letters ol administration were
granted in the estate of Violet ta
Bowersox, late of Mlddleblirg, de
ceased, to .billies P. Smith.
Meeting of the Statu Teachers'
Assoc ation.
To the Tkachekh ok Snyder
The State Teachers' Association
will hold its annual meeting in Wil
liamsport, July 3-0, inolusive.
Every eflorl is being made to
make this meeting the licst in the
history n the Association. A rich
program lias been prepared, consist
ing of timely topics in every depart
ment of school work, which will be
presented and discussed by men and
women of national and international
repute in the educational world.
Yj i eauuot atlord to miss this treat.
Tf the meeting is to" liecome the
unparalled success so earnestly IiojhhI
lor, the teachers of each county
must manifest their interest by Us
ing .present.
May we not expect a goodly
number from Snyder County at Wil
liamsport "on this occasion'.' The
distance ievery inconsiderable, while
the journey thence is most delight
ful. The entertainment committee have
made ample provision for the com
fort and convenience ol the city's
guests. We hope you will lie
among those toenjoyit. Hotel rates:
Park Hotel, (special rate) $2.00
(Jpdegraff, " 2.00
i irawford,
St. Charles,
Porters, etc.,
It. it. excursion ticket orders can
be obtained by addressing, with
stamp, Hon. J. A. M. Passmore,
1326 Arch St., Phi la.
The entire trip (railroad (are) will
cost from Sunbtiry but $1.58.
Truly yours,
F. '. Bowersox, !o. Supt.
A Notable Change in the
Magazine World
The Popular Science Month
ly, which was established in IST'J
by the Appletons and which has at
present the largest circulation ol
any scientific journal in the world,
is now being edited by Prof. James
MoKean Cattre!! of Columbia Uni
versity, and published by McClure,
Phillips t Co. Prof Cattreli is
well known aa a psychologist and
as the editor of "Science."
The July number contains, a-
niong other articles, a paper by Si
mon Mewoomb, the astronomer, en
titled : "Chapters on the Stars : a
new j)a)er by Dr. Haflfkine, the dis
coverer of the preventative against
the plague "Preventative Inocula
tion ;" an article on the recent solar
ecliiae by Sears P. Langley of the
Smithsonian Institution, and articles
on New Sources of Koetgen Rays,
on the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, "Malaria and the Ma
larial Parasite," by Dr. Patrick
Manson, and on Washington as Ex
plorer and Surveyor. This con
tents gives promise that the maga
zine will be well cared for by its
new management.
PA.. THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1900.
This Week'a Death List.
num. iimmuv HmitKlk
At her home near (J lobe Mills,
June UIOO, of paralysis, Mrs.
I Barbara Hum I, wife ol A nil re w
i Hummel, died, aged 7" years and
18 days, She was the mother ol 1 1
children, I ol whom preceded her
I lo eternity, and ot the seven surviv
ing live were present at the funeral,
I as follows :
! George H., ..I Port loyal, Pa.;
I I x- lie' i
mcpn, near new neriin , rnrs.
Amanda Mover, of New Berlin
Mrs. Sadie Dauhermmi, of Bellvue,
Ohio; Mrs. Kllen Uilliert, ot lie
bersburg, Pa.
Kev. S. S. Kohler conducted the
services. intermetit at Erd ley's
m:itv RRsrwixuRit.
June 19, near Globe Mills, Hen
ry licmiinger died, aged f7 years
and two mouths, He leaves a wife
and tour children to mourn the loss
nt' a kind husband and father. tie
suffered lor a long lime of consump
tion. He was prepared to meet his
maker ami expressed a desire to lie
where there is no sorrow and pain
and all is peace and rest.
He was a soldier and fought in
the battle at Fredericksburg in the
hue lieUdlion.
Itev. 11. t i. Snahh iducted the
services Friday at Zieber'a church.
Mrs. liarbara Ywler, of this lior
ough, was horn August 11,1841,
in Franklin township, Union (now
Snyder) county, Pa., the daughter
of Christian and Sarah (Dietriok)
W alter. She was married ill NVil
liamsport ti Hon, Samuel H. Yo
tier, who was an Associate Judge of
this county and died May 'Jti, 1895.
Mrs. Voder died June 25, 1900
and has two brothels living; Jacob
Walter, ot K reamer, and Ueuben
W alter, of Johnstown, Pa. A sis
ter, Mrs. Hubert Keeler, ol Johns
town, a year ago preceded her to the
-y'u h world.
Judge and .Mr-. Yoder had .seven
children, one deceased, a- follows i
I, Sallie, born Mar. 1 1, I860,
married W. T. Dietrh
three children.
nnu I 1 I.. I., ll! 1
Ml .ftllll.l I , I "'111 .1111, I l, 1 I 'I,
married D. F. HotteilStein, now de
ceased. They had one daughter,
:'.. Banks W.f Uirn Sept. 1, 1 808,
resides ;'t home in tlii. borough.
I. liev. John )., horn May 1 1 .
l.T', a minister ol the Lutheran
ei lurch at Stewartsville, N. J.
5. W. Grant, horn August 3,
1871, married, lirst, Hattie Ulsh,
now deceased, with whom he had
two children, ot whom one is dead,
and married second to Daisy Gifl
of Paxtonvillc, where they now re
side. ii. Mary Jeanelte, born Feb. 24,
1X7;!, married (i. Nelson App, ol
Monroe township, (his county and
died several years ago.
7. Dora A., horn Sept. 2, 1K77,
married Clyde Bolig, of W'inlield,
I Inion county.
The funeral took place from her
late residence on West Market St.
in this borough Monday afternoon
at 1 o'clock. Interment in Zieber's
cemetery at Globe Mills, Pa., Revs.
Suable and MrLain officiating.
Deceased suffered a long time and
a post-mortem examination revealed
the cause, hardening of the liver.
Aged 58 years, 10 months and 10
da vs.
EMEHtmi 1.00.
KlizaUth IiOiig, widow of Jacob
Long, died in Seliusgrove, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. 11. O.
Kessler, Tuesday morning at half
past six o'clock, aged about 84
years. She was the daughter ot
Henry Long and his wife who was
a Walter. She is the mother ot
Mrs. B. O. Kessler, Mrs. Jouas
Miller of Selinsgrove, Mrs. Daniel
Heiser oi Shamokin Dam, Mrs (,cu.
Shatter of Shreiner and Mr-. Jona
than ( Jarrel of Hiio and two sous.
Benjamin ofSunbury and Jacob of
Selinsgrov e,
Funeral will lake place Frida
morning ol tlllh week at Schreiner's
church at ten o'clock.
The Weaver Organ Sold by F.
S. R.egle of This Place Not
to be Excelled.
There are no
doubt many peo
ple ill Snyder ( 'o.
and elsewhere W ho
read the Post
who would like to
know where to get
a firt cla.--. organ
or piano. Alter
searching the markets of the United
States for a first class instrument to
give away to mime church, Sunday
school or public school in Snyder
couiitv and having examined the
claim- ami the quality ol the instru
ment, the P)ST -elected the Weaver
organ made by the Weaver Piano
and Organ Co., York, Pa. The
firm is represented in Snyder county
by Frank S. Iteigle, of this place.
For quality oi tone, style of action
and superior case, the Weaver Or
gan has no superior on the market.
Mr. Riegle keeps not only the Wea
ver Organ, but also the Weaver
Piano, which like the organ is equal,
if not superior, to any on the mar
ket. He keeps a lull line ol sew
ing machine-, and every kind of
musical instrument in the market he
can supply on short notice. All
the latest music tor piano, organ or
any other instrument can be secured.
II you need anything in his line,
jlist drop a postal card telling him of
your desires and he will supply you
with the very lies! the market can
produce. Address your inquiries
to F. S. liiegle, Middlcburgh, Pa.
Cornerstone Laid
( n Sunday. June 2 1th
it "J: H )
P. M., the cornerstone of the I .
Ev. church, at Smithgrove (Kream
er) was laid. A large concourse ol
attentive hearers lined the shady
sides of the street, while Rev, S.
An rand of 'cut rev illc, one ol 1 he
veteran church builders ol the ( Vn-
tral Pa, 'onference, addresseil the!::.
The address was followed bysomi
remarks by the pa-tor and a collec
tion and subscription which amount
ed to $81.50, when the -lone was
ceremonially laid.
Soon the ieoplc thai were driven
out bv the (ronfiagration will again
have a shelter !r the little Hock.
J. SlIAMl'.A" 11.
Borrowed Money in Snyder
The following is a tabulated state
ment showing the amount of money
which is taxed in the various dis
tricts as follows :
Ph -aver,
Beaver, West,
.11 .
.!, .).
1 7
r rankliu,
Perry, West,
IV not mias any of the chapters
ot our storv, "The Crucititiou ofi
Philip Strong."
VOL. 37. NO. 36-
e give below some clubbing
combinations with the Post. The
rates quoted are verv low.
The Farm Journal, monthly, tor
almost live years and the Mlddleblirg
I ' r one year, paid inadvnnce,$ 1 J Ml
Tlir Farm Jniirtinl Ifl mi' of thr lie-l
Ktrrlcuttiiral mwrN pulilUliud it ion
teltM from 8J in in piitft' ifli innntli
mill Iraal ol ivery milijci'l if lutitrMl In
the fnrinrr, lulmrrr unl tvurkllig inan.
The New York Tri-Weekly Tri
bune and the M iddleburg Post, one
year, paid in advance, only $ I .
'I'lif Trl'Weokly i- pil.llnliecl MondAjr,
Wi iluriilrty mill r'rlilftv, riftclien h Ihtk,
propurtlun iif ulM4jri'tirn on datu ot
Mile, ntt ni h adltlnn In n lltoruuftily
up.odatn dully fntiill) nuwiipapiir fur
buny penplo.
The New York Weekly Tribune
and the Middlcburg, one year,
paid in advance, only $1.25
Tin Weakly Tribune h publtohcd nn
Tlnirnilny, Mid iftM"- 'l Importottl new.
nf rmUon una wvtld, tin- mot iIiiIiIf
niHrkiit ri'iHirtn. uiifxci'lled nuriciilluriil
IflHlrtllieiit, rlMNI K"irill ml 1
lion Mid c-hnln- ami i-nanrlainliiir nla
o'llany. It ta the ''paopla! uipir" for
tin- eniire tjnltad Buiaa, a national fam
ily niier for Carmeraand Tlllagaia
The New York Tri-Weekly World
and the Middlcburg Post, one year,
paid in advance, only $1.05.
The Trl-Weekly wirlil 10a threa
llntea a waak, la SIIimI with the latent
new -of the country niid in well worth
the price aaked for it.
The Praeticul Parmer, one year,
and the Middlcburg Post, one year,
paid in advance, $1.50, Both of
iliM above paper- and the Practical
Farmer Year Dm I
tiirtll Almanac lur
adviiiH!e, on! v $ I .'i."
.mil Agricu!"
mm. r i.-t 1. 1 in
The lracth ui Pat r ta one of the lieat
farrn pamnl iiiIinIihI, hemail traekly.
at 1 1. nn year The year hunk conlaina
Aim p iKi. in arblcli there l a fnml of in.
formation Ihat In itneful In the furmrr.
The prli f tin. I l alone i. J eenta.
Vou Ml the Iinit Ihe I ractleftl farmer
unit tin- rear hook foronlvit.M
An Accident.
Sunday evening Mrs. Carbon See
hold and' Mrs. ( 'h.-i A. Meiser ol
this place were taking u drive in a
buggy. They were going toward
John Ueiminger'scast of this place,
and the horse, having b en trained to
go faster, when the lines were drawn
tight, the driver was not able to
manage the horse, i the loot of
the lienninger hi'l, the horve made
a sharp turn and upset the buggy
and emptied tin- occupant out of
the buggy head first. Mrs. Seebold
wa cut about the head and Mrs.
Meiser received a slight abrasion on
the lip. The buggy top was smash
ed and the horse received quite a
irreat many cuts about the heels be
hind. The horse was turned into
the lenoe on account ol the lines
wrapping around oneoi the hubs and
was caught by George I Meld and
brought back to town.
All Eyes on Kansas City.
The national Democratic conven
tion will assemble in Kansas Citv
on Wednesday, July 1. The con
vention will undoubtedly nominate
as its standard bearer William
Jennings Bryan, the most popular
DAY TIMES will on July 1 pre
sent its readers with a HANDSOME
lith(k;kaph portrait oi
Mr. Bryan. The portrait is made
from a photograph forwarded to
THE TIMES from Lincoln, Neb
raska, by the distinguished demo
cratic leader hinwlt, and is iu ev
ery particular a faithful likeness.