t TEE SUNDAY SCECOL. I Lesson In the International Si rl (or June -I. tiMMs Qnnrterly Ilcvlew Mad . . Prppnred by H. C, I.rnlptrton. QOLDB. TtJXT.-Th klliailuui oome. ,lati. mio. A CHRONOLOGICAL REVIEW. Delow we give a brief historical re view covering that period in the life of Christ included in the past quarter's study : i. 28, Midsummer Jesui utters tiie rmon on the Mount illorns of llattin.) llstt chapters 5, ami Servant healed, nt Cai Centurton'i rnaum.- .Mutt, .:,.)::; I.uke 7:1-10. ... Widow's son raisi d, at Natter Luke 7:11-17 John the Uap- Itii tends to Ji us to learn if lie is the ; ji. -slah In Galilee.-Matt 11:2-19; I.uke j T:ts-3S Jesus warns Qalllesns, and in- , iritei them, laying: "Come unto me. all 1 ye that labor." etc. Matt 11 : 20-30 Il mis at dinner In Pharisee's house; .sinful ! ao man anoints ills feet: Jrsus utiirs parable, of "The Two Debtors. "Luke tJt-tO, , d S, Autumn Jesui and disciples make another tour of Galilee. Luke :l-3 j, sua heals blind and dumb d monlac, ..t Capernaum. Matt 12:3-45: .Mark 3:22- 30 ..Jesus mother and brethren visit Him, at Capernaum. Matt. 12:46-60: Mark :; 11-36; I.uke 8:19-21... .Jesus speaks eight parables by the Sea of Galilee. Matt. 13:1-53: .Mark 4:1-34; I.uke 8:4-18.... Jesus tills tempest on Galilee. Matt. 8:l-27: Mark 4:35-41; I.uke 8:22-28.... Jesua re nores demoniac, at Gergesa (a town on eastern shore of Galilee). Mutt. 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:28-3!). . . . J. sus attends ', Matthew's feast, at Capernaum.- Matt 9:'0-17; Mark 2:15-22; Luke 8:28-39. .. .Jesui I restores Jairus' daughter to life. Matt S:lS-2ti; Mark 5:21-43; Luke B:40-Bfl Jesus I curei two blind men and one dumb pus- i eised, at Capernaum. Matt, 9:27-34, A. D. Winter Jesus rejected a second ' Una' at Nazareth-Matt. 13:53-68; Mark j:I-fl Jesus semis out the Twelve to preach and heal In Galilee towns. Matt. 9:38 to 11:1; Mark 8:6-13; Luke 9:1-6. A D. 29, March John the Baptist be- 1 headed, at Mai herns. -Matt. 14:1-2; Mark I 6:14-29; Luke 1:7-9. A 1. 2!). April Jesui feeds' the five thou sand near Bel hsaida. M Itt. 14:13-21: Mark I;3Mii; Luke 1:10-17; John 6:1-16. TWS3 Tt! vi 'II l Vi ctv ll.'ana The more Importanl teacltintri 0f the pasl quarters study nmj he brief- . Ik recalled in the order of the lessons: Lesson I. The Beatitudes .Matt. 4:25 i'Jl Recall the several beatitudes, and ate that they Indicate the way of I s.! MM (blessedness) as point, d out by Jesus. Lesson IL Precepts and Promises Matt j '1-14. Jesus warns against censorlousi: i . lit! Judging others; teaches tint prayi . Is merely asking, leeking and knoi kli I Owl always answers; glvi s u.. lie golden . I rule of conduct; and linally dei lun s . rv plainly that entrance Into the kl il im of I I Heaven Is not easy, but rcquln trait (narrow) Is the Kate and narrow the , ay which leadeth unto life. Lessen III. The Daughter of Jolma I Raised Mark 6:22-24: 85-42, "Tho ( ! lis not dead, but sh-cpeth." The eveni Is f I lion later, and elves to : ,, ,i, ,.. Ilnc assurance that death due i.ot , nd nJl, ' but thai we ahall rise to a new . ad bi tter line. "-in IV. The Centurion's Sen IHealed. Luke 7:1-10, Jeiuslnvslni this lesson s commanding emnb: i Is on Ithe centurion's faith and comi an example to tho world. Thl i . Iso lets the hars down for the nr ai hlna If the Gospel to the Gentiles. I Lesson v. Jesus and John the baptist uke 7:lS-3. "By their fruits v-e . hall know Jecu '; heallnj: t-Ilndci lame and leprous, raisins the dead, and thing the Gospel to the poor nrovci Ito Juhn and the world that He is the , tan, me ouuuuru: me woriu. U-sson VI. Jesus Warnlni; and Invitlr.fr I -Matt. 11:20-30. There Is treat danker In ! 8 against Ufht, "It shall bemoi fable for Tyre and Sldon at the ' Mfment" than for such oi bo I . ten. not heeding tha call of Jesus. Ui.'.j Ue, all ye that labor and arc i N nd I will tive vou rest." LtMOn VII -Jesus St the Phnrlsnp'i PSiiL Luke 7:38-60, Note the lacl r. . ness (r the pharlsea who did noi ac- I'trd his BUeal the aeeuatntti, , kl .. nil fur U head or the Washins of feel L'hrlsl jjai'tl the (treat itnm r as r- lUIly fcatr one. Note also the reason the wi mm. man wai forslven: "foi . iovid luch." klDtsr VI1T. Pnmh1 ,,r tha s,,ni i Butt 13:1-8: and 18.23 Not th,o i ih. Ixed was good seed, hut that the result de IHr.Jul iition the ehameter of I he V..I ll that where Oils I ma a ,,l I , '. . psine mn must have shone and Ihi MWUnt of r.on havm tallmm l-,., .... . kl little to do with it, but merely the fW and character of the around. In Pr'onai application we know th I mui h P"i" IJl- Uliou tile heal er W het hi r the e ! I the world lulls Inli, itnni n, Fn or Rood (-round. ynapter IX.-I'arables of the Kingdom tt. 13:24.33. The seven ruirahlea ,.,.. ptthli time are recorded In Matt. 13 i... fM Mark 4:20-35. They Include the para. leof thH tun s, of the mustard s. , d. at the poven. of tho hid treasure, of the pearl C ones, oi thu Banina net. and of tha Fruitful Held. tf.."un X.-The Twelve Sent Forth- Matt 10 10.8. Tile Ii .re. 1 U ,.!., ,, ,u I..,. I '1 . ! i' i . .ni.. ... i .-. e ie . iiieieisiicre.il worn ' every servant of God to do. and It Is i" proclaim, and themselves live as i: they weveu that "the kinHnm ,,f n..;.e.... i F' hand." Mon XI. Death of John the Baptist !. mnr, I I- ' '"I B niUailt B,1 Ul "racter and how easily he Is moved to "limit an awful crime. Contrast alan tha fJIW memory and the helpful Influence we r"' Tom the He of John as olilioseil In the lytrmpt that has cuine down i. :. ail : ur ror tlie weuk und wicked king. -SSOfl V I I Tl.- us si all" I?1 ' probably the Illustration the mir- us of how much God can make rul of a verv mil.. Th.. i:. a ,ua ' noble use that his live small loaves 10 1)0 nut to. neither itn u . Um.u Ih.. Mil possibilities of our small talents. A Pnalll 'I'lili,,. IChri..- 7 . .risttan.ty is nothing if not ,.osi- - ill, ie ll.llieil 111 BT1J 111 a rtietilar form is no evidence of nietv. rn liave hated the devil who had made PrOL-resi t.oefird h.ein.r :.,I fel'U, the furious driver, in a bum of nrenLJila l ;.,.i.m D..1 ... B,i-. - "'h". "oi- r vm hut ".lehll look Tin heed tn C ?! in 'aw OI tne I'or1 (iou of vl "itn all Ins heart. lt is little th ' point to he told what a man jnrtj it ig vital to know whut he 10r'-S- S.Timei. I ll r 1 1 1 a .. I mm Wmmm4 onlv Infalllhla thlno- in hi f or Id j. fa, , . '',,. , . , - xi uun ij i , i iiuei, &wjii Dat Vim . . . aajj ricri an argiiiueni uv tltrary ariruriient. hnl mn 'a n twit aaa . 1 lact hy nn argument. A (ad "uunate. and it is the n.irt nf wis. m to ndjunt ourselves lo it instead "ff'l tint? Sirninct it tn 4t,,,a.. -n l0st harmonize our theories with it. 'ion we must accommodate our- to it. Boston Watchman. ire punished by our Eins ra'.lirr lan for them. Vl Ilrlbrry. uf CNNd "Were you ever bribed?" asked the constituent. ".Never!" replied tbo Montana legis lator, emphatically. "No one ever has dared to even offer me money for mi vote. ' "I'm glad to bear you tax that, ' Bald t lie constituent. "Of course," went on the legislator, ".some one occasionally leaves a few thousand dollars in my room or slipi u little money into my pocket, but no one would have I he Imrtl ill find to liaml me anything." Chicago I'ost. out bfa l I'n trlotlsnt. There is a small boy at Islington, whose father is a frenchman, but who. himself, was born in Knglaud, ami has lived there all liis life. Consequently, he considers himself to he an English man, lie has recently gone to school otul has been taking his first les In English history. I'hc other night he looked up from his book, UiUsil jly, and said to his fat her: "Papa, we licked you awfully at the hat tie of Waterloo, didn't we?" Tit Cits. Net mi Bscentloa, Little Niece Po you eat tobacco? Uncle Way buck No, 1 only chew it. "Wat's the use of chcwln' anything if you don't eat it?" "I I dunno." "Seems to me grown peoplei never know why they do half tho things i hi y do." N. V. Week) v. I'ri'i'i-deiit. First Senator It seems this new member paid $5i!0,l)(iu for his seat! It would be a dangerous precedent to ac cept his credentials. .Second Senator Decidedly I Weean not afford to countenance any such e- 'orUonaete price as that I tetroit Jour nal. Wouldn't De Obstinate. "We've come ter tell er. pardner," announced the spokesman of the vigi lance committee, "thai every euss in town 'cep'ln' yourself has agreed that it's time fer yer ter li'ht out." "I"f that's the ease, gents," replied the facetious had man, "I'll move ter make it unanimous." Philadelphia Record. .,, v ,.. ,, ' ' Mrs. Kfnilucnrl A poor tramp enmc here to-day who said lie bnd been itlow ii Up by dynamite and lived tot,', . I fave him a dinner d of J our old clot lies, Her Husband 1 am afraid, my dear, that he telly the i leccived Btory to you, lie ; live. X, V.J. rnal. Xnt u Hneeeai. "I tried my poem on a dog, sir, as you advised," said the poet. "Well," said the editor, "what was the result?" "I was aires,! id b an officer of the" Pocicty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." Harlem Life. Barlor Reaarlas. Many i youi a iwell, grandly got-up, With th.; ladles makl s a hit; He wean a three-Inch tti :, !-up collar, With i o shirt banging on to It. p. r. i . r ; :i a. i:u.iii:;i si'iii'.iii'.. 5 Vicar Your daughters OUgbtitO do this heavy washing, Hetty; you ure too old for such sork now. Hetty Ah, and other work, too, Bir; 1 ou'ht to be only for ornament nt my agel Fun. Anstrerril llir I'urpoax. A womsn whistled at a car, It stopped with sudden Jerk: tier whistle was a faliure but Her face pot In Itl w ork. Chicago Dally Nws. old Arlsleerats. Mrs. Beaconstreet (of Boston) Do your new neighbors belong lo the newly-rich class? Mrs. Porkenlard (of Chicago) Dear me, no! They're had money for over bL mouths. Judge, Ilia rreferr nee. "I dou't care for your poem, 'The Son'' of the I. ark.' " remarked the cd- honr of the l.ark. remarked Jtor Th(. poet sighed wearily. "To tell the truth," lie replied, "I myself much prefer the lay of tlie lien." Philadelphia Record, Uompmlr Trunblrs. Mistress Why did you pet steak for ferenl. f.i,t when I lofil Vein f(, nr. dcr Voril chops? cw Cook 5hure, ma am, OI niver eat pork at nil, at all. Chicago Daily -ews. Slia Wai Vaa Iniinlilll ve. Castleton Unsn t your engagement with Miss Splicer broken ofT rather Eiiddenly ? Clinker lei. he insisted upon ahiMaAiai aaltaS mtr inlantinna vri-re. v r V Town Topics, The old Fallback. "If wac hod th' same wither nl wnys," raid the janitor philosopher, "thor'd be a lot nv people who wudn't know phwat to talk about." Chicago Daily News. Ilia Cat Did I lie Ileal. Mother Stop pulling the cat's tail, EMlly Done. "I don'! care how Mvara a cold ii," said the man who was not Buttering 1 from one, "1 can net rid of it in one day." "So enn 1," replied the man who was e pocket handkerchiefs, tit i 1 repugnant to me." Chicago Post. tin ii Grain or suit. ' Cuddy Glibber is not so bad a fellow after all. tic told a mutual friend that 1 was DOl v.! I 11 Without tny gool .points. Duddy-sviiiit then, you know, yon mt-nt nan iiiit fnltlt it, i,t lattcrcr savs.- Host on Transcript. - tot of Ue vol Ion, I so sure h r is in lo i I w nv ' ! with you'."' "He remained SO minutes on his I knees on the Ice with his gloves oft put ling on a ; Ir of Uatea that other men have put on for me in less than three n.'nttti's." Chicago Post, Snargralloa, Thai per And how arc you two get 1 1 i iiir on together? Ilombill I've tried everything to make my wife happy; hut it seems no use. I harper You haven't tried suicide , yet? P.roohlvn Life. ( ii refu I II ii- lis ml. Friend (after tea) Your little wife i a brilliantly handsome woman. 1 1 should think you'd be jealous of her. Host (confidentially) To tell the truth, Rlni kins, I am. I never invite anybody lure that any sane woman would take a fancy to. N. V. Weekly. A l .nek of Con I nil. "Hon't yqai think he has a wonderful ontrol over his voice'.'" iked tin '' "No," nil u. red Miius ( avenue. "I san't my ! think that. He sings every time nnyoni ton Siar. iski him to."- Wnshing- Co rroli ,rn 1 1 , e. Maud I believe Irene lui refused that young minister. Mul i 1 li.it have vou heard? Maud Nothing; only 1 noticed last Sunday morning thai he took his text tin utations of Jeremiah. ( . me. ' if Itenaon. .Thl ' lird- Of late vears the 1 1 F intelllgencoamnngnllolnsaeH m ply wonderful. n:d Hi In lor - Yes. I not Ice there t falling off In the num Tit Hits. tntlomed l I he (n I le r . !" i ' ' limed the heavy villain, "the , lot t bickens." "It' al ' lit time," remarked the oc ",: ; nt of the gallery ; "it'a been pretty thin so far." Philadelphia Record, II it lie Would Pace it. "Would yon face death for me V" she asked, ".iire," he replied. "It's somewhnt disagreeable, hut I'll go out. to the morgue any day." Chicago Post. Isjralaed, umbr It 1 IlC i lie I lost. I i! n't Bee how it can, for ra DIiki : l:ttt Jotirna1). . n Rxeeptlon. i "Ho yon alvraya sympathize with the under dog in :i light?" "Yes, oxxcept when tlie nppeV dnpf is my doc." Chicam Record. :t ri i BRFLt'OVt. "O, ma. give ma somes candy I " "fay, 'if you please,' then!" "Why, you know, mn, that It al ways pleases me!" I'olichinelle. K. . Potties, Veterinary sUrceoN, SELINSGROVE. PA. All professional bttSUMSI entrusted lo my care 1 will receive prompt and careful atienttnn. AS. O. CHOUSE, ATToltNKY AT LAW, M IIIUI.lt Ul, KU, PA. All Lnainew entrusted tchiicarel will reoeie iiroinpt attention. M a.' .HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. K SKI. I, III MAN IUIH NNI1I III s i r hlr st trm 05C $3.23, Ue H kM at awll'h-a thai r-tall kl 2. OU lo SS.OO. OUR OFFER Cat tbl" ut n'i f. ! i to Ul, lflClOH4 H If ' h nl n i . 1 1 I n ii i of th nan ihtf wMiit.-.l. and cut H outu n-in the rooU poMi Me, Include ur -'erUI prifa quotrd and i mil 1 1 r tO pity iMihtflKo, and will mm Ihe wlleb le i inalfh yur Lair tittl, nnd wnd to ytm by rn i '. i; I If you ere not erfcctty i i - i. nturriUiiud wuuill imiiiedlatt ly ' rvfoad j our money. inrt:pr:alOir. rl'rlaiWUwi -ok. wluh ' 20 tn. loiirf, lunrf steint 69CJ iuort item, 90C. I oi. m. lonif. etioi t nlm. e.l.9ff ' 3-or. fMn. Ion. short ttem. 911. SOi Sox. i len,-. abort Klein. $325." h aitatlTII wwm ... i l -u'lii. 3 4t.Z. I hs win i.TH nuRI the lilKhrat grade on the In., rket. llrdi r al oaet aa4 .l lb.. aprrlal I ' ' Ti'.r moo. j , .inn. I If joo arr a.' r!. -Ml. Write for Free oi I' i ooda, sauiaa. Si fBIICK a CO (Ine 'Chi.-mn (Stsra, ka.L. ! . r j iLjr.uihlj reliable Keller, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ) .1. I UQ !, H 1 ' IllUTi 1'fi'iticfra a ItUiiriaiil erut!. f a a. ll. . U-l- :-vr FaIIi to litstore Ony Jltair TO 1TB rOUUUMl ll'i'T, -ip dipairv ft i.nr lllllll : bi r e&I;..&i rif"e'l I As the blood Contains all the elements necessary to sustain life, it is itopor .nnt thai it Ik- kept free of all impurities, or it become! a source of disease, poisoning instead of nourishing the body, and loss of health is sure to follow, j 5ome poisons enter the blood from without, through the skin hv absorption, or inoculation ; others from within, as when waste products accumulate in the I system and ferment, allowing disease germi to develop and he taken into the iirculatton, While all llo,il troubles have one common origin, cadi has some " iiwingurn it irom me inner, uintsinous mood Poison, Scriduu. . -HUCer, Kheumatism, hewma and other 1 ceTittin sore, ulcer. cruntton or lnnatuniatioii ariiHiiniiif on ihwBViti i i,i. ,ut I JI6880 ",ws MK,,ur ur :'lU'r "" the outside and on the weakest part of the bodv, oi where it lin.l i tftuy mistake the sr' or outward mh for the rial disease, ami attcmnt a cure bv the , of salves " 1 " " i " '' - manure um is nsi ami no nnaneui neneht denvwl from such treatment. BLOOO TROUBLES REQUIRE ai.QQO REMEDIES f the n must I . - m. v cratlicatttil. t i bio ..i reinforced, purified and cleansed, or lh disease goes deeper and sups the vcrv life Men ury otasii and arsenic, the treatment usually prescribed in this class of diseases, arc violent poisons, cren when taken in small OSes never cure, but lo much harm by adding another poison to the already ovcrhurd tied, diseased hliasl r any similar blood I rouble, write them fully for advice about your case All correspondence is conducted in stric st cotifi. lence. We make no charge for this service, ho .k on blood and skiu diseases free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. ' YUU WISH TO BECOME A Chemist, A Teaclier, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician, A Scientific Farmer, A Journalist, p il yon wi-h to sci'tii'o a ir initio thill will lit yon lor tlliv lioiinrii lilc imi'sttit in lilt'. -) 1 1 ( j ( I'M J ' ) Slate College 'i .. ricupticwi MTaiiters. Vor Si ial K.xiimiiiul II I'lllll I - or lur iiluloi i iviiig In iiintti in i I 'li 'i t iiio i 'i hi r - o l iiiinr stmlv e ll-l t'lC., Ullll si ,', lie., ami sin ll, ny I, ,1,1 I I... m.I.I -, IK lllli fH The Registrar, Slntt1 Villt'iri'. ( 1 1 ire ( 'mint v. mwm pills licstorc Vitality, Lust Igor and Ma lliood Cm" Ira potency, Nhrlil Emissions, Lost of Mem ory, an wiiHtuitr diseasos, all offoctiof s. If-abu e of 60 PILLS 50 CTS. Ma, j ' Hi", 1 1 1. . . i . i ion, & 9 A nerve tonic and 'luooa builder, orlngi Ih.' pink glow to psTl UtkJvr': 1 "r youth. By mail 1 1 linrtkH. H h.,jis f.,r p-x i .. . ... i ........... .i. $2.60, with our bunkablo gauranteetocuro or refund the money paid. Bind for circular and copy of our bankable Riiarunloo bond. fJorvita Tablets FXTRA STRENGTH l .. .e ,i . !'... ', (TELLOW LABEL) """.aiais .tauiia Positively guaranteed euro for Loss of Power, iricncera, i iiiieveiopeit or BlininKon llrs'lllis, , Tare I-, Uoeomntof Ataxia, Nervous Ptostra won, Hystoria, Kits, Ininnlty. Paralyili and tho 1 - ' for $5.ui with our bankable iruar- snu b ad to cure in UO days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA TAtiDICAL CO. Clinton & Jack-ion Sits., CMICACO, I LV illIFFLINBORG MARBLE '.7GHK3. R. H. LANCE, It' iil r tit "Irirlil- nml S'l-li 4 i a ii 1 1 r . . MONUMENTS, HEAD-:-: STONES & CEMETERY I LOT ENCLOSURES. I 3- Old Siones Cleaned and Repaired. 'j Prices as Low as the Lowest. J Satisf.irtion Guaranteed. I J. A. JENKINS, Agt.. Crcsscrcve, ia. M-'l' I 'l-l'-l I' l' l 'I' l l'1'l-MH"l"l-l"I"i s. s fif1 .o tO) U Middieburgb, Pe, Tu anvbiHa -.If In, If ipiiam Itnui. X , nil.,, ,1 in. ..uniino uuni- . r.. i... ..., -I-. .. i licrr. iui lui- jinni. uv ,irni n, uini . hah built up u nice trade. Ho ' y sells morn HariH'Ks mul Horse ' t UTDlBDlDg UOOOB 6T6rj 6M00, S , S uive mm a can I und ho convinced Hint lie keeps 1 I I lie liirgest Htock ill tlie HanieNH , i iioe oi any party m huyder 1 1 County and thut you get Voilf iHoflCV'sWortll ... , . , I everv time, vou DDT Of him. K y v ' t J s J Uw y vs : ONLY $6.00 8INUUS SS.OOm a r eutee of . i fMith aiiu we will . u anv Ire pruuraafi hy freight, ('. u iLiiUa tt Fv 'iv;t i """"' loll ri.inan,ii. y. ,i '"', 11 ' ' ,,ir ,:r' :$tmW Ljj ami M.-- I .,! ii ii. le ami aUaji yiipiyyj ew-thlrtl ti - firlrr eearg4 bj Rffll ' r K,r r' ii ""i"iinn KN'k lror litmTJ rn nr inr ai IV. i ' tlifre f.rr, mm all andgratfr! i. Ill BL' I t OUt urv nrlcr i . 1 IVa lwIil alimwii. til enf with order; ofhcrwhv. nturn It H our exrenre SBS wo will ro'liro yrnr . Ino-la. ri.mlla.iu.a in. asi 4"0 lu... fij.iii, jii'i ii..., ji.:i nxm n.. . (.:. 1. 1 ..oi... ,,.r, . ,t, ,, Wf aajiwi.: a.) ,.. i tiirl,,,. l.ii.la,.,, f.r...rj. Jr.rlr nr l,apk. loin-h.. .iia, I4M n., MS. Hi 14 .... '...Wi.. .111 il.. l-tl.Ti. Ir.laal ,i,r.i,,'.'i,,e, ,-rl"'i lb., fur lull mllr .i wiiitk ! ri.Ki: a.;m I I ol.l I in.. ...i . lil.ral . o. I. offrr.i 5-AKS, ROEBU'wK &. CO. Chicago. 11 To PATENT Good Ideas i ?C may Iw secured b car aid. Address, THS PATENT RECORD, i,u r . ;.t I . m tv Tbe l'aleai aatSSfS ( ' uuw aaiiu-. V a. T.4 iTrmri i ii blood discn es can be distinguisheil bv S. e'. S., Nature's own remedy, made of tools ami herbs, attacks the disea ic in the blood, antidote, H forces out all iui Uritics, makes weak, thin bits .1 ll. ii. sit !!) and healthy, and at the same time builds up the general health. S S. : istliconlv purely vegetable blood purifier known, ami the only one that cau reach deep eatei blood troubles, A record of 5.1 vents of luccessful cures proves it to be a rt liable, unfailing specific for all Mood and -kin troubles. froo Modloni Tro.ttmcnt. Our Medical Department is in i rgi of skilled physicians, who have made b.i. and skin diseases a life study, so if you bavd Contagioui lllood Poison. Cancer. Scrofula. Rheumatism Kermis an t il.l Sore or I h-cr. Read This I Read This i MY PEESENT STOCK OF Ci RPSTf. 1 - I a r i? i r I linn i vi r li'fm p ii v ! KS ii i'ii hAtlj 001 nil ! . i think rut .i ts . 1 11111 I C il 'SI I II I V 11 . Ill ;ii hi) Hind llll I III V lltl'lk o o o I III o ff o o c o O o C o r o o p fl o fj o O o O O O I'l'il'i hjili I : i .'lil . M llii" x h. One Word About i :.ctv: I inn offi lilig III) plcn nl hIim I of pit Inios 'I HAN COST im nmv ; i 'lot f :f . . I loii'l miss i iie. I Im vo si in i i r ; ; . I li if vM I 'hii i ' Pn T" 1 ii I Ins Im a: . pi'blii' I he Ih si - i ' 1 1 ' mil nl ti i.l ion. I Ml' ' f till' lilM -II: I I n!m;i;i'.InIM i e w hi nhi nl i - I I 111 N . I ' II i it I lil'AI 1 1 Kirt-('luw Livery t w. Tel i I .lit ills ! OIIHI 'i i' 1 O o This Diction .1 Cam 12: 1,0,.. in DEPARTMENTS .. Iter o i il. i I'lintal llulile. GIVEN AWAY. Ilii fllver er f 'iniiprelien-ie innil. lawtaalil. ftRM ANO HOME. Box D. &t a r. eatveo f. r SAVE YOUR "Star" tin tags (sliowintr small stars printed on .t:f.r i of tag), "Horse Shoo," ".J.T.." "OoodLnck," "Cross Bow," and " Dmmmoud " Natural Loaf Tin Ta i are of e jual value in Hecnrinp; presents mentionod below, and may he assorted Kvery man, woinau and cliiit1. ca:i And Eometliing 00 tho list that they would like to have, nnd can have FESH. HO". I TA I. 1 Mated Box '-' 3 Kn'fe, oue lila.1.. i?o.mI n'ee y.. 1: H. i.ra. aHI'i' iiea :'.'. 4 Milld'a Het, Kiuf". 'irk ami !.. u t Nait and Pepper fMt.onaiacli.aaid nii'l.- iilno- .in wlni" metal. f. Frai I. Urlar wood Pipe : " Jtazi r. boUuw (ronad, tin" Bsgllati HI eel 1 . lmtter Knife, trti I" plan, i- I quality SO I Aaar Bhall, Innlssta's, beat qtuL, as o Kiamp li.'i. -terlliiit ellv.n' . . 10 niaillti Ifi'l. -ler ii, ellver I! II Knlfs. "Keen Batter." tare blade, lt Hutiher Kulfe, "Keen Ku'.ter," n ::i Made ... IJ IS Mieare. "Ri'i n Kuttrr " Im n 7b Ii Will tlsi rjanlwi inu t Tli si. illim ll ' : il 1ft ha-e Hull. "Aesix-iatlon," lust aoal.luu in Alarm Clock, nickel IM 17 8tx Ganolna Roaara Teaapoua 1 plate. I p...sbi l.Vl in watch, nicks! Item wln l nr:.l anl . 'Jul in CarT.-re, 7,h,j Mori, bttcknori ban, llee . SOD So Mli QeaaiDe Risef s' Table 8c i l't plaied t 1. sj 21 8li eai-h. h,i;i..aii,l I'. horn ban Um IM S3 ISii each, UeiiQlni R wars' and i'urk-, le-' plated 1 Qnaplal llnlico I Vhtin " Biar " Tin Tass (that is, Ular tin '- irlthaoi aatl OWVVIMI IIUUIJO . h. . . p ,. under ei ' 1 lull I'. '.i I" , . ; I f..r In ?ASH ,111 ibt, 1 .al. nf larenf truuilml, If r-lvis In- us i. i - Mn Iui:ak IN .11 1 M) UhU a dime's STAR PLUG trill Inal lonitrr and nliord sure pleaujaupa thaa a I'linr's tvortll cf CMJ othcrb.and. MAKE THE TEST! Send lags to COOT I M B V TA Js I " d m Rheumatism, GQea;:ou& In It K. w l!t ll W A w . - V Li.. ';' i. . . . C , ' "v. . . 4 tile least reiii litiuiieiits ..a. I Hit! S I ( i V .' ') 1 1 ic s i ii 4fi , , ' . i I i i r ik 1 1 ii 1 1 buying vi mi ' 1 vnjii' iillenth U nlnl i fl'i riiip, I t1! ii :i ii in i i i : lisKS, r 00,01 j ufin ita), i UMMIR, I'l'l : tern 1 1 le '' nmi lliiulanl a . 0O,OIMI wuriN A ura ilevii Iiiiwh llii ell, oil lnriiiH nl nil Mm iiimiiik. Annthrr peln mil IMHIO i I" . illlllelill I imiIh: ' Ihf ittntvul "I nil ai l id i ii addition of llMiw llii dii tli'i iiieainid a . .. .. railed llie "Ciiliiuibliiii VI orcl-ltullilcr," i . ULTnll I lilt.., I O. Ilitna:'.'. I'riiniiiilM'liiii IM tloliart ; I'l-npei itii'; I f usaetli IT nl I he Vt nl 10 : In:. I'm g ICnle.; r.n-o ' I ii -1 i iii I .i : I . oi iipiluU rum i ;., luualioniilir ti id ::i illation I' ! " " tion of ano.non . into taken, ii iimltr Ih' fnllnwliiir lli llinrkillilellffel prlie nf I to .i in,, l II, .me I ll,.,... m'ntli.iilti ll.U i .1. nllis. ill , i . 1 1 I ...I- "Intni'il, ami It hen I fuilliei I el.-l, l llirt lllllll ry," ill nrri'iit Nil' llilM.ller ill n I h. II- ieelltlv illll-l rail ,1 .III-.:i ue I'l 'llll ll-l. A ii-efnl iirtl.li-mul m.lll' nr Hi' llim" il'li nffetl ever lull V If jrnnrmilnrrliil'n h hiu Imni'il mlj il Atlliof 111' Wiirlil. eiintnllilim ln;i ivhleli Moiild ri ' ' V leant f I If i.iireii:! . .1 ,,,'.'' .. . p, rveryuliere, Ecrinirf icld. f i ;.,or Chicago, Ills. & ei - u f. . : Sk - - k mm m, . ' . ja... i . J a -k iU CtorB, Mlf, CllindaB, TbsraMMB I ir. Barumatif - I 11 linn .-ii-e, Ifath'T. ii. , '..r iiiii.lii. ,'i li Blvolvar, watooiatl -. dmil la a-ti..n. n r ncallnar. a I af Tool Bet. not nlayttilnai. tint r I ii.. is i.jj a Toil"! N"t dewatad poroalaln, iirjr handsome - i r l:. .mi. I'.itl" So. 4, sjor Meal . I V -i' . li. vei -lists; H"'i. 1'ili J'-wl' 1 l" w W Dreaa Salt Csae, Iratner, Itaiidaomi I anddufiole i i Waten. starUnii sliver, lull jeweli I i al ., 'l Be wins! slacblni', Dm . 1 allattaeh , i I B Bovolw, Colt's, .! . bland sieol. . .. ISatl Wlllfle.tl itvi- 1 er, . ijw uuiiar inaHiniiiriii, r.-M-i.H.a. lu laid ...JKKI N Maadolla, car haadioiBi -uuo :ni eTloefaestor Bspeatlas Bhol Qua, n imps, im a; Betnlnatoa. doabls iwrrrl. bam- lllerrihut (lun. Illor Ui'.lili'.' ...sow 38 Blcrcle. siau.lir.1 mate, ladisa or St-lltH -J4.IJ 31 Shot (lun. Remlnjrton, doabls b ir- ri-l. bimmsf Im :: i , i Safin i Haste Box, UH iooh lib. ..... ch let, UNW, erasrUl ol TOBACCO TJ 15 it CCO CO., SI. Loui;, Mo. ; Jleggic.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers