The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 14, 1900, Image 7

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    i. evening' pntertalnnieut for people
,lio ilon't need it than they give to the
ilwitiun of men in u vhole year. 1
rotetit out of the soul that CJo.l gave
against neb wicked selflshneas.
d 1 will protest If soelety spurn
from it as u bigot, a 1'urltan ana a
M illlB I.. I 'li fl.'t Ian A
B)0Or. TOT BWItlJ iu , ui louau n uiv.t-
ls not Christian in this matter no,
ot after the Christianity of Chrlstr
What can you Uo about it, Fullip?"
i a . i ii ji
Hn wife asKeu me ijuchuou oauiy.
be had grown old fast since coming
Mlltou. and a presentiment of evil
Htoiilil. in spite of her naturally cheery
uiiosltiou. cling to her whenever she
ouslilered Philip and tils work.
I can preach on it. and I will.
Be wise. Philip. You tread on dlf-
ottlt proiiud when you enter society's
Well dear, I will be as wise as a
raent and harmless as a dove, al
ough I must confess I never knew
can pnaeh on it, and l will."
ust exactly how much that verse
mailt. Hut preach on it I must and
And when the first Sunday of the
ninth enme Philip did preach on It.
the dismay ot several members of
church who were In the habit of
iving I'liici'taiuiiK'ins iiiki cum par-
Hen mi a somewhat elaborate scale.
He had never preached on the sub
rt Mi' amusements, and he stated thai
je wished it to be plainly understood
that he was not preaching on the sub-
eel now. It was a Question which
lit deeper than that and took hold
bf the very llrsl principles of human
oclety. A single passage in the ser-
m m will show the drift (if it all:
We have reached a time in the lils-
crv cit the world when it is the ( litis
an duty of every man who calls
Imself a disciple of the Master to live
i simpler, less extravagant basis.
lie world has been living beyond its
leans. SlOUOril civilization has been
lorbltant in its demands, ami every
ollar foolishly spent today means
offering for some one who ought to
relieved by that money wisely ex-
Inded. Au entertainment given by
IiU.- uf nimiits to other people of
fans iu these hard times, In which
Dney Is lavished on Mowers, food and
';-. is, lii my opinion, au act of which
In ist would not approve. 1 do uot
lean to say that he would object to
le pleasure which (lowers, food and
ress will give, but he would say that
Is an unnecessary enjoyment and
spi'iiM- at this particular crisis
nrougu which we are passing. He
roultl say that money and time should
given where people more in need
f them might have the benefit, lie
tould say that when u town Is In the
Ituatlon of ours today It is not a time
or any selfish use for any material
"Unless I mistake the spirit of the
aodcin Christ, if be were here be
rould preach to the whole world the
lecesstty of a tar simpler, less expen
Ive style of living and, above all. ac
Ual self denial on the part of society
or the brotherhood of man. What Is
Wiety doing now! What sacrifice Is
i making? when it gives a charity
nil, dues it not spend twice as much
'i getting up the entertainment to
Mease itself as It makes for the poor
ti whose behalf the ball is given? Do
think I am severe? Ask yourself.
P member of Calvary church, what
l:ls 1 ti the extent of your sacrifice
"r the world (his year before you con-
lemn me for being too strict or par-
fCUUir. It Is because we live In shell
fill's thai the law of service presses
l""i us with greater insistence than
''f- And now more than during any
t the ages gone Christ's words ring in
Wears with i!i centuries of reverber-
Itlnll. 'Whnanavati nrlll n,,t .1.,,,,. him.
''If and take up his cross, he cannot
lay disciple.' "
"l nil the sermons on Christ and
Mern society which Philip had thus
"r preached none had hit so hard or
WIS applied so personally as this. The
Wldi ns went home from the service
'1 11 tllVir!i MM .-rl..., .nUtu ...I
i.i.e. i ii.ti iri in ill-
". cluitch for me!" said Mrs. Goldeu
I" Hung herself out of the building
iter the service was over. "I cousid-
r thai the most insulting sermon I
v,r heard from an minister It la
imply outlandish, and how the church
in endure such nreaehlns much lon-
P'f Is a w onder to me. I don't go near
"Win w hile Mr. Strong Is the mlnis-er-'
Philip did not know It vet. but
was destined to find out soeletv
lorries fl trmill.nitnu. nnf mm In I,..
,11 FW,-l 111 IIO UK
P' the Word ",Hlflan,ll..h" .,,,,,11.,. I l
to persons or things.
,, '"'n evening service was over.
"mi, OH I S ml, It ,vu I.,,- ,1,
lot couch In front of the open Are un
P' the dny'8 excitement had subsided a
r11" It was almost th,.
Pthe wek when he gave himself up
complete rest of mind and body.
nail )een lvlnc ahnnt a
of an nour when Mrs. Strong,
r-v uaa been moving nlant hab
Em one of the front windows and had
obliged to raise a curtain, stepped
e room with an exclama-
'.nip, there is some one walking
back and forth In front of the house! j
I hare heard the steps ever since we
came home. And just now I saw a'
man stop and look In here. Who can;
It be?"
"Maybe It's the man with the bur-1
glars lantern come back to get his'
knife," said Philip, who had always
made a little fun of that iucldcut as
his wife had told It. However, he rose
and went over to the window. Sure
enough, there was a man out on the
sidewalk looking straight at the house.
He was standing perfectly still.
Tblllp and his wife stood by the win
dow looking at the figure outside, and,
as It did not move away, at last Philip
grew a little impatient and went to the
door to open it and ask the man what
he meant by staring into people's
houses in that fashion.
"Now. do be careful, won't you?" en
treated his wife anxiously.
"Yes. I presume It Is some tramp or
other wanting food. There's no dan-
ger, I know."
I He Hung the door wide open and call
' ed out In his clear, hearty voice:
I "Anything von want, friend? Come
; np and ring the bell if you want to get
I in ami know us Instead of standing
there on the walk catching cold and
! making us wonder who you are."
I in response to this frank and Inform
al Invitation the figure came forward
and slowly mounted the steps of the
i porch. As the face came Into view
more clearly Philip Btarted and lell
buck u little.
It was not because the face was that
of an enemy nor because it was re
pulsive nor because be recognised an
old acquaintance. It was a face be
had never to his knowledge seen be
fore. Yet the impulse lo start back be
fore It seemed to spring from the rec
ollection of Just such a countenance
moving over his spirit when he was in
prayer or In trouble, it all passed in a
second's time, and then be confronted
the tnnti as a complete stranger.
There was nothing remarkable altoul
him. He was poorly dressed and car
ried n small bundle. He looked 1W1I
ami tired. Philip, who could never re
sist the mute appeal of distress In any
form, reached out his hand and said
kindly: ('nine In. my brother; you
look cold and weary. Come in and
sit down before the lire, and we'll have
a bite of lunch. I was just beglnulng
to think of hnvlng something to eat
Philip's wife In iked a little remon
strance. Iml Philip did not see It. and
wheeling an en y chair before the fire
he made Ihe man sil down, and. pull
ing up a rocker, he placed himself op
posite. The stranger seemed a little surpris
ed at the action of the minister, but
made 1 1 resistance. He look off his
hat and disclosed a head of hair white
as snow and -s:i i. 1 iu a voice that
sounded singularly sweet and true:
"You do mo much honor, sir. The
fire feels good this chilly evening, and
the food will be very acceptable. And
I have no donht you have a good,
warm bed that 1 could occupy for the
Philip stared hard at his unexpected
guest, and his wife, who had started
out of the room to gel the lunch, shook
her head vigorously as she stood be
hind the visitor us a sign that her hus
band should refuse such a strange re
quest, lb' was taken aback a little,
and he looked puzzled. The words
were uttered In the utmost simplicity.
"Why, yes. we can arrange that all
right," he said. "There Is a spare
room, and excuse me for a moment
while I go and help to gel mir lunch."
Philip's wife was telegraphing to him
to conic into the other room, and be
obediently gol up and went.
"Now. Philip." she whispered when
they were out In the dining room, "ymi
know that is u risky thing to do. You
are all the time Inviting all kinds of
characters in here. We can't keep
this man all night. Who ever heard of
such a thlug as a perfect stranger coin
lug out with a request nke that? i
believe the man is crazy. It certainly
will not do to let him stay here all
Philip looked puzzled.
"I declare It is strange! He doesn't
appear like an ordinary tramp. i'ut
somehow I don t think lies crazy.
Why shouldn't we l"l him have the
bed In the room off the cast parlor. I
can liu'lit the fire in the stove there
and make him comfortable."
"nut we don't know w ho be Is. You
let your sympathies run away with
your i iilL'Uicnt
"Well. Ilttl
e woman, let me go in and
im awhile. vu gel the
talk with him
lunch, and we'll see about the rest
So he went back and sat down again.
He was hardly seated when his visitor
"If your wife objects to my Staying
,.11, I . . i ,
tonight, ol course. I don t wish to.
I don't feel comfortable to remain
where I'm not welcome."
"Oh, you're perfectly welcome,
Philip hastily, with some embarrass
while his strange visitor
"I'm not crasy, only n little odd. you
know. Perfectly harmless, it will be
perfectly safe for you to keep me over
night" The man spread his thin hands out
before the lire, w hile Philip sat find j
,,..,,.ii him IMl ., MPtnln f iseliei I lull
Watched him With a (ert.llll r.lS( Ill.ltloll ,
new to his interest iu all sorts und
Mndltlons of men.
Mrs. stronj; brongbt in a substantial
lunch of cold meat, bread nnd butter,
milk and fruit and then placed it on
a table in front of the open tire, where
he nnd his remarkable guest ate like
hungry men.
It was after this lunch had been eat
en and the table removed that a scene
occurred which would be Incredible If
Its reality and truthfulness did not
compel us to record It as a part of the
life of Philip Strong. No one will wish
to deny the power and significance ot
this event as It Is unfolded in ths
movement of this story.
1.93 MlMM SUIT
S,itM I MKMUtU Ef k. tl'lT IKM III t
mh t Tel,, rtfci . .Hi- Auir i t.-
U N N I ' ''. ;jl Hd ! IKtSI Sin I
vpti;n uivt ;.!?(., .11 WMF.
fckM' NO 'NKTi !.!
etn' id .i ig ! U? x u wv t u.Utr
tartf 01 ! fii ' 11 '' you
th . ult y -r. t o. 1CttO ex
mil h i. it. ti tin XMWlfHf It at juur
V fsprtM uffie suiti tr font i i . n tu-
ini'C'i jf nun r'.'-nt u .mi, . m ur wmm ir
MM ptyyoiii --atit .it uiir t'lftJ
VBVr rrmrj i exprrs MlMfl
TMtSl INEE PAKT SUITS fur bojfatfl
M sitil u s nl are milled ttrnsiirf U
:i i". Vwlt . 1HII bi t. MAT ud kXKo,
lalnl I'M stjle M .ilulrale4. from a
ktrual i rat j m, wrar rUllafl, all-waal i. s.1.1-, i .at. liBlldaollie latirrn,
Dnn TtftKan In.- . (iraya InlerUalag, paddlaf,
its in,- . ,.J r I..-, aH a ltd HbM !, ae tailor ssals
thr. uit' . 'tt.ti -.ult ntn IhM pun nl m ould bt-proMtl ot.
UK KUt r 4 LUTII H4 1'I.KH nf Bats' ( lalhlac for boj. 4 la
I'MMilv wrilararsta . la.'K, ooliUina faahloa
plrilfo tap mrnaiirt' .t . I 1 1 1 Int truotlona bow toorOtr.
Men's -nil- loir sj or. ff fVora $&,0t Hp. SsUlV
pie tnt fi" o h- M ftun AdilreM.
SEAPS. H Fi . I "0. (Inc.). Chicago. IIL
(Inn I'. ( I'diwr.j
BE SURE . . .
Tlmt your eyes and yoxn
Children's eyes are 111
good oondition.
Ihey may not rotiipluin, and, vim
may not know thai their eyes un
wvuk, but lime vill cluvolop nianv
nervous disorders us a result oi neg
lecting this important mailer. Wi
te.-t the eve with absolute accliraev.
No glasses reeoniniendtd unless they
arc needed. 1 1 you nei d niedieul
treatmeiil we will tell von so. N
onccan do more. We have the hit
est appliances, the newesl ideas and
nielhoils in siht testing, Thisctom
bined with expel ieliee and Ivill in
the use olsueh instrumenta, Makiuu
mistakes u tiling ol the j i:i-t . N.,
drugs used.
Jeweler and Refracting ( ptieian,
21 W. Market St.. Lewistown.
Qrndimte Phlludelphia HtU nl 'ollege
Tti is strip is manufactured under a D.8 patent
and is tin ncatcati atrongcat ana most ihnaiitr
window ahadc holder on tlx market, Hint wc
guarantee it to be jo. rcpreaented nr money re
funded. The pi ii'c, Kxpreiia paid, to all jiniiiis iu
I'a., Mil , Oi l., n.j. ii mi N.Y.,Ona I toltar per do.,
other tatcs l 'S. Your (itilrr aollcited,
JOHN A. PARSONS A CO. Catawlttl, Pa.
Ar( r3.idcrric cf Wloopin,g CoUgh..
LuhI winter during an epidemic of
win oping oougn my eliiidren con
tracted the disease, having Bevere
oougbit gspellM, We Imd usedObatn
berlain'a .' .njli Remedy very suc
cessfully for croup and naturally
turned to 'it at thai time ami found
it relieved the cough and effected a
complete cure. John K- Clifford,
Proprietor Norwood House, Nor
wood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale
by all Di insists.
RKDI'CKn )( iTKM TO 11111.1.
( in account of the llepublican Na
tional Convent ion at IMiiltulelphiii,
June 19, the Pennsylvania Itailroad
ComiNiny will sell excursion tickets to
lelpllill Ironi all stations on it
it rale of one laic lor Hie round
trip (minimum rate 50 cents), 'rickets
will he sold and rimhI going June 15 to
I'.', inclusive, and returning to June -Inclusive,
The ancients believed thai rheu
matism was llio work of a demon
within the man. Any oue who lias
Inn attack of sciatic or inflammatory
rheumatism will agree that the in
fliction is demoniac enough to war
rant the belief. It lias never been
claimed tlmt Chamberlaiu'a Pain
Balm would oust out demons, but it
will cure rheumatism, and Im ud reds
bear testimony to the truth of this
statement. One application relieves
i ,i i i 'i i i , ' i ,' es
I '. . . , . . -i . v .
the pain, and this quick relict whieh'aer 'V w
it affords is alone worth niauy times
its cost. For aale by all Druggists.
Ta il Unnecessary m CiiiUliirtli.
Piiin i1 i m i longer mcaMiry in childbirth
niorntnu -ick n--. -wol'i-n limlrH, itud tiki! cvi '
are rciiidtly controlled. And womb dlienMf need
My cured Kever known tn U. i r - . n, .
i i 1 1 - ' i t 1 ' 11 Wdll'Mrlill, Uil'i UVSI UVaVUU uMiian
'r,.'' ti. Lrf, ni iki ,. i,
may mre your itf
hiiIIit no luiiifcr, lint hi-iiiI
IH ;,tVii-l'''llt -iilHli. lOI'l ii ii 'Ve III ru'Itn-U Cll-
vmnnmA full narttauialfl. Sltd vmIiihIi'o proofs of
our wonderful rem ad jr. Address PBANK
TUOMASd 0O Balttnort, ad. HHt
Till: III Mill Al.l
Ror ant llftv Mail Mrs. WWBbOWS Hootii
ino svut'i' tins Iwcii used I iy inotliiTH fin tlu-ir
cliililreii win Oihi.: Arc JTOM illntllrlM'il ill
nlablandbtokenof your Nat t.y a Hiek cliiid
HiilTcriiiK mid t-ryiliKwfth min of cuSttag tosih?
If so .1'iicl ut once imd ft lioltlc of "Mrs. Win-
i hIow'm - ,i in ii,- Svrnn" for t 'liildrcn Tcetlilin-.
its vslua tolaosleiusMSi it will relieve Hmbom
Ht"p " rer lillNieiiinieiy. " I ii' i un u,
n((thl. rs lhpro h0 mistake about it. Itcuren
diiirrlin'ft, regulate the Htomacli and liowel.
cure Wind Uoiic, anaas the duinn, reduce
Itiflftmnifttion, and irlve tone and energy to the
whole ytein. "Mr. Wlnalow' HoothitiK '
t up' for children teething i piuanant t, the
taste and i the prescription of one of the old
eat and heat female physician and nuraea In the
I'tiited Stale and I for aale by all drugirinta
throughout the world. Price, twnty-flve cent
a bottle. Be aura and gel "Maa. Wmauw'a
BoothikoSykcp. M-lv.
Farm For Sale.
A nice farm containing 35 acres sit
uate In Fe'ry Twp., i mile trom Aline,
adjoining J. P. Naugle's farm. Good
buildings and excellent water. Must
V.a jnlil onnn Vni nrinna an1 na ef inn.
ca, OD r address
510 - 4t. SARAH HE1M, Aline, Pa.
Lady 'Well, Baron, how do you like
me In thin Grecian costume?
Itaron Splendid, dear mndani;
you look like an antique goddess!
Megendorfer Blaettar,
a,l Can.
"So you suffer from Insomnia, do
you?" suit) the physician after the pa
tient had indicated his ailment,
"I do, doctor. The rtnly part of me
i that k'oes to sleep readily is my feet."
I,,l Iu rc. o Ohwlarl,'.
"Percy Perkins is hunting up nil his
disc red it al ile ut ices tors."
"Wliat for?"
"His idea i to ahow vhnt a fine fel
low he Is In spite of them." Chicago
1 1 ml I In Meet,
Jack- Did the lecture you gave your
wife im economy make any impression
on her?
Tom Well, yes; she's economical
with her smiles now. -Philadelphia
a Modern Tat
"Ht's a rery prent man," said the
awe-stricken young woman,
"tiTi. 1 don't know," answered Miss
Cayenne, "1 haven't seen any maga
zine articles written by him about him
aclf." Washington Star.
An Bsplaaatlvn,
Mr. Stulili (reading) Iteport from
A frlea says the Ninth lancers ar niiss
Incr. John, who are the lancers?
Mr. Htulil. Why. the surgeons that
wh Id the lancets, Maria. N. Y. World.
Compare lively Cheap,
Cassldj Jt cost me two darlers
Inst nolgb.1 to toll the Kant,"
me baby said!
Costigan 'c. got oiT aisy, Cnssldyl
Suppose ycz had triplets: Puck.
ItlBh Llsbt.
Mfc 'ini usisl to cnll me the
l'jrht of your life.
ITusband- So I did, but I hl no
Idea the light was going to be so
expensive.- N. V. Jour nal.
Paris and the
i' HIS, the in st bie.iiiiful cii in
the world, prest nts ibis eoi' the
most magtiiiieent Kxposiiion ol the
mai vols oi the Nineteenth slid a
for. cast "I I ho Twenty Ceiiturt ever
known. Millions of people will jour
nc. thousands of miles at vusi ex
nense to hi e t It e MATCH I.K-iS
ONDEIW ! tic Fair. Miliums
inure can secure, ul trilling,
taken bv a cori S of our ov ii iii I i-t
in n 1 1 aying ail t lat is worth si eiug.
Tins Beautiful Art Scries will be
published weekly, besiuuing Juoi
-d, iu twenty consecutive numbers
of sixteen views inch. The whole
will const it ute a large .and beautiful
volume of
.?20 Magnificent Art Productions
Ki.'e '.I 'i inches
ut i: TKRMS Write plainly your
name aud address, and mail the
same to UH with Ten cents each
ni ' k, and your name will be enter
ed upon Olir books and tiie palls
will be mailed to vim promptly, UN
hoi iU as published.
Send in your orders ni once to in
sure prompt delivery. The parts arc
numbered consecutively from I to
'jo, and subscribers should indicate
each w ek t he number desii ed. thick
numbers can always be si cured.
Subscribers sending us postal or
secure the entire
i" ""' "ener.
ly. w iu i'
in l o
BPKl l vi
gives inn' si t ot the part i tree.
CANVAH8BK8 Persons no' employed ess
make big money hy writ lug to us for peclul
terins to agents,
I I -I fifth Avenue New York.
Nafr. AlwK- n'llsblr. L4Im, Ml Pruntlst fur
Mil lll-in K aXtlLHH In Uma ana
Uald ':... 1. buiM, waleil with blue ribbun.
Tlkramilbrr. Ki-ru.r dxirr.,iii .uball
liiil.,ii. o.l latllatloaa. HiiyufyaurliniKKiit.
or nenrt Ir. in n'limpa fur Particulars. Trail
aionlal and "Krllrr lor l.iidlr. inlrtttr,
by rriuraHall. Teaumonlala. BulU by
all limarinta
SIOO SallMl tqaur. I'll I LA., PA.
Df.fllUlli't KIDNEY
Backache Cure.
For U
mm Oripary
mm i ii,,. win i
for Infants
Castorla 1 a harmlcaH aubatituto for Caator Oil, Pure
govlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleaaant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphluo nor oilier Narcotic
substance. It destroys Worms and allays Peveriahueaa.
It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Teeth
ing Troubles and cures Const i pal ion. It regulates the
Stomaeh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
.Bears the
In Use For
rriMTaun COmp4ny, tt
W All ST4N n A r n
w w WAV
hll I 1
Iat A A :;
im r
n-u .. ..I i r I i l i ,
i in- in .isinc im .i i o.i inn iik un is i. ut;.
Md out own records, We furnish this machine with recorder for $7. ?o, MS
,.,l . ,, ,,, i ,rrj
tiSAOE DROP CAUKti ,.: "f 1
.. nt. I.o.m
! rise si:'
ni" ii ism i. ,,
j.iiirf-l.-il IB. 1,1 .
mi. I fmlatil ritai . ... i.u
avanxaii 14 pruli I r t-vi i. 1 u hiirae. t
Mtlnltal S, Mil 'M' - i '
111.(1(1, III (in. 1 1 : " in,.
Hlrliiii.-1 .Hal' I ...' ; . I W I
.- i.tior i i I,
Cii in no -. lata
ilM'll'lllt."ll "til. ' III. 11111 ,U"il"
dar. MMUi Nrlll I ' ' I" ' ' '
THS i:v;r;cv,.
'si ItkHX
IKI it '.
i,. -i
i$7frL&.'ft SOI ,i
I f 4r.
ill ill
I. ml i inlil'
Hillilllt il; 1 1 1 A 1 15.-1 lia.i i roadway, N.A. (
fun im. ami tlu-n If fionrlflfltd that -u fcr MVtnff MS.00 "tsi, pmy vnttr frdtit n-.-cnt tt.f $ 1 fi ftO.
WK 1 KM i VIM K ri..i) if nt it'iv ttmfl ithm tlmt- immthl yuU jrou mXTt nut MtlSfiwi In lA Y .
DUIS'X DLl-AY. is- ru. Roebuck ,Tt.'o.iii thnrotiirhh rvllable. t-.iitur. i
Address, SEARS? ROEBUCK & CO. Inc. Chicago, III..
Elcce 1863,
immediate lasting
. v
g i..
I ui f hi - a I. mil iHd i ! iw us
IHI'KIOM) PAHUIU I. Ml i.l i '. . Iiy In i '
IrMh M rMtl UllHC it ni t it M r in n - i B Ui
mi n ml r I- -it 1 1 ti" rrpn m 1. im .
and r .r Ml) r itiaa rtMsj iilitiilM-4 In ,..'. mn-n
a.-..i OU PRICE I ..0, 1
fo..i 4 Tilt PAR 1.0 T CI M '
AMI MHIil-T It1i I: ..,!, .,i ,
Rbi'Bwblon It fftiirrairott direct I uiaj .
( itieftur in i miiii .1 1., t :ituv ir. n -
k nr 11I im I it l -in ', j- I " ' - ailpt (Wil
in, in Ir aValn J - JUW 1 1 ' r I- i
t mi II IM ! I V t .1-1 HI ,M . ' IK
i-rt Blafh, II iDehi 1 1 m K.ttl in. Iia ftftlm
Ik aui ful m
an I
i:m r f. t to . 1 ' 1
iM.tllflM. UOnUIDS I (ATM, 11 II
I' 1 1 lana 1 i( "1. I .:-.(, 1 n-. i - j. Hal I k -, i
IMatM-nn l urli- an.) I tit lhut.,in. : J lit I n la
I '.ml llr-ran BmUL t N i " I '
dipt .i-t r.
y.iati;j BrHa I rlaf 17 Pera t :- nia 1
I I , i .. t :l llr. tii I rh -Ir II I. -lis. I I i ' 111
UlajiaMia llnqs. I pwi ,f ri,.p.c t D
'i-li l ralrd Ii fUMa, Willi Fi mn
i' i nwlff luflll ttnMrDtij flttvtJ nrll U 't ifliaHmd C
IMUMtai Also bval Dulirel M l ti
nr On hi -.1 rubber cl th, I U in bm
Mi.tiii fiihiv THE PA.;l. i C... M
with logli hi vi-k'.i p ite lrn' l i '
l.ll fltllll'"!, If '1 I". I ' 1 1 'Ii.,
furaiah frf hsmUi mt i.rn.ta f I tail llM Ii i
Un ' m im) iuii-ii.
GUARANTEED 25 YFA'.S. 1 ' ' ' V
oi i i' ivkt
I -- .' A wriltt ti MwUtttf S viiri' tl-A, In I
tiTiiiH mi ootHllUonf ot which it'. i
rt'l'llr It frrc Af tMrMb 'i i j il ' I U' i t
IWVM )"ur BMMMf If yori Alt) not iiPI-irrf
Of the rffAiiH will l i.l S35.iQ. Ultll
t.air i
di nil iih UHimk vournHlirhburAb ul ii
tin' puiiIhit of this pAper r ' . i Hank, orCurti WAt. Bank, nl ii pa
r (htiiiaii Ki'"hnt'" liank, i
railroad nr BspreAa comisanj la 1
aatfarspiulnf tiir 7imi,ihmi ih), ...
I. IH- (." I In- l.iU'i -i I i. 1 1 i - i I
And eni.iloy nearly 1.000 in- ; Ii In
bulMlliK WK AKI.I. IIKI.ANS Al V" I lO
HtfOti fll5.IMIan.Jaii; n'w. i-vcrvt l.ritf In r?m
orican, pianu ami UttaaioOJ LDAtTUIOA&l CArtAlugUI
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Fulton,
J-goo a-
mm. BI CYCLES m 1,1
Ail biiy :ei Aelaw aiiaAhep huar. Kinitpaa
tlpyrlea At SA.Bn, AC 00, B1.S0, t.O0ird OO. ta aw lOOOnarlaaatla. mair'rt al 911 11, trt U ACME jfWEl
AT 913.76 laky far the APcatAal bara-ula irrr offered at t He Drte. 1 1 Is .tiTt-d hy a imuf Sii i-t KAMIA,
.Ariel 1 hA -ra. laUataf etertiklac. Fannnn belden HAnjrrr, flna qalpaaent. iWAWfeed raawwaatlt Tlraa, hlf
Kraderaaddke. PadaJa, Handle liar. Tool And Toolaa. Knamelad bWk, sraen or raaroon. If TBC WAIT AIT
innra wnm aarertiaed la lata aaaerar la aay aliksjai.
t a -s 9uy. W nu
&tfL:?&&Uj2iZ SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO., Chicago, IIL
ii n uiiii ,m s-s . . - ....
and Children.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
Muwuav wtwict. nj
inim.mrTjxrmtttui:! -!:
Ailronglj constructe ICr.iph.
H oph nt, vi:!i '.ir,i Ic mtiit . .i
ism, made to meet Ih dc
S mand lor a flnt-class lat!.in'.
j machine, .it a low price.
, , , . , . HH
iv im ii aseu i iv ni.iicini; .mil k iiuhiu, :.v ill
,,,siti inii.ii. .un nr I, rut .
Will iOSOH,
ii.i ni,...,, . ..
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( Tinm ... I,i .11
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.. .. .. ' in
k 't j .son
lUdi- by tli mlSJLl . y'r'''--
is Amrrliu. - -a .:.T.riii.'ji
i , i..' , a
OUtnTER SAVtD OAK nof K eAl!StT,n-. iw.
, , (i- ilri - Ii .it i ii at t ma. IU hti
..1 .
'i'l'.nr ir in
aM a- a rraler lahlr, aiawd
in- i i ten (Hi i li'iu't Ii (i, 1 anl In 1 In iriftM tOt
ftwrj dr in. ItMH !) laWMaal frMM Oarwd, b40iod. M
i .Tr-.. 1 .'ii
tJatt.d dMomtod cut liic t rlttlnh. Unrsf tiuafl ma wer rul l. rt'-U M fiur
' . i"! ". 'in I If t r . ii Mtt,ii tHtn v Hi lfim taTnl fial larf IU:I aria
innll ui f Mtr vihr itlnir stiii'tlr. .' '
IJiisikIiIi- Iscinn -, it U n-.. 'ti li'.-r.i: i un r v-! :
pnatir fit. iin,ir' 1 -ill ttr: i-arntr i-affiii ntiiil lar.
lull nt ilreu n mini, brai Ii hn i-nmsir drramtM and inHairatr ami baaatlnilif
airkilirlmisM). GUARANTEED Uw lltMtal ruanlaa. mil 4areM ! aiaraal
rmUrUaa sosi lilnf insJf . htfry aiumn itttChMMl l-t liirtiialnil Ktld OUT 1 twU In-
jr (rueitOO BOOB winjiin ii" w im v h'ii'im n nim H" n nrr iri in t any
'l l i ml nT In my Wurki A tU Wars' lllatlliiit imtnnlfr u Hilt w il h i' vn y in a hint,
Baal it pn;T YOU NOTHING MawlMlWtiWM.compiir n vtub
ii tuaia iuu rwimrtu thftM Nlir,,klTl,.r Bwl)l .t u,.,,,, ta
The Ideal French Tonic
Eadorsed t y Medical Faculty
efficacious agreeable
H r
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o1 t.
.1: 1
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n. I'i r
rii'r' ! NfWtWt
i. i'-art, AjAaJ
. I i. - Hp ,fU -. Wrlto tot ftro
Wi Alt,. MlaWoinlr r4!l:l,
. Uiior.t
Uu:.inf.s ar.J Wayni . , C.iiCACO, ILL.
iitrw I'll1! vmj
aul aad aatid u as, nUU' h lu-thtT TOM W Ii UB
wmw M I LK, alNiM-nliir ami L-mr wantPd.
oil we will
sul'irrl lorn
amiaatlofl. ..u rati n .urn mm ui r- i; i n iirt rif
office, and If l arrrtl MaaMM at
aM 1 a. r. ;.. . . nr . , I WS I 11 1. DtWI 1 'ill B
MBMBT or BMNOC P'lUAl l . f'sat
rvUilAs blh aa flti.0tt. If you think yoa
caii acll It at tiii.m pmfli aiiy ls., tiar th
-M-" lOL'ff SPECIAL MICE. S 13.75.
b-siir 11.00 aput with order, or BlS..iAnJ
ifi' 1 Wh lie our Nfaetlal Wryclo
('! al am r, mail I'd ( fur the aak liiL'.njowa
eMa aa aaA al aata ytm at laaat 09. VV ta OlO.OOaa U.